Mariana Anghileri

Mariana Anghileri

Рождение : 1977-04-14, Junin, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Mariana Anghileri
Mariana Anghileri
Mariana Anghileri


No Darkness Last Forever
Ana, a young orphan moves to the house in the forest where her only friend lives. The ambition of her friend's father to take over the nearby lands will awaken an old pagan cult that will use Ana as their only option to protect the place.
After three years behind bars, Búfalo has decided to change his life: resume his relationship with his son, get organized, get a normal job, not make any more mistakes. His past, however, does not intend to let him go and convinces him to take one last hit, but things go very wrong and the debt is now not with society, but with Tano, a complicated guy that he does not plan to wait for.
Легионы тьмы
Когда демонические потусторонние силы обрушиваются на Землю, все надежды мира остаются на легендарного чернокнижника Антонио Пойю, заключенного много лет назад в сумасшедший дом собственной дочерью, считающей, что его магические силы иссякли. Теперь же никто, кроме него, не сможет предотвратить воскрешение легионов тьмы. А заодно и попытаться спасти свою дочь. Ведь кроваво-красная луна взошла…
Red Point
In some vacant area in the Buenos Aires province, Diego is taking part in a radio contest that consists of answering a series of questions about his beloved team Racing Club. Meanwhile, in the blink of an eye, a man falls from the sky on the hood of his car, another man ends up gagged in the trunk, a secret agent shows up weapon in hand and a plane crashes just meters away.
Life Begins, Life Ends
Cancer appeared one morning on her right breast and suddenly life became fragile and precious. A filmmaker decided to chronicle time passing, with all its beautiful simplicity. The film diary of a family, pieces of an Argentinian fiction film that wants to be completed, a tumor that dreams to be loved, two hunters looking for something to kill. The film glides between reality and fiction as the filmmaker tries to grasp the essence of his passing life.
On the Third Day
Cecilia Amato
Cecilia and her son embark on a journey. On the third day, she is found wandering alone, not remembering what happened during this time. She is desperately looking for her son and finds herself wrapped in a brutal hunt, carried out by a religious fanatic, whom she faces off against. To her, he's a lunatic. To him, Cecilia is the enemy.
La casa de palos
After an outbreak of rage, an orchestra of ferocious howls intimidates a humble family who must take refuge in their house in the forest. Locked up and in total isolation, they will resist the situation from their own fears, manifesting atypical features.
Мой лучший друг
Лоренцо - тихий подросток, который живёт со своими родителями и младшим братом в маленьком городе в Аргентинской Патагонии. Однажды сын друзей семьи по имени Кайто переезжает на юг и селится в доме Лоренцо. Кайто очень застенчив и почти не говорит, Лоренцо же должен помочь ему почувствовать себя как дома. Вскоре парни становятся друзьями. Однако Кайто не так прост, как кажется, и дружить с ним тоже будет непросто
Dead Man Tells His Own Tale
Angel is one of those typical macho’s who does not hold women in high regard. With his fancy talk, his tight suit and his fashionable job as a director of publicity spots, he has ample opportunity to grab as many young aspiring actresses by the pussy as he can. His wife and kid are left to deal with the consequences. This is now drastically coming to an end. One night, when there’s once again not enough blood flowing through his brains and too much through his nether regions, he walks into a trap set up by a circle of Celtic Goddesses. They transform him into a zombie and make him a pawn in their plan to end male dominance one and for all. Luckily Angel’s not alone. He’s part of a brotherhood of undead macho’s. They do not only exchange tips in how to mask their increasingly penetrating body odor, they also come up with a plan to sabotage the Goddesses.
The Corporation
The story focuses on Felipe Mentor, an ambitious and successful entrepreneur forties. Her company, called Mentor, is ascendant, to signing an agreement with a prestigious firm. Personally, Philip is married to a beautiful and charming woman named Luz, who seems to be the perfect woman. She runs her innermost desires and shown to Felipe madly in love and happy. This is because light works for a firm called Hit Life, a company that makes the dreams and aspirations of people from becoming reality.
Aballay, the Man without Fear
Aballay was a bad tempered gaucho. After killing a man, the terrified look of the victim's son raised his consciousness about his savagery. Years go by, that kid's look doesn't leave him. Aballay knows that the kid will look for him.
Yo soy sola
The story tells of four moments in the lives of four women: Vera, rising journalist but dissatisfied with life, trying to be the best without knowing where; Lina, always surroended by incense and saints, looking for the love of his life in a television character; Mara Bestelli, who is artificially inseminated without telling her partner that lives abroad; and Inés, whose only goal in life is to marry regardless of the reason for this decision.
София и Римини были влюблены друг в друга с ранней юности. Они поженились и прожили вместе двенадцать лет, и выглядели идеальной парой. По крайней мере, так считали их знакомые и родные. Но оказалось, что и такая красивая история может иметь печальный конец. Пришел день, и Римини понял — он больше не любит Софию. Он захотел начать новую жизнь без нее. Но София не разлюбила Римини. Она не могла допустить, чтобы Римини забыл ее, поэтому она просит его взять с собой часть их общих фотографий. Римини, наоборот, хочет как можно скорее забыть Софию и зажить новой холостой жизнью, старые фото в новой жизни ему не нужны, и он, дав обещание вернуться за фотографиями в ближайшие дни, вприпрыжку сбегает от бывшей супруги вниз по лестнице, в свое новое будущее без нее. Но пока Римини не вернется за фотографиями, как обещал, все в его жизни будет идти наперекосяк.
El salto de Christian
Lucia is a girl of about 30 years, vital, attractive and successful. Live intensely all day despite not having a very happy past. One morning, in the midst of a busy day, receives a mysterious letter. Mindful of the received and true to their character and desires, thinks it's time to leave and start the fundamental quest of her life.
Mariana and Martin have similar lives: the same loneliness, the same neurosis, even the same apartment, but they can’t meet. Their only link is also what separates them: the sidewall.
Подтяжка сердца
Антонио Руис - преуспевающий пластический хирург. Он живет в Испании с женой Кристиной и двумя детьми, намереваясь вскоре стать дедом. Живет и не тужит. Но однажды, на конференции в Аргентине, он знакомится с Делией, начинает за ней ухаживать и понимает, что влюбился впервые в жизни - до такой степени, что даже решил научиться танцевать аргентинское танго. Седина в бороду - бес в ребро: их поглотила бесконечная страсть. В это время в Испании жизнь не стоит на месте: Кристина симпатизирует своему психоаналитику. Антонио возвращается в семью, но Делия летит через полмира, чтобы вновь быть рядом с ним. Теперь Антонио приходится сделать самый важный выбор в жизни.
Ночная жизнь
Главный герой фильма — молодой парень-проститутка по имени Виктор. Фильм следует за ним в течение ночи: его встречи с клиентами, секс с ними, «субботники» знакомому полицейскому, подставление задницы любому клиенту, вечеринка с дипломатами в каком-то отеле… И через все это проходит неудовлетворенность Виктора своей жизнью, поиск чего-то большего, чем просто секс, стремление найти свое место в жизни
Life on Mars
While the whole world gets shocked by news on life on Mars, a group of friends lives imprisoned in a mechanical choreography, a farce that can hardly be considered as life.
Good Life Delivery
A young guy's home is taken over by his girlfriend's parents and their doughnut business.
Swim alone
The film does not describe, rather it observes, in a distant manner, the world of Martin, a seventeen year old who feels he doesn’t belong anywhere, not at home, school, nor with his friends or members of his rock band. In search of some happiness, Martin takes off to the coastal town of Mar de Plata, where his older brother lives. Unglamorous, yet enchantingly addictive and refreshingly genuine, Acuña paints a confused and uncomfortable world, and makes us want revisit it over and over again.
One more Saturday in a desolate Buenos Aires hard to recognize. Six young people that try to avoid their solitude by complicating their daily routes, unsuccessfully looking for a glance that changes something or a new sensation that reveals them some sense. A couple used to their common tediousness, a girl who has already decided she wants to be alone, his boyfriend who does not know how to deal with that, a famous actor who does not seem to feel comfortable anywhere and a girl who pretends to get fun without realizing she's always bored.
Los impactados
A girl wakes up from a coma six weeks after being struck by lightning.
Las fieras