Randy Carter


Lust, Lies, and Polygamy
Ellen believes she has the perfect life. When her new husband, Paul, isn’t traveling on business, he dotes on her and her daughter. But after a stranger is caught prowling around their house, things don’t add up. Why is Paul always away on business? And did he know the prowler? It's as if something, or someone, is taking over his priorities. Ellen begins to discover a web of lies that she must expose to in order to free herself and her daughter. That is, if Paul doesn’t stop her first.
Trapped in the Farmhouse
On the run from her abusive boyfriend, a woman takes shelter in an isolated farmhouse, unaware that something far worse is waiting for her inside.
Sweet on You
Kate, a small town pie shoppe owner, encounters city boy Drew who, unbeknownst to Kate, is in town to build tract homes that would run straight through her shoppe… until Drew finds his heart stuck between his family’s wishes and a chance at love.
A Prince and Pauper Christmas
When her down-on-his luck confidential informant in a criminal investigation suddenly goes missing, a desperate young federal agent recruits his doppelgänger to play his role.
The Search for Secret Santa
Cub reporter Sofia thinks she's found a Christmas story that will save her career when she discovers a long-lost, undelivered Secret Santa gift addressed from B. to Claire.
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Murder
In the middle of preparing for her business’ biggest season, Diana Hart learns she inherited an old house from her beloved aunt. Matt, the estate attorney and her former flame, insists she stick around and sort out the details over Christmas break, as he tries to rekindle their old romance. But the longer Diana stays the more she finds clues that suggest her aunt was murdered, and that the culprit might be her handsome companion. Yet the bigger question is–will she survive Christmas?
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Murder
Associate Producer
In the middle of preparing for her business’ biggest season, Diana Hart learns she inherited an old house from her beloved aunt. Matt, the estate attorney and her former flame, insists she stick around and sort out the details over Christmas break, as he tries to rekindle their old romance. But the longer Diana stays the more she finds clues that suggest her aunt was murdered, and that the culprit might be her handsome companion. Yet the bigger question is–will she survive Christmas?
The Case of the Christmas Diamond
Blue-collar Andy finds herself accused of theft when a multimillion-dollar gem suddenly goes missing from her rich friend's estate. With the help of a famous mystery writer, Andy must find the real culprit amid the litany of wealthy guests.
A Cozy Christmas Inn
Real estate exec, Erika, travels to Alaska during Christmastime to acquire a bed and breakfast, only to discover that it’s owned by her ex. While there, she finds herself falling in love with the town and quite possibly him.
Случайная любовь
Алексу бросает парень прямо в её День Рождения. В расстроенных чувствах она пишет сообщение подруге, но ошибается номером и случайно отправляет рассказ о разбитом сердце Джейсону, с которым у неё завязывается общение. Девушка обретает хорошего друга, который всегда готов выслушать. Действительно ли это просто дружба или между ними пробежала искра?
The Christmas Ball
Clare, a woman struggling with her dance career, accepts her Aunt Bridget’s invitation to come to England for the holidays. When Clare arrives, she meets Liam, a handsome historian who is determined to prove Aunt Bridget’s manor is a historical landmark. Realizing Clare can help Liam prove the manor’s historical value, Aunt Bridget proposes they work together to bring back the Christmas Ball from years ago. In the planning process, Clare and Liam begin to fall in love and realize their true passion in life is to be together.
Blending Christmas
The holiday season is in full swing when Emma learns that the resort where she used to spend Christmases with her family is being redeveloped.
A Picture Perfect Holiday
Gaby Jones, fashion photographer, takes a holiday retreat against her desire by advise of her friend. She will then find that there's more behind a photo when she meets wildlife photographer Sean.
Killer Cheer Mom
When several cheerleaders are expelled from school or injured under mysterious circumstances, new student Riley begins to suspect her stepmom might be to blame.
Killer Cheer Mom
When several cheerleaders are expelled from school or injured under mysterious circumstances, new student Riley begins to suspect her stepmom might be to blame.
The Killer in My Backyard
After purchasing a house, Allyson and her fiancé Eric decide to rent out the guest house to cover the cost of some expenses. Joshua arrives willing to put up a hefty rent for a short stay, and appears to be the perfect tenant. But soon after, Josh's behavior makes the couple uneasy, and his twisted plan begins to unfurl.
The Wrong Prince Charming
Successful entrepreneur Bridget (Vivica A. Fox,) has just scored a meeting with the famed Prince of Devonshire about a possible multi-million-dollar investment in one of her properties. She and her young lawyer, Anna, feel like they are living in a fantasy with the handsome prince who seems like the perfect partner for Bridget and the right guy for Anna until they discover that he’s not what he seems. Cristine Prosperi, James Nitti, and Tracy Nelson co-star.
Cheer Camp Killer
When Sophia gets into an exclusive cheer camp with her best friend Charlotte, she's ecstatic to show off her skills. Camp queen bee Victoria and her overbearing mother Beth do not take kindly to a newcomer taking her spotlight, so they launch a dangerous plan to get their rival out of the way.
Cheer Camp Killer
When Sophia gets into an exclusive cheer camp with her best friend Charlotte, she's ecstatic to show off her skills. Camp queen bee Victoria and her overbearing mother Beth do not take kindly to a newcomer taking her spotlight, so they launch a dangerous plan to get their rival out of the way.
Опасная связь
Неожиданная встреча адвоката Элли с ее давним другом Дэвидом оборачивается жуткими последствиями. Одержимость ею Дэвида ставит под угрозу жизни всех, кого любит Элли.
Заезд в Рождество
Джулия Кроули приезжает домой, чтобы провести каникулы со своей семьёй. Их семейная гостиница годами враждует с конкурентами Мейсонами, также владеющими небольшим семейным отелем. Каждый год оба семейства отчаянно соревнуются в рождественских конкурсах. Ситуацию усложняет то, что в соревнованиях участвует неотразимый парень по имени Райан Мейсон. А тем временем над всем малым бизнесом городка нависла угроза - корпоративный застройщик ищет пути для выкупа недвижимости.
The Wrong Mommy
After receiving a promotion and more responsibility at work, Melanie decides to hire Phoebe as her personal assistant. Smart and cunning, Phoebe has an ulterior motive for taking the job and a twisted plan for revenge involving Melanie's mother.
Тайная одержимость
Очнувшись в больнице после аварии с травмой головы Дженнифер не может ничего вспомнить из прошлого. Муж, радуясь что она осталась жива, отвозит её домой, в уединенное горное поместье. Наедине с мужчиной, о котором она ничего не помнит, ей становится очень тревожно. Ведущий расследование детектив Фрэнк Пейдж подозревает, что произошедшее не является случайностью. После того как его дочь пропала без вести и не была найдена, он очень тщательно проверяет все улики, пытаясь ничего не упустить. Найдя фотографии пострадавшей женщины в Интернете, где она с мужем, Пейдж понимает, что ей грозит смертельная опасность. Ведь человек забравший Дженнифер из больницы — не её муж.
Sister of the Bride
After only 6 months of dating, Stephanie and Ben get engaged and are delighted to share the news. However, they hit a road bump when Stephanie’s parents show concern that the couple has moved too fast.
Страна рождественских чудес
Хайди, которая когда-то уехала из родного города с мечтой стать успешным художником, решила взять паузу в творчестве, чтобы стать искусствоведом. Но всего за неделю до большой рождественской выставки, ей приходится вернуться домой и столкнуться со своим бывшим из школы, Крисом, который теперь стал учителем и пытается организовать ежегодный Снежный Бал. Хайди предлагает свою помощь, и они находят идеальное место для праздника. Чем больше времени Хайди проводит в своём родном городе, тем больше вдохновения она находит для организации праздника и для продолжения своего творчества. Но с приближением Рождества, ей приходится сделать выбор: строить успешную карьеру в большом городе или остаться дома, там, где она нашла своё вдохновение.
A Wedding for Christmas
Haley Foster built a big city life in Los Angeles as a top wedding planner at an elite and powerful company run by Ms. Reynolds. When her sister, Angela, insists on getting married Christmas Day on the tree farm in their old hometown of Truxton, Haley is resigned to make her sister’s dreams come true and her parents happy.
Jingle Belle
Every year, Isabelle (Tatyana Ali) and her high school sweetheart Mike (Cornelius Smith Jr.), rocked their small town’s annual Christmas Eve Pageant with a sweet Christmas duet. But after graduation, Isabelle left to study at Juillard in New York – leaving Mike behind. Years later, when Isabelle returns to her hometown to write music for the annual Christmas Eve Pageant, she is shocked to learn that Mike is the one directing the show. Can Isabelle and Mike put the past behind them and reunite on stage for another show-stopping duet?
Обманчивое впечатление
Когда Райли впервые встречает обаятельного парня по имени Крис, он кажется ей самим совершенством, но после вечеринки в его доме она понимает, что у Криса есть и темная сторона.
Скрытые помыслы
Мать Софи погибает в автомобильной аварии. Вскоре после похорон, на пороге семейного дома заявляется давным давно заблудшая тётя Джордин. Софи чувствует, что с тётей что-то не так, и пытается узнать истынные намерения незваной гостьи, в то время, как ДжордИн умело очаровывает друзей и родных Софи и занимает место своей погибшей сестры.
Delivering Christmas
When a young girl tries to write a letter to Santa, she confesses to the mailman that she can't think of what to ask for after her Grandma passed away and her mother has been really sad. Without family to spend the holiday with, the mailman decides that for the next twelve days, he will deliver surprise gifts to the mom to remind her of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
The Ugly Christmas Sweater
During her first days working at a social media company, Megan’s team is tasked with finding the best Christmas hashtag and she is determined to be the one to do so to impress her boss and the cute guy in her cubicle. However, when she is forced to wear her eccentric grandmother’s gift—an ugly Christmas sweater—her unfortunate turn of events may well be the key to winning over her new boss and her new beau.
Switched for Christmas
Identical twins Kate and Chris Lockhart plot to be the other sister – at Kate’s office and Chris’ school – and take on planning their sister’s Christmas events. One rule, though: no romance.
Солнце, море и любовь
Кейт отправляется в отпуск вместе со своим парнем Эриком. На курорте девушка встречается со своим старым другом. Эта встреча подтолкнёт Кейт сделать нелегкий выбор в своей жизни.
Его тайное прошлое
Популярный писатель детективов Дженнифер Беккер живёт в роскоши в маленьком прибрежном городке в Калифорнии со своей дочерью Лили. Однажды, во время пробежки, на Лили нападают, однако, ей на помощь приходит таинственный незнакомец по имени Мик. Местный шериф начинает подозревать, что чудесное появление Мика — не простая случайность. Вместе с Дженнифер они затевают расследование и обнаруживают, что Мик — не тот, за кого себя выдаёт...
Его тайное прошлое
Популярный писатель детективов Дженнифер Беккер живёт в роскоши в маленьком прибрежном городке в Калифорнии со своей дочерью Лили. Однажды, во время пробежки, на Лили нападают, однако, ей на помощь приходит таинственный незнакомец по имени Мик. Местный шериф начинает подозревать, что чудесное появление Мика — не простая случайность. Вместе с Дженнифер они затевают расследование и обнаруживают, что Мик — не тот, за кого себя выдаёт...
Муж на Рождество
Brooke and Roger, two graphic designers in a soon-to-be-merged company, help one another by agreeing to a loveless marriage of convenience, suggested by their new boss. In the process, Brooke gets to upstage the sister who just announced her engagement to Brooke's ex-boyfriend during the holidays. But, with their “marriage” in question, will Brooke and Roger find a spark they didn’t know existed?
Мой солнечный принц
Менеджер по связям с общественностью Дидра и её помощница Мэнди прилетели в небольшой городок в штате Айдахо, чтобы помочь принцу Колину, арестованному за порчу общественного имущества. Там у Мэнди появился шанс не только проявить себя перед лицом начальницы, но и узнать коронованного принца поближе.
The Wrong Child
A wealthy woman who's married to a successful architect welcomes her husband's alleged son into the family after he appears on their doorstep, but she soon discovers the mysterious teen is a dangerous sociopath with a grudge.
His Double Life
A young woman returns home from college and becomes suspicious of her new stepdad, her late father's business partner, after she discovers him meeting with a mysterious woman who turns up dead the following day.
A Mother's Revenge
Jennifer quickly grabs a black suitcase off the airport luggage carousel. She later discovers she's grabbed the wrong bag. Soon a man calls claiming he will harm her daughter if she doesn't follow his instructions and return his baggage.
The Wrong Roommate
Following a break-up with her unfaithful fiancé, a young college professor agrees to live at her sister’s and watch over the home and her 17 year old niece. Unbeknownst to her, a gorgeous tenant, who is friendly to her young niece, is living in the guest house. But things aren't that simple as this mysterious stranger turns out to have a troubled past with dangerous consequences.
Christmas Land
Jules has just inherited a quaint magical Christmas-themed village and Christmas tree farm bequeathed her by her grandmother. She plans to sell it and use the profits to buy her dream home in New York City. But the longer Jules stays on the farm and the more she learns how important Christmas Land has been to so many families, the more Jules starts to question her motives to sell.
A Prince for Christmas
A prince from Europe meets a charming waitress when he travels to America during the Christmas holiday to escape an arranged marriage.
Чтобы развеяться, мать и дочь на денек отправляются сплавляться по реке. Живописные места, ностальгические воспоминания, надежды на светлое будущее. Все это разом исчезнет, когда на своем пути путешественницы случайно встретят трех беглых каторжников.
Amityville Death House
Co-Executive Producer
A young woman and her friends are threatened by an ancient witch's curse when they stop in the town of Amityville to check in on her sickly grandmother.
A Christmas Mystery
While searching through her late mothers attic, Rebecca uncovers sealed cards from a mysterious suitor that had been addressed to her widowed Mom over the past 12 Christmases. As she begins to wonder the identity of man, Rebecca hires a handsome, yet mysterious, detective to help solve the mystery behind the letters.
Christmas In Palm Springs
Jessica has a big presentation in Palm Springs. There are a couple of problems though: her two kids who will do anything to get mom and dad back together again - even if they have to hack mom's phone or pose as a secretary to make sure dad's in Palm Springs too. And father Joe who'll do anything to charm his way back into Jessica's life.
After Midnight
When an exotic dancer is murdered at a seedy strip club, her sister Constance, a TV newscaster, goes undercover to find the killer. While working at the club, she quickly realizes that everyone is a suspect and that other dancers are being targeted. She must work fast to find the killer to seek her revenge before she becomes the next target.
Одержимость в старшей школе
Компания подростков планирует провести сеанс экзорцизма, выбрав в качестве подопытной свою одноклассницу. Её лучшая подруга пытается им помешать.
After receiving a series of anonymous love notes, Spidora, a performer in a carnival Side Show, is finally encouraged to meet her secret admirer. But is he real or just an illusion?
Всё, что я хочу на Рождество
After being told by her boss that the company needs to attract more clients, Elizabeth, a skilled executive, meets one of Santa’s helpers, who blesses her with an extraordinary gift allowing Elizabeth to hear everyone’s unspoken thoughts. While first using her new-found power to get ahead at work, she soon learns to become a better person, turning an office rivalry into romance while learning the true meaning of Christmas along the way.
Dear Secret Santa
Beverly Hills banker/workaholic Jennifer comes home to her small Northern California town just before Christmas when her dad, Ted, takes a bad fall while putting up decorations. While home, Jenny begins getting romantic Christmas cards from an unknown admirer, who turns out to be her old neighbor and the unrealized love of her life, Jack. There's just one problem - Jack died in a car accident three years ago.
Abner, the Invisible Dog
A bullied teen stumbles into possession of a top-secret government formula that turns his dog invisible and gives it the power of speech.
Спасаясь от домашнего тирана, главная героиня вместе с дочерью инсценирует свою смерть. Спустя восемь лет страхи остались в прошлом, жизнь наладилась, вместе с подросшей девушкой они счастливо живут в фешенебельном Палм-Спрингсе. И как это обычно случается в кино, обманутый муж узнает о коварной подставе и жаждет мести.
Повестка в суд
Пять лет назад Лаура Элкотт и 11 других присяжных вынесли обвинительный приговор серийному убийце, и теперь они начинают умирать один за другим…
All About Christmas Eve
'Tis the Season for Evelyn Wright...literally, she is a party planner in NYC. At the last minute Eve finds out that one of her agency's top clients is throwing a HUGE Christmas event, in LA, on Christmas Eve! Eve must decide whether to take on the event or risk her career to go on a romantic vacation with her boyfriend Darren. Unbeknownst to Eve, her future all depends on whether or not she makes a plane. We see it both ways, in parallel.
Jersey Shore Shark Attack
Many years ago, hundreds of locals and tourists were massacred by giant man-eating sharks in the infamous 1916 Jersey Shore attacks. But that's just a legend... or is it? It's a holiday weekend on the Jersey Shore and, unbeknownst to anyone, underwater drills have attracted dozens of albino bull sharks to the pier. When a man goes missing, TC (The Complication), Nookie and friends fear the worst and plead with the police chief to close down the beach. It isn't until a famous singer is eaten alive during a performance on the pier that the shark hunt begins. Now, the Preppies must work together with the Guidos in order to save the Jersey Shore and its inhabitants from another vicious slaughter.
Hatfields and Mccoys:  Bad Blood
In this bloody long-standing feud, two families seek vengeance against each other as they unmercifully attempt to destroy each other's loved ones.
Курс на столкновение
Кейт Паркс провела последний год в рекламном туре в поддержку своей книги, в которой она рассказала о том, как пытались скрыть смерть ее мужа в авиакатастрофе. Теперь все, что она хочет, это вернуться домой, к своей 15-летней дочери Саманта. Но авиалайнер, на котором летит Кейт, повреждает сильная солнечная вспышка, в результате которой один пилот погибает, второй оказывается без сознания, а вся электроника выходит из строя. Кейт вместе со стюардом Джейком пытается взять под контроль самолет и паникующих пассажиров. Кейт пытается найти способ связаться со службой управления полетами и благополучно осуществить посадку…
Return of the Killer Shrews
A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than fifty years earlier.
Super Shark
An offshore drilling accident triggers the release of a giant prehistoric shark. When marine biologist Kat Carmichael arrives, she runs up against corporate front man Roger Wade, who plots with Stewart to disrupt her investigation. With the help of Skipper Chuck and disc jockey Dynamite Stevens, Kat tries to find a way to defeat the monster which has evolved to a state where it can walk on dry land and fly...it's the SUPER SHARK!
12 Рождественских желаний
Жизнь Лоры Линдси распадается на части – и это накануне Рождества! Когда терять уже нечего, отчаявшаяся женщина обращается к психологу Ноэль Найтингейл с просьбой о помощи. Но единственный совет, который она получает – это пойти домой и начать загадывать желания. Преодолев скепсис, Лора так и поступает. И вдруг все загаданное начинает сбываться! Привести свою жизнь в порядок – задача не из легких, и, похоже, исполнение желаний приносит порой больше вреда, чем пользы. Теперь Лоре нужно успеть вернуть все на свои места до наступления стремительно приближающегося праздника. И тут уже без рождественских чудес никак не обойтись.
3 Musketeers
First Assistant Director
Alexandra D'Artagnan, junior member of NSA uncovers a conspiracy that the goal is to assassinate the American president. Alexandra has secured the support of three famous and notorious international spies in order to stop the assassination.
Призраки Салема
Second Assistant Director
Когда новый шериф штата Массачусетс Салем обнаруживает, что он является жертвой многовекового проклятья, он встает на защиту своей семьи от мстительных призраков, которые теперь преследуют его.
Могучий Тор
Second Assistant Director
Тор отправляется на Землю, чтобы в очередной раз вступить в смертельную битву за человечество. На этот раз он должен вырвать из рук зла Молот Власти. И если он проиграет битву — планета будет уничтожена…
300 километров в час
Second Assistant Director
Во время уличных гонок, в страшной аварии погибает брат Рика. Желая во чтоб это ни стало найти виновных, Рик погружается в опасный мир стрит-рейсинга и становится настоящим чемпионом! И теперь над ним самим нависает опасность, ведь он становится частью мира больших денег и грязной игры…
Американские бандиты: Френк и Джесси Джеймс
После того, как Джесси Джеймс ранен, его банда разделяется, что бы через четыре дня встретиться в заброшенном городе Джила Уэльс. Но, когда они встречаются, обнаруживают, что решительный Маршал Кейн устроил им настоящую ловушку.
Turbulent Skies
Second Unit Director
When a new airplane that's equipped with a new computer that can fly the plane on its own, is about to have its first flight. But the son of the owner decides to upload more software, he doesn't bother to check if there are any viruses with it. And he also invites some potential investors to try it. So the plane appears to be working well but suddenly it veers off course and it can't be shut down. When the military learns of this and fears what if something happens if it's over a populated area; decides to shoot it down along with everyone on board. The man who built the computer whose wife is among the passengers thinks if he can get on board he might be able to shut it down and regain control of the plane. So the military using a new plane gets him on board. But what he didn't know is that both pilots are incapacitated so there's no one who can fly the plane.
Turbulent Skies
When a new airplane that's equipped with a new computer that can fly the plane on its own, is about to have its first flight. But the son of the owner decides to upload more software, he doesn't bother to check if there are any viruses with it. And he also invites some potential investors to try it. So the plane appears to be working well but suddenly it veers off course and it can't be shut down. When the military learns of this and fears what if something happens if it's over a populated area; decides to shoot it down along with everyone on board. The man who built the computer whose wife is among the passengers thinks if he can get on board he might be able to shut it down and regain control of the plane. So the military using a new plane gets him on board. But what he didn't know is that both pilots are incapacitated so there's no one who can fly the plane.
Avenging Force: The Scarab
When a mystical scarab stone falls into the hand of an archaeologist, an evil villain known as the Sphinx tries to retrieve it, unaware that the stone has transformed the archaeologist into the super powered hero The Scarab.
Volcanic activity awakens a prehistoric giant anaconda, forcing the local Sheriff and a band of volunteers to stop the menace.
Vampire In Vegas
In Las Vegas, the powerful three hundred year old vampire Sylvian hires Dr. van Helm to research a cure to survive in the sun. She uses three vampire women as guinea pigs to test the serum in the desert and a couple that is camping witnesses the failure and calls the police. Detective Stanton and his partner Detective O'Hara are assigned to investigate the case. Meanwhile, Jason, who is going to marry Rachel, and two friends travel to Las Vegas for his bachelor party with a couple of strippers, but the women are actually vampires that attack them. Out of the blue, Rachel and her friend Nikki decide to travel to Las Vegas to surprise her boyfriends. The group is captured by Sylvian that uses them to feed the pack vampires and test the new research.
Silent Venom
An American submarine traveling through dangerous territorial waters is put in even more danger when two scientists bring venomous snakes on board.
Лодка с небольшой коммандой садится на мель у острова. Герои обнаруживают, что на этом острове они не одни. На острове они сталкиваются с коммандой спецназа. Вместе им предстоит расследования некогда происходивших на острове экспериментов, а также столкновения с их результатом — огромной плотоядной летающей рептилией, жаждующей плоти и крови.
Искусство войны 3: Возмездие
Агент Шоу должен пытаться остановить группу северокорейских террористов от получения в свои руки ядерную бомбу и спасти посредника, который оказался в этих событиях. Шоу, которого также несправедливо обвинили в убийстве, должен использовать свои навыки боевых искусств по предотвращению бедствий, когда террористы захотят взорвать ядерное устройство в мирном саммите ООН.
Solar Flare
A young math genius discovers a huge solar storm on the verge of destroying the Earth's power grid and he must alert the world before a powerful businessman stops him.
Polar Opposites
When Earth's magnetic poles begin reversing, David Terran, the only scientist who predited the possibility of such a sci-fi disaster, must join forces with his estranged friend and lover to save the world. Though his writings found mass readership, scientists scoffed at his theories. But when an Iranian underground nuclear test sets off a global phenomenon that matches David's doomsday scenario, he must attempt to find a solution in order to avoid a catastrophic event of global proportions. -dpeavy
An Accidental Christmas
Separated after 15 years of marriage, Vicki and Jason are set up by their two teenage children to spend a Christmas vacation together on the beach. But their family vacation is further complicated when Vicki's boss and Jason's gorgeous assistant show up. As Jason spends more time with Vicki, it becomes clear that this marriage is far from over, and he decides to propose to her all over again. It will take a lot of luck, plenty of love and a little dose of magic to bring this family back together again.
Nuclear Hurricane
Linda is trapped when the nuclear power plant in which she works threatens a meltdown, while her girlfriend takes on a major storm which could destroy their island home.
Аварийная посадка
Чудом выжив после авиакатастрофы, бесстрашный военный летчик Джон Мастерс получает пустяковое задание — сопровождать в полете в Австралию Киру, дочь миллиардера, и ее веселую компанию. Но когда самолет захватывают террористы, Джон понимает, что этот рейс станет для него новым экстремальным испытанием. В перестрелке со злодеями лайнер поврежден, и теперь пассажиры адского рейса спасутся, только если Джон сумеет совершить посадку на военном аэродроме в глухих джунглях. Правда, никто пока не знает, что в баках осталось слишком мало топлива, а посреди взлетной полосы восседает огромный валун! Идя на безумный риск, Джон всё же решает совершить аварийную посадку…
Komodo vs. Cobra
A team of environmentalists, including a reporter, her camera man, and an environmentalist's famous girlfriend charter a boat and with the captain, sail to a military island. They suspect the island is hosting to illegal activities. Upon arrival, however, they find no one. They finally reach a deserted house, where they find Dr. Susan Richardson, who tells them that everyone on the island is dead, including her father. Richardson's team were working on a compound that could make edible plants grow to super size, however the military intervened with plans of their own. They wanted to test the compound's effects on animals, and proceeded to feed it to several komodo dragons and cobras.
Cry of the Winged Serpent
A Young Man is given an amulet that can call upon the power of a mythical winged serpent, which he uses to get revenge on the murderers of his family
Delta Delta Die!
Mother Fitch (Julie Strain) and her girls have an insatiable taste for men; their flesh that is. The Delta Delta Pi sorority girls are not only the most popular and wealthy on campus, but also the most deadly. Now, as they prepare for their 20th anniversary homecoming, a meddlesome student has enlisted the help of DDP charter member Rhonda Cooper (Brinke). Together they attempt to end the sorority's reign of culinary terror that grips the California campus.
Flyin' Ryan
When twelve-year-old Ryan is forced to move to a new town, he soon discovers the kids there are mean and tough. And they really don't like strangers. But when they steal his dog Theo, Ryan is given a strange pair of magical shoes and finds that the sky's the limit.
Birth Rite
On her 18th birthday, Rebecca meets a mysterious man with magical powers. Roman, the warlock, shows her how her parents were murdered and bestows upon her the Sacred Amulet that is her birth rite. As she delves into the black arts of witchcraft, her adopted sister, Erin, fights to save her soul from the evil that has possessed her. It all ends in a showdown of good and evil as Erin and Roman battle for Rebecca.
Новый Алькатрас
Paleontologist Robert Trenton is called to Northeastern Antarctica near the Indian Ocean to help the FBI build an underground maximum-security military base and prison for the world's most dangerous criminals and terrorists, which is dubbed "New Alcatrax" by the staff. While building the prison, the staff accidentally awaken and unleash a prehistoric Boa Constrictor from its 200 year hibernation.
Mutant snakes survived a terrorist attack on a government laboratory, and they now threaten the town of Santa Mira Springs, California. Seismic activity has brought snakes to the surface, where residents are being bitten. Victims can transmit the virus to healthy persons. The military puts the town under quarantine. Local physicians try to control the epidemic, while the military is primarily concerned with keeping the virus a secret.
Когда наша планета еще была безжизненным камнем во мраке вселенной, ее посетил огромный таинственный гость. Проникнув в толщи Земли, он ждал миллиарды лет, чтобы в наши дни пробудиться и подняться на поверхность на глазах у потрясенных очевидцев. Узнав об этом, американская разведка направила войска и ученых для исследования пришельца, не только способного возвращать людей к жизни и исцелять смертельные болезни, но и наделенного каким-то сверхъестественным разумом. Теперь только гениальный эксперт Мэйсон Рэнд и его смелая помощница доктор Цзабан, попавшие в гущу международного кризиса, смогут понять, чем является этот неведомый объект — спасением для человечества, погрязшего в проблемах и конфликтах, или чудовищным орудием Страшного суда?
Critical Mass
Jeffers works security at a nuclear power plant. The plant is being decommissioned, and a politician is touring the plant and videotaping his comments regarding the closing. A terrorist group led by Samson gets inside the gates, with their ultimate goal the detonation of a nuclear bomb inside the plant. After local policemen and the other plant workers are killed, Jeffers and Janine alone must confront and halt Samson and his terrorist squad. Written by Ken Miller
Falcon Down
U.S. Air force officer Hank Thomas attempts to expose a military cover-up after a civiian airliner crashes.
Mach 2
A Presidential candidate running against the Vice-President plans a trip to the Balkans to negotiate the release of American servicemen being held hostage. Before he leaves, he receives a disk documenting evidence that the Vice-President has been trying to revive the American economy by causing a war in the Balkans. He plans to show it to both sides in the hopes of ending the situation. However, Secret Service agents hijack the Concorde he is on and kill the pilots. It's up to an Air Force officer, nicknamed "Washout" because he can't fly a plane, to land the Concorde. Written by Leigh Roche
Dillan Johansen is a disorganized transit authority supervisor suffering from a serious personal tragedy. Dillan's bravery is put to the test the day a major earthquake hits Los Angeles and traps Dillan in an underground tunnel with a handful of subway riders. Dillan works underground to save the panicked citizens from raging fire, rushing water, and a secret cache of toxic chemicals.
Sonic Impact
A dangerous criminal hijacks a plane with his fellow prisoners and threatens to crash it into a populated area. The agent who captured him sets out to stop him.
Глубокое погружение
A powerful laser machine rips the core of the earth causing earthquakes and tsunamis, and only one man and his team can save the planet from destruction. Will they succeed?
2099 год. Земля, стонущая от глобальных природных катастроф и кошмарных эпидемий, вплотную приблизилась к своей гибели. Причиной этого чудовищного кризиса стал комплекс «Прометей», построенный 100 лет назад, чтобы пробурить скважину до ядра планеты ради добычи дешевого топлива. Стремясь исправить роковую ошибку человечества, люди из будущего отправляются в 1998 год на мощнейшей и неуязвимой субмарине «Наутилус».
Additional Editing
A prestigious senator and the passengers on board a train are kidnapped by a militia group.
Mom, Can I Keep Her?
Timmy Blair has the usual twelve-year-old's share of problems: his father is too busy at work, his new stepmother loads him with chores, and school life is as difficult as ever. When a furry friend follows him home from school, Timmy is delighted. There's only one problem. His new-found buddy is a 500 pound gorilla
Billy Frankenstein
Billy Frank is an ordinary kid, until his family inherits an old castle and Billy learns he's a distant relative of the infamous Dr. Frankenstein. Billy's folks decide to visit their family estate, and Billy soon discovers they're not alone.