Anas El Baz

Anas El Baz

Рождение : 1983-11-17, Rabat, Morocco


Anas El Baz was born in Rabat to a leading Moroccan Economist father and a teacher mother. In 2003, he entered the prestigious "Cours Florent" and started a four years training with Mélissa Broutin, Christian Croset, George Becot and Helene Marthy. El Baz earned critical notice for his starring role in "CasaNegra", Morocco's Box-Office hit of 2009, which garnered over 25 International Festival Prizes and won him The Best Actor Award at the Brussels Independent Film Festival, Dubai International Film Festival and Muscat Film Festival.


Anas El Baz


In Beirut 1986, during the Lebanese civil war a Korean diplomat is taken hostage without a trace. Two years pass and long forgotten, a young diplomat Min-jun receives a phone call proving that the hostage is still alive. With the given mission, Min-jun is sent to Beirut to save the hostage with a bag of ransom money.
Проезжая через марокканскую пустыню, чтобы посетить роскошную вечеринку старых друзей, богатые лондонцы Дэвид и Джо Хеннинджер случайно сбивают местного подростка. Опоздав на вечеринку, пара пытается скрыть инцидент сговором с местной полицией. Но когда отец мальчика прибывает в поисках справедливости, он озвучивает только одну просьбу — Дэвид, который и был за рулём, должен отправиться с ним в пустыню, чтобы похоронить его сына по местным обычаям.
Неизвестный святой
Амин крадет крупную сумму и успевает закопать ее прямо перед арестом. Десять лет спустя он выходит из тюрьмы и, вернувшись за деньгами, обнаруживает храм неизвестного святого, построенный прямо над его тайником и новую деревню неподалеку. Амин оседает в деревне и отчаянно пытается вернуть свои деньги.
Return to Bollene
Nassim, in his early thirties, lives in Abu Dhabi with his American fiancée, Elisabeth. After several years of absence, he returns with her to Bollene, a town in the South of France where he grew up. But Nassim must face his past: a dead city now governed by the far right party, a complex relationship with his family, and a father, he no longer speaks to.
Damascus Cover
Sirian Spy
A spy navigates the precarious terrain of love and survival during an undercover mission in Syria.
BurnOut is a film about the grinding down of hope by the contradictory values and morals of Moroccan society and how a mere chance encounter can throw everything that is taken for granted as normal and correct into question once one has glimpsed the possibility of the love and companionship that lies just beyond the walls of the Moroccan society. A shoe shiner Ayoub, a bourgeois couple, Jad and Ines in a loveless marriage, a wealthy but ailing art collector, and a young medical student Aida moonlighting as an escort, each interaction forever changing them and setting them on an irreversible trajectory towards catharsis or total collapse.
Ta mère !
A family comedy about arranged marriage
Королева пустыни
Фильм рассказывает об английской писательнице и разведчице, исследовательнице Востока Гертруде Белл.
The Evil Slave
Three lives collide and go over the dark side.
8 Assassins
Ahraf (uncredited)
Международная организация врачей совместно с Центром по контролю и профилактике заболеваний США пытается помешать распространению смертельного вируса.
Zineb is a psychiatrist assigned to Rihana, a traumatized and pregnant young woman, who was raised as a son by her dictatorial father. Rihana's story awakens repressed thoughts in Zineb's own mind.
Pas si simple
Nadia, an 18-year-old French girl from Moroccan origin, is now of age to get married. Despite her reluctance to marriage during the family summer vacation in Morocco, she finally chooses Samir.
A Moroccan-Norwegian co-production about the dark side of Casablanca (Casanegra). In a country where good virtues are the norm in public, Casanegra shows the vices: domestic violence, alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Meet Karim and Adil and their struggle in the big city.
La moitié du ciel
This film revolves around the path of the Moroccan writer Abdellatif Allabi in the seventies of the last century, but the mouthpiece of Allabi's wife, Jocelyn, who was bully to defend her husband's right to embrace freedom. She was embodied by prisoners of conscience's mothers, wives, sisters and mates who "hold half the sky," according to Chinese wisdom.