Dave Bautista

Dave Bautista

Рождение : 1969-01-18, Washington, District of Columbia, USA


Дэйв Бати́ста Родился 18 января 1969 года — американский актёр, в прошлом рестлер, бодибилдер и боец смешанных единоборств, получивший известность своими выступлениями в WWE c 2000 по 2010 и 2013—2014 годах под именем Батиста (англ. Batista). В WWE Батиста 6 раз становился чемпионом мира и трижды был чемпионом мира в командных боях. Является двукратным победителем «Королевской битвы» в 2005 и 2014 годах. В 2012 году провел один бой в MMA, победив Винса Люцеро техническим нокаутом в первом раунде. В качества актёра Батиста снялся в фильме «Железный кулак» (2012), «Риддик» (2013), «Стражи Галактики» (2014), 24-м фильме о Джеймсе Бонде, «007: Спектр» (2015), «Стражи Галактики. Часть 2» (2017), «Бегущий по лезвию 2049» (2017), «Мстители: Война бесконечности» (2018), «План побега 2» (2018).


Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista


Дюна 2
Beast Rabban Harkonnen
Проследите за мифическим путешествием Пола Атрейдеса, в то время, как он объединяется с Чани и фрименами, вступая на тропу войны, чтобы отомстить заговорщикам, уничтожившим его семью. Оказавшись перед выбором между любовью всей своей жизни и судьбой известной вселенной, Пол пытается предотвратить ужасное будущее, которое может предвидеть только он.
Стражи Галактики. Часть 3
Drax the Destroyer
Питер Квилл никак не может смириться с потерей Гаморы и теперь вместе со Стражами Галактики вынужден отправиться на очередную миссию по защите Вселенной.
Riley has recently been discharged from rehab after struggling with food and body image issues. She soon meets Ethan and finds herself navigating the line between unconditional love and a new addiction.
Стук в хижине
Счастливая пара с семилетней дочерью отдыхает в лесном коттедже у озера. Внезапно у них на пороге возникают четыре незнакомца, вооруженных диковинными орудиями, и ставят отдыхающим ультиматум: либо те выбирают и убивают кого-то из собственной семьи, либо наступает апокалипсис, и остальное человечество погибает в адских муках.
Стражи Галактики: Праздничный спецвыпуск
Стражи Галактики отмечают Рождество и отправляются на Землю, чтобы отыскать идеальный подарок для Питера Квилла.
Достать ножи: Стеклянная луковица
Duke Cody
Продолжение иронического детектива 2019 года. Новое расследование сыщика Бенуа Бланка (Дэниэл Крэйг) будет происходить на частном острове в Греции. Миллиардер Майлз Брон (Эдвард Нортон) приглашает к себе разношёрстную компанию друзей. Вскоре на вечеринке происходит убийство.
Создание фильма Тор: Любовь и гром
Self - Drax (archive footage)
Познакомьтесь с такими актерами, как Тайка Вайтити, Крис Хемсворт, Натали Портман, Кристиан Бэйл и Тесса Томпсон, и они раскроют секреты создания фильма "Тор: Любовь и гром". Благодаря подробным интервью с актерами и съемочной группой, а также необработанным, невиданным кадрам со съемочной площадки и за ее пределами, "Общий сбор" приоткрывает занавес над четвертым полнометражным фильмом Бога грома.
Biography: Edge
Self - Batista
Adam Copeland's lifelong passion for wrestling drove him through the freezing-cold Canadian independent circuit to a white-hot WWE contract in 1997, where he manifested his dream of being a tag team with his best friend, Christian.
Тор: Любовь и гром
Тор отправляется в путешествие, не похожее ни на что из того, с чем он когда-либо сталкивался, — в поисках внутреннего спокойствия. Но его выход на пенсию прерывается Горром Убийцей богов, который стремится уничтожить богов. Чтобы справиться с угрозой, Тор обращается за помощью к Валькирии, Коргу и бывшей подруге Джейн Фостер, которая, к удивлению Тора, необъяснимым образом владеет своим волшебным молотом Мьёльниром. Вместе они отправляются в душераздирающее космическое приключение, чтобы раскрыть тайну Горра и остановить его, пока не стало слишком поздно.
Армия воров
Scott Ward (archive footage) (uncredited)
Жизнь скромного банковского служащего Дитера круто меняется, когда таинственная незнакомка приглашает его в команду самых разыскиваемых Интерполом преступников, решивших взломать неприступные сейфы по всей Европе.
Beast Rabban Harkonnen
Наследник знаменитого дома Атрейдесов Пол отправляется вместе с семьёй на одну из самых опасных планет во Вселенной — Арракис. Здесь нет ничего, кроме песка, палящего солнца, гигантских чудовищ и основной причины межгалактических конфликтов — невероятно ценного ресурса, который называется меланж. В результате захвата власти Пол вынужден бежать и скрываться, и это становится началом его эпического путешествия. Враждебный мир Арракиса приготовил для него множество тяжёлых испытаний, но только тот, кто готов взглянуть в глаза своему страху, достоин стать избранным.
Being James Bond
Self (archive footage)
Daniel Craig candidly reflects on his 15 year adventure as James Bond. Including never-before-seen archival footage from Casino Royale to the upcoming 25th film No Time To Die, Craig shares his personal memories in conversation with 007 producers, Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli.
Batman: Storie Napoletane
Bruce Wayne travels to Naples to stop Carmine Falcone. He will discover during the adventure that in addition to Penguin, a new villain has made his appearance, his name is ER06
Creating an Army of the Dead
Zack Snyder and his Army of the Dead team dive into the film's wild stunts, groundbreaking effects and the evolution of the zombie genre.
Армия мертвецов
Scott Ward
После зомби-апокалипсиса в Лас-Вегасе группа отчаянных наемников отправляется в карантинную зону, чтобы осуществить величайшее ограбление в истории.
The Firefly Funhouse Match
Batista (archive footage)
A cinematic match, part of WWE's WrestleMania 36. Bray Wyatt takes John Cena in a twisted retrospective and deconstruction of his own life, career and their rivalry.
Мой шпион
Самый суровый агент ЦРУ, выполняя сверхсекретное задание, случайно попадает на камеру 9-летней девчонки. Софи готова сохранить все в строжайшей тайне, если Джей-Джей научит её быть настоящей шпионкой.
Мой шпион
Самый суровый агент ЦРУ, выполняя сверхсекретное задание, случайно попадает на камеру 9-летней девчонки. Софи готова сохранить все в строжайшей тайне, если Джей-Джей научит её быть настоящей шпионкой.
Али, рули!
Скромный водитель Uber по имени Стю подбирает пассажира, который оказывается полицейским, идущим по следу жестокого убийцы. Таксист даже представить не мог, что теперь его ждет мучительное испытание, в ходе которого он будет отчаянно пытаться сохранить здравомыслие, жизнь и пятизвездочный рейтинг в приложении.
План побега 3
Trent DeRosa
Рэй Бреслин, непревзойдённый взломщик тюрем, вместе со своей верной командой берётся разыскать похищенную дочь друга — бизнесмена из Гонконга. Нити расследования приводят к одной из самых секретных тюрем Америки, которая называется «Пункт Дьявола».
Мстители: Финал
После разрушительных событий в "Мстители: Войны бесконечности", вселенная лежит в руинах. Оставшиеся в живых участники команды Мстителей снова объединяются в попытке восстановить баланс во вселенной.
WWE WrestleMania 35
WrestleMania 35 is the thirty-fifth annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event and WWE Network event produced by WWE for their Raw, SmackDown, and 205 Live brands. It took place on April 7, 2019 at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The event featured the first-ever women's main event match in the show's history.
Мастер Z: Наследие Ип Мана
После поражения от Ип Мана Чун Тинь-Чи решает исправиться и вести тихую мирную жизнь, но зло само нарывается на неприятности.
Мастер Z: Наследие Ип Мана
Owen Davidson
После поражения от Ип Мана Чун Тинь-Чи решает исправиться и вести тихую мирную жизнь, но зло само нарывается на неприятности.
Shawn Michaels: The Showstopper Unreleased
To the WWE Universe, Shawn Michaels made every match he competed in feel like a main event. No matter the time or the place, when The Showstopper stepped inside the ring, he delivered a performance unlike any other. Now for the first time ever, WWE Home Video dives deep into the archives to bring the WWE Universe never-before-released matches spanning the entire career of “The Heartbreak Kid.” From tag team classics as one half of The Rockers, to hidden gems against Mr. Perfect, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Ric Flair, this is a special collection for any fan of The Showstopper.
Финальный счёт
Во время террористической атаки племянница Майка затерялась где-то на футбольном стадионе, где они смотрели текущий матч. Ему придётся вспомнить все свои старые навыки, чтобы спасти девочку и предотвратить катастрофу.
Финальный счёт
Michael Knox
Во время террористической атаки племянница Майка затерялась где-то на футбольном стадионе, где они смотрели текущий матч. Ему придётся вспомнить все свои старые навыки, чтобы спасти девочку и предотвратить катастрофу.
Отель «Артемида»
Отель «Артемис» — подпольный госпиталь Лос-Анджелеса, в котором даже последний негодяй сможет найти помощь. Однажды туда попадает пациент, устранить которого мечтают крайне опасные преступники.
План побега 2
Trent DeRosa
Рэй Бреслин готовится к новому испытанию. На этот раз ему предстоит вызволить из суперсовременной тюрьмы своего напарника.
Мстители: Война бесконечности
Drax the Destroyer
Пока Мстители и их союзники продолжают защищать мир от различных опасностей, с которыми не смог бы справиться один супергерой, новая угроза возникает из космоса: Танос. Межгалактический тиран преследует цель собрать все шесть Камней Бесконечности — артефакты невероятной силы, с помощью которых можно менять реальность по своему желанию. Всё, с чем Мстители сталкивались ранее, вело к этому моменту — судьба Земли никогда ещё не была столь неопределённой.
Бегущий по лезвию 2049
Sapper Morton
В недалеком будущем мир населен людьми и репликантами, созданными выполнять самую тяжелую работу. Работа офицера полиции Кей - держать репликантов под контролем в условиях нарастающего напряжения... Пока он случайно не становится обладателем секретной информации, которая ставит под угрозу существование всего человечества. Желая найти ключ к разгадке, Кей решает разыскать Рика Декарда, бывшего офицера специального подразделения полиции Лос-Анджелеса, который бесследно исчез много лет назад.
2048: Некуда бежать
Sapper Morton
Короткая история за год до событий «Бегущий по лезвию 2049». В ней основное внимание уделяется Сапперу, репликанту, который изо дня в день пытается жить как человек.
История о двадцатилетней девушке Люси и ветеране войны Ступе. Техас планирует выйти из состава США, и в качестве площадки для переговоров используется Нью-Йорк. Однако город превращается в театр боевых действий, и девушке придется объединиться с бывшим военным, чтобы пересечь 5 кварталов района Бушвик, заполненных войсками и мародерами.
WWE: Best of the 2000's
The 2000s was an exciting time for WWE. The Attitude Era was reaching its conclusion, new Superstars were beginning to make their presence known, and for the first time in history, both Raw and SmackDown had their own unique rosters. Now you can relive this period of sports entertainment with WWE's Best of the 2000s. Featuring Superstars such as John Cena, Triple H, Batista, Chris Jericho, Edge, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Booker T, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker and more!
Стражи Галактики. Часть 2
Drax the Destroyer
Все в сборе: землянин Питер Квилл (Звездный Лорд), молчаливый громила Дракс, зеленокожая наемница Гамора, живое дерево Грут и говорящий енот. Герои не изменяют себе и с завидной регулярностью продолжают попадать в немыслимые ситуации, выпутываясь из них почти без ущерба (а иногда даже с пользой) для окружающих. На этот раз им предстоит раскрыть одну из самых главных тайн во всей Галактике: кто же на самом деле отец Питера Квилла?
Врата воинов
Современный подросток невероятным образом переносится в древний Китай. Вот тут-то ему и пригодятся навыки, полученные в видеоиграх.
Randy Orton: RKO Outta Nowhere
One of the most accomplished and most gifted athletes in the ring – Randy Orton is one of the greatest superstars in WWE History. Now, get a chance to hear from the Viper as he discusses some of his greatest matches against some of his fiercest rivals, with main event encounters against John Cena, Triple H, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Seth Rollins and so many more!
Кикбоксер: Возмездие
Tong Po
Сюжет разворачивается вокруг братьев из калифорнийской династии бойцов Дэвида и Курта Слоан. Дэвид погибает в одном из поединков в Гонконге. Узнав об этом, Курт едет в Таиланд к своему наставнику, с помощью которого рассчитывает обрести силу воли, чтобы отомстить за смерть брата.
История об агенте ФБР, который нападает на след преступников, ограбивших банк и отдавших все украденные деньги на благотворительные нужды. Чем дальше продвигается расследование, тем больше главный герой убеждается в том, что у владельца банка имеются собственные секреты.
Скорость: Автобус 657
Все знают, что обокрасть Фрэнка Поупа, владельца казино и босса мафии — это самоубийство. Но однажды некогда преданный ему крупье решается вынести из кассы казино несколько миллионов долларов. Все было продумано, но план не сработал. Скрываясь с места преступления, грабители захватывают автобус, полный заложников. На бешеной скорости автобус мчится к мексиканской границе. Топливо на пределе. На хвосте — мафия и полиция. И, кажется, выхода нет…
007: Спектр
Mr. Hinx
Таинственное послание из прошлого Бонда выведет его к зловещей террористической организации «Спектр». Пока М участвует в политических баталиях, отстаивая интересы MI6, Бонд приоткрывает завесу лжи, чтобы раскрыть ужасную правду, скрываемую «Спектром».
Лос-анджелесский слэшер
The Drug Dealer #1
Фильм рассказывает о маньяке, который похищает телезвезд с целью выяснить, станет ли миру лучше после их убийства.
Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes! Yes! Yes!
Follow the journey of WWE Superstar DANIEL BRYAN as he prepares for his WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP match in the main event of WRESTLEMANIA 30. In this never-before-seen director’s cut, WWE cameras sit down with DANIEL BRYAN and follow his every move as he looks back on his WWE career and his bumpy road to WRESTLEMANIA. This collection also highlights the journey of the leader of the “Yes!” Movement with the most important moments and matches in DANIEL BRYAN’s career. With all this action and more, this set will make the WWE Universe point their fingers up, raise their hands, and shout “YES! YES! YES!”
WWE: The Destruction Of The Shield
They were united front against injustice, a ruthless band of brothers lurking in the shadows ready to attack and conqeur as one. Then they crumbled apart at the apex of their dominance. The Shield may be no more, but Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins are still taking WWE by storm as individuals. In this behind the scenes exposé, get a first hand account of the popular trio's rise and downfall, and follow each former member on the road to the biggest event of the summer, SummerSlam!
WWE: 150 Best Pay-Per-View Matches, Vol 3
Volume 3 of the 150 best PPV matches in WWE history.
Guide to the Galaxy with James Gunn
The director and his 8-bit avatar lead you on a galactic adventure through the making of this epic movie, from vibrant concept art, elaborate makeup and amazing sets, to dancing baby Groot.
WWE: John Cena's Greatest Rivalries
A journey through the greatest rivalries of John Cena's remarkable career. From Eddie Guerrero to Edge, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and the Rock.
Стражи Галактики
Drax the Destroyer
Отважному путешественнику Питеру Квиллу попадает в руки таинственный артефакт, принадлежащий могущественному и безжалостному злодею Ронану, строящему коварные планы по захвату Вселенной. Питер оказывается в центре межгалактической охоты, где жертва — он сам. Единственный способ спасти свою жизнь — объединиться с четверкой нелюдимых изгоев: воинственным енотом по кличке Ракета, человекоподобным деревом Грутом, смертельно опасной Гаморой и одержимым жаждой мести Драксом, также известным как Разрушитель. Когда Квилл понимает, какой силой обладает украденный артефакт и какую опасность он представляет для вселенной, одиночка пойдет на все, чтобы сплотить случайных союзников для решающей битвы за судьбу галактики.
WWE: Batista – The Animal Unleashed
In 2010, a wounded animal walked away from WWE. Now, Batista is back to reclaim his spot at the top of the food chain, whether you like it or not! Walk Batista's path from recovery to redemption and discover the real Dave Batista! Why did he really leave WWE? What conquests has he pursued since? What drives the "Animal"?
WWE Payback 2014
Payback (2014) took place on June 1, 2014 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. It was the second event under the Payback chronology, with the event having originated in 2013. There were two main events, with the first main event featuring John Cena versus Bray Wyatt in a Last Man Standing Match. The second match faced Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista) against The Shield (Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose) in a No Holds Barred six-man tag team elimination match. Other matches included Bad News Barrett defending the IC Title against RVD, the debut of Bo Dallas against Kofi Kingston, Big E vs Rusev, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Rybaxel, and Cesaro defending the US Title against Sheamus.
Undertaker: The Streak 21-1
Documentary that reflects on the WWE career of the Undertaker, the franchise's longest serving wrestler with over two decades of action behind him. Known for his trademark finishing move, the tombstone piledriver, the Undertaker has entered battle with generations of WWE stars. Among those to offer their thoughts on what it is like to face him in the ring are Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Big Show, Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar who ended The Streak.
WWE Extreme Rules 2014
When playing by the rules gets you nowhere, it's time to get extreme! Don't miss WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan when he defends his title against Kane in an Extreme Rules Match, John Cena battles Bray Wyatt in a Steel Cage and Evolution reunites to challenge The Shield in a Six Man Tag Match at WWE Extreme Rules, Sunday, May 4th at the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey.
Daniel Bryan: Journey to WrestleMania 30
A WWE Network documentary chronicling Daniel Bryan's journey to WrestleMania XXX.
WWE WrestleMania XXX
WrestleMania XXX was the 30th annual WrestleMania professional wrestling PPV event produced by WWE to be held, on April 6, 2014, at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. The event was the first WrestleMania to be held in the state of Louisiana. This was also the first WWE pay-per-view to broadcast live on the WWE Network service.
WWE Elimination Chamber 2014
Elimination Chamber was an upcoming professional wrestling PPV event produced by WWE. The fifth annual Elimination Chamber event took place on February 23, 2014, at the Target Center in Minneapolis. The main event was the Elimination Chamber match, in which Randy Orton defended the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena, Sheamus, Antonio Cesaro, Christian, and Daniel Bryan. The secondary main event was a 6-Man Tag team match between The Shield and the Wyatt Family. This match was considered the highlight of the PPV and received glowing reviews from several media sites. Also on the card was Alberto Del Rio vs Batista, AJ Lee defending the Divas Belt against Cameron, Titus O'Neil vs Darren Young, The New Age Outlaws defending the Tag Team Championships against The Usos, and Big E defending the Intercontinental Belt against Jack Swagger.
WWE Royal Rumble 2014
Royal Rumble is the twenty-seventh annual Royal Rumble professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by WWE. It will take place on January 26, 2014 at the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It will be the first WWE pay-per-view in the 2014 line-up. The main event is scheduled to be Randy Orton defending the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena with winner by pinfall or submission only. The secondary main event will be the Royal Rumble itself, in which 30 wrestlers compete in a battle royal for a chance at the title at WrestleMania. Also on the card is Brock Lesnar vs Big Show.
Преданный своими и брошенный умирать на пустынной планете, Риддик сражается с хищниками за жизнь и становится сильнее и опаснее себя прежнего. Открывшие на него охоту галактические наёмники оказываются пешками в грандиозном плане отмщения. С врагами, возникающими на его пути тогда, когда это нужно самому Риддику, он начинает поход во имя мести, чтобы в конечном счёте вернуться на родную Фурию и спасти её от уничтожения.
Железный кулак
Brass Body
События развернутся в древнем феодальном Китае. Фильм расскажет историю чернокожего кузнеца, который умеет делать оружие и с легкой руки снабжает им всех, у кого есть чем заплатить. Китай того времени — жестокое место, поэтому оружие и знание навыков кунг-фу помогут жителям близлежащей деревни защитить свои дома и семьи от других кланов…
WWE: Undertaker 20-0 - The Streak
Walk the dark and hallowed path of he who cannot be buried. The Apocalyptic Warrior who has denied salvation to twenty souls to forge an eternal streak. The dynasty of The Deadman becomes immortal in Undertaker: The Streak. Hear the tales of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Batista, Big Show, Randy Orton and other victims who have dared to stare across the ring into the cold eyes of The Phenom. From Undertaker's WrestleMania VII debut vs. Jimmy Superfly Snuka to his agonising war with Triple H and the illustrious opponents in between, every chilling encounter is presented here from bell-to-bell.
WWE: Rey Mysterio - The Life of a Masked Man
For the first time ever, Rey Mysterio sits down and reviews his historic career, reflecting on his greatest matches and moments. This all-new interview features exclusive and candid comments from the Ultimate Underdog on his Sports Entertainment path through ECW, WCW, and WWE; his rivalries with Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, CM Punk; his thoughts on battling men almost twice his size, and his emotional Cruiserweight, Intercontinental, and World Championship runs.
Царь скорпионов 3: Книга мертвых
С момента триумфального восхождения Матиуса к власти немало изменилось: он потерял трон и любимую. Вновь став воином-наемником, герой намерен защитить свое царство от гнета злого тирана и его армии призраков и вернуть прежнее могущество и славу.
WWE: The Best of SmackDown - 10th Anniversary, 1999-2009
Batista (archive footage)
Smackdown! Tenth Anniversary was put together with the Best of SmackDown 1999 – 2009 counts down the 100 greatest moments in the show’s history.
WWE: The Big Show - A Giant's World
This penetrating pro-wrestling bio offers a bird's-eye view of what it's like to be a giant -- which, in the case of Paul Wight (better known as the Big Show), makes you one of the most intimidating figures in the WWE. In addition to discussing his battles with wrestling superstars like Steve Austin, Ric Flair and the Undertaker, the Show also talks about his struggles with the genetic condition that caused his extraordinary growth.
Randy Orton: The Evolution of a Predator
Batista (archive footage)
He’s one of the most popular superstars in the WWE, but he has never been the subject of a DVD release—until now. This 3-disc set takes an in-depth look at WWE’s Apex Predator from Elimination Chamber through the road to WrestleMania and Orton’s brutal bout with CM Punk. Along the way, fans learn about the Viper in and out of the ring as he reflects on his career to date. Family and opponents contribute never-before-seen interviews about Orton’s past, present, and future. In addition the set is packed with some of Orton’s most memorable matches and moments from his career.
Дом восходящего солнца
Рэй, экс-полицейский, начинает новую жизнь. Но однажды вечером, ночной клуб в котором он работает, ограблен, и сын владельца застрелен. Преступное прошлое Рэя делает его главным подозреваемым, и он начинает искать преступника что бы очистить свое имя.
WWE: Greatest Superstars of the 21st Century
A feature length look at all of your favourite superstars who have impacted the WWE in the 21st Century.
The John Cena Experience
Batista (archive footage)
This title contains a selection of John Cena's greatest matches, as well as a documentary about his life that concentrates on his intense preparation for Wrestlemania. Included are classic battles against Edge and Great Khali, as well as a triple-threat match against Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels. ~ Perry Seibert, Rovi
WWE: Top 50 Superstars of All Time
.A countdown of the greatest superstars in WWE History. From Hulk Hogan to Randy Savage to The Rock to John Cena enjoy an experience down memory lane for long-time fans, and a new experience for new fans of WWE.
WWE: Satan's Prison - The Anthology of the Elimination Chamber
Eleven of the most gruelling Elimination Chamber matches brought to you from the WWE.
WWE: The Undertaker's Deadliest Matches
A collection of The Undertaker's most memorable and intense matches.
WWE Over the Limit 2010
Over the Limit (2010) was a PPV presented by Axe Hair, which took place on May 23, 2010 at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. It was the first event promoted under the Over the Limit name. In the main event from the Raw brand, John Cena faced Batista for the WWE Championship, while The Big Show versus World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger was the main event from the SmackDown brand. Matches on the undercard included Randy Orton against Edge, CM Punk facing Rey Mysterio, and Drew McIntyre defending the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Kofi Kingston. Other championships defended at the event were the WWE Divas Championship and the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship. The event drew 197,000 pay-per-view buys, and was attended live by 11,000 people. Five wrestlers sustained legitimate injuries during the course of the show.
WWE Extreme Rules 2010
Extreme Rules (2010) was a PPV presented by KFC, which took place on April 25, 2010 at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. It was the second event promoted under the Extreme Rules name. There were eight matches scheduled on the event's card, all of which featured an 'extreme' stipulation, with no regular singles matches on the card. The main event was a Last Man Standing match between WWE Champion John Cena and Batista. The World Heavyweight Championship was defended by Jack Swagger against Randy Orton in an Extreme Rules match. Edge fought Jericho in a Steel Cage, Sheamus challenged Triple H to a street fight, CM Punk fought Rey Mysterio in a Hair Match, and a Gauntlet match took place for a shot at a Tag Team Title match.
WWE Wrestlemania XXVI
WrestleMania XXVI was the twenty-sixth annual WrestleMania PPV and was presented by Slim Jim. It took place on March 28, 2010 at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The first main event was a No DQ, no count-out match that featured The Undertaker versus Shawn Michaels. The second was a singles match for the WWE Championship that saw Batista defend the championship against John Cena. The third was a singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship featured the champion, Chris Jericho, defending against Edge for the title. Featured matches on the undercard included a 10-Diva tag team match, Bret Hart versus Vince McMahon in a No Holds Barred match, Rey Mysterio versus CM Punk, Triple H versus Sheamus, the sixth annual Money in the Bank ladder match, a Triple Threat match between Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, and Cody Rhodes, and a WWE Tag Team Championship match between Big Show and The Miz, against John Morrison and R-Truth.
Изнанка города
Бывший морской пехотинец собирает команду сослуживцев и начинает охоту за похитителями своей дочери.
Изнанка города
Big Ronnie 'B.R.'
Бывший морской пехотинец собирает команду сослуживцев и начинает охоту за похитителями своей дочери.
WWE Elimination Chamber 2010
Elimination Chamber (2010) was a PPV which took place on February 21, 2010 at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Missouri. It was the first Elimination Chamber event. The concept of the event was that the two main event matches would occur in an Elimination Chamber. Each match featured six competitors: the defending champion and five challengers. Sheamus defended the WWE Championship against Triple H, Ted DiBiase, Randy Orton, John Cena, and Kofi Kingston in the Raw Elimination Chamber. In the SmackDown Elimination Chamber match, The Undertaker defended the World Heavyweight Championship against Chris Jericho, John Morrison, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk and R-Truth. On the undercard, Drew McIntyre defended the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Kane, The Miz defended the WWE United States Championship against Montel Vontavious Porter, and Maryse and Gail Kim competed against Team Lay-Cool (Layla and Michelle McCool) in an interbrand Divas tag team match.
WWE Royal Rumble 2010
Royal Rumble (2010) was the twenty-third annual Royal RumblePPV. It took place on January 31, 2010 at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. As has been customary since 1993, the Royal Rumble match winner received a match at that year's WrestleMania, for his choice at either the WWE Championship, the World Heavyweight Championship, or the ECW Championship. The main event was the annual 30-competitor Royal Rumble match which featured wrestlers from all three brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was for the WWE Championship between champion Sheamus and Randy Orton. The primary match on the SmackDown brand was between The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship. The featured match on the ECW brand was between Christian and Ezekiel Jackson for the ECW championship.
WWE: The History Of The World Heavyweight Championship
It’s one of the most distinctive and storied championships in the world of sports entertainment and its titleholders are industry standard bearers. Now, for the first time ever, fans can own the definitive DVD set devoted entirely and exclusively to the World Heavyweight Championship.
WWE TLC: Tables Ladders & Chairs 2009
TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2009) was the first annual TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs PPV. It took place on December 13, 2009 at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas. Each main match contained a stipulation utilizing tables, ladders and chairs as legal weapons. The primary matches included Christian challenging Shelton Benjamin in a Ladder match for the ECW Championship, Sheamus challenging John Cena in a Tables match for the WWE Championship, the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, The Undertaker, defending his title against Batista in a Chair match and the main event, where Chris Jericho and The Big Show defended against D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship. Other matches in the card included John Morrison versus Drew McIntyre for the WWE Intercontinental Championship, Michelle McCool versus Mickie James for the WWE Women's Championship and Randy Orton versus Kofi Kingston.
Мой сын, мой сын, что ты наделал
Police Officer
История об актере, который сошел с ума и перепутал сцену с жизнью. Он убил свою мать, повторив греческую трагедию в пригороде Сан-Диего, и теперь детектив пытается понять, что же привело актера к безумию. Другой важный вопрос — как выманить его из дома, где он сидит с заложниками и кричит что-то непонятное про бога и пиццу.
WWE Survivor Series 2009
Survivor Series (2009) was a PPV which took place on November 22, 2009 at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C.. It was the 23rd annual Survivor Series event. There were two matches that were deemed the main events of the program. The first was the triple threat match featuring The Undertaker defending the World Heavyweight Championship against the Unified WWE Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and The Big Show. This was also followed by the another triple threat main event match with John Cena defending the WWE Championship against Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Four matches comprised the undercard of the event. The first was the team of WWE US Champion The Miz, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, and Dolph Ziggler versus WWE IC Champion John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Finlay, and Evan Bourne. This was later followed by Kofi Kingston leading the team of Christian, MVP, Mark Henry, and R-Truth versus Randy Orton, CM Punk, William Regal, Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase.
WWE Bragging Rights 2009
Bragging Rights (2009) was a PPV presented by THQ's WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010. It took place on October 25, 2009 at the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was the first Bragging Rights event. A Bragging Rights trophy was awarded to the show that won the most matches. Matches included Raw's US Champion The Miz versus SmackDown's IC Champion John Morrison, SmackDown's team of Michelle, Beth and Natalya versus Raw's team of Melina, Kelly and Gail, and Raw's team of Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston and Mark Henry versus SmackDown's team of Jericho, Kane, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Finlay, Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. The show also contained three world championship matches including the main event where Randy Orton defended against John Cena in an Anything Goes Iron Man match for the WWE Championship, and The Undertaker defended against CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and Batista in a Fatal Four-Way match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
WWE: Batista - I Walk Alone
One of WWE s most popular Superstars, Batista is truly a study in contrasts. On one hand, Batista is the smoothest of operators, known for his stylish appearance and laid-back attitude. He has the air and presence of a champion. Exploding with fury in the ring, however, Batista embodies his nickname The Animal. That power has served him well where he has won five world championships. For the first time ever, fans of The Animal can relive his storied career with this 3-DVD set that includes a biography of Batista s life both inside the ring and out. In addition to this revealing look at The Animal, this 3-DVD set will feature dozens of the greatest matches and moments from Batista s career.
WWE Hell in a Cell 2009
Hell in a Cell (2009) was a PPV presented by Ubisoft's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up, which took place on October 4, 2009 at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. It was the first Hell in a Cell event. Each of the main event matches were contested in a Hell in a Cell match. The main events of the evening included D-Generation X's Triple H and Shawn Michaels versus The Legacy's Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, Randy Orton challenging John Cena for the WWE Championship, and The Undertaker challenging CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Championship. Other matches featured on the show were John Morrison defending the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Dolph Ziggler, Mickie James versus Alicia Fox for the WWE Divas Championship, Unified WWE Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and The Big Show versus Batista and Rey Mysterio, Drew McIntyre facing R-Truth, and a Triple Threat match for the WWE United States Championship among Kofi Kingston, The Miz and Jack Swagger.
WWE Extreme Rules 2009
Extreme Rules (2009) was a PPV which took place on June 7, 2009 at the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana and was presented by AT&T. It was the first event promoted under the Extreme Rules name, and initially noted by WWE to be a direct continuation of the One Night Stand chronology. It featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main event was a Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship, which saw Jeff Hardy challenge reigning champion Edge. There were also two other highly-publicized matches; the first was a steel cage match for the WWE Championship between the champion Randy Orton and Batista, as well as a submission match between The Big Show and John Cena. Featured matches on the undercard included a No Holds Barred match between Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho for the WWE Intercontinental Championship, CM Punk versus Umaga in a Samoan Strap match and a Triple Threat Hardcore match for the ECW Championship.
WWE Judgment Day 2009
Judgment Day (2009), a PPV presented by Columbia Picture's Terminator Salvation, took place on May 17, 2009 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. It was the eleventh and final show under the Judgment Day name and the tenth show held annually; it featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main event for the show saw Edge defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Jeff Hardy. Two other highly-publicized matches also occurred. The first pitted WWE Champion, Randy Orton, against Batista while the other match was between Big Show and John Cena. The undercard for the show had four other singles matches: CM Punk versus Umaga, ECW Champion Christian defending the championship against Jack Swagger, John Morrison versus Shelton Benjamin, and Rey Mysterio defending the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Chris Jericho.
WWE Backlash 2009
Backlash (2009) was a PPV that took place on April 26, 2009, at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. The 11th and final event under the Backlash banner, it featured talent from all three WWE brands: Raw, SmackDown, and ECW. The event's card featured seven matches. The main event consisted of a Last Man Standing match for the World Heavyweight Championship, in which Edge competed against John Cena. The other main match scheduled on the event's card was a Six-Man Tag Team match for the WWE Championship between Triple H (champion), Batista and Shane McMahon, and The Legacy (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase). Other matches included an "I Quit" match between Jeff and Matt Hardy and three singles matches: Christian versus Jack Swagger for the ECW Championship, followed by CM Punk versus Kane, and Chris Jericho versus Ricky Steamboat.
WWE: The Best of Raw 15th Anniversary
A collection of the greatest moments of the first 15 years of Monday Night Raw.
WWE Tribute to the Troops 2008
WWE returns to Baghdad, Iraq, for the 6th annual Tribute to the Troops. This edition of the holiday season special event features WWE Champion Jeff Hardy competing in a Six-Man Tag Team Match. Plus, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, and more in action.
WWE Armageddon 2008
Armageddon (2008) was a PPV presented by Ubisoft's Prince of Persia. It took place on December 14, 2008 at the HSBC Arena in Buffalo, New York. It featured professional wrestlers and other talent from all WWE's three brands: Raw, SmackDown and ECW. It was the ninth and final event within the Armageddon chronology. During the SmackDown main event, WWE Champion Edge defended the title against Triple H and Jeff Hardy in a Triple Threat match. The Raw main event featured the World Heavyweight Championship contested in a singles match between champion John Cena and Chris Jericho. The undercard featured several matches, including CM Punk against Rey Mysterio in the finals of a tournament to determine the number-one contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship, and Randy Orton versus Batista in a standard wrestling match.
WWE Survivor Series 2008
Survivor Series (2008) was a PPV that took place on November 23, 2008 at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts, It was presented by THQ's WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009. The event, the 22nd Survivor Series, featured talent from WWE's all three brands, Raw, SmackDown and ECW. The main event was for the World Heavyweight Championship between John Cena, and the champion, Chris Jericho. Another match on the event was the SmackDown main event, which saw Edge, Vladimir Kozlov, and the champion Triple H, in a Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship. The undercard matches included The Undertaker versus The Big Show in a Casket Match and three five-on-five elimination tag team matches.
WWE: Viva La Raza - The Legacy of Eddie Guerrero
Eddie Guerrero was a consummate professional wrestler, the most successful member of the three-generation Guerrero family dynasty of superstars. His matches were showstoppers wherever he competed, be it Mexico, Japan, ECW, WCW, or WWE, where he reached the pinnacle of his career, winning the WWE Championship. His rivalries and partnerships with Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, Batista, and more were legendary. Viva La Raza--The Legacy of Eddie Guerrero collects the greatest matches and moments from Eddie's career.
WWE Cyber Sunday 2008
Cyber Sunday (2008) was the fifth and final Cyber Sunday (the third under this name) PPV. It took place on October 26, 2008 at the US Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona. It featured wrestlers from the Raw, ECW, and SmackDown brands. Stone Cold Steve Austin was the special guest referee as Chris Jericho defended his World Heavyweight Championship against Batista. Triple H defended the WWE Championship against Jeff Hardy in a singles match. The Big Show and The Undertaker competed in a Last Man Standing match while the Santino Marella defended his Intercontinental Championship against a fan vote between Honky Tonk Man, Roddy Piper, or Goldust. Matt Hardy defended the ECW Championship against Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio fought Kane in a fan voted match.
WWE: Hell in a Cell - The Greatest Hell in a Cell Matches of All Time
It s the most demonic structure in WWE, and careers have been permanently altered by its unforgiving steel. Some of the biggest superstars in WWE history, including Shawn Michaels, Mankind, Undertaker, Triple H, Batista, and more, have had signature moments in the Cell. Now, for the first time, fans can watch the greatest Hell in the Cell match in WWE history as they are all featured in their entirety in this collector's set.
WWE No Mercy 2008
No Mercy (2008) was a PPV which took place on October 5, 2008 at the Rose Garden in Portland, Oregon. It was the 11th and final annual No Mercy event and starred wrestlers from the Raw, SmackDown and ECW brands. The first main event featured World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho defending his championship from Shawn Michaels in a ladder match. The other main event featured defending WWE Champion Triple H versus challenger Jeff Hardy in a singles match. Three featured bouts were scheduled on the undercard. In a singles match between Batista fought John "Bradshaw" Layfield for the chance become the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Another singles match had the The Undertaker versus Big Show. The third was a singles match for the ECW Championship, in which the champion Mark Henry challenged champion Matt Hardy.
WWE Unforgiven 2008
Unforgiven (2008) was a PPV, which took place on September 7, 2008 at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. It was the 11th and final annual Unforgiven event, starring wrestlers from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main event of the pay-per-view was the Championship Scramble from the Raw brand. It was originally scheduled to feature World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk defending his title; he was replaced by Chris Jericho after Randy Orton attacked CM Punk. The Championship Scramble from the ECW brand featured ECW Champion Mark Henry defending the title. The SmackDown brand's Championship Scramble saw WWE Champion Triple H defend his championship. Another featured match on the undercard was a hardcore match in which Shawn Michaels fought Chris Jericho.
WWE SummerSlam 2008
Hell in a Cell: The Undertaker vs. Edge WWE Championship: Triple H vs. The Great Khali World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk vs. JBL
WWE The Great American Bash 2008
The Great American Bash (2008) was the fifth annual Great American Bash PPV. It was presented by AT&T and took place on July 20, 2008 at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main match on the SmackDown brand was between Triple H and Edge for the WWE Championship. The primary match on the Raw brand was between CM Punk and Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the ECW brand was between Mark Henry and Tommy Dreamer for the ECW Championship. The featured matches on the undercard included John Cena versus John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) in a New York City Parking Lot Brawl and Shawn Michaels versus Chris Jericho. The event also crowned the first ever WWE Divas Champion, and it was the last pay-per-view event by WWE before transitioning to PG rating.
WWE Night of Champions 2008
Night of Champions (2008) was a PPV presented by P&G's Gillette Fusion Power, which took place on June 29, 2008 at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas. It was the first annual event to be promoted solely under the Night of Champions name and the eighth annual event under the Vengeance/Night of Champions chronology. It starred wrestlers from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main event was an interpromotional match for the WWE Championship between SmackDown representative, Triple H, and Raw representative, John Cena. The main match was also an interpromotional match for the World Heavyweight Championship between SmackDown representative, Edge, and Raw representative, Batista. The main match from the ECW brand was an interpromotional standard match involving three wrestlers for the ECW Championship featuring ECW's Mark Henry, Raw's Kane, and SmackDown's The Big Show.
WWE: Triple H: The King of Kings - There is Only One
It’s time to play "The Game" in your DVD player, as Triple H: The King of Kings highlights the biggest matches in the legendary and storied career of the 11-time World Champion Superstar.
WWE One Night Stand 2008
One Night Stand (2008) was a PPV that took place on June 1, 2008 at the San Diego Sports Arena in San Diego, California. It was the fourth and final event promoted under the One Night Stand name. The event featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main match on the SmackDown! brand was a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship between Edge and The Undertaker with a stipulation that The Undertaker has to leave the WWE if he looses. The predominant match on the Raw brand was a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship between Triple H and Randy Orton. The primary match on the ECW brand was a Singapore Cane match involving The Big Show, CM Punk, John Morrison, Chavo Guerrero, and Tommy Dreamer. Featured matches on the undercard included Shawn Michaels versus Batista in a Stretcher match, and John Cena versus John "Bradshaw" Layfield in a First Blood match.
WWE Backlash 2008
Backlash (2008) was the tenth annual Backlash PPV. It took place on April 27, 2008 at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. The event starred wrestlers from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main event was a Fatal Four-Way Elimination for the WWE Championship match featuring WWE Champion Randy Orton, Triple H, John Cena, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield. The other main event featured wrestlers from the SmackDown brand, in which World Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker defended against challenger Edge in a singles match. The main event from the ECW brand was a singles match where ECW Champion Kane defended against challenger Chavo Guerrero. In addition, a featured bout was scheduled on the undercard, in which Shawn Michaels fought Batista. Backlash (2008) had an attendance of approximately 11,277 and received 200,000 buys.
WWE WrestleMania XXIV
WrestleMania XXIV was the twenty-fourth annual WrestleMania PPV. The event took place on March 30, 2008, at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando. The first main event was a Singles match from the SmackDown brand that featured The Undertaker challenging World Heavyweight Champion Edge for the title. The second was a Triple Threat match from the Raw brand, in which WWE Champion Randy Orton defended against challengers Triple H and John Cena. The third was a singles match featuring ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero defending against Kane. Other matches include a No DQ match with Floyd Mayweather Jr. fighting The Big Show, a Money in the Bank ladder match with Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, CM Punk, Mr. Kennedy, Jericho, and John Morrison, and a retirement match between Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair.
WWE No Way Out 2008
No Way Out (2008) was the tenth annual No Way Out PPV. It took place on February 17, 2008 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. It starred wrestlers from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main match on the Raw brand was an Elimination Chamber match to determine the number one contender for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania XXIV. Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Umaga, and JBL all competed. The predominant match on the SmackDown brand was Edge versus Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was Chavo Guerrero versus CM Punk for the ECW Championship. The predominant match on the Raw brand was Randy Orton versus John Cena for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the undercard was an Elimination Chamber match to determine the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania XXIV featuring Batista, Finlay, MVP, The Undertaker, The Great Khali, and Big Daddy V.
WWE Royal Rumble 2008
Royal Rumble (2008) was the twenty-first annual Royal Rumble PPV. It took place on January 27, 2008 at Madison Square Garden in New York, New York and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown and ECW brands. The event was also the first WWE pay-per-view broadcast in high definition. As has been customary since 1993, the Royal Rumble match winner received a match at that year's WrestleMania. The main event was the annual 30-man Royal Rumble match, which featured wrestlers from all three brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was Randy Orton versus Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship. The primary match on the SmackDown brand was Edge versus Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship. The featured matches on the undercard were Montel Vontavious Porter versus Ric Flair in a Career Threatening match and John "Bradshaw" Layfield versus Chris Jericho.
WWE Armageddon 2007
Chris Jericho attempts to save us from WWE Champion Randy Orton. The war between Batista and Undertaker escalates with a new combatant, Edge, in the picture and any friendship that existed between Triple H and Jeff Hardy vanishes when they clash for a title shot. Armageddon arrives for the Superstars of Raw, Smackdown and ECW.
WWE Survivor Series 2007
Survivor Series (2007) was a PPV which took place on November 18, 2007 at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. It was presented by THQ's WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008. It was the 21st annual Survivor Series and starred wrestlers from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. The main event featured SmackDown wrestlers in a Hell in a Cell match where World Heavyweight Champion Batista defended against challenger The Undertaker. In Raw's main match, Randy Orton fought Shawn Michaels in a singles match, while in ECW's prime match, ECW Champion CM Punk defended his title against John Morrison and The Miz in a Triple Threat match. Two matches were on the undercard. The first was a singles match featuring The Great Khali vs. Hornswoggle. The other featured Team Triple H (Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Kane) wrestling Team Umaga (Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Finlay and Big Daddy V) in an inter-brand five-on-four Survivor Series elimination tag team match.
WWE Cyber Sunday 2007
Cyber Sunday (2007) was the fourth annual Cyber Sunday PPV. It was presented by Fathead and took place on October 28, 2007 at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. The most important feature of Cyber Sunday is the ability for fans to vote online through WWE.com on certain aspects of every match. The main match on the SmackDown! brand was Batista versus The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship. The Special Guest Referee was either Steve Austin, John "Bradshaw" Layfield or Mick Foley. The predominant match on the Raw brand was for the WWE Championship between Randy Orton and the fans' choice of either Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy or Mr. Kennedy. The voting for the event started on October 9, 2007, and ended during the event.
WWE No Mercy 2007
No Mercy (2007) was a PPV presented by AT&T, which took place on October 7, 2007 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. It was the 10th annual No Mercy event and starred wrestlers from the Raw, SmackDown! and ECW brands. The first main event featured wrestlers from the Raw brand in a Last Man Standing match between WWE Champion Triple H and Randy Orton. The other main event featured wrestlers from the SmackDown! brand, in which defending World Heavyweight Champion Batista defended against challenger The Great Khali in a Punjabi Prison match. Two featured bouts were scheduled on the undercard. In a singles match, WWE Champion Triple H defended his title against Umaga. The other was a singles match between Finlay and Rey Mysterio.
WWE Unforgiven 2007
Unforgiven (2007) was the tenth annual Unforgiven PPV. It took place on September 16, 2007 from the FedExForum in Memphis, Tennessee and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The main match on the SmackDown brand was The Undertaker versus Mark Henry. The predominant match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus Randy Orton for the WWE Championship.The primary match on the ECW brand was CM Punk versus Elijah Burke for the ECW Championshi. The featured matches on the undercard included The Great Khali versus Batista versus Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship and Triple H versus Carlito in a match where Carlito could not be disqualified.
WWE SummerSlam 2007
SummerSlam (2007) was the twentieth annual SummerSlam PPV. It was presented by THQ's Stuntman Ignition. It took place on August 26, 2007 at the Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey and featured talent from each of WWE's three brands: Raw, SmackDown, and ECW. The main feud, heading into the event from the Raw brand was between John Cena and Randy Orton. From SmackDown, the predominant feud was between The Great Khali and Batista. After Khali defeated Batista and Kane in a Triple Threat match, a match between three wrestlers contested under standard rules, Theodore Long booked Khali to defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Batista at SummerSlam. The primary feud from ECW was between John Morrison and CM Punk. By defeating Morrison in a 15 Minutes of Fame match, Punk became the number one contender to the ECW Championship at SummerSlam.
WWE The Great American Bash 2007
The Great American Bash (2007) was the fourth annual Great American Bash PPV. It was presented by Ziddio and took place on July 22, 2007 from the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus Bobby Lashley for the WWE Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship between The Great Khali, Batista and Kane. The primary match on the ECW brand was John Morrison versus CM Punk for the ECW Championship. The featured matches on the undercard included Montel Vontavious Porter versus Matt Hardy for the WWE United States Championship and Randy Orton versus Dusty Rhodes in a Texas Bullrope match.
WWE Vengeance: Night of Champions 2007
Vengeance: Night of Champions was the seventh annual PPV within its Vengeance/Night of Champions chronology. It featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands. The event was presented by RAW Attitude Energy Drink and took place on June 24, 2007 at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. This event was notable for being on the weekend of the Chris Benoit double murder and suicide case. Benoit, who was originally booked to face CM Punk for the vacant ECW World Championship, legitimately no-showed. The main event featured the Raw brand. It saw John Cena defend the WWE Championship against Mick Foley, Bobby Lashley, Randy Orton, and King Booker. The featured match from the SmackDown brand was a "Last Chance match" for the World Heavyweight Championship between Edge and Batista. The primary match from the ECW brand was CM Punk versus Johnny Nitro for the vacant ECW World Championship.
WWE One Night Stand 2007
One Night Stand (2007) was the third annual One Night Stand PPV and was presented by Gilette. It took place on June 3, 2007 at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus The Great Khali in a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the SmackDown! brand was Edge versus Batista in a Steel Cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was Vince McMahon versus Bobby Lashley in a Street Fight for the ECW Championship. The featured matches on the undercard included Rob Van Dam versus Randy Orton in a Stretcher match and a Ladder match for the World Tag Team Championship between The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) and The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas).
WWE Judgment Day 2007
Judgment Day (2007) was the ninth annual Judgment Day PPV. It took place on May 20, 2007 from the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Missouri. This was the first Judgment Day event since 2003 to be an inter-brand pay-per-view, as it featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus The Great Khali for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the SmackDown! brand was Edge versus Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was a Handicap match for the ECW World Championship between Team McMahon (champion Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Umaga) and Bobby Lashley.
WWE Backlash 2007
Backlash (2007) was a PPV which took place on April 29, 2007 at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. It was the ninth annual event under the Backlash name and starred talent from Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW. The main match on the Raw brand was a Fatal Four-Way match for the WWE Championship involving champion John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, and Shawn Michaels. The primary match on the SmackDown! brand was a Last Man Standing match for the World Heavyweight Championship between The Undertaker and Batista. The featured match on the ECW brand was Bobby Lashley versus Team McMahon (Umaga, Vince and Shane McMahon) in a Handicap match for the ECW World Championship.
WWE WrestleMania 23
WrestleMania 23 was the twenty-third annual WrestleMania PPV. It took place on April 1, 2007 at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan. The event was a joint-brand pay-per-view, featuring performers from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was Batista versus The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was an Eight Man Tag Team match between The ECW Originals and The New Breed. The featured matches on the undercard included Bobby Lashley versus Umaga and an interpromotional Money in the Bank ladder match. It set an all-time Ford Field attendance record of 80,103. WrestleMania 23 grossed US$5.38 million in ticket sales, breaking the previous record of $3.9 million held at WrestleMania X8. With about 1.25 million buys, the event is the highest WWE pay-per-view buyrate in history.
WWE No Way Out 2007
No Way Out (2007) was the ninth annual No Way Out PPV event. It took place on February 18, 2007 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California and was the final branded pay-per-view before the brand split ended. The main event was an interpromotional tag team match between Batista and The Undertaker (from SmackDown!) and John Cena and Shawn Michaels (from Raw). The main match on the undercard was an interpromotional Six-man tag team match between the team of Chris Benoit and The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) and the team of MNM (Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro) and Montel Vontavious Porter.
WWE No Way Out 2007
No Way Out (2007) was the ninth annual No Way Out PPV event. It took place on February 18, 2007 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California and was the final branded pay-per-view before the brand split ended. The main event was an interpromotional tag team match between Batista and The Undertaker (from SmackDown!) and John Cena and Shawn Michaels (from Raw). The main match on the undercard was an interpromotional Six-man tag team match between the team of Chris Benoit and The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) and the team of MNM (Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro) and Montel Vontavious Porter.
WWE Royal Rumble 2007
Royal Rumble (2007) was the twentieth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It took place on January 28, 2007 at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown! and ECW brands. The main event was the annual 30-man Royal Rumble match, which featured wrestlers from all three brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship between John Cena and Umaga. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was Batista versus Mr. Kennedy for the World Heavyweight Championship. The featured match on the ECW brand was between Bobby Lashley and Test for the ECW World Championship.
WWE Armageddon 2006
Armageddon (2006) was a PPV presented by Activision's Call of Duty 3, which took place on December 17, 2006 at the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia. The event starred wrestlers from the SmackDown! brand. The main event was a tag team match, in which the team of Batista and John Cena took on the team of King Booker and Finlay. Two featured bouts were scheduled on the undercard, including The Undertaker versus Mr. Kennedy, in a match where the objective was to place an opponent in a hearse located on the entrance stage and drive them out of the arena and an Inferno match featuring wrestlers attempting to set the opponent on fire with flames surrounding the ring featuring Kane vs. MVP.
WWE Survivor Series 2006
Survivor Series (2006) was a PPV presented by THQ's WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2007. It was the twentieth annual Survivor Series event, and it took place on November 26, 2006 at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The main match on the SmackDown brand was King Booker versus Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship. The main match on the Raw and ECW brand was Team Cena (John Cena, Bobby Lashley, Kane, Sabu and Rob Van Dam) versus Team Big Show (Big Show, Test, Finlay, Montel Vontavious Porter and Umaga) in a 5 on 5 Survivor Series match. The primary match on the SmackDown brand was Chris Benoit versus Chavo Guerrero for the WWE United States Championship. The other main match was Team DX (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk and Matt Hardy) versus Team Rated-RKO (Edge, Randy Orton, Johnny Nitro, Mike Knox and Gregory Helms) in a 5 on 5 Survivor Series match.
WWE No Mercy 2006
No Mercy (2006) was the ninth annual No Mercy PPV. It took place on October 8, 2006 from the RBC Center in Raleigh, North Carolina and was a SmackDown! brand-exclusive event. The main event was a Fatal Four-Way match for the World Heavyweight Championship between defending champion King Booker, Bobby Lashley, Batista, and Finlay. One of the predominant matches on the card was Mr. Kennedy versus The Undertaker. Another primary match on the undercard was Rey Mysterio versus Chavo Guerrero in a Falls Count Anywhere match.
WWE SummerSlam 2006
SummerSlam (2006) was the nineteenth annual SummerSlam PPV. It took place on August 20, 2006 at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts, and featured performers from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. This marked the first inter-brand pay-per-view to feature the ECW brand. The main match on the Raw brand was Edge versus John Cena for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the SmackDown! brand was King Booker versus Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was The Big Show versus Sabu in an Extreme rules match for the ECW World Championship. The featured matches on the undercard included D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) versus Vince and Shane McMahon) and Hulk Hogan versus Randy Orton.
WWE The Great American Bash 2006
The Great American Bash (2006) was the third annual Great American Bash PPV. It took place on July 23, 2006 at the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana and was a SmackDown! brand-exclusive event. The main event was Rey Mysterio versus King Booker for the World Heavyweight Championship. One of the predominant matches on the card was The Undertaker versus The Big Show in the first ever Punjabi Prison match. Another primary match on the undercard was Batista versus Mr. Kennedy.
Странные родственники
Wrestler (uncredited)
An uptight professional meets his lower-class biological parents for the first time.
WWE Armageddon 2005
Armageddon (2005) was the sixth Armageddon PPV. It was presented by Microsoft's XBox 360, and took place on December 18, 2005 at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island and was a SmackDown! brand-exclusive event. The main event was a Hell in a Cell match between Randy Orton and The Undertaker. One of the predominant matches on the card was an Interpromotional tag team match between WWE Tag Team Champions Batista and Rey Mysterio and World Tag Team Champions Big Show and Kane. Another primary match on the undercard was Booker T versus Chris Benoit in the fourth match of their "Best of 7" series for the vacant WWE United States Championship.
WWE Survivor Series 2005
Survivor Series (2005) was the 19th annual Survivor Series PPV. It was presented by NovaLogic's Delta Force: Black Hawk Down and took place on November 27, 2005 at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan and featured wrestlers from the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The first of the main events was an interpromotional 5-on-5 Survivor Series match, a type of elimination match, between Team SmackDown! (Batista, Rey Mysterio, John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL), Bobby Lashley, and Randy Orton) and Team Raw (Shawn Michaels, Kane, The Big Show, Carlito, and Chris Masters). The other main event was a standard wrestling match between wrestlers from the Raw brand, in which WWE Champion John Cena defended his title against Kurt Angle. Another match was a Last Man Standing match between Triple H and Ric Flair.
WWE Taboo Tuesday 2005
Taboo Tuesday (2005) was a professional wrestling PPV event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), which took place on November 1, 2005 at the iPayOne Center in San Diego, California. It was the second annual Taboo Tuesday event in which the fans were given the chance to vote on stipulations for the matches. The voting for the event started on October 24, 2005 and ended during the event. The event starred wrestlers from the Raw brand. The main event was a Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship featuring Kurt Angle, John Cena and Shawn Michaels. Two bouts were featured on the undercard. The first was a Steel Cage match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship where Ric Flair fought Triple H. The other featured an Interpromotional tag team match where Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy (SmackDown!) defeated Chris Masters and Snitsky (Raw).
WWE No Mercy 2005
No Mercy (2005) was the eighth annual No Mercy professional wrestling PPV and was presented by Sony's PlayStation 2. It took place on October 9, 2005 at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas and featured wrestlers and other talent from WWE's SmackDown! brand. The main event was a standard wrestling match, in which World Heavyweight Champion Batista defended against challenger Eddie Guerrero. One of the featured preliminary matches was a Casket match between The Ortons (Randy and "Cowboy" Bob) and The Undertaker. Another primary preliminary match was a standard match between John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) and Rey Mysterio.
WWE SummerSlam 2005
SummerSlam (2005) was the eighteenth annual SummerSlam professional wrestling PPV event. It was presented by THQ's WWE Day of Reckoning 2 and took place on August 21, 2005 at the MCI Center in Washington, D.C. featured talent from the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main match on the Raw brand was Hulk Hogan versus Shawn Michaels. The predominant match on the SmackDown brand was a No Holds Barred match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Batista and John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL). Another primary match on the Raw brand was for the WWE Championship between John Cena and Chris Jericho. The main match on the undercard featured a Ladder match for the custody of Dominick between Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero.
WWE The Great American Bash 2005
The Great American Bash (2005) was a professional wrestling PPV that took place on July 24, 2005, at the HSBC Arena in Buffalo, New York. The event featured wrestlers and other talent that performed on the SmackDown! program. The main event was Batista defending the World Heavyweight Championship against John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL). One of the featured matches on the undercard was Rey Mysterio versus Eddie Guerrero while the other was Orlando Jordan versus Chris Benoit for the WWE United States Championship. The event grossed over $375,000 in ticket sales from an attendance of 8,000, and received about 233,000 pay-per-view buys, the same amount as the following year's event. The event was also available free of charge for Armed Forces members and their families.
WWE Vengeance 2005
Vengeance (2005) was a professional wrestling PPV event presented by THQ's Juiced, which took place on June 26, 2005 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was the fifth annual Vengeance event. The event starred wrestlers from the Raw brand. The main event was a Hell in a Cell match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Batista and Triple H. One of the predominant matches on the card was John Cena versus Chris Jericho versus Christian in a Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship. Another primary match on the undercard was Kurt Angle versus Shawn Michaels in a rematch of their bout at WrestleMania 21.
WWE Backlash 2005
Backlash (2005) was the seventh annual Backlash PPV. It took place on May 1, 2005 at the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire and was presented by Namco's Tekken 5. The event starred talent from the Raw brand. In the main event, Batista defended the World Title in a singles match against Triple H. From the five scheduled bouts on the undercard, two received more promotion than the others. The first was a tag team match, in which Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan challenged Muhammad Hassan and Daivari. The other was a Last Man Standing match between Chris Benoit and Edge.
WWE WrestleMania 21
WrestleMania 21 was the twenty-first annual WrestleManiaPPV. It was presented by Snickers and took place on April 3, 2005 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The main match on the Raw brand was Triple H versus Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown brand was John "Bradshaw" Layfield versus John Cena for the WWE Championship. Another primary match was an interpromotional match between The Undertaker versus Randy Orton. The featured matches on the undercard were Kurt Angle versus Shawn Michaels and a Money in the Bank ladder match. The event also featured the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin who started his part-time appearances with WWE at this event. The event drew a Staples Center record attendance of 20,193 people and grossed more than $2.1 million in ticket sales.
WWE No Way Out 2005
No Way Out (2005) was the seventh annual No Way Out PPV. It was presented by Subway and took place on February 20, 2005 from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The main event featured a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match for the WWE Championship between reigning champion John "Bradshaw" Layfield and The Big Show. The predominant match on the undercard, was Kurt Angle versus John Cena, where the winner would face the WWE Champion for the title at WrestleMania 21
WWE Royal Rumble 2005
Royal Rumble (2005) was the eighteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by PlayStation and took place on January 30, 2005 at the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California and featured talent from both the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main event was the annual 30-man Royal Rumble match, which featured wrestlers from both brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was Triple H versus Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the SmackDown! brand was a Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship between reigning champion John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Kurt Angle, and The Big Show.
WWE New Year's Revolution 2005
New Year's Revolution (2005) was the first annual New Year's Revolution PPV. It took place on January 9, 2005 at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The main event was an Elimination Chamber match for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship between Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit. Another primary match on the card was Muhammad Hassan versus Jerry Lawler.
WWE Survivor Series 2004
Survivor Series (2004) was the eighteenth annual Survivor Series PPV. It was presented by Microsoft's Xbox and took place on November 14, 2004 at the Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio and starred talent from both the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main match on the Raw brand was a 4 on 4 Survivor Series match, a type of elimination match, between Team Orton (Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, and Maven) and Team Triple H (Triple H, Edge, Batista, and Snitsky). The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) versus Booker T for the WWE Championship. The primary match was a 4 on 4 Survivor Series elimination match between Team Guerrero (Eddie Guerrero, The Big Show, Rob Van Dam, and John Cena) and Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Carlito, Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak).
WWE Unforgiven 2004
Unforgiven (2004) was a PPV presented by Clearasil, which took place on September 12, 2004 at the Rose Garden in Portland, Oregon. It was the sixth annual (seventh overall) Unforgiven event. The event starred talent from the Raw brand. The main event was Randy Orton versus Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship. One of the predominant matches on the card was Shawn Michaels versus Kane in a No Disqualification match. Another primary match on the undercard was Chris Jericho versus Christian in a Ladder match for the vacant WWE Intercontinental Championship.
WWE SummerSlam 2004
SummerSlam (2004) was the seventeenth annual SummerSlam PPV. It was presented by Stacker 2's YJ Stinger and took place on August 15, 2004 at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario and featured talent from the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main match on the Raw brand was Chris Benoit versus Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) versus The Undertaker for the WWE Championship. The featured matches on the undercard included Kurt Angle versus Eddie Guerrero and Triple H versus Eugene.
WWE Vengeance 2004
Vengeance (2004) was the fourth annual Vengeance PPV. It was presented by AT&T and took place on July 11, 2004 from the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut and featured talent from the Raw brand. The main event was Chris Benoit versus Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the card was Randy Orton versus Edge for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The primary matches on the undercard included Matt Hardy versus Kane in a No Disqualification match and Batista versus Chris Jericho.
WWE WrestleMania XX
WrestleMania XX was the twentieth annual WrestleMania . It took place on March 14, 2004 at Madison Square Garden in New York. The main match for the Raw brand was a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship between champion Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit. The main match for the SmackDown! brand featured Eddie Guerrero versus Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship. The event featured the return of The Undertaker, who challenged Kane. Also on the card was a match between Goldberg and Brock Lesnar with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the special guest referee. WrestleMania XX was the third WrestleMania at Madison Square Garden but the fifth to take place in the New York metropolitan area (following WrestleMania I, WrestleMania 2, WrestleMania X and Wrestlemania 29). The event grossed US$2.4 million in ticket sales, making the Pay-Per-View the highest grossing event ever for WWE at Madison Square Garden. More than 20,000 people attended the event.
WWE Royal Rumble 2004
Royal Rumble (2004) was the seventeenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by Sony's PlayStation 2, took place on January 25, 2004 at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and featured talent from the Raw and SmackDown! brands. Beginning with this Royal Rumble, the winner could challenge at WrestleMania his choice of either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship. The main event was the annual 30-man Royal Rumble match, which featured wrestlers from both brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was a Last Man Standing match between Triple H and Shawn Michaels for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was Brock Lesnar versus Hardcore Holly for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the undercard was a Tables match for the World Tag Team Championship between Evolution (Ric Flair and Batista) and the Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von).
WWE Armageddon 2003
Armageddon (2003) was the fourth Armageddon PPV. The event, presented by Square Enix's Final Fantasy X-2, took place on December 14, 2003 at the TD Waterhouse Centre in Orlando, Florida and was a Raw brand-exclusive event. The main event was a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Kane, Triple H, and champion Goldberg. One of the predominant matches on the undercard was the defense of the WWE Intercontinental Championship by Rob Van Dam against Randy Orton. Another primary match on the undercard was Batista versus Shawn Michaels. The event grossed $450,000 with 9,000 ticket sales and received 200,000 pay-per-view buys. The event was claimed to be a "flop" by Canadian Online Explorer's professional wrestling event section. They rated the overall event a six out of ten.
WWE No Way Out 2003
Batista (Appearance)
No Way Out (2003) was the fourth annual (fifth overall) No Way Out PPV. It was presented by Starburst, took place on February 23, 2003 at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec and starred the promotion's Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main event from the SmackDown! brand was a rematch from WrestleMania X8 between Hulk Hogan and The Rock. The main event from the Raw brand was a World Heavyweight Championship match between Triple H and Scott Steiner. The main match on the undercard from Raw, was the encounter of Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff, while the main match on the undercard from SmackDown! was a Six-man Tag Team match between the team of Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Charlie Haas, and Shelton Benjamin) and the team of Brock Lesnar, Edge, and Chris Benoit, where Edge was unable to participate in the match due to injury.
WWE Royal Rumble 2003
Royal Rumble (2003) was the sixteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by PlayStation and took place on January 19, 2003 at the Fleet Center in Boston, Massachusetts. As has been customary since 1993, the Royal Rumble match winner received a match at that year's WrestleMania, for his choice at either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship. Six professional wrestling matches were featured at the event. The main event was the annual 30-man Royal Rumble match, which featured wrestlers from both brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was Triple H versus Scott Steiner for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was between Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the undercard was a Royal Rumble qualification match between Brock Lesnar and The Big Show.
WWE Armageddon 2002
Armageddon (2002) was the third Armageddon PPV. It was presented by Lugz and took place on December 15, 2002 at the Office Depot Center in the Ft. Lauderdale suburb of Sunrise, Florida and featured talent from the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main match on the Raw brand was a Three Stages of Hell match for the World Heavyweight Championship between champion Shawn Michaels and Triple H. The first match was a Street Fight, the second match was a Steel cage match, and the third and final match (if necessary) was a Ladder match. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was The Big Show versus Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship. Other matches on the undercard were Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero, Batista vs. Kane, Edge vs. A-train, and a Tag Team Elimination match for the belts.
WWE Global Warning
Deacon Batista
Global Warning is a World Wrestling Entertainment Tour of Australia that took place on August 10, 2002 at Colonial Stadium in Melbourne, Australia. The main event was a Triple Threat match in which The Rock defended the World Heavyweight Championship against Triple H and Brock Lesnar. Other matches include a Bra and panties match between Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler, Edge vs Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle vs. Test, Rikishi vs Rico in a Kiss My Ass match, Jamie Noble vs Hurricane Helms for the Cruiserweight Championship, and Lance Storm 7 Christian defending the Tag team Championships against Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio.
WWE Judgment Day 2002
Deacon Batista
Judgment Day (2002) was the fourth annual Judgment Day PPV. It was presented by 1-800-CALL-ATT, and took place on May 19, 2002, at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee. It featured talent from the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main match from SmackDown was a Singles match for the WWE Undisputed Championship featuring The Undertaker challenging Hollywood Hulk Hogan. The main match from Raw was a Handicap match featuring Steve Austin versus Ric Flair and The Big Show. The predominant match from SmackDown on the undercard was a Hell in a Cell match between Triple H and Chris Jericho. The other predominant from Raw was a Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship featuring Eddie Guerrero defending the belt against Rob Van Dam. The other primary match on the undercard was a Hair vs. Hair match featuring Edge against Kurt Angle.
OVW Christmas Chaos
Ohio Valley Wrestling rings in the New Year with a card featuring WWF superstars and the stars of tomorrow.
My Spy: The Eternal City
A now teenage Sophie convinces JJ to chaperone her school choir trip to Italy where they both unwittingly end up pawns in an international terrorist plot targeting CIA Chief, David Kim and his son, Collin — who also happens to be Sophie's best friend.
My Spy: The Eternal City
A now teenage Sophie convinces JJ to chaperone her school choir trip to Italy where they both unwittingly end up pawns in an international terrorist plot targeting CIA Chief, David Kim and his son, Collin — who also happens to be Sophie's best friend.
The film follows a South Beach bouncer Ray Sagona who is on the brink of finding redemption and getting his family back. But when a drug-filled safe is stolen from the club he works at, Ray is blackmailed into finding it before the Miami PD narcotics bureau comes to retrieve it on Sunday night. Now, as his past and present collide in ever-more dangerous ways, Ray must survive an epic 36-hour odyssey across Miami Beach to get that safe back… one final Herculean task on his journey towards absolution.
Ray Sagona
The film follows a South Beach bouncer Ray Sagona who is on the brink of finding redemption and getting his family back. But when a drug-filled safe is stolen from the club he works at, Ray is blackmailed into finding it before the Miami PD narcotics bureau comes to retrieve it on Sunday night. Now, as his past and present collide in ever-more dangerous ways, Ray must survive an epic 36-hour odyssey across Miami Beach to get that safe back… one final Herculean task on his journey towards absolution.
A police officer who's best friends with a canine partner that can sniff out any crime. When Boomer dies on the job, the cop pledges no more pooch partners, until he is teamed with Zeus.
A police officer who's best friends with a canine partner that can sniff out any crime. When Boomer dies on the job, the cop pledges no more pooch partners, until he is teamed with Zeus.
В затерянных землях
Колдунья отправляется в Затерянные земли в поисках магической силы, позволяющей человеку превратиться в оборотня.
В затерянных землях
Колдунья отправляется в Затерянные земли в поисках магической силы, позволяющей человеку превратиться в оборотня.
Самые разыскиваемые бандиты вселенной
На тихий американский городок свалился огромный космический корабль, перевозящий опасных инопланетных преступников. Судьба землян окажется в руках сына местного шерифа, который объединится с межгалактическим стражем закона.
Mack Delgado, a professional bounty hunter tough enough to be called a “body bagger.” Things take a turn for him when the teenage daughter he never knew he had turns up on his doorstep, hoping to reconnect with the father she lost long ago. The hope is to start production this fall.
An undercover DEA agent and his partner embark on a game of cat and mouse with an audacious, and surprising group of thieves - their own rebellious teenagers, who have begun robbing from a dangerous cartel, using their parents' tactics and top-secret intel to do it.
The Killer's Game
A world-weary assassin who's taken a hit out on himself finds a new reason to live after his girlfriend discovers she's pregnant. Together, they race across Europe, trying to outrun his would-be killers.