Morten Arnfred

Morten Arnfred

Рождение : 1945-08-02, Copenhagen, Denmark


Morten Arnfred
Morten Arnfred
Morten Arnfred


Letters from Denmark
10 short documentaries which form a presentation of Denmark as part of a dialogue project in the wake of the Muhammed drawings. 10 reputable Danish filmmakers are invited to create 10 presentations of Denmark, in collaboration with second-generation immigrants with roots in the Middle East. Each film is shaped as this person's personal application to a relative or acquaintance in the Middle East. The assignment is: Give an important statement about your Denmark, with the intention of challenging and differentiating the image your relative or acquaintance has of Denmark. The strength of the films is in insight and reflection, rather than the dramatic news approach and is communicated through the personal approach to the subject. The 10 films are joined together into one film (duration 58:30 mins), and this film will be a quick and intense contribution to the debate following the publication of the Muhammed drawings.
The Big Day
Anne has started a wedding planning biz with happily flaming designer Lars and grumpy accountant Jesper. Hoping to make a big public splash, they land upcoming event that will marry TV chat hosts Anders and Signe. Instant attraction between Anne and Anders is complicated even further by her planned nuptials with boring b.f. Simon.
Move Me
Morten Arnfred's warm comedy Lykkevej (Move Me) begins with Sara (Birthe Neumann) being left by her husband of a quarter century. Sara gets a job and moves into a new home on a street populated by eccentrics. Neighbor Robert (Jesper Lohmann) showers in his backyard, has been in mourning since his wife's death, and annoys his neighbors by keeping junk on his front yard. Sara and Robert tentatively strike up a relationship, while a couple on the street, Sus and Bo (Ditte Grbl and Asger Reher), have their own marriage issues to deal with. Move Me was screened at the Gothenburg Film Festival.
Move Me
Morten Arnfred's warm comedy Lykkevej (Move Me) begins with Sara (Birthe Neumann) being left by her husband of a quarter century. Sara gets a job and moves into a new home on a street populated by eccentrics. Neighbor Robert (Jesper Lohmann) showers in his backyard, has been in mourning since his wife's death, and annoys his neighbors by keeping junk on his front yard. Sara and Robert tentatively strike up a relationship, while a couple on the street, Sus and Bo (Ditte Grbl and Asger Reher), have their own marriage issues to deal with. Move Me was screened at the Gothenburg Film Festival.
Последняя миссия банды Ольсена
Прошло 18 лет, наши герои постарели. Эгон Ольсен из тюрьмы угодил в психушку, где над ним проводили эксперимены. Он почти оглох и носит слуховой аппарат. Кельд вообще передвигается только в инвалидной коляске. Даже Бенни стал намного серьёзнее... Но встретившись, герои решают еще разок тряхнуть стариной...
Beck 08 - Trails in Darkness
A serial killer that decapitates people is on the loose in the Stockholm subway. Martin Beck and his colleagues try to catch the killer, while the panic in the city increases.
Трансформер – Портрет Ларса фон Триера
Картина описывает первые шаги Триера в киноискусстве, дает представление, о харизме легенды современного арт-хаусного кинематографа и останавливается на его ранних картинах: Эпидемия, Преступный элемент, Европа и самых первых любительских творений великого импровизатора. Сквозь раннее творчество зритель узнает биографию режиссера и приоткрывает маленькую дверцу его человеческой натуры. Интересная работа режиссеров. Своего рода краткое описание его работ, которые довольно слабы в сюжетном плане, чем его поздние творения.
Королевство II
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", "Riget" means "the realm" or "the kingdom" and leads one to think of "dødsriget", the realm of the dead.
Рассекая волны
First Assistant Director
Бог дает каждому что-то, чтобы он стал лучше. Молодая девушка Бесс из отдаленной общины на северо-западе Шотландии влюбилась в хорошего парня — Яна, работающего на буровой установке в море. Несмотря на противостояние родственников, они женятся. Бесс просит Бога, чтобы Ян всегда был рядом с ней, и Ян возвращается к ней искалеченным после несчастного случая на буровой. Что может сделать молодая женщина, чтобы ее любимый остался жив? На какую жертву может пойти?
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", a number of characters, staff and patients alike, encounter bizarre phenomena, both human and supernatural.
Русская певица
Датский дипломат Джек, работая в Москве, включается в мир политических интриг, влюбляется в русскую девушку Лилю и пока не подозревает о том, что она и есть ключевая фигура в опасной игре.
Heaven and Hell
Maria grows up in a seedy 1960s working class neighborhood, the daughter of an ambitious emigrant father and soon caught up in her own dangerously one track-minded pursuit of a violinist's career. A rich gallery of highly original characters contribute, for better and for worse, to Maria's coming of age. Based on Kirsten Thorup's critically acclaimed 1982 novel, filmed by Morten Arnfred.
Land of Plenty
Directed by Morten Arnfred
Land of Plenty
Directed by Morten Arnfred
Johnny Larsen
From a working class coming-of-age novel, Morten Arnfred fashioned his feature film to recapture the feel, the sting, the pain, but also the spirit of solidarity of the 1950s in the metropolitan city of Copenhagen: at the center, young Johnny, helpless, hapless, happy, unhappy, going through the motions of growing up. Bodil awards: Best Film and Best Actor (Allan Olsen).
Johnny Larsen
From a working class coming-of-age novel, Morten Arnfred fashioned his feature film to recapture the feel, the sting, the pain, but also the spirit of solidarity of the 1950s in the metropolitan city of Copenhagen: at the center, young Johnny, helpless, hapless, happy, unhappy, going through the motions of growing up. Bodil awards: Best Film and Best Actor (Allan Olsen).
Me and Charly
Steffen is a good kid, a teenager who has recently finished school and is looking for work. He lives with his widowed mother, a newspaper reporter. Very little throws him off his stride, whether it is his girlfriend's jealousy of his friendship with Charly, a reform-school boy, or his mother's drunken, playful amorousness one night, because he reminds her of his father.
Me and Charly
Steffen is a good kid, a teenager who has recently finished school and is looking for work. He lives with his widowed mother, a newspaper reporter. Very little throws him off his stride, whether it is his girlfriend's jealousy of his friendship with Charly, a reform-school boy, or his mother's drunken, playful amorousness one night, because he reminds her of his father.
Director of Photography
A boy, as seen through three ages and episodes of his life: as a small boy having a boy cousin as his house guest, as a high-school boy in abject love, and as a young stud trying to bed down a nurse.
Egon, pressefotograf
Efter et sanatorieophold pga. voldelig opførsel under en arrestation, bliver kriminalassistent Karl Jørgensen overført til bedrageriafdelingen. Her opdager Karl en sag, hvor hans ekskone og hendes nye mand er indblandet. Da Karl begynder at undersøge sagen, bliver han stoppet af politimesteren. Karl slår sig sammen med journalisten John Bullnes. De kommer efterhånden tættere på sandheden, men stoppes da en mistænkt begår selvmord. Karl bliver suspenderet og Bullnes sendes til Berlin på en opgave. Karl tager herefter sagen i egen hånd og anholder byens borgmester og en stor entreprenør. © Copyright 1997-2012, Lone Hansen & Per Kjær Fredborg
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