Doc Cathey
Henry Soames owns a rural diner, and has befriended Willard Freud and Callie Wells. One day Willard and Callie get the news that Callie is pregnant, and Willard splits. Henry takes in Callie, and helps her through the pregnancy. They fall in love and get married. All is going well until Willard is back from the road and wants the baby.
Constable Warren
3-act play by American playwright Thornton Wilder.
Dr. Littlefield
A professor recalls his atheistic father, his devoted mother and his father's blousy mistress.
Newlyweds shock the bride's father with plans for natural childbirth in a Greenwich Village loft.
Dr. Elliot Fish
Psychiatrist's teenage daughter gets arrested for demonstrating on a college campus — holding a sign with a "dirty word" written on.
Mr. Naylor
Испанский дворянин дон Андреа влюбляется в красавицу Фиби Энн, влипает в неприятности и, спасаясь от преследования властей, знакомится с американским стрелком Сэмом Холлисом. Друзья пробираются вдоль границ Техаса, но дружба заканчивается в момент, когда на горизонте вновь возникает роковая Фиби…
Wealthy Chloe Brasher has three beautiful daughters; Bonnie, Kate, and Jan. Chloe pays attorney Deke Gentry to fix them up with three suitable husbands.
Mayor Ghio's assistant
Если жене Джека Гриффита не нравится цвет дома соседа, он с удовольствием организует другой цвет. Если девочка Джека хочет пони как в цирке, почему бы не купить весь цирк! Эта последняя шалость возвращает Эмберлин Гриффит в 1900-й год, когда ее отец работал третий срок на посту мэра.
Злобный чародей Пендрагон метит на трон Корнуолла, намереваясь украсть королевскую дочку и жениться на ней. С помощью своего подручного великана он похищает принцессу, но на её счастье великан попадается на глаза деревенскому парню, решившему помочь девушке.
Father Dan Sheridan
Directed by Jean Yarbrough Ex-con Joseph Braden (Ron Hagerthy) has his car temporarily stolen by a pair of bank robbers who hide their loot in the vehicle's spare tire. After the car is repossessed, it's sold to the kindly Rev. Daniel Sheridan (Don Beddoe), who immediately sets out on a fishing trip. Not knowing that his new automobile was recently used in a heist, Father Dan gets the surprise of his life when he's suddenly stopped by a police officer.
The Boy Who Caught a Crook is a 1961 childrens film about a young boy who tracks down a gangster.
Mr. Walters
Обладатели спаренного телефонного номера дизайнер Джен Морроу и композитор Брэд Аллен никогда друг друга не видели, но люто друг друга ненавидят. Брэд каждый вечер играет своим многочисленным поклонницам одну и ту же мелодию, а Джен подслушивает, возмущается и жалуется в телефонную компанию. За Джен ухаживает миллионер Джонатан Форбс, который по стечению обстоятельств является другом и спонсором Брэда. Однажды он рассказывает Брэду о своей возлюбленной и о ненормальном типе, с которым ей приходится делить телефонный номер. Бред догадывается, что речь идет о нем. Описание внешности неприветливой дамы на другом конце провода интригует его, а когда он случайно встречается с Джен в ресторане, узнав ее голос, он решает, что игра стоит свеч…
Doctor Wagner
Дикий запад. Небольшой городок Варлок постоянно терроризирует банда налетчиков. Им принадлежит власть над всеми... Закон здесь безвластен. Ни один шериф не смог продержаться на должности и недели, одни были убиты, другие бежали. Чтобы защитить себя владелец местного салуна Морган нанимает профессионального убийцу Курта Блайсдела, который должен навести порядок в его заведении.Хладнокровный опытный стрелок, одетый как истинный джентльмен, Блайсдел, сразу понравился горожанам. Его быстрый кольт проучил много негодяев и вычистил от преступников не один городок на Диком западе. Но Блайсдел охраняет только заведение Моргана, и тогда горожане постановили, в городе должен быть официальный представитель власти - шериф.
Judge Carr
In order to avoid the hangman's noose, a cowboy agrees to marry a beautiful but fiery redhead.
David Cooper
A lawman goes undercover in order to capture the outlaws who murdered his wife.
Heckler at the Copacabana (uncredited)
Джо Льюис, успешный певец Чикагских клубов 20-х годов, получает выгодное предложение от конкурирующего клуба. Это не нравится боссам мафии, владеющим клубом, и они ставят Джо ультиматум: или он продолжает выступать у них, или его карьера, как и жизнь, будет короткой.
Mayor Sam Pelley
In Medicine Bend, a crooked businessman has the town mayor and sheriff in his pocket while his henchmen raid the wagon trains passing through the region.
Frank Porter
Картежника Бена Мэтьюса обвиняют в убийстве, которого он не совершал, он должен найти настоящего убийцу до того, как провоцируемая истинным убийцей, толпа, расправится с ним...
Todd 'Mac' MacGregor
A group prison breakout goes from bad to worse when the desperate warden tries to steal the gang's dough.
Mr. Freeman (uncredited)
A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills Poole's young wife, and at his trial Poole swears vengeance against Wagner. Poole begins his plans to get revenge when he escapes his captors.
Walt Spoon
Мальчику Джону и его сестричке Перл «посчастливилось» увидеть, как их отца увозит полиция, схватив его за ограбление и убийство двух человек. Отца приговаривают к смерти и вешают, в наследство детям остаются украденные деньги, которые отец спрятал, взяв с Джона и Перл слово, что они никому не расскажут о тайнике, даже матери. В тюрьме он знакомится с проповедником Гарри Пауэлом, а на деле — безжалостным убийцей, помешанном на религии, со словами «любовь» и «ненависть», вытатуированными на пальцах рук. Пауэл решает добраться до тайника, и для этого женится на доверчивой вдове…
Hunters trespass into Sukulu country, where animals are sacred, posing as photographers.
Prison Board Member Alan Ferness, segment "The Hostages"
Drama set in San Quentin prison.
Studio Executive at Premiere (uncredited)
Солистка оркестра выручает изрядно напившегося известного актера на шоу в честь премьеры фильма. В знак благодарности он решает помочь ей раскрыть свой огромный талант. В то время, как ее звезда стремительно восходит, его слава постепенно угасает.
Мэтт Коядер, отсидев за убийство, находит своего шестилетнего сына Марка в лагере переселенцев, где его приютила певица кабаре Кей. Мэтт забирает сына в свой новый дом и решает начать новую жизнь среди бескрайних просторов Северной Америки. В это время Гарри, дружок Кей, выигрывает в карты золотоносный участок и предлагает девушке бросить все и умчаться с ним на плоту по реке, чтобы как можно быстрее застолбить золотую жилу, которую он получил обманом. Бурная река вынуждает парочку сделать остановку рядом с хижиной Мэтта. Гарри, узнав от фермера, что река небезопасна своими порогами и водопадами, решает украсть лошадь и ружье у Мэтта. Кей принимает решение остаться с фермером и ждать когда вернётся Гарри. Не прошло и дня, как на оставшихся в доме нападаютиндейцы и сжигают их дом. Мэтт с сыном и Кей успевают уплыть на плоту. Им предстоит не лёгкий путь вниз по реке, через пороги и непроходимые леса, кишащие дикими животными, а на их след уже вышли кровожадные индейцы...
Herman Tate
Bank teller Mike Donovan (Barry Sullivan) takes the first step on the road to Perdition when he fails to report a $49,000 shortage. Accused of theft, Donovan is fired from his job. He is then prevented from finding other employment by Javert-like insurance investigator Gus Slavin (Charles McGraw). Despite many setbacks, Donovan attempts to clear his muddied name.
Banker Horace Warren
Brady Sutton returns from three years in prison and tries to go straight. One a member of the Butch Cassidy gang, he is still suspected of being cahoots with them. When Cassidy and his men rob the bank, he is blamed. Escaping from the townspeople, he once again joins up with Cassidy to wait for a chance to help bring him in.
Producer (uncredited)
Жизнь артиста кино полосата как зебра — головокружительный успех чередуется с поражением. Для Тони Хантера, выброшенного из Голливуда, наступил период забвения. Но, слава богу, что у парня есть верные друзья: Лестер и Лили. Они уговаривают Тони испытать удачу на сцене в постановке Бродвейского мюзикла. После ряда неудач, он принимает участие в Нью-Йорском шоу, но и тут все против него: и прима балерина, и ревнивый хореограф, который его просто ненавидит. А продюсер и режиссер его вообще на дух не переносит. Но шоу продолжается, и упрямый Тони все-таки ухитряется превратить его в самое «горячее» на Бродвее.
Joe Davis
A hired hand gets caught between a noble rancher and ruthless land grabbers.
Jerry Allen
A gambling boss is pressured by the law and press when a crusade is started against him after one of his collectors becomes a killer.
Once a famous Ziegfeld star, Dodo Delwyn, is reduced to playing clowns in burlesque and amusement parks as a result of his drinking. His son Little Dink idolizes Dodo and faithfully believes in a comeback. He persuades "Uncle" Goldie, Dodo's agent in the good old days, to find a booking for Dodo. He can't, and Dink is sent to live with his remarried-and-wealthy mother, Paula. The unhappy Dink runs back to his father. His welcome return gives Dodo the courage needed to try a knockabout TV show offered by Goldie
King Louis XIII
In 1625 France, D'Artagnan joins the king's musketeers, meets three new friends - Athos, Porthos and Aramis - among them and, together, the four quickly find themselves embroiled in court intrigue with Prime Minister Richelieu attempting to sabotage the congenial relationship existing between France and England. Originally produced as a 60-minute episode of THE MAGNAVOX THEATER on CBS as THE THREE MUSKETEERS. This has the distinction of being the first movie specifically made for TV. Later retitled and released theatrically.
Clyde Post
A gangster and his wife attempt to go straight. Comedy. Remake of the 1938 film "A Slight Case of Murder".
Cyrus Higbee
Montana ranch owner Cyrus Bigbee sends his foreman, Gene Autry, and Rawhide Buttram to his Canadian timber land to stop the marriage of his daughter Sandy to Todd Markey, whom he dislikes. Sandy wants to turn the property into a dude ranch, with Carolina Cotton and the Cass County Boys (Fred S. Martin, Jerry Scoggins and Bert Dodson) among the entertainers, and runs up against local timbermen who want it for cutting timber. When a Mountie is murdered, with suspicion pointing to Todd, Gene finds the real culprit and brings peace to the area.
Dr. Cuny
In this biopic, Jim Bowie goes to New Orleans, where he falls for Judalon and befriends her brother, Narcisse. Soon, Jim is forced to avenge Narcisse's murder, but Judalon takes up with another man. Jim eventually has another romantic interlude with Judalon and is forced to kill one of her suitors in self-defense. Jim leaves town, and falls for the daughter of a Texas politician, but his entanglement with Judalon continues to bedevil him.
Mr. Ballew
Jed, an airline pilot, is resting in a hotel when he notices Nell, a young woman babysitting for a wealthy couple. As Jed gets to know Nell better he realises that the woman is not as stable as perhaps she should be.
Mr. Goodman
Молодая и наивная Кэрри Мибер садитсяиз Миссури в поезд, и едет ко своей старшей сестре в Чикаго, чтобы начать лучшую жизнь в большом городе. В пути она встречает продавца мебели Чарльза Дроуета, который дает ей свою визитку. В Чикаго она устраивается на обувную фабрику, но её быстро увольняют после получения травмы. Неспособная найти другую работу, она ищет Чарльза, и он приглашает её обедать в самый дорогой ресторан Чикаго. Кэрри становится любовницей Чарльза, хотя ей нравится другой.
Charles Crocker
Mine owner William Sharon keeps having his gold shipments held up by a gang of bandits. Sharon hires banker Charles Crocker, who happens to have connections in the Central Pacific Railroad, to build a spur line from Virginia City to Carson City, so that the gold can be shipped by railroad. Silent Jeff Kincaid is the railroad engineer. However there is opposition to the railroad, chiefly from another mine owner, Big Jack Davis.
Det. Sgt. Gus Forbes
Жена бандита решает дать свидетельские показания против него, и находится под прикрытием, чтобы не быть убитой. Теперь, когда его будут судить, ей нужно проехать пол страны на поезде чтобы выступить свидетелем. Полицейский Уолтер Браун и его напарник были назначены сопровождающими. Однако бандиты убили его напарника, и находятся в том же поезде, что и он, и теперь ему в одиночку предстоит в целости доставить ее в суд.
Sen. Blake
It's a deadly play for power when a Mafia chieftain's top gun goes straight and threatens to testify against the big boss and his cruel, nationwide network of crime. The picture, which was shot in a semi-documentary style, was inspired by the Kefauver investigations of 1950-51.
Pete (uncredited)
A tabloid editor assigns a young reporter to solve a murder the editor committed himself.
Mr. Taylor (uncredited)
В семье инженера Джорджа Роуза было трое детей, когда его жена Анна решила взять из приюта еще двух детей – проблемную девочку-подростка и еще более проблемного мальчика-калеку. Терпение, доброта и любовь к детям приводят к заслуженному успеху и родительскому счастью.
Love Bidwell (uncredited)
A small rancher is being harassed by his mighty and powerful neighbor. When the neighbor even hires gunmen to intimidate him he has to defend himself and his property by means of violence.
Ed--Fingerprint Man
A scrupulously honest lawyer discovers that the client he's gotten off was really guilty.
Mitchell (uncredited)
Mobster Nick Scanlon has managed to buy several of the local government and law-enforcement officials. However, he can't seem to touch the incorruptible police captain Tom McQuigg, who refuses all attempts at bribery. Prosecuting attorney, Welch, and a police detective, Turck, are crooked and make McQuigg's job as an honest officer nearly impossible.
Sgt. O'Neill (uncredited)
A young man takes in a dog that turns out to be wanted by mobsters.
Walt Wallet
A small town family discovers an unwanted houseguest is harder to eject than they expected. Comedy.
Mr. Richards
Lacey is after the profits of the Foster and Morales rodeo show. He has Morales killed during a stunt and then forces Foster to take him on as a silent partner. When Rex Allen joins the show, Lacey tries to get rid of him also. But Rex survives and now believes Morales' accident may have been murder.
A petty thief schemes a big score when he plans an armored car robbery.
Thomas O'Hara
Герою Хамфри Богарта противостоит неуловимый синдикат убийц, поставивший преступления на конвейер. Все они были убиты по приказу Альберта Мендозы, создавшего совершенно новый вид бизнеса — убийство по заказу.
Detective Jamieson
A lady con artist sets out to steal her parole officer's fiance.
Walt Wallet
A young man tries to get rich by opening a diner. Comedy based on the popular comic strip.
The Meddler
Франция. 1640 год, Знаменитый поэт — блестящий гвардейский офицер Сирано де Бержерак влюблен в свою кузину Роксану, о чем она даже не подозревает. Но, насколько непревзойденный фехтовальщик храбр на поле битвы и в многочисленных дуэлях, настолько же робок в любви.
Из-за своего непомерно длинного и нелепого носа, он совершенно уверен, что Роксана отвергнет его ухаживания. Она же влюбляется в красавца Кристиана, который также безумно влюблен в Роксану. Не обладая красноречием Сирано, влюбленный просит поэта писать ей пылкие любовные послания и прекрасные стихи.
Благодаря красноречию Сирано, Кристиан завоевывает сердце Роксаны, но погибает на войне, так и не успев признаться ей, что стихи и письма написаны Сирано, а тот хранит эту тайну до своей собственной гибели, пронеся свою любовь сквозь года…
Forbish - Floorwalker
Dr. Helen Hunt is a physician married to millionaire Peter Judson Kirk Jr., who is jealous his wife is spending too much time with her male patients. He makes a fool of himself trying to prove her guilt.
Amos Rayburn
In a typical western (movie) town (possibly described as 'hick' by someone who possibly hasn't seen the film) Gene Autry and his friend Jack Beaumont are present when the bank is robbed and Sheriff Whiteside is killed. Judge Beaumont, Jack's father, appoints Gene the new sheriff. When Jack learns that his father is making a new will in his disfavor, they quarrel and Jack leaves under suspicious circumstances. Rocky Morgan who has been swindling the judge murders him and Gene has to jail his friend, who thinks Gene is double crossing him. But Gene has a plan to clear Jack.
Commissioner Sam Walker (uncredited)
Захватывающая драма о женской тюрьме. Наивную 19-летнюю Мари Аллен отправляют в тюрьму штата Иллинойс за сообщничество в вооружённом ограблении, где ее соседями становятся бесчувственные преступницы и охранницы-садисты.
Charlie Bryan
Frontier scout Daniel Boone is sent out to locate the only two survivors of General Braddock's men that are believed two have lived through an Indian massacre.
Mr. Haggerty (as Donald T. Beddoe)
Shortly before Christmas, a family moves into an apartment where Rupert the squirrel lives in the attic rafters. Just as it seems that the holiday will come and go without so much as a Christmas tree, Rupert acts as the family's guardian angel - not only saving Christmas, but changing their lives forever.
Curtis Jellison
Bud Dolliver, a former WWII hero, and an ex-convict, returns to his home town in an effort to make a new life for himself but, even with the help of Lou Jellison, a cannery worker, he finds it hard to live down his reputation.
Chicago Man (uncredited)
Барт Тэр с раннего детства любит оружие. По возвращению из армии друзья отводят его в парк с аттракционами, где он встречает Лори, девушку своей мечты, которая работает в этом парке и любит оружие не меньше, чем он. Вскоре они женятся. После свадьбы Лори становится недовольна своим финансовым положением. Барт не может противостоять беспощадной и жадной женщине, которую он любит. И пара начинает вереницу дерзких грабежей…
Fat Salesman
As far as the rest of the world is concerned, mill heiress Deborah Chandler Clark (Ida Lupino) is dead, killed in a freak auto accident. But Deborah is alive, if not too well. Having discovered a horrible truth about her new husband (Stephen McNally), Deborah is now a “woman in hiding,” living in mortal fear that someday her husband will catch up with her again. When a returning GI (Howard Duff) recognizes Deborah, however, she must decide whether or not she can trust him.
Barney Bassett
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.
A football halfback has a heart condition, a nagging wife and a team secretary who loves him.
George Briggs
Outside the Wolf Club, wayward high school student Geraldine “Jerry” Briggs waits in the parking lot, while her partner in crime, Al, steals hubcaps from parked cars. When a patron named Steve Miller notices his hubcaps missing, he phones the police, and Jerry is apprehended.
Judge Fraser
An actor is recalled to active duty with the Army's C.I.D. to find the thief who stole historical jewels in occupied Germany and the trail leads to the boyfriend of a young debutante from Bel Air.
Mr. Dennis Sutherland
Приехав с мужем на несколько дней в Лас-Вегас, Джоан, незаметно для себя, оказывается втянутой в трясину азартной игры. И чем больше Джоан думает, что может контролировать себя, тем безвозвратнее она уходит вниз, на дно. На кон поставлено все: счастье в браке, будущие дети, собственная жизнь. И Джоан оказывается перед выбором: сделать последнюю ставку или выбрать жизнь.
The tiny independent duchy of Ferrara is located between Casare Borgia's Rome and Venice, and Borgia has plans to conquer Venice via Ferrara. He murders his sister's husband and makes it appear that Alfonso D'Este of Ferrara was behind the killing. To avenge herself against Ferrara and D'Este, Lucretia Borgia marries D'Este and intends to poison him. But...she falls in love with him.
Phillip Bellem
A criminal psychologist tries to clear his patient of arson charges.
Dr. Hamilton Gibbs
Philip Ford's crime thriller stars Lloyd Bridges as a city attorney who comes to the dawning realization that a jewelry heist may be behind the discovery of a dead body in the park -- and that the culprit may be one of the town's leading citizens (Ray Collins). Unfortunately, his investigation is hampered by his girlfriend and ex-secretary (Lorna Gray), who could very well be in cahoots with the bad guys.
This 'prequel' to The Little Foxes tells how the ruthless members of the old-South Hubbard family got that way.
J.T. Hall
Cheerful outlaw Charlie Boles leaves former partners Lance and Jersey and heads for California, where the Gold Rush is beginning. Soon, a lone gunman in black is robbing Wells Fargo gold shipments. One fateful day, the stage he robs carries old friends Lance and Jersey...and notorious dancer Lola Montez, coming to perform in Sacramento. Black Bart and Lance become rivals for both Lola's favors and Wells Fargo's gold.
Editor (uncredited)
In the small town of Brookford, everybody can trace their ancestors back to the Revolutionary War, except Sam and Susie Parker. One day, however, they find a letter written by George Washington that mentions the bravery of a Revolutionary War hero named Parker.
Подросток Сьюзан Тернер влюбляется в художника-плейбоя Ричарда Ньюджента. Как-то она пробирается в его квартиру, чтобы позировать для него. Там она сталкивается со своей сестрой — судьей Маргарет Тернер. Находясь под угрозой тюремного заключения, Ньюджент соглашается встречаться со Сьюзан до тех пор, пока чувства девушки не утихнут.
On trial for murdering his girlfriend, philandering stockbroker Larry Ballentine takes the stand to claim his innocence and describe the actual, but improbable sounding, sequence of events that led to her death.
Mort Elkins
Crusty Dr. McRory of Fallbridge, Maine, hires his vacation replacement sight unseen. Alas, he and young singing Doctor Jim Pearson don't hit it off; but once he meets teacher Trudy Mason, Pearson is delighted to stay. The locals, taking their cue from McRory, cold-shoulder Pearson, especially Trudy's stuffy fiancé. But then, guess who needs an emergency appendectomy?
Mr. Fell
In this aerial melodrama, four brothers working as stunt pilots for a flying circus leave their jobs to become mail pilots. Because their job requires that they constantly travel, they are advised to not settle down with wives and kids. Still, one pilot falls in love and marries. Unfortunately, the woman dislikes his brothers and constantly worries that he will be killed during a flight. Her fears are not unfounded and much tragedy ensues as the story unfolds.
Mr. Roberts (State Department)
Two ex-soldiers return from overseas--one of them having smuggled into the country a French orphan girl he has become attached to. They wind up running into their old sergeant--who hates them--and getting involved with a race-car builder who's trying to find backers for a new midget racer he's building.
Stark (uncredited)
Калифорния 1848 год, пик южной золотой лихорадки, глобальное переселение американцев в южные штаты в потеках лучшей жизни и золота, В это время большинство штатов вступили между собой в федеральный союз, но Калифорния игнорирует все предложения соседей потому, что продажная местная правящая верхушка держится за власть, хотя большинство разноплеменного населения штата согласно со вступлением в состав федерации. Всем штатом, по сути, правит один человек — деспотичный Капитан Коффин, скупивший почти всю местную недвижимость и земли. Он жаждет сделать Калифорнию своей частной империей. Этому деспоту противостоят крепкий парень в широкополой шляпе, настоящий первопроходец Джонатан Трамбо и его любимая женщина красавица и певица Лили, которые не остановятся ни перед чем, ради демократии и свободы своей новой Родины…
Mr. Cameron
Фильм рассказывает историю о трех офицерах американской армии, которые с войны возвращаются домой к своим семьям. Эл, Фред и Хомер — эта история о них, у Эла дома жена и двое уже подросших детей, которые как раз вступают во взрослую жизнь, он пытается наверстать упущенное, узнать их заново и вновь завоевать семейную любовь и доверие, по возвращению его приглашают работать в банке на более высокую должность, нежели он был до того как отправился на войну. У Фреда в свою очередь красавица жена, которая начала самостоятельную жизнь, уехав от родителей Фреда и поселившись в отеле и как видимо не очень то скучала без мужа, к тому же на работу Фреда брать не торопятся и у него, серьезные финансовые проблемы, после совместной выпивки в баре Фред попадает домой к Элу и там он влюбляется в дочь Эла, Пегги.
Jack Collins (uncredited)
Neale and Pedro fly cargo between Chungking and Calcutta. When their buddy Bill is murdered they investigate. Neale meets Bill's fiancée Virginia and becomes suspicious of a deeper plot while also falling for her charms.
Rodney "Gates" Parrish / Raoul Josse
The (O)ffice of (S)trategic (S)ervices' Cmdr. Brady (Patric Knowles) forms Operation "Applejack" (based on a composite of actual incidents during WWII) and sends Lt. (j.g.) Philip Masson, U.S.N.R. aka John Martin as spy Philippe Martine (Alan Ladd) along with Miss Ellen Rogers posing as her college roommate, Madame Elaine Duprez (Geraldine Fitzgerald) and Robert Bouchet, Tech Sgt., A.U.S. as Albert Bernardito (Richard Benedict) to acquire secret Nazi plans. After nearly getting caught they succeed and get new identities. However they discover a secret that could change the war and risk their lives to get the information back to London before it jeopardizes their lives. Martine and Duprez then get reassigned to assist fellow spy Frank Schmidt aka Parker (Richard Webb) embedded in the German army so he can relay important Nazi troop movements. Then she is discovered by an old foe, Col. Paul Meister (John Hoyt) but Martine must radio the vital information and misses her.
Mr. Beatley
A man and a woman fight over the last bottle of champagne left in San Francisco--she wants it for a wedding, and he wants to use it to christen a ship.
An unscrupulous private investigator with a penchant for blackmail is found dead in a car and the leading suspect is Janet Bradley, the daughter of a mayoral candidate. With the election just weeks away, shady and ruthless individuals muscle the medical officer into switching the corpse with another body. Lieutenant Sam Carson, one of the few good apples in the bunch must find a way to get to the bottom of it all.
Ex-thief Lone Wolf and his valet don turbans to solve a museum jewel theft.
Dennis O'Keefe, newly married to lovely Sheila Ryan, is in a jam. O'Keefe's former girl friend, exotic dancer Marie McDonald, has in her possession an expensive, jeweled garter given to her by O'Keefe in his bachelor days. McDonald intends to show the garter to O'Keefe's suspicious wife, so Our Hero must retrieve the embarrassing accouterment without tipping off the missus.
Detective Lieutenant Max Hurley
Two reporters search for a missing body in a wax museum.
Deputy District Attorney Dixon
A crime reporter writes book to expose names and methods of the criminal leaders. He is held on a charge after refusing to explain how he got his information, but is released and helps to expose the syndicate.
Pringle (uncredited)
During WWII, the publisher of the isolationist New York Gazette is murdered just as he was about to change the paper's policy and support the US war effort. His friend, a small town patriotic editor, is brought in to find the culprits.
Saginaw Jake
An English refugee and a street thug go to military school together.
J. Gilbert Brampton
A young divorcee tries to convert a historic house into a hotel despite its oddball inhabitants and dead bodies in the cellar.
Lew Smith
This biopic takes an in-depth look into the life of Minnesota All-American football player Bruce Smith. The story is framed by a screenwriter's interview with the famed halfback. In order to garner information, the scenarist is assigned to live with Smith. During the film, Smith shares his thoughts on football and anecdotes from his life.
Ned McLane
Chorus girl Gloria Carroll inherits one million dollars from Broadway playboy Herbert Dinwiddle. Producer Ned McLane persuades her to advance him the money on a production called "Lucky Legs" that will star her. Unfortunately, the money has "made the rounds" prior to reaching Gloria and several less-than-scrupulous characters set out to separate Gloria from her inheritance.
Police Inspector Hanley
A police lieutenant and a patriotic professional gambler, rivals in life and love, combine efforts to corner a gang of Nazi saboteurs operating out of a barber shop, in which their mutual girlfriend works, and unmask its secret leader.
Police Chief
Когда огонь уничтожает деревообрабатывающую фабрику и в пламени погибает диспетчер Клайд Бракен, пострадавший владелец предприятия Эндрю Холмс обвиняет своего служащего Леопольда Дилга в поджоге и убийстве. Арестованный Леопольд сбегает из тюрьмы и прячется в доме своей приятельницы, школьной учительницы Норы Шелли. Девушка отнюдь не рада такому гостю, потому что дом сдан на летний сезон Майклу Лайткэпу, уважаемому профессору юриспруденции, ожидающему назначение в Верховный суд и желающему посвятить это лето работе над своими трудами в тихом, укромном месте. Учительница перед профессором выдает Леопольда за своего садовника, но тот вскоре узнает истинную причину пребывания парня в доме. В итоге выясняется, что молодой человек стал пешкой в игре коррумпированных органов местной власти, а диспетчер, который якобы сгорел в пламени, жив и здоров.
Taxi Driver
A young newlywed couple learns to make their new marriage work; trying to impress family, stay on budget, and remain as diplomatic towards each other as possible.
'Professor Bigfoot' Johnson
A recently divorced district attorney falls for his troubled son's schoolteacher.
A shy horticulturist becomes involved with a local criminal in the old west.
Hypo McGonigle
Slapsie Rosenbloom receives an award from the satirical Harvard Lampoon for his well-known stupidity. Instead of being enraged, Slapsie Maxie is delighted by the "honor", and promptly tries to enroll at the ivy-league university. Upon arriving on campus, he is pounced upon by a group of eccentric scientists led by Professor Alvin, who is convinced that Rosenbloom is the "missing link" that science has long been searching for.
Bennie Blanchard
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
Wing Boley
Evelyn Palmer, a débutante society girl who also is a property landlord, becomes interested in the plight of one of her tenants, a struggling band-leader, to the extent she becomes a hostess in a dance club, incognito, where the band plays, and soon is the band's singer.
Mike Reynolds
A crusading newsman starts up a tabloid with a gangster as his 50-50 partner.
Sgt. Burns
Fortune hunter Mary Brooks, posing as a missionary's daughter, strives to beat a couple of pilots, Terry Prescott and "Waffles" Billings, (who have turned pearl divers in order to buy a plane and join the Royal Air Force), out of their pearls, while also beating off the advances of Prince Sali who wants to add her to his harem.
Two Virginians are heading for a new life in Texas when they witness a stagecoach being held up. They decide to rob the robbers and make off with the loot. To escape a posse, they split up and don't see each other again for a long time. When they do meet up again, they find themselves on different sides of the law. This leads to the increasing estrangement of the two men, who once thought of themselves as brothers.
Don Barlow
Joan Daley, a New York booking/press agent, attempts to recruit two local stand-ins, Jinx Terry and Lois Morgan, when the Cuban sister-act, Marianela and Rosita she as booked into the nightclub for which she works fails to materialize. Complications arrive when the real Cuban sisters show up.
Sheriff Denby
Ruby Keeler teams with the Nelsons (of TV and radio fame) as the singer in Ozzie's band. The setting is a college campus which is suffering from monetary woes, but somehow Ozzie's band manages to attract enough attention to increase the enrollment and keep the school from having to shut down.
Second Sailor
An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. He meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving. He makes a deal with the Nazis to return in exchange for some Austrian prisoners, but discovers that the Nazis are not to be trusted.
Chorus girl and rich playboy want to marry but he'll lose his fortune unless his trustee approves of his mate. So she goes to work in the trustee's brokerage firm under an assumed name to get on his good side but complications ensue.
Cliff Randall
Why did the Governor want to resign?
Albert Ward
Fresh out of reform school, a bunch of delinquent girls fall in with a gang of crooks and are put to work as "hostesses" in a number of mob-controlled bars and cafes. The girls are expected to string along male customers so that the latter will squander their money on watered-down drinks and fixed poker games. When one gullible New Yorker is clipped to the tune of $18,000 worth of diamonds, the Law closes in.
Phineas Q. Potts
Roscoe's wife decides to divorce him and heads for Reno.
Sheriff Haggerty
A reformed jewel thief fights to clear his name when he's framed for murder.
Lt. James 'Jim' O'Hara
In this low-budget thriller, Peter Lorre plays Janos Szabo, an immigrant from Hungary who is a skilled craftsman. After he's caught in a fire, his face is horribly scarred; his terrifying appearance makes it impossible for him to get a job. With nowhere else to turn, Janos begins working for the criminal underworld. Janos begins having second thoughts about his life of crime when he falls in love.
On the night before he sails in search of the steamship Arcadia's sunken gold, Paul Sinclair (Bruce Bennett)meets Madeliene Nielson (Anita Louise) in a San Francisco nightclub. On the second day at sea, Madeliene turns up as a stowaway. While diving and searching for the sunken gold, off the Phillipines, Paul discovers that a foreign-country submarine has been laying mines in order to completely cut off the Phillipines from American protection.
Tom Howland
Two professional people marry, but the wife insists that they be celibate for the first three months to make sure they are truly compatible.
Warden McKay
Bill learns that two con artists whom he has dealt with before are at it again. Crowley runs the saloon and Adams the newspaper and both are highly respected by the citizens. Bill has foiled their schemes before and this time he breaks into Adams' office and resets the front page saying Adams confesses to be a fugitive criminal. When the citizens gather the next day the end is near for Adams and Crowley.
Big Joe Brady
Complicated plot involving missing stamp collection and kidnapped businessman, with the Lone Wolf keeping one step ahead of the police in Havana trying to solve the crime and make a profit.
Frontiersman Tom Garfield and his pals endeavor to save their land from the clutches of slimy easterner Forsyth. The villain hires a bit of local muscle in the form of brutish Chris Matson, but he's no match for our hero.
A shy book reviewer is confused with a notorious gangster who has just been release from prison.
Frank Regan
A blackmail mob is waiting for you to go out with one of these girls.
Newlywed husband
A magician hires Buster as a housekeeper while he's away.
Capt. McGraw
A physician on death row for a mercy killing is allowed to experiment on a serum using a criminals' blood, but secretly tests it on himself. He gets a pardon, but finds out he's become a Jekyll-&-Hyde.
Process Server
The last of the four "Five Little Peppers" films finds the children having a hard time adjusting to their new boarding school.
Maj. Blaine
Scientists assembled to prove their methods are effective in criminal investigation try to solve a series of murders.
Marty Lewis
Tommy Lewis, the son of a big time racketeer, is enrolled in military school under an assumed name as protection from the notoriety of his father. Tommy is assigned to share a room with Dick Hill, an egotistical school athlete, and Sandy Blake, a pampered rich boy. Even though all three boys are potentially good lads, each has a handicap that he must overcome.
A story of the great-depression era about women hobos, tramps, job-seekers, fugitives and runaways running from or toward something as they hitch-hiked their way across the United States, dodging the police, do-gooders, lustful men and pursuing-husbands in a bad mood. One of them is a killer, another is a girl hitch-hiking to her wedding in order to afford a wedding gown, and there is also the Governor's daughter who crusades on their behalf, while hitch-hiking along with them.
A couple can't make ends meet. He is an airplane mechanic and makes extra money testing planes. When the baby arrives things get better.
Police Doctor
A hardworking secretary for a rich woman finds herself engaged to the woman's son and accused of a murder she didn't commit.
Tug Wilson
The Kinkaids and the Harpers both run stage lines and are friendly competitors. Appleby is after the stage line and convinces the two owners to build a spur line to the same town. Then he has both projects sabotaged pitting the friends against each other and running them out of money.
Ship's Chief Engineer Anderson
The Grand Hotel formula that was so overworked in the 1930s made an encore appearance in 1940's Escape to Glory. The story is given timeliness by placing the characters on a British merchant ship on the very day that World War II is declared. The ship is attacked by a Nazi U-Boat, resulting in a variety of reactions from the diverse passengers--one of whom (Erwin Kalser) is a German doctor. Constance Bennett is glamorous, Pat O'Brien is boozy, John Halliday is pensive, and everybody else (except for the German medico) is plain fearful.
Warden Schafer
A prison chaplain (John Litel) rescues a young convict (Glenn Ford) on a misguided mission of revenge.
Undercover agent Mark Sheldon gets paroled to a remote tropical island with a diamond mine manned by slave labor run by sadistic Stephen Danel.
Governor Dawson
Bill Saunders recruits a team of paroled convicts to subdue a lawless gang.
Frederick Ross
Известный китайский детектив находясь на круизном лайнере из Гонолулу в Сан-Франциско, пытаясь разобраться в убийстве друга из Скотланд-Ярда, ещё сталкивается с четырьмя убийствами.
Morning Express Reporter
Джун Кэмерон является автором бестселлера о женских проблемах. Тимоти Стерлинг – врач, чье отношение к женщинам можно мягко назвать покровительственным. В результате серии недоразумений эту странную пару все ошибочно принимают за молодоженов. Тимоти и Джун скоро обнаруживают, что им выгодно поддерживать эту видимость.
Marvin Williams
Dagwood wants to join the trout club and Blondie wants a fur coat. Jealousy reigns when Dag's old girlfriend Joan shows up, but nothing else matters when a drawing at the movie theatre provides money for the coat.
Green Sox Manager
An obnoxious heckler at a baseball game infuriates everybody.
Hank, a Reporter (uncredited)
A reporter and a lawyer investigate a women's prison and help an inmate who does not belong there.
Inspector Conroy
Delia Jordan's father is murdered and some very valuable jewelry stolen. She hires The Lone Wolf.
Mr. Amscray (uncredited)
In this satire of the Nazis the stooges are paperhangers in the country of Moronica. When evil cabinet ministers overthrow the king, they decide to make Moe the new ruler as he'll be stupid enough to follow their orders. Moe becomes Dictator, Curly is a Field Marshal and Larry becomes Minister of propaganda. After successfully preventing a female spy from committing mayhem, the boys are run out of office by a mob and eaten by lions.
A dancehall girl meets a sailor and they fall in love, but the club’s owner doesn’t want the girl to leave.
Frank Raymond
Feature version of the American serial film, produced for export only, never exhibited in the USA, and believed to be a lost film.
Duke Mason
Honest cop Tim Kerry struggles to keep his son Ritzy from becoming involved in a crime ring.
Drunk (uncredited)
A girl keeps meeting Charley the wrong moments, including losing her dress in his car, and later he finds himself in her apartment. Her jealous boxer-husband is obsessed with killing Charley after seeing them together again and again.
The stooges are phone repairmen who are mistaken for the psychiatrists in whose office they are working. A rich man hires them to treat his impetuous young wife who is always running of for submarine rides and the like. The boys ruin a dinner party at their clients mansion but their antics so amuse his wife the she is cured and the stooges are paid off handsomely.
Detective Deever
Kenny Williams, a lieutenant on the homicide squad, is engaged to Maxine Carroll, the Mayor's secretary. Or isn't he rather married with his job? For each time he has a date with his longtime fiancée, he is prevented from keeping it by his devotion to duty. Maxine, in desperation, decides to take action and bring Kenny to the altar. Who will win, Maxine's curves or the glorious fight against crime?
Nick Bruno
A bumbling detective chases an escaped convict in an amusement park haunted house in Coney Island.
Chick Keller
The crimes of a tabloid publisher are exposed by a reporter, his secret illegitimate son.
Dr. MacAuley, a kindly, beloved country doctor, is sent to Fillmore Prison. His crime was for removing a bullet from a young man who was escaping from the police.
Джо Бонапарте, одаренный скрипач, из-за крайней бедности вынужден выступать на ринге. Он проявил себя талантливым боксером, хотя видно, что он бережет кулаки, опасаясь повредить руки музыканта и похоронить мечту, ради которой его отец-эмигрант многим пожертвовал. Том Муди, менеджер Джо, подговаривает свою подружку Лорну Мун убедить парня забыть о своих музыкальных стремлениях и возвратить его на ринг. Это приводит к трагедии…
Fred Martin
A long-standing feud between a rancher and a neighboring wheat farmer only intensifies after the rancher's wild stallion causes damage to the farmer's property. Western drama.
Lieutenant Shane
Dr. Henryk Savaard is a scientist working on experiments to restore life to the dead. When he is unjustly hanged for murder, he is brought back to life by his trusted assistant. Re-animated he turns decidedly nasty and sets about murdering the jury that convicted him.
Bartender (uncredited)
Steady, dependable Coast Guard Lieutenant Raymond "Ray" Dower and reckless aviator Thomas "Speed" Bradshaw are the closest of friends. Ray saves the life of Captain Tobias Bliss, tramp steamer skipper, in a daring rescue at sea. Speed flies the injured man back to the base hospital, where the two officers later visit him. There Ray meets Nancy Bliss, Bliss' grand-daughter, and falls in love with her. Speed meets her at a dance and urges Ray to propose before some other guy does. Ray is assigned to flood rescue duty, and Speed and Nancy start going out together and discover they are in love.
Attorney Thomas Jamison (uncredited)
Jenny Swanson, a waitress on a college campus, is dying to visit Paris. Thanks to English professor Ronald Brooke, she manages to make her dream come true. Besides seeing the sights in the French capital she makes friends with a wealthy family there, the Brands.
Al Farrow
The Missing Daughters of the title are innocent young girls who've been led astray by seedy dance-hall operator Lucky Rogers.
Frank Raymond
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
Reporter (uncredited)
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
Walen plays Dan Sparling, a convicted embezzler who becomes editor of his prison newspaper. After serving out his sentence, he sets up an independent newspaper devoted to attacking corruption in public life, encountering various difficulties due to his being an ex-con and opposition from the incumbent administration.
June Martin is a dishwasher in a California logging camp boarding house. Steve Blake fights Jed Malone for her and loses, thus casting suspicion on himself when Malone dies under cloudy circumstances.
Marvin Williams
Dagwood inadvertently gets cornered in to resigning. When his wife Blondie tries to ask Dagwoods boss Mr. Dithers for his job back, he ends up hiring her instead. This doesn't sit too well with Dagwood. Blondie's sister comes to visit, and Dagwood is put in a compromising situation with another woman.
W. S. Hamilton
Four flying G-Men protect America against enemy spies; one of the four assumes the identity of The Black Falcon, to befuddle the saboteurs even further.
Police Inspector Thomas
Spies force former jewel thief Michael Lanyard to steal defense secrets in Washington.
Bill Reardon, a private detective, is working on a case involving stolen items from a local jewelry store. The case takes a different turn when Bill's prying wife wants to help catch the crook.