Director of Photography
Three little criminals get a tip for a great coup with lots of money in it. Unfortunately they lack the starting funds to buy the required welding torch. So they persuade their successful colleague Alphonse to join their team. But the well thought-out coup fails, and Alphonse is the only one of them who ends up in jail for several years. When he's released, he's out for revenge.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A haunting short version of Edgar Allan Poe's famous story about a cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on a victim of the Spanish Inquisition...
Director of Photography
감옥에서 갓 나온 모리스 포젤은 자신의 아내를 죽게 만든 장물아비 질베르를 살해한 후 보석과 돈을 숨긴다. 포젤은 친구인 실리앙이 가져온 금고폭파기계로 새로운 강도 계획을 세우는데, 목표한 저택을 털고 있을 때 경찰이 그들을 급습한다. 포젤은 부상을 입은 채 가까스로 탈출하지만, 동행했던 레미는 살리냐리 형사의 총에 맞아 죽고 만다. 이전부터 경찰의 밀고자 노릇을 해오던 실리앙은 클랭 경감의 요구에 모든 것을 실토하고 결국 포젤은 체포된다. 포젤은 감옥 안에서 밀고자 실리앙에게 복수하기로 결심하는데...
Director of Photography
자신의 행운을 믿는 피에르는 최근 부유한 친척이 사망했다는 소식을 듣는다. 막대한 유산을 받을 것이라 기대한 피에르는 친구들과 호화로운 파티를 벌이며 미래를 기대한다. 그러나 몇 주의 시간이 흐른 후 피에르가 갑자기 모습을 감추자 친구들은 피에르에게 무슨 일이 생긴 건 아닌지 걱정하기 시작한다. 에릭 로메르의 장편 데뷔작으로 1959년에 완성했지만 개봉을 못 해 1962년에야 공개될 수 있었다.
Director of Photography
In this movie based upon Julian Green's novel, we follow Paul's downfall as he is torn between his love for Angele, a local prostitute, as he finds out too late, and Madame Grosgeorge's love for him.
Director of Photography
유엔회의에 참석하기로 했던 프랑스 외교관이 행방불명되고, 이 의문의 실종사건을 취재하기 위해 기자 모로는 뉴욕으로 파견된다. 그러나 아무 단서도 없이 사라진 외교관의 행방은 묘연하기만 하고, 모로는 냉소적이고 알콜 중독인 사진기자 들마와 함께 외교관의 행방을 좇는다. 결국 그들은 외교관의 부정행위를 알아내지만, 두 사람의 결론은 너무나 다르다. 들마즈는 외교관의 부정을 보도하여 특종을 올리고자 하지만, 모로는 모든 것을 덮어두려고 한다. 미국 필름 누아르를 자신만의 스타일로 재구성하여 프렌치 누아르로 재탄생시킨 멜빌이 그 뿌리인 미국에서 다시 한번 자신만의 멜랑콜리한 스타일로 프렌치 누아르를 만들어냈다. 기자 모로 역을 맡아 열연하는 멜빌을 볼 수 있는 작품이기도 하다. 처럼 2004년에 소개되지 않았던 작품으로, 이번 회고전을 통해 처음 서울 관객들을 만난다. (시네마테크 2007년 장 피에르 멜빌 회고전)
Director of Photography
Jo Guardini, now the peaceful owner of a charming inn by the banks of the River Marne, once was a dreaded gangster. The respectful citizen does not want to have anything to do with the underworld any more. Unfortunately, two of his former accomplices kidnap a little girl and decide to hide her in his hotel. What will Jo do : side with the law in the person of inspector Loriot or have a relapse in crime?
Director of Photography
Don Juan is arrested during one of his raids loving, just as he intended to seduce the daughter of the Governor, who was about to marry. His faithful servant, too accustomed to be all sticks, passed by him to save his skin, a situation that will allow you to win the love of a beautiful comic. Meanwhile, the real Don Juan is reduced to the status of servant.
Director of Photography
In the 1880s, Georges Duroy, back from the Colonies, arrives in Paris with the firm intention of conquering the capital through his power of seduction, his selfishness and cynicism. Entering into journalism through the back door he will soon rise to the top with the support of several women: Madeleine Forestier, the wife of his journalist friend Charles; Clothilde de Marelle, his first mistress; Virginie Walter, the wife of a newspaper owner; Suzanne Walter, her daughter who eventually marries Duroy.
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
An American manager and his daughter want to hire "the little singers with the wooden cross" for a tour of the United States,but Jeannot,a young member of the choir recognize his grandma's locket round the girl's neck .
Director of Photography
In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.
Director of Photography
Felix is a middle-aged bourgeois husband. Much to his discomfort, he learns that his wife Gabrielle is carrying on with a young man--a very young man. Rather than express outrage, Felix decides that there's something lacking in him. He spends the rest of the picture trying to keep his wife by altering his own personality and outlook.
Director of Photography
파리에 사는 여러 계층의 사람들의 어느날의 사건이 그려진다. 주인공은 좀 이상스런 얘기이지만 '파리'라고 보아야 할 것이다. 펜팔 애인을 만나러 파리 시내까지 찾아온 시골처녀가 편지의 내용이 거짓말이었다는 것을 알고 실망한 채 걷고 있는데 그만 정신 이상이 된 조각가에게 살해되며 조각가는 경찰관에게 사살된다. 패션모델은 애인인 의과 대학생이 금년에도 국가시험에 실패했으므로 실망하게 된다. 미치광이 조각가를 쏜 경찰관의 유탄(流彈)으로 중상을 입게 된 공원(工員)은 시험담력(試驗膽力)이 없는 의과 대학생의 대수술로 연명을 한다. 이 공원은 동맹파업으로 일을 쉬고 있었으므로 결혼기념일의 축하 술에 취해서 들떠 있을 때였다. 무작정 고양이를 좋아하는 늙은 처녀는 고양이의 먹이를 찾아 헤매며 어느날 하루종일 파리 시내를 걸어 다닌다. 공부를 몹시 싫어하는 계집아이는 집으로 돌아가지 않고 사내아이와 센강에서 보트 놀이를 하다가 날이 저물어서 미아가 되었는데, 미치광이 조각가의 도움으로 자기 집으로 무사히 돌아간다.
Director of Photography
파리의 생 제르맹 드 프레에 있는 시인 까페. 지적이며 미남인 시인 오르페와 술의 시인인 세제스트는 동료 시인들과 자주 이 까페에 드나든다. 어느날 검은 머리, 검은 옷에 진주 목걸이를 걸친 죽음의 여왕이 롤스로이스를 타고 이곳에 나타난다. 소름이 끼칠 정도로 싸늘한 분위기가 감돌지만 그녀는 매우 아름답다. 죽음의 여왕은 부하 두 명으로 하여금 술에 취한 시인 세제스트를 오토바이로 치여 죽이게 한다. 때마침 그 광경을 목격한 오르페, 여왕은 오르페와 함께 이미 숨진 세제스트를 싣고 죽음의 나라로 달린다. 당연히 병원으로 가는 줄 알았던 오르페지만 간 곳은 폐허가 된 별장이었다. 오르페는 죽음의 여왕이 세제스트를 불러일으켜 거울 속으로 사라지는 모습을 보게된다. 얼떨결에 오르페도 따라가다 겨울에 부딪혀 정신을 잃고 쓰러진다. 다시 의식을 찾았을 때는 낡은 별장의 흔적은 간 곳이 없고 황량한 들판에 자신이 쓰러져 있음을 알게 되었다. 오르페는 다시 생의 나라로 돌아오지만 정체를 알 수 없는 매력적인 여왕의 모습 때문에 사랑하는 아내였던 유리디스마저 돌보지 않고,오로지 자동차의 라디오에서 흘러나오는 나라의 암호에만 귀를 기울이는 것이었다. 죽음의 여왕은 이번에는 오르페를 파멸시키라는 임무를 띠게 되지만, 자기도 모르는 사이에 오르페를 사랑하게 된다. 어두운 밤이 되면 슬그머니 죽음의 나라로부터 내려와, 오르페의 침실에 나타나서 그의 자는 모습을 지켜보기도 한다. 이윽고 오르페에 대한 사랑의 감정을 이기지 못한 여왕은 인간들만이 느끼는 질투를 느끼게 되어 부인 유리디스를 살해한다. 그러나 여왕의 행동은 죽음의 나라에서는 용납할 수 없는 위반 행위였다. 이 때문에 그녀는 재판을 받게 된다. 여왕의 차를 운전하는 외르트비츠로부터 소식을 전해들은 오르페는 그의 안내를 받아 거울속의 나라로 들어간다. 이번에는 거울을 녹이는 장갑을 끼고서. 죽음의 나라에서 재판이 열리고 있었다.
Director of Photography
Le Havre, France, in 1949. In a town that still shows the scars of war, several friends meet up in Albert's café. One of them, Laurent, has lost his job on the docks and his marriage to Madeleine is falling apart. He knows that his wife wants to start an affair with friend, Jean Sauviot. Jean is a lonely man who is attracted to Madeleine but doesn't want to commit himself to the wife of a friend. On the day that Madeleine tells her husband that she is seeing Jean, Laurent goes looking for Jean to find an explanation. Arriving on the docks in the evening, he attacks an American sailor who looks like Jean, but the man fights back and runs away after killing Laurent accidentally. Madeleine thinks that Laurent was killed by Jean and believes that she can start a new life with her lover. The police have other ideas...
Director of Photography
A brief look at The Hollywood Ten, a group of screenwriters and directors charged with contempt of court after challenging the House Un-American Activities Committee and their controversial and self-incriminatory questions during the red scare. With that act of defiance, they were sentenced to one year in prison simply for speaking their minds and exercising their constitutional rights as concerned citizens. This is their story, their version of the facts, and their opinions.
In France in 1946, the difficult return to civilian life of five deportees and prisoners of war after having lived through the hell of the Second World War.
Director of Photography
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
Director of Photography
The aunt of Alfred Puc, a meek tax-collector in Paris, dies while riding in a moving van. The driver, not wishing to be bothered by a police interrogation, hides her corpse in a cupboard before notifying Alfred. But the van is stolen. Alfred, being the heir of a rich lady, begins a frantic search to locate the missing van and the cupboard because one can't claim an inheritance if there is no 'corpus delecti.' In his search, he gets caught up in an underworld web and finds the body of a murdered gangster in his room. He finally locates the cupboard but promptly loses it again. But, wait, it isn't "finis' time, yet.
Director of Photography
This adaptation of Stendhal's timeless masterpiece of French literature tells the tale of Fabrice Del Dongo (Grard Philipe) a young archibishop who gives his heart and soul to romance rather than to the Church creating upheaval in the lives of evergone around him the Countess of Sanseverine (Maria Casares) is but one of the may women who love him. In turn she incurs jealous retributions from those in high places who desire her. For his crimes Fabrice is thrown in Prison where from Crimes Fabrice is thrown in prison where form his lonely window he falls in love with his jailer s daughter and plans a daring escape she however calls his plan insane and takes a vow to the Virgin Mary to never see him again ever if his escape succeeds the Charterhouse of Parma explodes with conflicting desires man s desire form God vs. his desire for romance.
Director of Photography
Danielle Darrieux stars as Arabella Delvaire in this baroque adaptation of Pierre Benoit's novel Bethshabee. Arabella is a woman of the world who arrives at a remote Foreign Legion outpost for a rendezvous with her current lover, Captain Duveuil. It so happens that one of Arabella's previous amours, Captain Somerville (Paul Meurisse), is also serving at the same post. So much for joining the Foreign Legion to forget. A climactic knife duel "solves" the film's various plot complications. Despite its Foreign Legion background, Bethsabee has next to no action, which must have made things difficult when the film was distributed to the U.S.
Director of Photography
Film in two eras.1st era: They are not angels. Chronicle of a Free French parachute training camp during the Second World War. 2nd era: Terre de France. A group of paratroopers landed in Brittany sabotages the German installations.
Director of Photography
세상과 어울리지 못한 채 혼자 지내는 중년의 이르. 한편, 동네에서 한 여인이 살해당하는 사건이 발생하고, 모든 사람들이 여인의 죽음에 대해 떠들어대지만, 이르만은 침묵한다. 그날 저녁, 연인을 대신해 감옥에 갔던 알리스가 막 출소해 마을에 도착하고, 그녀는 연인 알프레드와 재회한다. 이르가 사는 집 건너편에서 살게 된 알리스. 창 너머로 우연히 알리스를 본 이르는 마음의 동요를 느끼고, 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 그런데 살인사건을 조사하던 경찰은 사람들과 어울리지 못하는 이르를 의심하기 시작하고, 진실을 알게 된 이르는 어떤 이유에선지 침묵을 선택한다. 심리추리소설의 대가 조르주 심농의 소설을 각색한 작품. 살인사건을 둘러싼 이야기 속에서 인간 내면의 추악함과 함께 깊은 고독과 뒤틀린 사랑을 동시에 담아내고 있다.
Director of Photography
To be able to win paradise, a selfish old billionaire, who has just died, must make someone happy. He will have to guide a young girl through the intricacies of love.
Director of Photography
이름난 패션 디자이너 필립은 창조적 영감을 위해서라며 만나는 모든 여성들을 희롱하고, 그녀들의 마음을 훔치고는 냉정하게 돌아선다. 어느 날, 가장 친한 친구 다니엘의 약혼녀 미셸린을 만난 필립은 역시나 그녀를 희롱하고, 미셸린 역시 필립을 좋아하게 된다. 그런데 생에 처음으로 필립이 미셸린을 진심으로 사랑하게 된다. 하지만 미셸린은 이미 마음을 돌린 뒤였다. 냉혹하고 치열한 패션 세계에 대한 치밀하고 사실적인 묘사가 깊은 인상을 남긴다.
Director of Photography
작은 마을 생 로뱅에 “까마귀”라 서명한 괴편지가 나돈다. 까마귀는 의사 제르맹을 정신과 의사 보르체의 아내 로라의 정부이며, 불법 소파수술을 행한 장본인이라며 규탄한다.
Director of Photography
Out of love for an actress, Isabelle, the Baron de Sigognac joins a traveling troop en route to Paris. When an actor dies, he takes over his role: that of Captain Fracasse.
Director of Photography
Hector and Odette Dupuis' car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, but not far from a luxury hotel. The couple are well off but, being miserly, Odette is determined to keep her budget tight. Fortunately for her, the hotel offers rooms for domestics costing only 35 francs, so she decides to pass her husband as her chauffeur. As far as she is concerned, Odette presents herself as Baroness de Garches and takes a 250 franc room. But their stay soon becomes complicated. For instance, Palureau, a widower with five daughters who is planning to remarry, starts courting the 'baroness'. And that is not all since at the same time Angèle, a chambermaid, makes advances to Hector ! To make matters worse, Ferdinand, Angèle's boyfriend, decides to get even with Hector, his 'rival'. The jealous guy steals a jewel from a guest and has poor Hector accused of the theft.
Director of Photography
A man is shot In the hotel of an imaginary South American country. Clarence and Montès, two inspector students, must solve this murder, but they don't know that dead guy is the USA public enemy No.1.
Director of Photography
In Macao, where places of pleasure and arms trafficking are concentrated, a tragedy opposes an adventurer and his daughter whom he has brought up in ignorance of his profession. She is torn from her environment and saved from tragedy by a young journalist who loves her.
Director of Photography
Maurice loves Juliet and Michael loves Lily. Romance blossoms on the hill. They are workers, artisans, and Lily has a real talent as a singer. But Claude's arrival brings trouble to their relationships. Maurice, jealous, approaches Lily. Singing in the streets, Lily quickly becomes a cabaret star.
Director of Photography
Dupuy, the first officer of the Cristobal, a French merchant ship, is informed by cabaret dancer La Rubia that the Cristobal carries a priceless secret cargo of gold. Based on the novel by Albert t'Serstevens.
Director of Photography
"Menaces" deals with the months before WW2 in a hotel :t he fear of the impending war never leaves the guests of an hotel in Paris.
Director of Photography
Despite her success, writer Francine Margerie is let down to see that she is not nominated for the Legion of Honor award. One solution could be to sleep with Champmorel, the Director of Fine Arts and one of the judges for the awarding of the coveted medal.
Director of Photography
In 1917, in a small village in the North, Abbe Gaillard is suspected by the Germans of facilitating the escape of French and Belgian soldiers. A false alibi makes him innocent and he can thus continue his mission, thanks to the devotion of an Alsatian who, in enemy uniform, obscurely serves his country.
Director of Photography
A woman managed to leave the man she hated and finds its difficult to live without him.
Director of Photography
Cattion d'Urville takes in a gypsy, Sarah, and her granddaughter Miarka, in an outbuilding of her chateau. Miarka, while growing up, attracts the attention of Luigi, Cattion's nephew who, little by little, falls in love with her. Sarah raised her daughter in the tradition of gypsies who curse anyone who marries a man who is not a gypsy. Miarka ends up loving Luigi and he wants to marry her. The law of race opposes it. Fortunately, a well-conducted genealogical investigation will discover that Luigi is of the gypsy race. They will marry.
Director of Photography
Jacotte and her older sister Annie live in a Montmartrois workshop where Annie paints pictures of flowers. But the paintings do not sell. The bailiff threatens to seize the furniture so Jacotte decides to go see the owner. Jacques is conquered by the little girl and soon after by Annie.
Director of Photography
A washerwoman works so long for the same bosses that she gets to like their young son very much. One day she is unjustly accused of robbery, and dismissed. She suffers in her loneliness, until the day she hears that the boy is terminally ill, and there's no medical hope for him. She comes back and sits by him, praying to Saint Thérèse de Lisieux - and the miracle happens.
Director of Photography
Three "spinsters" focus their attention very narrowly on their nephew, in his first phase of adulthood. Éloi, handicapped by his shyness, behaves a bit awkwardly. He falls under the unfortunate influence of a couple of haddocks. The love of a pretty blonde woman will save him from this embarrassment.
Director of Photography
Murcia countryside, Spain, at the end of the 19th century. Pencho, a peasant, and Xavier, son of a powerful landowner, get into a bloody fight after arguing over the distribution of irrigation water. When Xavier is injured, Pencho is forced to flee from justice.
Director of Photography
In India, a British detachment finds itself surrounded in a village by invisible enemies. An officer is assassinated, then another. The adversary seems very well informed. By who ? A group of twenty men who had gone to seek help were annihilated. An American reporter will force the mysterious spy to denounce himself.
Director of Photography
Bastien and Ségard decide to leave France for Canada. They buy tickets aboard a rickety craft, the Tenacity, that never quite seems able to leave port. While stuck there they both fall for the innkeeper's daughter, which causes them to rethink their Canadian notions.
Director of Photography
This is the story of a wealthy bourgeois who marries his only child, a daughter, to a penniless nobleman because he hopes to use his son-in-law to get a title. The son-in-law is a lazy, affected stereotype; but M. Poirier is also a stereotype, of the obnoxious big businessman. The poor daughter, who falls in love with her husband, lets him walk all over her.