Ignazio Spalla

Ignazio Spalla

Рождение : 1924-05-05, Siena, Italy

Смерть : 1995-02-09


Ignazio Spalla


Попутчик: Начало, или Кровавый автостоп
Bar Owner
Разваливающийся брак циничного и жестокого журналиста Уолтера Манчини и дочери его начальника ждет чудовищное испытание на прочность. На безлюдной дороге они подсадили в машину улыбчивого, кудрявого молодого человека, который услужливо готов распахнуть обреченной супружеской чете ворота в преисподнюю.
White Fang and the Hunter
Courageous Alaskan canine White Fang and Daniel, his fur-trapping master are beset by wolves and later help save a widow who is being forced to marry a man she despises.
Dream of Zorro
Sergeant Garcia (as Pedro Sanchez)
White Fang and the Gold Diggers
A father, his son and their faithful dog White Fang go on a dangerous journey in search of a gold mine.
Trinity Plus the Clown and a Guitar
Poker Player
A town awaits the arrival of a gunslinger to help defeat a gang of bandits, but a trio of misfits is mistaken for the anticipated relief.
Three Supermen of the West
Navajo Joe
With their time machine, the three Supermen try to recover antique treasures and end up in the West and find the most famous treasure of THE BANDIT. But the treasures vanish when they try to take them into their time.
Sotto a chi tocca!
Straccio, a young acrobat, wants to free his beloved Julia, held prisoner in the tyrant's castle. He designs a good plan, and develops it with the help of his three friends, Pietro, Bitonto, and Gatto Mammone. When he thinks he achieved both his ends - overthrowing Fregonese from power, and winning Julia's love - he finds that his countrymen cupidity for the tyrant's gold is more difficult to deal with.
The Virgin of Bali
Pedro Porfirio
italian movie
Возвращение Сабаты
На этот раз Сабата оказывается в городке Хобсонвилль, жители которого обложены непомерными налогами. Сабата отказывается платить обнаглевшим бандитам и решает освободить город от тирании.
Reverend's Colt
Meticcio (as Pedro Sanchez)
Reverend Miller arrives in Tucson where he wants to build a church. But on the very day of his arrival a gang carries out a raid on the bank and the people of Tucson, who are suspicious of the new reverend because he carries a gun, immediately blame him for the robbery. The sheriff saves him from lynching by putting him in jail. Then he asks the priest to find the gang and the booty; thus Miller becomes the Reverend Colt. His exceptional skill means that he can shoot hats off people's heads and their pistols from their pockets, but he never kills.
Прощай, Сабата
Сабата, лучший стрелок дикого запада, помогает мексиканским повстанцам украсть повозку с золотом, на которое революционеры планируют купить оружие. Однако на это золото уже успела позариться и местная бандитская шайка.
Итальянский вельможа Франческо Сенчи был настолько жесток, что даже его близкие родственники решают расправиться с ним. Олимпио, слуга Сенчи, влюблен в его дочь, прекрасную Беатриче. Ради нее он готов на любые жертвы. Олимипио нанимает известного бандита Каталоно, и они вдвоем убивают Сенчи, имитируя несчастный случай. За расследование этого дела берется святая инквизиция...
Несколько преступников грабят банк на сто тысяч долларов, они думают, что все уже позади, но по их следу пускается бесстрашный ковбой Сабата, мастер оружия, который преподнесет бандитам хороший урок.
Quintana: Dead or Alive
Padre Mansueto
Don Juan, the governor of a Mexican province, arrests Manuel, the fiancé of the beautiful heiress, Virginia. When Quintana frees Manuel, Don Juan kidnaps Virginia to force her hand in marriage. The ceremony is interrupted in a violent battle.
The Nephews of Zorro
Sergeante Alvarez
Two fellows from Sicily go to America thinking that they will find gold . For their bad luck in California they meet the brave Zorro who is protecting the helpless people. They have to help him which is followed by a lot of adventures and funny moments.
Zorro the Fox
Sergeant Gomez
A mix of swashbuckling and Spaghetti western: a light hearted adventure of Zorro in which the hero has to support good noblemen, sustained by the peones, against an ambitious landlord and a bad alcalde.
Проси прощения у Бога... но не у меня
Garcia Ramirez 'Barrica'
Пока Джаманго находится вдали от своего ранчо, шайка бандитов нападает и убивает всех членов его семьи. Он отправляется мстить. Одного за другим он убивает бандитов и попутно узнает, что к этому преступлению причастен отец его любимой девушки.
A man tracks down the five outlaws who murdered his brother, all the while being shadowed by a mysterious Pinkerton detective.
Джонни Гамлет
«Гамлет» Шекспира рассказан языком спагетти-вестерна. Когда Джонни возвращался домой с войны, его посетил призрак отца, который рассказал, что его убили, и попросил Джонни отомстить. Дома на ранчо Джонни узнал, что после смерти отца его мама вышла замуж за брата её первого мужа Клода. Клод теперь владеет ранчо и всем имуществом покойного. Подозрения в убийстве отца Джонни падают на Полония, безжалостного бандита.
Death Knows No Time
Forced to abandon their land that was sold to the United States, a group of Mexicans turns into bandits. Their leader, Rojas, with the help of Trevor organizes a big robbery. But, caught by the sheriff, he is condemned to 20 years of prison. Threatening to torture Rojas' son, Trevor learns where the money is hidden, not realizing that Rojas' revenge would be so ruthless...
I barbieri di Sicilia
Massaro Turi
In a little Sicilian village two hairdressers who are in love with the same girl manage to sabotage the bacteriological weapons the Nazis are preparing to use against the allied armies invasion.
Don't Wait, Django… Shoot!
Django returns home to find out that his father has been killed, by local bandits, in a business deal gone wrong . He swears revenge and a mixture of lone gun men, gang members and bandits get involved with the search for a pouch of money, missing from the ill-fated deal.
Just when Cjamango has won a bag of gold in a poker game, he is attacked by the gangs of El Tigre and Don Pablo. As he recovers from the injuries caused by the attack, Cjamango becomes attached to a Mexican boy, Manuel, and to a beautiful girl, Perla. El Tigre and Pablo are meanwhile at odds with one another about the gold, and Cjamango tries to play them against themselves
Смерть не считает доллары
Pedro Rodriguez
Лоуренс Уайт возвращается в город, чтобы отомстить за убийство своего отца. Для осуществления своих планов, он меняет имя и представляется совершенно другим человеком…
Return of Django
The son of Django searches for the murderer of his father and is thereby involved in a war between two factions headed by former acquaintances of his famous parent.
Pecos Cleans Up
Three musicians arrive in a Mexican village destroyed by El Supremo and learn, from the only survivor, of the lost treasure of Montezuma hidden in an Aztec temple. Along comes Pecos and the search is on. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Two Sons of Ringo
Another spoof from the Franco and Ciccio team in which the boys, who are running a scam pretending to be bounty hunters, are 'persuaded' to help a real bounty hunter discover a treasure by claiming to be the heirs of a deceased lawman.
Shoot Loud, Louder... I Don't Understand
Carmelo Vitiello
Stuck in a dream world of his own, Italian sculptor Albert Saporito, sometimes has difficulty separating truth from fiction. When he dreams that his gangster neighbor has been murdered, he reports the crime to the police, only to involve himself in a complicated situation.
Томпсон 1880
Рэй, молодой бедняк, прибывает в Дезерт Спринг, с одним лишь чемоданом и верхом на муле. Городок Дезерт Спринг находится неподалёку от калифорнийских золотых шахт, поэтому должен быть богатым и преуспевающим, но маленькая банда, возглавляемая Бреди, не даёт никому торговать или как-то иначе пользоваться возможностями заработать в городке. Единственная кто им противостоит - это Шейла, дочь торговца, разорённого Бреди. Она приветствует Рэя, надеясь сделать его союзником. Но он даже не умеет держать ружьё. Побитый и униженный людьми Бреди, Рэй решает остаться.
Go with God, Gringo
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Seven Golden Men Strike Again
Ufficiale di marina
The Professor (Leroy) and his men are captured by U.S. agents during an attempted train robbery. To avoid jail, they must kidnap a Latin dictator.
Зачем опять убивать?
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
The Sons of the Leopard
Penniless Baron Tulicò, nicknamed Leopard, abandons his mistress, with whom he's had two sons, and marries a rich woman. The mistress tries to have her rights established with the help of her sons.
Two Gangsters in the Wild West
Man with Rio
In the late 1800's, Sicilians Franco and Ciccio are serving 20 years of prison for stealing two mules, when they are helped to escape by an American who says he is a friend of their grandfathers, who were killed in Texas by a gang of bandits who wanted to take over their gold mine. The two friends travel to America to take posses of the gold mine, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones who want it.