George Rigaud

George Rigaud

Рождение : 1905-08-09, Buenos Aires City, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Смерть : 1984-01-17


Pedro Jorge Rigato Delissetche, known as George Rigaud or Jorge Rigaud (Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 11, 1905 - Madrid, Spain, January 17, 1984) was an Argentine actor, who also worked in American, French, Italian and Spanish cinema.


George Rigaud


Black Jack
Dr. Paringo
Sir Thomas Bedford orchestrates the heist of a Spanish casino, with the aid of a singer performing there. The police are aware of their activities, and a hostage situation arises.
A young Catholic girl takes viewers through a changing Spanish political and social landscape as she develops from her confirmation day to adulthood. Her first experience with the real Spain comes when her Jewish godfathers cannot come to her confirmation. One of the godfathers, using a ring, poses an early challenge to her innocence that puts her in danger. He later returns, indirectly introducing her to a new boyfriend. If he is one of the symbols for Jewish life under Franco, or for a Judeo-Christian interaction, that interaction is complex. The young woman encounters different lovers as she grows into adulthood, but at the same time she is burdened with financially supporting her father and his own rather decadent lifestyle. Again, this difference in generations could be understood as a difference between the "new" and "old" Spain; it is up to the viewers to interpret the story elements as they decide.
The Legend of Tim Tyler
Selek Bei
The series, based on the novel by German author James Krüss, tells the story of Timm, the boy who traded in his infectious laugh for the ability to win any bet. The man who did the devilish deal with Timm is wealthy businessman Baron de Lefouet, who is even more successful in business now that he has Timm's engaging laugh to win him friends. Timm, on the other hand, soon realizes that life is not the same without the ability to laugh, and he sets out to find the evil Baron and try to regain the ability to laugh.
Paco the Infallible
In Madrid of the 20's, many women were hired as wet nurses for middle class families. Milk is paid very well, so women are turning to the honest services of Paco, glazier by trade, which completes his monthly salary getting pregnant the clients who pay for it.
Jaguar Lives!
French party guest (as Jorge Regaud)
The world's newest kung fu legend, Joe Lewis, takes on evil gangsters and saves the world.
One night, Don Luis, a noble and arrogant fifty care manners, bursts into the room of Antonia, one of her maids because as lord and master, all that lives with him are his possessions. Antonia hates him, but is also attracted to the refinement of a man who seeks only pleasure, and become complicit in a crime to bind him forever.
Venus de fuego
Doña Perfecta
Juan Tafetán
Where Time Began
Like in the novel of Jules Verne four persons try to get to the centre of the world by entering into a world of caves by a volcano. On their way they discover among other things also prehistoric animals like some dinosaurs,
The Black Pearl
Pearl Expert
The young Ramon Salazar, son of a village owner, dreams of becoming a pearl fisherman. His father agrees to let him experience this job. Ramon enters a forbidden cave, den of a giant skate nicknamed the Manta Diablo. He finds an oyster containing a black pearl of unusual size. His father donates it to the Virgin rather than sell it to dishonest traffickers. Shortly after, the flotilla of the village led by Salazar perishes at sea. Ramon must face the Manta Diablo with another fisherman to bring prosperity to the village ..
Uno del millón de muertos
School Trip
Augusto (as Jorge Rigaud)
After completing his high school studies at the age of twenty-four, Óscar is an immature student, unable to afford alone his return to home during the summer season. Then he manages to convince Carlos, his young math teacher, to accompany him. Already in the family home, Óscar begins to behave in an increasingly unbalanced and irrational way. Meanwhile, his family will endeavor to see him as the reflection of the absent father figure.
La iniciación en el amor
(as Jorge Rigaud)
spanish movie
A disillusioned and depressed film director is forced to confront his lack of humanity through his involvement in the death of a young actress and the suicide of her husband.
Без жалости
Emir - Moorish General (uncredited)
Американский ковбой натыкается на цыганскую семью в продуваемом ветрами городе-призраке. Ему предлагают целое состояние, чтобы он сопроводил домой испанскую принцессу, где она должна стать королевой. Вот только оказывается он в Испании, где Раннее Средневековье соседствует с Ренессансом, где мавры воюют с вестготами, где перемешано оружие всех времен и народов, где злобный хромой горбун цитирует Шекспира, где злые духи охраняют древнее сокровище…
Largo retorno
Doctor Vals
Выбери трудный путь
Horse Dealer (uncredited)
Если ты кому-то что-то пообещал, будь готов выполнить свое обещание во что бы то ни стало. Даже если ты пообещал перевезти через пустыню $86 тыс.
Catherine's Father
Леонор, первая жена монсеньора Ришара, воскресает через десять лет после своей смерти. Неизвестно откуда взявшийся старец сообщает Ришару, что можно победить смерть, если очень этого захотеть. Ришар возвращается в замок и убивает свою вторую жену. Начинается нечто невообразимое: свирепствует чума, кто-то убивает детей. Чтобы положить всему этому конец, Ришар решает убить Леонор.
Cry, Onion!
Terrateniente (uncredited)
Onion Jack (Franco Nero) has bought a piece of land on which to settle, but the property is still in possession of the orphans of the original owner and is coveted by the local oil baron.
La última jugada
Juez Rodgers
A policeman must infiltrate the criminal underworld to investigate the theft of some paintings. The first clue leads him to a Latin American country, where a military prepares for a coup.
Valley of the Dancing Widows
German comedy/western from 1975
Гляди в оба
Rev. Bronson
Группу американских туристов, путешествующих по Испании, начинает терроризировать маньяк в красном плаще. Он убивает несчастных путешественников, да не просто так, а выкалывает им глаза. Марк догадывается, что эти преступления каким-то образом могут быть связаны со смертью его жены. Несколько месяцев назад ее нашли мертвой в бассейне. Тем временем туристы продолжают становиться жертвами кровавого маньяка. Марку предстоит выяснить, зачем маньяк вырезает жертвам глаза…
El mejor regalo
The day of his wedding, Carlos recibes the most unexpected present he coud receive, a son. Carlitos, makes the weadding a complete disaster and fails to place. Carlos to solve the misunderstanding, decides to follow the boy home to meet his mother and to find out what is going on. This will bring him more than one surprise.
Touch Me Not
A psychopathic industrial spy terrorizes a secretary late at night in a darkened high-rise office building.
Whisky and Ghosts
Il suo complice
A snake-oil salesman is chased across the desert by a gang of Mexican bandits. He finds out, however, that he is being protected by the spirits of Davey Crockett, Pecos Bill and Johnny Appleseed.
Los fríos senderos del crimen
Emma, Dark Doors
Dr. Donovan
Emma is a teenager when she is the victim of a terrible road accident in London, and needs psychiatric care after she suffers from resulting brain injury. Her mother, Silvia, confines her in the house, and Emma's personality becomes aggressive, leading to a regrettable series of violent deaths.
The Godfather and His Goddaughters
Незнакомец и стрелок
Lord Barclay
Мастер восточных единоборств и ковбой с Запада ищут потерянное сокровище. Задача осложняется тем, что отдельные части карты, вытатуированы на… ягодицах разных красавиц…
Per amare Ofelia
Nane, il maggiordomo
Santo vs. Doctor Death
Dr. Robert Mann
Masked Mexican wrestler and superhero Santo plays private investigator, called in by government officials to investigate the mysterious vandalism of a high profile painting. With the help of his two counterparts, he uncovers the truth behind an art collector/chemist who may be murdering female models.
Counselor at Crime
When the godson of San Francisco's crime lord asks permission to leave "the business," Don Antonio agrees, but reluctantly. Such behavior by either one is a violation of the code, and a bloody mob war breaks out. It is only through the strong support of his family connections in Sicily that Don Antonio is able to survive the mêlée and come out on top. Aghast at the situation he has caused, the godson becomes his leader's "consigliere," or Counselor at Crime.
Love Brides of the Blood Mummy
Court Dartmoor
A revived mummy needs the blood of young women to slake his thirst.
Even Angels Eat Beans
Two nice guys, a wrestler and an Ice-cream vendor are mistaken for dangerous killers by an important local gangster, whose nickname is Sorriso. With the help of many coincidences they play along with Sorriso "working" for him, just to survive, but, when they receive the order to butcher the components of a very indigent family they are unmasked.
A young, beautiful woman marries a rich old blind man. While in the household she becomes aware of a plot to kill her elderly husband.
Поезд ужасов
Count Maryan Petrovski
1906 год. Геологическая экспедиция находит в глухом районе Китая захоронение. Останки грузятся в Пекине на транссибирский экспресс. Уже при погрузке русский священник утверждает, что там нечистая сила.
Нож для колки льда
Тринадцатилетняя девочка Марта Колдуэлл становится свидетельницей гибели своих родителей в страшной железнодорожной катастрофе. Сама Марта, едва оставшись в живых и перенеся страшный шок, становится немой. Проходит много лет. Всё ещё немая Марта живёт со своим дядей Ральфом в испанской провинции. Однажды в их дом приезжает двоюродная сестра Марты по имени Дженни, чтобы побыть немного со своими родными. Но вскоре её кто-то убивает…
Murder Mansion
Elsa's father (as Jorge Rigaud)
A group of travelers, stranded at an isolated, fog-bound mansion, are beset upon by the living dead from the adjoining cemetery.
Ирис в крови
Professor Isaacs
Девушка по вызову зарезана в лифте престижного дома. Женщина-танцовщица, обнаружившая ее тело, также жестоко убита. Молодая английская модель, работающая в Италии, въезжает в освободившиеся апартаменты и вскоре понимает, что стала новой целью маньяка. Кто же убийца? Возможно, это подруга, с которой она вместе работает? Или ее новый бой-френд? Или ревнивый и обиженный брошенный любовник? Кто-то из очень странных и экстравагантных соседей? Вероятности бесконечны, а убийца все ближе…
His Name Was Holy Ghost
Don Firmino
Gianni Garko stars as the Holy Ghost, a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick (Chris Huerta), the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes.
El hombre que vino del odio
Juez militar
Все оттенки тьмы
Dr. Burton
Джейн живет в Лондоне со своим бойфрендом Ричардом. Когда ей было 5 лет, она стала свидетельницей убийства своей матери. Плюс совсем недавно она потеряла в автокатострофе ребенка. Ее постоянно преследуют страшные сны - сны, где голубоглазый незнакомец с ножом охотится на нее. Ричард пытается помочь ей, но его рецепт - всего лишь горстка витаминов. Барбара, сестра Джейн, предлагает серьезную помощь – психоанализ. Неожиданно, познакомившись с милой соседкой, Джейн находит себе избавление от кошмаров. Та обещает полное избавление от страха, взамен - участие в Сатанинских ритуалах. Вначале Черные Мессы помогают, но потом ее кошмары воплощаются в реальности!
One Billion for a Blonde
Mr. Stanley (as Jorge Rigeaut)
Смерть ходит на высоких каблуках
Captain Lenny
Знаменитый вор драгоценностей Роша найден мертвым в поезде. Его дочь Николь, знаменитую танцовщицу ночного клуба в Париже, допрашивает полиция. Стражи порядка хотят больше узнать об исчезнувших бриллиантах, которые, предположительно, были у ее отца. Но девушка утверждает, что ничего не знает о делах своего отца. Вскоре Николь начинает терроризировать странный человек в маске, который требует сказать ему, где Роша спрятал украденные драгоценности. Николь считает, что этим преступником может быть ее ревнивый дружок Мишель. Вместе со своим новым знакомым, доктором Робертом Мэттьюзом, Николь уезжает в Англию, но убийца следует за ней по пятам…
Николай и Александра
The French Ambassador
Биографическая драма о трагической судьбе семьи последнего русского императора и о перевернувшей их мир революции.
Devil's Ransom
A rich industrialist is accused of a crime he didn't commit. But every single clue leads to him.
A wealthy landowner haunted by the spectre of his dead mother has a fling with a beautiful fugitive who bears a striking resemblance to his missing wife, who may have been murdered.
The Seven Lives of the Cat
Don Braulio
Guillermo's family has been living for years a terrible curse. All the women in his family have died because of love and murdered by men of the clan. The funny thing is that before each death a cat appeared. One day, while Guillermo prepares the papers for his marriage with Beatriz, he discovers that both are distant relatives.
Ящерица в женской коже
Dr. Kerr
Молодая женщина обвиняется в убийстве шумной соседки, которое ей недавно приснилось. Теперь ей нужно выяснить, совершила ли она преступление в реальности или все это лишь страшный сон.
Crimen imperfecto
D. Gregorio
Two private detectives called Salomon (Fernando Fernan-Gomez) and Torcuato (Jose Luis Lopez Vazquez), are engaged in questionable conduct research and work reports
The Last Day of the War
Max Lorkmann
The war in Europe is ending, but the American troops have to find a scientist on the run who is also chased by some surviving SS forces.
El abominable hombre de la Costa del Sol
Duque de Puentelarra - padre de Federico
A young dreamer as attractive as dreamer see his shabby promised as a distinguished gentleman, fascinating and radiant. This, however, eventually reaching a grand illusion, become the public relations director of a large hotel on the Costa del Sol
Johnny Ratón
«Штуки» над Лондоном
British general
Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
Разыскивается живым... но лучше мертвым
Mr. Scott
После смерти богатого дядюшки братья Монти и Тэд Маллиганы узнают, что им причитается весьма приличное наследство - 300 000 долларов. Но, по завещанию, они смогут получить деньги только в том случае, если смогут прожить под одной крышей не менее полугода. Только вот братья на дух не переносят друг друга…
A Bullet for Sandoval
After his girlfriend dies in childbirth, Confederate deserter John Warner travels to Mexico, where the woman's father, Don Pedro Sandoval, grudgingly hands over his child. But with no locals willing to provide milk, the baby dies. Rounding up a group of rebels, Warner goes on a rampage through northern Mexico, with the ultimate goal of taking down Sandoval in this gritty Western.
Одна на другой
Arthur Mitchell
Джордж Дюморье – состоятельный доктор из Сан-Франциско, руководитель местной клиники, где работает вместе с братом, Генри. Несмотря на то, что он женат на Сюзан, страдающей астмой, у него есть любовница Джейн, профессиональный фотограф. Внезапно Сюзан умирает при загадочных обстоятельствах, а Джордж начинает испытывать угрызения совести. Вскоре Джордж случайно знакомится со стриптизершей, Моникой, которая поразительно похожа на его умершую жену. Но странности на этом не кончаются. Он обнаруживает страховой договор, согласно которому после смерти супруги ему переходит сумма в 2 миллиона долларов. Полиция начинает подозревать Джорджа в убийстве с целью наживы. Он отчаянно пытается доказать свою невиновность, но становится только хуже…
Ружья великолепной семерки
Великолепная семерка под предводительством Криса Адамса берется за сложнейшее задание. Нужно освободить мексиканского революционера, заключенного в крепости под неустанным надзором жестокого коменданта. Работа не из легких, поэтому Семерка решает освободить из тюрьмы политических заключенных и создать свою мини-армию. Силы при штурме крепости оказались неравными, и бравым ребятам пришлось бы туго, если бы не поддержка с совершенно неожиданной стороны…
The Last Mercenary
Manuel de Lagos
After the war in Congo, two mercenaries take a mission to safeguard uranium transportation in a South American jungle, fighting bandits and local miners.
Gatling Gun
This dramatization of the origin of Dr. Gatling's self-named invention stands tall in the annals of the Old West. As cavalry transported the high-tech gun across the dangerous frontier, it blasted its way into history to become the predecessor to the modern-day machine gun.
It's Your Move
Il barone
A criminal plots a bank robbery hinging on doubles of the employees.
One Step to Hell
A British colonial policeman in Africa, circa 1900, pursues a band of escaped killers across territory so wild, it lies just "one step to hell."
Llaman de Jamaica, Mr. Ward
Сахарный кольт
Alan Pinkerton
После окончания гражданской войны загадочным образом исчезает батальон солдат-северян. Двумя годами позже семье одного из пропавших приходит письмо с требованием выкупа.
Count di Luca
Молодой и честолюбивый Мигель де Сервантес , по воле случая получив должность личного секретаря посланника Папы, оказывается в Риме, в эпицентре "большой политики", как внутренней, так и внешней: идет жесткая многолетняя война двух миров - христианского и исламского... Происходят судьбоносные для Мигеля встречи с Хасан-Беем - мудрым, расчетливым посланником турецкого султана и потрясающе красивой куртизанкой Джулией )...
Любой ценой
Профессор Джеймс Андерс планирует похитить бриллианты во время карнавала в Рио-де-Жанейро. Ему помогает четверка опытных взломщиков. Бриллианты охраняются суперсовременной сигнализацией под названием "Большой шлем 70", которая реагирует на шумы...
Hand of the Assassin
The Colonel
A group of people take shelter from the storm in an old spa served by a marriage and a servant. It is a very diverse group, highlighting a man who, with his wife, carrying a briefcase full of money. At night, at dinner in honor of the newcomers is a power outage and shortly afterwards, they realize that the man with the briefcase has been murdered.
Operation Delilah
A couple try to help the residents of a small Caribbean island overthrow a dictator.
Spy Today, Die Tomorrow
Millionaire Baretti pays a gang to rob an atomic bomb from an American silo, and then blackmails the American Government for a huge amount of money. German secret service (BND) agent 'Dynamite' will use his fists, guns and more to try to stop them.
Codo con codo
Sr. Alear
Bruno and Micky are two young people who abandon their studies to dedicate themselves to song. When Bruno meets Mayte and becomes a fashionable singer, he forgets about his closest friends. But success is short-lived ... One of the most delirious manifestations that Spanish cinema saw of the 'ye-yé' hatching, with an absolutely priceless Micky, half-self-interpreting, like Bruno Lomas and Massiel. The story revolves around the desire to succeed that drives the trio, as well as the romantic relationships established between them. Seen today, it must be as delicious as it is moving, especially considering that it premiered a year before Massiel caused a national earthquake by winning at the Eurovision Song Contest with the famous "La, la, la".
Seven Women for the MacGregors
Alastair MacGregor
Seven brothers team up to rescue their gold and their women from a ruthless bandit.
The Big Hit of Surcouf
L'amiral Decrès, ministre de la marine
The continuation of the adventures of Captain Robert Surcouf and his crew.
Black box affair: Il mondo trema
General MacGregor
Another Eurospy flick featuring Craig Hill as a secret agent.
The Tall Women
Apache Chief
Seven women are the only survivors of an Apache attack on a wagon train. They must cross the desert on foot to escape the Indians who are hunting them.
Culpable para un delito
Operation Apocalypse
'Chef Z'
A former American spy is ordered by the secret services of the UN to investigate a powerful secret organization that has built a nuclear missile capable of destroying any city in the world if their demands are not met.
Savage Pampas
Old Man
An Army captain in Argentina learns why his lonely men are deserting to an outlaw's gaucho gang.
Kiss Kiss... Bang Bang
Sir Sebastian Wilcox
Kirk Warren, a former spy, is to be executed because he tried to steal a million dollars. But he is saved by Colonel Smithson because Sir Wilcox has prepared a mission for him. Warren has to steal a secret formula in Switzerland and try to expose the real identity of Mr. X. Kirk leaves London and Alina, his girl, together with three clumsy friends to accomplish his not so secret mission. But Kirk's great love is always a million dollars and not a secret formula.
Пропавший отряд
Франция пятидесятых годов прошла через целую цепь поражений в так называемых локальных войнах, а ее солдаты и офицеры приобрели не только бесценный военный опыт, но и неудовлетворенность и депрессии, свойственные такого рода конфликтам. С позором выдворенные из Юго-Восточной Азии, французские солдаты сразу оказываются в охваченном партизанской войной пустынном Алжире и вынуждены вступить в схватку с коварным и изощренным противником.
Viaggio di nozze all'italiana
Barone Luigi
Seven Guns for the MacGregors
Alastair MacGregor
Ranch owner MacGregor has seven sons and oldest Gregor leads his brothers to Las Mesas, a small town where they want to sell horses. They get into trouble with local people who are related with evil Santillana. After getting imprisoned and losing their horses they decide to go after Santillana's gang.
Большая ночь Ринго
Jim Bailey
Четверка в масках грабит дилижанс везущий деньги в банк в Томбстоуна. Федеральное правительство обещает изловить злодеев и вернуть деньги, но пообещать всегда проще, чем выполнить.
The Sea Pirate
L'amiral Decrès, ministre de la marine
A young naval officer becomes a corsair to make enough money to marry a pretty girl, and fights injustice and snobbery to reach home safely.
Cifrato speciale
Lone and Angry Man
Shenandoah (Steffen) works his way into a band of highwaymen led by Rojo (Armando Calvo). His initiation consists of hunting down and killing a member of the gang who has 12 bullets while he is only given 2 bullets. When the bandits attempt to rob a wealthy rancher, whom Shenandoah knows, he warns him. The outlaws begin to suspect they were betrayed and commence to rough Shenandoah up. Shenandoah then reveals his true reason for joining the gang; one of them killed his wife and he is there for retribution.
Le Tigre se parfume à la dynamite
The Tiger is sent to oversee the excavation of a sunken ship. While busy to retrieve the gold tresure in it, he is constantly thwarted by international enemies. Among them is an old Nazi named Hans von Wunchendorf who dreams of world domination. He hides behind the codename "The Orchid" and needs the treasure to sustain a worldwide network of exiled former comrades. Once sanified by the gold his organisation plans to realise the endsieg after all.
That Man in Istanbul
CIA Chief
An American adventurer who has a gambling den in Istanbul, who is suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of a nuclear scientist, but ultimately becomes self on the search for the disappeared and gets a striving for world domination secret organization.
Ад в Манитобе
Seth Grande
Сюжет вращается вокруг торжества в городе Славы, в котором традиционно проходят поединки. Судьба сталкивает Клинта Бреннера и Риза. Двух соперников, однако, они объединились против общего врага, бандита и злодея Джека Виллайна со своими друзьями, который терроризирует местных фермеров, отнимая у них землю. Финальный поединок в городе Славы приведет к неожиданной развязке.
Place Your Bets, Ladies
A famous American secret service agent tries to rescue a German 17-year-old prodigy scientist who has been captured by the Russians.
Finger on the Trigger
At the end of the Civil War, a ragtag group of just-discharged Union soldiers clashes with a band of renegade Confederates over a golden treasure hidden in a deserted town in the Oklahoma Territory. Soon these rivals must make common cause in the face of an Indian attack.
The Boy and the Ball and the Hole in the Wall
Sr. Dalmhan
Not realizing the dangers he is facing, Young Dieter will do anything to get his ball back after it was thrown over the Berlin wall by a ruthless guar
After marrying a rich heiress, a young man from humble origins is dedicated to looking for coal in the surroundings of Gijón.
Totò d'Arabia
Sir Bains
Ella y el miedo
Inspector Rojas
Rueda de sospechosos
Jorge Guitart
A woman is found murdered in her house the day after a party. The police begins the search for the killer asking questions to all the people that attended the party.
Constance aux enfers
Rear Window meets Estate violenta. The middle-aged Constance watches a young couple that lives across the courtyard; the girl plays loud pop music and goes out of her way to be unpleasant to the classically educated and piano-playing Constance. Then one day Constance sees the boyfriend strangle the little tart in a fit of jealousy. He sees her, too, and has nobody else to turn to for help. Constance keeps silent about the murder and offers the young Hugo a place in her bed. Then the blackmail notes start to arrive...
Ride and Kill
A small town in Arizona is oppressed by the tyranny of a powerful rancher. The owner of a farm, fed up with constant abuse, decides to hire a former gunslinger, as the town sheriff is recognized powerless to stand against the tyrant.
Черный тюльпан
L'intendant général / Chief of Police
Накануне Французской революции в тихой провинции жуткий страх наводит на знатных мерзавцев таинственный разбойник в маске, чьим фирменным знаком стал черный тюльпан. Неуловимый мститель находчив, бесстрашен, благороден и умен, он прекрасный наездник и гений фехтования. Дворянин Жульен — беспечный неженка, глупый и трусливый — совсем на него не похож. Но никто не знает, что есть нечто, крепко связывающее этих двоих.
Un rincón para querernos
Eva 63
Elena is a writer and is in a relationship with a painter, Fernando. Charo works as a waitress in a hotel and continues to dream of John Sargent, her platonic love, although when she discovers that the actor is gay she returns to her boyfriend Luis. Mara, a model, and Miguel is dating a sick man much older than them. Eugenia is a haute couture dressmaker and cares for her niece Soledad, who wants to be a singer. All of them have ambitions of love, but none is happy with their current situation.
The Secret of the Black Widow
Someone is killing people related to a South American expedition. The means of murder are poison darts with rubber spiders attached to them. A writer and some police detectives investigate.
Marisol rumbo a Río
Norteamericano, 'Tío Sam'
Marisol and Mariluz are twin sisters. They live separated, Mariluz with their uncle in Rio de Janeiro, and Marisol with their mother, in Madrid. Marisol's mother has desperately tried to get money to go to Brasil and meet Mariluz, and so she and the girl have worked in all kinds of places, but they never get enough money until one day Marisol's mother decides to sell everything to get the money and go to Brasil to reunite the family. Once there they discover that Mariluz's governess and her lover have devised a plan to get the money from the twins' uncle, a plan that is in terrible danger now that the spaniards have arrived to Brasil, forcing them to start thinking to get them out of the way...
Escuadrilla de vuelo
The Adventures of Scaramouche
Duc de Lacoste
Robert Lafleur (Scaramouche) is an actor in 18th century France who spends most of his time, including when he should be on stage, light-heartedly having love affairs and generally enjoying life. One day, a marquis visits him and asks him questions about the birth mark on his shoulder...
Cerca de las estrellas
Based on the eponymous play Ricardo López Aranda. It narrates the life of the components of a large family for a whole day, with their problems and illusions.
The Castilian
Also released as Valley of the Swords, this lugubrious US/Spanish co-production features the usual mid-1960s "tax shelter" international cast. Broderick Crawford plays a despotic 10th century Spanish king who, in cahoots with the invading Moors, has banished handsome Castilian nobleman Spartaco Santoni. With the surreptitious aid of Crawford's daughter Teresa Velasquez, Santoni assembles an army to march against the Moors. In keeping with the 13th century epic poem from which this film was derived ("El Poema de Fernan Gonzales") Santoni's path is smoothed by the celestial intervention of patron saints Milan and Santiago. Among the big names picking up a few tax-free dollars in The Castilian are Cesar Romero, Linda Darnell, Alida Valli and Fernando Rey.
The Big Family
Rey Gaspar
Vuelve San Valentín
San Valentín
As there are still a lot of problems in the relationships of the Spanish couples Saint Valentine returns to earth and especially to Madrid in order to fix these problems.
Héroes de blanco
Los cuervos
Don Carlos
An industrial magnate is subjected to a heart transplant to save his life. During his convalescence, his secretary will take over most of his stock.
El último verano
The Happy Thieves
Spanish Police Inspector
A suave art thief romances a wealthy duchess, only to enable him to steal a priceless painting from her collection. Complications ensue.
Regresa un desconocido
John, manager of a company, play a game of cards with a group of people he has met in a nightclub. Realizing that one of them cheats, fights with him, and there is a violent fall. Another attendee, a doctor certifies his death. To remove the dead, John is forced to commit embezzlement in your company ...
El pobre García
Don Raúl
García is employed of advertising at a factory of razor blades and goes out in secret with Conchita, the daughter of the director. One day, taking advantage of the cycle return to Spain, García puts into practice a new and risky system of making him an advertising, but Raúl, the director, dismisses García because he didn´t like the idea. From here, García will gain the life himself in the most varied works: barber, bootblack and guide of the Prado Museum. A difficult situation in order that his former chief accepts the relation that it supports with his daughter.
Колосс Родосский
Действие картины происходит на острове Родос во II веке до нашей эры. На острове безраздельно царит тиран Ксеркс, окруженный льстивыми предателями-придворными. Немногие честные люди вынуждены скрываться, в противном случае их ожидает тюрьма. В это время на Родос приезжает афинянин Дарио и сразу оказывается вовлеченным в подготовку мятежа против Ксеркса, который планируется осуществить в день торжественного открытия статуи Колосса Родосского. Заговорщики планируют использовать статую в осуществлении своих дерзких планов... И сами боги Олимпа идут им навстречу: в день мятежа разражается буря, и статуя рушится, погребая под своими обломками тиранию Ксеркса.
No dispares contra mí
Comisario Martín
The young law student David is involved in a series of small crimes that led him to discover the corpse of the husband of his French friend Lucile in the trunk of the car in which he runs away to France, which makes her join him of his trip. Film with a clear influence of the Nouvelle Vague
My Street
Marqués de Abantos
Life events around a city street and its residents are told along the years while time goes by, wars break out and end and life evolves.
Amor bajo cero
In the resort of La Molina an international competition is held and ski racers from different countries come to Barcelona. They become friends, especially Nuria and Ramon, but Nuria already has a boyfriend
Valentine's Day
San Valentín
Several independent histories in the St Valentine's Day, which they have jointly that a celestial emissary collaborates in solving his conflicts.
With life they made fire
The sailor Quico Carola, alleged war hero of the Francoist side, emigrated to America and amassed a great fortune. Fifteen years later he returns to Ferrera (Asturias), his homeland, in search of a wife who makes him forget his late girlfriend. There he will see his old friends and Armandina, the widow of a Republican shot during the Spanish civil war.
A Glass of Whiskey
Inspector de policía
Víctor is a handsome boy, skeptical and lover of the pleasures of life. He has no job or benefit and lives on women without realizing that his behavior triggers dramas and disappointments, pain and hopelessness.
Джон Пол Джонс
Benjamin Franklin's Secretary
Повествование фильма начинается в 1764 и заканчивается в 1792 году, действие происходит в Вест-Индии, Англии, США, Франции и Российской империи. Джон Пол Джонс впервые вышел в море, когда ему едва исполнилось 13 лет. К 17 годам он уже стал опытным штурманом. В 26 лет он уже капитан корабля, ходящего в Вест-Индию. Позднее Джон Пол Джонс сражается на стороне американцев в их борьбе за независимость своей страны, захватывает 18 английских судов у острова Ньюфаундленд и переправляет их груз генералу Вашингтону. Вскоре Джордж Вашингтон отправляет отважного моряка во Францию, где лично для него и его команды строят новое судно, на котором он совершает военные вылазки в Англию. В конце 1780-х годов Джон Пол Джонс приглашён на службу в Россию, ко двору императрицы Екатерины Второй.
Juego de niños
Ejército blanco
El festín de Satanás
With his own money, Pappier produced this ambitious adaptation of Manuel Gálvez's "Miércoles Santo", whose release was delayed for three years due to political reasons. When it finally came out, it bombed, but its formal originality was mentioned even in unfavorable reviews. Later, it became a cursed film, impossible to see due to lack of prints. To date, it remains lost in great part.
Inspector Finch
Enigma de mujer
A series of anecdotes exposed from the point of view of a Samaritan woman who tries to fix the problems of the neighbors.
El tango en París
A tango singer travels to Paris seeking success.
La dama del millón
A widow who must collect her husband's life insurance is courted by the director of the insurance company, until the dead man appears.
Más pobre que una laucha
Jorge Méndez Dávila
A poor young woman falls in love with a perfume businessman of whom she is a secretary.
Siete gritos en el mar
La muerte en las calles
During the English invasions, a merchant forces his daughter to marry a soldier.
El baldío
Arquitecto Carlos Dumont
The woeful tale of a trained nurse falsely accused of murder and shipped off to prison for five years.
La pícara cenicienta
A young woman must take shelter one rainy afternoon in the house of the writer with whom she is in love.
Native Son
Ralph Farley
Author Richard Wright portrays his novel's Bigger Thomas, a young chauffeur trapped in an accidental murder.
Escuela de campeones
Alexander Watson Hutton
It is the reconstruction of the history of the Buenos Aires English High School and of the legendary Alumni club, made up of its students, who dominated Argentine football in the first decade of the 20th century and its president, Alejandro Watson Hutton, The first president of the Argentine Football Association, considered the father of Argentine football.
La trampa
Hugo Morán / Paul Deval
A lonely woman marries a man without getting to know him.
Cita en las estrellas
A couple splits up and gets married to other people. After the man dies, the woman becomes delirious and thinks she's found him again in heaven.
El extraño caso de la mujer asesinada
A woman fond of spiritualism and neglected by her husband starts an affair with an American industrialist.
Я всегда одинок
Фрэнки Мэдисон выходит из тюрьмы и встречается с бывшими партнёрами. За время его отсидки старые друзья заметно разбогатели и не спешат вводить старого друга в курс своих дел.
Masquerade in Mexico
Boris Cassall
An American singer stranded in Mexico is hired by a banker to distract a Mexican matador who is making a play for the banker's wife. They hatch a scheme whereby she pretends to be a Spanish countess.
Paris Underground
Andre de Mornay
Constance Bennett both produced and starred in the espionager Paris Underground. Bennett and Gracie Fields play, respectively, an American and an English citizen trapped in Paris when the Nazis invade. The women team up to help Allied aviators escape from the occupied city into Free French territory. The screenplay was based on the true wartime activities of Etta Shiber, who engineered the escape of nearly 300 Allied pilots. British fans of comedienne Gracie Fields were put off by the scenes in which she is tortured by the Gestapo, while Constance Bennett's following had been rapidly dwindling since the 1930s; as a result, the heartfelt but tiresome Paris Underground failed to make a dent at the box-office. It would be Constance Bennett's last starring film--and Gracie Fields' last film, period.
Vingt-quatre heures de perm'
Jacques Arnoux
Two friends, mobilized together and idle, send their photos to two young workers. The photos are inverted, resulting in a real sentimental imbroglio which finds its best conclusion in the context of the Théâtre aux Armées.
Casa de muñecas
Osvaldo (as Jorge Rigaud)
The conflict of a woman with her husband when she starts defending her individuality.
Eclipse de sol
Sebastián Requena
A vaudeville singer secretly marries a wealthy landowner, who soon returns to his ranch, fearing the rejection of his snobbish family. To teach him a lesson, she shows up at his estancia pretending to be a maid.
A naive teenager faces a distressing reality that instills in her the idea of suicide.
El gran secreto
A meteorologist's wife hurts her sister so she won't reveal who the real mother of her child is.
Vidas marcadas
Two men define the destiny of a woman in a card game.
Face au destin
Jean Lambert
Two modest young employees, Jean and Madeleine, dream of leading the way, but the experience turns out badly. Madeleine marries a German aristocrat who turns out to be a spy, and finds Jean who had joined the Legion.
The love story between Emperor Pedro I of Brazil, after the independence of the country, and Domitila de Castro, Marchioness of Santos.
Last Refuge
Albareda does not doubt to betray her lover running away after denouncing him.
Trois Argentins à Montmartre
The guitarist Moncho, singer Roberto and their impresario, arrive in Paris to find the fortune and the celebrity. They live in Montmartre in a pension that receives an impressive sampling of circus artists and music halls. They meet Maria-Rosa with whom they make a number, and this is glory.
There's No Tomorrow
Evelyne, a woman of bourgeois origin, now reduced to dancing in a sleazy nightclub, is reunited with her first love, who has become a successful doctor.
In 1830 Pierre Courier, a rich and elderly shipowner, awaits the return of his son Stefano, who has just returned from a long trip to Trinidad in the ship in which he is captain.
Final Accord
A famous violinist enlists in a music school in order to woo one of the students.
The Postmaster's Daughter
Lieutenant André Minsky
A small town postal official allows a military officer to sweep his lovely daughter away to St. Petersburg, assuming the man will do the right thing and marry her.Instead, a future of scandal and tragedy awaits her.
Sarati the Terrible
Gilbert de Kéradec
In Algiers, Cesar Sarati who grudges the dockers, is, without realizing it, in love with his niece. But Rose loves Gilbert, a former gambler and debauchee who, out of love for her, changes his life. On the wedding day, Sarati commits suicide.
Nights of Fire
Serge Rostoff
19th Century Russia. State prosecutor Fedor Andreiev is presiding over the trial of a man who murdered his wife's lover. Despite a robust defence from the brilliant young lawyer Serge Rostoff, the accused man is found guilty and will be deported to Siberia. Having spoken to the condemned man, Fedor Andreiev sees a disturbing parallel with his own life...
La griffe du hasard
A likeable young man, reduced to living by expediency, is launched in spite of himself into an adventure of stealing jewels. With the help of a brave, rough-looking but actually very clear-sighted policeman, the jewels are recovered, the stolen young woman is reassured and the main culprit is forced into exile.
A commander suspects his wife of infidelity, when she turns to a subordinate officer to help her against someone threatening to blackmail her about her troubled past.
Joli monde
The Fear
Jean, the musician
A lady who had a secret affair lives in fear.
Le roman d'un spahi
Le spahi Jean Peyral
The spahi Jean Peyral is very in love with the flirtatious Cora. When he realizes that she betrays him, he tries to kill himself. He is saved by the tenderness of a young native, Fatou.
La vie parisienne
Jacques Mendoza
A rich Brazilian, Mendoza, visited Paris in 1900 and was romantically involved with the star of Offenbach's 'La vie parisienne' which was playing at the time. Thirty five years later, he returns with his son and granddaughter, who is engaged to a young Frenchman. But Mendoza's puritanical son forbids the marriage. Mendoza and the actress's friends conspire to change his mind and convert him to 'Parisian life.'
La marraine de Charley
To receive his fiancée and his father at his home, an Oxford student counts on the presence of his aunt from Brazil to serve as his chaperone. The latter having delayed his trip, the young man passes his servant off as his aunt. This results in multiple misunderstandings. Finally, everything works out when the aunt comes.
The White Slave
A wealthy colonist and his handsome foreman help the natives to exploit their land . The colonist's daughter falls in love with a handsome Andrea. The father disapprove of their relationship. Andrea is fired. He runs away with one of the natives. To make sure the boy will stay with her, the black woman gives him a "magic" potion. Andrea becomes her white slave .
Debout là-dedans!
A student monitor in a high school in the French provinces has no control over the pupils. He is in love with the caretaker's daughter but his superior, the Dean of Discipline, is also his love rival. Now, the two men are sent on military temporary duty and irony has it that in the Army the Dean is only a private whereas the mere supervisor's rank is ... corporal!
Le Lait (Antonin)
A country girl (Simone Berriau) finds work as a chorus girl in Paris, gets embroiled with a bad egg, and then finds true love with a good-looking milkman.
Tambour battant
Prince Léopold of Anhalt-Dessau
The Orderly
Philippe, the order of an old colonel, surprises the wife of his boss in the arms of a young lieutenant. So that he remains silent, she offers herself to him
Love Story
A young German officer's (Wolfgang Liebeneiner) life is turned upside when he tries to end his affair with a married baroness (Olga Tschechowa) after falling for an innocent young singer (Magda Schneider). French version of Ophuls' Liebelei.
July 14
A light, comedy romance about a cab driver named Jean and a flower girl named Anna that takes place in Paris during the Bastille day celebration of July 14th.
The Regiment's Champion
Father Sourire, who came to the Château de Villetaneuse to ask for alms, was forced to put on the uniform of the nephew who had fled from the barracks. A soldier in spite of himself, he knows the most frightening adventures which even lead him to a boxing fight from which he will emerge victorious.
Charles Rambert, le neveu de la baronne
Неуловимый грабитель здесь жесток, как никогда. Он первым делом сообщает собравшимся в особняке знатным людям, что в полночь один из них умрёт.
Under the Leather Helmet
Set in Rumania, the film focuses on a female secret agent who intends to use an airplane to fly behind enemy lines. While she awaits her flight to destiny, the girl spends several days with a French flying squadron. Her sexy presence causes the pilots to begin fighting among themselves, resulting in disaster for all concerned.
Beauty Spot
The ladykiller friend of a busy diplomatic attaché follows a masked blonde home after an elaborate ball without knowing she is that man's wife.