Marc Robinson


Fanny: The Other Mendelssohn
Executive Producer
Take a celebrated musical genius, some sibling rivalry, an unknown manuscript, a dash of sass and one sensational revelation and what have you got? As moving as it is joyous, this is the story of a very modern woman – who just happened to live 200 years ago.
If These Walls Could Sing
Executive Producer
The untold story of the Abbey Road studio, all-star interviews and intimate access to the premises.
Remember Where You Are
A short film starring Gemma Arterton and featuring the song “Remember Where You Are” from Jessie Ware's 2020 album “What's Your Pleasure?”. It was filmed on location in London on 14th February 2021. Although the streets appear desolate without the usual bustling London crowds, Arterton is shown finding the sights she loves and smiling with nostalgia as she watches a beautiful sunrise from Primrose Hill in Regent's Park. The film is a message of hope during the U.K.'s third national lockdown.
Сон Макса Рихтера
Executive Producer
Макс Рихтер — один из самых известных современных композиторов, лауреат многочисленных премий и автор саундтреков к фильмам Мартина Скорсезе и Ридли Скотта. В фильме камера следует за Рихтером, готовящим исполнение своего 8-часового опуса «Сон» под открытым небом в Лос-Анджелесе. Это произведение требует беспрецедентной выдержки от музыкантов и невероятной открытости от аудитории, но в ответ искусство Рихтера рождает неповторимый опыт единения на грани между сном и реальностью.