Ron Vawter
Рождение : 1948-12-09, Latham, New York, USA
Смерть : 1994-04-16
Ron Vawter (December 9, 1948 – April 16, 1994) was an American actor and a founding member of the experimental theater company The Wooster Group. Vawter performed in most of the group's works until his death from a heart attack in 1994 at the age of 45.
A video reconstruction of the 1977 Wooster Group production Rumstick Road, an experimental theater performance created by Spalding Gray and Elizabeth LeCompte after the suicide of Gray's mother. Archival recordings are combined with photographs, slides, and other materials to recreate the original production.
Shareen and Claire, a lesbian couple living on Staten Island, find themselves ensnared in a vast conspiracy involving a ghost ship of nuclear refuse, ominous television commercials, and deadly cat food.
Roy Cohn / Jack Smith
When Jill Godmilow’s documentary Roy Cohn/Jack Smith premiered at the 1994 Toronto International Film Festival, the number of AIDS-related deaths was reaching an all-time high in the United States (over 270,000). In New York City, the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic, many artists and filmmakers were grappling with the disease. While Broadway was hosting the second part of Tony Kushner’s award-winning play Angels in America, downtown New Yorkers were fondly recalling another recent production, Ron Vawter’s one-man show Roy Cohn/Jack Smith, in which the actor, who died of AIDS in April 1994, performed two monologues, first as Cohn, the conservative lawyer, and secondly, as Smith, the flamboyant experimental filmmaker—both of whom died of AIDS-related causes in the late 1980s.
Ron Vawter
Made in memory of the actor and my friend, Ron Vawter. Ron passed away shortly after the opening performances of the play "Philoktetes Variations," directed by Jan Ritsema and co-authored by Ritsema and Vawter. It was produced by the Kaaitheater in Brussels. All of the images in this video were originally created for the play.
Bob Seidman
Два главных героя не похожи как белое и черное — их разделяет цвет кожи, общественное положение, сексуальная ориентация, смертельная болезнь. Но каждый — служит закону и готов бороться против любой несправедливости. Том Хэнкс и Дэнзел Вашингтон в драматической истории смертельно больного, но не отчаявшегося человека. Человека, который верил в справедливость.
Mr. Desot - Hotel Manager
Детство Эрона пришлось на тридцатые годы нашего столетия, годы Великой американской депрессии. Выпавшие на его долю несчастья не могут сломить характер главного героя, а наоборот, закаляют его. Благодаря смекалке и находчивости Эрону удается не только преодолеть трудности, но и во многом преуспеть и многое понять в окружающем мире.
The Wooster Group's production of Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters, translated by Paul Schmidt and directed by Elizabeth LeCompte, with performances from Kate Valk, Peyton Smith, Scott Shepherd, Ari Fliakos, Anna Kohler, Beatrice Roth, Ron Vawter, and Willem Dafoe. This presentation of the 2003 production of BRACE UP!, designed by Ken Kobland and LeCompte, incorporates close-up recordings of the performers simultaneously with continuous wide-angle footage.
White Homeland Commando takes the familiar terrain of network action drama and tilts the playing field. Reminiscent of today's popular reality-based cop shows, White Homeland Commando offers a straightforward story: four members of a special police unit investigate and infiltrate a New York-based white supremacist organization. But that is where the commonplace ends. The teleplay is shot and edited in a highly textured visual style, the colors are subdued yet somehow garish, and the sound is deliberately just out of sync with the speaker's lips. Occasional static combines with jumps in the plot — the editing is reminiscent of a television viewer flipping channels.
Nat Picker
A "play on words" about a fictional political scandal concerning covert arms deals and double-dealing government operatives, satirizing the Watergate hearings of 1972-1973.
State's Attorney Crowe
Фильм рассказывает о нашумевшем убийстве, совершенном в 1924 году Леопольдом и Лёбом.
Featuring music instead of any dialogue and set in a near Kafkaesque future, this loose remake of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari follows a bureaucrat whom mysterious Dr. Ramirez and his hideous sidekick want as their latest victim.
Dr. Ramirez
Featuring music instead of any dialogue and set in a near Kafkaesque future, this loose remake of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari follows a bureaucrat whom mysterious Dr. Ramirez and his hideous sidekick want as their latest victim.
Ad Man
Three short stories about women & men relationship.
История молодого музыканта, мечтающего пойти по пути своего кумира — Рикки Нельсона…
The residents of a town displaced by an industrial accident agree to take over a failing mining base on the Moon as their new place to live and work. Their first big test comes in the form of a wave of radiation from a massive solar flare.
Paul Krendler
Психопат похищает и убивает молодых женщин по всему Среднему Западу. ФБР, уверенное, что все преступления совершены одним и тем же человеком, поручает агенту Клариссе Старлинг встретиться с заключенным-маньяком Ганнибалом Лектером, который мог бы помочь составить психологический портрет убийцы. Сам Лектер отбывает наказание за убийства и каннибализм. Он согласен помочь Клариссе лишь в том случае, если она попотчует его больное воображение подробностями своей личной жизни.
A separated couple try to keep in touch through postcards of typically "American" sights: motels, monuments, parks; but their postcards cross in the mail. Misunderstandings arise; passion subsides; romance fades... Yet the postcards keep on coming.
The Machine That Killed Bad People is about the cultural and political history of the Philippines leading up to the overthrow of President Ferdinand Marcos in 1986. It also addresses the role of electronic media in the struggle for power, and more broadly, American intervention in the Third World. Using a structure that emulates the way television news programs construct meaning through fragmentation, the tape interweaves clips of Filipino activists and reporters, a fictional television anchorwoman and correspondent, commentary by independent filmmaker Trinh T. Minh-ha, Fagin's off-camera voice and script, and anonymous excerpts from commercial television.
Когда любой из нас попадает в беду, страж правопорядка, являющийся на помощь, подобен ангелу. В минуты несчастья он единственный спаситель и защитник. Вы доверяете ему себя всецело и безоглядно. И ни у кого, ни при каких обстоятельствах не возникнет подозрения, что за благородной внешностью, под аккуратно отутюженным полицейским кителем может скрываться дьявол.
Steeped in irony, Made in Hollywood depicts the personal and cultural mediation of reality and fantasy, desire and identity, by the myths of television and cinema. Quoting from a catalogue of popular styles and sources, from TV commercials to The Wizard of Oz, the Yonemotos construct a parable of the Hollywood image-making industry from a pastiche of narrative cliches: A small-town ingenue goes West to find her dream and loses her innocence; the patriarch of a Hollywood studio nears death; a New York couple seeks screenwriting fame and fortune in the movies. With deadpan humor and hyperbolic visual stylization, the Yonemotos layer artifice upon artifice, constructing an image-world where reality and representation, truth and simulation, are meaningless distinctions.
Jamie Latrobe
Фильм знаменитого режиссёра Роланда Джоффе расскажет Вам об истории создания самого страшного оружия на Земле. Ньюман играет сурового генерала Лесли Гроувза, который руководит совершенно секретным проектом «Манхэттен».
Джон считал свою жизнь вполне благополучной. Он был на хорошем счету в своей юридической фирме, имел красавицу жену Энн и любовницу Синтию, которая приходилась Энн младшей сестрой. Эту идиллию напрочь разрушил приезд его университетского товарища Грэма, показавшегося Энн и Джону немного странным.
Man in Bar
В центре сюжета странноватая семья фермеров из Канзаса, которая оказывается запертой в собственном доме из-за надвигающегося смерча.
Donald Eisenberg
Using experimental narrative structure as his vehicle, Benning recreates the sensationalized and controversial circumstances surrounding Lorencia Bembenek, aka "Bambi", former "Playboy bunny" turned cop, turned accused and convicted killer who disappeared after a daring escape from prison. The film shows the evolution of Benning's and Bembenek's relationship presented through their actual letters read in voice over which depict the filmmaker's curiosity with the subject as it evolves from intrigue to a love obsession.
This short film shot in Iceland and New York, which is based on a thirteenth-century Icelandic Laxdeala Saga, features Tilda Swinton as a young woman whose dreams foretell the future.
Man with Cigar
A short film by painter-turned-filmmaker Robert Longo, "Arena Brains" is a series of interlocking vignettes set in and around the art world of 1980s New York City, satirizing the neuroses and eccentricities of this milieu.
Immigration Staff/Flying Saucer
The story of Willard from Ashley's opera Atalanta, recounted in 3 parts.
FBI Agent
In near-future New York, 10 years after the “social-democratic war of liberation,” diverse groups of women organize a feminist uprising as equality remains unfulfilled.
King Blank
Set in a motel room at NYC's Kennedy Airport, the film treats two days in the life of a deadbeat couple, an obsessive husband lost in a web of psychotic delusion and his immigrant wife.
Adaptation of an avant-garde play about Rhoda, a hysterical heroine who feels oppressed by the people around her. She suffers through her birthday party, goes to see a doctor, plans a vacation, argues a lot and even breaks the fourth wall.
Bette Gordon describes her first feature film as “a narrative derived from film’s own material and my concern for exploring issues of representation and identification in cinema."
Businessman (uncredited)
When Ed Neilson's entire family is viciously murdered, he pleads with retired CIA operative Duke Smith (Robert Conrad) to investigate. He refuses, but relents after Neilson too meets an explosive death. Deception, international intrigue and a ruthless "syndicate of businessmen" intent on raping a South Pacific Islands nation of its resources keep the pace fast.
A psycho noir where stalkers, terrorists and government agents collide.