Carlo Savina

Рождение : 1919-08-02, Turin, Piedmont, Italy

Смерть : 2002-06-23


Carlo Savina (2 August 1919 - 23 June 2002) was an Italian composer and conductor who composed, arranged, and conducted music for films-and is especially remembered for being the music director of films such as The Godfather (1972), Amarcord (1973), and The Bear (1988). Savina worked with many of the notable film score composers of the 20th century including: Ennio Morricone, Armando Trovajoli, Nino Rota, Mario Nascimbene, Stanley Myers, Stephen Sondheim, Philippe Sarde, and Miklos Rozsa. His work ranged from composing music for frequent Spaghetti Westerns such as Johnny Oro to being the musical director and conductor in Federico Fellini's Orchestra Rehearsal. In 1985 he won the David di Donatello Best Music award for the film score of Pizza Connection. Carlo Savina came from a musical family—his father was the first clarinet for the orchestra of Italian public radio broadcaster EIAR. Carlo learned the violin as a child and went on to graduate from the Conservatory of Music Giuseppe Verdi in Turin where he studied piano, violin, composition, and conducting. In 1945 he began composing music for radio. Early in his career he was awarded a prize by the Accademia Musicale Chigiana. He started his own orchestra and soon was famous. In 1950 he began composing and arranging music for film. For the next thirty years he composed, arranged, and conducted music for over 200 films and became one of the most prolific, and perhaps underrated, screen and television composers of the 20th century. Source: Article "Carlo Savina" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Down There in the Jungle
Связь через пиццерию
Original Music Composer
Мирный американец сицилийского происхождения по имени Марио владеет пиццерией в Бруклине. Марио не знает горя, но однажды мафиозная семья призывает его в Палермо. Здесь владелец кафе узнает, что ему уготовлена роль наемного убийцы. Отказаться невозможно. Слабое утешение - высокий гонорар, обещанный за исполнение. Марио дает согласие и отправляется по указанному адресу, но по пути заходит в дом своих обедневших родственников. Он пытается уговорить своего брата Микеле стать соучастником убийства.
Tiger Joe
Original Music Composer
On one of his last trips before retirement, a plane of an illegal gunrunner in Vietnam is shot down where he hooks up Annie Belle, a humanitarian rebel.
Охотники за золотой коброй
Original Music Composer
Основные события этого фильма происходит на Филлиппинах в 1944-1945 годах. Разведчики союзников англичанин Фрэнкс и американец Джексон, претерпев массу жутких испытаний (ядовитые змеи, огнедышащие вулканы, пропасти, кровожадные дикари и т. п.), находят «золотую кобру» - ритуальный предмет, имеющий чудодейственное, судьбоносное значение для народов региона
Ну, держись
Два жестоких брата похищают невесту во время свадьбы. Главный герой отправляется на её поиски, чтобы вернуть любимую и отомстить обидчикам.
Obscene Desire
Original Music Composer
Amanda, a beautiful American girl is soon to be married to Andrea Orsomandi, a wealthy nobleman who lives in an extravagant Gothic mansion. However there exists something dark, sinister and supernatural within the walls of the mansion. It seems that Andrea has been driven to madness and is a victim of the evil contained within the house. It soon transpires that he is involved in black magic, perverse rituals and serial killings with the aid of his sadistic henchman and gardener Giovanni. Killing prostitutes in order to exorcise this Evil. Now the demonic forces set out to possess Amanda,take her soul and turn her into another victim of the mansion.
The Perfect Crime
The death of a multinational company’s chairman induces the three candidates for the chairmanship to plot against one another for control of the business.
Репетиция Оркестра
Music Consultant
В древней часовне телевизионная группа устраивает запись репетиции оркестра, но рутинная работа неожиданно перерастает в противостояние.
Репетиция Оркестра
В древней часовне телевизионная группа устраивает запись репетиции оркестра, но рутинная работа неожиданно перерастает в противостояние.
An engineer and former fascist comes back to Italy to resume possession of his own lands. A widower with his sons and daughter befriends a girl who happens to be slightly nuts, the girl, influenced by the speeches of her own father which she had listened to when she was younger succeeds to isolate herself with her lover's sons and pulls them into a dark dimension of madness and murder.
Жаркие ночи Калигулы
Original Music Composer
На празднике Калигула должен продемонстрировать народу свою мужественность. Будучи импотентом, он обращается к помощи немецкого врача и преподавателя гимнастики...
Il signor Ministro li pretese tutti e subito
Nine Guests for a Crime
Original Music Composer
Nine members of an extremely rich and hateful family have decided to have a reunion on a remote island in the Mediterranean. No sooner than their arrival, old grudges, resentments, and feuds make themselves known, along with allusions to some more macabre events in their past. But when their boats are sabotaged, thus stranding them without any connection to the mainland, it becomes clear that someone is not willing to let old wounds heal, a fact made all the more clear as bodies start to pile up...
Казанова Феллини
Созданная Федерико Феллини кинематографическая версия безумной жизни известного итальянского авантюриста XVIII столетия Джакомо Казановы, путешествующего по городам Европы и проповедующего бессмертную любовь. Среди множеств его любовниц — монахиня, горбатая нимфоманка и старая ведьма, которая убеждена в том, что секс с Казановой повлечет за собой ее превращение в мужчину.
Dear Michele
Michael is the younger son of a middle-class family, a strong-willed and free-thinking fellow, who is off in some distant country fighting for a revolutionary cause.
La campagnola bella
italian movie
Intimate Relations
Original Music Composer
Savage Man Savage Beast
A notorious mondo film depicting unbelievable and bizarre rituals, animal killing and cruelty, and people being killed and eaten, all by either animals or humans against each other or themselves.
A Virgin in the Family
The strand that opposes the bourgeois morality of the solar facade freedom of sexual behavior is an additional coarse exemplary in this film where the most excessive declarations of honesty of a family hiding intrigues and debauchery. Father, mother and son are all entangled. Only daughter, Anna, seems to be out. "He studied and preserved virgin" is the recommendation that the father, truffle hardened, the repeats. But when she discovers her father with his secretary, starts for her, more than a drama, a confused search morbid. Approaches, waste, leaks, adventurous experiences until, almost by breaking it with an equivocal situation, ask an occasional companion to deprive her of her virginity, as a cumbersome burden. Then haughtily refuses the marriage with a young friend, that his father would want to impose "the good name of the family" and flees with the father of his friend, to a free tomorrow.
Reflections in Black
A woman dressed in black is murdering young women. The police question lawyer Anselmi for whom one of the girls worked as a secretary, and it turns out that all the victims were friends of lawyer's wife Leonora.
A Diary of a Murderess
Original Music Composer
A beautiful young woman sets her sights on an aging millionaire. She seduces him, and moves into his mansion with him. She soon tires of him, though, and after she gets rid of him, she goes after his son.
La bolognese
Original Music Composer
Softcore melodrama about a young woman who becomes a prostitute with the hopes of raising enough money to start a career as a model for romantic fumetti books
The House of Exorcism
A total re-edit of Mario Bava's gothic classic Lisa and the Devil (1973) for US release in 1975. Cheesy exorcism scenes were shot to try to capitalize on the success of The Exorcist (1973).
Original Music Composer
Инженера Беттона повсюду сопровождает его личная секретарша-простушка. Вскоре главный герой оказывается вовлечен в запутанную историю, которая связана с продажей коттеджа. Все участники событий хотят получить большой куш от этой сделки. Желая другу друга перехитрить, они не замечают, что секретарша инженера оказывается вовсе не такой уж простой, как хочет показаться…
Heat in the Suburbs
Original Music Composer
Ciccio Zannone, a insignificant little man, but who is very successful with women, wants to join the "family" of Don Calogero Lentini, the mafia "boss" of a small Sicilian town.
A corrupt businessman obtains a castle through surreptitious means. He has a series of affairs while his ill wife remains bed-ridden and after her death he marries one of his mistresses. But she was the daughter of the man from whom the castle was stolen and she has her own agenda...
La profanazione
italian film
Night of the Skull
Original Music Composer
Horror mystery about the residents of a Louisiana castle who are being murdered by a masked killer. When the family arrives for the reading of Marion's will, his wife is strapped to the face of a cliff and drowned by the tide. More murders follow, and as Inspector Bore investigates, he discovers some dark secrets in the family's past.
The Castro's Abbess
Original Music Composer
A young woman is forced into a convent. However, due to her nobility she rises to be an abbess. She has to deal with corruption in the church.
Незнакомец и стрелок
Original Music Composer
Мастер восточных единоборств и ковбой с Запада ищут потерянное сокровище. Задача осложняется тем, что отдельные части карты, вытатуированы на… ягодицах разных красавиц…
Элегантная синьора в красном — объект всеобщего вожделения и восхищения. Пышногрудая хозяйка табачной лавки, царящая в фантазиях мальчиков-подростков… Эти и многие другие замечательные эпизоды воскрешают в памяти легендарного мастера кино и оживают на экране, чтобы показать нам призрачный мир прошлого глазами взрослеющего пятнадцатилетнего подростка. «Амаркорд» на романьольском диалекте курортного городка Римини, где вырос Феллини, означает «Я вспоминаю». Действие этой ностальгической картины происходит в итальянской провинции в 30-х годах XX века во времена фашистской диктатуры Муссолини. Гормоны бурлят в юных телах подростков. Семья, церковь и дружба — незыблемые основы быта и жизни горожан. На улицах развешаны гигантские портреты великого «дуче». Секс царит на каждом углу. И жизнь, которую демонстрируют в местном кинотеатре, принимается за эталон реальной жизни.
Франсуа Мерлен — писатель криминальных рассказов. С точностью часового механизма он каждый месяц пишет новый роман для своего редактора Шаррона. Каждая история рассказывает об одном и том же герое — Бобе Сен-Клере, влиятельном и лихом секретном агенте. Боб находит выход из любой ситуации. Время от времени ему удается выбраться из самой сложной ловушки. Это супермен, который может очаровать любую женщину. А единственное удовольствие в жизни Франсуа — это его соседка Кристин, которую он иногда случайно видит из окна. С невероятной фантазией он решает отразить свою собственную жизнь в новой работе. Шаррон, его редактор, становится подлым Карлофом, главой секретной службы Албании, Кристин превращается в Татьяну, соблазнительную обольстительницу, которая помогает Бобу Сен-Клеру в его рискованных заданиях.
Racconti romani di una ex-novizia
Original Music Composer
A girl who entered the convent pushed by devotion is depraved, marries, betrays her husband and becomes a courtesan.
The Legend of Blood Castle
Original Music Composer
Countess Elizabeth Bathory conspires with her husband to acquire the blood of virgins to maintain her youth and beauty.
Fra' Tazio da Velletri
Original Music Composer
Tazio Brother from Velletri has a reputation as a miracle worker. Messer Nuccio de 'Tornabuoni bets that will win Lisa, the wife of the standard-bearer of Justice Lapo de' Pazzi. To realize the dream spread the news that Brother Tazio has the power to drive the demon of lust from the body of women, after he himself claims to be the famous monk and is abusing Lisa and careful Gigliola, the Lapo sister. Thus begins a series of daring escapes, occasionally interrupted by the conquest of new girls. Meanwhile frà Tazio it suffers the ire of betrayed husbands.
Donne e magia con satanasso in compagnia
Episodic sexy comedy on the theme of magic told through the centuries in eight spicy episodes.
Лиза и дьявол
Американка Лиза Райнер решила отдохнуть в Испании. Ничто не предвещало плохого. Но кто сказал, что Сатана умер? Все новые жертвы ежечасно попадают в сети этого падшего ангела, дьявольские козни становятся все более изощренными.
Ingrid on the Road
Original Music Composer
After being raped by her father, Ingrid moves to Rome and ends up becoming a prostitute. She finds a friend in Claudia, but Claudia's protector is a sadistic thug by the name of Renato who will show her the worst of the what life in the city has to offer.
Фильм любви и анархии
Original Music Composer
В публичный дом в Риме из Парижа приезжает анархист с детскими, испуганными глазами, всклокоченной головой и с множеством веснушек. Он приезжает к связной Саломее, которая работает там по специальности. Она должна помочь ему с убийством Бенито Муссолини и выдает его за своего кузена. Робкий парень в первый раз оказался в публичном доме…
An Animal Called Man
Two 'Trinity'esque brothers bicycle into Silver City and become involved with its citizens and the local rancher who runs it.
Poppea: A Prostitute in Service of the Emperor
Director of Photography
Sentence of God
Original Music Composer
Spaghetti Western about a Bounty Hunter traking down outlaws.
Trinity and Sartana Are Coming
Original Music Composer
Sartana and Trinity set out on a grudging relationship hell bent for gold and comic brawls. - East West DVD sleeve
Голая девушка убита в парке
Original Music Composer
Бизнесмен Иоганн Валленбергер погибает на аттракционе «Поезд-призрак» в Луна-парке. Сразу возникает два вопроса: что он делал на детском аттракционе, и почему ему понадобилось умереть несколько часов спустя после оформления страховки на один миллион долларов? Страховая компания подозревает, что здесь что-то нечисто и отправляет детектива Криса Байера расследовать обстоятельства смерти их клиента. Крис знакомится с одной из дочерей Валленбергера Кэтрин, которая рассказывает детективу, что она получила по телефону смертельные угрозы. Вскоре Крис оказывается в доме семьи Валленбергеров, где знакомится с вдовой Иоганна и загадочной сестрой Кэтрин. Вскоре ситуация запутывается окончательно. Может ли Крис рассчитывать на помощь Кэтрин?…
Gunmen and the Holy Ghost
The authorities of Springfield ask Spirito Santo/Holy Ghost, which in turn will require the help of Diego of Habsburg and his colourful gang, to eliminate the threat constituted by an elusive masked bandit – and arms dealer – known as Solitario.
Two Brothers in Trinity
Original Music Composer
Charming, blithely amoral devil-may-care rogue Jesse Smith and peaceful, devout straight-arrow Mormon Lester O'Hara are estranged half brothers who are reunited after receiving a sizable inheritance from their deceased mother. The wildly contrasting mismatched duo get into all sorts of trouble while trying to claim said inheritance. Written by Woodyanders
Siege of Terror
Original Music Composer
Finding himself unwittingly involved in a love triangle with his unfaithful wife and her lover sends a man over the edge.
Импрессионистская ода его прошлому, настоящему и будущему в форме феерической фантазии безо всякого сюжета. Карнавальное буйство жизни в ее разнообразных проявлениях, подмеченных зорким взглядом Художника, вносящего в общую хаотическую картину свои собственные воспоминания и переживания. Чего тут только нет: и раскопки в метро, и мотоциклетный марш по ночному городу, и ретросцены в публичном доме и в любительском театре, и даже «парад церковной моды» в Ватикане. Каскад сменяющих друг друга красочных сцен, ощущение праздника, полета режиссерской фантазии, признание Феллини в любви к столице Италии.
Тысяча и одна ночь удовольствий
Аладдин и прекрасная принцесса, визирь и халиф, ковер-самолет и любовная магия, неверные жены и глупые мужья — все смешалось в этом веселом и красочном фильме...
Hey Amigo! A Toast to Your Death
Barnet, a bandit, and the eight men of his band lie waiting in a Texan village. Having confined the people of the village to their homes, they rob the stagecoach which arrives in town carrying a cargo of US $ 100,000 in gold. After the robbery, the bandits take refuge in a deserted mine but a post officer, Dove Williams, is on their track.
Eye of the Spider
A diamond robber, who was left behind in the hands of the police, gets out of prison and teams up with the man who funded the robbery, but who never saw the loot, to get even with the other members of the gang.
Night of the Damned
Original Music Composer
Jean Duprey and his wife Danielle are famous journalists with a special interest in unsolved mysteries. They receive a request of help by an old noble friend of Jean, Guillaume de Saint Lambert, who is about to die by an unknown illness. He lives, obviously, in ancient castle with his wife and the servants. Soon Duprey discover that his friend's wife is a witch (originally burnt in the 18th century) and that Guillaume is under her wicked influence. She practices the art of black magic and by making die slowly all members of the Saint Lambert family she gains eternal beauty. When Duprey breaks the marble casket containing the ashes of the witch she shows her real aspect before dying.
La Araucana is a Chilean film based on an epic poem in Spanish about the Spanish conquest of Chile, by Alonso de Ercilla; it is also known in English as The Araucaniad. It is considered the national epic of the Kingdom of Chile and one of the most important works of the Spanish Golden Age
School of Erotic Enjoyment
Professor Davide Andrei, a teacher of a high school in the province, is challenged by students who claim full sexual freedom and is seduced, by a bet, by one of his students.
The Last Traitor
Wedding guests awaiting the arrival of the bride suddenly become nervous when they notice that the table has been laid for 13... an ominous number. Their worries are confirmed when the bridal carriage pulls up outside bearing the lifeless bride and the corpses of three other guests. The suspicions rise between the thirteen guests, and the identity of the murderer is a shocking surprise.
Nights and Loves of Don Juan
Original Music Composer
Film inspired on the character from "Don Juan Tenorio".
The Great Swindle
Original Music Composer
A seductive woman gets involved in relationships with several people. All of the characters play games of deceit with one and other and things get more and more dangerous.
Belle d'amore
Original Music Composer
Сад Финци-Контини
Северо-итальянский город Феррара, предвоенная фашистская Италия.Правительство дуче Бенито Муссолини принимает так называемые "расистские законы", ущемляющие права итальянских евреев.Но законы строги не ко всем, они допускают исключения для лиц, имеющих "заслуги перед Родиной и фашистами".И кто-то вступает в партию, кто-то жертвует значительные суммы правительственным организациям, получая взамен несколько лет относительного покоя, возможность жить, любить и надеяться на счастье.
Mr. Superinvisible
Original Music Composer
A superhero becomes invisible after he swallows an Indian potion.
Your Sweet Body to Kill
Tells the story of a husband who wants to kill his unfaithful wife.He has many murderous fantasies in which he murders her.After the disposal of her beautiful dead body our hero looses an incriminating suitcase.It's time to get the crime evidence back
Your Sweet Body to Kill
Tells the story of a husband who wants to kill his unfaithful wife.He has many murderous fantasies in which he murders her.After the disposal of her beautiful dead body our hero looses an incriminating suitcase.It's time to get the crime evidence back
Quell'amore particolare
Фильм о цирке, где царит атмосфера игры и казни, праздника и бойни, изящества и безумия и — КЛОУНЫ! Могущественный Белый Клоун и Рыжий — воплощение покорности. В картине клоуны делают все, что им хочется: ломают, поджигают, катаются по полу, а зритель лишь восхищается и аплодирует.
И сказал Господь Каину
Original Music Composer
Гарри Хэмилтон, бравый армейский офицер, несправедливо обвинён в грабеже и посажен за решётку. Десять лет спустя он возвращается в родной город, чтобы призвать лжесвидетеля к ответу, и обнаруживает, что за эти годы тот стал весьма влиятельным человеком.
Shadow of Illusion
Original Music Composer
A young woman is lured to Cairo, where a cult of devil worshippers wants to sacrifice her.
The Two Kennedys
Life, career and death of the two protagonists of American life sixties, John and Robert Kennedy, from the days of their ascent to the White House, the first as president, the second as a minister of justice, to the death.
Simón Bolívar
Original Music Composer
Simon Bolivar is the true-life story of the leader of the 1817 Venezuelan revolution.
Fangs of the Living Dead
Original Music Composer
A beautiful virgin inherits a castle, but when she arrives at it, she finds that the inhabitants include a strange nobleman and a bevy of beautiful women she suspects may be vampires.
Орёл или решка
Original Music Composer
Шэнду обвиняют в убийстве банкира. Желая спасти её от повешения, шериф решает просто выслать её из города. Для этого он выделяет ей двух конвоиров, которые в итоге насилуют её и бросают умирать в пустыне, где её подбирает бандит по кличке Чёрный Талисман. Проникшись к Шэнде симпатией, Талисман решает помочь ей отомстить.
The Unnaturals
Most of the film takes place in an old mansion where the characters participate in a séance while a storm rages outside. During their stay, the film uses an extensive flashback structure to reveal the various criminal acts that each have perpetrated. The man leading the seance (Luciano Pigozzi, the "Italian Peter Lorre") seems intent on holding them responsible for their various crimes, and his seemingly supernatural knowledge of their past gradually cracks the facade of each one. A classic Italian Gothic from Antonio Margheriti. German/Italian co-production, 'old dark house' style.
The Two Magnificent Fresconi
Two fearful and incapable individuals, Ciccio and Franco, are tasked by the leader of the Sicilian Mafia to travel to Milan to sell a large batch of wine. At first they have little luck, but soon they notice one of their competitors having great success using beautiful women to push their product. They adopt this model aggressively, but the women they hire end up enjoying so much success that their husbands become concerned and suspicious of their activities.
Я тебя люблю
Original Music Composer
Преуспевающий художник Тангреди прилетает к себе на родину, в Италию. В самолёте он знакомится с прекрасной стюардессой Джуди. У них вспыхивает бурный роман, Тангреди расстаётся с женой ради Джуди. Они проводят чудесные дни на острове Капри. Но продлится ли их счастье вечно?
Between God, The Devil and a Winchester
Original Music Composer
A man gains access to a treasure map and persuades a guide to accompany him in his search to recover it. Both are pursued by bandits.
Franco, Ciccio and the Cheerful Widows
Original Music Composer
A 3-episode film starring popular comedians Franchi and Ingrassia. In the first episode, Carlo and Oreste are married to the same woman; when she delivers twins, they fight for paternity. In the second episode, Celestina needs a heir to receive her dead husband's fortune. In the third episode, young widow Daisy arrives in Italy to meet her deceased much-older husband's family and ends up marrying his great-grandson.
Каприз по-итальянски
Original Music Composer
Фильм состоит из шести новелл, созданных разными режиссерами, но всех их объединяет одно: теплая ирония к текущим событиям.
Живу ради твоей смерти
Original Music Composer
Как всегда, Дикий Запад переполнен бандитами всех мастей. Погоня за шайкой конокрадов заканчивается для Майка Старджеса и его брата... в Юме, самой страшной федеральной тюрьме Запада. После смерти брата Майк устраивает бунт и бежит из-под стражи с одной целью - свершить правосудие, написанное дулом револьвера.
Piluk, the Timid One
Original Music Composer
A sheriff is killed by the leader of the local bad guys, and the father of the sheriff is not to pleased. The father, Mr. Piluk, is the local undertaker and also plays a mean violin when he is in a bad mood.
Death Knows No Time
Forced to abandon their land that was sold to the United States, a group of Mexicans turns into bandits. Their leader, Rojas, with the help of Trevor organizes a big robbery. But, caught by the sheriff, he is condemned to 20 years of prison. Threatening to torture Rojas' son, Trevor learns where the money is hidden, not realizing that Rojas' revenge would be so ruthless...
The Young, the Evil and the Savage
A woman is strangled in the bath by a black-gloved killer who disposes of her body in a large trunk. The trunk is delivered to St. Hilda College, an exclusive finishing school. Betty-Anne, one of the female students, is strangled in the school cellar. The police, led by Inspector Durand, are called in to investigate. Suspects include La Floret, the voyeuristic gardener; Di Brazzi, the new swimming instructor; Mrs. Clay, the summer school French mistress; an old professor who collects birds; and a philandering young teacher called Richard. The murders continue but Jill, a keen amateur detective, helps the police identify the unlikely killer...
The Young, the Evil and the Savage
Additional Music
A woman is strangled in the bath by a black-gloved killer who disposes of her body in a large trunk. The trunk is delivered to St. Hilda College, an exclusive finishing school. Betty-Anne, one of the female students, is strangled in the school cellar. The police, led by Inspector Durand, are called in to investigate. Suspects include La Floret, the voyeuristic gardener; Di Brazzi, the new swimming instructor; Mrs. Clay, the summer school French mistress; an old professor who collects birds; and a philandering young teacher called Richard. The murders continue but Jill, a keen amateur detective, helps the police identify the unlikely killer...
The Young, the Evil and the Savage
Original Music Composer
A woman is strangled in the bath by a black-gloved killer who disposes of her body in a large trunk. The trunk is delivered to St. Hilda College, an exclusive finishing school. Betty-Anne, one of the female students, is strangled in the school cellar. The police, led by Inspector Durand, are called in to investigate. Suspects include La Floret, the voyeuristic gardener; Di Brazzi, the new swimming instructor; Mrs. Clay, the summer school French mistress; an old professor who collects birds; and a philandering young teacher called Richard. The murders continue but Jill, a keen amateur detective, helps the police identify the unlikely killer...
Two R-R-Ringos from Texas
Original Music Composer
A western comedy starring the Sicilian comedians Franco and Ciccio who produced dozens of such spoofs in the 1960s. This time, they quote mainly "The Good, the Bad And the Ugly". Ciccio is sergeant in the army and Franco volunteers to join (after too many drinks). Franco has a talking horse telling him where a treasure is buried. They have to get behind enemy lines in the civil war to get hold of it, though. (via IMDB- user unbroken metal)
A Ghentar si muore facile
Original Music Composer
In order to overturn the government of some exotic country, the rebels decide to hire an experienced American diver (George Hilton). His risky mission: recover from the botton of the sea a treasure, which would provide financial support to their endeavor.
Si muore solo una volta
Original Music Composer
Mike Gold is trying to nail a terrorist spy ring who he believes killed his partner. His investigation takes him to Beirut where he is ensnared by a faux-damsel in distress called Jane.
Укрощение строптивой
Италия, XVI век. У богатого торговца две дочери на выданье. За младшей дочерью многие ухаживают, но по традиции ее не могут выдать замуж вперед старшей сестры. Охотников жениться на своенравной Катарине не находится. И вот в город приезжает незнакомец по имени Петруччио и решает во что бы то ни стало укротить строптивую девицу.
Dynamite Joe
In order to put an end to the numerous ambushes on the gold transports which are a real menace to the finances of the American government, the agent Joe Ford, called Dynamite Joe due to his liking for explosives, is entrusted with controlling the next transfer.
Vietnam guerra senza fronte
Documentary directed by Alessandro Perrone.
The Tall Women
Seven women are the only survivors of an Apache attack on a wagon train. They must cross the desert on foot to escape the Indians who are hunting them.
Джанго, эта пуля для тебя!
Original Music Composer
20.000 долларов — именно на такую огромную по тем временам сумму ограбила одну уважаемую компанию банда Джима Нортона. Сразу после дела хитрые налетчики разделились, и взять их не удалось. Когда уже казалось, что им удастся уйти, в дело вступает знаменитый «охотник за головами» Риган. Он выясняет, что главарь банды Нортон был убит в городишке Пико, правая рука его некто Фриман тоже, и вообще из шести грабителей в живых пока имеются только трое. Да еще Риган вдруг узнает, что у покойного Джима Нортона был братишка-близнец, который живет в Монтане. И тогда Риган отправляетя в Монтану, хотя отлично знает, что там «охотники за головами» считаются такими же бандитами и объявлены вне закона…
Ringo and His Golden Pistol
Original Music Composer
A Mexican bandit teams up with a band of renegade Native Americans to avenge his older brothers when they are killed by a prankster, gold-obsessed bounty hunter.
Goldsnake: Anonima Killers
Original Music Composer
Italian-French-Spanish spy film directed by Ferdinando Baldi.
Fury in Marrakesh
Original Music Composer
A contemporary gang of international thieves has found the multi-billion counterfeit money stash that the Nazis produced. They need to dump it all across the world at once. A lower-level dame is spotted distributing some of it, and this sets American agent Bob Dixon (Stephen Forsyth) onto the trail. - msroz on IMDb
Killers Are Challenged
Original Music Composer
When a trio of scientists who have discovered an alternative energy source starts dying mysteriously Bob Fleming goes to Casablanca to solve the mystery.
In the Shadow of the Eagles
After the death of Octavian, the rebel populations of Illyria and Pannonia pose a grave threat to the Roman Empire. Tribune Marcus Ventidius is sent to subdue the uprising and, after a bitter battle, captures Pannonian chief Magdus together with a number of women hostages. These include Magdus's own daughter Helen, betrothed to cruel Illyrian warrior Batone who has killed many Romans. Julia, daughter of the Roman governor Messala, is in love with Tribune Marcus and, jealous of his sympathy for the barbarian girl, plots an escape by Helen and her father. Pursuing the fugitives, Marcus crosses a mountain pass where Batone has laid a trap.
Per un dollaro di gloria
Original Music Composer
Because of his difficult character, Colonel Lennox, commanding at Fort Sharp, a remote outpost on the border of the United States is hated by the soldiers of his troop. The situation is even more complicated when the fort is attacked by Indians.
Джульетта и духи
Жена весьма уважаемого синьора узнаёт о том, что он ей изменяет. И она сама пытается избавиться от всевозможных духов и навязчивых маний.
Gli amanti latini
The film is composed of five episodes which depict Italians' love lives in the 1960s.
Gli amanti latini
Original Music Composer
The film is composed of five episodes which depict Italians' love lives in the 1960s.
Secret Agent Fireball
Original Music Composer
An American CIA agent must find the whereabouts of valuable microfilm that was smuggled over by two Russian scientists who had been hoping to defect.
Two Vikings
Original Music Composer
The viking chief Hjorvard has two wild sons, Glum and Garm, both notorious berserkers.
Seven from Thebes
The city of Thebes has come under the cruel domination of Sparta. Diomedes and several of his friends strive to throw off the Spartan yoke even while Diomedes romances Dorida, daughter of the Theban governor who's collaborating with Sparta.
Bullet in the Flesh
Original Music Composer
The Masters and the Cherokees living in relative peace until a key member of this tribe falls in love with a woman from the Masters family. From there the situation is complicated to unknown heights.
Veneri al sole
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
Triumph of the Ten Gladiators
The ten gladiators are hired to travel to Arbela, a small country on the outskirts of the Roman Empire to learn if Parthia is planning to war with Rome. Upon arriving, the heroes decide to kidnap the beautiful Parthian queen and spirit her to Syria to serve as a hostage.
Sedotti e bidonati
Two rich Sicilian cousins sell their farm because they want to help two fake Siamese twins separate and then marry them. After the operation the girls are thought to be dead but then they reappear to con more money out of the two gullible men. Will they manage to do so?
Time of Indifference
A penniless countess falls in love with a cad, unaware that he is also involved on the side with her beautiful daughter.
Красная пустыня
Джулиана носит в себе страх, одиночество и тягу к любви. Опустошенная душа, как серый, унылый, индустриальный пейзаж… Джулиана движется смутно, невнятно, почти на ощупь, так же, как непроявленная любовь внутри нее… Движется вместе с солнцем за горизонт…
Crypt of the Vampire
Count Karnstein sends for a doctor to help his sick daughter Laura. Her nurse believes she is possessed by the spirit of a dead ancestor;Carmilla. A young woman becomes intrigued by the mysterious deaths surrounding Laura after a carriage accident outside the castle forces her to stay. They become close friends until Laura becomes convinced the spirit of Carmilla is forcing her to kill.
Queste pazze, pazze donne
Original Music Composer
Four episodes preceded with a narrator in the role of psychiatrist who tells some cases of female madness.
Amore mio
Original Music Composer
A man wants to leave his wife for another woman, but this other woman decides not to live with him.
Le tardone
Original Music Composer
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
Hercules, Samson & Ulysses
Two strongmen set out to hunt down a murderous sea monster. Their ship is wrecked and they end up in the Holy Land where Hercules is assumed to be Samson who is a wanted man. The two team up to survive.
Hercules Against the Mongols
Original Music Composer
Though Genghis Khan eventually sought peace with the West, his death in 1227 AD puts into power his three war-like sons: Sayan, Susdal, and Kin Khan. These sons quickly overrun the city of Tuleda and take prisoner Princess Bianca, though young Prince Alessio escapes. Hercules comes to the rescue of Bianca, winning her freedom in a tournament in exchange for becoming a slave himself. Forces from the West soon come to re-take Tuleda and Hercules -- freed from his bonds -- helps to dispatch Genghis Khan's three sons while again saving Bianca and reuniting her with her young brother.
Ursus in the Land of Fire
Original Music Composer
Hamilan, a cruel and ambitious general, murders his king and places himself on the throne with the former king's evil niece as his queen. He then wages war against his peaceful neighbors, killing their women and enslaving their men. A hero named Ursus appears at a tournament to challenge Hamilan's authority. Though victorious at the tournament, Ursus is arrested and forced to turn a grist-mill under an overseer's lash. Meanwhile, the former king's virtuous daughter, Diana, is tormented by her evil cousin, the new queen. Sentenced to a slow and tortuous execution, Ursus breaks free and a revolt breaks out. Ursus throws Hamilan to his death in a fiery pit and then Ursus and Diana enjoy the cheers of a grateful populace. - Written by dinky-4 of Minneapolis
Бурное море
A pretty woman approaching middle age rents out rooms in a small Italian town. An aging sailor and a handsome younger man are amongst the lodgers.
Siamo tutti pomicioni
Original Music Composer
Женщина за рулём
Original Music Composer
Чем более обыденными становятся автомобили, тем чаще за рулем можно увидеть женщин. Какие они водители? Разные – хорошие и вредные, осмотрительные и неосторожные, отличницы и двоечницы… Пять историй – «Спринт по-кармелитски», «Путана с прицепом», «Синьора в движении», «Неизвестный постовой» и «Наезд со страховкой» – рассказывают о женщинах, которым машины нужны для бизнеса, развлечения и для служения ближнему своему…
Zorro in the Court of Spain
Original Music Composer
The perfidious brother of the deceased Duke of Lusitania usurps the throne from its legitimate heir, the Grand Duchess; however, an enigmatic man in black known only as the Zorro is out for justice. But, who is this valiant vindicator?
I Am Semiramis
Original Music Composer
Semiramis, a powerful and beautiful Assyrian queen, oversees the construction of the luxurious city of Babylon. She falls in love with Kir, a fallen prince turned into a slave who corresponds to her love. But a palace conspiracy will make the two lovers separate and confront each other.
Победитель Салладин
Экранизация книги Ю. Ас-Сабаи. Масштабное полотно, освещающее борьбу вокруг Святого Города Иерусалима в XII веке, во время Третьего крестового похода (1189—1192 г.г), с позиций идеологии ислама и панарабизма. Знаменитый султан Салахуддин показан как идеальный правитель, а его воины – смелые и благородные люди, в то время, как крестоносцы – слабые духом, корыстолюбивые сластолюбцы, коварные авантюристы нарушающие договорённости. Третий крестовый поход изображается как нашествие алчных завоевателей (что близко к реальности), а их победы исключительно многочисленностью и изменой отщепенцев, подкупленных христианами. Впрочем, Ричард Львиное Сердце, предводитель неверных, обрисован вполне с положительной стороны, хотя у него нет сторонников, даже его лучший друг предал его.
La donna degli altri è sempre più bella
Original Music Composer
Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage.
Revenge of the Black Knight
La Cieca Di Sorrento (also known as Revenge of the Black Knight is a 1963 cloak and dagger film directed by Nick Nostro and based on the novel of the same name by Francesco Mastriani. Masked knights fight the cruel Tyrant Amedeo, tutor of the beautiful, rich and blind orphan Isabella. The knights are led by a young doctor who in the end will defeat Isabella's evil oppressor, give her her sight and marry her.
Carmen di Trastevere
Carmen, wife of a certain Vincenzo detained for theft, chooses Antonio as a friend. When the husband is released from prison, he accepts the relationship in progress and continues to use the woman in his shady businesses.
The Rebel Gladiators
Original Music Composer
In order to persuade the Emperor to spare his village, the mighty Ursus is forced to fight the greatest gladiator in Rome in the Roman Arena.
Music Director
Писатель Тайвен Джонс не мог предположить, чем для него обернется мимолетная, как казалось, связь с некоей Евой Оливье. Кто она, эта роковая красавица, без которой Тайвен не может прожить и дня? Почему он не может выкинуть ее из головы, несмотря на то, что она постоянно издевается над ним, унижает и, вместе с тем, не хочет отпустить его? Почему ради нее он готов на все — потерять деньги, друзей, поставить под угрозу свои репутацию, брак, карьеру? Когда жизнь Тайвена начинает рушиться как карточный домик, он понимает, что имела в виду Ева, когда советовала не влюбляться в нее.
The Fury of Achilles
Original Music Composer
In the tenth year of the Trojan War, tensions between Achilles and Agamemnon divide the Greek camp while giving hope to the Trojans.
Twist lolite e vitelloni
Original Music Composer
Samson Against the Sheik
Original Music Composer
In the late 1500s, forces of the Duke of Malaga topple the Sacred Obelisk in the North African city of Melida before they're defeated by the local Sheik. The Shiek's men then sail to Spain and kidnap the Duke's daughter, Isabella.
Salvatori pays a visit to his old ma who is bedridden in a gloomy old people’s home. He promises her that pretty soon he’ll be rich and they’ll live together in their house. The young man is hired as a catering assistant in a desirable mansion, but the owner of the place is dying. The wife and the daughter are trying to regain the old man’s love and affection while the son is busy gathering his friends for a feast.
Gerarchi si muore
Original Music Composer
Now in bankruptcy, the industrialist Merletti seeks the help of Mr. Frioppi, a rich ex-fascist with a real mania for ancient castles.
Журналист из Рима
Original Music Composer
Трудная жизнь у Сильвио Магноцци. Жена его бросила, за участие в политических выступлениях он попадает в тюрьму, а когда выходит на свободу, отказывается от выгодной работы у богатого промышленника и снова пускается во все тяжкие.
Seduction Of The South
Based on the events from the Italian civil war. In 1860's, a member of a guerrilla force captures a colonel from the opposing army and later leads one of the sides to victory.
Le magnifiche 7
Original Music Composer
Samson and the Seven Miracles of the World
Sam must rescue a beautiful Chinese princess from a marauding horde of warriors.
Black City
A charming rogue, the self-proclaimed leader of Naples, locks horns with an American Army general and a police inspector.
Goliath and the Vampires
Maciste's village is attacked by pirates. The women, including Maciste's fiancee Guja, are carried off to Salmanak, where dwells the lair of the blood drinking Kobrak. Maciste vows to rescue them.
Sword of the Conqueror
Alboino, the Lombard ruler, wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, but she loves another. Her father arranges the marriage to Alboino, which he believes will be beneficial to him, only to have Alboino kill him and leave Amalchi, his daughter's real love, beaten and left for dead. Amalchi recovers to lead a revolt against the murderous Alboino and reclaim his woman.
Bellezze sulla spiaggia
Original Music Composer
A doctor running a health clinic by the sea is convinced that women are the cause of the disturbed behaviour of his (male) patients. We get to follow the adventures of the patients during a day on the beach.
The Policeman on Horseback
A soldier has his horse stolen on his wedding day and spends the first day of his honeymoon looking for it.
Scandali al mare
Original Music Composer
La ragazza sotto il lenzuolo
Caccia al marito
Original Music Composer
Italy, Sixties. A four-storey beach resort, and they look for the man of their life. Will they succeed?
Это началось в Неаполе
Original Music Composer
Адвокат Майкл Гамильтон приезжает из Филадельфии в Неаполь, чтобы уладить дела своего умершего брата Джозефа, с которым он долгое время не виделся. Он придерживается невысокого мнения об итальянцах, и его предубежденность усиливается, когда от адвоката Марио Витале он узнает, что Джозеф, несмотря на то, что у него в Филадельфии осталась жена, завел семью в Неаполе и оставил после себя сына, восьмилетнего Нандо. Мальчика воспитывает его тетя, красотка Лючия Курчо. Узнав, что Лючия работает танцовщицей в ночном клубе на Капри, Гамильтон собирается забрать у нее Нандо и увезти в Америку, однако в итоге влюбляется в нее.
Мессалина, имперская Венера
Древний Рим, эпоха, когда в стране правили коррупция и предательство, время насилия и жестокости. Молодая весталка Валерия (Белинда Ли) становится супругой императора Клавдия. Ей суждено войти в историю под именем императрицы Мессалины, одной из самых амбициозных, распутных и кровавых повелительниц Рима.
I baccanali di Tiberio
Original Music Composer
Cassio, a tourist guide, and Primo, his bus driver, are taking a bus load of tourists to visit villa Jovis, at Capri island. Then they have an accident, and they knock their heads hard, losing conscience. They come awake in the times of the Roman Empire in Tiberius' villa.
Ferdinand I King of Naples
The story of "King Lazzarone" Ferdinand I of Bourbon whose pastime was to neglect the government and disguise himself as a poor man and turn to the infamous city premises in search of love adventures. With the De Filippo brothers to complete.
Андреа Моранди, молодой судья, блестяще справился со своим первым делом — распутал сложный клубок улик и доказательств об убийстве в порту и этим спас невинного человека, но просмотрел, что происходит в семье, где жил, с которой ежедневно встречался. Считая себя виновным в бедствиях этой семьи, которой он вовремя не помог, он хочет отказаться от дальнейшей работы в суде, так как считает себя недостойным высокой миссии судить людей.
European Nights
Original Music Composer
A tour of the nightlife in Rome, Paris, London, Madrid, Vienna, Brussels and more. Episodes presenting famous artists and people performing.
The Moralist
Original Music Composer
The newly appointed head of a censorship board uses his uncompromising stance against everything "immoral" – from nudity in movies to nightclubs – to hide a rather unseemly double life.
The Head of a Tyrant
Подвиги Геракла: Геракл и царица Лидии
Возвратившись из Похода Аргонавтов в Грецию, Геракл оказывается втянут в конфликт между двумя непримиримыми братьями, которые никак не могут поделить трон города-государства Фивы. Поначалу герою кажется, что он сможет жить обычной жизнью — ведь он привез из странствий прекрасную молодую жену и намерен обзавестись потомством. Но обстоятельства складываются так, что у него не остается выбора. И вот уже на его пути встают и дикие Гиганты, и кошмарные ведьмы, и злые монстры, победив которых, наш герой имеет шанс спасти и своих близких, и вообще всех людей на земле…
Herod the Great
Original Music Composer
The King of Judea drives himself mad fighting off invaders and his wife's pursuers.
Tuppe tuppe, Marescià!
Original Music Composer
A landowner pretends he's in love with a provocative bar owner to make his fianceè jealous. She has fallen for a marshal.
Toto and Marcellino
Marcellino becomes an orphan and finds two uncles--a good old eccentric man and a villain.
You, Your Mother, and Me
Original Music Composer
In 1950s Naples, a couple struggles to be together against the will of the mother-in-law. In the end, not only will they be together, but the mother-in-law-to-be, a widow, finds love as well.
Подвиги Геракла
Вольная экранизация древнегреческого мифа, в котором рассказывается о походе аргонавтов за золотым руном.
The Mine
Elsa Martinelli plays a resident of a seaside village who falls in love with rootless stranger Antonio Ciffariello. The stranger soon learns that he'll have to fight over Elsa's affections with hotheaded villager Luis Pena. Meanwhile, a fisherman who illegally uses dynamite nearly causes tragedy to the entire community.
Poor Girl, Pretty Girl
Romolo and Salvatore look for jobs to impress their girlfriends, but things get complicated when their old flame Giovanna reappears.
Luciano, who studies at the university, falls in love with Sandra, a high school student, who returns his love. If her family is very rich, his family is of modest extraction; however, the difference in condition does not seem to be a problem, and Luciano's degree increases the hope of a happy future. However, following a sudden financial collapse, Sandra's family business failed: so, to help her parents, the girl accepted the kindness of a very rich childhood friend, deciding to marry him.
Goddess Of Love
The god Zeus sends Venus, the goddess of love, to Earth to find her own true love.
Te stò aspettanno
Для 17-летней Маризы не существует иного дома, кроме железнодорожной станции в Чивитавеккья. Здесь рано осиротевшая девушка живет после смерти отца-железнодорожника, здесь подрабатывает в вокзальном буфете, продавая мороженое пассажирам проходящих поездов. Красивая и бойкая, она привыкла к восхищению окружающих и в совершенстве овладела искусством кокетства, однако сердце Маризы остается спокойным до той поры, пока солнечным воскресным утром не сходит с поезда на перрон молодой матрос Анджело, спешащий на свой первый рейс.
Original Music Composer
The Awakening
Directed by the incredibly prolific Mario Camerini, Suor Letizia was released in English-speaking regions as When Angels Don't Fly and The Awakening. In her first film appearance since The Rose Tattoo, Anna Magnani plays a feisty nun named Sister Letizia. Believing herself above such earthly trivialities as a maternal instinct, Sr. Letizia changes her way of thinking when an abandoned child is placed in her care. Unofficially adopting the boy, the good sister eventually comes to realize that even she cannot provide the care and guidance of a biological mother. Carefully constructed to accommodate all the surefire box-office elements inherent in Camerini's earlier films, Suor Letizia was almost guaranteed to be a hit.
Giovanni dalle bande nere
The legendary John of the Black Bands begins a romantic relationship with a beautiful girl without revealing his identity. The girl unconsciously discovers the truth and retires to a convent. She thinks that John is guilty of the death of her family, and cannot continue to love him. He remains wounded in battle.
Любовница Нерона
Император Нерон большой любитель музыки и песен,хочет посвятить себя искусству и заботиться о красивой молодой жене.Но амбициозная Агриппина толкает своего сына Нерона к возобновлению войны в Британии.Справиться со всем этим помогает Нерону Сенека.
What a Woman!
A photographer named Corrado snaps a picture of Antonietta. When it shows up on the front page of a magazine, she wants to take him to court over it.
The Bachelor
Paolo Anselmi is a happily single man. He lives in a flat with a friend but is forced to leave when the friend gets married. He then goes to a boarding house where he flirts with a girl but ditches her when she proposes marriage. When he goes and visits his mother he finds out that she is also trying to find the right girl for him. Is he going to surrender this time?
Girls of Today
Peppino Bardellotti, a widower, lives in Milan with his four daughters and ex sister-in-law Matilde, who urges girls to settle down by marrying a wealthy man.
Il coraggio
A wealthy trader saves the life of a poor suicidal man who then decides that his savior has the responsibility of taking care of him and his family.
Il coraggio
Original Music Composer
A wealthy trader saves the life of a poor suicidal man who then decides that his savior has the responsibility of taking care of him and his family.
Хлеб, любовь и...
После долгого отсутствия командир карабинеров Антонио Каротенуто возвращается в родной Сорренто. Узнав, что его дом оккупировала бойкая продавщица рыбы София, командир временно селится у чопорной прихожанки его брата-священника — донны Виоланте.
A Hero of Our Times
Alberto Menichetti lives with an aunt and an old housekeeper, Clotilde; he has a job in a firm and his boss is Mrs. De Ritis, a widow whose husband was killed during a wild boar hunt. She likes him but Alberto likes Marcella; she is under age and he is awaiting her birthday to declare his love. His greater traits are to be fearful of everything and to be selfish. This nature will get him into trouble..
Totò cerca pace
Two widowers decide to get married but their decision is continually hampered by their grandchildren, who are just interested in their inheritance.
Totò cerca pace
Original Music Composer
Two widowers decide to get married but their decision is continually hampered by their grandchildren, who are just interested in their inheritance.
Mamma mia, che impressione!
Shy, clumsy and petulant, Alberto tries in every way to impress Margherita. With the hope of winning the first prize, he participates in a race.