Axel Peruzzo


Террор 5
Special Effects
Город Буэнос-Айрес живет настоящим кошмаром, когда пять городских легенд становятся реальностью. Политика обвиняют в том, что он несет ответственность за городскую трагедию, в которой погибли пятнадцать человек. Другие ужасные истории также происходят в столице Аргентины, в которой участвуют мужчины и женщины, которые окажутся перед своими внутренними демонами.
Special Effects Technician
Movie adaptation of Leonardo Oyola's novel, which tells the story of the legendary DC comics superhero, Superman, if he, instead of falling in Smallville from Krypton, would have landed in the heart of Isidro Casanova, in La Matanza, deep in the west side of Buenos Aires.
Born to Die
Special Effects
Almost all the employees of a spicy sauce factory are slaughtered. Responsible for this drama: hitman Victor Patibulo, notorious for sucking on a pacifier ever since his favorite poodle got killed. One body is absent among the dead: big boss Heraclito, who had just created a revolutionary new sauce. Is there a connection? There’s only one man who’ll be able to find out: the handsome, strong and clever Marcello Risk, star of the anti-terrorism unit K.K.D.B.B. Together with his sidekick, Guadalajara Man, big fan of martial arts and bananas, he’ll try to solve the mystery. But there are many weird and wonderful enemies on their path, their boss is mind-bogglingly dumb and their residential science genius hasn’t eaten in weeks. Cutbacks, you know!