Bulle Ogier

Bulle Ogier

Рождение : 1939-08-09, Boulogne-Billancourt, Seine [now Hauts-de-Seine], France


Дебютировала на театральной сцене в 1963, в кино — в 1966. Играла в постановках Жана-Луи Барро, Клода Режи, Люка Бонди, Роже Планшона, Патриса Шеро и др. Снималась у Жака Риветта, Андре Тешине, Алена Таннера, Луиса Бунюэля, Маргерит Дюрас, Клода Шаброля, Барбе Шрёдера, Райнера Вернера Фассбиндера, Мануэла де Оливейры, Вернера Шрётера, Рауля Руиса, Отара Иоселиани, Даниэля Шмида, Филиппа Гарреля и др. Муж — кинорежиссёр Барбе Шрёдер. Дочь — актриса Паскаль Ожье (1958—1984).


Bulle Ogier
Bulle Ogier


С любовью и яростью
История женщины, разрывающейся между двумя мужчинами — ее давним партнером и его лучшим другом, ее бывшем любовнике.
Чудеса в Монфермее
Delphine Souriceau
Жоэль и Камель, давно не живущие вместе, наконец официально разводятся, хоть оба и продолжают работать у Эмманюэль Жоли, новоиспеченного мэра Монфермея, ничем не примечательного городка близ Парижа. Команда мэра пытается воплотить в жизнь все ее фантастические обещания, данные избирателям во время предвыборной кампании. Согласно им, местных жителей ждут сказочные перемены, а именно: дневной сон для всех, сады на крышах, гармонизация дыхания людей, международная языковая школа и тому подобное. Но коварные враги решительно саботируют все эти прекрасные начинания, так как Париж планирует распространить свое влияние на эту территорию. Мадам мэр постепенно скатывается в депрессию.
Lucie Fisher
Во время начавшихся ремонтных работ старого дома в центре города Кольмар был обнаружен истлевший замурованный в стене труп мужчины, одетого в униформу офицера СС. Выяснилось, что умер он 70 лет тому назад. Кто это и как он сюда попал? И почему через столько лет память о прошлом все еще кого-то страшит? Ведь сразу после начала следствия было совершено еще одно убийство...
Почтенный В.
Petite voix bouddhiste (voice)
Фильм-путешествие вместе с Почтенным Вирату — самым уважаемым буддийским монахом в Бирме — в сердце бытового расизма. Фильм-наблюдение за тем, как исламофобия и разжигание вражды между людьми приводит к насилию и разрушениям в стране, где 90% населения исповедуют буддизм — религию, основанную на мирном, толерантом и ненасильственном образе жизни.
Ложные признания
Madame Argante
Прекрасный, но бедный юноша Дорант безнадежно влюблен в богатую вдову Араминту. В то время как его дядя намерен женить племянника на Мартон, деловитой компаньонке вдовы. А мать Араминты, мечтающая о том, чтобы состоятельная дочь вошла еще и в аристократические круги, хочет выдать ее за графа Доримона…
The Mysteries of Paris: Jacques Rivette's Out 1 Revisited
In June 2015, forty-five years after OUT 1 was made, the filmmakers went to Paris to interview cast and crew members and to revisit some of the film’s most significant locations. THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS features new contributions from actors Bulle Ogier, Michael Lonsdale and Hermine Karagheuz, cinematographer Pierre-William Glenn, assistant director Jean-François Stévenin and producer Stéphane Tchal Gadjieff, but also rare archival interviews with actors Jacques Doniol-Valcroze and Michel Delahaye and, most prominently, illuminating statements by director Jacques Rivette himself from two different archival interviews.
Bernadette Lafont, and God Created the Free Woman
A journey in the company of Bernadette Lafont, French Cinema’s most atypical actress. Tracing her career from pin-up girl, to New Wave model of sexual freedom, to drug-dealing granny in the film Paulette, by way of La Fiancée du Pirate and Les Stances à Sophie, this film pays tribute to her extraordinary life and artistic odyssey. Her grand-daughters, Anna, Juliette and Solène, revisit the dreams of Bernadette, in the family home in the Cevennes region where they, like her, grew up. Her close friends, Bulle Ogier and Jean-Pierre Kalfon, reminisce on their artistic and human complicity. Throughout the film, Bernadette Lafont in person, with her inimitable character actress voice, re-evokes a life in cinema marked with insolence, courage and freedom.
Bulle Ogier sur Radio Ark en Ciel
Все еще счастливы
Louise, la mère de Marie
Okay, Marie is a little tired of the insouciance of her husband Sam, framework sup unemployed for 2 years. Agree, it is very tempted to be seduced by this beautiful stranger who made him the Court. Okay, there is also the daughter piano competition... If this balance light and crazy about standing, an unexpected event throws the family on an even crazier way.
Blanche Rey
40-летний Антуан никак не может забыть загадочную смерть матери, которая произошла 30 лет назад. В своем расследовании Антуан дошел до точки невозврата — теперь ему придется иметь дело с властным отцом, который запретил семье копаться в далеких событиях прошлого.
Les déferlantes
Holed up in a small Normandy town, Louise hides from her ghosts as she looks after grumpy old Theo, the retired lighthouse keeper who shares her passion for ornithology. As she wanders the twisted shores, observing birds and people alike, Louise also keeps track of old Florelle, another broken soul who searches the beaches, seemingly waiting for the crashing waves to return something to her. Observing the locals' reactions to Lambert's return, the heir of a family lost at sea, Louise is intrigued by his past but, at the same time, attracted to him. As their relationship deepens, they start to unravel the web of secrets that have haunted the small village for decades. Together, they struggle to uncover the truth that could set them both free.
Once Upon a Time... 'The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie'
A documentary about the making of Luis Bunuel's 1972 film.
In Memoriam Daniel Schmid Werner Schroeter
Николас — художник- бунтарь, и многие хотели бы заставить его молчать. Идеологи хотят этого, поскольку его работа не согласуется со взглядами системы. В связи с этим, он оставляет свою страну и переезжает во Францию — страну свободы и демократии. Новая страна встречает его тепло — к счастью, его талант пересек границы! Но очень быстро Николас сталкивается с другими препятствиями. Здесь нет идеологов, только «дружелюбные» бизнесмены, которые объясняют ему, что его работа мало кому интересна или не интересна вовсе. Что ж, его работы не способны приносить прибыль. Но кто же такой Николас? Художник, который жаждет самовыражения? Человек, который просто хочет получать деньги за свою работу? Николас — не непризнанный гений и не опасный революционер. Он простой и тихий по жизни, свободный человек, независимо от обстоятельств. Возможно, это и есть источник его мучений…
Daniel Schmid - Le chat qui pense
When director Daniel Schmid grew up, his parents ran a hotel in the Alps, and this singular setting was to influence his film. Rather by coincidence he came to Berlin in the early 1960s and became part of the new German wave. Schmid worked with, among others, Wenders and Fassbinder, for example as an actor in Wender’s The American Friend. He met Ingrid Caven, who was to play a diva in several of his films. This is a documentation of a part of modern European film history and a good analysis of artistry and how it corresponds to the individual behind the camera. A wealth of archival footage brings us close to many directors and actors in Schmid’s circle. If you’ve never seen a Daniel Schmid film, you are sure to want to after watching this portrait of his life.
Жизнь пенсионера Эмиля тиха и безоблачна: поудил рыбку, пропустил стаканчик с мужиками в баре, посмотрел телевизор. В общем, все как у всех. Или не у всех? В один прекрасный день выясняется, что его друг Эдмон вот уже много лет крутит романы с ровесницами. Эмиль открывает для себя тайную сторону жизни друга, невольно пересматривая свою.
Another Man
Bulle Ogier
Psychological drama about a young, inexperienced film reviewer who falls for the charms of a well-established female colleague. A challenging look at the essence of film critique as well as an erotic encounter between two unequals.
Souvenirs souvenirs
La deuxième femme
Over the course of more than fifteen years, Clémenti films a series of intimate diaries, starting from daily encounters. In La deuxième femme, we see Bulle Ogier and Viva, Nico and Tina Aumont, Philippe Garrel and Udo Kier, a performance by Béjart, a piece by Marc’O, concerts by Bob Marley and Patti Smith (not always recognisable)... It’s like a maelstrom of psychedelic images that are passed through a particle accelerator.
Off and Running
Собачья ночь
Doña Inês
Станция Санта-Мария, ночь. Оссорио, сорокалетний мужчина, прибывает с толпой беженцев и побежденных солдат. Он возвращается в город, в котором, как он знал, была женщина, которую он любил. Но все изменилось. Армия жестоко терроризирует город... Этой ночью каждый пытается спасти свою шкуру. Напрасно.
Let's Dance
In the Bellinsky family: there is Solomon the father, 80 years old, brimming with life. He is fighting not to be buried too quickly, between tap dance lessons under the high patronage of Fred Astaire and the search for a companion... The mother, Geneviève, dreams of only one thing: quietly continuing her infantilisation, with her household help, protector and guardian angel, Mr Mootoousamy.
Vérités assassines
Mme Markovitch
The Duchess of Langeais
Princess de Blamont-Chauvry
General Montriveau, having returned from the Napoleonic Wars in despair, quickly becomes enamored with Duchess Langeais. Across a series of nocturnal visitations, the Duchess mercilessly toys with her hot-tempered suitor, as the machinations of a shadowy conspiracy unfold in the background.
Belle Toujours
Séverine Serizy
38 years after the events in the Luis Buñuel classic Belle du jour, Henri Husson thinks he sees Séverine one night at a concert. He follows her and makes her face her past and then takes a slow revenge on her.
As Gentille opens, Fontaine Leglou is walking down a Paris street, and stops to confront a man whom she suspects is following her. She tells him he looks normal, but she's sorry, she doesn't have time to have coffee with him. When he convincingly protests that he was not following her, she apologizes and asks him to have coffee. Fontaine would seem to have a relatively good life. She works as an anesthetist at a fancy mental hospital, and she's got a live-in Nobel Prize-winning arctic scientist boyfriend, Michel, who seems to love her. But there's clearly something nagging at her. She walks around in a perpetually distracted state, and frequently mistakes other peoples' identities and their intentions. When Michel proposes to her, she needs some time to digest it before she responds.
Odile De Castellane
Супруги решают уехать из шумного Парижа и отправиться за своей мечтой в деревню. Свежий воздух и размеренная деревенская жизнь ожидают их в провинции. Чудные пейзажи французского Прованса, забавная история любви двух веселых супругов в смешной элегантной комедии о семейной паре, покинувшей и древнюю Персию, и шумный Париж ради тихого счастья в деревне.
All the Fine Promises
Marianne, a young cellist discovers that her father had a mistress who is still alive. Her journey to find this mysterious woman takes her to places and people from her childhood that she thought she'd left behind forever.
Seaside takes place in a small coastal town on the Bay of Somme. The year-round inhabitants find ways to make their lives work; Paul, a lifeguard in the summer, works at the grocery all winter. His mother, Rose (Ogier) likes to play the slots just about anytime; his girlfriend Marie works in the local factory - the town's biggest business - but watching the summertime vacationers each year just makes her increasingly curious about what else might be out there. From these and several other stories, aided by close, revealing observations, we see a community perched between transition and stasis.
After reading a postcard that her mother let go in the wind, a woman learns that she has a twin.
Merci Docteur Rey
Claude Sabrié
A gay young man is recruited into an illicit love triangle to watch a much older man’s sexual liaison, but ends up witnessing what turns out to be his murder. The next day the young man's opera diva mother informs him that his estranged father has been in Paris... until the previous night when he was murdered. Seeking help with a psychiatrist, the young man comes across an eccentric actress who has come totally unhinged by the death of that psychiatrist, the infamous Docteur Rey. At first mistaking her for the doctor, the young man embarks on a madcap mystery, reminiscent of an Agatha Christie novel, with Paris as the backdrop.
Confusion of Genders
Laurence's Mother
Bisexual attorney Alain is bedding his female boss, his murderer client, the client's hairdresser girlfriend, and a precocious boy who knows what he wants and tries to convince Alain that he can 'have it all'.
Салон красоты 'Венера'
Madame Nadine, la patronne
Фильм о жизни трех парижанок, работающих в салоне красоты, специализирующемся на массаже и макияже. Каждый пришедший сюда знает, что здесь можно не только привести себя в порядок, но и при желании излить душу, а плюс ко всевозможным кремам и эликсирам получить еще и капельку надежды. Впрочем, надежда и любовь так необходимы и тем, кто здесь работает. Анжела — женщина «за сорок», она уже не верит в любовь, и у нее есть на то причины. Саманта моложе ее и все еще ждет своего «принца». А юная и наивная Мари встречает свою судьбу в лице мужчины, который намного старше ее…
В сердце лжи
Évelyne Bordier
В рыбацком посёлке найдено тело десятилетней девочки. Художник и преподаватель живописи Рёне — последний человек, который видел её живой — тут же оказывается под подозрением полицейского инспектора. Рёне — чужак в этих местах, поэтому, даже несмотря на отсутствие улик, по городу ползут слухи, что именно он убийца, люди начинают сторониться художника, а ученики перестают ходить на его уроки. Вивиан, жена Рёне, пытается вступиться за мужа и идёт на открытый конфликт с полицейским инспектором. Когда обнаруживается ещё одно мертвое тело, жизнь в посёлке замирает окончательно.
Никита-двойная жизнь
Mrs. Ford
Молодая привлекательная женщина Джесси живет двумя жизнями. Днем она счастливая невеста, проводящая со своим новоиспеченным мужем медовый месяц где-то на южных островах. Ночью, во снах, она становится наемным убийцей, без эмоций и размышлений следующим от жертвы к жертве. Но балансируя на грани фантазии и реальности, плутая в лабиринтах сна, очень просто потерять контроль над действительностью… Люди вокруг перестают быть теме, кем были вчера, знакомая обстановка внушает недоверие, цепочка неоъяснимых событий леденящим страхом парализует разум. И уже не ясно, действительно ли молодой супруг лелеет смертоносные планы, или это паранойя из снов выплеснулась в жизнь? Как узнать, сможет ли рука, никогда не державшая пистолета, в ответственный момент спустить курок?
Stolen Life
La dame du cimetière
Three women live together in an old rectory on the seashore. Alda lends her body to a string of carnal relationships but never commits her feelings. Olga, the elder sister, has opted for a reclusive life as the soul of the household. Her daughter, Sigga, is a young adolescent. The house harbors a finely balanced marriage between desire and memory—until Olga’s destiny tips the scales.
Ирма Веп
Рене Видаль, режиссер, находящийся не в лучшей форме, решает сделать ремейк немого фильма 1915 года "Вампиры" Луи Фейяда. Не найдя подходящую французскую актрису на главную роль Ирмы Веп (анаграмма имени "Вампира"), он приглашает Гонконгскую звезду Мэгги Чун, хотя она не знает французского. Актриса настолько входит в роль, что в свободное от съемок время начинает слоняться по крышам и вести себя странно.
Don't Forget You're Going to Die
Benoit's Mother
Benoit has planned out his life. Unfortunately he has forgotten the military duty. After he is called to duty he tries everything to get around. He goes to a psychiatrist who gives him medicine against depression. As this doesn't work out he tries suicide. The story gets even worse as he is told by a military doctor that he is HIV positive. Benoit tumbles down into the drug scene. Then he goes to Italy and meets Claudia. Things seem to improve, but only for a short time...
Circuit Carole
The quiet agony of a mother whose daughter grows up to pursue her own life is chronicled in this realistically presented French drama. The Circuit Carole of the title refers to a motorbike racetrack. Jeanne and her 20-year old daughter Marie share a small apartment in a working-class Parisian neighborhood; the two live harmoniously, but the daughter is restless and anxious to set out on her own. Marie then takes a job in a northern suburb and their lives are forever changed. The racetrack is near her work; Marie is enthralled by the racers and their fast machines. Along with her new boyfriend, a racer, Marie begins riding herself. She then moves out of her mother's flat, leaving Jeanne bereft of companionship and a purpose in her life. Her silent, deeply internalized grief eventually drives her completely mad.
Fado, Major and Minor
Pierre, a middle-aged tourist guide, is the victim of a sudden failure : he does not recognize anything about him any longer. He goes back home and in his apartment he finds a mysterious young man who tells him he is here to avenge a young woman who has taken her own life. What share of responsibility does Pierre hold in this situation?
Son of Gascogne
You're a provincial kid in Paris and suddenly you're the center of attention: Movie stars, famous directors and sexy women are doting on you because they all think you're the son of their long-dead legendary friend. You never knew your dad, but the facts of this famous guy's life suggest that he might have fathered you. Your mom tells you nothing. All the fuss makes you uncomfortable at first but soon you find it's rather fun to be the son of the famous Gascogne. And in the midst of it all you fall in love. It is, after all, springtime in Paris.
See How They Fall
Simon is a sales representative about fifty. When Mickey, his cop friend, is being shot, he leaves everything to find the murderers. Two years before, Marx, an old gambler, met Frederic, a young man that does not look very smart and started to follow him everywhere (as a puppy) and changed his name to Johnny to please Marx. Of course, Simon's story is related with Marx and Johnny's one. But the thriller is only a pretext for a psychological description of the three main characters.
Nobody Loves Me
Several lives intersect when a middle-aged woman is left by her husband, and she decides to trek him down with the help of her equally troubled sister.
La mort de Molière
Madeleine Béjart
A collaboration in which Robert Wilson and Heiner Müller let Molière die, imagine his death in tableaux with text passages recited by Müller himself. "Cinema watches Death at work." Wilson's actors watch Molière die: their vigil is hard work. Müller's comment: "The poem watches a dying man at work, his name is Molière. The poem is not a film. The film watches an actor playing a dying man called Molière."
The mother
The story of a dysfunctional family in Northern France. Dad is a mean abusive drunk pharmacist, mom is addicted to pills and has incestuous desire for her son, the son is skipping school to fish and daughter is mentally handicapped.
Jacques Rivette, the Watchman
Self - Actor
This film of interviews with the film director Jacques Rivette was produced in collaboration with Serge Daney, film critic from “Cahiers du cinéma”, then of “Liberation”. In the course of their conversations, the two speakers discuss Rivette’s career, his relationships with the other film makers of the new wave, his use of “mise en scene” and his working with actors.
Joa (Bulle Ogier), an archaeologist from Mexico, comes to Paris in search of her sister Anna (Mireille Perrier), of whom she is suddenly without news. Anna, a theater actress, was in the title role in Sade's "Justine" when she disappeared. The investigation leading Joa to the people who have known her sister, turns into an initiatory quest. Her journey, her stroll through a subterranean marginal Paris, leads also to the emergence of a new woman.
Банда четырех
История о взаимной связи мира театра и повседневной жизни. Студентки Анна, Джойс, Клод и Люси учатся на курсах театрального мастерства под руководством Констанс Дюма. Девушки поселились в небольшом доме в пригороде Парижа, а вскоре на одну из них совершается нападение. Ей на помощь приходит незнакомый мужчина, которому есть что найти и забрать в доме у девушек.
Candy Mountain
A mediocre musician goes on the road in search of the world's greatest guitar maker
The Distant Land
The Distant Land (German: Das weite Land) is a 1987 Austrian-German drama film directed by Luc Bondy. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1987 Cannes Film Festival. Based on a play by Arthur Schnitzler, which is generally referred to in English as The Vast Domain and was also adapted by Tom Stoppard as Undiscovered Country.
My Case
Actrice n° 1
Manoel de Oliveira plays his film in three stages: the first part - a play, the second can be roughly defined as a silent film (with the behind the scenes read excerpts from Beckett works), but in the end the director brilliantly performs the same material of the avant-garde exercise. Surprisingly, a joke, repeated three times, each time everything sounds fresh and develops into an almost verbatim adaptation of the biblical "Book of Job" - a spectacular point in a parable about how hard to empathize with other people's misery, when you have your own.
L'énigme blanche
Like every year, five old friends come together in a chalet in the middle of a Canadian snow desert. Henri, his wife Apolline, brother-in-law Maxence, Jean and Paul are waiting for cozy evenings with board games and good food - a typical ski holiday. But on the first day Henri announces that he knows about the affair between Apolline and Jean. An oppressive mood spreads in the secluded hut until the spiral of jealousy and sadism kills one from its midst.
Swaying between pleasure and despair, Elric throws himself into his pathological passion for the casino. Meeting Suzie could have saved him, but the young woman also sinks into gambling hell. The couple then start getting involved in the fearsome world of professional cheaters.
Savannah Bay c’est toi
Notre Dame de la Croisette
Mademoiselle Betty
A woman goes to Cannes and, lost in its chaos and unable to obtain tickets, ends up watching it on television from her hotel room.
Mlle Tita
A publisher seeks information on a writer who died long ago.
Северный мост
Две женщины, Мари и Батист, кружат странными траекториями в Париже, попадают в странные ситуации, живут внутри какой-то тревожной атмосферы – вязкой, холодной, параноидальной.
Северный мост
Scenario Writer
Две женщины, Мари и Батист, кружат странными траекториями в Париже, попадают в странные ситуации, живут внутри какой-то тревожной атмосферы – вязкой, холодной, параноидальной.
Северный мост
Две женщины, Мари и Батист, кружат странными траекториями в Париже, попадают в странные ситуации, живут внутри какой-то тревожной атмосферы – вязкой, холодной, параноидальной.
Agatha and the Limitless Readings
A man and his sister meet at a seaside village to discuss their relationship.
Jean (Niels Arestrup), the lead character in this psychological journey is torn by a search for his lost childhood, the overwhelming need to love a woman of his dreams (someone he has invented), and a struggle with his latent bisexuality. Jean finds some photos inside an automatic photo station that look like his mother who died soon after he was born. He starts to fantasize about the woman, giving her a name and identity and waiting for her to appear. During this time, he meets Carole (Christine Boisson) and has an affair with her, all the while pretending he has this other relationship with the woman in the photo. Significantly, the couple who introduce him to Carole is childless, and they eventually split up - perhaps a comment on the importance of childhood to the adult world. In the end, Carole discovers that Jean's "other woman" has no real existence, causing a crisis that finds a symbolic expression as the last scenes close on the story.
Paris s'en va
A short film that can act as a companion piece to Le Pont du Nord.
Essay on the history of Los Angeles
Légitime défense
Pascale La greffière
White Journey
One of Werner Schroeter's most important and inventive works, this threadbare evocation of Jean Genet's notorious Querelle depicts the erotic adventures of two sailors through the world's seaports in the manner of a cut-rate silent movie.
Short Memory
Geneviève Derhode
In this thriller, a UNESCO translator stumbles across a group which is hiding and supporting Nazis and facilitating their travel around the world. She had been given an assignment to study the work of a writer who recently had died, and the conspiracy is revealed in materials he left behind. She comes upon a young man who is going through the writer's papers, and she immediately assumes he must be one of the conspirators. However, he soon convinces her of his innocence in that regard, and the two together begin a search for the ringleader.
Третье поколение
Hilde Krieger
Отражающая бытие некой террористической организации, эта «комедия в шести частях об общественных играх, полная напряжения, возбуждения и логики, жестокости и безумия…» посвящена знаменитой Фракции Красной Армии (RAF), наводившей ужас на Германию своими кровавыми акциями, не щадившими даже случайных граждан. Пик активности RAF относится к первой половине 70-х, когда группой руководили Андреас Баадер и Ульрика Майнхоф. Несмотря на то, что имена и обстоятельства в фильме изменены, Фассбиндеру удается глубоко погрузиться в сложные взаимоотношения внутри организации, показать сплетенность личных и общественных мотиваций ее членов, а заодно увидеть и внутреннюю фашизоидность окружения — законопослушных обывателей. Объявления же на стенах туалетов (используемые как эпиграфы между частями) символизируют всеобщую нехватку сексуального удовлетворения — без которого, по Фассбиндеру, всякая революция обречена на провал.
Le Navire Night
Each night in Paris, hundreds of men and women anonymously use telephone lines that date from the German Occupation and are no longer listed to talk to each other, to love each other. These people, shipwrecked lovers, are dying to love, to escape the abyss of solitude.
Entire Days in the Trees
An old lady returns from Africa where she made a fortune to find her son in Paris, whom she has not seen in five years, with the intention of bringing him back with her. But this project fails.
Surreal Estate
An English novelist is lured, with disconcerting and disorienting results, into purchasing a crumbling mansion by what he imagines are the deliberately "literary" ploys of its housekeeper and two mysterious, lurking women.
The Daughter of the Moon battles the Daughter of the Sun over a magical diamond that will allow the winner to remain on Earth, specifically in modern day Paris.
Murderous soul
Werner Schroeter's rhapsody of excess leaps from 1949 Cuba to contemporary France to points in between, while its feverishly shifting visual style evokes and parodies everything from kitschy Mexican telenovelas to silent French art films.
Jamais plus toujours
Claire (Bulle Ogier) returns to France following the death of her actress friend Agathe (Loleh Bellon). She attends an auction of her friend's possessions, provoking memories of the past. As her camera glides across the auction house bric-a-brac, Yanick Bellon mixes past, present and future to create a delicate piece of cinematic poetry. Set to the music of Georges Delerue.
Квартирный вор Оливье знакомится с профессиональной садо-мазо госпожой Арианой, ради денег обслуживающей богатых клиентов с мазохистскими наклонностями. Оливье влюбляется в Ариану и хочет изменить ее жизнь.
A Happy Divorce
Marguerite, Morins tidligere kone
After having been rescued from suicide, a young man is the object of a bet by his doctor that the doctor can help him recover his joy in life. Ironically, the doctor's life is not a very happy one either, and his boast has a hollow sound. For one thing, although he seemingly has a "happy divorce," in which he, his ex-wife and her new husband are all great pals, it's not true. He wants his wife back. All sorts of complications arise out of these lies and distortions.
An Angel Passes
Nico is an ethereal poet haunting the gaps between scenes of Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Bulle Ogier, Laurent Terzieff, and Garrel’s father, Maurice, discussing the filmmaker’s staple topics: love, psychoanalysis, and the failures of May ’68.
Фильм представляет собой хронику тридцатилетнего брака Анри и Жанин. Первая сцена происходит 6 июня 1944 года. Анри и Жанин только что поженились и собираются въехать в свой новый загородный дом, находящийся рядом с бункером. 30 лет спустя — 6 июня 1974 года — уже разведенная пара встречается, чтобы продать дом.
Селина и Жюли совсем заврались
Фильм начинается с Жюли, молодой рыжеволосой женщины, сидящей на скамейке и читающей книгу. Она замечает экстравагантную девушку с длинным шарфом, который та роняет в парке. Жюли бежит, чтобы вернуть его, но не может догнать Селин, теряющую всё больше вещей. Но наконец, они знакомятся и начинают свои проделки в параллельной реальности.
Селина и Жюли совсем заврались
Фильм начинается с Жюли, молодой рыжеволосой женщины, сидящей на скамейке и читающей книгу. Она замечает экстравагантную девушку с длинным шарфом, который та роняет в парке. Жюли бежит, чтобы вернуть его, но не может догнать Селин, теряющую всё больше вещей. Но наконец, они знакомятся и начинают свои проделки в параллельной реальности.
La Paloma
Countess Palewski
Nightclub singer La Paloma succumbs to the persistent courting of a chubby rich admirer and marries him. Before the marriage, she was thought to be dying, but soon she is well. She believes her husband's love has cured her, but her efforts to love him begin to fade as she discovers true love with her husband's old school friend.
Un ange au paradis
A bored undertaker, married to an ex prostitute, falls in love with a transsexual.
Private Screening
Complications abound in this French film, which tells the story of a filmmaker who is attempting to put his real life into a movie; his interactions with the people in the movie he is filming create reverberations in his "real" life, although the past remains unchanged. Among the complications is his growing regard for the woman who plays his cinematic wife. She may wind up replacing his actual wife in real life. One of the highlights of this film is the insight it gives into the actual mechanics of filmmaking.
Lovely Swine
Marie, the singer
Pierre used to be a top level football player but he quit. Now he is both a prestidigitator and a stool pigeon, benefiting from the protection of the chief inspector. In his dreams he is haunted by the horrors he saw (he took part in ?) during the Algerian War. Pierre lives with Marie, a young singer who performs at the same cabaret as him. Lately Marie has decided to start a career in the showbiz and Pierre is worried. Nothing alarming happens though, until a diabolical inspector, jealous of his superior, decides to manipulate Pierre. He also puts pressure on Poussin, Marie's pianist, and on Joseph, the night club's master of ceremony. What he wants is to compromise his superior and take his place. Will Pierre escape this ruthless trap?
Io e lui
Rico is a not too successful screen-player. He is also a repressed sex addict. His life changes when he starts to talk to his own penis, which incredibly answers him! All his relationships and views about reality are seriously impacted by his new "friend", his penis! The "two" in fact, often have different opinions, and sometimes the personality of "it" is stronger than its owner.
George Who?
Marie Dorval
The film depitcs the life of the French author George Sand.
'M' as in Mathieu
Mathieu is collected from the hospital by his wife, and dropped of at an apartment. His wife returns home to their son. The next time she sees him, he confesses that he is in love with another woman. This woman, who is identical to his wife, visits him. After making love, she leaves. She then returns. Mathieu shoots her - or does he shoot a mirror?
The Hostage Gang
Liliane Guerec Nodier
Barely out of the psychiatric hospital where he went to seek care, Gilbert Nodier commits several assaults to have some money.
Out 1: Spectre
Out 1: Spectre begins as nothing more than scenes from Parisian life; only as time goes by do we realize that there is a plot—perhaps playful, perhaps sinister—that implicates not just the thirteen characters, but maybe everyone, everywhere. Real life may be nothing but an enormous yarn someone somewhere is spinning...
Скромное обаяние буржуазии
Насмешливая, сюрреалистическая зарисовка никчемной жизни буржуа. Непредвиденные обстоятельства с завидным постоянством препятствуют вожделению героев отобедать. Сон и явь сплетаются в калейдоскоп бредовых событий.
Вивьен - жена французского консула, в поисках перьев экзотической птицы присоединяется к группе путешественников из Европы, которые пытаются найти таинственную долину в горах Новой Гвинеи. Их длительное пребывание в племени Мапуга становится развязкой на пути к долине.
Appointment in Bray
In 1917, the First World War is raging. Julien is from Luxemburg, so instead of having to go to war he studies piano in Paris. One day his friend Jacques, also a musician and now a fighter pilot on the front, invites him to spend a few days in his family's empty house in Bray. The housekeeper, a beautiful stoic woman lets Julien in, but his friend is late and he is obliged to wait. In the meantime, he starts reminiscing of the pre-war days spent with his friend and Jacques' girlfriend Odile.
Хватаясь за случайный заработок, журналист Пьер готовит сценарий для телевидения, сюжетом которому должен служить реальный случай, произошедший не так давно - молодая девушка, некая Розмонда, обвинялась в попытке убийства своего дяди, но не нашлось достаточных улик. Пьер обращается за помощью к знакомому писателю Полю, и вместе они начинают раскручивать события. Романист и мечтатель Поль представляет персонаж в романтическом свете, Пьер же, более близкий к реальности, предпринимает попытку собрать факты и выяснить правду...
Out 1
Pauline / Emilie
While two theater groups rehearse plays by Aeschylus, two solitary individuals wander the Parisian streets hustling the populace for cash.
Sophie's Ways
Céline is a free-spirited woman is married to a dull, middle manager Philippe. Her husband's co-worker pegged her as a household ornament because of the union. She befriends a woman who shows her how to juggle the couple's living expenses to get what she wants. As she asserts her independence and gradually frees herself from her husband's claustrophobic world, she turns to painting and writing about the inequity between genders.
La seconde voleuse
A genuine performance film as Bernadette Laffont and Bulle Ogier engage, with reckless abandon, in a flurry of senseless destruction in a house at night. Somewhere between a hallucination and a nightmare. Both the explosive soundtrack and narration that accompanies the mayhem was provided by François Tusques.
Paulina Is Leaving
Paulina leaves the apartment where she lives with her two brothers, Nicolas and Olivier. Her departure is mark by chaotic and sometimes violent confrontations.
Pierre and Paul
Pierre is a middle-aged factory worker with plenty of unresolved anger. After his father's death, his mother feels compelled to move in with him. Having just moved there with his beautiful girlfriend, he begins to feel the pressure. When the May Day revolt begins, he goes crazy.
L'Amour fou
Follows the dissolution of the marriage between Claire, an actress and Sebastien, her director.
Et crac !
The husband, the wife and the lover than isn’t truly. The husband and the lover working in the manufacture of a material that will not come apart. However, it is the woman who ends up breaking.
The Idols
Gigi la Folle
This satire concerns three French singing idols and their attempt to stay in the public eye. A press conference, backstage hedonism, psychedelia, manipulative managers and disc jockeys are portrayed as the pop culture is thoroughly and effectively lampooned in this independent feature.
Pop' game
La chanteuse du cabaret (uncredited)
Poupée and her (so-called) brother Paulo share an apartment in Paris. They dream of becoming actors. In the meantime, life goes on, nothing happens, until Poupée meets François.
Base on Paul Féval's "Le Bossu" ("The Hunchback")
Les filous