Online Editor
Three Aussie super-Sheilas and their Big Mack trucks embark on a mission to defend the Earth against the alien invasion.
Mr Bywaters
Lee, a Chinese man, works as a waiter in a hotel in England, despite speaking very little English. Told that a girl called Iris might be interested in him, on his afternoon off work he buys a box of chocolates and sets off to find her.
Входящий в высшее британское общество Эдвард Пирс на деле хитроумный преступник, задумавший присвоить 25 тысяч фунтов в золотых слитках, отправленных поездом из Лондона на Крымскую войну. Для этого Пирсу и его партнеру Роберту Эгару нужно сделать копии четырех ключей от сейфа, а также совершить еще ряд восхитительно-дерзких манипуляций...
The Chamberlain
A made-for-TV retelling of the story "The Twelve Dancing Princesses," directed by Ben Rea, featuring Jim Dale as the Soldier, Freddie Jones as the destitute King, and Gloria Grahame as the Witch. Significant changes were made to the story, including reducing the number of princesses to six, and the soldier ultimately declining to marry any of the princesses due to their deceitful nature.
Красивая и сексуальная супруга французского посла в Лондоне Эммануэль Превер совершенно не привлекает собственного мужа. В «расстройстве чувств» она соблазняет целую череду мужчин — от шофёра до премьер-министра. Один из любовников предоставляет прессе подробный отчёт обо всех её похождениях.
Major Carstairs
Captain S. Melly takes over as the new Commanding Officer at an experimental mixed sex air defence base. It's 1940 and England is under heavy bombardment, but the crew seem more interested in each other than the enemy planes above. Captain Melly plans to put a stop to all this, and becomes the target of a campaign to abandon his separatist ideals...
On his deathbed Carmine Vespucci's father tells him to "get Proclo". With "the hit" on, Gaetano tells a cab driver to take him where Carmine can't find him. He arrives at the Ritz, a gay bathhouse.
После смерти короля Ричарда Львиное Сердце Робин Гуд и его неразлучный друг Маленький Джон возвращаются из крестовых походов в Англию, в Шервуд, где Робин встречает свою старую любовь Мэриан. Но старый шериф все еще на месте, и старая вражда разгорается вновь. Робин хочет только одного — он ведь уже совсем не молод — спокойно жить со своей любимой в родном лесу, но новый король отдает приказ уничтожить бунтовщиков. И тогда Робин выходит на свой последний поединок с заклятым врагом шерифом Ноттингемским.
Henry Barnes
Professors Vrooshka and Crump decide to visit an archaeological site to study the artifacts there. Lo and behold, it's right next to a caravan site where all manner of people are staying. With a randy Major owning the site, a snobbish mother, and the two professors' constant innuendos, the film ends with a sinking caravan site and a striptease performance as a replacement for the cabaret night.
Dick Turpin is terrorising the countryside around Upper Dencher. Captain Fancey and Sergeant Jock Strapp plan to put an end to his escapades, and enlist the help of the Reverend Flasher. Little do they know that the priest leads a double life. Then Madame Desiree and her "Birds of Paradise" arrive in the village...
1st Singing Caveman / Guest / 2nd Dart player / 1st German / 3rd Ballerina / Friar Tuck.
Sid James as Father Christmas recounts times of the festive season through the ages, from life in stone age times. A country house party in the 18th Century. Christmas in the trenches during world war one. Next up is a Robin Hood send up with Sid as Robin.
Local councillor Sidney Fiddler persuades the Mayor to help improve the image of their rundown seaside town by holding a beauty contest. But formidable Councillor Prodworthy, head of the local women's liberation movement, has other ideas. It's open warfare as the women's lib attempt to sabotage the contest.
Two unforeseen problems meant that many fans consider this the weakest Christmas special. Firstly, Talbot Rothwell became ill whilst writing the script, and was unable to finish it. Dave Freeman had to be brought in to complete the script, but the two men did not work together. As a result, the script does not flow as easily as the earlier offerings. Secondly, Charles Hawtrey pulled out of the special at short notice. Having taken third billing to Sid James and Terry Scott in the previous two shows, and knowing they would both be absent, Hawtrey demanded top billing. But Carry On producer Peter Rogers refused, giving top billing to Hattie Jacques instead. Hawtrey's role had hastily to be recast, and was split between Norman Rossington and Brian Oulton, both of whom had played cameo roles in several Carry On films. The special featured a collection of historical sketches, loosely linked around an 18th-century banquet.
A group of holidaymakers head for the Spanish resort of Elsbels for a 4-day visit. When they get there, they find the Hotel still hasn't been finished being built, and the weather is awful. And there is something strange about the staff—they all look very similar. To top it all off, the weather seems to be having an adverse affect on the Hotel's foundations.
Trevor Lewis
The legendary Sid James stars as the head of a chaotic household in this movie spin-off from the hit ITV sitcom. Sid Abbott and his best mate Trevor (Peter Butterworth) enjoy home-brewing. Plans to turn their hobby into a profitable, if illicit, sideline come unstuck when a Customs and Excise officer (Terry Scott) moves in next door! What’s more, Sid’s outspoken and madcap family hinder neighbourly relations even further.
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
Наверняка нет на свете человека, который не разу не согрешил. Эта британская комедия дает возможность зрителю посмеяться над собой, предлагая взглянуть на себя со стороны. Возможно кто-то узнает себя в одном из семи эпизодов, отражающих "семь смертных грехов" - алчность, зависть, чревоугодие, похоть, гордость, лень и ... ну а седьмой смертный грех, как и бессмертный музыкальный хит тех лет под завязочные титры, вы узнаете, досмотрев эту изумительную комедию до конца. Лучшие комедийные актеры Великобритании 70-х объединились в этой ужасно смешной истории о семи смертных грехах.
Dracula / Street Beggar / Convent Girl / Haggie the Other Ugly Sister
Ebenezer Scrooge is a misery on Christmas, not allowing people money or doing anything to share Christmas cheer around his employees or acquaintances. While Scrooge is visited by three ghosts we see how his penny pinching has affected those around him.
Shuffling Patient
Dr. Nookey is disgraced and sent to a remote island hospital. He is given a secret slimming potion by a member of staff, Gladstone Screwer, and he flies back to England to fame and fortune. But others want to cash in on his good fortunes, and some just want him brought down a peg or two.
Josh Fiddler
Sid and Bernie keep having their amorous intentions snubbed by their girlfriends Joan and Anthea, so when they decide to take them on a holiday to Paradise Camp, they think they're off to a nudist colony—but they couldn't be more wrong, and meet up with the weirdest bunch of campers you can imagine.
Brother Belcher
Сэр Сидни Рафф-Даймонд охраняет британский форпост недалеко от Хайберского перехода. Находящийся под охраной шотландского полка, форпост кажется надёжно защищённым. Но Хази из Калабара так не думает. Он жаждет убить всех британцев! Но его войска теряют голову от страха перед «Дьяволами в юбках», ведь ходят слухи, что под ними ничего не надето. Однажды индийцам удалось поймать шотландского солдата, который оказался в трусах…
Пруденс и её муж продолжают жить в одном доме, хотя их брак уже давно является лишь формальностью. Однажды кто-то подменил её противозачаточные таблетки аспирином. Это мог быть кто угодно: юная племянница, горничная, шофер или любовник. Но скорее всего злобный муж хочет, чтобы беременность неверной Пруденс стала поводом для бракоразводного процесса.
Mr. Smith
Популярный Доктор Килмор уволен, после того как был обнаружен в компрометирующем положении на крыше дома медсестёр. Пациенты не хотят потерять его, но доктор Тинкл и главная медсестра непреклонны.
Bertram Oliphant West (also known as Bo West) wants to clear his unjustly smeared reputation. He joins the Foreign Legion, with Simpson his manservant in tow. But the fort they get posted to is full of eccentric legionnaires, and there is trouble brewing with the locals too. Unbeknown to Bo, his lady love has followed him in disguise...
Действие фильма происходит в период Французской революции 1789-1794 годов. Погрязшие в скуке английские аристократы сэр Родни Эффинг и лорд Дарси Пью находят себе достойное занятие - спасение французской знати из цепких лап гильотины. Храбрецам противостоят Камамбер, шеф тайной полиции Робеспьера, и его туповатый подручный Биде.
Roman Sentry
Пседолус — самый ленивый раб Рима, хочет купить себе право на свободу. Случайно он узнает, что молодой хозяин влюблен в прекрасную девственницу из дома крупного работорговца, чья «специализация» — красивые женщины. Пседолус заключает пари — он доставит девушку взамен на свою свободу…
Detective Constable Slobotham
Эта пародия, на жанр ужасов вообще и фильмы студии Хаммер в частности, считается одним из самых удачных фильмов серии.
The Monk
In the year 4000, the Daleks conspire to conquer the Solar System. Their scheme involves treachery at the highest levels and a weapon capable of destroying the very fabric of time. Only the Doctor and his friends can prevent catastrophe — and there is no guarantee they will escape with their lives...
Gavin, Jean and Peter meet Danny the Dragon, an unintentional visitor from outer space. Danny and the children encounter many adventures before Danny finally manages to return to his own planet.
Стодж-сити находится во власти Рампо Кида и его банды. В это время происходит ужасная путаница: санитарного инженера Шерифа Нотта принимают за шерифа закона! Будучи добросовестным человеком, Шериф пытается помочь городу избавиться от Рампо Кида. Шерифу помогают два обстоятельства - жаждущая мести Энни Оукли и его диплом санитарного инженера...
The Monk
In England, 1066, the Doctor confronts a mysterious Monk who is attempting to change history.
A bawdy story of how a poor damsel surrenders her virtue again and again to get to the top of society.
Five pampered French children with their wheeled, headless, toy horse accidentally become tangled up in a plot to rob the Dijon- Paris express of 100,000,000. They foil the robbery when a thief stashes the key to his hiding place inside 'The Horse Without A Head'.
The Carpenter
A Home of Your Own is a 1964 British comedy film which is a brick-by-brick account of the building a young couple’s dream house. From the day when the site is first selected, to the day – several years and children later – when the couple finally move in, the story is a noisy but wordless comedy of errors as the incompetent labourers struggle to complete the house. It may well have been inspired by the success of Bernard Cribbins' classic song of the same vein from two years earlier, "Right Said Fred". In this satirical look at British builders, many cups of tea are made, windows are broken and the same section of road is dug up over and over again by the water board, the electricity board and the gas board. Ronnie Barker’s put-upon cement mixer, Peter Butterworth’s short-sighted carpenter and Bernard Cribbins’ hapless stonemason all contribute to the ensuing chaos.
Ambulance Driver
"Doctor in Distress" is the fifth of the seven films in the "Doctor" series, and focuses on Sir Lancelot Spratt, Simon Sparrow's old teacher and sometimes nemesis. When the eternal bachelor Sir Lancelot injures his back and falls in love with his physiotherapist Iris Marchant, he becomes very distressed and turns to Simon for help. Simon, who now is a senior doctor at fictional Hampden Cross Hospital and hopelessly in love with aspiring actress Delia, sends him to a nature cure clinic in a vain attempt to help him lose weight, but Sir Lancelot can't get Iris off his mind and has her followed, first by a private investigator and eventually by himself. When he finally proposes, she rejects him and marries an old army major, which distresses Sir Lancelot even more.
A party of children playing on a moor lose their toy aeroplane which flies through the window of a lonely tower. A multitude of objects found in the town to help rescue the aeroplane prove very difficult to get out to the moor, involving them with barrows, traffic and the local hunt. At last they succeed in entering the tower only to get trapped themselves. Finally Neddy, the donkey, shows them the way out.
Ronnie Grimble
An agent invites his young starlet to a party, to meet all the right people. A chance to move on from the commercials she has been doing, to bigger roles and maybe stardom. However while she is there, she realizes there is a price to pay...
Albert, a cheeky, womanising, door-to door salesman, with a never-take-no-for-an-answer attitude, lives his life for the moment, and with no thought of his future, or the consequences of his actions on the people he encounters.
Will the Knifegrinder
In the London of 1537, two boys resembling each other exactly meet accidentally and exchange "roles" for a short while. After many adventures, the prince regains his rightful identity and graciously makes his "twin" a ward of the court.
Dr. Fletcher
When Francis and Douglas Oberon learn that their late grandmother has bequeathed the family fortune to distant cousin Toni, they immediately start plotting to get their hands on the money. They dream up a plot whereby they cannot fail to acquire a comfortable future; the lovely Toni must either be murdered, or married...
When a mail bag full of post that was taken in a robbery is discovered fifteen years later, a Post Office employee and local reporter decide to deliver the letters to their original intended addressees. This solitary incident has profound ramifications on several of the recipients and this film tells the story of how just five of those letters changed peoples lives forever.
Ticket Collector
Мисс Марпл невольно становится свидетелем убийства в купе проходящего мимо поезда. Она сообщает об этом в полицию, но так как никакого тела не найдено, полиция не предпринимает ничего. Приходится старушке самой заняться расследованием этого странного дела…
Inspector Bruce
An unemployed actor hires out as a bodyguard-companion for a woman and finds himself involved in murder.
Insp. Lord
Когда в ее доме убит злоумышленник, удобная жизнь Клариссы Хейлшем-Браун перевернута вверх дном.
Лесная королева выполняет желание лесоруба Джонатана и его жены Анны.
Mr. Bob Duff
A young lad wants to play cornet and despite the efforts of a rival, wins a competition and a place in the local band by sheer grit and perseverance.
The Potter
Gormless 25 year-old Cardew, wealthy beneficiary of the Robinson Will, should have left St. Fanny's School many years ago. However, seedy headmaster Dr. Jankers (music hall favourite Fred Emney) is in the toils of shady bookmaker Harry the Scar (boxer Freddie Mills) and has so-far kept his golden goose perched firmly at the bottom of the class. Blissfully unaware of nefarious intrigue around him, Cardew continues to flirt coyly with the French mistress and gamble for school dinners on the form room roulette wheel. But canny Scots solicitor McTavish has been sent to investigate... Featuring television's Billy Bunter, Gerald Campion, gorgeous Vera Day, Will Hay cohort Claude Hulbert, muddle-mouthed Stanley Unwin, a young Ronnie Corbett, and enough old jokes to fill a Christmas Cracker factory.
Story of manager of Brighton funfair who leads a crowd of youngsters in their campaign to get even with a killjoy who wants to stop them having fun.
Children's comedy about an inefficient grocer's boy and his passion for eating.
Another Betting Man
Jim Gay loves his racing greyhound but, out of town, he finds a dog with a better chance to win. His friends bet on his dog while he bets against.
Comedy about a lazy mechanic who has to deliver a motor-cycle to its owner before five o'clock.
Peter Butterworth, an old-fashioned sweep, finds himself vying with Mr. Crossington, the "clean" sweep, in an attempt to clean the chimneys of Mr and Mrs Tompkins' house before the Mayor arrives for tea. The rivalry results in several downfalls of soot and both sweeps are chased from the house.
Stage Manager
A trip to the theatre changes a meek bank clerk's life, as he undergoes hypnosis and leaves without being woken up. Suddenly, he believes he is the world's greatest lover and becomes a terrorizing Casanova.
Escapades of Dickie Duffle, handyman, as he tours a film studio.
Story of a handyman who gets into trouble at a workman's cafe.
Julien / Postman / Farmer
Лампидорра - самая маленькая и самая бедная страна в Европе. Веками находясь вдали от прогресса цивилизации, к началу повествования страна была продана богатому американцу за 100 000 долларов. После скоропостижной кончины новоявленного Великого Герцога его наследницей стала Линди Смит, простая продавщица из Нью-Йорка. Ей предстоит спасти маленькую страну от финансового коллапса с помощью молодого британца, представителя крупной сырной компании...
Wounded Marine
When their hospital ship sinks in the South Pacific during World War II, military nurse Elizabeth Smythe (Linda Darnell) and Marine Michael Dugan (Tab Hunter) find themselves stranded — and soon enough, falling in love — on an idyllic tropical island. But when British pilot William Peck (Donald Gray) crash-lands on their cozy little atoll, Dugan suddenly discovers he has a rival in love.
1st Naval Rating
At the outbreak of WWII the British realise they can't prevent the invasion of the Channel Islands. However, someone realises that a prize cow is on the islands and the Nazis mustn't get hold of her. This is the intrepid story of the cow-napping from under the noses of the Nazis.
Mr. Drake and his wife live a nice, quiet life on their Sussex farm, until one of their ducks lays a radioactive egg made of uranium! When the government finds out about this, the Armed Forces storm onto the farm in a frantic search for the duck responsible.
Ernie (the Diver)
An American comes to Britain to investigate the murky circumstances of his brother's death that occurred during a WW2 commando raid.
Old Mother Riley runs into a ghost who turns out to be an old pirate searching for buried treasure.
Thug (uncredited)
Гарри Фабиан — Лондонский шустрила с честолюбивыми планами, которые никогда не срабатывают. Однажды, когда он сталкивается с наиболее известным греко-римским борцом в мире, Грегориусом, в лондонской борцовской арене, которой управляет его сын Кристо, он выдумывает схему, которая, как он думает, положит начало к его финансовой независимости.
Post Office Engineer
A husband-and-wife detective team look into the murder of one of her friends, whose father--a prominent scientist--has been kidnapped. They find themselves up against a sinister crime organization headed by a mysterious figure known only as "Z".
Joe (uncredited)
The hero discovers his estranged wife dead and tries to frame her lover for the murder. He becomes involved with the criminals who make various unsuccessful attempts on his life while the police clear up the mystery.
An exchange factory worker from New Jersey joins a plot to save a village from the Town and Country Planning Act.
A man watching a musical show at the Windmill theatre is shot apparently from the stage. The cast continues the performance so that the detective can solve the murder.