
Me and Charly (1978)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 38М

Директор : Henning Kristiansen, Morten Arnfred
Писатель : Morten Arnfred, Henning Kristiansen

Краткое содержание

Steffen is a good kid, a teenager who has recently finished school and is looking for work. He lives with his widowed mother, a newspaper reporter. Very little throws him off his stride, whether it is his girlfriend's jealousy of his friendship with Charly, a reform-school boy, or his mother's drunken, playful amorousness one night, because he reminds her of his father.


Allan Olsen
Allan Olsen
Ghita Nørby
Ghita Nørby
Helle, Steffens mor
Jens Okking
Jens Okking
Auto-Gunnar, Majbritts far
Else Højgaard
Else Højgaard
Majbritts farmor
Erno Müller
Erno Müller
Forstander på ungdomshjem
Per Pallesen
Per Pallesen
Hans, lærer på ungdomshjem
Johnny Olsen
Johnny Olsen
Ole Larsen
Ole Larsen
Gammel mand
Karl Stegger
Karl Stegger
Steffen Frank Keilberg
Steffen Frank Keilberg
Gæst ved party
Palle Gram
Palle Gram
Majbritts nye fyr
Otto Brandenburg
Otto Brandenburg
Erik Clausen
Erik Clausen
Leif Sylvester
Leif Sylvester
Jac Nellemann
Jac Nellemann
Lasse Ellegaard
Lasse Ellegaard
Mand på avisredaktion
Lise Henningsen
Lise Henningsen
Peter Hjorth
Peter Hjorth
Annette Lindgren
Annette Lindgren
Gunnar Pedersen
Gunnar Pedersen
Per Hansen
Per Hansen


Henning Kristiansen
Henning Kristiansen
Morten Arnfred
Morten Arnfred
Marit Jensen
Marit Jensen
Script Supervisor
Morten Arnfred
Morten Arnfred
Henning Kristiansen
Henning Kristiansen
Steen Herdel
Steen Herdel
Lars Kolvig
Lars Kolvig
Production Office Assistant
Steffen Damsgård
Steffen Damsgård
Production Office Assistant
Kasper Winding
Kasper Winding
Peter Høimark
Peter Høimark
Production Design


Lars Ole, 5c.
An upper grade school class with its inter-relations, scheming and sniffing around for the scent of adult pleasures, all caught in near-cinema verité style.
A boy, as seen through three ages and episodes of his life: as a small boy having a boy cousin as his house guest, as a high-school boy in abject love, and as a young stud trying to bed down a nurse.
Kick Me in the Traditions!
Based on Leif Panduro's 1958 satire classic. David, a senior high-school student, aims a swift kick at his principal's behind and is committed to a psychiatric ward from the perspective of which he takes a close look at his allegedly sane family. They, of course, are the real loonies. The psychiatrists are worse. Only lovely class-mate Lis is down-to-earth and trustworthy.
Efter et sanatorieophold pga. voldelig opførsel under en arrestation, bliver kriminalassistent Karl Jørgensen overført til bedrageriafdelingen. Her opdager Karl en sag, hvor hans ekskone og hendes nye mand er indblandet. Da Karl begynder at undersøge sagen, bliver han stoppet af politimesteren. Karl slår sig sammen med journalisten John Bullnes. De kommer efterhånden tættere på sandheden, men stoppes da en mistænkt begår selvmord. Karl bliver suspenderet og Bullnes sendes til Berlin på en opgave. Karl tager herefter sagen i egen hånd og anholder byens borgmester og en stor entreprenør. © Copyright 1997-2012, Lone Hansen & Per Kjær Fredborg
Последнее дело банды Ольсена
В очередной раз Эгон выходит из тюрьмы. У ворот Вридлёсе его, как всегда, радостно приветствуют Бенни, Кьельд и Бёрге. Но, оказывается, не только они встречают Эгона Ольсена... В этот раз Эгону предстоит поработать на крупных международных финансистов, а Бенни и Кьельд попробуют воплотить в жизнь свой план. Получится ли у них работать врозь?
Danmarks statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen er blevet myrdet. Den hovedmistænkte er statsministerens homoseksuelle elsker Emil. I tiden efter mordet møder vi en lang række af verdens politikere og magtfulde mennesker, fra Kofi Annan til Pia Kjærsgaard. De forholder sig til mordet og ikke mindst til mennesket Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
Банда Ольсена в Ютландии
Как всегда, сразу после выхода из тюрьмы, у Эгона Ольсена есть план. Ему стало известно, что после поражения в 1945 г., в одном из бункеров немцы оставили весьма крупную сумму (в американских долларах и золотых слитках). Единственная проблема состоит в том, что бункер находится на полуострове Ютландия. Эгон, Бенни, и Кельд с Ивонной и Борге отправляются в Ютландию. Они надеются и там дурачить людей, но, к сожалению, дела у них идут совсем не по плану. И, хотя всё закончится, как обычно, и Эгон привычно отправится в тюрьму, но... приключения мошенников заслуживают пристального внимания!
Большое ограбление банды Ольсена
Банда Ольсена снова занята делом. На этот раз Эгон разработал потрясающий по дерзости и гениальности план - среди бела дня ограбить инкассаторскую машину банка, охраняемую полицией. Самое забавное - то, что ограбленные вплоть до возвращения в банк не подозревают, что их обвели вокруг пальца. Наконец-то Ольсену удалось совершить ограбление века! Но, как оказалось, удержать в руках четыре миллиона непросто - они переходят из рук в руки, как мяч в футбольной игре... И команда, забившая первый гол, не всегда побеждает... Но само зрелище доставит удовольствие!
Mirror, Mirror
Heavily influenced by the French stage sensation La Cage Aux Folles (which was filmed the very same year) this trite drag-queen comedy about a group of homosexuals sharing an apartment with a naive but straight country boy did not live up to expectations. The lead characters lead boring lives during the day and, as depicted here, downright pathetic existences at night, all decked out in peacock plumes and high heels and with nowhere to go. Several of the performances -- especially Fritz Helmuth as the love-starved, aptly named Bent -- manage to reach a little beyond the stereotypes, but Bodil Kjær, of all people, delivers a simply dreadful (and one-note) parody of a once-glamorous movie star.
Nineteen Red Roses
After his girlfriend is killed in an automobile accident, a man decides the best revenge on those responsible is to murder their loved ones.
Me, Too, in the Mafia
Mafiaen, det er osse mig er en dansk komediefilm fra 1974 og en fortsættelse af Mig og Mafiaen. Filmen har manuskript af Lise Nørgaard og er instrueret af Henning Ørnbak.
Ole Ernst stars as an energetic conman lured into trying to set a factory on fire to catch in on the insurance. The plan backfires and both the factory owner, his wife and the conman hunted by the police must flee to Sweden.
Only the Truth
A woman, Ilse Brehmer, finds the body of a dead man, a journalist. He has been murdered, and later when the body turns up in the harbor, the woman denies everything, even though witnesses has seen her nearby the crime scene. She simply can’t remember anything, but the detective on the case, Mørck, knows how to smell a lie and soon start to unravel this bloody mess.
Den ubetænksomme elsker
Den kyske levemand
Skipper & Co.
Har du set Alice?
Alice does not live at home but with friends in an abandoned factory. She sells drugs to enable them to fulfill their dream of a tavern. When the police are after her, she seeks Hour switch. Here she meets Berit and helps Berit mother south on vacation. But simultaneously pursues Alice of a drug kingpin but cheating him.
Dreams Don't Make Noise When They Die
It has hardly been seen before that a 83-year-old actor has starred in a Danish film, but it is the case here, where Kai Holm says goodbye to a long life in film and theater service. He plays an old peasant who on his deathbed is waiting for his son (Jon Bang Carlsen). In a few days he relives the village life, he comes from, and which was marked by a hard and authoritarian upbringing. He is at his father's deathbed despair because it is still impossible to make contact, and in a crisis situation, he recognizes his father's brutality in itself. The film draws a bitter picture of human relationships where dreams while they die, degenerates into power relations.
Children of the Warriors
A group of children fleeing from a cruel stone age society with violence, exploitation and sexual abuse.