Carlo Montuori

Carlo Montuori

Рождение : 1885-08-03, Casacalenda, Molise, Italy

Смерть : 1968-03-04


Carlo Montuori


Terror of the Red Mask
Director of Photography
In 16th century Italy, mercenary Marco is hired by cruel duke Astolfo whose unjust reign is threatened by the notorious outlaw the Red Mask.
Ребята и музыкальный автомат
Director of Photography
Господин Сезари, владеющий большим музыкальным лейблом, очень любит традиционные мелодии Италии. Однако, когда он попадает в тюрьму, компания переходит в руки его дочери Джулии, которая предпочитает модные современные ритмы.
Человек в коротких штанишках
Director of Photography
Мать Сальваторе бросила его ещё в младенческом возрасте, но мальчик никак не может с этим смириться, он находит для неё тысячи причин и оправданий и мечтает увидеть хоть когда-нибудь. Наконец, он тайком покидает постылый сицилийский приют и отправляется пешком в Неаполь, чтобы встретиться со своей мамой. Преодолев множество дорог, испытав массу различных приключений, повстречав целый ряд людей - добрых и равнодушных, озлобленных и приветливых - он добирается до конечной цели своего путешествия…
Director of Photography
Луиза и Натале, молодые, бедные и влюбленные, вступают в брак. Но у них нет собственного жилья. Приходится влюблённым молодожёнам ютиться поначалу с родными Натале, в маленьком доме где живут 8 человек со своими характерами. На окраине Рима, они придумывают как им лучше построить дом, чтобы жить без родных и прописки. Под постоянным надзором полиции, которая может снести строящийся дом, если у него нет крыши...
La ragazza di Via Veneto
Director of Photography
Последние пять минут
Director of Photography
Хотя для богатого предпринимателя Карло Реани квартирный вопрос не стоял слишком остро, уступить сдаваемые в Риме в аренду просторные апартаменты другому претенденту — Ренате Адорни, собиравшейся снять их вместе с подругой для устройства швейной мастерской — бизнесмен не пожелал. Тем более, что синьорина синьору понравилась. В итоге конкурирующие стороны пошли на мировую и договорились заключить супружеский союз. В своем соглашении Рената и Карло предусмотрели вроде бы всё, даже если в будущем в их брак вторгнется настоящая большая любовь.
Знак Венеры
Director of Photography
Молодая провинциалка Чезира живет у родственников, работает в бюро машинисткой, а свободное время проводит в компании с двоюродной сестрой. Обе девушки мечтают выйти замуж. По прогнозам знакомой гадалки, в жизни Чезиры наступает период Венеры — время выбора жениха. Вот только все потенциальные женихи, с которыми Чезире удается познакомиться, увидев красавицу-сестру, мгновенно переключаются на нее.
An American in Rome
Director of Photography
Нандо Мерикони с детства одержим мечтой - уехать в Америку. Подражая американскому образу жизни, он одевается как американский шериф, говорит на английском языке (не всегда понятным окружающим), вместо спагетти ест кукурузные хлопья с кетчупом, и всё время попадает в нелепые ситуации.
Хлеб, любовь и ревность
Director of Photography
Командир карабинеров сержант Антонио решается уйти в отставку, чтобы жениться на Аннареле. Неугомонная Берсальера устраивается работать прислугой в доме у Антонио, тем самым давая повод для очередных сплетен...
Золото Неаполя
Director of Photography
Новеллы, объединенные общим названием «Золото Неаполя», рассказывают о людях разных слоев общества. Их интересы и жизненный уклад различен и они даже не знают о существовании друг друга, но их объединяет именно небо Италии. Мы видим их жизнь и понимаем, что благодаря разворачивающимся историям на экране узнаем настоящий итальянский характер.
Prima di sera
Director of Photography
A middle-aged insurer, after spending a sleepless night because of a quarrel with his wife, goes to the pharmacy to buy a sleeping pill. By mistake, the doctor, instead of giving him a sedative, gives him poison. The man goes out of town to visit a client and, unaware that he is wanted by the police, is more than once about to swallow the pills; but every time an obstacle prevents him from fulfilling his purpose.
Passionate song
Director of Photography
Lucia Spinelli, orphaned by both parents, is taken as a housekeeper in the house of Mrs. Carla Parodi, when she reaches the age of majority, the young woman is almost forced to marry Mrs. Carla's brother. After the marriage and the birth of the first child, Parodi's intrusions on the life of the two spouses continue.
Lo scocciatore
Director of Photography
A bored civil servant accepts an invitation to visit a glamorous young lady. When she doesn't answer the door, then is later found murdered he panics!
Gli uomini, che mascalzoni!
Director of Photography
Saluti e baci
Director of Photography
Carlo Mastelli, the young radio presenter of "New Voices" has run short of ideas and his program is likely to be suspended from the radio schedule if he does not find any new ones.
La fiammata
Director of Photography
Just before the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, a party is held in the castle of the Stettin's Counts.
Times Gone By
Director of Photography
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
Wanda the Sinner
Director of Photography
Wrongly accused of his wife's death, a marine officer is forced to resign and sees his life fall apart.
Director of Photography
Vincenzo, a railwayman who works on the Rome-to-Paris line, has a wife in Italy and a mistress in France: Ginette, a widow with a four-year-old daughter. When he's offered a job in Paris he decides to move, but unfortunately his wife and petulant brother-in-law insist on accompanying him to Paris, and he must decide between the two women in his life.
The City Defends Itself
Director of Photography
Four criminals commit a robbery at a soccer stadium, and then split up to try to hide separately from the police.
Mamma mia, che impressione!
Director of Photography
Shy, clumsy and petulant, Alberto tries in every way to impress Margherita. With the hope of winning the first prize, he participates in a race.
Il capitano nero
Director of Photography
Twelve Hours to Live
Director of Photography
The White Line
Director of Photography
Following World War II, the Allies designate that an unidentified town in the Trieste area as being partly Yugoslavian and partly Italian. A white line of demarcation splits the town in half and the townspeople are given just a short time to decides on which side of the line they will live. This leads to the dividing of homes, friends, families and the church and tensions run high.
La sposa non può attendere
Director of Photography
On his way to his own wedding, a young man saves a woman who attempted suicide by jumping into a river and falls for her.
Campane a martello
Director of Photography
Agostina is a maid turned prostitute during World War II. She sends all the money she makes to the local priest in her home village for safekeeping. After the war is over Agostina and her friend Australia plan to open a clothing store so they return to her home island to collect the money from the priest. But after arriving there Agostina learns in shock that the priest has been dead for more than a year and that his eccentric successor mistook the received money for donations and spent all of it on building a new orphanage for war orphans. To make matters even worse, other islanders think that Agostina is now a millionaire and beg her to help them financially.
Circo equestre Za-bum
Director of Photography
Difficult Years
Director of Photography
Aldo Piscitello, a minor government clerk, is forced in 1934 to join the Fascist party. When the war comes, he finds himself able only to talk ineffectually in secret against Mussolini, even as his own son Giovanni is sent into battle. By the end of the war, Aldo has found the courage to stand up for his beliefs, but by then it is too late.
Похитители велосипедов
Director of Photography
Послевоенный Рим, давно неработающий Антонио Рикки вне себя от радости - он наконец-то находит работу. Но в первый же трудовой день у него украли велосипед, без которого невозможно работать! Вместе с маленьким сыном Бруно он пытается найти в огромном городе украденный велосипед, от которого зависит жизнь его семьи...
Lost Youth
Director of Photography
In impoverished post-war Rome, a gang of young thieves is lead by Stefano, the son of an illustrious professor. The police suspects that the criminals are actually university students; inspector Mariani, a young World War II veteran, enrolls and tries to find out more. He falls for a pretty fellow student, Luisa, but she is the sister of the gang leader...
Director of Photography
A young student of an upper-class background who is surrounded by classmates that are of working-class backgrounds, after a novel in diary format by Enrico Bottini.
Lovers Without Love
Director of Photography
This flashback heavy melodrama is a loose adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novella The Kreutzer Sonata named after the Beethoven piece. The story concerns marriage, divorce, love, carnal lust and jealousy.
Il passatore
Director of Photography
The story of the most infamous bandit in Romagna, who robbed from the rich to give to the poor.
To Live in Peace
Director of Photography
Vivere in pace is a 1947 Italian comedy-drama war film directed by Luigi Zampa.
La primula bianca
Director of Photography
Pronto, chi parla?
Director of Photography
Professor, My Son
Director of Photography
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Partenza ore 7
Director of Photography
The young Chiaretta has joined, against the will of her family, a theater company in the magazine in the hope of being able to sing on the stage. Her fiancé chases her trying to make her change her mind and bring her home.
Director of Photography
The meritorious assistance of a US institution, towards the inhabitants of a refugee camp, in the Italian post-war period, among the protagonists a doctor who tries to do everything possible to treat the population in critical health conditions. The doctor will fall in love with a girl particularly affected by the dramatic war period, but the return of the girl's boyfriend from captivity and the subsequent marriage will make the American doctor return to daily reality.
Fear No Evil
Director of Photography
The life of Saint Benedict, the founder of Western Monasticism.
Addio, amore!
Director of Photography
Naples, 1880. Two young sisters from a noble family, after losing their parents, get taken in by a friend of their family.
Tutta la vita in ventiquattr'ore
Director of Photography
Enrico IV
Director of Photography
Gente dell’aria
Director of Photography
Two half brothers, one a pilot, the other a repairman at the plane factory of their father, are in a disagreement due to the envy of the younger brother, son of the first wife of their father. Then both brothers fall in love with the same woman; this causes more conflict between the two, making worse an already tense situation.
La contessa Castiglione
Director of Photography
La morte civile
Director of Photography
Young Rosalia marries the painter Corrado Palmieri, but gets disowned by her family, opposed to the marriage. Then during a fight, Corrado kills his brother in law and is sentenced to a life sentence.
Via delle Cinque Lune
Director of Photography
Anime in tumulto
Director of Photography
Sleeping Beauty
Director of Photography
Venice Film Festival 1942
I pirati della Malesia
Director of Photography
Маленький старинный мирок
Camera Operator
В Ломбардии, под властью Австрии, в конце XIX века молодой Франко Майрони, внук тиранической маркизы, женился, вопреки её желанию, на дочери скромного государственного служащего Луизе. Затем старая маркиза преследует пару и пытается лишить Франко наследства. Благодаря поддержке почтенного дядюшки супруги приживутся и родят девочку Омбретту. Но Франко участвует в антиавстрийском революционном движении и должен бежать.
Маленький старинный мирок
Director of Photography
В Ломбардии, под властью Австрии, в конце XIX века молодой Франко Майрони, внук тиранической маркизы, женился, вопреки её желанию, на дочери скромного государственного служащего Луизе. Затем старая маркиза преследует пару и пытается лишить Франко наследства. Благодаря поддержке почтенного дядюшки супруги приживутся и родят девочку Омбретту. Но Франко участвует в антиавстрийском революционном движении и должен бежать.
L'uomo del romanzo
Director of Photography
Amore di ussaro
Director of Photography
Don Pasquale
Director of Photography
In the eighteenth-century Rome, Don Pasquale Corneto, wants his young nephew Ernesto, dedicated to a wasteful social life, to marry a rich spinster, both to save on the expenses of his maintenance and to increase the family heritage.
La nascita di Salomè
Director of Photography
Anything for the Woman
Director of Photography
Trappola d'amore
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Eravamo sette vedove
Director of Photography
Bionda sottochiave
Director of Photography
A famous American director is looking for a special type of girl he needs to play in his next film.
Per uomini soli
Director of Photography
Fuochi d'artificio
Director of Photography
Nonna Felicita
Director of Photography
Il trovatello
Director of Photography
A taxi driver finds a baby in his cab after the mother accidentally leaves him behind.
Il feroce saladino
Director of Photography
Lasciate ogni speranza
Director of Photography
Gatta ci cova
Director of Photography
Italian film from 1937 directed by Gennaro Righelli.
La danza delle lancette
Director of Photography
30 Seconds of Love
Director of Photography
A married woman hits a pedestrian with her car who requests that she must perform a particular punishment as a penance.
Amo te sola
Director of Photography
Florence in 1848. There is a strong political tension in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Giovanni, a young Neapolitan composer who has just arrived in the city, accidentally comes into contact with some liberals and is convinced to compose the hymn of the Volunteers.
Director of Photography
I'll Give a Million
Director of Photography
A comedy about a hobo and a millionaire who swap roles after the millionaire rescues the hobo from a suicide attempt.
На полной скорости
Director of Photography
Во время рыбной ловли на профессора Джакомо Бантти падает, спрыгнувшая с парашютом, Дора Сандри. Эта внезапная встреча полностью поменяла спокойную и размеренную жизнь профессора…
Seconda B
Director of Photography
A school teacher falls in love with one of his female colleague, who teaches gymnastics. She returns his love, but this discovered by his students who try and sabotage their relationship.
La voce lontana
Director of Photography
Non son gelosa
Director of Photography
Un cattivo soggetto
Director of Photography
The Table of the Poor
Director of Photography
A bankrupt aristocrat tries to keep up appearances while his situation worsens. To top it off the life savings given to him by a beggar to invest has been mistakenly claimed by the aristocrat's altruist society for their annual Feast of the Poor.
Director of Photography
A famous composer, distraught after his lover leaves him, contemplates suicide. He meets a young woman who restores his will to live.
Mother Earth
Director of Photography
The Duke Marco visits to his country side estate after many years absence. His farmers wants him to stay and run the place while his lover wants him to sell it. All while a farmers daughter also enters his life.
Director of Photography
Sole is the first film by the great Alessandro Blasetti and bears a complex relationship to the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, a seminal event in Fascist political history.
Il castello dalle cinquantasette lampade
Director of Photography