Nicolas Hayer

Рождение : 1898-05-01, Paris, France

Смерть : 1978-10-29


Director of Photography
Three little criminals get a tip for a great coup with lots of money in it. Unfortunately they lack the starting funds to buy the required welding torch. So they persuade their successful colleague Alphonse to join their team. But the well thought-out coup fails, and Alphonse is the only one of them who ends up in jail for several years. When he's released, he's out for revenge.
Le gros coup
Director of Photography
Колодец и маятник
Director of Photography
A haunting short version of Edgar Allan Poe's famous story about a cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on a victim of the Spanish Inquisition...
Director of Photography
Два лучших друга Сильяна занимают полярные позиции в обществе — Морис — вор, Сальяри — полицейский комиссар. А потому ему приходится бороться с желанием сообщить всё, что он знает и тому и другому. Но иногда он так и делает. Ведь он одновременно и преступник, и добровольный полицейский осведомитель. А за это рано или поздно может наступить расплата. И когда Морис после удачного ограбления убивает своего сообщника, а затем прячет пистолет и похищенные драгоценности, он предлагает Сальяри вступить в дело и поучаствовать в новом крупном дельце, наступает час выбора.
Знак Льва
Director of Photography
Приезжий никем не признанный скрипач Пьер еле-еле сводит концы с концами в Париже. Но, будучи веселым и добрым человеком, имеет много друзей. Он уверен, что его зодиакальный знак Льва не может не принести ему удачу. И когда однажды ему пришло известие о том, что умерла его богатая родственница и он должен стать наследником ее состояния, то первым делом он влез в долги дабы устроить грандиозную гульбу с друзьями...
Dark Journey
Director of Photography
In this movie based upon Julian Green's novel, we follow Paul's downfall as he is torn between his love for Angele, a local prostitute, as he finds out too late, and Madame Grosgeorge's love for him.
Two Men in Manhattan
Director of Photography
Two French journalists become embroiled in a criminal plot in New York City involving a disappeared United Nations diplomat.
Un certain Monsieur Jo
Director of Photography
Jo Guardini, now the peaceful owner of a charming inn by the banks of the River Marne, once was a dreaded gangster. The respectful citizen does not want to have anything to do with the underworld any more. Unfortunately, two of his former accomplices kidnap a little girl and decide to hide her in his hotel. What will Jo do : side with the law in the person of inspector Loriot or have a relapse in crime?
Экранизация одноимённой оперы Людвига ван Бетховена. Уже много лет Флорестан содержится в государственной тюрьме Испании. Когда осмотр тюрьмы неизбежен, Флорестан должен быть устранён. Но молодой помощник Фиделио может этому помешать. Оказывается, за Фиделио на самом деле стоит жена Флорестана. Она полна решимости сделать всё, чтобы освободить мужа.
Новый дон Жуан
Director of Photography
После очередного любовного приключения Дону Жуану грозит смертная казнь. Его слуга Сганарель вынужден выдать себя за своего господина, чтобы спасти ему жизнь. Сганарель становится настоящим героем-любовником! Но как не просто быть донжуаном, когда всю жизнь был всего лишь скромным слугой… Вместо своего хозяина неуклюжий Сганарель вынужден скрываться не только от разгневанных мужей, но и от сгораемых от любви почтенных синьор. Сердцеед приговорен к сожжению заживо. Но герои не горят, как не горят любовь и легенды…
Милый друг
Director of Photography
По одноименному роману Ги де Мопассана. О головокружительной карьере молодого человека, преуспевающего в обществе благодаря своей наглости, ловкости и полнейшей беспринципности.
Nuits andalouses
Director of Photography
Парижские воробьи
Camera Operator
Американский импрессарио мистер Смит и его дочь Пэгги хотят заставить малолетних певцов совершить турне по Соединённым Штатам. Один из них, Жанно видит медальон своей бабушки на шее девушки и требует вернуть его, но получает отказ…
Маленький мир Дона Камилло
Director of Photography
Вся драматургия запутанных дружеско-вражеских отношений пастора с коммунистами основывается на том, что мэр Пеппоне и его соратники — простецы. Таковых же Господь любит — «блаженны чистые сердцем, ибо они Бога узрят»…
The Bonnadieu House
Director of Photography
Felix is a middle-aged bourgeois husband. Much to his discomfort, he learns that his wife Gabrielle is carrying on with a young man--a very young man. Rather than express outrage, Felix decides that there's something lacking in him. He spends the rest of the picture trying to keep his wife by altering his own personality and outlook.
Under the Paris Sky
Director of Photography
Fates of multiple otherwise disconnected characters intertwine miraculously under the sky of Paris. And it all happens in one day.
Director of Photography
Орфей – это перенесение Жаном Кокто знаменитого мифа в современный мир. Орфей, известный поэт из Сен-Жермен-де-Пре, околдован загадочной принцессой, которая является не кем иным, как Смертью. Ради нее он бросает свою жену Эвридику. Но принцесса, осознавая невозможность их любви, возвращает Орфея Эвридике...
A Man Walks in the City
Director of Photography
Le Havre, France, in 1949. In a town that still shows the scars of war, several friends meet up in Albert's café. One of them, Laurent, has lost his job on the docks and his marriage to Madeleine is falling apart. He knows that his wife wants to start an affair with friend, Jean Sauviot. Jean is a lonely man who is attracted to Madeleine but doesn't want to commit himself to the wife of a friend. On the day that Madeleine tells her husband that she is seeing Jean, Laurent goes looking for Jean to find an explanation. Arriving on the docks in the evening, he attacks an American sailor who looks like Jean, but the man fights back and runs away after killing Laurent accidentally. Madeleine thinks that Laurent was killed by Jean and believes that she can start a new life with her lover. The police have other ideas...
The Hollywood Ten
Director of Photography
A brief look at The Hollywood Ten, a group of screenwriters and directors charged with contempt of court after challenging the House Un-American Activities Committee and their controversial and self-incriminatory questions during the red scare. With that act of defiance, they were sentenced to one year in prison simply for speaking their minds and exercising their constitutional rights as concerned citizens. This is their story, their version of the facts, and their opinions.
Return to Life
In France in 1946, the difficult return to civilian life of five deportees and prisoners of war after having lived through the hell of the Second World War.
Between Eleven and Midnight
Director of Photography
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
Летающий шкаф
Director of Photography
Альфред Пюк - добросовестный налоговый инспектор живёт в одной квартире со своей пожилой тётей. Когда в одно зимнее утро мадам Лоближуа отправляется на грузовике в Клермон-Ферран, чтобы забрать оставшуюся мебель из проданного дома, её племянник убежден, что никогда не увидит её снова. И это подтверждается. На обратном пути тётя внезапно умирает, и водители грузовика, чтобы избежать проблем с полицией, помещают её тело в платяной шкаф. По приезду в Париж, пока водители объясняли всё происшедшее Альфреду, их грузовик был украден, вместе с грузом, который включает мёртвую мадам Лоближуа. Нотариус объясняет Альфреду, что его тётя не может быть объявлена мертвой, пока не будет найдено тело, и Альфред начинает поиски украденного платяного шкафа...
Пармская обитель
Director of Photography
Фабрицио дель Донго, молодой архиепископ, тратит все силы на свои любовные романы, а не на церковь, создавая сложности для всех вокруг. Графиня Сан Северина - одна из женщин, которые любят его и ревнуют друг к другу. Сам же Фабрицио влюблен в дочь тюремщика, которая дала клятву Деве Марии, что никогда больше не увидит его снова.
Director of Photography
Danielle Darrieux stars as Arabella Delvaire in this baroque adaptation of Pierre Benoit's novel Bethshabee. Arabella is a woman of the world who arrives at a remote Foreign Legion outpost for a rendezvous with her current lover, Captain Duveuil. It so happens that one of Arabella's previous amours, Captain Somerville (Paul Meurisse), is also serving at the same post. So much for joining the Foreign Legion to forget. A climactic knife duel "solves" the film's various plot complications. Despite its Foreign Legion background, Bethsabee has next to no action, which must have made things difficult when the film was distributed to the U.S.
Sky Battalion
Director of Photography
Film in two eras.1st era: They are not angels. Chronicle of a Free French parachute training camp during the Second World War. 2nd era: Terre de France. A group of paratroopers landed in Brittany sabotages the German installations.
Director of Photography
Бандит убил старушку. Господин Ир, чудак, живущий в этом же квартале и ненавидимый всеми соседями, заявляет, будто у него есть неопровержимое доказательство, которое позволит опознать убийцу.
Dorothy Looks for Love
Director of Photography
To be able to win paradise, a selfish old billionaire, who has just died, must make someone happy. He will have to guide a young girl through the intricacies of love.
Дамские тряпки
Director of Photography
Филипп Кларенс — известный парижский модельер, соблазнивший невесту друга. Но впервые в его жизни отношения с женщиной носят серьезный характер.
Director of Photography
На небольшой французский городок обрушилась серия анонимок, повсеместно возбудивших подозрения, слухи и страх. Жители начинают подозревать друг друга, поскольку анонимщик раскрывает их секреты. А самая главная тайна — личность автора писем — остается неразгаданной.
Captain Fracasse
Director of Photography
Out of love for an actress, Isabelle, the Baron de Sigognac joins a traveling troop en route to Paris. When an actor dies, he takes over his role: that of Captain Fracasse.
At Your Command, Madam
Director of Photography
Hector and Odette Dupuis' car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, but not far from a luxury hotel. The couple are well off but, being miserly, Odette is determined to keep her budget tight. Fortunately for her, the hotel offers rooms for domestics costing only 35 francs, so she decides to pass her husband as her chauffeur. As far as she is concerned, Odette presents herself as Baroness de Garches and takes a 250 franc room. But their stay soon becomes complicated. For instance, Palureau, a widower with five daughters who is planning to remarry, starts courting the 'baroness'. And that is not all since at the same time Angèle, a chambermaid, makes advances to Hector ! To make matters worse, Ferdinand, Angèle's boyfriend, decides to get even with Hector, his 'rival'. The jealous guy steals a jewel from a guest and has poor Hector accused of the theft.
The Trump Card
Director of Photography
A man is shot In the hotel of an imaginary South American country. Clarence and Montès, two inspector students, must solve this murder, but they don't know that dead guy is the USA public enemy No.1.
Gambling Hell
Director of Photography
In Macao, where places of pleasure and arms trafficking are concentrated, a tragedy opposes an adventurer and his daughter whom he has brought up in ignorance of his profession. She is torn from her environment and saved from tragedy by a young journalist who loves her.
Montmarte on the Seine
Director of Photography
Maurice loves Juliet and Michael loves Lily. Romance blossoms on the hill. They are workers, artisans, and Lily has a real talent as a singer. But Claude's arrival brings trouble to their relationships. Maurice, jealous, approaches Lily. Singing in the streets, Lily quickly becomes a cabaret star.
Cristobal's Gold
Director of Photography
Dupuy, the first officer of the Cristobal, a French merchant ship, is informed by cabaret dancer La Rubia that the Cristobal carries a priceless secret cargo of gold. Based on the novel by Albert t'Serstevens.
Director of Photography
"Menaces" deals with the months before WW2 in a hotel :t he fear of the impending war never leaves the guests of an hotel in Paris.
Sacred Woods
Director of Photography
Despite her success, writer Francine Margerie is let down to see that she is not nominated for the Legion of Honor award. One solution could be to sleep with Champmorel, the Director of Fine Arts and one of the judges for the awarding of the coveted medal.
Deuxième bureau contre kommandantur
Director of Photography
In 1917, in a small village in the North, Abbe Gaillard is suspected by the Germans of facilitating the escape of French and Belgian soldiers. A false alibi makes him innocent and he can thus continue his mission, thanks to the devotion of an Alsatian who, in enemy uniform, obscurely serves his country.
Director of Photography
A woman managed to leave the man she hated and finds its difficult to live without him.
Director of Photography
Cattion d'Urville takes in a gypsy, Sarah, and her granddaughter Miarka, in an outbuilding of her chateau. Miarka, while growing up, attracts the attention of Luigi, Cattion's nephew who, little by little, falls in love with her. Sarah raised her daughter in the tradition of gypsies who curse anyone who marries a man who is not a gypsy. Miarka ends up loving Luigi and he wants to marry her. The law of race opposes it. Fortunately, a well-conducted genealogical investigation will discover that Luigi is of the gypsy race. They will marry.
Jacques et Jacotte
Director of Photography
Jacotte and her older sister Annie live in a Montmartrois workshop where Annie paints pictures of flowers. But the paintings do not sell. The bailiff threatens to seize the furniture so Jacotte decides to go see the owner. Jacques is conquered by the little girl and soon after by Annie.
La rose effeuillée
Director of Photography
A washerwoman works so long for the same bosses that she gets to like their young son very much. One day she is unjustly accused of robbery, and dismissed. She suffers in her loneliness, until the day she hears that the boy is terminally ill, and there's no medical hope for him. She comes back and sits by him, praying to Saint Thérèse de Lisieux - and the miracle happens.
My Aunts and I
Director of Photography
Three "spinsters" focus their attention very narrowly on their nephew, in his first phase of adulthood. Éloi, handicapped by his shyness, behaves a bit awkwardly. He falls under the unfortunate influence of a couple of haddocks. The love of a pretty blonde woman will save him from this embarrassment.
The Gardens of Murcia
Director of Photography
Murcia countryside, Spain, at the end of the 19th century. Pencho, a peasant, and Xavier, son of a powerful landowner, get into a bloody fight after arguing over the distribution of irrigation water. When Xavier is injured, Pencho is forced to flee from justice.
La mystérieuse lady
Director of Photography
In India, a British detachment finds itself surrounded in a village by invisible enemies. An officer is assassinated, then another. The adversary seems very well informed. By who ? A group of twenty men who had gone to seek help were annihilated. An American reporter will force the mysterious spy to denounce himself.
S. S. Tenacity
Director of Photography
Bastien and Ségard decide to leave France for Canada. They buy tickets aboard a rickety craft, the Tenacity, that never quite seems able to leave port. While stuck there they both fall for the innkeeper's daughter, which causes them to rethink their Canadian notions.
Le gendre de monsieur Poirier
Director of Photography
This is the story of a wealthy bourgeois who marries his only child, a daughter, to a penniless nobleman because he hopes to use his son-in-law to get a title. The son-in-law is a lazy, affected stereotype; but M. Poirier is also a stereotype, of the obnoxious big businessman. The poor daughter, who falls in love with her husband, lets him walk all over her.