Thibault Vinçon

Thibault Vinçon

Рождение : 1976-07-15, Paris, France


Thibault Vinçon


The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
First half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
Пассажиры ночи
Элизабет недавно разошлась с мужем и должна в одиночку заботиться о двух детях-подростках. Она устраивается на работу в ночное радио-шоу, которое поддерживает людей, переживающих непростые времена. Там Элизабет знакомится с юной и одинокой девушкой Талулой и решает взять ее под свое крыло.
In Safe Hands
Male candidate for adoption
Théo is given up for adoption by his biological mother on the very day he is born. After this anonymous birth, the mother has two months to change her mind… Or not. The child welfare services and adoption service spring into action… The former have to take care of the baby and support it during this limbo-like time, this period of uncertainty, while the latter must find a woman to become his adoptive mother. She is called Alice, and she has spent the last ten years fighting to have a child.
Со мной непросто
Nichons-Nous leader
The chauvinist Damien wakes up in a world where women and men have their roles reversed in society, and everything is dominated by women.
Ощущение лета
В середине одного жаркого лета тридцатилетняя Саша внезапно умирает. Горе сближает ее двух самых близких людей — парня Лоуренса и сестру Зою — которые при жизни Саши почти не знали друг друга. Вместе они пытаются преодолеть сильную душевную боль и тоску от потери любимого человека. Они отправляются в большое путешествие по разным городам — Берлин, Париж, Нью-Йорк… Три лета, три города. Постепенно молодые люди возвращаются к радости обычной жизни, не вычеркивая из жизни Сашу, которую они так любили.
Идеальный мужчина
Stanislas Richer
26-летний Матьё мечтает стать известным писателем. Однако, несмотря на все творческие усилия, французские издательства бесконечно отказывают, возвращая рукопись. Все меняется, когда однажды он находит потрепанный военный дневник умершего участника Алжирской войны, и решение приходит само собой, круговорот событий которого не щадит ни Матьё, ни его близких...
Murder in Pacot
In the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, a middle-aged Port-au-Prince couple come face to face with the stark contradictions of Haitian society when they are forced to rent out their villa to a foreign aid worker and his enterprising local girlfriend.
La Fleur de l'âge
Fabrice Poulain
Gaspard Dassonville may be 63 but he stubbornly refuses to show his age. A well-known television producer, he amuses himself with women who are half his age, and life has never felt so good. Then, one day, his age catches up with him with a vengeance, when he is forced to take care of his elderly father Hubert. An indomitable oldster, Hubert soon manages to unsettle his son’s illusory youth, but things take an unexpected turn when a care assistant with a colorful imagination comes between them...
Drumont, histoire d'un antisémite français
Bernard Lazare
A young woman inherits her family's historic home on the coast of Brittany, a house she has not been to since her father died there when she was age 12.
Черный океан
Художественный фильм рассказывает как под видом простых учений в океане испытывали атомную бомбу во времена холодной войны. С 1966 по 1995 год Франция провела более 170 ядерных испытаний в Тихом океане.
My Wife's Romance
When Paul dies, he leaves his wife Eve with a mountain of debt. As the police begin their investigation into Paul’s death, Eve is supported by a lawyer named Chollet, a friend of her husband who generously helps her to clear the debts she has inherited. Eve and Chollet become close, perhaps too close, and their intimacy soon begins to arouse the suspicions of the police..
The Sentiment of the Flesh
During a medical exam, Helena, a student in anatomical drawing, meets Benoit, a young radiologist. Their mutual fascination for the human body incites them to start a passionate romance. Helena's capability to memorize every detail of Benoit's body and Benoit's irresistible curiosity to uncover the 'interior' secrets of Helena's body lead them to a dangerous journey with no limits...
Memory Lane
August in Paris' suburbs, seven friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky. Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love. They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones.
One night, three young women, the neon lights of the boulevards, empty streets, a mall, quiet gardens, the tower plaza, the esplanade of the station, a farewell coffee, a camera, a concert, a terrace, then the city waking up, Montparnasse.
The School of Power
Matthieu Ribero
A retelling in two parts, from 1977 to 1986, of the education and the rise to power of a group of young graduates of the prestigious ENA school.
Born in 68
Paris, 1968. Catherine, Yves and Hervé are twenty years old. They're students and they love each other. The May student uprisings radically change their lives. Overtaken by communal utopia, they leave the city with a few friends to set up house in an abandoned farm in the Lot region. A desire for freedom and the search for individual fulfillment lead them to make choices that cause more harm than good.
Простая душа
Экранизация романа Гюстава Флобера. Фелисите никак не может забыть свою первую любовь. Устроившись служанкой в дом недавно овдовевшей Матильды Обэн, живущей с двумя детьми, она с головой уходит в работу. Но время лечит совсем не так быстро, как того хотелось бы. Не в силах справиться со своей любовью, Фелисите изливает ее на детей Матильды и на своего племянника Виктора, не теряет веры, в то, что когда-нибудь найдет человека, который сможет принять и разделить ее чувства.
Primrose Hill
On Christmas Eve, a West suburb of Paris. Stéphane, Joëlle, Xavier and Sonia (25 years old) decide to take a stroll down the big park overhanging the city of their youth, musing on pop music, their work, sex and their disappointed ambitions.
Poison Friends
Andre Mornay
A group of college students are duped by a charming pathological liar.
Последний день
Симон приезжает в Ла-Рошель провести новогодние каникулы вместе с родителями. Попытка разобраться в собственной сексуальности и в отношениях с близкими оборачивается трагедией...
La Fondation de Rome
La Fondation de Rome