Jerome Thoms

Рождение : 1907-10-07, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Смерть : 1977-11-01


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jerome Thoms (October 7, 1907 – November 1, 1977) was an American film editor. 30th Academy Awards-Nominated for Pal Joey. Nomination shared with Viola Lawrence. Lost to The Bridge on the River Kwai.


Обнажённый поцелуй
Проститутка Келли, сбежавшая из большого города от сутенёра, приезжает в городок Грантвилл — один из многих на её пути. Шеф местной полиции Грифф на короткой встрече велит ей держаться подальше от его города, советуя пойти в бордель на границе штата. Но Келли решает сменить образ и устраивается медсестрой в больницу для детей-инвалидов. Грифф, не верящий, что проститутка способна измениться, продолжает выживать Келли из города.
Шоковый коридор
Джон Барретт нашел идеальную историю, которая, возможно, принесет ему Пулитцеровскую премию. В стенах психиатрической больницы произошло убийство, но все свидетели — невменяемы. Джон согласен выдать себя за безумца и узнать правду. Кэти, жена Джона, против. Она уверена, что среди психов невозможно сохранить рассудок.
A cowboy has to get 12,000 dollars in stolen bonds from the ex-girlfriend of his partner, or the gang holding him hostage will kill him.
The Interns
During their first year of internship at New North Hospital, a group of aspiring doctors undergo both personal and professional upheavals.
Другой мир США
Четырнадцатилетний Толли Девлин видит, как четверо неизвестных до смерти избивают его отца. Спустя двадцать лет он решает отомстить. Но к тому времени эти четверо уже стали лидерами криминальной группировки…
Мальчик и пираты
Джимми желает стать пиратом, когда однажды он обнаруживает на пляже волшебную бутылку. Он загадывает желание и внезапно оказывается на борту корабля Чёрной Бороды. Вскоре он понимает, что быть пиратом - это не то, чего он ожидал.
Edge of Eternity
Helped by socialite Janice Kendon and barkeeper Scott O'Brien, Arizona deputy sheriff Les Martin works to solve three brutal murders in and around the Grand Canyon. His efforts leads to the killer fleeing with Janice as a hostage and a chase by car and helicopter lead to a climax on a miner's bucket on cables a mile above the canyon floor.
Кровавое кимоно
Детективы-напарники Чарли и Джо пытаются раскрыть запутанное дело об убийстве стриптизерши. Расследование приводит их в японские кварталы Лос-Анджелеса. Но, когда история с убийством начинает проясняться, оказывается, что оба сыщика влюблены в главную свидетельницу.
Face of a Fugitive
A man who was falsly accused for murder escapes the sheriffs and starts a new life in a town at the border of the States to Mexico. But he cannot settle in peace as his chasers are trying to find him.
Forbidden Island
Film Processor
Tropical island underwater scuba diving swimming murder thriller, in which divers and thieves search for a sunken treasure.
Одинокий всадник
Бен Бригэйд - охотник за головами, захватывает убийцу - Билли Джона. Бригэйд собирается отвезти его на виселицу в Санта-Круз. По пути Бригэйд останавливается на станции для дилижансов, где спасает жену станционного смотрителя от индейцев, и заручается поддержкой двух преступников. Но чем дальше, тем опаснее становится путешествие. Индейцы продолжают преследование, преступники планируют отбить Билли у Бригэйта, соблазнившись предложением об амнистии за поимку малыша Билли, а брат Билли Фрэнк отправляется в погоню, чтобы спасти его. Но у Бригэйда есть свои собственные планы.
Good Day for a Hanging
As a youth, Eddie came into the town with his gang to rob the bank, but was caught and convicted. Marshal Ben helped him to become a honorable citizen. Now, many years later, the gang returns to again rob the bank. On their flight they shoot the Marshal. Eddie is the only one to identify the murderer - but is in doubt if he shall be loyal to his new or his old friends.
Седьмое путешествие Синдбада
Синдбад, желая избавить свою невесту от колдовских чар злого колдуна Сакуры, отправляется к волшебному острову, где его и его друзей поджидает множество опасностей и испытаний. Синдбад должен победить мерзкого одноглазого циклопа и огромного дракона, сразиться с черным чародеем — и, в конце концов, одержав победу над силами зла и освободив от заклятья любимую, отправиться вперед, навстречу новым подвигам.
Crash Landing
Airplane passengers prepare for a crash landing in the ocean.
Gunman's Walk
A powerful rancher always protects his wild adult son by paying for damages and bribing witnesses, until his crimes become too serious to rectify.
Screaming Mimi
A blonde night club dancer is being stalked. Will anyone believe her?
Приятель Джои
Шикарный мюзикл с Фрэнком Синатрой в роли отчаянного ловеласа Джои, любителя блондинок и брюнеток, толстых и худых, молодых и не очень. Скрываясь от очередного обманутого мужа в маленьком городе, он становится постановщиком ревю и соблазняет и спонсора постановки Веру Симпсон и главную звезду Линду
Jeanne Eagels
Biographical film based loosely on the life of 1920's stage star Jeanne Eagels.
No Time to Be Young
A melodrama about young adults growing up and facing the pressures of life.
Морские ведьмы
Американская подводная лодка «Морская звезда», выполняет спецзадание в сложных условиях боевого похода по Японскому морю, во время Второй мировой войны. Командиру лодки - Кейси Абботу, поручено установить мины в Цусимском проливе, чтобы разорвать связь между азиатским материком и Японскими островами. Фильм основан на реальных событиях.
The 27th Day
Five individuals from five nations, including the USA, USSR, and China, suddenly find themselves on an alien saucer, where an alien gives each a container holding three capsules. The alien explains that no power on earth can open a given container except a mental command from the person to whom it is given, then anyone may take a capsule and, by speaking a latitude and longitude at it, cause instant death to all within a given radius: thus each of the five has been provided with the power of life and death. Then, they are given 27 days to decide whether to use the capsules, and returned to the places from which each one came...
Полукровка Фрэнк Мэдден утверждает, что он белый, чтобы владеть землей, но жестокие расовые столкновения в городе вынуждают его отказаться от своего нейтралитета и выбрать сторону.
Тем тяжелее падение
Спортивный журналист Эдди Виллис вращается в мире профессионального бокса и становится, как сейчас говорят, «пиарщиком» начинающего боксера. Проработав 17 лет в газете и не заработав ничего на «черный» день, он соглашается вести грязную «раскрутку» бездарного, слабого боксера внушительной внешности и роста. «Бокс — это балет, шоу, на котором делают деньги», — так говорит ему полукриминальный промоутер Род Стайгер, — но ведь в балете не убивают в раздевалке танцоров, отказывающихся танцевать. Только сейчас Эдди понимает всю подноготную этого безжалостного мира, где менеджеры жестоко и без всяких сантиментов манипулируют своими боксерами. Хватит ли у него силы воли восстать против хорошо отлаженной машины криминального бизнеса?
Battle Stations
The crew of a U.S. Navy ship in World War II goes into battle against the Japanese fleet.
Teen-Age Crime Wave
A delinquent girl involves an innocent friend in an armed robbery followed by a jail-break and hostage-taking with her equally delinquent boyfriend.
Apache Ambush
Two former enemies find themselves together on a cattle drive and fighting marauding Apaches and Mexican bandits.
Это прибыло со дна моря
Атомная субмарина замечает в океане огромный неизвестный движущийся объект. Тем временем с судов, которые занимаются в этом районе ловом рыбы, начинают поступать сообщения о таинственных исчезновениях людей. Ученые начинают расследование и обнаруживают гигантского осьминога, ставшего таким в результате ядерных испытаний в океане...
5 Against the House
Former war-time Army buddies now students in college decide to rip off a Reno casino.
Seminole Uprising
An angry Seminole chief wages war after his tribe is relocated from Florida to the American West.
Жестокие люди
Крупный землевладелец Лу Вилкерсон мечтает стать хозяином всей земли в долине и он уже совсем близок к осуществлению своей мечты. Ему надо приобрести всего два участка — ранчо Пэрриша и земли Пэрдью.
A police detective falls for the bank robber's girlfriend he is supposed to be tailing.
Drive a Crooked Road
A mechanic gets caught up with the mob when he falls for a gangster's girlfriend.
Gun Fury
After a stagecoach holdup, Frank Slayton's notorious gang leave Ben Warren for dead and head off with his fiancée. Warren follows, and although none of the townspeople he comes across are prepared to help, he recruits two others who have sworn revenge on the ruthless Slayton.
Prince of Pirates
In a 16th century kingdom in the Netherlands, the newly crowned King Stephan concludes a secret treaty with the Spanish. This puts him at odds with his younger brother, Prince Roland, who favors a treaty with the French. Stephan orders Roland imprisoned but Roland escapes and leads a revolt.
Следопыт и Чингачгук берутся совершить невозможное: обеспечить победу малочисленных англичан над многочисленным войском французов. План действий включает шпионаж, диверсии и женские чары. За последние отвечает благородная Уэлком Элисон, готовая положить жизнь за родную Англию. Познакомившись с ней поближе, Следопыт понимает, что она исключительная женщина.
Scandal Sheet
A tabloid editor assigns a young reporter to solve a murder the editor committed himself.
Corky of Gasoline Alley
A small town family discovers an unwanted houseguest is harder to eject than they expected. Comedy.
Mask of the Avenger
Costume swashbuckler with heroic John Derek battling evil Anthony Quinn.
Pygmy Island
Jungle Jim (Johnny Weissmuller) fights a gorilla, finds a Wac (Ann Savage) and keeps high fiber from falling into enemy hands.
The Killer That Stalked New York
In New York, Sheila Bennet and her spouse, Matt Krane, are trying to unload a trove of rare jewels they smuggled into America from Cuba, but the police are hot on the couple's trail. Meanwhile, government officials begin a desperate search for an unknown individual who is infecting the city with smallpox.
The Good Humor Man
Biff Jones is a driver/salesman for the Good Humor ice-cream company. He hopes to marry his girl Margie, who works as a secretary for Stuart Nagel, an insurance investigator. Margie won't marry Biff, though, because she is the sole support of her kid brother, Johnny. Biff gets involved with Bonnie, a young woman he tries to rescue from gangsters. But Biff's attempts to help her only get him accused of murder. When the police refuse to believe his story, it's up to Biff and Johnny to prove Biff's innocence and solve the crime.
Father Is a Bachelor
Johnny Rutledge is a drifter who comes to and discovers a cabin in the forest where five kids: January, February, March, April, and May are living without parents. Their parents died a while ago, and they want to keep that secret from the townspeople, especially the young school teacher, Prudence Millett, to avoid being sent to a children's home and eventual separation. Johnny moves in with the kids and poses as their uncle to take care of them while romancing Prudence. But in order to keep the children, he has to get married.
Miss Grant Takes Richmond
A bookie uses a phony real estate business as a front for his betting parlor. To further keep up the sham, he hires dim-witted Ellen Grant as his secretary figuring she won't suspect any criminal goings-on. When Ellen learns of some friends who are about to lose their homes, she unwittingly drafts her boss into developing a new low-cost housing development.
Johnny Allegro
Treasury Department officials recruit a florist (Raft) to lead them to a wanted criminal (Macready); but once he gets too close, he finds he's the hunted.
The Crime Doctor's Diary
A criminal psychologist tries to clear his patient of arson charges.
The Untamed Breed
A cowboy sets out to capture an escaped Brahma bull that is terrorizing local ranchers. Based on a story by Eli Colter that appeared in The Saturday Evening Post.
Two men, one woman and one horse get into trouble.
My Dog Rusty
Faithful dog Rusty helps his master's father win a mayoral race.
The Black Arrow
A young British nobleman comes back from fighting in the War of the Roses to discover that his father has been murdered by an old family friend who is now an outlaw. However, he becomes suspicious about the exact circumstances of his father's death and determines to find out exactly what happened.
Blondie's Holiday
Dagwood gets a raise due to a new contract with a bank manager. Blondie misunderstanding the amount of the raise pledges more than they can afford to Dagwood's high school reunion organizer who was also Dagwood's high school sweetheart. To make matters worse Dagwood becomes involved with a gang running a gambling establishment.
Blondie's Big Moment
Blondie decides she wants to be a star and nearly turns her household upside down in this entry in the long-running domestic comedy series. Dagwood has mixed emotions about his wife's theatrical aspirations and eventually he decides to get her to quit. As usual - disaster ensues.
So Dark the Night
Inspector Cassin, a renowned Paris detective, departs to the country for a much-needed break. There he falls in love with the innkeeper’s daughter, Nanette, who is already betrothed to a local farmer. On the evening of their engagement party, Nanette and the farmer both disappear. Cassin takes up the case immediately to discover what happened to them and who is responsible.
Cowboy Blues
Starring Ken Curtis and the hayseed singing group the Hoosier Hot Shots, this musical Western is really Lady for a Day with a switch in gender. Rotund Guy Kibbee is Dusty Nelson, the handyman at the Bar B dude ranch, whose daughter Susan is arriving with her socialite fiancee, Jerome Winston. Susan believes her father owns the ranch, and to spare Dusty any embarrassment, the Hot Shots, ranch manager Curt Durant and sidekick Big Boy Stover agree to continue the deception.
The Devil's Mask
A San Francisco airplane bound for South America crashes, and among the scorched debris is found a shrunken native human head, neatly packaged. The perplexed police contact a local anthropology museum about this unclaimed piece of grisly baggage, where they intersect with Jack and Doc, two private eyes, called there to meet a mysterious woman who had a case for them and wanted to meet in private.
A Close Call for Boston Blackie
Blackie runs into a woman he formally loved who now is married with a kid. When her husband gets out of prison he's killed in Blackie's apartment and of course the police thing Blackie pulled the trigger. Blackie must set out to prove his innocence as well as capture the real killers.
Life with Blondie
Daisy, the Bumstead's mischievous mutt, makes the family a little extra cash when she wins a contest to become a model for the Navy. From there she becomes the favorite calendar gal. All the attention to the dog, makes Dagwood feel that his position as master of the house is jeopardized. Meanwhile all the attention catches the greedy eyes of gangsters who try and abduct Daisy!
Blonde from Brooklyn
A brash young singer and an unemployed "jukebox girl" hire an elderly Confederate "colonel" to teach them to be "southern" so they can land a radio gig for sponsor Plantation Coffee. Comedy.
Eve Knew Her Apples
Radio singing star, Eve Porter, wants a vacation during her show's summer hiatus, but her manager and press have booked her for additional work. She refuses and goes to Las Vegas. When she finds them there hunting her down, she manages to escape them by hiding in the car of a newspaper reporter. She comes out of hiding while he is driving, but everything she says is misconstrued, making him believe that she is a recently-escaped convict, "The Singing Widow". He plans to use this as a story to get back into the good graces of his editor. Through some comic mishaps, he learns who she really is. He then decides to take her back to Hollywood to collect the reward for her return. But now love has entered the mix, and must be resolved with his job and her engagement to another.
Escape in the Fog
A military nurse recovering at an inn from a nervous breakdown keeps having dreams where she sees two men trying to murder a third. When she meets a man who is a federal agent at the inn, she is astounded to discover that he is the man in her dream who is the intended murder victim.
The Whistler
A guilt-ridden man blames himself for his wife's death and secretly pays an assassin to kill him. But then he finds out that his wife isn't dead at all. And now the assassin is on his trail, with no way to call off the hit.
Swing Out the Blues
The film is partly a parody of The Goodwill Court, a popular radio problem hosted by advice-dispenser "Mr. Anthony". The host of a "What's your problem?" radio hour tries to smooth the romantic path of singer Rich Cleveland (Haymes) and his socialite wife Penelope (Lynn Merrick). The fly in the ointment is Dena Marshall (Janis Carter), who has set her sights on the handsome Rich.
The Chance of a Lifetime
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
Dangerous Blondes
Mystery writer Barry Craig (Allyn Joslyn) and his wife Jane (Evelyn Keyes), prefer solving crimes rather than writing about them. They get a chance when killings plague the fashion photography studio of Ralph McCormick (Edmund Lowe). After his secretary, Julie Taylor(Anita Louise) reports an attempt to murder her there, Erika McCormick's (Ann Savage) Aunt Isabel Fleming (Mary Forbes) is stabbed and the evidence points to Madge Lawrence (Bess Flowers) an older model and an apparent suicide. Police Inspector Joseph Clinton (Frank Craven) declares the case closed...but then Erika is murdered.
Dizzy Detectives
The stooges are carpenters who become policemen. A mysterious burglar disguised as a gorilla has the cops baffled and Mr. Dill, the head of the citizens league, threatening the police chief's job. The boys go on the case and pose as night watchmen at an antiques store. They confront the crook, who turns out to be a real gorilla owned by Dill. After defeating Dill and some other bad guys in a wild fight, the gorilla drinks some nitroglycerin and blows up.
Three Smart Saps
The stooges are engaged to the three daughters of a prison warden. When they learn that some crooks have taken over the prison and their prospective father-in-law has been locked up, they decide to go undercover to rescue him. The stooges sneak into the prison where they find a casino with a fancy party in progress. After swiping some formal attire, they crash the party and get candid camera evidence to expose the crooked goings-on. With the crooks behind bars once again, the stooges are able to get married and all ends well.
What's the Matador?
The stooges are actors traveling to perform at a fiesta in Mexico. After they accidentally switch suitcases with that of Dolores, a lovely senorita they met on trip down, they must sneak into her house to retrieve their suitcase. When they are confronted by her jealous husband he vows to kill them if he sees them again. At the fiesta where they are performing a comedy bullfight (Curly is the matador, Moe and Larry are in a bull costume) the husband bribes the attendants to let a real bull into the ring. Curly knocks the bull out with a head butt and becomes a hero.
In the Sweet Pie and Pie
The stooges are convicts about to be executed for some murders they didn't commit. The day before the execution they are tricked into marrying three rich girls who need husbands to collect a legacy. At the last minute the real murderers confess and the stooges are pardoned. The girls are now stuck with the stooges so they plot to get rid of them by making them become gentlemen. The girl's lawyer convinces them to throw a big party in the hope that the stooges will humiliate them and they can get a divorce. The boys do just that as the party degenerates into a wild pie fight. But the girls decide to keep the stooges and give their lawyer the boot.
Никакого больше \
The stooges have taken over the country of Moronica. Moe is Hailstone the Dictator, Curly is a Field Marshal and Larry is Minister of Propaganda. The stooges are planning with their allies to conquer the world, which mainly consists of fighting over a globe. The former king's daughter gets into their headquarters and plants a bomb which Curly detonates. All ends well as the king regains control of the country and the stooges wind up as trophies on the wall.
Way Out West
Wise-guy carnival barker Windy bilks a group of cowboys out of their money, gets caught and is forced into working off the debt on their ranch. He falls in love with Molly, the pretty owner of the ranch, but runs afoul of foreman Steve, who also loves Molly.