Nagare Hagiwara

Nagare Hagiwara

Рождение : 1953-04-08, Tokyo, Japan

Смерть : 2015-04-22


Nagare Hagiwara


I Close My Eyes
A former teacher, who reforms dropout students with Confucian teaching, decides to take care of a blind girl, who has been abused by her parents.
Gluttonous 2
They'll swallow anything... except their pride! How do they do it? Why do they do it? You've seen them on TV: Japanese competitive eaters, eating unbelievable amounts of food in record times. It's the outrageous comedy about a brutal world where the only gags allowed are the jokes!
They'll swallow anything... except their pride! How do they do it? Why do they do it? You've seen them on TV: Japanese competitive eaters, eating unbelievable amounts of food in record times. It's the outrageous comedy about a brutal world where the only gags allowed are the jokes!
A former gangster gets released from prison and goes to work for a group of people. The leader of this group becomes his mentor and the fight to combat criminals and for world peace. The whole resulting in the wanted and are chased of all families mob in Japan. They may however be a little unexpected help from the police.
The Legend of Ando Family: The Road to Hell
Genji Sokabe (Hakuryu) is a legendary hit-man who has just finished a 15-year prison stretch for killing the head of a rival gang. But Genji returns to a world where the old Yakuza codes of honour, vengeance and pride have been forgotten by a younger generation of criminals, and discovers that his old gang is now more concerned about money and finance. Taking up his guns once more, Genji sets out to teach the younger generation a lesson they will never forget.
Shura ga Yuku 13
Shura ga Yuku 12
Shura ga Yuku 11
Shura ga Yuku 10
Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface
“Gunro no keifu” is known as “Tale of a Scarface.” It follows the life of Kumoro, a yakuza member, who recently is released from prison after serving 14 years for his Family. Upon his return he finds the various yakuza syndicates on the brink of war. Kumoro is, at first, removed from the dealings of the families by his Boss, but slowly he is drawn back into his old ways.
Yakuza Ladies: Blood Ties
Shuzo Goto
Turbulent life of Kiwa, the successor of the most prominent yakuza in Osaka, the Domoto Clan.
Yasukuni Suzaki
Assistant police inspector Aida is assigned to investigate the murder of a former gang member. When a justice ministry official is killed days later in a similar manner, he begins to suspect that something bigger is going on...
A New Love in Tokyo
A look a the lives of two sex workers in Tokyo: Rei, who works as an S&M dominatrix, and Ayumi, in the more straightforward profession of call girl. In addition to their working life, the film also looks at their private lives. Rei is acting in an amateur theatre company (along with the receptionist from Ayumi's escort service), while Ayumi is living with her student-boyfriend as he struggles to finally get accepted to college.
Midwinter Camellia
Yasuo Furuhata directs this romantic yakuza flick based on a book by popular romance novelist Tomiko Miyao. Set in 1932, the film centers on Peony (Yoko Minamino), a geisha who was forced into the business at a young age by her dissipated father.
Playtime Never Ends
Local TV Producer
Remade in Korea as Going by the Book.
Грозовой перевал
Переживания обитателей английских усадеб, затерянных среди вересковых пустошей, превратились в протяжную пьесу театра Но, разыгрываемую на фоне бескрайних шлаковых вулканических полей.
Sukeban Deka the Movie 2: Counter-Attack of the Kazama Sisters
After the events of the previous film, the 17 years-old Sukeban Deka III, Yui Kazama, works for the Juvenile Security Bureau along with her older sisters Yuka and Yuma. This organization is led by politician Kuraudo Sekin, who fights juvenile crime in heavy-handed manners, to the extent to equip his student agents with triple-bladed yo-yo weapons. However, when Sekin's methods become too zealous, Yui quits the bureau and refuses to undertake undercover missions for them. It is soon discovered that Sekin's actual goal is to overthrow the Japanese government, and the Kazama sisters, along with a gang of young outcasts, have to stop him.
Death Shadows
Three men sentenced to death are spared and changed into “shadows executioners”, a group of ruthless ninja working for mysterious high ranking officials. During their investigation on some illegal business, one of them, called “Yazuke the Viper”, finds his abandoned daughter, Ocho, who has now become a mistress of Denzo, a smuggler. After Yazuke’s death, Ocho is also recruited as a “shadows executioner”, with the task of completing her father’s mission.
Desperate Pursuit
In the desert of Egypt, Kurata, the CEO of the Japanese corporation Tokokaihatsu, is killed by a sniper. After the news reaches Japan, the CEO's lawyer, Yamamoto, receives a visit from two men that attempt to steal the deceased CEO's will. This is witnessed by two detectives, Tsuzuki and Ōnuki, but they fail to catch the perps. Yamamoto hands the detectives a set of keys before he stops breathing. Tsuzuki and Ōnuki now have to investigate Kurata's murder...
Хидэо Гося потратил пять лет на написание сценария к этому фильму,главный герой которого, показывается им человеком, обуреваемым бурей страстей и неконтролируемых желаний, с грубым характером и стремлением вырваться из замкнутого круга жизненных обстоятельств. Хэйширо Саканэ, шахтер, присвоивший огромные денежные компенсации, выданные для раздачи рабочим после аварии на шахте. Это резко меняет его жизнь. Он заводит роман с женой своего друга, а затем доходит до убийства своей жены и сына. После убийства любовницы и её дочери его арестовывают. Ему удается бежать из тюрьмы и он становится беглецом. Когда этот хладнокровный убийца встречает Чи, женщину, которая влюбляется в него, его жизнь подходит к поворотной точке.
Ai no kagerô
Rumiko Arai, a 20-year-old girl working in a sawmill, meets a driver, Sekiguchi, and they begin a relationship with the promise of marriage. But Rumiko's grandmother tells her that they are both cursed by an ancient evil.
Beauty in the Flame
Легенда восьми самураев
За основу сюжета фильма взята древняя легенда. Существовал клан мертвых, который хочет отомстить клану Сатоми. Были убиты шестеро главных, но седьмая, принцесса Сидзу, сбежала, и теперь за ней начинается охота. Принцесса же так просто сдаваться не собирается, ведь только она вместе с восьмеркой избранных самураев может уничтожить клан…
Козёл отпущения
Главный герой фильма актёр второго плана Ясу. Он снимается вместе со своим другом Гинсиро, очень известным и популярным актёром. Однажды Гинсиро приходит к Ясу домой вместе с актрисой Конацу, которая беременна от Гинсиро, и, чтобы избежать скандала, они просят Ясу жениться на Конацу и стать отцом её ребёнка. Конацу тяжело переносит беременность, и её каждый день навещает Ясу. В это время, чтобы заработать больше денег, он соглашается на опасную роль с трюками. Когда Конацу выходит из больницы, она начинает открывать для себя настоящего Ясу и решает выйти за него замуж. Как-то раз появляется Гинсиро и жалуется на то, что у него наступила чёрная полоса в жизни и Ясу, чтобы поддержать друга соглашается, снятся в одном с ним фильме со сложным трюком. В день съёмок между друзьями происходит неожиданная ссора. Конацу очень переживает за Ясу, и в момент трюка она теряет сознание, но когда приходит в себя, она видит Ясу обнимающего их дочку.