Jelena Mitrović


A 19-year-old woman is killed by a bullet intended for her father in the tragic culmination of a bitter family feud between her father and his cousin, who is now imprisoned for murder. Or is her death just another twist in a saga of blood revenge? In the Albanian mountains, the ancient tribal law Kanun rules, and even though the killer is behind bars, the last word in the case has not been spoken. Religious and legal authorities - like the families involved - have their own powerful and conflicting interests in the controversial law, which is a taboo both in church and modern society. The question, however, is if the young woman’s father can find the faith to not only forgive his cousin, but also reconcile himself with him and break the vicious circle once and for all? Marija Zidar’s epic drama was filmed over 5 years in an obstinate patriarchal world, on the threshold of modern times. A mountain western from the old world, from the stuff of antique tragedies.
Маленький сербский городок. Находясь на грани нищеты и голода мать двоих детей кончает жизнь самоубийством. Социальные службы забирают детей у отца, поскольку простой чернорабочий не в состоянии их прокормить - он сможет вернуть их только доказав свою финансовую состоятельность. Но несмотря на все усилия Николы, его попытки вернуть детей оказываются тщетными. Поняв, что у него нет шансов добиться соблюдения своих прав, отец решает отправиться пешком в Белград просить аудиенции у министра.
Сводная сестра
Сводные сёстры из мелкого приморского городка недолюбливают друг друга, но обстоятельства вынуждают их съехаться в одну квартиру в Любляне.
The Tramway Hotel
The story is set in the Belgrade city center, in the tramway no 2. Once a defining border between the city’s "elite" and "the others", the tramway line no 2 now suffers the consequences of the post-war economic and social decline. The reality boards the line, literally: the war refugees, the social dropouts, the jobless, the alcoholics, the beggars, the retired, and the newcomers that could not fit into the new order, all seeking for a sanctuary. Their entire life is packed in their plastic bags. The passengers go round in circles. The tramway no 2 nickname has been “Hotel Dvojka” (“The Tramway Hotel”) for years now. Like a mirror, coming suddenly after so many years, they are the specters of the past. “We” get to know them, following their daily routine, discovering each of their personal stories step by step. Finally, we realize that their fate could easily become our own.
Ясна — красивая девочка-подросток. Не желая примириться с жизнью в провинциальном сербском захолустье с замученной работой мамашей и постоянно больным отцом, она находится в конфликте со всеми, ведет себя дико, экспериментирует с сексом, наркотиками, и просто убивает время. Но постепенно ее отчаянный протест помогает ей примириться с болезненной реальностью.
The State of Shock
Set in socialist Yugoslavia in 1986, a humble and diligent factory worker falls into a 10-year shock right at his working place. He wakes up from coma in hospital in 1996 capitalist Slovenia, only to find out that he's left without job as being redundant.
The Woman with a Broken Nose
The act of a woman with a broken nose, who suddenly jumps out of a taxi and throws herself off the bridge in Belgrade, connects the lives of three witnesses.
Mila Seeking Senida
Executive Producer
Teenage girl Mila found out a name of Serbian soldier who saved her from burnt house during the war in Bosnia. She starts looking for her mother Senada, sister Sanda and her father. All of their names are written on a monument dedicated to dissapeared people from the town. In turn of the events, she finds her father alive.
Жизнь и смерть порнобанды
Marko, an aspiring filmmaker, is unable to pursue a career in horror films. He ventures into the porn industry, but his unorthodox style fails to impress producers. Frustrated, he assembles a crew of junkies, homosexuals and transvestites and starts a traveling live porn show. Soon a shady producer appears, he will pay them real money if they are willing to start making snuff films for him.
The Trap
Mladen and Marija are an ordinary and happy married couple of the "middle class" of the society in which they live as tenants. Mladen works as a civil engineer in a state company, and Marija is an English teacher in primary school. The couple finds joy in their only son, Nemanja. They discover that Nemanja has a rare heart disease and healing is possible with an operation in a foreign medical center, which costs €26,000.
A compilation of erotic films intended to illuminate the points where art meets sexuality.
Hidden People
Guti (35, Slovenian) and Sig (50, Icelander) wake up naked and handcuffed to one another on a riverbank near Ljubljana. Sig suffers from memory loss, while Guti recalls a fight with skinheads Sid drunkenly participated in and Guti tried peacefully to intervene in. Sig has no passport or any clue about his identity—the skinheads have taken everything he owned. Guti is trying to build a new home for himself on a river raft after losing his house to the bank and his life to his ex-wife. He introduces Sig to his friends—suburban misfits, who remind Sig of a legend of the hidden people.