Paul Claudon

Рождение : 1919-09-05,

Смерть : 2002-07-05


Uncontrollable Circumstances
Force Majeure (Uncontrollable Circumstances) begins with a drug deal involving tourists Phillipe (Patrick Bruel) and Daniel (Francois Cluzet), and a Dutch stranger. Two years pass: the Dutchman has been arrested in an unspecified Asian country, where the penalty for drug trafficking is death. Phillipe and Daniel agree to admit that the hashish partly belongs to them, which will reduce the Dutchman's sentence, but also subject the twosome to a prison sentence themselves. Malcolm Forrest (Alan Bates), a representative of Amnesty International, does what he can to aid all three of the unfortunate young men. Force Majeure was co-written by Michele De Broca, wife of director Philippe De Broca.
Le Joli cœur
Scenario Writer
Frank and Bernard share the same apartment and both work in the same tourist agency. Bernard drives the coach through the streets of Paris and Frank is the guide. The driver longs for a family life but he is not lucky with girls. So he asks his friend, who is a womanizer, to help him find at last his better half. Frank winds up in a hospital and falls for the shrink, Nina. Faithful to his pal, Frank comes to his rescue but he falls in love with Nina too.
Scarlet Fever
In a building on the Boulevard Haussmann in Paris lives ten-year-old Roger, who is surrounded by women - his great-grandmother, his grandmother, and his mother Nicole. Living in an exclusively feminine environment, the boy wishes more than anything else to have a masculine presence around. His dream comes true when he meets Jacques, who's madly in love with Nicole and who is about to completely turn the boy's life upside down.
Le roi des cons
Georges Le Roi lives odd jobs and shares his life between two girlfriends. One day, he falls in love with Sophie and records a message of love. The tape is mistakenly broadcast in the company. In the face of success, Sophie founded the company Tell me about love and spread the messages of Georges, who soon became a sex symbol.
Le roi des cons
Georges Le Roi lives odd jobs and shares his life between two girlfriends. One day, he falls in love with Sophie and records a message of love. The tape is mistakenly broadcast in the company. In the face of success, Sophie founded the company Tell me about love and spread the messages of Georges, who soon became a sex symbol.
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Рауль влюблен в свою жену, но ее столь редкое достижение совершенно не трогает. Соланж физически здорова, но непробиваемо бесчувственна, а уж о том, чтобы забеременеть и речи быть не может. Она только и делает, что вяжет, в буквальном смысле обволакивая мир вокруг себя вялыми, но цепкими путами. Незадачливая пара знакомится в ресторане с учителем физкультуры Стефаном – ему-то Рауль и попытается навязать свою жену в любовницы, чтобы разбудить ее спящие чувства. Но вместо этого она так же отрешенно влюбляется в нового «друга семьи», а потом на удивление страстно крутит роман с тринадцатилетним подростком в летнем лагере, где Стефан подрабатывает тренером…
Воздушный шар
Когда тебе двадцать лет или около того, ты живешь в пригороде, тебе там скучно, ты там тоже плохо дышишь, то, когда наступает воскресенье, ты идешь в деревню, чтобы выпить воздух. Но когда нас четыре мальчика, а девочек всего две, когда мы не очень хорошо знаем, что делать и как делать, когда в конце концов мы торопимся, тогда мы пугаем девочек, и все жалко возвращаются дома. Две девочки сопровождают на пикник четырех мальчиков, у которых есть только одна идея... но не все пойдет по плану.
Два друга, Жан-Клод и Пьерро, бунтари и хулиганы, угоняют машину парикмахера и вместе с машиной его любовницу, милую и наивную Мари-Анж, которая вскоре становится их девушкой на двоих. Вместе, преследуемые полицией, они пускаются в бега по Франции. Меняя машины, дерзко, с удовольствием и без колебаний, совершая всевозможные мелкие преступления, они каждый день бросают вызов сытым буржуа, издеваются над ханжеством и лицемерием, в поисках настоящих эмоций и чувств.
Land of Milk and Honey
Pierre Etaix’s most radical film, and perhaps unsurprisingly the one that effectively ended his career in cinema, Land of Milk and Honey is a fascinating investigative documentary about post–May ’68 French society.
The Wedding Ring
A vet tries to create his own Garden of Eden
В фильме два параллельных сюжета. Первый происходит в наше время. Юлиан (Жан-Пьер Лео), сын богатого немецкого промышленника Клотца из Рура (Альберто Лионелло), испытывает патологическое влечение к свиньям. Они оказываются для него намного более привлекательными, чем его невеста Ида (Анна Вяземски). В конце концов свиньи съедают скотоложца. Второй сюжет происходит в «таинственной мифической пустыне, неведомо когда и где.
Le Grand Amour
Pierre married Florence, the only daughter of a small industrialist. 15 years later, he is the boss, but his middle-class life worries him a lot. When a new young and lovely secretary comes, he starts dreaming.
For a Distant Love
A delicious love story has been taken place in Rio.
The story follows the son of a millionaire from the 1920s to the 1960s. After losing his fortune in the stock-exchange crash, he teams up with an equestrienne and becomes a circus clown.
The Suitor
Executive Producer
Absent-minded yet cultured, Pierre answers his parents demands to wed by ignoring both astronomy and the housemaid, instead falling head-over-heels for rich damsels.
Счастливая годовщина
Молодая девушка накрывает стол, чтобы отпраздновать годовщину своей свадьбы. Ее муж застревает в парижской пробке, да и несколько покупок, что он должен сделать, все больше оттягивают момент его возвращения.
A man receives a breakup letter from his sweetheart, who sends him back his photo, in pieces. The pained lover decides to reply. Fountain pen, penholder, desk, stamps, paper and inkwell all contrive diabolically to thwart him.
Without Trumpet or Drum
Summer 1870. Following the French defeat at Sedan. Léon, a soldier in a detachment isolated in the Ardennes forest, is sent in search of water. When he discovers the most peaceful of rivers, he decides to undress and bathe in it. At bend of the river he catches sight of another naked swimmer. It's a Prussian! Both men start bickering a bit: aren't they supposed to be arch enemies? But they soon fraternize. Unfortunately the patrol has not vanished in the haze and they hear it coming. Each man gets hold of his uniform and runs away in two opposite directions. The only trouble is that Fritz the Prussian has donned the French uniform and Leon the Prussian one!
Sikkim, terre secrète
Executive Producer
The first film shot in the small State of Sikkim (North Indian country).
Jean is a good man who has a steady job (he is a mechanic in the village garage) and a companion named Aline. But Jean is also a guzzler and a philanderer. As a result, when a local prostitute is killed in the surroundings, he becomes at once the victim of rumor...