Kondo, a 30-year old Japanese entrepreneur, wakes up in an unknown beach after a great earthquake. When trying to return to his earlier routine, he meets strange characters who will help him understand where he is. Meanwhile, his father, feeling the loneliness of corporate world, will look for new ways to carry on. In spite of the distance that keeps them apart, both manage to come to terms with their past and find a new way ahead.
Wu Qing
It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.
In the 16th century, the French astrologer Nostradamus predicted that the world would end in July, 1999. According to him, cataclysms would transform the Earthinto a lawless place where evil would prevail. As the deadline approaches, little Kappei and several other children are isolated on a Japanese island to train in the mystical arts of Mukai Sappuken to save the planet. The problem is that Nostradamus has royally screwed up, so in the spring of 2022, their master sends them to live a “normal” life. Poor Kappei finds himself in Tokyo with shorts that are really too short, the attitude of a manga character, and the psychosocial baggage of a fossil. His quest for justice brings him his first friend, who introduces him to his first love. The apocalypse fighter has not been trained for this at all, and every emotion totally destabilizes him. However, he will have to adapt, as some of his less grounded comrades will soon force a confontation.
Hiroshi Miyamoto
Haruka is a promising athlete, but she gets into an accident and is left paralyzed from the waist down. Haruka becomes frustrated with her situation and closes her mind to others. By meeting people who view disabilities as individuality traits, she attains a new dream in the sport of paracanoe.
After Nanase's father drops dead due to a drug that causes temporal death for 2 days, she is named the president of his pharmaceutical company. Nanase endeavors to prevent her father's enemies from prematurely cremating his body before the drug can wear off and allow him to revive.
Takuma Shirai
Story depicts the life and love of Yayoi Yuki (Haru) and Taro Yamada (Ryo Narita) over a 30 year period. As high school students, Yayoi Yuki and Taro Yamada deal with their friend Sakura Watanabe (Hana Sugisaki) passing away from an illness. Yayoi Yuki and Taro Yamada have feelings for each other, but they hide those feelings and live different lives. While they live their own lives, they go through meaningful events like marriage, having children, divorce, and losing a family member in a disaster. Throughout all of this, Yayoi Yuki and Taro Yamada are always there for each other.
Ichirota Yamasato
Экранизация новеллы, основанной на реальной жизни феодала в Японии периода Эдо. Однажды Наонори Мацудайра, феодал замка Химэдзи, получил указ сёгуна о необходимости переезда из Химэдзи в Оита. Мало того, что его клан ожидают огромные затраты в материальном плане, руководить переездом назначили местного библиотекаря-затворника, Харуносукэ Катагири. Так начинается невиданный по своим масштабам проект, который может поставить под угрозу само существование клана Мацудайра.
1989 is the 64 Shouwa year in the Japanese calendar, thus the unsolved girl kidnapping-murder case is called "64(rokuyon)" that got up in this year in Criminal Investigation Department in the Prefectural Police Department. And 14 years were over as the prefecture's police to be unsolved greatest stain, and statute of limitations approached it. In 2002, Yoshinobu Mikami, an ex-detective who was assigned as the investigator of the "Rokuyon" case 14years ago, moves as a Public Relations Officer in the Police Affairs Department against his will. As a newly assigned Public Relations Officer, he was troubled with the relation between the reporters, new case has occurred. And that new case traced "Rokuyon" case exactly.
Когда-то Рёта был известным писателем, но судьба сыграла с ним злую шутку – сейчас он незаметный частный сыщик, распутывающий мелкие будничные дела. Он многое потерял: похоронил отца, расстался с женой, забравшей при разводе сына. Но если его пожилая мать и красавица-бывшая как-то справились с этими трагедиями и живут дальше, то Рёта словно застрял в прошлом. Всё немногое, что он зарабатывает сыском, Рёта проигрывает, так что ему нечем даже платить алименты, не говоря уже о том, чтобы быть настоящим отцом для сына-школьника. Однако одна дождливая ночь может в корне изменить всю жизнь.
1989 is the 64 Shouwa year in the Japanese calendar, thus the unsolved girl kidnapping-murder case is called "64(rokuyon)" that got up in this year in Criminal Investigation Department in the Prefectural Police Department. And 14 years were over as the prefecture's police to be unsolved greatest stain, and statute of limitations approached it. In 2002, Yoshinobu Mikami, an ex-detective who was assigned as the investigator of the "Rokuyon" case 14years ago, moves as a Public Relations Officer in the Police Affairs Department against his will. As a newly assigned Public Relations Officer, he was troubled with the relation between the reporters, new case has occurred. And that new case traced "Rokuyon" case exactly.
Юная американка Сара отправляется на поиски сестры-близняшки, которая таинственным образом исчезла на японском острове Хонсю. Поиски приводят к подножью горы Фудзи, в таинственный лес, который пользуется дурной славой. Сара не подозревала, что она вступает в мрачный мир призраков, злых и измученных душ, которые охотятся на любого, кто блуждает по их мрачному лесу…
Gentaro Fujimoto
Двух ключевых событиях в турецко-японских отношениях, которые углубили дружбу между двумя народами.
Sugisaki (Tatsuya Fujiwara) is an actor already past his prime. He lands a job as the lead in a TV program. The television program ventures into unexplored territories to locate a legendary UMA (unidentified mysterious animal). Initially, Sugisaki just goes along with the staff who lack a specific plan. Sugisaki soon engages his leadership position in the program and takes his job seriously.
Restaurant Owner Chef
Иногда и ложь творит чудеса. Есть Ватару - молодой доктор-гений, да правда слабость питающий к женскому полу, от того и крутящий романы направо и налево. А есть уборщица Аюми, имеющая проблемы с общением с людьми и совсем не немножко беременная от этого самого доктора-ловеласа. И вот 1 апреля, когда все шутят над друг другом, она, наконец, дозвонившись до Ватару, сообщает, что ждет его ребенка, да так давно ждет, что вот-вот родит. Что бы сделали вы? Конечно, не поверили. Так и поступил наш герой. И с этой минуты начинает набирать обороты водоворот событий, захватывающий в себя всех и вся: от полицейского до пожилой пары аристократов, от мальчика, считающего себя инопланетянином, до похищенной двумя странными бандитами девочки. Момент истины настает, когда Ватару приходит на свидание с очередной подружкой в ресторан, а следом за ним Аюми с битой и пистолетом на перевес, дабы заставить его признать ребенка.
Азия, канун Второй Мировой войны. В наказание за проступок Като отправляют в школу шпионов "D-Kikan", которую основал лейтенант Юки. После обучения Като приступает к своему первому заданию: ему надо завладеть конфиденциальной "черной тетрадью". В ходе выполнения этого задания Като оказывается в неком городе, где ему приходится сражаться с Рин, шпионскими организациями Германии, Советского Союза и США, и даже противостоять армии Японии.
Naoki Kawazoe
Rieko Sugita, a young and beautiful hairdresser who happens to visit a bedding shop owned by Yoshitaro (Emoto) and the latter becomes so besotted with her that they begin an affair without his wife's knowledge. On the other hand, Rieko hates her late mother (Fueki Yuko) for sleeping around with other men but is actually following in her footsteps by sleeping with men for money. One day, she reunites with her first love Naoki (Ozawa) who has become an assistant professor and shares a dark secret with her. Soon, the romance between them is rekindled. However, Yoshitaro who has lost his fortune and is about to lose Rieko, becomes consumed by jealousy which brings Rieko, Naoki and him to the point of no return. -- Dorama World
Hirobumi Ito
Фильм повествует о наемном убийце, который решил стать на праведный путь и искупить свои грехи, учиненные в прошлом. Он дал себе обещание, что больше никогда не убьет человека, а меч будет применять только в благородных целях — для защиты нуждающихся. Но жизнь складывается таким образом, что Кэнсина Химуру снова должен обнажить свой меч. В Киото появляется жестокий и расчетливый убийца по имени Шишио Макато, который приехал для того, чтобы свергнуть действующую власть и прибрать ее в свои руки. Никто, кроме нашего героя, не сможет защитить правительство Японии, которое сейчас так сильно нуждается в помощи. Химура — единственный, кто может противостоять Макато. Тем более, что ему всегда готовы помочь верные друзья. Битва между двумя врагами станет решающей, ведь только после нее можно будет понять, кто же настоящая легенда.
Teenager Kazuki Miyaichi has always felt unloved by her mother due the circumstances surrounding her birth. Because she harbors anxiety and perceives herself as being worthless to others, she engages in acts of juvenile delinquency. One day, a transfer student from Yokohama named Eri introduces her to Hiroshi Haruyama, a reckless youth who’s a member of the “Nights” motorcycle gang. Kazuki finds herself increasingly drawn to Hiroshi over time, but he soon becomes leader of the Nights and gets caught up in a conflict with a rival gang.
Ito Hirobumi
Продолжение истории о похождениях Кэнсина Химуры, некогда легендарного убийцы, вступившего на путь искупления. На этот раз Кэнсин вступает в противостояние с самим Шишио Макото, злодеем, вознамерившимся свергнуть правительство Мэйдзи и подчинить себе всю Японию. Судьба страны висит на волоске, и скиталец-самурай Химура вновь берет в руки меч, к которому он поклялся никогда не прикасаться снова.
Sanosuke Hotta
События происходят в Хоккайдо, Япония, в 1880-х годах. Джубей Камата, который поддерживает сторону правительства сегуната Эдо, убивает многих людей. Его имя печально известно в Киото. Но, когда битва при Горьокаку должна вот-вот закончиться, Джубей исчезает. 10 лет спустя Джубей живет со своим ребенком. Он едва сводит концы с концами. Его жена умерла, и он решил никогда больше не браться за меч, но нищета не оставляет ему выбора…
Происходит серия похожих взрывов в провинциальном городе. Последняя цель - маршрут общественного автобуса. Детектив Чайя преследовал подозреваемого и задержал его - таинственного человека с острым интеллектом и недюжинной физической силой. Подозреваемому назначили психологическое исследование, проведенное доктором Марико. После проведения психологической экспертизы, она выдвигает гипотезу: "Возможно ли, что этот человек родился без эмоций?"
Etsuya Kamata
In May 2003, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (or JAXA) launched an unmanned spacecraft of their own development to retrieve samples from an asteroid. Seven long years later, Hayabusa achieved its goal and was the first of any kind of craft launched from Earth to safely return samples of this kind to home base. The story was one of such great national pride for Japan, and in the wake of the tsunami and resulting tragedies in Japan it’s strong nationalistic message became the subject of no less than three rival films. Yukihiko Tsutsumi’s high-profile effort, simply titled Hayabusa (2011) starred the incomparable Toshiyuki Nishida. Most recently, Welcome Home, Hayabusa (2012) was released to Japanese audiences. Slipping in between those two was Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home, concentrating on the people on the ground who helped return the probe safely.
Kojiro Otomo
Do criteria exist for the death penalty? Yusuke Mito, a law faculty lecturer who did not become a lawyer even though he passed the bar exam, the famous lawyer Kojiro Otomo who advocates the abolition of the death penalty, and the public prosecutor Mariko Nagase studied law together. Each have their own thoughts about the death penalty. One day, Otomo’s wife is murdered by someone. Shinzo Sabae who is resentful of a lawsuit that Otomo had been in charge of, is arrested as a suspect. Otomo reverses the stance he had had until now and seeks the death penalty against Sabae. This prompts Mito to make the decision to become a lawyer and stand in the court. However, the first case Mito takes charge of is the defence of Sabae, who murdered the wife of his good friend, Otomo…
Этот приквел о прошлом блестящего доктора Чёрного Джека, когда он был студентом. В частности, эта история расскажет, почему у Джека нет медицинской лицензии, почему он берёт большие суммы за свои услуги и как он связан со своим соперником доктором Кирико… В Рождество в торговом центре Сиодомэ взорвалась бомба. Жертвами стали 9-летний мальчик Токио Хазама и его мама. Благодаря прекрасному хирургу Хонме, мальчик выживает, но его мать впадает в кому. Доктор Хонма говорит юному Токио, что когда-нибудь его маму можно будет спасти… И тогда мальчик решает стать врачом…
Naohisa Ichise
This is the true story of the last officially recorded case of adauchi, when a young man avenged the death of his father by brutally killing the murderers in broad daylight. Samurai revenge killings, or adauchi, was considered a rightful and noble act of honor and virtue.But all that changed abruptly on February 7, 1873, when adauchi became prohibited as part of the Meiji Restoration’s goal to Westernize Japan.
In the spring of Genroku 14 (1701), Oishi Kuranosuke (Tamura Masakazu), the chief retainer of the Asano family in Ako domain is shocked to learn that his feudal lord, Asano Takumi-no-kami Naganori (Tamayama Tetsuji), had stabbed Kira Kozukenosuke Yoshinaka (Nishida Toshiyuki), the master of ceremonies, at Edo castle. Lord Asano was ordered to commit ritual suicide and the Ako clan abolished. Facing up to the gravity of this unfair ruling, since only one party was being punished instead of both as would be usual, Oishi decides to lead the loyal former retainers in an attack on Lord Kira so that he could take Kira’s head to his lord’s gravesite so that Lord Asano could finally rest in peace.
The kidnapping of some chiefs of police by a rogue ex-policeman is just the beginning for a much much bigger story that it seems at first sight.
Hissatsu Shigotonin 2013 is a continuation of the Hissatsu Shigotonin series this was the SP released in 2013.
Yuto Kobayashi stars as a down-on-his-luck 16-year-old named Ryo Kawai. Ryo grew up fatherless, and has been trying to make a living by working at a local convenience store ever since his mother was hospitalized with a prolonged illness. Unable to support himself on his meager earnings, he has to resort to sneaking money from the cash register and stealing rice balls to get by-a habit which eventually gets him fired. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, his mother dies and he's stuck with a hefty bill for the hospital and funeral expenses. Obviously unable to pay, but determined to send his mother off himself, Ryo steals her corpse and places it in a small rowboat. After the makeshift funeral ceremony, Ryo heads off to Tokyo on a journey to meet his absentee father.
Гора Цуруга, расположенная в префектуре Тояма, возвышается на 2999 м над уровнем моря. Она известна своей неприступностью, и с древних времен считалась священной. Поэтому вплоть до 20 века, гора оставалась белым пятном на топографических картах Японии. Но в 1907 году военное командование призывает Сибасаки, известного топографа, и приказывает взойти на гору Цуруга, чтобы произвести геодезическую съемку. Сибасаки в компании с Тёдзиро, местным проводником, и группой смельчаков берется выполнить это опасное задание и установить на вершине горы тригонометрический пункт (тригопункт) — специальный геодезический знак, служащий опорной точкой для геодезических измерений на местности.
Tezuka Yusuke
"You will die six hours later." Keishi, a youth who proclaims himself a seer, suddenly says this to Mio, who is walking along the streets of Shibuya. At first, Mio scoffs at it as nonsense but ever since her acquaintance was murdered a few days ago, she realises that she has also become a victim of a stalker. Half believing it, she decides to hang around with Keishi. Later, with the help of Sawaki, a detective she knows, the stalker is identified. She thinks the case is closed but a totally unexpected person attacks her...
Rintaro Anzai
On August 12, 1985, a jumbo jet crashes, causing 520 fatalities, making the accident the biggest single-plane accident in the world. The local press reporters are tossed about by the waves of facts and rumors. While overwhelmed by the magnitude of the accident, Yuuki, in charge of this crash report at a local newspaper, faces a string of decision-making moments. What are news and a reporter? How should a man do his work and survive in a corporate hierarchy? What do family and friends mean to him? An intriguing story, which keeps the audience on the edge of tension and reality.
At a crucial point in his business life, executive Gondo learns that his son has been kidnapped and that the ransom demanded is near the amount Gondo has raised for a critical business deal. Gondo is prepared to pay the ransom - that is, until he learns that the kidnappers have mistakenly abducted not Gondo's son, but the child of Gondo's chauffeur. Now Gondo must decide whether the other man's child is equally worth saving.
Kodama Hidemi
Tells the story of Yamaguchi Yoshiko, a Japanese woman born and raised in China during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. She debuts as the Chinese singer and actress Li Xianglan (Ri Kouran in Japanese), in the hopes that her efforts will work towards the benefit of both Japan and China. Hiding her true nationality, however, she slowly discovers herself becoming a puppet of the Japanese military's propaganda efforts in Manchuria, starring in "national policy" films that humiliate the Chinese people. But billed as the "star of Greater East Asia," her popularity soars across borders to Japan, where she holds a concert that draws thousands to the Nihon Gekijou Theatre and leads to a riot that injures several people. Based on her autobiography, this is the story of her personal struggle amidst military strife between her two homelands.
Kaoru, a wealthy woman whose youth is fading, abandons the hustle and bustle of the city to live a peaceful life in a house on the coast. There she takes care of an old deaf, dumb and blind man as if he were an insect, a child or a pet. He can’t do anything for himself, so she feeds him and accompanies him on his walks. This strong mutual dependency offers Kaoru an escape from society and allows her to free herself from restrictions imposed by common sense.
Yaichirô Hazama
В середине XIX века наступают последние дни сегунов и самураев. Ветер перемен ощущается по всей Японии и даже в маленьком княжестве Унасаку на северо-западном побережье Японии… Тайную технику фехтования «Коготь дьявола» знает только Мунедзо, поэтому мир самураев еще не готов позволить Мунедзо уйти на свободу.
Hajime Miwa
After finally passing his teacher's exam, Miwa (Yukiyoshi Ozawa) devoted himself to teaching in a rustic primary school. He struggles to get through to his students, until he creates a class project to raise fireflies to fly over it once again. All students, even the reserved girl Hikari (Risako Sugaya), become passionately involved in the project. However, it brings them into conflict with parents and the school, one problem after another stands in his way.
Eriko – lonely, aimless and self-absorbed – falls for Tamura. Despite knowing that he is waiting for his girlfriend to return from overseas, she requests to enter into a relationship with him for just one year.
Japanese film icon Ken Takakura, who has starred in over 100 films, stars in this elegiac look at war and remembrance. Hideji Yamaoka (Takakura) was a suicide pilot during the war who somehow survived Japan's surrender. After decades of working as a fisherman in Kumamoto, a provincial seaside city in southern Kyushu, Yamaoka remains reluctant to discuss his wartime experiences with anyone, much less an intrusive reporter looking for a feature story. Then a series of events shake Yamaoka to the core, forcing him to re-evaluate his past.
Director Jun Ichikawa spins this affectionate portrait of the people who populate Shimokitazawa, a bohemian corner of Tokyo filled with small theater companies and smoky coffeehouses.
A virginal boy travels with three hookers to a small island to collect his estranged father's washed up and sun-bleached bones.