Richard Briers

Richard Briers

Рождение : 1934-01-14, Raynes Park, Surrey, England, UK

Смерть : 2013-02-17


Richard David Briers, CBE was an English actor. His fifty-year career encompassed television, stage, film and radio. Briers first came to prominence as George Starling in Marriage Lines (1961–66), but it was a decade later, when he narrated Roobarb and Noah and Nelly in... SkylArk (1974–76) and when he played Tom Good in the BBC sitcom The Good Life (1975–78), that he became a household name. Later, he starred as Martin in Ever Decreasing Circles (1984–89), and he had a leading role as Hector in Monarch of the Glen (2000–05). From the late 1980s, with Kenneth Branagh as director, he performed Shakespearean roles in Henry V (1989), Much Ado About Nothing (1993), Hamlet (1996), and As You Like It (2006).


Richard Briers
Richard Briers


The Good Life: Secret & Scandals
Archive Footage
The cosy sitcom had storylines tackling mid-life crises, drunken wife-swapping and more.
British Sitcom: 60 Years of Laughing at Ourselves
Acting Role (archive footage) (uncredited)
Documentary celebrating the British sitcom and taking a look at the social and political context from which our favourite sitcoms grew. We enjoy a trip through the comedy archive in the company of the people who made some of the very best British sitcoms. From The Likely Lads to I'm Alan Partridge, we find out the inspiration behind some of the most-loved characters and how they reflect the times they were living in.
Mouse and Mole at Christmas Time
Mouse (voice)
Animation telling of the adventures of Mouse, Mole, Rat and Owl. Before giving a Twelfth Night party, Mouse makes a snowmole for Mole. In a dream, Snowmole takes him to a land where his every wish is granted. But dreams can become nightmares and wishes can sometimes backfire!
Кокни против зомби
Строители находят древний склеп и выпускают в современный Лондон вирус, который превращает мирное население в ходячих плотоядных мертвецов. Два брата-бездельника с криминальными наклонностями, навестив любимого дедулю в доме престарелых, отправляются с бандой таких же неудачников грабить банк. В процессе им приходится взять заложников, чтобы сбежать от полиции, но вдруг выясняется, что с вооруженными полицейскими уже расправились толпы зомби.
Муж двух жен
Newspaper Seller
Жизнь таксиста Джона Смита удалась! Он — самый счастливый человек на земле и перспективы на будущее у него самые радужные. Все меняется в одночасье, когда при защите бездомной женщины от хулиганов его избивают. Джон не приходит вечером домой, и его жена Стефани обращается в полицию. Проблема в том, что одновременно в полицию обращается. .. его другая жена Мишель! Теперь Джону нужно приложить все усилия, чтобы полиция не узнала о его двоеженстве. Но есть задача и посложнее: не дать женам понять, что муж у них — один на двоих.
All About The Good Life
What was it really like behind the scenes of The Good Life? With contributions from Richard Briers, Penelope Keith, Monty Don, Brian Sewell and John O'Farrell.
National Theatre Live: London Assurance
Mr. Adolphus Spanker
Grace has agreed to marry Sir Harcourt in return for his financial support of her family. At a house party in her father's place, Harcourt's son Charles also falls in love with Grace. When his father appears on the scene, he has to convince him that there is a case of mistaken identity and he is somebody else. Then Lady Gay Spanker, a married woman also visiting at the house, is persuaded by Charles to seduce his father and thus divert his attention from Grace. Much confusion and scheming ensues.
Peter Kay's Animated All Star Band: The Official BBC Children in Need Medley
Roobarb/Custard (voice)
Big Chris leads a chorus of characters from various animated children's television shows in a medley of seven songs: 1. "Can You Feel It" 2. "Don't Stop" 3. "Jai Ho!" 4. "Tubthumping" 5. "Never Forget" 6. "Hey Jude" 7. "One Day Like This"
Bob the Builder: Scrambler to the Rescue
Bob the Builder: Scrambler to the Rescue is a video starring Richard Briers, Lachele Carl, and Rupert Degas. Scrambler and Zoomer put their differences aside to help save the big winter party when a sudden snow storm hits Sunflower Valley.
Как вам это понравится
Розалинда, дочь герцога Дьюка Сенайора, влюбляется в молодого человека по имени Орландо, но прежде, чем она обретёт счастье, ей придётся пройти немало испытаний…
Our Hidden Lives
Herbert Brush
Based on the best-selling book by award-winning writer Simon Garfield, four stories from Britain's 'lost decade' (1945 - 1955) are presented from the diaries of four very distinct people. In his book, Garfield selected some of the most expressive diarists, and focused on the post-war years giving a vivid portrait of how Britain coped in the post-war years and how little, or how much, attitudes have changed over the past 60 years. The stories touch on homosexuality, single women making their way in life post-war and a housewife handling the less than welcome return of her husband.
The Funny Blokes of British Comedy
Movie with some of the greatest brittish comedians such as Rowan Atkinson, John Cleese.
Larry James
Lucy Gannon (Soldier, Soldier, Bramwell, Trip Trap) has written Dad, the poignant story of Larry James (Richard Briers), a cheery and independent 86-year-old who has been caring single-handedly for his beloved wife Jeannie James (Jean Heywood) who has Alzheimer's disease. When Larry falls and breaks an ankle his life with Jeannie abruptly changes forever. Jeannie is moved into residential care and Larry goes to stay with his son Oliver (Kevin Whately), his daughter-in-law Sandy (Sinead Cusack) and their teenage daughter Millie (Hannah Daniel). But love and consideration wear thin as father and son have to learn to live together all over again.
Питер Пэн
Питер Пэн — нестареющий мальчик, живущий в стране Нетландии с другими вечно юными детьми. Тем временем фея по имени Тинк наделяет трех лондонских детей — Уэнди, Джона и Майкла Дарлингов — способностью летать.Они перемещаются в Нетландию, где им приходится вступить в противоборство с бандой пиратов под командованием жестокого Капитана Крюка, который напоминает детям кого-то очень хорошо знакомого…
Кто убил Виктора Фокса?
Barry Moore
Героиню картины, Грейс Бизли, бросает муж, и она решает отправиться в Лондон на похороны своего кумира — поп-звезды Виктора Фокса. Импульсивный поступок брошенной дамы оборачивается совершенно неожиданным и захватывающим заокеанским приключением!
Тщетные усилия любви
Sir Nathaniel
Юный Король и его верные друзья решают посвятить себя учебе и заключают пакт — в течение трех лет не общаться с прекрасным полом. Но как только мужское соглашение вступает в силу — на горизонте появляется обворожительная французская Принцесса с роскошной свитой сексапильных красоток. Неожиданное наступление женских чар в пух и прах разносит серьезные планы джентльменов и превращает скучный учебный процесс в шумный и веселый праздник.
The Student Prince
Dr. Corbitt
The Queen's youngest son is off to university, mainly because "I'm hopeless at anything else". Barry, his new bodyguard, has no time for the royal family and left school at fifteen. He certainly didn't volunteer for this job, and is damned if he's going to enjoy it. Yet he can't help liking the hopelessly unworldly young prince, at least, until they both set their eyes on the new American student!
Spice World
World famous pop group the Spice Girls zip around London in their luxurious double decker tour bus having various adventures and performing for their fans.
Гамлет, принц Датский, впадает в отчаяние, когда его овдовевшая мать выходит замуж за его дядю. Явление призрака его отца открывает Гамлету глаза на тайные делишки дяди…
The Adventures of Toad
Toad's life is just one big adventure! His latest and greatest hobby is racing around the countryside in his new motor car getting into all sorts of trouble. Meanwhile, his wonderful home, Toad Hall, has been taken over by the wicked weasels and ferrets. It's now up to Toad and his riverbank friends to embark on the biggest adventure of all - the Great Battle of Toad Hall!
The Adventures of Mole
Mole decides it's time for an adventure! It isn't long before he discovers all the fun and thrills of the riverbank in the company of his new found friend, Rat.
Heavy Weather
The Hon. Galahad Threepwood
At Blandings Castle, the Earl of Emsworth only cares about his prize pig 'The Empress' and is wilfully ignorant of the fact that his brother is planning to publish a book which might ruin the family name forever. Moreover, the Earl's nephew might cause the family some major damage by getting married to a terribly unsuitable chorus girl. An adaptation of P.G. Wodehouse's novel of the same name.
Зимняя сказка
Сборная компания не очень профессиональных актеров репетирует спектакль к Рождеству. Разношерстная публика: гомосексуалист, почти слепая девушка, дизайнер, определяющая успех по твердости сосков — они, к тому же, имеют свое мнение по поводу актерской игры. Все это накладывает неизгладимый отпечаток на исполнение роли.
Mole's Christmas
Rat and Mole must get to Mole's home through a snowy Christmas Eve while eluding weasel pickpockets.
Этот фильм — экранизация знаменитого готического романа Мэри Шелли о чудовище, созданном гениальным доктором Франкенштейном, признана критиками самой страшной из всех киноверсий книги. Продюсер фильма Френсис Коппола и режиссер Кеннет Брана, признанные мастера жанра создали по-настоящему гипнотическое зрелище о похождениях ужасного монстра, в роли которого выступил Роберт Де Ниро, еще раз продемонстрировавший свой уникальный дар — завораживать зрителей и заставлять трепетать от страха их сердца.
Old Arthur/George
Back in the 'bad old days' when the physically and mentally disabled were locked away in institutions a legend grew of someone who could stand up to the authorities and help them. This charming story is how a group of disabled people went to chase that legend. To assist them John is forced to come to terms with his daughter and her friends.
Много шума из ничего
Signor Leonato
Молодая пара — Геро и Клаудио — должна пожениться через неделю. Время идет, и они заключают пари с доном Педро, что сведут убежденного холостяка Бенедикта с язвительной спорщицей Беатриче, его давней знакомой. Тем временем злодей дон Джон хочет расстроить свадьбу Клаудио, обвинив Геро в неверности. И, казалось бы, до истины уже не докопаться, но, к счастью, все это лишь только шум… шум из ничего.
Друзья Питера
Lord Morton
Семеро друзей — выпускников Кембриджа 1982 года встречаются 10 лет спустя. Питер наследует большое поместье от отца, и приглашает других провести Новый год с ним. Много изменений произошло в жизнях друзей, но самый темный секрет открывает сам Питер…
Swan Song
An aging actor remembers his past stage triumphs and contemplates a dim future on the stage of an empty theatre. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Генрих V: Битва при Азенкуре
Lieutenant Bardolph
1415 год. Претендуя на титул короля Франции, молодой английский монарх Генрих V, вторгается на земли, которые он считает своими по праву. Несмотря на крайне тяжелую военную компанию, английское войско продолжает одерживать победы. Но в местечке Азенкур, ослабленная армия англичан сталкивается с многократно превосходящими силами французов. Несмотря на это, Генрих, король — воин, решает дать бой, который войдет в историю…
Рокот неодобрения
Ted Washbrook
Гай Джонс переезжает в маленький британский город и присоединяется к местному сообществу ценителей театра, чтобы познакомиться с новыми людьми. Уже скоро он осознает, что разворачивающиеся на сцене события ни в какое сравнение не идут с драмой реальной жизни.
Twelfth Night, or What You Will
The tale begins when a brother and sister are separated in a shipwreck, but survive to be washed up on the shore of Illyria. The sister, Viola, disguises herself as a man and takes service with Duke Orsino, who has fallen in love with Lady Olivia. Entrusted with pleading on her master's behalf, Viola is utterly disconcerted to find that Olivia has fallen in love with her. Thus begins the confusion of this delightful comedy.
Doctor Who: Paradise Towers
The Chief Caretaker
The Doctor and Mel visit Paradise Towers, a residential complex that promises a peaceful life to its residents. However, the establishment is far from what its name suggests: A conflict persists among the Kangs, humanesque multicolour beings who gather in opposing gangs based on which colour of the rainbow they bear; killer cleaning robots prowl the halls, and a secret in the complex's basement poses the greatest threat of all.
The Aerodrome
The Rector
In the future England is ruled by a fascist government, and one day the leaders begin the construction of a heavily guarded, mysterious airport. BBC adaptation of Rex Warner's 1941 novel of the same name. A stereotypical village in a somewhat alternative England is taken over wholesale by 'The Air Force.' Living in the village is young Roy, who has just learned he is not who he thought he was. Attempting to forge a new sense of identity, he joins the dashing Air Force, seduced by its dynamism and direct and brutal ways.
Arms and the Man
Adaptation of the play by Bernard Shaw.
It's Your Move
The Husband
A silent slapstick comedy depicting the travails of young couple moving into a new home, who hire an accident-prone firm of house removers, headed by Sykes. It features an all-star cast including Tommy Cooper, Bernard Cribbins, Jimmy Edwards, Irene Handl, Bob Todd and Andrew Sachs.
P.Q. 17
Jack Broome
"That order to scatter was as good as a death sentence to those merchant ships. And there isn't one officer or rating who doesn't agree with me." A British Allied convoy designated for the Soviet Union comes under attack from German forces during World War II.
Обитатели холмов
Fiver (voice)
Фильм, как и одноимённая книга, повествует о приключениях кроликов. В поисках нового дома, группа кроликов попадает в различные передряги.
Our Flesh and Blood
Mr. Smythe
TV play by Mike Stott. Comedy about a couple expecting their first baby.
A Small Miracle
Himself - Commentator
On Christmas Eve, a poor old woman plays her accordion in the street. Apart from two children, the passers-by ignore her and by the end of the day she has to sell her accordion to buy some food. Worse is to come. (1976)
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Анимационный фильм о британском инженере Исамбарде Кингдоме Брунеле. Благодаря ему появились многие чудеса 19 века: тоннель под Темзой, крупнейший пароход эпохи, великий железнодорожный вокзал.
Miles Gannet
Armitage runs a chemical company that is on the verge of producing a gas that causes temporary disability. Clearly the military want it but it is also sought by a group of Japanese. Both Armitage and Madam Greenfly hire different people in the same detective agency to guard the gas and steal it respectively... confusion, double crosses and hilarity ensue...
All the Way Up
Nigel Hadfield
Fred Midway may be a bit short on brains but he's got plenty of ambition. However, before he can gain promotion as a salesman he must make his family more socially acceptable.
Flight Lt. Timothy Webb
While touring abroad in Europe, beautiful American skydiver Fathom Harvill gets wrapped up in international intrigue when Scottish spy Douglas Campbell recruits her to help him on a secret mission. Before long, Fathom realizes that no one around her, including the mysterious Peter Merriweather, can easily be trusted, leading to various adventures that involve bull fighting, beaches and, of course, romance.
All in Good Time
The Young Husband
A Guinness advert in the form of a short comic film set in a traditional country pub.
The Bargee
After a lock-keeper entrusts his daughter to a canal Casanova, he is shocked to learn that she is pregnant. He then refuses to open his locks - causing barges to pile up in every direction until the guilty party confesses.
A Home of Your Own
The Husband
A Home of Your Own is a 1964 British comedy film which is a brick-by-brick account of the building a young couple’s dream house. From the day when the site is first selected, to the day – several years and children later – when the couple finally move in, the story is a noisy but wordless comedy of errors as the incompetent labourers struggle to complete the house. It may well have been inspired by the success of Bernard Cribbins' classic song of the same vein from two years earlier, "Right Said Fred". In this satirical look at British builders, many cups of tea are made, windows are broken and the same section of road is dug up over and over again by the water board, the electricity board and the gas board. Ronnie Barker’s put-upon cement mixer, Peter Butterworth’s short-sighted carpenter and Bernard Cribbins’ hapless stonemason all contribute to the ensuing chaos.
Doctor in Distress
Medical Student (uncredited)
"Doctor in Distress" is the fifth of the seven films in the "Doctor" series, and focuses on Sir Lancelot Spratt, Simon Sparrow's old teacher and sometimes nemesis. When the eternal bachelor Sir Lancelot injures his back and falls in love with his physiotherapist Iris Marchant, he becomes very distressed and turns to Simon for help. Simon, who now is a senior doctor at fictional Hampden Cross Hospital and hopelessly in love with aspiring actress Delia, sends him to a nature cure clinic in a vain attempt to help him lose weight, but Sir Lancelot can't get Iris off his mind and has her followed, first by a private investigator and eventually by himself. When he finally proposes, she rejects him and marries an old army major, which distresses Sir Lancelot even more.
Мистер Питкин: Девушка на борту
Eustace Hignett
Главные события этой комедии разворачиваются на борту трансатлантического лайнера, идущего из Нового Света в Европу. В Америке Сэма Марлоу постигла неудача. Его зловредная тетка отказала любимому племяннику в финансовой помощи. Во время путешествия Сэм знакомится с очаровательной Билли, и забывает обо всех неприятностях. Но приключения только начинаются…
A Matter of WHO
Health officials from the World Health Organization link a smallpox outbreak in Europe to oil drilling in the Middle East.
В 16-50 из Паддингтона
'Mrs Binster'
Мисс Марпл невольно становится свидетелем убийства в купе проходящего мимо поезда. Она сообщает об этом в полицию, но так как никакого тела не найдено, полиция не предпринимает ничего. Приходится старушке самой заняться расследованием этого странного дела…
Розги не жалеть!
Ситуация в английской школе для мальчиков, руководимой строгим, но несправедливым директором, рано или поздно выходит из-под контроля.
Girls at Sea
'Popeye' Lewis
When HMS Scotia pays a visit to the French Riviera, the officers throw a lavish party to celebrate the engagement of Captain Robert Randall to Jill Eaton, a charming American girl; among the guests are Mary Carlton, Jill's American friend, and Antoinette, a vivacious redhead. However, when the last shore-boat is deemed unseaworthy, the girls are obliged to spend the night on ship. A series of hilarious complications ensue, as the officers attempt to keep the girls away from the beady eyes of Admiral Hewitt – who chooses this very night to board the Scotia.