Self (archive footage)
A film biography with a difference, Sir John Mills' Moving Memories charts the life of one of Britain's most distinguished actors. Compiled from interviews with the man himself and with his family and friends, it traces his career from humble beginnings to all-time great of British cinema. The many film clips reveal an electric screen presence and a willingness to undertake a range of difficult, challenging roles.
American documentary film-maker George C. Stoney visits the Aran Islands to try and unravel some of the myths surrounding a film that had engrossed him as a youngster - Robert Flaherty's famous documentary "Man of Aran" released in 1934.
Based on a play by Willis Hall. A troop of British soldiers are out in the jungle to record jungle noises and troop noises in the jungle so that the recordings can be played back by other troops to divert the enemy to their whereabouts. As they progress to what they think is closer to the base camp they find themselves farther and farther from radio range until the only channel they can get clearly is that of a Japanese broadcast. They now realize they are probably only 10 to 15 miles from a Japanese camp! The tension is added to by rowdy and openly admitted "non-hero" Private Bamforth who has nothing good to say about anyone and especially Corporal Johnstone (who holds an equal dislike for Bamforth). When a Japanese soldier is taken as their prisoner, the true colours of each man comes to the surface
Путешествуя по Франции Джон Баррэтт сталкивается с обедневшим французским дворянином, который в точности походит на него. Он опоил двойника, чтобы выдать его за себя, а самому отдохнуть и получить передышку от неурядиц в семье и работе. Проснувшись, Джон-двойник пытается убедить всех с кем сталкивается, что он не тот, о ком они думают, но постепенно все более привязывается к этой семье, включая несчастную жену, властную мать, одинокую но талантливую молодую дочь, несчастную сестру — старую деву и домохозяйку. Джон все больше узнает их, и чувствует, что может помочь им с их проблемами, но он также привыкает и к новому образу чужой жизни, которая впервые дала ему цель.
An escaped prisoner is trying to clear his name.
A professional thief is sprung from prison with the assistance of a new partner who wants to know where he's hid his loot.
Две истории в одной: беззаботный британский капрал, находящийся во Франции, узнаёт, что он оказался ответственным за жизни своих людей после гибели их офицера. И он должен найти способ вернуть их в Англию. Тем временем британские гражданские лица оказываются втянутыми в войну при помощи операции «Динамо», целью которой было вернуть французские и британские войска на побережье Дюнкерка. Есть и те, кто готов прийти на помощь, и те, кто действует не столь охотно.
The Mad Morgans are a family song and dance act touring the British Music Halls. Young Davy is the star of the act but should he stay with his family or strike out on his own ? The last comedy to be produced at Ealing Studios.
A seasick sea captain commands an amusement pier despite local opposition. Released in the U.S. as 'All at Sea'
По роману Д. Арси Найленда «Обуза» о бродячей жизни австралийского рабочего Маколея и его маленькой дочери Бастер, которые в поисках куска хлеба бродят по стране.
The efforts of test pilot John Mitchell to make a better life for his wife Mary and their two children seem doomed to failure and he blames himself. At the Conway Aero-Manufacturing Company of Wolverhampton, Mitchell is to take the company's new rocket-propulsion transport plane up for tests, fully loaded and carrying two important passengers - Ministry official Crabtree and buyer's representative Ashmore. Mitchell learns from his boss, Reg Conway, that if Ashmore does not recommend the plane, the company will be out of business and Mitchell out of a job, since the plane is not even insured as the firm's entire capital is tied up in the plane. Aloft, an engine catches fire and the passengers and other crew bail out, but Mitchell refuses to obey orders to jettison the plane in the Irish Sea.
Following a group of five very different student nurses during their first year of training at an NHS hospital in London called St. Augustine’s Hospital (filmed at Guy's Hospital), where they live in a dormitory. Susan (Belinda Lee) is reliable and sensible; Pat (Delphi Lawrence) is flighty and open; Maureen (Adrienne Corri) is Irish and loud; Ann (Henryetta Edwards) is a typical public school girl; and Liz (Barbara Archer) comes from a typical working class background. As they get to know each other, they bond in spite of their differences.
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural style made popular by Ealing in their 1950 film The Blue Lamp. It is known in the US as The Third Key.
Средь бела дня в дом пожилой леди, миссис Уилберфорс, постучал неизвестный джентльмен. Представившись профессором музыки, мистером Маркусом, он пожелал снять у неё комнату, заранее предупредив, что к нему для репетиций будут наведываться коллеги.. Кто же знал, что под видом почтенных граждан струнного квинтета скрываются грабители, обдумывающие очередной гоп-стоп. Дельце выгорает, и с украденным они являются в дом миссис Уилберфорс. По просьбе профессора старушка соглашается вывезти его «багаж» с вокзала, не подозревая, что он набит награбленной наличностью. Получив деньги и распрощавшись с милой старушкой, преступники покидают её дом. Однако при захлопывании двери случается несуразная мелочь — и старушка понимает, что её жилец ведёт нечестную игру. Посчитав старушку ненужным свидетелем, они решают её убить, но исполнить это не так-то просто...
At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a Royal Navy officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for Tokyo and crash in the Japanese mountains. Amongst those listening is Air Marshal Hardie who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardie initially dismisses the dream because he is scheduled to fly out in a Liberator, but as Hardie arrives at the airport he discovers that the Liberator has developed mechanical problems and has been replaced by a Dakota. When, just before the flight is due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a complement of eight, Hardie fears that the dream may be coming true and he is destined to die.
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Game warden Bob Payton (Anthony Steel) tracks a ivory smuggling ring through some of the most treacherous passages of the Zanzibar territory.
Executive Producer
The poor, elderly—and the wily, when it comes to parting those who can afford it from their money—Scottish skipper of a broken-down old 'puffer' boat tricks an American tycoon into paying him to transport his personal cargo. When the tycoon learns of the trick, he attempts to track down the boat and remove his possessions.
Executive Producer
A TV set given as a retirement present is sold on to different households causing misery each time.
Executive Producer
When British Railways announce the closure of the Titfield to Mallingford branch line a group of local residents make a bid to run it themselves, backed by a monied member of the community who is attracted by the complete lack of licensing hours on trains. Unfortunately the local bus company starts to use methods that can hardly be seen as fair competition.
Когда родители обнаруживают, что Мэнди – глухая, её мать Кристина хочет отправить её в спецшколу, чтобы её там научили говорить и писать. Однако её отец, Гарри, стыдится своей дочери и предпочитает прятать Мэнди в доме с гувернанткой, которая общается с девочкой дактилем. Однако после того, как Кристина видит, как реагирует Мэнди на других детей, она понимает, что девочка должна посещать школу и уходит от Гарри.
A true story about an Englishman working as a game warden in Kenya who is disgusted by the ongoing destruction of African wildlife, and decides to create a national park to protect them.
Эксцентричный изобретатель Сидни Стрэттон работает на текстильной фабрике. Однажды ему удается создать нечто необыкновенное. Новая ткань, изобретенная им, не рвется, не мнется, не изнашивается. Конкуренты начинают за ним охоту…
Ограбление века — вот о чём мечтает перевозчик золотых слитков с мягкими манерами, вылитый божий агнец, потаённые мысли которого нездоровы, как у всех бледных поганок… После 20 лет безупречной службы он вдруг решает украсть золота на миллион фунтов стерлингов…
Jewel thieves, murder and a manhunt swirl around a sailor (Bonar Colleano) off a cargo ship in London.
A classic Ealing comedy in which a young boy steals a magnet and becomes a hero.
A young woman, Judith Moray, deserts her prospective fiance, the nice doctor Alan Kearn, for an old flame, the dashing but roguish former wing commander Bill Glennan. Glennan makes her pregnant and marries her, but leaves her on the morning after the wedding when he learns that her father can't offer him financial support. Two years later she - having been told that Glennan is dead - has married Kearn and borne him a son. But then Glennan suddenly reappears and begins to blackmail her.
A family buy land set around a water hole in a remote location, that is occupied by native Australians. The two groups clash.
P.C. George Dixon is a long-serving traditional copper who is due to retire shortly. He takes a new recruit under his aegis and introduces him to the easy-going night beat. Dixon is a classic ordinary hero but also anachronistic, unprepared and unable to answer the violence of the 1950s.
Two Welsh coal-mining brothers win a trip to London to claim a monetary prize. They are supposed to meet a newspaper reporter who will be their escort. Instead, the brothers are launched into an adventure with some London riff-raff. It is up to the reporter to look out for the brothers, and what a job it turns out to be!
Классическая британская комедия студии "Илинг". Обнаружив старый договор, юридически относящийся к давно несуществующему герцогству Бургундия, жители одного района Лондона объявляют независимость и формируют правительство. Теперь, чтобы попасть туда, нужно иметь "Пропуск в Пимлико".
1902-ой год. Несправедливо обвинённый в убийстве дальнего родственника английский пэр Луис Маццини, герцог Шелфонтский, сидит в тюрьме и пишет откровенные мемуары…
Идёт Вторая мировая война. Однако, на небольшом островке на северо-западе Шотландии другая беда. Сюда не падают бомбы, не взрываются гранаты, не гибнут люди. Здесь закончилось виски! Жизнь утратила свою привлекательность, мужчины оделись в чёрное, даже дети почувствовали, что что-то не так. Но, однажды, у берегов острова потерпел крушение корабль с грузом виски на борту...
A train disaster is told in four short stories to give character studies of the people involved, how it will affect them and how they deal with it.
The true story of the British explorer Robert Falcon Scott and his ill-fated expedition to try to be the first man to discover the South Pole - only to find that the murderously cold weather and a rival team of Norwegian explorers conspire against him
A young Irishman comes up with an unusual plan to get the money to emigrate to Tahiti. One of the Ealing comedies.
Трагическая история любви принцессы Софии Доротеи Ганноверской и шведского дворянина, графа Филиппа Кенигсмарка.
A disparate group of volunteers are trained as saboteurs and parachuted into Belgium to blow up an office containing important Nazi records and to rescue a prominent S.O.E. agent, who is being interrogated by the Germans for vital information.
During a rainy Sunday afternoon, an escaped prisoner tries to hide out at the home of his ex-fiance.
A young German girl marries an Englishman and moves into his family's household during the last days of World War II. The family and community have conflicting feelings about her presence in the community, and as a result, the family is forced to face their own moral code as they deal with their own prejudices and fears about the seemingly innocent German girl. The war ends, and she finally seems to be accepted into the family and community when her Nazi brother shows up to create havoc.
Joanna Godden falls heir to a farm when her father dies.
Англия, XIX век. Когда отец Николаса Никльби умирает и оставляет свою семью без средств к существованию, его дядя, жадный ростовщик Ральф Никльби, находит племяннику работу в отталкивающей школе в Йоркшире. Николас сбегает оттуда, взяв с собой одного гонимого мальчика по имени Смайк, и они присоединяются к актерской труппе. Потом Николасу пришлось защищать Смайка, сестру Кэйт от попыток дяди извлечь выгоду, и затем его возлюбленную Меделайн Брэй, чей отец погряз в долгах.
A gang of street boys foil a master crook who sends commands for robberies by cunningly altering a comic strip's wording each week, unknown to writer and printer. The first of the Ealing comedies.
It's the start of WWII in Northern Australia. The Japanese are getting close. People are evacuating and burning everything in a "scorched earth" policy. Rather than kill all their cattle, a disparate group decides to drive them overland half way across the continent, from Wyndham in Western Australia through the Northern Territory outback of Australia to pastures north of Brisbane, Queensland.
A series of stories about the lives and loves of nine men in a Prisoner of War Camp over five years. Location shooting in the British occupied part of Germany adds believability. The main story is of Hasek (Redgrave) a Czech soldier who needs to keep his identity a secret from the Nazis, to do this he poses as a dead English Officer and corresponds with the man's wife. Upon liberation they meet and decide to continue their lives together. The other inmates' stories are revealed episodically.
Melodrama set in Victorian Brighton. Scheming pub landlady uses the timorous son of a domineering pharmacist to assist in the poisoning of her drunkard husband. (The title is from the way pharmacists used to wrap parcels containing poison).
The fisherman from a Cornish village have a friendly rivalry with the fishermen (and one formidable woman) from a French port. Then war comes and they must all rethink their petty differences.
Таинственный клиент приглашает архитектора Крэйга в свой дом, и по прибытии у Крэйга появляется странное чувство, что это место ему знакомо, несмотря на то, что ранее он никогда тут не бывал. Вскоре выясняется, что это на самом деле кошмарный сон, и чтобы пробудиться, Крэйгу придётся выслушать пять страшных историй от собравшихся здесь людей.
In this modest drama, set during World War II, two rival boat families battle it out for supremacy.
British war documentary
Two British soldiers and a WREN take refuge at Stonehenge during a thunderstorm, they are struck by lightning and transported back to ancient Rome.
A man from the countryside becomes London’s newest music hall sensation, and competes with a rival music hall performer for the audience’s attention.
A WWII flyer fails to join the RAF so he joins the Air - Sea Rescue instead. His boat is out in all conditions picking up downed pilots and taking them to safety.
A group of travellers, each with a personal problem that they want to hide, arrive at a mysterious Welsh country inn. There is a certain strangeness in the air as they are greeted by the innkeeper and his daughter. Why are all the newspapers a year old? And why doesn't Gwyneth seem to cast a shadow?
British drama documentary from 1943, based on the true story of the 1940 rescue of the tanker MV San Demetrio by parts of her own crew after she had been set afire in the middle of the Atlantic by the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer and then had been abandoned. When one of the lifeboats drifted back to the burning tanker the day after, and found that she still hadn't exploded, they decided to board her and put out the fires. Eventually, they managed to start the engine again and decided to try to reach Britain against all odds.
An insane murderer is on the loose, and gunning for the men who put him away. Will Hay is on the list, and co-opts Claude Hulbert to try and stop him from meeting a grisly end.
Occupied Yugoslavia. With organised resistance shattered by the Nazi onslaught it is only the activity of small guerrilla bands that bring fresh hope to the people. But quislings and infiltrators are everywhere – and trusting the wrong person could easily get you killed...
Comedian Tommy Trinder plays it straight in this tribute to the wartime AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service). The dedicated band who kept the fires of London under control during the blitz and fire bombings of WWII.
The Nine men of the title are a British WWII Army patrol stuck in a desert fort during the African campaign. The Men must defend the fort against the Italian and German troops until they can be relieved.
The quiet village of Bramley End is taken over by German troops posing as Royal Engineers. Their task is to disrupt England's radar network in preparation for a full scale German invasion. Once the villagers discover the true identity of the troops, they do whatever they can to thwart the Nazis plans.
Schoolteacher William Potts is the double of a captured German spy, so he is sent to Germany by British Intelligence to obtain the plans of a new secret weapon, causing chaos in a Hitler Youth school in the process.
Based on the true story of Melbourne Johns, an aircraft factory foreman sent to France to prevent the Nazis getting hold of some vital equipment.
Wartime propaganda piece giving the warning "Be like Dad, Keep Mum". A gossipy housewife is overheard talking about what her son is doing by a Nazi spy.
A professor teaching at a correspondence school discovers that a Nazi agent is trying to prevent a trade treaty being signed between England and South America.
Wartime propaganda piece reporting on the success of the economic blockade of Germany in the early years of the war.
Deals with the training of Fleet Air Arm pilots and crew during World War II.
Ministry of Information-sponsored comedy short showing wartime audiences how to deal with the threat of incendiary bombs.
Before the war, a Fleet Air Arm pilot is dismissed for causing the death of a colleague. Working for a small Greek airline when the Germans invade Greece, he gets a chance to redeem himself and rejoin his old unit on a British carrier. This is regarded the last of the conventional, rather stiff 1930's style Ealing war films, to be succeeded by much more realism and better storytelling.
George Pearson, an employee at an underwear factory, is caught between his modern wife and his meddling mother. After buying a special yarn and getting his wife to promote it, he has an argument with his boss, Mr Dawson who insults Pearson's wife and refuses to apologise. Pearson then resigns. After finding out that the yarn is actually worth a fair amount, Mr Dawson tries to buy it from Pearson but he has some competition.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Using edited archive footage, mockery is made of Italy's dictator Benito Mussolini.
Three sailors get drunk while on shore leave and end up on the wrong ship. When they realise their mistake they scramble off it and onto their warship, HMS Ferocious. However, they soon realise that the vessel they have boarded is not the Ferocious but a German battleship.
George is an inept reserve policeman working in wartime Liverpool, who is chosen by a gang of Nazi saboteurs as the stooge for their planned destruction of the British battleship HMS Hercules. Framed by the villains and forced to go on the run, George sets out to clear his name with the aid of new girlfriend, Jane.
Executive Producer
The first months of WWII as experienced by the new young recruits - the 'young Berts' - of the British Army.
A bookmaker with a fancy for detective work attempts to prevent the execution of a potentially innocent man.
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
События фильма разворачиваются в самом начале войны, когда угроза со стороны фашистской Германии перестает быть призрачной. Британским контрразведчикам удается получить ценные сведения о местоположении группы немецких шпионов. Где-то в норвежском Бергене расположилась опытная команда фашистов под прикрытием, изображающая джазовый оркестр. В срочном порядке готовится спецоперация по обезвреживанию противника. В какой-то момент план английской контрразведки отклоняется от заданной схемы, в результате чего в Норвегию отбывает не опытный агент, а чудаковатый музыкант небольшого джаз-бэнда Джордж Хепплуайт. В отсутствии других вариантов приходится уговорить паренька послужить на благо родине.
From a series of propaganda films made to raise awareness of the risks of idle gossip providing vital information to enemy spies and collaborators. This Ealing Studios production features well-known 1940s actor John Mills, playing a sailor whose girlfriend thoughtlessly blunders away vital wartime secrets. The consequences prove disastrous when his boat next leaves to cross the English Channel.
A young pilot, annoyed at not being selected to take part in a raid on an enemy target, moans to his fiancée, who in turn chatters to a friend at a cocktail bar.
Чернокожий американец Давид Голиаф ищет работу в валлийском шахтерском городке. Подружившись с Диком Перри, местным хормейстером и шахтером, он находит работу и кров. Во время взрыва на шахте Перри погибает, а шахта закрывается, оставляя большинство людей в городе без работы. После протеста горожан шахта вновь открывается, и Голиаф рискует своей жизнью, спасая шахтеров, которые оказались в завале.
Robert Maine is torn between returning to the glamour of Hollywood and working with a small theatre company in England.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Information and specifically target working class audiences; ‘Now you’re talking’ follows a plant worker, who lets slip vital information about some overnight research on a captured enemy aircraft. This inevitably leads to this most important of secrets falling into the lap of the enemy.
Wartime propaganda short in which a professor enlists the help of a dustman to explain the importance of saving paper, bones and metal to help the war effort.
Shades of "Romeo and Juliet" with rival British Brewery owners who hate each other and their children who fall in love.
The Four Men of the title are British WWI veterans who decide to work secretly against enemies of the country. They aren't above a bit of murder or sabotage to serve their ends, but they consider themselves to be true patriots.
A brash young American aristocrat attending Oxford University gets a chance to prove himself and win the heart of his antagonist's sister.
Саботажник Карл Верлок, скрываясь под маской общительного владельца кинотеатра, проводит серию диверсий в Лондоне. Почувствовав, что находится под наблюдением сыщика Теда Спенсера, он просит мальчика Стиви, младшего брата его жены, доставить на другой конец города сверток. Это бомба с часовым механизмом…
In this he's on the dole, hungry and ready to do any job but quickly light-heartedly scams his way into society and a highly regarded position at a bank next to the beleaguered Robertson Hare. Here he invents a fraudulent business plan (Merrivale - you remember it surely?), the manager and chairman and another finance company are suck(er)ed in and it all snowballs from there. With of course a love interest as a dynamo.
Archie Slott inherits a successful racing stable from his dissolute uncle, but his sanctimonious aunt tries to convince him to sell it off. In an attempt to avoid doing so, he accidentally buys a failing all-in wrestling stadium as well. Now Archie is faced with the tasks of ensuring success for his stable's Derby entry, paying the salaries of his newly-acquired wrestlers, and avoiding a plot to convert the stables into a holiday home.
Dr. Laurence, a once-respectable scientist, begins to research the origin of the mind and the soul. The science community rejects him, and he risks losing everything for which he has worked. He begins to use his discoveries to save his research and further his own causes, thereby becoming... a Mad Scientist, almost unstoppable...
The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, the young queen who reigned in England for nine days before she was executed.
Will Hay plays the pennyless, bungling solicitor Benjamin Stubbins, who arrives at his office to find his insolent office boy (Graham Moffatt) with his feet up on the desk, reading a wild west magazine, which Hay confiscates so that he can read it later. Stubbins later takes a job from a group of Americans who claim they want him to track down some ancestors of theirs in Scotland. In reality however they want to use his office so they can rob a safe in the room immediately below his office. Stubbins takes the job (which is designed to keep him out of the office). In the end Stubbins realises his mistake and at a Christmas Eve fancy dress party he informs a group of carol singing policeman about the Americans nefarious activities
Действие происходит во время Первой мировой войны. Британский агент Эдгар Броди послан правительством в Швейцарию для ликвидации немецкого агента. В сопровождении Эльзы Кэррингтон, под видом его жены, и мексиканца — киллера они останавливаются в отеле. В результате ошибки был убит не тот человек, а немецкий агент остался невредимым. В руке у убитого осталась оторванная пуговица, которая и послужила причиной роковой ошибки.
An ageing aristocrat schemes to secure his dwindling finances by any means - fair or foul!
The tenants of an old London boarding house spend their time in petty bickering and sniping until a mysterious stranger arrives at their door.
While filling in for injured supersleuth Bulldog Drummond (Atholl Fleming), world-class cricket player Jack Pennington (Jack Hulbert) attempts to foil a criminal mastermind's (Ralph Richardson) impending heist that's targeting a valuable jewel necklace held within the British Museum. This comedic 1930s mystery features daring rescues, intense fistfights and an exciting edge-of-your seat finale aboard a runaway train.
Sir Duncan Craggs retires from the Colonial Service and returns to London with his new French wife. The couple are devoted to each other, but continually flirt with other people. Sir Duncan is appointed to the board of clothing retail chain. On his tour of inspection, he encounters a successful store run by the efficient Mr. Bullock. By contrast, a neighbouring shop is filled with unhelpful staff overseen by an incompetent and lazy manager, Raymond Penny, who is more interested in horseracing than running his shop. Craggs is unimpressed by Penny and summons him to a meeting in London. Both Bullock and his domineering wife travel up to London as well, fearing that Penny will tell Craggs malicious stories about them.
A woman disguises herself in men's clothes in order to follow her husband to the wars.
Scatterbrain circus lady has to cover for her sour schoolmistress sister.
A fake psychic suddenly turns into the real thing when he meets a young beauty. (TCM)
Ричард знакомится в Лондонском мюзикхолле с Аннабеллой, которая просит укрыть ее от идущих по ее следу убийц. Ричард не воспринимает это всерьез, но разрешает ей переночевать у него. Той же ночью девушка вваливается в его спальню с ножом в спине… Бегущего в панике Ричарда принимают за убийцу-маньяка и полиция всей Англии начинает охоту. Чтобы доказать свою невиновность, ему придется пройти все круги Ада…
Forever England gives John Mills his first leading role as Brown. Born after a brief affair between his mother and a naval officer, he joins the Royal Navy during the First World War. There his bravery and marksmanship keeps a German ship in port so a British ship can sink it. He becomes a hero, but at what cost?
Member of a village Purity League branch find things much livelier on a trip to London.
Produced by the highly acclaimed Michael Balcon, the story revolves around Robert, the son of the owner of a musical instrument factory. He is in love with Vera, one of the factory workers, who is unaware of his position. So when she jokes one day that she would love a Rolls-Royce, Robert makes sure that she gets one. Then he decides to raise her salary out of all proportion to hint at who he is...
Боб и Джилл Лоуренс проводят отпуск в Швейцарских Альпах вместе со своей дочерью Бетти. На глазах у супружеской пары погибает их новый знакомый — француз Луи Бернар. Перед смертью он успевает прошептать Бобу несколько слов о готовящемся шпионском заговоре. Для того чтобы Боб молчал, злоумышленники похищают и держат в заложниках его дочь. Супруги должны спасти своего ребенка и выполнить гражданский долг — не допустить покушения на известного дипломата.
Road House is a 1934 British comedy crime film directed by Maurice Elvey and starring Violet Loraine, Gordon Harker and Aileen Marson.
A historical satire critical of the rising tide of Anti-Semitism in Germany. Based on the novel by Lionel Feuchtwanger, Jew Süss is the story of life in the 18th century Jewish ghetto of Württemberg. Süss (Veidt) works himself out of the ghetto and into a position of power himself with the help of an evil Duke.
In this opera-oriented musical, Riccardo Gatti, an Italian young tenor in Venice, meets a young woman who sneaks into the opera house to try and get her fiancé hired as the orchestra's pianist.
An ambitious girl who wants to be a cabaret star poses as "Zaza", a French chanteuse, to get a job in a prestigious nightclub. Unfortunately, she finds herself in the middle of a dispute between Mike Kelly, the club's Chicago-born owner, and a group of American gangsters bent on taking over the club. To put pressure on Kelly, the gangsters kidnap "Zaza".
A tale of two feuding families whose offspring cause uproar when they announce their marital plans.
A documentary on the life of the people of the Aran Islands, who were believed to contain the essence of the ancient Irish life, represented by a pure uncorrupted peasant existence centred around the struggle between man and his hostile but magnificent surroundings. A blend of documentary and fictional narrative, the film captures the everyday trials of life on Ireland's unforgiving Aran Islands.
Second of three versions of Margaret Kennedy’s novel about a sickly, sensitive Belgian schoolgirl, Tessa (Victoria Hopper), in love with world-famous composer Lewis Dodd (Brian Aherne), who marries her wealthy cousin Florence (Leonora Corbett). Undermining the already delicate Tessa’s health, the composer realises that life without Tessa is unbearable and leaves his unloving wife – but sadly too late.
During World War I, a young nurse in a hospital in German-occupied Belgium is secretly feeding military information to the British. Complicating matters is the guilt she feels when she has to treat the German casualties inflicted as a result of the information she's passed on, and the fact that the local German commandant is falling in love with her.
Профессор Морлант, британский египтолог, желает обрести бессмертие, используя силу драгоценного камня, найденного в древней восточной гробнице. После смерти Морлант возвращается в мир живых, чтобы отомстить тем, кто украл драгоценный камень из его склепа.
A brash American movie producer arrives at an army base in England wanting to shoot a movie and use the soldiers as extras. The base commander doesn't want any part of it, but the producer and his secretary cook up a scheme to trick the officer into letting him use the base and its men. Their plan succeeds, but things don't turn out quite the way they were expecting.
A French sleeping-car attending with an eye for the ladies hooks up with a wealthy widow and they get married. What he doesn't know is that she married him because she wants to stay in France. Complications ensue.
Film musical taken from JB Priestley's novel about three musicians joining together to save a failing concert party, the Dinky Doos.
The owner of a fish-and-chips shop in the Billingsgate area of London harbors a secret ambition: to become a movie star. It turns out that she has a beautiful singing voice, and when that fact comes to the attention of a movie studio, it begins to turn her and her family's lives upside down.
According to the terms of a will two strangers must marry.
Leila (Jessie Matthews) is a widow, and Fergus (Ian Hunter) is a Canadian bachelor. Both are bequeathed a fortune, but there is a condition to the receipt of it. The two much marry within a year.
To aid matters, Leila disguises herself as Fergus' maid, and the two begin to fall in love.
However when Fergus discovers the truth, he is less than pleased by the deception.
Sir Percy Newbiggin visits the fleet to find ways to economize Naval expenditures. Daughter Celia tags along and organizes a morale-boosting show utilizing ship-board talent. Her fiancé shows up, and romantic complications ensue.
The wife of a diplomat in Geneva pretends to be a maid in order to continue her flirting with a handsome young courier.
The theft of a famous painting leads to murder and many suspects on a plush train speeding from Paris to Rome.
A businessman's daughter runs away from an arranged marriage, only to find herself penniless and suspected of theft after she becomes the victim of a bag thief in the train. When she refuses to tell him who she really is, her accuser decides to take her home where he can keep an eye on her until 12 o'clock the next day, the time at which she has calculated that it will be safe to tell the truth! But when his fiancée arrives unexpectedly and then his 'guest' is mistaken for her, it all gets rather embarrassing...
A British musical comedy film directed by Wilhelm Thiele
A department store assistant becomes publicity conscious.
With a title like Jack's the Boy, is it any surprise that the star of this breezy quota quickie is British music-hall favorite Jack Hulbert? The star plays the son of a celebrated Scotland Yard detective, who joins the force in hopes of following his father's footsteps. Unfortunately, Jack is something of a screw-up, and before long he has become the laughing stock of the force.
A doctor becomes a blackmailer and a jewel thief in order to raise funds for a hospital in East London but is uncovered by an ambitious reporter.
Herbert Marshall and Edna Best, husband and wife in 1933, star in the British drama Faithful Hearts. Best plays the daughter of Marshall, who years earlier had run out on his family. When Edna re-enters Marshall's life, it causes him to reassess his values-and to end his engagement to his judgmental fiancee. When Faithful Hearts was released in the US, all the voices were redubbed by American actors; even Herbert Marshall, a fixture in Hollywood films since the dawn of the talkie era, was submitted to this electronic augmentation. Original titled The Faithful Heart (Americans must have more of everything!), the film was based on a play by Monckton Hoffe.
A young woman goes to stay at the house of Lord Lebanon, but two murders in quick succession lead to the arrival of detectives and cause the woman to fear for her life.
A steward inherits the estate of an earl. To repel the advances of an unwanted fiancee, he pretends that he has regressed to childhood behaviors.
A short comedy film directed by W.P. Kellino
Sunshine Susie was a remake of the German film The Private Secretary, and retained many of the originals general characteristics. Renete Muller who starred in the original, was again cast as the country girl seeking fame and fortune in the big city. She takes a secretarial job at a bank, and sets about catching the heart of her boss, Herr Hasel (Jack Hulbert).
A prominent Parisian judge is a witness to a murder while he is at a rendezvous with his mistress. A woman is arrested for the crime and brought before him for trial. It turns out that the woman is his ex-mistress, and the judge knows that she is not the killer - but if he comes forward, he stands a good chance of ruining his marriage and his career.
The fumble fingered Josser finds himself thrown off the police force for his constant bungling, but by the picture's end, he manages to redeem himself by breaking up a ring of crooks who have been fixing horse-races by doping up the horses.
A young bride is deserted by her husband but finds happiness with another man. They contract a bigamous marriage for the sake of their child....
Racehorse owner Anson is swindled by a woman named Wenda and goes up in front of the Jockey Club where he is disqualified on race fixing allegations. He decides to get his own back with the help of Hillcott, an ex-burglar. Jill is the love interest
A Lancashire mill girl has an illicit adventure with the owner's son while on holiday. Based on the once notorious Houghton play.
The Ghost Train is a 1931 British comedy thriller film directed by Walter Forde and starring Jack Hulbert, Cicely Courtneidge and Ann Todd. It is based on the play The Ghost Train by Arnold Ridley. The film's art direction is by Walter Murton. Only five reels of picture and two reels of soundtrack survive.
'Newsreel cameramen wrest secret papers from Chinese bandit.' (British Film Catalogue)
On his uncle's death Sir Henry Baskerville returns from abroad and opens up the ancestral hall on the desolate moors of Devonshire. Holmes uncovers a plot to have Sir Henry murdered by a terrible trained hound.
An amateur detective goes on the trail of a gang of violent criminals.
A young couple live under a café in Paris that, unknown to them, is owned by a brutal blackmailer. When he is murdered, they fall under suspicion. However, the husband's father, an amateur detective, believes in their innocence and sets out to find who really killed the blackmailer.
Scotland Yard detectives hunt for a dangerous criminal who has recently returned to England.
'Spain. English tourist gets drunk and fights bull.' (British Film Catalogue)
'Scots star sings songs in music hall setting.' (British Film Catalogue)
A comedy short directed by W.P. Kellino.
'Shipwrecked valet saves affianced master from native girl.' (British Film Catalogue)
A man rescues his wife's lover during a disaster at a coal mine
This early Gainsborough film is truly a lost treasure and easily one of the most daring and risque films ever made. At least half a dozen different tales seem to be going on at once all finally meeting in the end. The story starts in the Lido hotel where our "Pickles" remarks upon the fact that everyone in the register is called Smith. Hes trying to chat up Mimi so shell split up with her boyfriend as her boyfriends uncle has other plans for his nephew - alas what no one knows is that he and Mimi have already been married for a few months on the sly!
A young composer goes blind, and shortly afterward enters his most recent work in a competition. He believes he's won, but doesn't know that his wife couldn't bear to tell him that he didn't. Complications ensue.
'International spy seeks documents hidden in old inn.' (British Film Catalogue)
A jealous agent uses a girl singer to break up a double act.
'Lady's son poses as chauffeur to woo girl who buys taxi.' (British Film Catalogue)
'Songs of the 1914-18 war.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Wrecker is a British film that tells the story of a crook who organises train crashes to discredit the railway, in favour of a rival bus company. The stunts in this film were groundbreaking for 1920s British cinema A scene wich has been discribed as "the most spectacular rail crash in cinema history" was recorded by 22 cameras.
A British drama film directed by Denison Clift
A British army officer is cashiered, and re-enlists as Private to take part in the Crimean War. He succeeds in capturing a top Russian spy which results in the famous Charge of the Light Brigade to take the Balaclava Heights.
A young man is shocked to discover that his fiancé is the mistress of his mother's lover.
Фильм начинается с эпизода, где героиня — Ларита Филтон — позирует для портрета в студии художника. Поведение ее мужа, грубияна и волокиты Обри Филтона, толкает ее в объятия художника, где ее и обнаруживает супруг. В последовавшей за этим драке художник стреляет в мужа, ранит, но не убивает его.
Sanger, an eccentric expatriate composer, dies in his house in the Austrian Alps, leaving his daughters penniless. The young composer Lewis Dodd, a longstanding friend of the family, falls in love with their cousin Florence when she comes to take the girls back to England. But little Tessa Sanger is in love with Lewis herself, and when she runs away from school and comes to live with Florence and her husband, their already-shaky marriage is further undermined
Фильм о школьнике, обвиненном в воровстве. Школьные власти изгоняют его, отец не желает его больше видеть. Он покидает дом. К счастью, какая-то умершая родственница оставляет ему небольшое наследство, но неопытный юнец попадает в руки ловких мошенников: полукуртизанки-полуактрисы и ее любовника, которые очень быстро оставляют его без гроша в кармане…
Фильм о школьнике, обвиненном в воровстве. Школьные власти изгоняют его, отец не желает его больше видеть. Он покидает дом. К счастью, какая-то умершая родственница оставляет ему небольшое наследство, но неопытный юнец попадает в руки ловких мошенников: полукуртизанки-полуактрисы и ее любовника, которые очень быстро оставляют его без гроша в кармане…
Mismatched travellers are stranded overnight at a lonely rural railway station. They soon learn of local superstition about a phantom train which is said to travel these parts at dead of night, carrying ghosts from a long-ago train wreck in the area. The travelers eventually get to the bottom of the things that go bump in the night.
A chauffeur becomes an officer and later cares for his master's widow and child.
В Лондоне неуловимый убийца нападает ночью на молодых блондинок и оставляет на их трупах кусочки бумаги с подписью «Мститель». В одном доме появляется новый жилец, нервный человек с маленьким кожаным саквояжем. Комнату ему сдает мать Дейзи, молодой женщины. У Дейзи есть возлюбленный, полицейский, расследующий эти убийства.
Пэтси, танцовщица из театра под названием «Сад наслаждений», устраивает на работу в труппу свою приятельницу Джил. Джил помолвлена с Хью, который работает в колониях. Пэтси выходит замуж за Леветта, коллегу Хью, и, проведя медовый месяц на озере Комо, Леветт тоже отплывает в те края. Джил, которая весело проводит время в Лондоне, пользуясь успехом у мужчин, откладывает поездку в колонии, где ее ждет жених. Пэтси остается верна своему мужу, и, получив письмо о его болезни, уезжает к нему. Но на месте она узнает, что Леветт попал под влияние местной жительницы…
In the Kentucky hills a store keeper tries to win the love of an innocent schoolteacher. She runs away and seeks refuge with a hermit.
A French captain persuades a rich widow to become his mistress, but it is a scheme to test her love.
An intrusive censor interferes with the filming of a melodrama.
A French violinist saves his beloved princess from the Russian revolution..
When bored courtesan Zelie de Chaumet begs her lover, the corrupt and powerful Stetz, to take her slumming, the pair encounter Pierre Boucheron, alias 'The Rat' , boy-king of the Paris underworld, and the innocent Odile. Love, life and jewels are risked and lost in this powerful romantic melodrama as the four characters' lives are changed by this chance encounter for ever.
The White Shadow is a British drama film directed by Graham Cutts based on the novel "Children of Chance" by Michael Morton. Alfred Hitchcock worked on it as assistant director and also handled the writing, editing, and art direction. The film was long thought to be lost. In August 2011, it was announced that the first three reels of the six-reel picture had been found in a garden shed and donated to the NFPF. The film cans were mislabled Two Sisters and Unidentified American Film and only later identified. The film was restored by Park Road Studios and is now in the New Zealand Film Archive.
David Compton leaves his expecting French girl-friend Louise Boucher, a dancer at the Moulin Rouge, for the war where he looses his memory. Building a new life from scratch after the war, he gets married in London. Louise, now a mother, thinks him dead. She becomes a famous dancer under the name Deloryse but falls gravely ill. One night, as David is in the audience of her show, he recovers his memory. When she learns that David is married to another woman, Louise turns her son in the care of David's new wife and accepting a dancing job at a party, she dies there of exhaustion and sorrow.