A group of young girls are brought up in a college within dark forests and gloomy lakes. Young Hidalla and her friends Irene, Vera, Blanka, Melusine and Rain are brought up in an isolated world: the girls don't know anything about live outside the college's high walls. At the age of 16, some of them start asking questions about their origins, their parents and the true purposes of the Headmistresses strict rules. When two of them disappear mysteriously, the initial fairytale atmosphere grows more and more eerie...
The teenage son of an architect falls for an older woman, an attractive housewife of his father's client.
Before finally entering the afterlife, the dead spend a period in a limbo from which they depart only when, among the living, there is no one who remembers them. Under the care of the salacious Domenico the visitors of a small cemetery recount how they arrived at eternal peace.
Ugo Maria Volpone is a very rich shipowner. He dissimulates to be close to die in order to have the attention of three of his friends: Corvino, Voltore and Corbaccio. The three accepts every kind of humiliation and money loss in order to inherit all Volpone's fortune. Volpone hires a new servant, Mosca. Together the two start to realize new jokes and extortions to the three greedy fake friends. Who will win the inheritance?
Эудженио, промышленник лет сорока, одержим мыслью о грядущем Апокалипсисе. И по его представлению, конец света наступит не когда-то там, в далеком будущем, а в самые ближайшие дни. Эудженио не радуется процветанию своей компании и не огорчается по причине ее возможного банкротства. Деньги его теперь скорее пугают, чем привлекают. И промышленник, «земную жизнь прошедший до середины», приходит к неожиданному выводу: он решает стать бедняком. У нищего нет проблем, считает Эудженио. По крайней мере, тех, которые постоянно встают перед богатым и преуспевающим бизнесменом.
Попрошайничать, побираться объедками из мусорных бачков рядом с ресторанами, спать в пустых бассейнах или в залах ожидания железнодорожных вокзалов — чем не жизнь?… И так продолжается до тех пор, пока Эудженио не знакомится с прелестной Мартой, которая влачит такое же существование на речном катере…
Одинокий художник Дино Романи встречает у моря красивую девушку Николь. Она пытается утопиться, но её спасают. Впоследствии оказывается, что Николь психически нездорова. Она не может спокойно жить без внимания мужчин, чувствуя себя неполноценной. А из-за недостатка внимания она способна на самые провокационные поступки…
A woman takes advantage of the fact that her husband allowed himself to be praised for divorce to demand immediate separation.
In Rome a man needing money become a transvestite prostitute.
In Rome a man needing money become a transvestite prostitute.
The movie is basically two unrelated comedic features: the first one features the travails of a man who stutters and tries to woo a woman he wants to date. The second features the wonderful Renato Pozetto as a gay man who lives with a partner, but finds himself falling for a woman, and not knowing how to tell his partner, who is prone to melodrama.
The movie is basically two unrelated comedic features: the first one features the travails of a man who stutters and tries to woo a woman he wants to date. The second features the wonderful Renato Pozetto as a gay man who lives with a partner, but finds himself falling for a woman, and not knowing how to tell his partner, who is prone to melodrama.
Antonio is married to a very wealthy woman but the sole heir of the family fortune is his daughter. He induce his dying wife to swear in the daughter of remaining "chaste and pure" ( so that she cannot marry ) until his own death.
Главный герой фильма - простой извозчик Орацио Империали, он очень любит приврать, заключать пари и поиграть в карты, при этом ему частенько не везёт. Однажды он крупно проигрывает и для того чтобы отыграться, заключает фантастическое пари - теперь чтобы выиграть, ему нужно встретиться с самим Римским Папой.
Ulderico Quario hires as servant a very beautiful young woman Teresa. Ulderico decides to proceed like a new Pygmalion and he sets about teaching her the art of seductions. But Teresa together with Cecchina start using these newfound skills to persuade Ulderico to marry her in order to claim his inheritance.
Pregnant with their 10th child, Agata discovers that her lazy husband Gennaro betrays her cheerfully.
Gobette, a young avant-garde dancer, finds herself unemployed after the closure of the provincial club where she performs. By pure coincidence, Cipriano Gaudet, Minister of Justice, meets her at a judge's house and, convinced that she is the wife of the subordinate, gives promotions to the unsuspecting representative of the law in order to remove him from the woman and be able to get married with the soubrette. ..
In wartime France, Pharmacist Eliane (Lisa Gastoni) begins a torrid affair with her shop assistant Armand (Franco Nero), but she soon becomes dominated by him. He demands more and more from her, humiliating her and putting her family at risk.
Domenico Modguno is a horn dog who loves looking up skirts and travels back to Italy to stay with his brother and wife. His brothers stepdaughter is hot and he spends most of the movie forcing himself on her, and for a change of pace her mother.
Domenico Modguno is a horn dog who loves looking up skirts and travels back to Italy to stay with his brother and wife. His brothers stepdaughter is hot and he spends most of the movie forcing himself on her, and for a change of pace her mother.
Sandro dreams about a woman older than himself. He works as a lifeguard at the beach and at the same time he's caring for a large number of sexually unsatisfied women who are coming for the weekend without their husbands.
Солидный отец сицилийского семейства становится вдовцом. Но внезапно скучную жизнь его семьи преображает экономка, которая держит под контролем не только быт в доме, но и сексуальные фантазии мужчины и его юных сыновей.
The luxurious Livio bets with the lord of the city to seduce a young bride in a month, at the cost of his genitals.
Senator Pupis feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to grab women's bottoms, a habit than can lead to embarrassment, especially if the woman in question is head of another state and the occasion a state visit. In his desperation Pupis turns to the clergy for spiritual and psychological help.
Филли и другие пещерные люди из "Когда у женщин были хвосты" живут беззаботной, хотя и скучной жизнью внутри скелета динозавра. Но когда мошенник Хам знакомит их с понятием валюты и экономики, их жизнь рушится. Вдобавок ко всему Филли начинает влюбляться в Хама.
Молодая женщина обвиняется в убийстве шумной соседки, которое ей недавно приснилось. Теперь ей нужно выяснить, совершила ли она преступление в реальности или все это лишь страшный сон.
Seven orphan cavemen grow up on a little island all by themselves. After a fire burns all vegetation they set out to find a new place to live.
Seven orphan cavemen grow up on a little island all by themselves. After a fire burns all vegetation they set out to find a new place to live.
Голландия 1945 год. Двум немецким солдатам не хотелось умирать за фюрера в последние дни войны. Они дезертировали из армии, блуждая по стране они попадают в лагерь для немецких военнопленных, Капитан Миллер командир этого лагеря и ему глубоко наплевать на немцев. Командиром с немецкой стороны старший по званию полковником фон Бляйхер, он требует от подчиненных строжайшей дисциплины. При попытки побега нескольких заключенных они были подвергнуты жестокой экзекуции. По настоянию полковника назначается полевой суд и он приговаривает дезертиров к смерти, хотя война уже окончилась
Фильм рассказывает о загадочных взаимоотношениях прекрасной женщины и фотографа.
Young bank employee is very surprised by his bride behavior...
Drama about the fading relationship between a professor and his wife. Based upon a short story by Alberto Moravia.
Молодая вдова узнает, что у мужа была тайная квартира, в которой он встречался с другими женщинами. Теперь она решает использовать эту квартиру для своих экспериментов с сексом.
An ordinary man is snatched off the streets and turned into a man with incredible powers by an insidious company hell bent on world domination.
Consisting of two segments, the film is centered on two great Israelite leaders found in the Book of Judges.
David of Bethlehem slays the giant and becomes a rival to King Saul.
Mondo documentary.
Despite all his faults, Luciano cannot bear the idea that his own mother has left home to go and live with a man who is not her husband. As soon as he leaves the Roman prison where he served his time, the young man spends his first free nights wandering around in a tormented search for a reason for living.
A dozen sketches: (1) how it is not easy for parents to reveal the mystery of birth to their young children. (2) how the first kiss can be pleasant for teenagers and a worry to their parents. (3) how violent a male ego can be after a woman's rejection. (4) how double standards work in view of a woman's loss of virginity. (5) how modern psichology can influence a pregnant woman to deal with her dilemma. (6) how hiding her sexual past to the bridegroom does not succeed past their nuptial night. (7) how aspiring actresses have to pay a price for success. (8) how a matrimony can be a social hypocrisy by a cheating couple. (9) how a girl eager to marry discovers too late her husband's true nature. (10) how an emigrant's wife shall overcome her sexual need through music, and dancing. (11) how divorce can be a way to settle peacefully a union that no longer works. (12) how a man can overcome the shock of being married to a woman who was raped by some truck drivers
LA CASA DELLE VEDOVE portrays a group of widows who, he thinks, lived in a constant ‘dialogue‘ with death. In the house where they all lived ‘every colour was saturated with that special reddish shade that you see everywhere in Rome, and furthermore the rooms were filled with a stale, musty smell.‘
An Italian-American mobster is sent back to Naples from the States. He moves to Italy with all his illegal proceeds hidden in jam jars--which fall into the wrong hands when they get to the harbour of Naples. These hands belong to people who demand their fair share. Meanwhile, the mobster is questioned by investigators.
An Italian-American mobster is sent back to Naples from the States. He moves to Italy with all his illegal proceeds hidden in jam jars--which fall into the wrong hands when they get to the harbour of Naples. These hands belong to people who demand their fair share. Meanwhile, the mobster is questioned by investigators.