Sig selv
Self / Rigmor Mortensen
Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creative challenges Lars von Trier presents his cast and crew to bring his vision to life from script to shoot and to the screen at home.
When a Danish chef travels to Tuscany to sell his father's business, he meets a local woman who inspires him to rethink his approach to life and love.
Паранойя, скрывающаяся за завесой идеальной семьи, живущей вдали от городской суеты, выходит на первый план, когда дочь начинает ставить под сомнение мировоззрение своих родителей.
Birthe Rasmussen
After a lifetime of caregiving, 81-year-old Birthe is separated from her daughter Karen, who has Downs Syndrome. Birthe is struggling with dementia and the municipality believes that she is no longer capable of taking care of Karen, who has the mental age of an 8-year-old. On the day of Karen’s departure, Birthe is in denial about her own abilities. Why shouldn’t she be able to take proper care of her daughter?
Сельская Дания середины XIX века. Большинство местных фермеров на грани разорения; кажется, только у шведов карманы полнятся деньгами. Старик Йенс за бесценок продаёт корову — но и это не гарантия от голода и бесчестья: и вот уже в церкви Йенса оттесняют с «престижных» мест вблизи пасторской кафедры. Когда исчезает последняя надежда на урожай, Йенс решает «продать» дочь — в смысле, выторговать ей выгодную партию, вопреки чувствам девушки; иначе не прокормить взятых на воспитание племянников и не выжить самим.
Lily (76) is sure there’s nothing wrong with her. The only reason she lives in a care home is because of her husband Max's illness: a series of strokes has reduced him to a vegetable. The fact that Lily isn’t exactly the way she used to be becomes slowly clear in the Danish drama Key House Mirror - the title refers to a memory test. It’s not easy for Lily to leave her old habits behind her and fit in with the rules of the home. Her life blossoms when she meets an 80-year-old Swedish neighbour, a charming man who gives her the attention she has long missed. Lily’s daughter, however, is not so happy with the budding romance.
Woman in the cave
Отец и дочь путешествуют из Дании в направлении неизвестной пустыни, скрытой за пределами цивилизации.
Уже завтра, когда гости, собравшиеся отметить давно прошедшее Рождество, — дочери с семьями и лучшая подруга, — разъедутся, Эстер в последний раз обнимет мужа и примет смертельную дозу снотворного. Её тело поражено боковым амиотрофическим склерозом, и Эстер уверена, что лучше уйти из жизни добровольно, нежели превратиться в разбитый параличом овощ. Но у её детей собственное мнение на этот счет…
Fru Sørensen
Two couples decide to spend their Midsummer holiday together and make it an evening to remember — a traditional summer comedy, except for the fact that it's the end of the world.
When Anders Bo begins his new job as a car salesman, he is given the special task of infiltrating the small competing car shop, Holger's Auto during their annual Christmas party and steal their customer file. As Anders Bo romps through the commotion and antics of the celebration, he realizes that his assignment in fact relates to an old family feud and that the odd and funny characters working there might have more to offer than meets the eye - especially Amalie, the beautiful daughter of the owner, Holger. In the middle of Christmas pudding and Christmas cheer Anders Bo suddenly learns to listen to his heart.
Elise, a princess, lives happily together with her eleven brothers. When her father, the king, marries again, he banishes Elisa. Hereafter his new wife turns Elise's eleven brothers into swans. But fortunately Elise finds her brothers, who are swans during daylight and human beings at night time. In a dream, the fairy Fatamorgana tells the story of the unhappy princess and how she rescues her brothers, the eleven princes.
Fatamorgana / The Old Lady
Elise, a princess, lives happily together with her eleven brothers. When her father, the king, marries again, he banishes Elisa. Hereafter his new wife turns Elise's eleven brothers into swans. But fortunately Elise finds her brothers, who are swans during daylight and human beings at night time. In a dream, the fairy Fatamorgana tells the story of the unhappy princess and how she rescues her brothers, the eleven princes.
Henry has been acting the human chameleon all his life - a pale reflection of other people's expectations. One day Henry's best friend Jon talks him into opening a restaurant with him in Spain. Before leaving Henry is caught up in a maelstrom of bizarre events. In order to get control over his life Henry needs to stop being a pale copy and transform himself to the sparkling original he really is.
A stream of consciousness, a journey, a wonder of human beings, life and the world, of the corporeal and what can not be seen, but there is. A woman traveling around the world. We follow her to Ireland, Iceland, India, Spain and Egypt, where she faces both real and fictional people.
A gripping portrait of the dramatic, extravagant and ego-centric actor Ernst-Hugo Järegård (1928-1998) who would always be at the center of everything. On the out side he was a hailed and confident diva. In his solitude he was plagued by insomnia, anxiety and a complicated relationship with his father. Includes Ernst-Hugo Järegårds last performance "Aktörens läte/ The sound of the actor" (1998) and "Abstract Poker" (1971).
Miss Fagerdal
Швеция, 1907 год. Мария влюбляется в Зигфрида и становится его женой. Свое раздражение и недовольство жизнью грубый и агрессивный Зигфрид предпочитает вымещать на жене и детях. Тяжелая и монотонная жизнь Марии изменяется, когда у женщины появляется маленькая тайна: в благотворительной лотерее она выигрывает диковину — аппарат для фотографических снимков. Увлекшись фотографией и научившись снимать, Мария понимает, что помимо бесконечных домашних проблем существует и другой мир. Ее снимки — особенные. Горожане все чаще обращаются к ней с просьбой сделать семейные фотографии. Постепенно выясняется, что у Марии Ларссон настоящий талант фотографа! Но это совсем не нравится вернувшемуся с войны мужу…
Ingrid Deleuran
Просматривая личные вещи недавно погибшей сестры Шарлотты, Томас неожиданно обнаруживает среди них доказательства того, что их отец работал на разведку. Томас приходит к выводу, что Шарлотта пыталась выяснить подробности его жизни и, возможно, смерть ее была вовсе не случайной. Герой встречается со старым приятелем отца по военно-морской службе, но тот уклоняется от ответа и утверждает, что ему ничего не известно. Томас, впрочем, уверен, что его обманывают.
Mrs. Thøgersen
Одд Хортен водил поезд по расписанию и одному и тому же маршруту каждый день так долго, что остальная его жизнь тоже стала регламентированной и упорядоченной. Но для 67-летнего машиниста пришло время выйти на пенсию. Свой последний рейс Хортен впервые в жизни пропускает по воле случая, и поезд уходит без него. С этого момента в жизни Одда начинают происходить необычные вещи, а ему самому приходится наверстывать упущенное и отвечать на простые, на первый взгляд, но сложные для него вопросы: Будет ли Хортен летать на самолете? Продаст ли он свой любимый катер? Почему он разгуливает по городу в паре красных женских сапожек на высоких каблуках? Переживет ли он поездку на автомобиле, если у водителя завязаны глаза? Очевидно только одно: Хортен стоит первым в очереди на абсурдные приключения и необычные встречи. А может быть, и на новую собаку и старую любовь!
In a sanatorium for people in their 60's Walter meets Virginia and falls in love. His boyish invites only upset her. In another attempt to capture her interest he directs "Romeo and Juliet" starring the residents of the sanatorium.
Sandra comes to a new town after being convicted of assault after a fight with her boyfriend. She moves into an apartment where her 80-year old neighbor, Lilly, becomes her friend. But Lilly’s life is based on a lie, and as their friendship grows Sandra gets to know more of Lilly’s secrets.
Четыре года назад Кристоффер покинул семейный сталелитейный бизнес и переехал в другую страну, теперь у него свой ресторан и жена актриса. Но наступает момент, когда непредвиденные обстоятельства вынуждают Кристоффера бросить все и продолжить дело своего отца.
Jacob is a young man used to getting everything he wants. For several years, he has been living in a happy homosexual partnership with Jørgen, and one night Jacob decides to pop the big question to Jørgen. Jørgen happily accepts Jacobs marriage proposal, but then something happens: Jacob falls in love with a girl, and not just any girl. The girl is Caroline, married to Jørgens younger brother Tom.
Baronesse Gjerløv
Count Axel is a comedy that takes place somewhere in the Nordic countries in 1783. It's a classic comedy about mixed identities, with strong elements of contemporary humour and satire.
Anna (voice)
В мистической лаборатории профессора МакКриллса маленькая Стелла случайно выпивает эликсир, превращающий ее в морскую звезду. Фли и Чак принимают решение самим стать рыбами и искать ее в океане. Возникает одна проблема — у них есть только 48 часов, чтобы найти Стеллу и принять противоядие, или они навсегда останутся рыбами.
Fru Nielsen
The city is gasping for air in the scorching summer heat; everyone is under suspicion; a persistent detective superintendent is burrowing for the truth. A fiercely penetrating drama about a mother's love for her autistic adult son, who is suspected of murdering a local girl. The mother knows her son could have committed the murder, but she conceals her knowledge, and gradually becomes entangled in a thicket of lies. How far is she prepared to go to protect her son who is helpless in so many ways? Does she have it within her to give up the only person she loves?
Fru Kristensen
A hypocritical and selfish older sister holds power over her younger, unselfish and humanitarian sister by hiding the shame of her younger sister's pregnancy, with the purpose of upholding the aristocratic status of their name and household. Or that is what we are told, because underneath the facade, is a story of two sisters, who have had intimacy with the same man.
Rigmor Mortensen
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", "Riget" means "the realm" or "the kingdom" and leads one to think of "dødsriget", the realm of the dead.
Mona is a young woman, engaged to a man who never shows up. She relies strongly on her supportive friend, Anne. Mona suspects that Anne's psychologist, Dr. Lark, is acting funny towards her friend, and decides to investigate. Mona and Anne will find themselves embroiled in a strange world of psychiatry and fanaticism, in which both young women's lives will be endangered.
Marie Hamsun
История непростой семейной жизни выдающегося норвежского писателя и его жены, бывшей актрисы, Марии, рассказанная на фоне политических событий конца 30-х — начала 50-х, когда Гамсун из властителя дум и гордости нации превратился в предателя и был подвергнут остракизму. Как известно, писатель симпатизировал нацистам во время войны, за что был привлечен к суду и осужден за измену родине.
The Runeberg family is an ordinary middle class family, with a house in a suburb, a car and three children. By vacationing in a rented house by the sea, the hope is that the tension and anxiety between Rune and Gunnel will disappear. However, instead of spending time with his family, Rune finds himself attracted to a young man, Petrus. Whatever happens next, Rune realizes, it can never be like it was before.
Rigmor Mortensen
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", a number of characters, staff and patients alike, encounter bizarre phenomena, both human and supernatural.
Jan's mother
Jan thinks he is Swedish-Danish, but after his mother's death he discovers he was adopted. As his world begins to fall apart, he decides to find his birth parents. The hunt leads him to Portugal - in a taxi - where more surprises await him.
Liv Ulmann's directorial debut also had her co-authoring the screenplay (with poet Peter Poulsen) as based on a Henri Nathansen's 1932 novel about an affluent late 19th century Jewish merchant family in Copenhagen. Ulmann focuses on strong-willed daughter Sofie's progress through life: a love affair with a gentile painter, an arranged marriage , childbirth and ever more fateful challenges.
Karin Åkerblom
История родителей Ингмара Бергмана. В 1909 бедный студент Хенрик Бергман влюбляется в Анну — девушку из состоятельного семейства. После свадьбы Хенрик становится священником на севере Швеции, но спустя несколько лет жизни в сельской местности Анна срывается и решает вернуться в родной город…
Rosha Cohen
In this story, the 60th birthday of Cohen-family matriarch Rosha is the occasion for a gathering of her children from the diverse places around the world. The central character in this drama, however, is Angelique, whose interest in psychoanalysis has earned her the nickname of "Freud." Her older brother is gay and lives in Florida with his lover. Her older sister has married into an Orthodox family, and lives in Jerusalem. They have all gathered in Sweden for their grandmother's birthday. Meanwhile, Rosha's daughter, the mother of these diverse children, has taken ill and is in the hospital. She has been diagnosed with a very advanced, inoperable brain tumor. Freud, who never left home, is perhaps as upset by this news as anyone, and she startles everyone by going out and beginning an affair with a biker. However, she is deeply involved in the new situation: she insists that their mother be brought home from the hospital rather than being allowed to suffer and die there.
Flora Nymann
The steward Walter and the cobbler Carlo is tasked to provide not the Little, but the High Mermaid to two agents in Kennedy airport in New York. Already on arrival complicate the hapless heroes into a series of spy intrigue involving agents from both sides of the Iron Curtain
Karl Åge and Regitze host a summer garden party for close friends, their son, and his family. Karl Åge is quiet, detached; Regitze is spirited, lively. He thinks back: love at first sight during the war, living together unmarried, her mother's hunger strike when they won't baptize their son. Regitze is passionate and forthright; she speaks her mind. He remembers her inviting a derelict for Christmas dinner, and the man shows up with five bashful friends. He recalls her taking on their son's teacher when the man slaps the lad. He remembers her love of dancing and his fear that his social clumsiness might end their relationship. Now, in twilight, he has other things to face.
A biographical drama from writer and director Nils Malmros in which reality is mixed with childhood memories.
A new foreman, Huus, arrives in a sleepy Danish village, much to the delight of the unmarried women there. However, Huus becomes very friendly with Katinka and her husband, Bai, the stationmaster. Katinka, childless and in frail health, gradually falls in love with Huus, though her husband does not seem to notice. Based on the work by Herman Bang.
The life and times of the Scandinavian artists' colony who lived in Skagen on the Danish coast during the 1890s. Not so much a biographical account, rather a portrait of a way of life. The painters became famous for the way they used the light in their work, and this has also been mirrored in the cinematography.
Narrator (voice)
В семью только что скончавшегося Лоренца Лёвенхьельма, который воспитал в истово протестантском духе двух своих дочерей — Мартину и Филиппу, названных так в честь Мартина Лютера и его соратника Филиппа Меланхтона, приезжает из Франции в качестве домоправительницы женщина по имени Бабетта.
На самом-то деле, она была вынуждена бросить всё и сбежать из Парижа, охваченного революцией 1871 года, захватив с собой только лотерейный билет, который ежегодно проверял её друг, пока не сообщил через 14 лет, что Бабетта выиграла солидную сумму — 10 тысяч франков. Решив вернуться на родину, Бабетта захотела на прощание отблагодарить сестер за их добросердечность и великодушие…
Ida Molard
Овири — это «Дикарь». Так звали знаменитого французского художника-постимпрессиониста Поля Гогена, когда он жил на Таити. Фильм посвящен последним годам жизни и творчества Гогена после возвращения в Париж, где он не находит ни счастья, ни денег.
Helena, Sanna's Mother
Ellen Worm, Claus' ex-kone
The adaptation of Helle Stangerup's psychological horror, telling the story of a married couple who raises wolfes, in order for the husband to study the creatures. They hire Ellinor for additional help, but soon they wonder if she guards supernatural secrets.
In the future, Denmark has been made a nuclear waste dump and the Danish language is banned.
A psychological drama. The action takes place within a few hours in a woman's life. She is burdened by the decision whether she should leave husband and child in favor of an American she has fallen in love with.
Susanne, a journalist, and Morten, a cellist, desperately want a child, but are unsuccessful. The situation leads to desperate acts, occasional drunkenness, and solace for her with a discreet lover.
A sequel to "Me and Charley", it starts with Steffen's graduation from a secondary school in Århus (Denmark), where he later that day bumps into Charly and their friendship continues while portraying life in Århus 1979.
Based on Leif Panduro's 1958 satire classic. David, a senior high-school student, aims a swift kick at his principal's behind and is committed to a psychiatric ward from the perspective of which he takes a close look at his allegedly sane family. They, of course, are the real loonies. The psychiatrists are worse. Only lovely class-mate Lis is down-to-earth and trustworthy.
Helle, Steffens mor
Steffen is a good kid, a teenager who has recently finished school and is looking for work. He lives with his widowed mother, a newspaper reporter. Very little throws him off his stride, whether it is his girlfriend's jealousy of his friendship with Charly, a reform-school boy, or his mother's drunken, playful amorousness one night, because he reminds her of his father.
Based upon the novel "Hærværk" by Tom Kristensen about the self destructive person.
The literary reviewer Ole Jastrau chooses to free himself from his well-ordered middle class life.
He allow the seriously left-wing writer Steffensen move in with himself which soon causes disintegration of his home an marriage.
Madame Natasha
When a boring collage professor is mistaken for his cousin, he gets into all kinds of trouble, with hilarious results.
Three out of work actors breaks into a bank through the toilet of a railroad station.
Louise is a frustrated housewife. She returns home after a three months recreation following a nervous breakdown. She tries to find out exactly what happened at the night of the breakdown, but no one wants to talk about it.
Ilse Brehmer
A woman, Ilse Brehmer, finds the body of a dead man, a journalist. He has been murdered, and later when the body turns up in the harbor, the woman denies everything, even though witnesses has seen her nearby the crime scene. She simply can’t remember anything, but the detective on the case, Mørck, knows how to smell a lie and soon start to unravel this bloody mess.
Jørgen Leth can squeeze poetry from a stone and wit from dust, and he can find love where the milk of human kindness runs dry. In a series of tableaux of Life in Denmark, he carries absurdism to a happy extreme. To act out his minuscule non-dramas, he uses a motley crew of professional actors like Ghita Nørby and Claus Nissen, writer Dan Turéll plus a snake charmer, a bicycle racer and a circus queen.
Bergman took one of his favourite plays to Copenhagen for a guest performance, which was even broadcast on Danish TV. In his Copenhagen The Misanthrope, Bergman maintained a dual approach. On the one hand, a production of Molière's play as a theatrical game performed in style and intellectually conceived; on the other hand, an exposure, through physical and psychological intensity, of the emotional tragedy in which Alceste and Celemine are both victims. Expectations were high prior to Bergman's production of The Misanthrope. A reviewer wrote, 'For the first time Molière's connection to the Danish stage is intercepted by a director whose forte is physiological tragedy, Strindberg over Holberg'. Many reviews had expected Bergman to put his very personal stamp on the production. Instead they experienced 'a clean Molière' and were struck by Bergman's faithfulness to the original mise-en-scene and to the classical rhythm of Molière's text.
Residents of the old house are quite happy with their existence. But once they find out that the authorities plan to demolish the entire neighborhood including their house in order to build a business center they decide to unite and fight the plan...
This three-part movie begins with a young woman married to an older, cold-hearted man in the year 1200. Two rivals have a swordfight over the affections of the woman. Part two takes place in 1910 and finds an amorously unfaithful wife taking on her many lovers while her unsuspecting husband lurks nearby. The final part finds a count and countess engaging in extramarital affairs in France during the 1840s.
A young, idealistic business student has ambitions to be a concert pianist, but his obsession with beautiful women keeps him from achieving his goal. To earn money for his tuition, he takes a job as headmaster of a small girls' school. There his weakness for beautiful women is put to the test when he is pursued by a bevy of sexy coeds.
Bodil Hansen
Второй фильм из сериала о приключениях троих мошенников. Стремясь хорошо выглядеть в глазах женщины из службы социальной реабилитации, Эгон Ольсен на время забывает о преступлениях. И, когда американские гангстеры вламываются в национальный банк, а полиция думает, что это его рук дело, он разыскивает настоящих преступников, чтобы доказать свою невиновность... Но, как давно известно, благие намерения ведут в...
Mrs. Jonsen discovered after her husband's death, that he was not at all a paragon, she thought. Her sister and some diary notes reveal him as a man with numerous amourous adventures.
About the young Aarhus businessman Jacob Hansen who is going to a congress in Copenhagen. His competitor in the firm sends his secretary over to spy and bring Jacob into disrepute. The secretary has sympathy for Jacob, creating complications when his wife show up.
Bitten Nielsen
Love Thy Neighbour (Danish: Elsk... din næste!, German: Vergiß nicht deine Frau zu küssen ) is a 1967 Danish-German comedy film directed by Egil Kolstø and starring Walter Giller.
Bodil Thorsen
Allan Thorsen er træt af sin kone, men han har svært ved at få sagt at han vil skilles. Derfor arrangerer han en skiferie, hvor hun skal blive forelsket i en anden mand, således at han kan slippe af med hende uden at han selv skal gøre noget. Hun finder da også en mand der er interesseret, men så bliver Allan jaloux og snart forsøger Allan at vinde sin kone tilbage. Sagen kompliceret dog af, at Allan elskerinde pludselig møder op på feriehotellet.
Barbara Schönfelder
Ung pige på gaden
A millionaire gets amnesia after a hit to the head and now he has to rediscover his past and decide what kind of man he wants to be in the future.
In the summer of 1913, 17-year-old Jacob (Ole Soltoft), a Danish high school student, lives in the frustrating limbo between boyhood and manhood. He worries about his excessive focus on masturbation and, although he is aware of the sexual overtures by the housemaid Sophie (Lise Rosendahl), Jacob doesn't know how to respond to her.
Hanne Hansen
It's Nifty in the Navy is a 1965 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
The Danish minister of defense decides to join the army incognito to observe. This causes CHAOS. It also causes him to meet the major's daughter. He ends up becoming the major's orderly which gets him closer to the daughter.
Three girls in Paris is the story of three Danish girls (Ghita Nørby, Susse Wold and Hanne Borchsenius) traveling to Paris, but after having placed suitcase and money on the hotel and takes off in the city, they forget what it's called and where it is located. They are helped by a Parisian taxi driver, and meets a series of typical French.
Da svenskerne har besat en dansk herregård, beslutter Svend Poulsen sig for at hjælpe familien i sikkerhed. Undervejs bliver Ib taget til fange. Svend Poulsen og hans gønger udgiver sig for at være en deling svenske soldater, der ankommer til borgen hvor Ib sidder lænket på taget. Under middagen om aften bliver den svenske kommendant mistænktsom og snart kæmper soldaterne mod hinanden. Det lykkes dog Svend at befri Ib.
Lene Kristiansen
Bastian and Lene are a good couple, as a journalist and press photographer. They take turns to get ideas for how to get a scoop for the magazine "Tit og Lyt". They agree to play husband and wife so that Bastian can get an apartment. Lene is deeply in love with Bastian why she gets their mutual friend Soren to send a man from the housing authority. He says that they most have one child to stay in the apartment.
Six people of different ages and with varying mental health problems are forced to spend the night together by bad weather and react upon each other.
Eva Hansen
Oskar? That's my driver. And Tina, my maid, must have taken my suitcase with her to the baron - the one my daughter should have been engaged to. But now she is having a child with Oskar. And one of my people has stolen more than 300,000 DKR from me, because he wants to marry my daughter, who is not my daughter. And now the has girl run off with all of my jewels ..
Ida Friis
Действие происходит в Копенгагене. Богатый купец и судовладелец Якоб Фрийс удачно, с его точки зрения, выдав двух своих старших дочерей замуж, ищет «блестящую» партию для своей последней, младшей дочери Иды. Он мечтает о том. чтобы мужем её был человек с графским титулом. Но события сложились таким образом, что Ида в конце концов выходит замуж за своего кузена Вальдемара, с которым её с детства связывает дружба.
Edith Ibenholdt
Romantic comedy, based on the discovery that eggs from a particular island provide men with great virility and make them irresistible.
Marianne Borg
Director Paul Borg (Ebbe Langberg) neglects his young, beautiful wife Marianne (Ghita Nørby). He even forget their wedding day, in favor of a new fast sports car, a beautiful silver-gray Jaguar. During his drive, he runs out of gas. A young lady Laura Lublinski (Hanne Borchsenius), helps him and he takes an innocent flirtation with her. When Marianne learns this, she moves home and dump into an artist community with Jenny (Bodil Steen), Ovengaden of water 52 in Christianshavn. Here she takes the unrepentant Don Juan, Mario (Dario Campeotto) and the guitar-playing Eigil (Dirch compatible).
Grethe Strand
Frk. Birk
Vi er i krigsåret 1658 og vinteren i februar er så hård, at bælterne er frosset til. Den svenske Kong Karl den 10. Gustav, der er ankommet Tyskland opholder sig nu i Jylland. Han kan, sammen med sin hær gå over bælterne og videre mod København. Svend Gønge får en særdeles vanskelig opgave af Frederik den 3.: 50.000 rigsdaler, der tilhører kongen, skal bringes fra Vordingborg Kirke til København.
Hans og Mona beslutter at give deres respektive ægtefælder lidt at tænke over, ved at blive fundet i en kompromitterende situation under en fælles ferie. For at lette den lidt akavede stemning, beslutter de at søge hjælp i barskabet, hvor de får mikset en potent cocktail sammen, som de døber Grøn Elevator. Det bliver starten på en munter aften.
Peters baby is a 1961 Danish comedy film directed by Annelise Reenberg and starring Ebbe Langberg.
A Danish movie about the life of Flemming and his best friend Kvik.
Eva Thygesen
Eva comes to visit the ship, and when the alarm is raised and they are facing the sea, she hides in a cabin. This leads to various complications, not least because the admiral later come aboard.
Anne von Rosensteen
Danish comedy film
Laura Hornemann
Двое студентов, Чарльз Смит и Петер Алевиг, влюблены в двух сестер. Должна приехать из далекой Бразилии тетя Чарльза, и друзья уговаривают еще одного студента Дитлева, чтобы он составил тете компанию: показал бы ей город и пр. Но Дитлев предлагает всем отправится в имение во Фриденлюсте, и пригласить туда и тетушку, и обеих сестер. Но вот сестры уже приехали, а тетушка задерживает. Что же делать? Они ведь не останутся наедине с молодыми людьми! А Дитлев в это время примеряет женский костюм — он должен будет в пьесе играть старуху. Но Питер и Чарльз его замечают — и уговаривают стать теткой Чарли!
Marianne Birk
The cheerful, traveling musicians Flink and Villy meet sweet music in the form of two girls. Unfortunately, the chrome nut is tone deaf and chases them away. Luck smiles on them, however, because the nearby castle Bullerborg is abandoned. Flink and Villy move in - and get mixed up in a fight between a cunning lawyer, a bankrupt count and a sausage maker family.
Kate Halling
A lawyer has a wife and a mistress. He loves them both equally high and together, they're the perfect wife.
Anne Marie Bøgelund
First mate Knud Karlsen has just received sad news from his girlfriend. On board the ship is also chef Valdemar, sailor Ole, owner's confident son Robert and a whole bunch of eager sailors. On board develops the drama out every minute, culminating in the film's climax, when a fire breaks out on board
Eva Lund
Finn and Claus are best friends and both have a thing for their cute friend Eva. They both go to Copenhagen to study law but Claus would rather study music/piano and takes private lessons and Finn isn't the academic type. Who gets Eva?
A fresh faced country boy comes to Copenhagen looking for a job and falls in with a group of hoodlums who use him as bait to lure older gay men they can rob and blackmail.
A tale of wealthy youth in post-WWII Copenhagen.