Jenny Bellay

Jenny Bellay

Рождение : 1926-06-14, Paris, France

Смерть : 2020-12-03


Jenny Bellay


The Crossing
Babayaga (voice)
In a small town plunged into darkness, two children, Kyona and Adriel, are separated from their parents and, facing the path of exile alone, embark on a heroic journey that will take them from childhood to adolescence, in search of refuge, peace and the hope of finding their family.
Магия зверя
Madame Calvet
В окрестностях альпийской деревушки во время снежной бури исчезает богатая парижанка Эвелин Дюка. К этому таинственному происшествию неожиданным образом оказываются причастны несколько человек: фермер и его жена, страдающая от неразделенной любви юная официантка, здешний изгой и мошенник-африканец, никогда не покидавший пределы своей родины и заключивший пугающий союз с духами зла…
La mère de Pierre
After answering an ad on a dating website for Eastern European women, Olla leaves Ukraine and heads to French suburbia to move in with Pierre, who lives with his elderly mother. However, the suburbia cannot temper her desires, and nothing goes as expected.
Lola and Her Brothers
Vieille dame mur fissuré
Lola has two brothers: Benoit, who is getting married for the third time, and Pierre, who shows up late for the wedding. Excuses, reproaches, arguments, misunderstandings... beneath it all, they're just doing their best to live their own lives. Benoit is about to become a father, but he's not ready yet. Lola meets Zoher while she's still going through her divorce. Pierre's professional problems take a turn for the worse. Though everything in their lives seems to be pulling them apart, the three of them stick together - an inseparable trio.
Best Intentions
A 50-year-old who is over-invested in humanitarian work is competing in the social center where she works. She will then embark her students in literacy class, with the help of a pretty foolish monitor, on the dangerous road of the code of the road.
Kings for a Day
Giulia - la grand-mère
A wannabe actor must chose between his passion and his father, a crook.
The neighbor
In the midst of a divorce, Miriam Besson decides to ask for exclusive custody of her son, in order to protect him from a father that she is accusing of violence. The judge-in-charge of the file grants a shared custody to the father whom it considers abused. Taken as a hostage between his parents, Julien Besson will do everything to prevent the worst from happening.
At Home
An old woman, 92 years old, leaves her big house to visit her daughter, 73, who is settling in a retirement home.
The Exes
la vieille bigote
If Paris is the city of lovers, it is also that ... ex! Antoine does not dare to commit, Didier regrets his ex-wife, Father Laurent must celebrate the marriage of his ex, Julie, Serge is harassed by Lise, the ex of his girlfriend of the moment, while Greg consoles With the dog ... of his ex! So many characters whose lives will be telescoped in a joyful disorder and who could fall back in love! But of whom? Whether they obsessed us or loved to hate them, deep down, it is difficult to forget their ex!
La voisine retraitée
Журналистка Анна, занимающаяся расследованиями для журнала Elle, увлечена новой темой. Она знакомится с группой юных студенток, которые зарабатывают на свое обучение проституцией. Частые встречи уравновешенной дамы и любвеобильных девушек вызывают у Анны чувственный ренессанс и заставляют переосмыслить свои убеждения о деньгах, семье и сексе.
Madame Humbert
Давид Руссо — довольно известный в Париже писатель. Кандис Лесёр — красивая блондинка родом из французской провинции, убеждённая в том, что в прошлой жизни она была Мэрилин Монро. Они снова встретятся в Муте, самом холодном городишке Франции: он − в полном творческом упадке, она − уже мертвая. «Самоубийство», − сказано в полицейском заключении, − Предположительно, от снотворного». Но Давид Руссо так не считает. Погружаясь в прошлое Кандис Лекёр, он находит вдохновение для нового романа…
Грабитель банков скрывается от преследователей на тихой улочке, на которой он вырос, в доме своей матери. Улочка, впрочем, уже не тихая: нечистый на руку девелопер пытается превратить ее в престижный район, а всех жителей выжить. Жулику и бандиту придется встать на сторону добра: сопротивление как раз возглавляет его мама.
La dame station-service
Louis and his Daddy are driving back home. Daddy is a past master at clowning, which does not necessarily make Louis laugh. At times Daddy gets awfully mad, picking on people who don't deserve it. That also does not make Louis laugh. But Daddy IS sweet. He knows how to soothe Louis when he is very very upset. And he can rock-a-bye his baby with a song by Niagara. Daddy has been rather slipshod lately. And ill-shaved. And has had hair-raising nightmares. Louis can burst into tears just because a little girl refuses a sticker he wants to give her. What's wrong with Louis and his Daddy? Written by Guy Bellinger
Life the Way It Is
Agnès' mother
Agnes leaves school and moves into a council house in Bagnolet with her friend Florence. She take a job as an office clerk, and becomes a staff representative after a colleague is dismissed for resisting the advances of her lecherous superior...