Luciano Trasatti


Napoli... la camorra sfida, la città risponde
Director of Photography
Italian crime movie from 1979 directed by Alfonso Brescia.
Cugine mie
Director of Photography
Mara, Silvia and Irene, three sisters, are sent from Rome to Padua as guests of prof. Bordignon, their uncle. First, they let off steam with the young cousin Anselmo; then, realizing that their destiny is a boarding school, they take plot their revenge.
Macho Killers
El Macho is forced to impersonate a dead outlaw killed while stealing a gold shipment. With the help of Kelly he’s able to locate Hidalgo and his outlaw gang.
Director of Photography
Непримиримая судья городского магистрата Виола Орландо становится мишенью для недоброжелателей, которые нанимают ее сестру-близнеца Розу, фотомодель и звезду сомнительного свойства, для того чтобы, пользуясь абсолютным сходством, опорочить Виолу и разрушить ее репутацию, в то время как Виола разрывается между соблюдением закона и отказом от своего судейского поста ради того, чтобы выйти замуж за своего друга детства.
Scandal In the Family
Director of Photography
A rich older man dies during a massage (you see, uh--never mind). His young widow (Lucrezia Love) decides she needs some male help in managing her deceased husband's estate (for some reason she doesn't ask the family lawyer who she spends all her time rolling around in the hay with), so she summons her younger step-brother to come stay with her and her "little stepdaughter" (Gloria Guida). Of course, Guida's character ends up being attracted to her new "uncle" and plots to get "his bird in her bush" by, among other things, arranging for him to witness a steamy lesbian encounter between her and a friend in a, uh, steam room. To resist this temptation, the "uncle" marries Guida off to another guy while he in turn marries her friend, but they still can't resist each other.
Occhio Alla Vedova!
Director of Photography
Concetta Li Cause, deprived of her husband Oreste by the Mafia, is coveted by Bologna Marcello and Charles postman. Besides the two, there are other suitors because the widow is rich; but Cosa Nostra deploys its resources to prevent the woman from finding a new partner.
Время убийц
Пьеро со своей небольшой шайкой промышляет угоном машин и мелким воровством. Провернуть что-то большее им не удаётся, поскольку Поджи, которому они продают краденый товар, одновременно является полицейским информатором. Несмотря на это, члены шайки проявляют такое упорство и настойчивость, что в конце концов полиция решает разобраться с Пьеро раз и навсегда.
The Last Italian Tango
Director of Photography
A woman feeds her husband with scraps and gives the best food to her lover, whom she hides in the attic. The husband abandons her and goes and lives with a young girl who drags him into a sadomasochistic relationship.
The Red Headed Corpse
Director of Photography
An alcoholic artist, who may in fact have been driven to murder, seeks inspiration from a mannequin.
Master of Love
Director of Photography
The wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies.
Death Falls Lightly
Director of Photography
A drug trafficker discovers his wife dead with her throat cut. He has no alibi so he takes his mistress to an abandoned hotel. As they become claustrophobic, the panicked criminal discovers more murders, one after another until strangers appear in the night and a sinister web of lies and secrets escalate out of control.
Riuscirà il nostro eroe a ritrovare il più grande diamante del mondo?
Director of Photography
Jimmy Logan, a detective, tries to retrieve a diamond from the British crown stolen by the traitorous chief of the English Secret Service. After carrying out dangerous investigations at Montecarlo, Beirut and Hamburg, he discovers that the headquarters of the thieves is located in a mental hospital and sets about infiltrating their ranks.
Mio padre Monsignore
Director of Photography
Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata's Coming
Director of Photography
Steve McGowan has proposed to avenge the death of his father, murdered by one of the followers of Chief Miller. This engages the services of a famous gunslinger called Sabata and instructs him to kill Steve. The fate joins Steve and the Mexican bandit Leon Pompero, and together they decide to defeat the murderous gunman.
Sex of the Devil
Director of Photography
Films shot in Turkish setting with a very low budget by director Oscar Brazzi. The film is a sort of horror in the vein of an esoteric psychological thriller-drama-tinged giallo.
The Beast
Director of Photography
Foul, twitchy, and deranged sex maniac Johnny Laster comes up with a plan to abduct a lovely young heiress in order to obtain her considerable inheritance.
Twenty Paces to Death
Director of Photography
At the end of the Civil War, Aleck Kellaway, a fighter for the South, is tricked by the brothers Clegg and Elliot into helping them to carry out the robbery of a gold cargo belonging to the Northern Army.
Граф Дракула
Director of Photography
В мае 1897 года лондонский агент по недвижимости Джонатан Харкер отправляется в трансильванский замок некоего графа Дракулы, чем впоследствии обрекает на смертельную опасность и себя самого, и своих родственников.
И сказал Господь Каину
Director of Photography
Гарри Хэмилтон, бравый армейский офицер, несправедливо обвинён в грабеже и посажен за решётку. Десять лет спустя он возвращается в родной город, чтобы призвать лжесвидетеля к ответу, и обнаруживает, что за эти годы тот стал весьма влиятельным человеком.
Yellow: The Cousins
Following the death of her grandfather, Valentina settles with her husband Pierre, a sculptor, in the old family villa which she partly inherited (half of it belongs to her cousin Marta, who already resides there). Co-habitation proves to be awkward: Valentina is unscrupulous and uninhibited, while Marta is austere and virtuous - at least, on the surface. In fact, when Valentina suddenly dies, the woman initiates a seduction which eventually coaxes Pierre into her arms. The cosy situation soon changes when a police officer turns up to investigate Valentina's death...
The Eyes
Director of Photography
A teenage girl begins a career as a prostitute.
Coup D'Etat
Director of Photography
Italy, 1972. Political elections are taking place and Christian Democrat victory is expected; but the electronic computer of the Ministry of the Interior reveals that the party with the highest number is the Italian Communist Party.
Psychout for Murder
Mario consigns his girlfriend Licia to a whorehouse for an evening in order to get the photographic goods to blackmail her father with. To get her out of the way, Licia is then consigned to a mental hospital by her father.
L'amore è come il sole
Bloody Che Contra
Director of Photography
The story of Che Guevara's desperate attempt to escape the mountains of Bolivia. Pursued by an elite ranger unit of the army led by a determined CIA agent, Che is eventually trapped and his men are killed.
Укрощение строптивой
Camera Operator
Италия, XVI век. У богатого торговца две дочери на выданье. За младшей дочерью многие ухаживают, но по традиции ее не могут выдать замуж вперед старшей сестры. Охотников жениться на своенравной Катарине не находится. И вот в город приезжает незнакомец по имени Петруччио и решает во что бы то ни стало укротить строптивую девицу.
Domani non siamo piu' qui
Director of Photography
Italian drama written and directed by Brunello Rondi.
A Matter of Honor
Director of Photography
Bloody Pit of Horror
Director of Photography
A photographer and his models go to an old, abandoned castle for a photo shoot. Unbeknownst to them, the castle is inhabited by a lunatic who believes himself to be the reincarnated spirit of a 17th-century executioner whose job it is to protect the castle against intruders.
Kindar the Invulnerable
An evil bandit kidnaps a sultan's son and raises him but finds the son has magic powers.
The Revolt of the Barbarians
Director of Photography
A roman consul is sent to Gaul to investigate the theft of gold shipments. He discovers that the gold is being stolen by a tribe of barbarians--whose leader is the governor of Gaul.
I due toreri
Director of Photography
In Sicily Franco and Ciccio are empowered by a local mafia man to guard for a wide range of salad. In reality however this is not simple salad vegetables but marijuana; the two bungling fools and friends do not realize it at first.
The Avenger of Venice
Director of Photography
Rolando, who was close to marrying the daughter of the Doge, is condemned after a highly unfair judicial process and locked up in Venice. Digging a tunnel with the aid of his cellmate, Rolando succeeds to escape.
Sword of Damascus
Director of Photography
Ursus in the Land of Fire
Director of Photography
Hamilan, a cruel and ambitious general, murders his king and places himself on the throne with the former king's evil niece as his queen. He then wages war against his peaceful neighbors, killing their women and enslaving their men. A hero named Ursus appears at a tournament to challenge Hamilan's authority. Though victorious at the tournament, Ursus is arrested and forced to turn a grist-mill under an overseer's lash. Meanwhile, the former king's virtuous daughter, Diana, is tormented by her evil cousin, the new queen. Sentenced to a slow and tortuous execution, Ursus breaks free and a revolt breaks out. Ursus throws Hamilan to his death in a fiery pit and then Ursus and Diana enjoy the cheers of a grateful populace. - Written by dinky-4 of Minneapolis
Slave Girls of Sheba
Director of Photography
Saracen pirates aboard the "Black Eagle" attack Christians strongholds along the coast of Spain. When they stop off in Sheba to re-supply, they also buy female slaves and end up fighting over them.
Director of Photography
The film is a rundown of the songs sung by the stars of the time, chained to various shows such as strip and comic caricatures.
Director of Photography
Четыре рассказа четырех авторов, которые весело рассказывают о причинах конца света. Название фильма — это сокращения от фамилий четырех режиссеров, участвовавших в создании фильма — РО(сселини) — ГО(дар) — ПА(золини) — Г(регоретти). Новелла «Овечий сыр (La ricotta)» Пьера Паоло Пазолини итальянскими властями была расценена как оскорбляющая государственную религию (католицизм) и режиссёр, по решению суда, был осуждён на 4 месяца заключения, которого удалось избежать уплатив штраф. Позднее апелляционным судом данное обвинение было снято с Пазолини.
Dark Soul
Director of Photography
A man with a past gets married and it seems that he will be able to start a new life, but an unexpected inheritance gets in the way and deteriorates the relationship with his wife.
Vanina Vanini
Director of Photography
Vanina Vanini, a bored, spoiled Roman countess, falls in love with a dedicated young patriot who is in Rome to assassinate a traitor to the brotherhood of the Carboneria.
Conqueror of the Orient
Director of Photography
Centuries ago in the Orient, the fiscal exactions on the people lead to a revolt against the usurper of the throne, and the empowerment of a new leader.
Viva l'Italia!
Director of Photography
The film shows how Italy's historic national hero Giuseppe Garibaldi (embodied by Renzo Ricci) leads a military campaign known as Expedition of the Thousand in 1860 and conquers Sicily and Naples. When the Bourbon monarchy has left Southern Italy, he supports Victor Emmanuel II of Italy who achieves a lasting unification under the aegis the House of Savoy. Roberto Rossellini has said he was prouder of this film than of any other film he ever made.
Il mio amico Jekyll
Director of Photography
Professor Fabius has found a way of transferring his personality to another person and he transfers his to the body of Giacinto Floria, a nice teacher in a women's college. Poor Giacinto becomes a sex maniac to the puzzlement of his girlfriend Mafalda.
Noi duri
Director of Photography
Lieutenant Bombardone is in Paris to wipe out a gang of drug traffickers.
Director of Photography
During the period between world wars, vaudeville sketches were popular before film showings.Gastone is one of the characters played by the famous Ettore Petrolini who figures in these sketches.
Музыкальный автомат кричит о любви
Director of Photography
Марио, отбыв наказание за мошенничество, пытается дальше обманом зарабатывать себе на жизнь. Мариза, хозяйка музыкальной фирмы, несмотря на это, хочет выйти за него замуж. После серии афер Марио, оказавшийся перед выбором между тюрьмой и свадьбой, обещает жениться на Маризе…
Director of Photography
Альберто Нарди - молодой человек, полный энтузиазма, стремится к большому бизнесу, но не имеет возможностей, необходимых для его успешного осуществления. В результате своего опасного желания, Альберто часто попадает в серьезные неприятности и вынужден прибегать к помощи своей жены Эльвиры, богатой и мудрой женщины. Но однажды Эльвира, устав от безумства мужа, отказывает ему в любой помощи.
The Devil's Cavaliers
Director of Photography
Captain Richard and a small band of soldiers return home to France to discover the country ruled by horrible nobility.
Wolves in the Abyss
Director of Photography
At some point, somewhere in the relentless events of the Second World War: A submarine returns from a long, successful patrol. Shortly before their native coast, however, they are bombarded by enemy aircraft. The submarine sinks and for the men begins a fight for survival at 110 meters depth.
В ознаменование Рима
Director of Photography
Царица Пальмиры Зенобия восстала против власти Рима. Ее армии удается разбить легион консула Марка Валерия и пленить самого командующего. Но с помощью оставшихся на свободе легионеров тому удается бежать. Вместо того, чтобы вернуться в Рим, Марк Валерий тайно пробирается в Пальмиру и предлагает свои услуги Зенобии. Тем временем, Рим отправляет в Сирию два новых легиона, и одновременно на страну готова напасть Персия, чьим шпионом является ближайший советник царицы Земанзий.
Врач и знахарь
Director of Photography
Антонио Локаротоло в жизни твердо следовал заповеди: «Обмани ближнего своего, пока он не обманул тебя сам». А профессия знахаря давала ему для этого неограниченные (в масштабе отдельно взятой деревни) возможности. Но однажды в деревне появился молодой врач Франческо и сладкая жизнь мошенника оказалась под угрозой. Однако Антонио не из тех, кто сдается без боя и доктор еще не раз пожалеет, что его занесла нелегкая в деревню на холме.
The Tanks of El Alamein
Director of Photography
Italian move on the battle of El Alamein
The Most Wonderful Moment
Director of Photography
Pietro is in love with a nurse; they keep their affair secret until she falls pregnant. Worried that marriage will affect his career, she prepares for the upcoming childbirth
Supreme Confession
Director of Photography
The wife of a conductor with a stormy past agrees to meet a blackmailer in a small hotel.
Rice Girl
Director of Photography
The 19-year-old Elena, who is as pretty as she is bright, works as a rice girl for the landlord Guerrini. Having become aware of her name, he finds out that she is his illegitimate daughter of whom he knew nothing. He tries to secretly help Elena, who has fallen in love with the car mechanic Gianni. But that only creates mistrust. When Guerrini's worthless nephew harasses the girl, the situation is dramatically worse.
Il padrone sono me
Director of Photography
In Romagna, an Italian district, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the owners of an estate are the professor Edoardo, always lost in reveries, and his wife Maria. They have a son, Robertino, who has a friend: Zvanin. Zvanin is the son of Mingòn and Marianna, two peasants. Dolly is an american cousin and every summer she comes in Romagna. The movie narrates their stories over the years until the post I World War period.
Toto and Carolina
Director of Photography
During a police raid at Villa Borghese, the agent, a widower named Antonio Caccavallo, stays to get better acquainted with the young Carolina.
Divisione Folgore
Director of Photography
In the summer of 1942, during the Second World War, a group of young paratroopers from the Folgore Division, after having been subjected to a long and tiring training in Italy, was transported by air to the Libyan desert to cover the Italian-German front.
Аттила завоеватель
Camera Operator
Древние пророчества гласили, что однажды появится человек, который сможет объединить племена свирепых воинов и бросить вызов непобедимой Римской империи, которая веками правила античным миром. Имя этого человека стало легендарным и навсегда вошло в историю человечества: Аттила - бесстрашный повелитель гуннов. Нам предстоит стать свидетелями противостояния двух самых могущественных людей своего времени и их армий: непокорного Аттилы и прославленного римского полководца Флавия...
The Country of the Campanelli
Director of Photography
A fake magician makes the inhabitants of a village believe that when one spouse betrays the other they will ring the bells.
Маменькины сынки
Director of Photography
Маленький городок на Адриатике. Италия после военных страданий, разрухи и бедности, только-только начинает поднимать голову, просто жить, наслаждаться солнцем и морем, работать, устраивать семейную жизнь и веселиться! Но почему же пятеро молодых жителей городка чувствуют все большее неудовлетворение, все острее переживают невыносимость ничегонеделания, все сильнее хотят бежать отсюда? Куда угодно, только бежать!
The Unfaithfuls
Director of Photography
A group of "respectable" people are all partly responsible for the suicide of a servant girl. They are pounced upon by a wily blackmailer, who knows that these people will pay dearly rather than inform on themselves or others.
Girls Marked Danger
Director of Photography
A police officer meets a girl who is near to falling into the net of shady individuals. To prevent this, he invites her into the police station and tells her a story.
100 Little Mothers
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Anna is a 1951 Italian drama film directed by Alberto Lattuada and starring the same trio as Bitter Rice: Silvana Mangano as Anna, the sinner who becomes a nun; Raf Vallone as Andrea, the rich man who loves her; and Vittorio Gassman as Vittorio, the wicked waiter who sets Anna on a dangerous path. Silvana Mangano's real sister, Patrizia Mangano, acts as Anna's sister on the film. Sophia Loren has got a small uncredited role as a nightclub assistant. Future film directors Franco Brusati and Dino Risi cowrote the script. [Wikipedia]
Франциск, менестрель Божий
Camera Operator
Фильм состоит из отдельных эпизодов жизни святого Франциска Ассизского (1182-1226) и его первых последователей. Он начинается с их возвращения из Рима, когда Иннокентий III утвердил устав братства, и заканчивается моментом, когда братья покидают часовню Санта Мария дельи Анджели и отправляются проповедовать.
Огни варьете
Camera Operator
История о провинциальной труппе, кочующей по итальянским местечкам и кое-как перебивающейся с хлеба на воду.
Горький рис
Assistant Camera
Франческа и Вальтер - преступники из Северной Италии. Чтобы избежать ареста, Франческа присоединяется к группе крестьян, собирающих рис. Вальтер следует за ней в рисовые районы и вскоре вовлекает крестьян в сложный заговор, включающий грабёж, любовь и даже убийство.