Banjiro Uemura


GARO: Red Requiem
The current wearer of the gold wolf armor Garo, doesn’t believe women can be chosen to wear mystic armor. When Kouga's quest thrusts him into conflict alongside Priestess Rekka, he’s forced to acknowledge that the female species can be deadly!
Колдун 2
Executive Producer
Великий знаток инь-ян чародей Абэ но Сэймэй и отважный придворный Минамото но Хиромаса на этот раз спасают столицу от гнева возрождённого бога Сусаноэ. Но даже мистических знаний и крепкой дружбы не хватило бы смельчакам, не разбуди они сестру Сусаноэ - спящую богиню Аматэрасу .
Унесённые призраками
Co-Executive Producer
Тихиро с мамой и папой переезжает в новый дом. Заблудившись по дороге, они оказываются в странном пустынном городе, где их ждет великолепный пир. Родители с жадностью набрасываются на еду и к ужасу девочки превращаются в свиней, став пленниками злой колдуньи Юбабы. Теперь, оказавшись одна среди волшебных существ и загадочных видений, Тихиро должна придумать, как избавить своих родителей от чар коварной старухи.
The Phoenix: Yamato Chapter
Executive Producer
The story of a young prince and young princess from opposing tribes, as they struggle to deal with their lives and the hardship brought on by their position in their respective families.
I Want To Live Once More: Shinjuku Bus Fire Incident
Executive Producer
On the night of August 19, 1980, a bus was set on fire by the vagrant Hirofumi Maruyama at the Shinjuku West Exit Bus Terminal. In the burning flames, Mitsuko, who was exhausted by her affair, suddenly thought of suicide. As a result, she escaped too late from the bus and suffered a serious injury. From there, she was hospitalized for a long time. As she gradually recovered, the wife of her affair partner, Soroku Sugihara, died of cancer. Soroku proposed to Mitsuko again, and they lived together. Due to Soroku's mounting debt, they decided to flee to Tojinbo. With the desperate persuasion of her acquaintances, Mitsuko regained her desire to "live again."
The Wangan Highway
Based on the novel of the same name by Yoshio Kataoka.
Executive Producer
Roar follows a family who are attacked by various African animals at the secluded home of their keeper.
Message from Space
The peaceful planet of Jillucia has been nearly wiped out by the Gavanas, whose leader takes orders from his mother rather than the Emperor. King Kaiba sends out eight Liabe holy seeds, each to be received by a chosen one to defend the Gavanas. Each recipient, ranging from hardened General Garuda to Gavana Prince Hans to young Terrans Meia, Kido, and Aaron all have different reactions to being chosen.