Luc-Martial Dagenais

Luc-Martial Dagenais


Luc-Martial Dagenais
Luc-Martial Dagenais


My Wacko Parents
Tanya's parents are Russian spies posted as a sleeper's cell to North America. With no mission, they got a lot of time in their hands. So, they spend most of it spying on their daughter.
Hotel Limbo
Monsieur Porteur
Diana thinks she's the next Paris Hilton. After all, she's just received an unexpected inheritance - a hotel in an upscale Canadian mountain resort. She's an heiress! But Diana's dreams of glitz and glamour are dashed when she arrives with her two rescue dogs to find the hotel is far from what she'd imagined...
The Perfect Kiss
100 миллионов евро 2
Invité fête
Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.
L'Affaire Dumont
Avocat caution
Michel Dumont is charged, judged and sentenced for a rape he denies ever having committed. While he serves his time in prison, Solange, who he fell in love with during his trial, embarks on the colossal task of proving his innocence and having the court rehabilitate him.
French Kiss
Serveur de la Queenoulle
When Fred meets Juliette, he pretends to be someone else to spend time with her. But how long can romance last when it is based on a lie? The deeper Fred falls in love with Juliette, the greater he fears telling her the truth…
Враг Государства №1
Bank manager
Первая часть истории Жака Мерина, знаменитого французского гангстера, который в 70-е годы был настоящим врагом государства № 1. В течение почти двух десятков лет Жак Мерин, выходец из благополучной буржуазной семьи, организовывал и принимал участие в многочисленных вооруженных налетах на французские банки с редкими перерывами на тюремные отсидки, пока, наконец, не был схвачен канадской полицией во время очередного ограбления.
Этажом выше
Во время роскошного банкета одиннадцать гостей устраивают гастрономические состязания. События развиваются гротескным и абсурдным образом, превращая происходящее в метафору на общество потребления.
La ligne brisée
100% Bio
Claude, a shy young filmmaker wants to make a biopic about a former television host from the 60's-70's Serge Laprade. He agrees to cooperate but when he views footage of himself from his early shows, he becomes bitter. He drops out of the project and disappears.
Моя прекрасная глушь
Жители деревни, пытаются убедить международную компанию построить завод на околице Санта-Марии-Ля-Модерн, рыбацкого поселка, где большинство обитателей — безработные. Но компания требует присутствие врача в селе. Под руководством Жермена, крестьяне делают все возможное и невозможное, чтобы привлечь молодого доктора на работу и обвести вокруг пальца всех проверяющих…
Heads or Tails
A heterosexual man pretends to be gay in order to keep his career in the world of art, which causes many misunderstandings with his wife, and mother.
Ding et Dong : Le film
Spectateur au theatre
Two harum-scarums who think they are good stand-up comics try to make a career in showbiz, partly for the career, partly to seduce women. They try alternatively the scene, a movie set and TV. They only succeed in making a fool of themselves
The Forgotten War
L'aide de camp
It seems that Canada don't want to hear about their heroes of the two World Wars, especially in Quebec. In English, La Guerre oubliée means The Forgotten War. Here, we talk about the 1914-18 big thing. This documentary doesn't use old footage, but actors to show us some parts of that war in Quebec. Joe Bocan sings some songs of that period and makes the narrations. There's also some rare veterans of the war who talk.