Brenda Weisberg

Рождение : 1899-04-06, Rivne, Ukraine

Смерть : 1996-01-01


Reunion in Reno
Short Story
A little girl enlists the aid of an attorney to obtain a divorce from her parents. Breezy B comedy was loosely remade as Irreconcilable Differences.
On the Isle of Samoa
After committing a robbery, a man is inspired to confess by a lovely native girl he meets on a small island.
Rusty's Birthday
A lost dog tries to find his way back to his beloved master in the final film of the Rusty series.
Rusty Saves a Life
Rusty, portrayed by a very busy canine thespian named Flame, does exactly what the film's title says he does. But before this prophecy can be fulfilled, the story spends a great deal of time with young Danny Mitchell (Ted Donaldson), who briefly turns to juvenile delinquency when he's denied an expected inheritance
Port Said
Travel author Leslie Sears arrives in Cairo, Egypt, to meet with Greg Stewart, an old war buddy who is a theater booking agent in Port Said. Leslie telephones Greg and arranges a rendezvous, but shortly after the conversation ends, Greg is murdered.
My Dog Rusty
Faithful dog Rusty helps his master's father win a mayoral race.
My Dog Rusty
Faithful dog Rusty helps his master's father win a mayoral race.
The Lone Wolf in London
Michael Lanyard (Gerald Mohr) is suspected of stealing two fabulous diamonds from a vault in Scotland Yard, where they were being held for safekeeping, but the Yard can't prove he did it. Later, Lanyard is summoned by a member of the nobility to help the latter raise money to pay a blackmailer. Lanyard later finds evidence to reveal the diamonds as having been stolen by a famous stage star.
King of the Wild Horses
The deep unbreakable bond between a wild stallion and the boy he rescues is chronicled in this children's adventure.
Alias Mr. Twilight
Geoffrey Holden (Lloyd Corrigan) is an elderly con-man who is a lovable old man when providing his beloved granddaughter (Gigi Perreau) with the simple luxuries of life, yet has no qualms when working a racket devised to relieve his victims of their property. Trudy Marshall is the governess of the granddaughter, and is in love with a detective (Michael Duane) who is about to expose the old man's unsuspected activities.
Fred J. Johnson (Lloyd Corrigan) scores a hole-in-one but his next drive, using the lucky, initialed golf ball, soars out of bounds and lands near a spot where some counterfeiters are burying a murder victim. Then begins a series of events in which he is hounded and threatened by the killers. The consequences of his not reporting what he saw to the police lead to a climax in which is daughter is held hostage by the crooks.
Ding Dong Williams
Ding Dong Williams, a clarinet player who can neither read nor write music is employed at a motion picture studio. The studio plans to use him and his six-piece band but his musical deficiencies are discovered and the plan scrapped. But the secretary of the head of the music department intercedes on his behalf and he is given a chance in the film.
China Sky
During World War II, an American mission hospital is headed up by Dr. Gray Thompson and Dr. Sara Durand. Sara is secretly in love with Gray but hides her feelings as his new wife, Louise, arrives at the hospital. Sparks fly, however, when Louise becomes jealous of Sara, and then tries to convince her husband to leave war-torn China behind for a calmer life in the United States. But Thompson is attached to both Sara and the people who need his help.
Babes on Swing Street
The president of a settlement-house group puts on a benefit variety show.
Призрак мумии
Египетский священник-культист Юсуф Бей прибывает в Америку, чтобы найти и вернуть на родину останки принцессы Ананки и её возлюбленного Хариса. Тем временем египтолог Мэтью Норман на свою беду находит способ оживить мумию Хариса, после чего Бей решает аналогичным образом вернуть к жизни и саму принцессу.
Шерлок Холмс: Багровый коготь
Приехав в Канаду на встречу королевского общества по оккультизму, Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон сталкиваются со старинным поверьем о деревушке Ле Морт Руж (Красная смерть), где по преданию, на болотах бродит призрак, разрывающий своим жертвам горло. Хотя скептицизм Холмса встретил холодный прием среди участников конгресса, после смерти от руки призрака жены одного из участников - Лорда Пенроуза, Холмс отправляется в Ле Морт Руж, чтобы расследовать череду таинственных убийств...
Weird Woman
After bringing his beautiful new wife Paula home to America from a remote island on which she was raised, Professor Norman Reed begins to feel the clash between his world of rational science and hers of bizarre dancing and freaky voodoo rituals. Norman's stuck-up friends also sense Paula's strangeness, and soon their meddling gossip and suspicious scheming push the poor woman to use her magic to defend herself and her husband – and maybe even to kill! Or is it just the power of suggestion...?
Безумный гуль
Доктор Альфред Моррис, университетский профессор химии, заново открывает древнюю формулу майя и синтезирует газ, который превращает людей в податливых, послушных, похожих на зомби «гулей». Подопытным Морриса становится студент-медик Тед Эллисон. Профессор считает, что невеста Эллисона, красивая концертная певица Изабель Льюис, хочет разорвать помолвку, потому что предпочитает более «зрелого» Морриса. На самом же деле Изабель любит своего концертмейстера Эрика. Чтобы на время вывести Теда из подобного трансу состояния Моррис изготавливает сыворотку из сердец, которые по его приказу извлекает Эллисон из тел умерших или еще живых людей. Когда выясняется, что места убийств совпадают с гастрольным графиком Изабель, на след сумасшедшего ученого выходит репортер.
Keep 'Em Slugging
A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.
Mug Town
Steve Bell, Tommy, Pig, Ape, and String are run of town. Steve, while hopping a freight card and trying to avoid the brakeman, is killed. The boys meet Steve's mother, Alice Bell and Tommy is given a job in the storage garage which she owns jointly with Mack Steward. Steve's brother Don Bell is working with some gangsters by tipping them off on valuable merchandise that can be hijacked. Pig, Ape and String overhear Don's plans to use Tommy as the fall guy in the next hijacking.
There's One Born Every Minute
A nine-year-old Elizabeth Taylor made her film debut in this lively comedy. She plays the spoiled-brat daughter of a pudding manufacturer who has been entered into the town's mayoral race by some of the local businessmen. They have chosen him because they think he is easy to manipulate. As a sales gimmick, the pudding magnate advertises that his product contains the highly nutritious "Vitamin Z." He suddenly begins selling pudding like crazy and soon his political campaign is well-funded. Unfortunately, there is no "Vitamin Z" and when this is discovered, the town fathers try to dump him and show that he is a fake.
Tough as They Come
The 'Dead End Kids & Little Tough Guys' are working as collectors for a finance company, when they discover the company's illegal activities and try to stop them.
You're Telling Me
Hubert Abercrombie Gumm, a flighty, eccentric screwball acquires a job as an executive at a radio station at the insistence of his only-slightly less eccentric aunt Fannie Handley, who is married to one of the company owners. After mixing up the script pages to the various radio programs, Hubert sets out to get the name of a returning explorer on a contract for the radio station. Other than the title, this film has no connection at all to the 1934 W.C. Fields film of the same title even though some sources give the plot of the Fields' film as the plot of this film.
Mob Town
Wayward youths get out of trouble thanks to a policeman.
Sing Another Chorus
In this musical, an idealistic college graduate is bitten by the show business bug after he finds success writing and producing the campus variety show. Wanting to launch his career, he convinces his father to allow him to create a production using the workers at the old man's clothing factory. Unfortunately, the young man is naive and an unscrupulous producer bilks his father's advance money from him.
Hit the Road
Kids look to get revenge when their fathers are all killed in a mob war.
Tough Kid
Skipper Murphy is serving as trainer and inspiration for his brother Red Murphy training for a world championship title bout. Trouble comes for the Murphys when Red runs up against a gambling syndicate and is put on the spot to throw the fight.
Little Tough Guy
The son of a man sentenced to death for a murder he didn't commit vows to become a criminal himself. He starts his own street gang, and their crime spree is financed by a mysterious young man--who turns out to be the son of the District Attorney who sent the boy's father to the electric chair.
Little Tough Guy
The son of a man sentenced to death for a murder he didn't commit vows to become a criminal himself. He starts his own street gang, and their crime spree is financed by a mysterious young man--who turns out to be the son of the District Attorney who sent the boy's father to the electric chair.