Pascale Bussières

Pascale Bussières

Рождение : 1968-06-27,


Pascale Bussières (born June 27, 1968) is a French Canadian actress. Description above from the Wikipedia article Pascale Bussières, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Pascale Bussières
Pascale Bussières
Pascale Bussières
Pascale Bussières
Pascale Bussières


Elderly inmates are dying mysteriously one after another in their prison cells.
Diane Messier
Diane Messier lives on a farm in the Eastern Townships, near the American border, with her daughter Sarah and her two sisters, Carmen and Julie. Following a tragic accident, Diane feels constantly threatened and even believes her house is haunted. Worried by her daughter's actions, Angèle returns from Florida to bring comfort to Diane and try to reunite the family clan.
La grande soirée Passez le mot
Mani, a master’s student, returns to the reserve in northern Quebec where she grew up. Her painful past resurfaces. Resolved to reintegrate into the community, she gets involved in the debate around a referendum on allowing the free sale of alcohol on the reserve. Laura, a bootlegger, pockets the profits she makes there under the protection of the band council and her partner Raymond. The latter is still angry with Mani, whom he holds responsible for the death of his daughter in a fire. Opposing forces quickly divide the community into two sides who face each other to determine the best path to independence.
Take Me to a Nice Place
Mother Lucy
After mankind drove itself to the brink of extinction, a zealous lone survivor hunts his way across remote Canadian landscapes in search of knowledge and materials in order to reshape humanity. Ten years later, a woman raises 10 same-age children and prepares them for the sacrifices they must make in order to save the human race.
Любовь, страх и ненависть
Dr. Sarah Savard
Профессор университета Сэмюэл — неисправимый алкоголик, не пропускающий ни одной юбки. Внезапно ему начинают видеться удивительные вещи: то на хоккейном матче вдруг все становится вверх дном, то в ресторане его встречает официантка с головой тигра, то в баре идеальным собутыльником становится не кто иной, как сам Франкенштейн.
While shooting her new film in New York City, a director begins questioning the origin of impulsion. As the shoot begins to fall apart, with her lead actor unable to complete the project, this hybrid film between documentary and fiction takes viewers on an unexpected and compelling journey.
Justice Dot Net
Hélène Langelier
Jake De Long is one of the top computer programmers in the world. Hiding in an abandoned warehouse in Luxembourg, he is working on a secret website to be launched soon. As he does, he is warned that the police have discovered his whereabouts and are about to storm in. He manages to escape and fly back to Canada, where his colleague Valérie is waiting for him to get on with their life mission: the kidnapping of four very influential personalities.
Nous sommes les autres
Myriam Lambert
Francis is being interrogated about a series of crimes he might be guilty of.
Aurelie's Mother
A man blames himself for the tragic death of his daughter's friend. Unable to get past this event, the man spirals into depression, and then he undergoes a 'groundbreaking' therapeutic treatment that may put him in contact with dead people.
La musique à tout prix
The Other Side of November
Dre Louise
Who would you be today if, a few years ago, you had not chosen the path you took? Another person, in another life. Completely, definitely, irrevocably.
Десятилетний Феликс живет со своими родителями в уютном пригороде Монреаля. Для него и его друзей заканчивается очередной учебный год — впереди летние каникулы. Но после того, как ему рассказали, что в окрестностях появился маньяк, который похищает и убивает детей, у Феликса возникает чувство тревоги.
Marie Santerre
Французская актриса Софи пытается наладить отношения с сыном, который хочет выяснить, кто же является его биологическим отцом. После неожиданных роковых событий судьба сводит их с медсестрой и работником отделения «скорой помощи», и теперь их жизни изменятся навсегда.
Anna, a photojournalist, travels to Bangkok to pursue her investigations for a news story on the traffic in human beings being carried on by the triads. There she herself is kidnapped and subjected to the same abuse endured by the women she has interviewed and photographed.
The Saver
Mrs. Coleville
When teenaged Fern is orphaned in the middle of a harsh Montreal winter, she is determined to avoid her mother’s tragic fate, and take care of herself. With Youth Protection nipping at her heels, she lies about her name and age, to get a job as a janitor another as a cook. Juggling life and work and the discovery of the book, ‘50 Ways to become a Millionaire: All you need to do is save,’ Fern decides to do just that, replacing her grief with the quest to become a millionaire. Written, directed and edited by award-winning filmmaker Wiebke von Carolsfeld (Marion Bridge, Stay), The Saver stars the newly discovered Imajyn Cardinal and is based on the young adult novel by Edeet Ravel.
Love Project
Madame Cowboy
Love Project despicts the lives of young adults developing within the artistic community around a production by director Touga. These Millennials are living in an era where everything seems transient, torn between their dreams of absolute freedom and anxieties about their uncertain future. They live in the fast lane and have difficult choices to make.
Страх воды
Сержант Андре Сурпрена ведет обычную жизнь на Мадленских островах со своей дочерью-подростком. Его мир меняется, когда Розали Ричард, восемнадцатилетняя дочь мэра, была найдена убитой и изнасилованной на скале у берега моря. Инспектор Жингра специально прибывает из Монреаля, чтобы раскрыть это убийство. Видя, что тот сосредоточен на неоднозначных фактах, и его попытки найти подозреваемого вызывают лишь недоумение, Сурпрена решает провести собственное расследование вместе со своей напарницей, Женевьевой Савойя, которая тайно в него влюблена. И теперь все жители деревни становятся потенциальными подозреваемыми.
French Immersion
Sylvie Tremblay
Four Anglo-Canadians and a New Yorker find themselves in a two-week long total French immersion program in the fictional, remote town of St-Isidore-du-Coeur-de-Jésus, tucked away somewhere in Northern Quebec. The place is perfect for total immersion since, according to the most recent census, 99% of the population is comprised of pure laine Quebeckers for the most part unilingual French, fervently nationalist, and all, save one person, named Tremblay.
On a dairy farm in the Eastern Townships, in the middle of a drought and while the land is parching, a drama will disrupt the life of the Santerre family. Confronted to each other they will have to learn to forgive.
Viviane - Bibi's mother
Suzie, a 58 year old depressed taxi driver on the night shift. On Halloween, she finds a 10 year old autistic boy in the back seat of her taxi with 50$ and an address. As Suzie arrived at the father's address, she realizes the mess this family is in. This child and her own troubled past lead her down a surprising road. In French with English subtitles.
Заложник смерти
Натан, влиятельный нью-йоркский адвокат, тяжело переживает расставание со своей возлюбленной Клэр. Дело принимает странный оборот, когда в жизни Натана появляется таинственный доктор Кей. По словам Кея, он способен видеть будущее, а особенно сильно он ощущает будущую смерть.
La capture
Guide de la petite vengeance
Bernard, an accountant in an upscale jewellery store, suffers from daily psychological abuse by his boss Vendôme. Thanks to his pal Robert, also victim of harassment by this cruel man, Bernard will toy with the consequence of a well-deserved retaliation at the expense of his boss. However, as not everything is perfect in this world, Bernard will also have to experience the sometimes less pleasant after effects of this ruthless act of revenge.
La Pharmacie de l'espoir
Les Moutons de Jacob
Bittersweet Memories
Alys Robi
1952, Québec - Alys Robi, vocalist at the top of her popularity and recognized worldwide, was interned in spite of herself, by her father. Medical authorities prescribe her the only cure for a possible cure: the lobotomy. Under the bright lights of the operating room, Alys sees her 28-year life flash before her eyes.
Голубая бабочка
Teresa Carlton
История больного раком мозга десятилетнего мальчика, который отправился в джунгли, чтобы исполнить свою последнюю мечту — поймать редкую голубую бабочку.
Small Cuts
Bruno, a communist newspaper journalist, is suffering a mid-life crisis. Torn between his wife Gaëlle and his young girlfriend Nathalie, his political beliefs battered by the wind of history, Bruno seems to have lost his bearings.
Хаос и желание
Alice Bradley
Suspecting that the cecassion of the tides may indicate an impending earthquake, Seismologist Alice arrives in her hometown of Baie-Comeau, Quebec to commence her investigation. Soon confronted by numerous figures from her past, the unusual weather and inexplicable behavior of the citizens lead Alice to believe that something beyond her comprehension is occurring to her old hometown...
Nathalie and Louise are friends from childhood. While studying drama at University Louise becomes hopelessly obsessed with her friend. Jealous of the male friends she has she breaks up the friendship, followed by a suicide attempt. Later, Louise marries, but finds time to see the, by now quite accomplished actress, Nathalie. They fight through the years, La Repetition following them as their friendship comes together and breaks up frequently, while never actually reaching anything that can be called a climax.
Обмен телами
Madeleine Renard
В не слишком далёком будущем люди пользуются удивительными технологиями, предложенными корпорацией XChange. Они могут переместить свой разум в тело другого человека или клона, которое находится в любой географической точке. Таким образом экономятся время и силы на перелётах-переездах. Стивен Тоффлер, специалист по связям с общественностью из Нью-Йорка, должен как можно быстрее попасть в Сан-Франциско по делам фирмы. Технологии с обменами он не доверяет, но вынужден ею воспользоваться. Вскоре он обнаруживает себя в городе у залива, в теле незнакомого мужчины. Выполнив свою бизнес-программу, Стивен позволяет себе расслабиться. Развлекается с доступной дамой (тоже из числа «плавающих» - так называют себя лица с перемещённым сознанием). Но на следующий день, после возвращения в офис XChange, он чувствует неподдельный ужас. Оказывается, он совершил обмен с известным преступником по имени Фиск. А тот не собирается отдавать чужое тело, поскольку недавно совершил громкое убийство.
Девушки не умеют плавать
Эта французская лента рассказывает об интимной дружбе между двумя девушками-подростками, о трудностях взросления и обретения сексуальности. Гвен - веселая, раскованная 15-летняя девочка, живующая на побережье Бретани (Франция) с матерью и отцом-рыбаком. Лиза - ее лучшая подруга. Гвен и Лиза каждое лето проводят вместе на побережье Бретани. Но на этот раз их отношения под угрозой - отец Лизы гибнет в автокатастрофе, Лиза остается дома и пишет страстные письма к подруге, только это ее и утешает. А Гвен тем временем начинает стремительно взрослеть и интересоваться мальчиками - и заниматься с ними сексом. Лиза убегает из дома и внезапно появляется дома у Гвен - и видит перемены в Гвен. Совсем скоро между ними случится объяснение и произойдет трагедия...
The Bottle
Réal and François are two old buddies in their early 30s who reunite at last to unearth a time capsule bottle which contains their dreams and ambitions from 15 years earlier. The problem is, their little treasure is buried on a plot of land that now belongs to a grumpy old coot, Antoine. Paying big bucks to get at their bottle, they discover that Antoine's daughter, Lea is trying to become pregnant and seeks the help of a gay friend to do it. Back in boyhood mode, Lea becomes the object of their desire.
Between the Moon and Montevideo
A worker on satellite wants to escape to earth and go to Montevideo.
La beauté de Pandore
Director Charles Biname rounds out his trilogy of Canadian urban malaise films (Eldorado and Le coeur au poing being the first two works) with this film about a one night stand gone horribly, horribly wrong. Not long after Vincent (Jean-Francois Casabonne) meets the vivacious Pandore (Pascale Bussieres) at the Montreal port for a business meeting, the two are soon rolling around in a hotel room. Vincent's ardor cools for the lass when he learns of her ominous secret, and his button-down wife Ariane (Maude Guérin) walks out on him.
Пять чувств
Каждый из героев этого фильма ассоциируется с одним чувством. Жизни этих людей таинственным образом связаны друг с другом.
Memories Unlocked
In this French Canadian drama, the life of a paraplegic painter implodes when an old girlfriend comes back into his life and accuses him of raping her 15 years earlier.
Set Me Free
Mère de Hanna
A coming-of-age tale centered around Hannah, a young girl who is living a troubled family life. Set in 1963, Hannah develops a fascination with Jean-Luc Godard's then-recent film "Vivre sa vie". As she begins to model herself after the film's lead role, Hannah slowly begins to explore the confusing nature of her sexuality.
Louise is living in Montreal, unemployed. Her sister Paulette often gives her a hard time. She only gets to see her poetry-quoting married boyfriend Julien once a week. She hangs out a lot at the dance studio in her building... Louise decides to offer an hour of her time to strangers on the street. "An hour of myself", to do whatever they want to do. But one hour precisely, that's it. This leads to many different situations, some funny, some sexy, some sad. Louise talks to someone who later turns out to have been an undercover reporter. The reporter anticipates a bad end for Louise...
When I Will Be Gone...
Jacques Leduc directed and co-scripted (with Jacques Marcotte) this Canadian-French co-production, a drama about an aging Montreal woman, Caroline (Annie Girardot), in her 60s and contemplating impending death. She destroys old correspondence, cleans her apartment by putting furniture in the street, and looks back on her life (as revealed via flashbacks and a film crew interviewing her daughters). Caroline's brief marriage to an Englishman gave her one daughter, successful businesswoman Rachel (Domini Blythe), and an affair with a rebel in the Congo resulted in her other daughter Myriam (Sheila Rose). Further memories rise to the surface when Caroline joins her long-time friend Maureen (France Castel) for a black-tie reception where their community work in Africa brings them an Order of Canada award.
Thunder Point
Jenny Baker
Former IRA agent Sean Dillon comes to the rescue when a woman discovers a briefcase containing plans that could destroy all of Europe. Dillon's assignment is to protect her until the plans can be properly destroyed.
32-е августа на Земле
Simone Prévost
Пережившая автокатастрофу Симон решает начать жизнь с чистого листа. Она намерена завести ребенка и просит своего друга стать его отцом. Тот ставит условие зачать ребенка в пустыне Солт-Лейк Сити, куда они отправляются, даже не догадываясь, как много важного им предстоит узнать о жизни и самих себе.
An up-and-coming indie band consider signing a record deal.
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs
Juliana Kossel
Peter Glahn is released after years of incarceration as a political prisoner and is now returning to his homeland, the mythical Mandragora where the sun never sets. On board the ship home, he meets the mysterious Juliana Kossel who vanishes after stealing his heart. Once he arrives on the island, he goes to the family ostrich farm run by his sister Amelia. He finds Amelia living with a farmhand named Cain Ball who fears that Peter's return will endanger the agreement he made with Amelia that will see him inherit the farm. Amelia has since fallen for the vain Dr. Isaac Solti who controls the island and has a hold on both Zephyr Eccles, the widow of a local fisherman, and Juliana, Peter's dream girl from the ship. Solti's true obsession is a recently discovered statue of Venus that possesses strange powers. All the characters meet at Solti's lab where the sexual tensions erupt.
Guy Maddin: Waiting for Twilight
Interviews with Guy Maddin and his pals are included in this documentary about the Canadian film-maker's life and movies. Features clips from most of Maddin's films up to Twilight of the Ice Nymphs, including Careful and Archangel.
The Thousand Wonders of the Universe
A science-fiction film centered around planet Earth receiving a coded message from outer space and the subsequent disappearance of 12,000 inhabitants of Sepuvedra, a free-trade port. The government and the army are convinced that they have been kidnapped by aliens and Professor Larsen, an eminent astrophysicist and UFO expert, is assigned to lead an urgent investigative mission into the deserted town.
Eric and Louise's honeymoon is disrupted by a stranger who claims he will perform a miracle. Meanwhile, Eric's brother and best friend are both experiencing trouble with their own relationships and want to warn him about challenges of marriage.
The Whole of the Moon
When Kirk, a top roller-blader, discovers that he has bone cancer in his leg, his pleasant affluent life is shattered. Even though amputation provides the best chance for survival; to him, losing skating means the end of life. His friends cannot cope with his condition, but his hospital isolation is relieved by Marty - a street kid survivor who was found dying of leukemia. Marty bullies, taunts, and challenges Kirk, until he begins to climb out of his depression. Marty seems afraid of nothing and, knowing she will die, wants to experience everything.
This free-form Canadian drama chronicles the dysfunctional lives of six young people living in Montreal during the summer of 1994. All of the characters are in their twenties, and all are dissatisfied with modern life. Rita is hell on rollerblades and makes her free-wheeling living snatching purses and breaking into cars. She camps out in the apartment of her wealthy friend, Roxan who devotes her spare time to caring for the homeless. Lloyd is a skinhead Deejay for an alternative radio station. His self-important, outrageous ranting provides the background for the rest of the stories. Lloyd is in love with Loulou, a barmaid at a punk club. Loulou is involved in a boring relationship with liquor store clerk, Marc; she looks to Lloyd for excitement. Finally there is screwed-up Henriette, who is so busy venting her neurosis in her shrink's office that she has no time to listen to the doctor's advice.
This free-form Canadian drama chronicles the dysfunctional lives of six young people living in Montreal during the summer of 1994. All of the characters are in their twenties, and all are dissatisfied with modern life. Rita is hell on rollerblades and makes her free-wheeling living snatching purses and breaking into cars. She camps out in the apartment of her wealthy friend, Roxan who devotes her spare time to caring for the homeless. Lloyd is a skinhead Deejay for an alternative radio station. His self-important, outrageous ranting provides the background for the rest of the stories. Lloyd is in love with Loulou, a barmaid at a punk club. Loulou is involved in a boring relationship with liquor store clerk, Marc; she looks to Lloyd for excitement. Finally there is screwed-up Henriette, who is so busy venting her neurosis in her shrink's office that she has no time to listen to the doctor's advice.
Когда наступает ночь
Camille Baker
Преподаватель Протестантского Колледжа, Камилла помолвлена с Мартином, своим коллегой по колледжу — священником и доцентом. Жизнь полна неожиданностей. Резкий поворот судьбы толкает Камиллу в объятия блистательной Петры, артистки цирка. Страсть, фантазия, любовь. Камилла должна выбрать: уйти с женщиной, которую она желает, или остаться с мужчиной, которого она любит.
Two Can Play
Adult sisters meet for the first time, not having previously known of each other's existence.
La vie fantôme
Pierre is in love with two women and has a stable relationship with both of them. His wife, all by herself, makes him feel whole. However, he has the identical feeling with his librarian mistress and cannot understand why this arrangement shouldn't be satisfactory for everyone concerned.
Skin and Bones
Jeune chômeuse (uncredited)
Skin and Bones gently introduce us to the world of anorexia and bulimia. The heroines of this moving film in which reality and fiction merge are called Annie, Andréanne, Hélène, Eisha. They have in common their youth and charm - as well as a terrible tendency to self-destruct.
Le chemin de Damas
This poignant human drama is phrased as a "small sonata" in three movements -- a novel approach by director and writer Micheline Lactôt to tell the story of two teenage girls. In the first movement, Chantal (Pascale Bussieres) rides the same bus every day and slowly develops an infatuation with the bus driver. Their interactions are expressed through gestures and glances and facial expressions, but not words. Just as Chantal is getting old enough, and maybe courageous enough to actually say something to the driver, fate steps in and she loses her chance. In the second movement, Louisette (Marcia Pilote) hides out on a fishing boat and is discovered by a Bulgarian fisherman who treats her with kindness and consideration and they spend a special evening together -- without being able to speak a word in the other's language. In the third movement, Chantal and Louisette become friends, and as kindred spirits they share a sense of loss and hopelessness.