Mario Passante


Adultero lui, adultera lei
cliente dell'albergo
Lina, a young woman now tired of the constant betrayals from her husband, decides to cheat on him with a mutual friend, Piero.
I Am Semiramis
Naval Constructor
Semiramis, a powerful and beautiful Assyrian queen, oversees the construction of the luxurious city of Babylon. She falls in love with Kir, a fallen prince turned into a slave who corresponds to her love. But a palace conspiracy will make the two lovers separate and confront each other.
3 Fables of Love
Le restaurateur
"Les quatre vérités" aka "The Four Truths" is a movie anthology that consists of four segments, all loosely parodying fables from the 17th-century French poet Jean de la Fontaine. The US cut usually features only 3 segments.
Ограбление по-итальянски
Ночной сторож банка по имени Орацио, опоздав на работу, выясняет, что банк ограблен. Дабы не остаться без работы, он решает найти и возвратить украденное.
Инспектор инкогнито
commerciante fascista
Италия, 1937-й год. У власти в стране Бенито Муссолини. В небольшом городке страховой агент Омеро Баттифьори ищет новых клиентов. По нелепому, почти гоголевскому стечению обстоятельств городские власти начинают думать, будто бы герой фильма — столичный ревизор, приехавший к ним с проверкой. Администрация города в панике начинает совершать одну ошибку за другой. Кто бы мог подумать, что в конечном счете это приведет к такой катастрофе...
Боккаччо 70
Sacristan (segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio")
Четыре новеллы об Эросе, достойные Декамерона 70-x - сатира морализма и пуританизма.
The Swordsman of Siena
A 16th-century Spanish overlord hires Thomas Stanswood (Stuart Granger) to protect his, less than eager, fiancee (Sylva Koscina) from rebels. Thomas finds himself drawn to both the fiancee and the rebels side.
The Last Judgment
The Last Judgement (Italian: Il giudizio universale) is a 1961 commedia all'italiana film by Italian director Vittorio De Sica. It was coproduced with France. It has an all-star Italian and international cast, including Americans Jack Palance, Ernest Borgnine; Greek Melina Mercouri and French Fernandel, Anouk Aimée and Lino Ventura. The film was a huge flop, massacred by critics and audiences when it was released. It was filmed in black and white, but the last sequence, the dance at theatre, is in color.
Black City
Il ministro Razzullo
A charming rogue, the self-proclaimed leader of Naples, locks horns with an American Army general and a police inspector.
Robin Hood and the Pirates
Brooks' friend
On his way to (or from) the Crusades, Robin Hood is shipwrecked but saved by pirates who plan to return him home in order to ransom him to his father.
The Traffic Policeman
il comm. Marinetti
An unemployed man gets a job as traffic policeman but the traffic in the big city creates innumerous problems for the poor guy.
La contessa azzurra
Don Ciccio
Loreley looks back to the happy times when she became a silent movie star with the huge success of "La Contessa Azzurra", directed by Don Salvatore and produced by Don Peppino, the owner of a Café Chantant.
Caccia al marito
impiegato dell'agenzia di collocamento
Italy, Sixties. A four-storey beach resort, and they look for the man of their life. Will they succeed?
Маска Сатаны
Nikita - Coachman
В попытке очистить страну от скверны инквизиторы объявляют ведьмой молодую княжну Азу и надевают на неё Маску Сатаны — специальную маску с острыми шипами внутри. Перед тем, как сгореть на костре, княжна проклинает своих палачей до седьмого колена. Фильм снят по рассказу Николая Васильевича Гоголя.
Valley of the Doomed
1860, the great Duchess of Parma, Maria Luisa, wants to provide her little state with train tracks, in spite of the opposition she gets from certain noble people.
I piaceri dello scapolo
Two middle-aged bachelors use the same apartment for their romantic meetings.
Ferdinand I King of Naples
The story of "King Lazzarone" Ferdinand I of Bourbon whose pastime was to neglect the government and disguise himself as a poor man and turn to the infamous city premises in search of love adventures. With the De Filippo brothers to complete.
Comm. Lambertoni
Альберто Нарди - молодой человек, полный энтузиазма, стремится к большому бизнесу, но не имеет возможностей, необходимых для его успешного осуществления. В результате своего опасного желания, Альберто часто попадает в серьезные неприятности и вынужден прибегать к помощи своей жены Эльвиры, богатой и мудрой женщины. Но однажды Эльвира, устав от безумства мужа, отказывает ему в любой помощи.
Perfide.... ma belle
Michele, a young mechanic, is in love with Angela Antonia, beautiful but capricious: the girl's father, once he learns of the relationship, has him fired from the place where he works and is forced to move to Naples. He asks for hospitality from his aunt Carmela, concierge in a building, but she has no vacancies and arranges him as Donna Tecla, the owner of a pension who, having three young daughters eager to get married, hopes to arrange at least one. But the three girls are not the best of beauty and Michele, gifted with a beautiful voice, agrees to sing in a club on behalf of an impresario who becomes his friend.
Il romanzo di un giovane povero
Il marito
Alberto's marriage is a complete failure: his wife Elena is a hard woman influenced by her mother and sister who live with the married couple. Alberto is also experiencing financial problems and hopes for the help of a rich widow who is however interested in his sexual favours. Naturally Elena puts obstacles in his way and everything goes wrong. Alberto decides to change job then and becomes a sweets sales representative. Disillusioned with marital life he also changes his attitude towards women: he tells every woman he meets he is single.
Ночи Кабирии
Uncle of Amleto
Проститутка Кабирия, работающая в одном из самых дешевых районов Рима, как и все её подруги вульгарна, грязна, драчлива, остра на язык. Но вопреки своей древней и циничной профессии, она по-детски наивна и добра, с маниакальным упорством надеется найти мужчину своей мечты и стать честной женщиной. Её сердце жаждет любви, но мир жесток…
No Sun in Venice
Cute Sophie is an amoral French girl living in a sumptuous Venetian palazzo. She is the kept woman of a very rich but undesirable fellow named Eric von Bergen, an ex-nazi turned forger.
Слово вора
altro impresario
Дезидерио — вор-джентльмен, специализирующийся на краже драгоценностей, настоящий эксперт как в оценке, так и в подделке драгоценностей. Оцененному за эти качества теми, кто не знаком с его нелегальной деятельностью, ему удается устроиться на работу директором ювелирного дома Габриэле Бертинори. Используя свои навыки в изготовлении ювелирных изделий, он создает идеальную имитацию драгоценного камня с драгоценным бриллиантом: на посту директора ему будет легко заменить оригинал.
Mi permette babbo!
While Rodolfo tries to become a lyric singer, his lifestyle deeply annoys his father-in-law.
Incatenata dal destino
Michele Capasso
The Bigamist
Avvocato dei Fornaciari
A traveling salesman is sent to prison after being accused of bigamy, while his wife and son are forced to consider leaving him permanently.
The Miller's Beautiful Wife
Capitano dei gendarmi
A lecherous governor of Naples in 1680 lusts after the wives of several peasants, particularly after the miller's wife Carmela. The miller himself plans to avenge his honor by seducing the wife of the governor.
La moglie è uguale per tutti
Tiburzio (uncredited)
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
Аугусто — мелкий воришка, объединившийся с Пикассо и Роберто, чтобы обманывать бедняков.
Are We Men or Corporals?
The German sergeant
These are the years of the Second World War, and Toto is imprisoned in a concentration camp, suffering the harassment of Colonel Hammler, a Nazi cruel and despotic.
Le vacanze del Sor Clemente
Sor Clemente tries to avoid an underwater fishing trip together with his authoritarian wife's friends and pretends to be ill. Left alone in the villa he's left in the company of a friend and a butler.
Good night… lawyer!
A lawyer, married but temporarily alone at home, finds himself in the house a beautiful lady who tries to escape from her jealous husband. Fascinated by the beauty of the unexpected guest, the lawyer is determined to conquer her, in vain. But when the woman leaves, she discovers that she has been stolen some money.
Totò all'inferno
Il padre di Antonio
After several attempts at suicide, depressed thief Antonio Marchi accidentally drowns in a river and ends up in hell.
The Seducer
Commendatore lawyer
Alberto is forced to face his wife and his two lovers at the same time.
Жаль, что ты каналья
Il commissario
Когда молодая и привлекательная Лина, воровка, как и все члены ее семьи, решает обокрасть таксиста Паоло, она даже не подозревает, что это раз и навсегда изменит ее жизнь.
Casta diva
Re Ferdinando I
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Napoli terra d'amore
The story of an honest young man entangled by a night singer in the Camorra.
Золото Неаполя
Giovanni - the Butler (segment "I giocatori")
Новеллы, объединенные общим названием «Золото Неаполя», рассказывают о людях разных слоев общества. Их интересы и жизненный уклад различен и они даже не знают о существовании друг друга, но их объединяет именно небо Италии. Мы видим их жизнь и понимаем, что благодаря разворачивающимся историям на экране узнаем настоящий итальянский характер.
Случай в комиссариате
Bartolomeo, lover of Silvana
Один день из жизни полицейского комиссара, занимающегося различными случаями в бурной жизни итальянского квартала.
Waiter (uncredited)
Фильм о нечеловеческой жестокости и человеческом страдании, о непростых отношениях немножко сумасшедшей, немножко святой, взъерошенной, смешной, неуклюжей и нежной Джельсомины и мрачного, массивного, грубого и звероподобного Дзампано — женщины и мужчины, совершенно чуждых друг другу, но волею судеб, неизвестно почему, оказавшихся вместе…
Love song
An aspiring singer is torn between the love for a devious ex-flame, the affection of a simple girl and the loyalty to his paralyzed best friend.
Lettera napoletana
Warehouseman "Franco" is set up by the son of his boss for robbery and cigarette smuggling. Can he prove his innocence and rescue his relationship with "Anna"?
Desiderio 'e sole
amico de Sonia
A Slice of Life
Passeggero dell'autobus
Nine episodes about life in Italy in the period just before its economic boom.
It Happened in the Park
Commendator Mocchetti
Villa Borghese, Rome's biggest urban park, is the place where everyday laughs and dramas are consumed. The movie is made of six vignettes set there.
Passionate song
impresario Vitale
Lucia Spinelli, orphaned by both parents, is taken as a housekeeper in the house of Mrs. Carla Parodi, when she reaches the age of majority, the young woman is almost forced to marry Mrs. Carla's brother. After the marriage and the birth of the first child, Parodi's intrusions on the life of the two spouses continue.
I'll See You on the Balcony
Padrone del teatrino
Ignazio Panizza goes from one failure to the other until he meets a singer, Caterina, provided with an exceptional voice.
She Wolf
Don Pietro Imbornone
A woman in her thirties is a single mother of a teenager daughter, and both are in love with the same young soldier. Mother sacrifices herself for Maricchia's marriage, but ultimately falls to her own passion, leading to family disruption.
Турок неаполитанец
Одного мошенника, Феличе бросают к тюрьму, где уже сидит другой мошенник, Фаина. Довольно быстро подружившись, они сбегают, после чего, после недолгих приключений едут в Сорренто, где Тото выдает себя за турка и нанимается в услужение к очень ревнивому владельцу магазина, у которого молодая жена и еще более молодая дочь.