Mireille Perrier

Mireille Perrier

Рождение : 1959-11-14, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France


Mireille Perrier (born 14 November 1959) is a French actress and stage director. She debut in theater with the Compagnie du Hasard in 1977, where she remained a member for two years. Her first starring role was in Leos Carax's Boy Meets Girl in 1984. Since then, Perrier has had major roles in other films such as Un monde sans pitié, Netchaïev est de retour, Toto le Héros, À vendre, Le Comptoir, Un dérangement considérable and L'entraînement du champion avant la course. In 1991, Perrier received a Joseph Plateau Award in the "Best Belgian Actress" category for her work in the Belgian film Toto le Héros. Source: Article "Mireille Perrier" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Mireille Perrier
Mireille Perrier
Mireille Perrier


Дети других людей
Madame Roucheray
Бездетная женщина устанавливает духовную связь с маленькой дочерью своего парня.
The Cormorant
A mother and her son are secluded in their house on an isolated island where two moments of their lives will intertwine -youth and maturity- and where the bonds of their fragile but indestructible relationship are forged.
So That Nothing Changes
After a long absence, Marie decides to return to the family home to introduce the partner with whom she is expecting a child.
Camille's mother
Молодая и идейная Камилла – фотожурналист. Она отправляется в Центральноафриканскую Республику для освещения разгорающейся гражданской войны. У героини очень быстро появляется живой интерес к этой стране и ее молодежи, попавшей в мимолетную бурю. Теперь ее судьба будет решаться там.
Whatever Happened to My Revolution
Diane Sorel
Angela was 8 years old when the first McDonald's opened in East Berlin - Since then, she has been fighting against the curse of her generation: to be born "too late" at a time of global political depression. Coming from a family of activists, her sister chose the world of business and her mother abandoned overnight her political struggle to move alone to the countryside.
Not on My Watch
Mme Nollet
Nathalie is a jeweler who has just moved to Paris for a new job and a new life with her two sons. But the jewelry store manager suddenly changes his mind and tells her the job is no longer hers. Nathalie wants to protect her children and decides to say nothing. This first lie will spark others and soon Nathalie is entangled in a dangerous spiral.
В лесу
La pédopsychiatre
Два брата после развода родителей едут на каникулы к отцу в Швецию. Отец везет их в дом, находящийся далеко в лесу, на берегу озера. Старший брат Бенжамен начинает беспокоиться из-за странного поведения отца. Время идет, а отец, похоже, не собирается возвращаться...
Territorial dispute have always been in the center of most human conflicts. The territorial notion thrives for possession and power, resulting in invasive actions and occupation. UIP is the abbreviation for "United Israel Palestine". It is a title referring to a possible future scenario for Israel and Palestine set in the year 2027. In this scenario the international society, governed by the United Nations, is the new occupational power and therefore an international court administers the conflicts. Through this court the film unfolds and it is from a juridical perspective that all territories, bodies, ownerships and legacies are viewed. In contrast psychological relations, both private and public, appears painfully clear.
Our Women
Max, Paul and Simon have been friends for 35 years. They take great pleasure in their one vacation a year together without their partners and meet-up regularly to spend evenings drinking or playing cards. Each has a successful career and they all appear to have perfect lives until the night Simon announces to his friends that he has just strangled his wife, Estelle after a blazing row. Max and Paul are horrified by Simon's confession, but worse is to come when Simon asks them to lie and provide him with an alibi for the time Estelle was killed. Both men are torn between lying or turning over their best friend to the police.
May Allah Bless France
Mlle Schaeffer
French rapper, author, and spoken word artist Abd Al Malik makes his directorial debut with this adaptation of his 2004 autobiography, chronicling his upbringing in the crime- and drug-ridden streets of Strasbourg and his life-changing encounters with hip hop and religion.
Mr. X
The image of a mysterious, solitary filmmaker - a cineaste maudit - who flees from both the media and the public, is unrelentingly bound to the figure of Leos Carax, in France. Elsewhere, the real focus is on his films and he is considered to be an icon of world cinema. Mr.X dives into the poetic and visionary world of an artist who was already a cult figure from his very first film. Punctuated by interviews and unseen footage, this documentary is most of all a fine-tuned exploration of the poetic and visionary world of Leos Carax, alias "Mr.X".
Only the Fire
At the end of June in Paris: Mireille accompanies his friend Thomas, a solitary and restless being, during a walk to Père Lachaise. Thomas is very agitated, worried. He confides to Mireille that he wishes to be cremated in the event of death. In September: after a period of holidays, Mireille returns at her home. She and his friends do not any more manage to contact Thomas. After investigation, Mireille learns that Thomas died in August, only. As he has no family his body was interred in the square of the needy of the new cemetery of Thiais. Mireille wants to honor the last wills of his friend, but the law is strict: to dig up the body and cremate it, the services of the city hall have to have the signature of a member of Thomas's family. Mireille learns that Thomas had a younger brother, Melchior. But But the young man, marginalized, abandoned for years by his older brother, refuses to sign the licence to dig up.
Anna et Otto
Otto and Anna, a brother and sister in their twenties, separated by the divorce of their parents, live on two continents. The vagaries of life keep them apart.
Bad Seeds
Nathalie Delcourt
Quiet 16-year-old Louis, the high school headmaster’s son, has never been in trouble. His best friend, 18-year-old Greg, however, is his polar opposite: provocative, angry, violent, he has been kicked out of school for physically threatening young English teacher Camille. When Greg asks Louis to help him take revenge on Camille, Louis accepts, fascinated...
В поисках Симона
Саймон, молодой немецкий доктор, который живет и работает в Марселе, Франция, не дает о себе новостей. Его квартира пуста. Валери, его мать, в полном отчаянии, не понимая причин исчезновения сына, просит, чтобы Йенс, прежний бойфренд Саймона, приехал в Марсель и помог ей с поисками.
Catherine Kagan
Три часа на побег
Commander Catherine Fabre
Профессия Сэмюэля Перрье — спасать людей. Но в этот раз медбрат спас ну совсем «не того» парня. И вот теперь его беременную жену похитили бандиты, чтоб заставить Сэмюэля помочь их пахану свалить из больницы. Чтобы спасти жену и выжить самому, ему предстоит выиграть смертельные гонки на выживание с бандитами и полицейскими не только по улицам Парижа но и под землей.
At the Paris airport Orly, a woman falls for a stranger, a family heads to a funeral, a couple lose touch, a wife reads her husband’s break-up letter. All wait for their planes. Absorbed in their immediate fates, they move through the impeccably structured space, unaware of a looming threat outside.
63 Glances
“I am a woman who does not know where she is going, but who, always, looks for beauty. As long as she does not flee me. Moritz, your beauty fled me. But I caught it and I carry it in me.”
À l'est de moi
La mère de Lionel
A young woman travels to Moscow, speaking with the people she meets of the region's recent past.
The Walking Man
The middle of the 1970s. A photographer encounters an emaciated and brooding man with a hawk-like face. The man is called Viktor Atemian and this film is his story. He's a man who tries his hand at writing, meets with success, then falls upon hard times and ends up in the street.
Out of the Blue
Marion, a 50 year old woman, suddenly ups and leaves the man with whom she has been living for the past 20 years; she has found herself, midlife, in love with her friend Claude, another woman.
Fragments sur la grâce
Une Lectrice
A filmmaker and his crew try to enter the passionate world of Port-Royal and of Jansenism. Another Age of Louis XIV comes to life, the age of Pascal, Racine and of the “Friends of Truth”. The film itself comes up against the unanswerable question of grace.
Смелость любить
la femme sur les quais
Уличный артист Массимо встречает красивую и амбициозную Шаа. В совместных выступлениях они обретают любовь и признание, но Шаа бросает его, получив шанс для собственной однодневной карьеры. Но подлинный успех приходит к Массимо, однако у него так и не получается оправиться от утраты любимой. После долгих уговоров каждый из них соглашается на предложение о съемках фильма по событиям своих «звездных» жизненных перипетий, не подозревая, что им придется обнажить перед зрителями не только свою душу, но и израненное сердце.
Les petites mains
After the closure of a lace factory in Calais, Andrée, Lulu and Solange are out on the street.
Speakers of the Truth
Algerian journalist Sahafi is faced with a dilemma. If he returns to Algeria, he's almost certain to be assassinated. If he takes political asylum in the Netherlands, he is treated like a pariah.
A Considerable Disturbance
Laurent's fate is to be a soccer superstar. But he happens to fall in love with a Fabienne, 40. He is only 18, and his career is about to fall apart...
La patinoire
La Patinoire is about a film director who is shooting a highly symbolic film called 'Dolores' at an ice rink. He has hired a Lithuanian ice hockey team with which he is having enormous communication problems. His actors all have inflated egos, his film crew is made up of fools, and there is a politician on his back. But he must finish the film, no matter what, in time for the Venice Film Festival.
Marie's Counter
A bistro counter will decide the fate of two women. The first, Marie, the owner of a cafe for forty years in a Breton village, wants to realize her dream and go to the city. The second, Joelle, wants to leave town for the countryside.
For Sale
Primo's Ex-Wife
A Private detective is hired to trace a woman who ran away and disappeared on her wedding day. The movie follows him and recounts the story of her life through her eyes and the eyes of those interviewed by the detective.
The Year of Certificate
Claire Fontanes
This certificate was formerly obtained by pupils at the end of primary school. The teacher of a small village has a dream: he wants his son to get his certificate and to be the best in the district ("Canton"). His younger son is less gifted: he is ashamed of him and treats him like a dunce. His obsession is so strong his marriage (his wife is a schoolteacher too) is soon on the rocks.
Two Brothers, My Sister
The Teacher
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
After the war, in Bucharest, a young Romanian poet arrested for having written an article denouncing Stalinist crimes, will save his life by accepting to become a hostage of the regime.
A Shadow of a Doubt
Aline Issermann's "Shades of Doubt" ("L'Ombre du Doute"), a French film about a wrenching family crisis, is set forth with remarkable restraint. The subject is incest, but the story's potential for tawdriness is never exploited. Instead, Ms. Issermann presents a discreet, methodical account of how 12-year-old Alexandrine comes to bring and then recant charges against her father, Jean.
Golem, l'esprit de l'exil
An allegory of the Golem, a Jewish mythical creature personifying displacement and exile, this film tells the story of a woman (similar to the biblical Ruth) and her sisters, who are forced into exile after the death of their husbands. It is set in 1990s Paris, where the director was living in self-imposed exile following the ban on his 1982 documentary in Israel. The recurring theme of the film is migrations and unrooting, like the legendary Golem.
La sévillane
An orange, yellow and gray film which tells a love story or more precisely the birth of the feeling of love.
I Can No Longer Hear the Guitar
For those who were young, living under the delusions of love and soft drugs in Paris, May 1968 - even if the guitar is still playing, they can't hear it any longer.
Adult Evelyne
В горящем родильном отделении больницы мечется мать, не знающая точно, кто ее ребенок. Она тянет руки к одному, но кричит младенец рядом, и она спасает из огня его. А главный герой фильма Тома утверждает, что помнит этот пожар и языки пламени, он уверен, что его тогда перепутали с соседским мальчиком Альбером. Тото считает себя неудачником именно потому, что его перепутали в роддоме, а он хотел стать героем, секретным агентом.
L'entraînement du champion avant la course
Fabrice is an otherwise brutish truck driver who loves the disciplines involved in bicycle racing. He's no champion and doesn't appear to care much whether he wins any or not. In the crowded spaces of his world, the aloneness that comes with being a racer in training affords him a much-needed solitude and peace of mind. It's probably best for the people around him, too. In fact, it would be good if he could remain on his bike forever, because his nearly insane fear and distrust of others leads him to some pretty obnoxious behavior, especially with the women in his life.
Netchaïev est de retour
Freshly landed in Paris, Daniel Laurençon, who calls himself Netchaïev, who was believed dead five years ago in Gibraltar, warns a commercial center of a bomb attack a few minutes before its completion.
Love Without Pity
25 year-old Hippo doesn't have a job, doesn't study either but lives from the money his younger brother earns with dealing and from occasional Poker winnings.
Joa (Bulle Ogier), an archaeologist from Mexico, comes to Paris in search of her sister Anna (Mireille Perrier), of whom she is suddenly without news. Anna, a theater actress, was in the title role in Sade's "Justine" when she disappeared. The investigation leading Joa to the people who have known her sister, turns into an initiatory quest. Her journey, her stroll through a subterranean marginal Paris, leads also to the emergence of a new woman.
France Dalens
A young French woman returns to the vast silence of West Africa to contemplate her childhood days in a colonial outpost in Cameroon. Her strongest memories are of the family's houseboy, Protée — a man of great nobility, intelligence and beauty — and the intricate nature of relationships in a racist society.
Où que tu sois
Emmanuel, 37, lives in Paris with his wife, Irene, and his daughter Anne, 14 years old. He accidentally discovers that Irene is receiving mail in the remaining mail. She refuses to follow Emmanuel to Italy where he has to write a biography of Filippo Lippi. Distraught, Emmanuel decided to leave immediately for Florence.
Дурная кровь
Young Mother
Ближайшее будущее… Мир приобрел новые краски. Однако движущими силами человеческих страстей по-прежнему остались уничтожающие друг друга страсть к наживе и любовь. Главный герой оказывается втянут в преступную операцию с целью похищения из лаборатории вакцины от вируса новой опасной болезни. Но любовь героя разрушает планы преступников.
Les yeux brûlés
A young woman comes to Roissy airport to pick up a military canteen that has been returned to her. It is the effects and pictures of Jean Péraud, a reporter photographer who disappeared at Dien Bien Phu on May 8, 1954. Soon, the discussion begins between the young woman and the former press companions of Péraud who are present. Through the memories and stories she provokes, the ever-present questions about what makes the war image resurface: is the reporter a witness or a combatant? Does he protect himself from the effects of war by filming it, or does he take more risks in order to bear witness? Can we speak of art in front of this image made in the face of death?
High Speed
In a fast-paced action film with an international backdrop, an unsuspecting Edith (Mireille Perrier) goes to Frankfurt to work for a German friend who is investigating some illegalities in the transportation industry. After Edith arrives, her friend leaves for Berlin, so Edith goes to stay at the house her friend shares with a second-generation German-Turkish woman. Meanwhile, Gordon (Bruce Thurman) is out photographing some journalists armed with video cameras who are spying on a wealthy honcho in the trucking business. He accidentally follows Edith and photographs her, then ends up saving her from some attackers. The dramatic action intensifies as questions arise about what certain trucks are carrying into Germany, what Edith's friend has to do with exposing the cargo on those trucks, and whether or not Edith will remain an unscathed, innocent by-stander.
Страж ночи
La postière
With an off-beat sense of humor to match its erratic central character, this original comedy-drama features Jean-Philippe Ecoffey as Yves, a young man who works as a cop at night. The catch is that Yves turns to petty crime during the day, partly to impress Aurore (Aurelle Doazan), a nurse he idolizes from afar. His criminal hobby seems hard to understand, since it's doubtful that they will really get him anywhere with Aurore; besides, she already has a boyfriend. Nevertheless, Yves starts out by robbing a post office and ends up trying to run over Aurore's boyfriend, an act which finally gets him into serious trouble.
She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps
A young film director is turning a movie with his friend Christa. In the film-within-the-film there are two couples, one real, one imagined , and the film - told through five dreams - is as much the story of a film on-production, as the birth of a child.
Парень встречает девушку
Алекс — молодой человек, от которого недавно ушла девушка к его лучшему другу. Алекс не определился с профессией, он лишь мечтает когда-нибудь стать кинорежиссёром. Он бродит по улицам Парижа, вступает в разговоры со случайными людьми. Однажды на вечеринке в кругу странных персонажей Алекс встречает девушку по имени Мирей
N°505 / N°893
Синематон» - 201-часовой фильм французского режиссёра Жерара Куранта. Он считается одним из самых длинных фильмов когда-либо выпущенных. Создающийся более 35 лет (с 1978 по 2018), он состоит из серии 3027 беззвучных виньеток, каждая продолжительностью по 3 минуты 25 секунд, в которых показываются различные знаменитости, художники, журналисты и друзья режиссёра, каждый делающий то, что он хочет, за отведённое время. В фильме показаны режиссёры: Барбет Шредер, Нагиса Осима, Фолькер Шлендорф, Кен Лоуч, Юсеф Шахин, Вим Вендерс, Джозеф Лоузи, Жан-Люк Годар, Сэмюэл Фуллер и Терри Гиллиам; гроссмейстер Жоэль Лотье и актёры Роберто Бениньи, Стефан Одран и Жюли Дельпи. Терри Гиллиам показан поедающим купюру в 100 франков. Сэмюэл Фуллер курит сигару. Своим любимым героем фильма Жерар Курант считает семимесячного ребёнка.