Director of Photography
On one of his last trips before retirement, a plane of an illegal gunrunner in Vietnam is shot down where he hooks up Annie Belle, a humanitarian rebel.
Director of Photography
У капитана Генри Морриса важное задание — прорваться в лагерь вьетконговцев и взорвать радиомаяк. Для выполнения миссии Моррис собирает своих солдат и отправляется на задание. Вместе с ними отправляется журналистка Джейн Фостер. Героям предстоит нелегкий путь через адские джунгли Вьетнама.
Director of Photography
"Libidine" is quite peculiar erotic horror about a scientist, who performs some kind of experiment on his snake. His adolescent daughter Anna has an erotic relationship with the snake.
Director of Photography
Действие этого психологического триллера начинается со сцены погони за раненым на фоне сельского итальянского пейзажа. Однако эта безмятежность обманчива: вскоре преступник познакомится с Симоной, в которую влюбится, и ее матерью-нимфоманкой на содержании у парализованного мужа.
Director of Photography
A low-rent private investigator and former cop is sent to Austria on a job, and while there sees a number of seemingly unrelated coincidences that lead him into a strange web of corruption and decadence.
Director of Photography
Three terrorists—a rebel girl from an upper-class family, a teacher who despises capitalism, and an ex-con with a taste for violence—come together to kill the Minister of the Interior and destabilise the government.
Director of Photography
Главный герой фильма – полицейский по имени Марко (Маурицио Марли). Начальство никак не желает выделять ему скоростную машину, а его старенькая модель не может выжимать большие скорости, из-за чего в большинстве случаев преступникам удается удрать, а сам полицейский не раз попадает в \аварии. Во время одной из таких погонь машина Марко переворачивается. Далее следует служебное расследование и увольнение из полиции. Но через некоторое время начальник сам приходит к Марко, чтобы вновь пригласить его на службу, ибо в городе объявилась опасная банда под предводительством Жана-Поля Доссена по кличке Француз.
Director of Photography
Two members of the fascist legion GOD WANTS IT, Michele and Luigi, both from Sicily, met in Malaga and became friends in the course of the 1936-39 counter revolution. Based upon the short story by Leonardo Sciascia.
Daniel is washed ashore after a shipwreck and discovers the beautiful Haydee in a tropical island paradise. However, Haydee's father and brother aren't as willing to accept their romance.
Director of Photography
Riccardo, belonging to an upper-middle class family from Puglia, studies religion in a Swiss boarding school. He has an incomplete relationship with his half-sister Stefania, who one day announces his engagement and the next marriage. Riccardo, wearing his cassock below, desperately tries to conquer the now reluctant half-sister.
Director of Photography
Если ты кому-то что-то пообещал, будь готов выполнить свое обещание во что бы то ни стало. Даже если ты пообещал перевезти через пустыню $86 тыс.
Director of Photography
After a couple of 'special squad' cops are gunned down while chasing some kidnappers, the head of the squad takes it really personally! His violent path to find the kidnappers leads him to the upper echelons of the government. Now, the powers-that-be don't want to be found out and decide it's time to kill one more cop...
Director of Photography
Giorgio Mainardi, a womanizer, plans to rid himself of his wealthy wife Norma. He happens to see a sinister figure disposing of a body and seizes the opportunity to make a deal in which the killer will murder Norma. The deed is done but a young couple, Luca and Laura, unwittingly steal the killer's car, complete with Norma's corpse in the boot. They head for the beach and break into an abandoned old house. The killer tracks them down and while Luca is out having sex with a blonde stranger, he terrorises and rapes Laura. When the young man and the blonde turn up for a threesome they are both quickly despatched. After a struggle, Laura manages to fatally wound her attacker. Back in the city, the police become increasingly suspicious of Giorgio Mainardi...
Director of Photography
In early seventies Italy, plagued by criminality and political terrorism, a fearless police commissioner is sent to restore law and order in a northern industrial town devastated by a recent wave of violence and kidnappings..
Director of Photography
A man living in a remote area of India has an affair with a local woman who he leaves in order to marry another. His lover commits suicide after cursing him and his family. Upon returning from London with his new wife he begins to experience strange hallucinations.
Director of Photography
Антонио, итальянский иммигрант в Нью-Йорке, оказывается втянутым в авантюру с мафией, когда его возможности ограничены, и его желание создать новую жизнь для себя становится все более трудным.
Director of Photography
In 1931, when the late American Prohibition major bosses have now divided the territory to exploit, the family of one of them - killed in a clash - decides to send half a million dollars in Sicily hidden in the body of the deceased.
Director of Photography
Two young friends - one poet, the other a sculptor - have fun conquering the wives of others.
Director of Photography
A very unlikely trio join forces in order to rob a bank: an ex-bandit called Smith, now a cheerful reverend, a nomadic artist and a pickpocket. Their plan is successful, however, and the three make off with the money from the bank's vaults, only to find themselves robbed of their newly-acquired wealth by a young schoolmistress.
Director of Photography
Командированный в Тайланд фотограф случайно совершает преступление и вынужден некоторое время скрываться в джунглях. Неожиданно его ловит первобытное племя - теперь он пленник и раб. До тех пор, пока дочь вождя не выбирает его своим собственным слугой. Пройдя через несколько жестоких обрядов посвящения, он становится частью племени и помогает ему противостоять в войне с каннибалами и угрозам извне.
Director of Photography
Bertone is a moderately honest homicide cop. Unfortunately, the court system is so inept and corrupt that many more-or-less honest policemen have begun taking the law into their own hands. Between his efforts to thwart the growth of crime and to control his vengeful co-workers, homicide-chief Bertone has his hands full
Director of Photography
Фильм рассказывает о слепом наёмнике, который отправляется в Мексику для получения с местного бандита Доминго принадлежащих наёмнику по контракту 50 девушек. Но Доминго окружённый головорезами не собирается так просто отдавать девушек, да к тому же слепому. Тогда Наёмник берёт в заложники брата Доминго и заставляет его выполнить условия контракта. В ответ Доминго устраивает ловушку для наёмника и берет в заложники его самого, освободив при этом брата, даже не догадываясь к каким последствиям это приведёт.
Director of Photography
Dr. Frankensteins' daughter, who is in love with the aging lab assistant Marshall, continues with her fathers experiments and attempts to transplant Marshall's brain into a new body to prolong his life.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Doc and Chapagua are two rogues who acquire a large stash of gold before the Civil War. They agree to hide it together, blindfolding each other on the way so they'll need each other to find the hiding place. After the War, double-crosses abound as Doc and Chapagua not only have to deal with the army, but with the seductive, gold-hungry Moira as well.
Second Unit Director of Photography
Американскому генералу было назначено пять человек, чтобы завоевать форт Ксифонио, включая заключенного Розолино Патерно, уроженца этого места. С трудом проникнув в тыл врага, патруль немедленно понимает о бесполезности своей миссии: пушки, которые должны быть уничтожены, уже ранее были разбиты. Попытка избежать дальнейшей бомбардировки жителей этого района путем полного уничтожения форта не удалась: союзники неумолимо продвигаются вперед.
Director of Photography
Гарри Хэмилтон, бравый армейский офицер, несправедливо обвинён в грабеже и посажен за решётку. Десять лет спустя он возвращается в родной город, чтобы призвать лжесвидетеля к ответу, и обнаруживает, что за эти годы тот стал весьма влиятельным человеком.
Director of Photography
Most of the film takes place in an old mansion where the characters participate in a séance while a storm rages outside. During their stay, the film uses an extensive flashback structure to reveal the various criminal acts that each have perpetrated. The man leading the seance (Luciano Pigozzi, the "Italian Peter Lorre") seems intent on holding them responsible for their various crimes, and his seemingly supernatural knowledge of their past gradually cracks the facade of each one. A classic Italian Gothic from Antonio Margheriti. German/Italian co-production, 'old dark house' style.
Director of Photography
When three drifters come into the possession of stolen gold they are imprisoned then sprung by a friend and tracked by the outlaw Jackson brothers, who originally stole the gold.
Director of Photography
Francesco and Franco are brothers in law but, since their respective wives can't stand each other, are always arguing. When Francesco decides to run for Parliament, Franco is kidnapped by his opposing party and forced to run as well. The clashes between the two in-laws will continue in Parliament.
Director of Photography
Преуспевающий художник Тангреди прилетает к себе на родину, в Италию. В самолёте он знакомится с прекрасной стюардессой Джуди. У них вспыхивает бурный роман, Тангреди расстаётся с женой ради Джуди. Они проводят чудесные дни на острове Капри. Но продлится ли их счастье вечно?
Director of Photography
An outcast Confederate soldier protects a woman from bandits trying to steal her gold mine.
Director of Photography
Tony and some friends put together a rock band to do some concerts and earn some money. Unfortunately the military service is incumbent, but fortunately the boys will find themselves in the same barracks.
Director of Photography
A man tracks down the five outlaws who murdered his brother, all the while being shadowed by a mysterious Pinkerton detective.
Director of Photography
A waitress helps a scientist flee the Nazis.
Director of Photography
After robbing $500,000, the Jarret gang hides in a small isolated western town, where they are waiting for a scout to take them through the desert to Mexico. But the unresolved conflicts between Jarret and El Santo, the brains of the bandits, who has also an eye on Jarret's girlfriend, become a problem amongst the bandits. And there is also an underestimated scalawag named Billy Rum and his friend Mark, who are trying to help the captured citizens.
Команда астронавтов во главе с майором Перри Роданом летит на Луну для её исследования. В это время за ними следят мафиози с Земли. На Луне экипаж корабля "Звёздная пыль" почти терпит крушение, но выживает. С ними вступают в контакт инопланетяне человекоподобного вида с другой планеты, чтобы те помогли им с одной проблемой, но история приобретает несколько неожиданных поворотов.
Director of Photography
An Italian music promoter has engaged an English rock band who wear their hair short, and since it is the 1960s, people don't like them. The band and the promoter wait for the hair to grow, but in the meantime the lads are called for military service and have their hair cut again. They decide to call themselves I Galeotti (the convicts).
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Antonio Moruzzo is the son of a butcher with a passion for music and beautiful girls. The father wants him to study but he would rather run around the countryside and sing his songs.
Director of Photography
Из-за всеобщего общего таяния ледниковых покровов метеостанция в Гималаях разрушена, и Гамма I посылает командующих Рода Джексона и его напарника, Франка Пулаского, чтобы заняться расследованиями. Вместе с Лайзой Нилсон и их гидом-шерпа они захвачены группой волосатых гигантов с синими телами, лидер которых объясняет, что они — Айтийцы и это они установили эту ретрансляционную станцию на Земле.
Director of Photography
In an operation aimed at hitting the mafia, the Sicilian police hunt down several assassins to trace their bosses. The hunted, with the help of the mafia, try to escape from the island.
Director of Photography
Отец Джанго, который ведет дела вместе со своим напарником Кластером, застрелен наемным убийцей. Джанго наследуя часть отцовского бизнеса, намерен свести счеты с Кластером...
Director of Photography
Том Корбетт возвращается в родной городок на Диком западе. Разыскивая своего брата и мать, он узнает, что вся власть в долине принадлежит господину Скотту и его сыну Джейсону. На окраине городка в хилой лачуге он находит мать и брата Джеффа пристрастившегося к мексиканской текиле. Брат рассказывает Тому, что дом его семьи и все что у них было забрал себе Скотт. Том возмущен и призывает Джеффа отомстить обидчику. Перезарядив свои верные кольты и оседлав лошадей, братья отправляются на ранчо к Скотту… Зло должно быть наказано. Такой меткой стрельбы, которую устроили братья, еще не видели здешние места…
Camera Operator
Учёные пытаются предотвратить столкновение между Землёй и приближающейся планетой, представляющей собой единый живой организм.
Director of Photography
В 21-ом столетии иноземные (странные зеленые огни, что иногда проявляются как большие облака дыма) вторгаются в Солнечную систему. Используя Марс как пристанище, они крадут все космические станции Земли…
Director of Photography
A Mexican bandit teams up with a band of renegade Native Americans to avenge his older brothers when they are killed by a prankster, gold-obsessed bounty hunter.
Director of Photography
Сумасшедший доктор, стремящий создать новую расу людей, с помощью своих подручных похищает здоровые человеческие «образцы» и экспериментирует с ними. На его беду одной из похищенных становится подружка крутого космического полицейского Майка Хальмстеда.
Director of Photography
A U.S. agent goes undercover as a rich playboy to stop a madman from destroying a NASA moon project.
Director of Photography
When a trio of scientists who have discovered an alternative energy source starts dying mysteriously Bob Fleming goes to Casablanca to solve the mystery.
Director of Photography
An American CIA agent must find the whereabouts of valuable microfilm that was smuggled over by two Russian scientists who had been hoping to defect.
Director of Photography
Молодой граф Курт силой взял в жены Элизабет, дочь сожженной на костре ведьмы, которая была обвинена в совершенном им самим преступлении. Когда в его замке неожиданно появилась Мэри, он воспылал новой преступной страстью. Он решился на убийство Элизабет, вступив для этого в сговор с любовницей и не подозревая, что проклятие, наложенное на его род безвинно сожженной женщиной, уже начало сбываться.
Director of Photography
The evil Dr. Mabuse develops a death ray with which he threatens the world.
Director of Photography
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.
Director of Photography
Журналист Алан Фостер приходит в лондонскую таверну, чтобы взять интервью у Эдгара Алана По. Известный писатель в застольной беседе утверждает, что все его рассказы являются истиной от первого и до последнего слова, а его таинственный собеседник предлагает скептически настроенному Алану пари, по которому тот должен провести сегодняшнюю ночь в фамильном замке Блэквуд. Не веря во всю эту мистическую чушь, молодой человек отважно входит в замок, и встречает там очаровательную Элизабет, а потом и её сестру, и других персонажей, которым будет, что рассказать и показать всё ещё неверящему в потустороннее Алану.
Director of Photography
A young German comes to Rome on vacation and is not slow to win female hearts. When the game become dangerous due to a possible marriage, the young man returns to his homeland.
Director of Photography
Four comedic episodes follows different taxi drivers.
Director of Photography
Four former soldiers meet and reminisce about the time they were in active service: a parachutist mistaking his sergeants house for a brothel, a hypnotized sailor who thinks he has changed his sex, two GIs captured by an African tribe.
Director of Photography
After the death of Emperor Constantine in Rome, the persecutions of the Christians threaten the centurion Marco forced to become a gladiator.
Director of Photography
Two Sicilian cousins are forced to go to Japan to collect an inheritance. Once they arrive they realize they will have to adapt to the local customs. The tour will turn into a long series of troubles: the Sicilian cousins, to obtain the inheritance, will have to turn into real samurai.
Second Unit Director of Photography
A Roman Consul, on his way to fight a border war, stations a garrison of soldiers in a provincial town. The townspeople aren't happy with this situation but decide it's in their best interests to cooperate. However, the Tribune left in charge of the garrison proves to be cruel and demanding.
Director of Photography
An Italian variation on the Frankie & Annette-Gidget beach party movies that were all the rage in North America in the early 60s. Nicole Molino (Catherine Spaak) and Nicola Molino (Gianni Garko) are not related to one another. In fact, they don’t even know each other until both are inadvertently assigned the same hotel room on the island of Ischia. Nicole isn’t interested in any hanky-panky, so Nicola reluctantly promises to keep his hands to himself.
Director of Photography
Italian explorer rescues the daughter of the Mongol leader Kublai Khan, meets a hermit who has invented gunpowder and builds a cannon.
Director of Photography
Maciste travels to Hell to find a witch and make her undo a curse she put on the surface world.
Director of Photography
Sam must rescue a beautiful Chinese princess from a marauding horde of warriors.
Director of Photography
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
Director of Photography
Five GIs end up in a female college during their military manouvers. They are very welcome by the girls and since one of them has also a beautiful voice they take part in a show organized by the college.
Director of Photography
Strongman Maciste must battle the one-eyed Cyclops monster that is ravaging the land of Sadok, while at the same time fending off the advances of the evil Queen Capys, who wants to do a little ravaging of her own.
Director of Photography
Четверо безденежных друзей узнают, что в Таормину, знаменитый итальянский пляжный курорт, с целью найти себе нового мужа приехала известная миллиардерша Барбара Паттон. Недолго думая, они решают поправить свои финансовые дела с помощью брачной аферы.
Director of Photography
An American military aircraft with some female soldiers crash lands in an Italian air base to the delight of the Italian soldiers.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Otello, an amateur thief, tries a burglary on New Year Eve but he finds the maid Adalgisa in the supposedly empty house. Adalgisa likes Otello who, all things considered, is a good guy, unlike Amerigo the night watchman who tries to profit from the situation.
Director of Photography
Drama directed by Armando Fizzarotti.
Director of Photography
These are the years of the Second World War, and Toto is imprisoned in a concentration camp, suffering the harassment of Colonel Hammler, a Nazi cruel and despotic.
Camera Operator
Древние пророчества гласили, что однажды появится человек, который сможет объединить племена свирепых воинов и бросить вызов непобедимой Римской империи, которая веками правила античным миром. Имя этого человека стало легендарным и навсегда вошло в историю человечества: Аттила - бесстрашный повелитель гуннов. Нам предстоит стать свидетелями противостояния двух самых могущественных людей своего времени и их армий: непокорного Аттилы и прославленного римского полководца Флавия...
Director of Photography
Two widowers decide to get married but their decision is continually hampered by their grandchildren, who are just interested in their inheritance.
Director of Photography
Felice Sciosciammocca, the mayor of Roccasecca, sends his nephew Ciccillo to Naples so that he will become a good doctor.
Director of Photography
Алберто Сорди, деревенский простак, обладающий кольцом со скарабеем, проникает во дворец к Клеопатре, имеющей обыкновение умерщвлять на утро своих любовников. Царица в тот момент ждала покушения и вместо себя поместила в опочивальню очень похожую на себя блондинку, с которой Сорди провел первую ночь.
A team of highly trained Italian seamen are taken to the island of Stampalia where there are to take their torpedo-laden attack craft on a daring attack on the port of Suda.
Director of Photography
A clown named Tottons of the Togni circus, obliged to never take off his clown makeup or reveal his identity, is continually persecuted by the jealousy of three women and even by a policeman.
Director of Photography
Одного мошенника, Феличе бросают к тюрьму, где уже сидит другой мошенник, Фаина. Довольно быстро подружившись, они сбегают, после чего, после недолгих приключений едут в Сорренто, где Тото выдает себя за турка и нанимается в услужение к очень ревнивому владельцу магазина, у которого молодая жена и еще более молодая дочь.
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
A police officer meets a girl who is near to falling into the net of shady individuals. To prevent this, he invites her into the police station and tells her a story.
Director of Photography
A high school girl, enamored by her young teacher, follows him and discovers that his home life holds many secrets.
Camera Operator
Fernando, owner of a large chain store, suffers from worrying dreams: he seems to successfully court saucy women, but just as he is about to win them over, a youngster comes on the scene and steals them from under his nose.
Camera Operator
In a small village two twin brothers are of opposite characters. One is mayor of the town, gruff and precise. The other is totally different from his brother and loves the good life and beautiful women.
Camera Operator
The Milanese Luigi Pizzigoni, photographer, and the Neapolitan barber Peppino Avallone, resident in Milan, are opponents in the sports field. The first is a proud Inter supporter, while the second is from Napoli.
Camera Operator
The young Uguccione is mistaken for Rascelito Villa called "C6", a dangerous revolutionary, and then immediately sent to Parazuela where he leads the insurrectionist troops.
Camera Operator
During the absence of her husband, who left for a fishing cruise in the seas of China, Carmela falls under the spell of Vito, a young fisherman.
Camera Operator
A man drives his car off a cliff in an apparent suicide. One insurance investigator is not so sure it was an accident or suicide and gets 48 hours to prove his case.
Camera Operator
The city of Pola is being evacuated after the peace conference of 1947 decided to assign the sovereignty to Tito's Yugoslavia. However the main character decides to stay, thinking that Communism might bring him a better future. Life turns to be hard for him and his family until he changes his mind, but he is killed before he can leave the country.