Hao Lei

Hao Lei

Рождение : 1978-11-01, Tonghua,Jilin Province,China


Hao Lei (Chinese: 郝蕾; born November 1, 1978) is a Chinese actress. She was born in Tonghua, Jilin. Hao first gained international prominence as Yu Hong, the heroine in Lou Ye's 2006 film about the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, Summer Palace. In November 2010, she won a Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Chung Mong-hong's film The Fourth Portrait. Before that, Hao had also starred in numerous television productions.


Hao Lei


Upcoming Summer
Chen Chen's Mother
When a white lie leads to unexpected results, Chen Chen and Zheng Yuxing forge a deep friendship and must face the harsh realities of growing up.
Весеннее половодье
Guo Jianbo/郭建波
Журналистка Го Цзяньбо живёт вместе с матерью-пенсионеркой и малолетней дочерью. Делая репортажи о социальных проблемах общества, женщина пытается разобраться со своей собственной драмой. Её мать, бывшая учительница, всегда вела активную общественную жизнь и пользовалась уважением окружающих, но дома её мало волновали дела семьи. Дочь же входит в подростковый возраст и бунтует против взрослых.
Волшебный магазин
Da Qing Mei
У старенького хозяина маленького магазинчика есть портал во времени. Если бросить письмо в висящий на двери магазина почтовый ящик, то на следующий день можно получить ответ из прошлого.
Shining Moment
After being sidelined by the gymnastics team, Yu quits and reinvents himself as a Latin dance instructor. He assembles a group of children to compete in the Latin dance competition.
Всего одна ночь
Yu Qing
Гао Е проигрывает все деньги, которые попадают ему в руки. Когда у кредиторов лопнуло терпение, подосланные бандиты поставили Гао ультиматум — либо деньги, либо забирают его дочь. У Е не осталось выхода, кроме как покончить с собой. В этот момент в его комнату заваливается проститутка Момо...
MBA Partners
Wen Qing
Lu Zhenxi had a dream since her childhood, to become just like her uncle, a successful entrepreneur. But when her "Big American Dream" comes down crashing, she is left rejected, and returns to China. Now after a fateful meeting with her idol Professor Meng, she must find it in herself to take a second shot.
Kill Time
Ding Jie
After the death of her policeman father, Xiaomai begins to look over his old journals filled with notes about the cases he investigated over the years. The mention of a purple scarf in the notes particularly catches her attention, prompting her to purchase a similar scarf from a mysterious website that claims to sell everything, as long as one can pay the price. Soon after, Xiaomai's close friend is found dead, strangled by a purple scarf. All of this awakens Xiaomai's memories of her childhood sweetheart Qiushou, whose mother was also strangled to death with a purple scarf by an unknown killer. Xiaomai and Qiushou grew up together and fell in love, but he suddenly disappeared from her life 15 years ago without a word. She begins to believe that Qiushou has returned and may be seeking revenge.
The Last Women Standing
For the thirtysomething Sheng Ruxi, whose surname unmistakably echoes the slang term "sheng nu" (leftover women), the wait for a perfect partner is growing more despairing by the day. With an ultra-anxious mother who would rather die than see her daughter stay single, Ruxi is further annoyed by the doctor she’s fixed up with. Could her new colleague, the dashing 25-year-old Ma Sai, offer last-minute salvation?
The Golden Era
Ding Lin
The story of writer Xiao Hong comes alive through memories of her great love affair, literary influence and escape from China during World War II.
Lu Xiaojuan
Drawing on remarkable true stories, Peter Chan delivers a moving drama about child abduction in China. Huang Bo stars as a father whose young son disappears in the streets of a big city. He sets out on a search across China, stopping at nothing to find him. In this star-studded cast, Zhao Wei plays the role of a mother from a poor rural area.
Lu Jie
Молодая женщина видит, как её муж выходит из отеля с другой девушкой. Семейное счастье разрушено. Ситуация становится ещё более запутанной, когда ту самую девушку находят мёртвой. Полиция начинает расследовать дело…
Love in the Buff
When old flames reunite, will it be second time's the charm or a case of once bitten twice shy? Jimmy and Cherie, two ex-lovers from Hong Kong, cross paths in Beijing and can't seem to forget each other, despite being involved with someone else. Torn between fidelity towards their new partners or following their hearts, they explore the struggles, doubts and fears that exist among modern young couples.
The Man Behind the Courtyard House
The film tracks protagonist Chen Zhihui who succumbs to trauma and frustration when he is released after spending 20 years in prison and becomes a serial killer.
The Fourth Portrait
Wu Chun-Lan
Ten year-old Xiang faces a lonely future after his father dies. Just when he thinks he's going to spend his life in the orphanage, his estranged mother shows up. And his life changes forever... A loveless mother, a hateful stepfather, a chilly home. Where's Xiang heading to? He finds comfort in drawing and his work reveals his longing for care and affection. Life is full of hope again when he meets the old school janitor who doesn't show his kindness easily and a portly man who has crazy ideas and is haunted with nightmares of his brother. A scary truth is about to be unmasked. Will Xiang be able to depict his own image in the fourth portrait?
Empire of Silver
Madame Kang
In 1899, Lord Kang must decide which of his three sons will take over his family's Chinese banking empire. When circumstances dictate that he appoint his unreliable youngest son, family bonds are pushed to the limit as father and son clash in a climate of political turmoil. Winner of the Special Jury Award at the 2009 Shanghai International Film Festival.
Cry Me a River
An ancestral city; through its delicious botanical garden and its branched canals, we observe the clues and traces of its ancient culture. Two couples of men and women, former lovers, meet again one year later. The yesterday's breath of youth is still perceptible in their conversations. Is it still possible for us to love? Does youth really have an end? Like the networks linking the old city, what type of ecological existence does their culture require? Written by Venice Film Festival
Летний дворец
Yu Hong
Юй Хун покидает свою деревню, своих родителей и своего возлюбленного и едет учиться в Пекин. В университете она открывает для себя новый мир, полный сексуальной свободы и запретных удовольствий. Поглощенная этой свободой, она безумно влюбляется в своего сокурсника Чжоу Вэя. Страсть, которую они не могут ни понять, ни удержать, наполняет их отношения предательством, взаимными обвинениями и бесконечными провокациями. А в это время пекинские студенты начинают устраивать демонстрации, требуя демократии и свободы. Среди хаоса и паники Юй и Чжоу теряют друг друга… Чжоу посылают в военный лагерь, выйдя из которого, он улетает в Берлин, оставляя свою страну и воспоминания о Юй. А она находит работу и любовника, но никак не может забыть Чжоу.
Rhinoceros in Love
Devoted to You
A Taiwan movie about first love.
True and False Humor Master