Nobuyuki Takahashi


Signal 100
A group of high school students are forced into a game where they are hypnotized to commit suicide on an unknown command. Where no one is safe from a sudden death, how can they avoid their fates?
Прошлой зимой, прощание с тобой
Писатель Кёсукэ Якумото для своей следующей книги берётся за расследование дела об убийстве и поджоге, где главным подозреваемым является модный фотограф. Тот прославился серией снимков бабочек, но затем впал в творческий кризис и пытался сделать фотографии умирающей женщины, охваченной огнем.
The Ice Ruts
Mayu Daimon is a woman who does not remember her mother's face, and her father is the only person she has blood relationship in this world, but he is going to die soon. Mayu has just started a new life as a detective at the Criminal Investigation Division which deals mainly with murder cases soon, and has to handle with two corpses of old men continuously. One corpse found frozen buried in the snow and the freezing sea. Soon with a detailed investigation she finds out a connection between the two cases which seemed to be completely different at first glance. It was just the breach to open a history of an incident which had origin back to the 1960s in Aomori Prefecture. Growing more and more as a detective, Mayu has to unravel the mystery of a case which goes beyond time and space and which ends in Hokkaido with a result that no one expected.
Partner in Crime
For the past 15 years, Fuyukawa Misaki has lived a quiet, reclusive life while keeping her secret well-hidden. With just two months left before the statute of limitations on the murder of her colleague expires, a mysterious man appears in Misaki’s life, who says, “I know your secret.” Is he a friend or foe? The nameless man who claims to know about Misaki’s past does not reveal any personal information about himself, but only says he wants to live with her in exchange for keeping her secret. Hence, a bizarre living arrangement begins. Who is this man and what is his purpose? Meanwhile, conventional detective Kiba is convinced that Misaki is the elusive criminal behind the 15-year old murder case and is determined to uncover evidence to prove his theory. As this peculiar love-suspense drama unfolds, you will need to piece together information to solve the mysterious puzzle of murder while the clock counts down to the expiration deadline.
Shikei Kijun
Do criteria exist for the death penalty? Yusuke Mito, a law faculty lecturer who did not become a lawyer even though he passed the bar exam, the famous lawyer Kojiro Otomo who advocates the abolition of the death penalty, and the public prosecutor Mariko Nagase studied law together. Each have their own thoughts about the death penalty. One day, Otomo’s wife is murdered by someone. Shinzo Sabae who is resentful of a lawsuit that Otomo had been in charge of, is arrested as a suspect. Otomo reverses the stance he had had until now and seeks the death penalty against Sabae. This prompts Mito to make the decision to become a lawyer and stand in the court. However, the first case Mito takes charge of is the defence of Sabae, who murdered the wife of his good friend, Otomo…
Soup Opera
Sakai plays Rui, a 35-year-old single woman forced to live alone after the aunt who raised her suddenly decides to get married and move out. Through an unexpected set of circumstances, she winds up becoming roommates with an aging ladies’ man named Tony and a timid younger man named Kosuke.
От меня к тебе
15-летняя Савако Куронума — милая и мягкая девушка, желающая людям только добра. Но судьба и родители наградили ее внешностью героини пресловутого «Звонка», и одноклассники считают, что даже столкнуться с «Садако» — дурная примета, а стоит заговорить с ней — будешь проклят навеки. Скромность и застенчивость Савако тоже делу не помогают. Так бы и пропала девушка в старшей школе, если бы не Сёта Кадзэхая — всеобщий любимец, простой и открытый парень. Он первым начал разговаривать с Савако, которая, конечно же, давно питала к нему сильное чувство. За Кадзэхаей понемногу последовала вся его компания, и вот бывшей «золушке» уже волей-неволей пришлось тянуться за ними и открываться людям, при этом демонстрируя неожиданные таланты, вовсе не те, на которые намекали досужие сплетницы.
Брак моей мамы
Фильм рассказывает о матери-одиночке по имени Йооко и ее взрослой дочери Цукико. Обе женщины наслаждаются дружбой, пока однажны Йооко не напивается и приводит домой молодого человека со странными белыми волосами, заявляя, что она хочет выйти за него замуж. Неожиданное заявление смущает Цукико, и наполняет ее чувством предательства со стороны матери. Она впадает в отчаяние и ищет понимания со стороны друзей, пока не обнаруживает истинную причину поведения ее матери.
Instant Swamp
A woman finds out her father is not her real one after her mother falls into a coma while searching for a mythical creature. She decides to meet her real father who happens to be an off-beat antique shopkeeper.
Lupin's News
The suicide of a female teacher 15 years ago was actually a murder. A new investigation team, spearheaded by Mizorogi, is formed based on new information turned in to the police. Obsessed about cracking cases right up till the statute of limitation, Mizoguchi has a bitter thought about a 300 million yen case that has reached the statute of limitation... When he goes to investigate the male high school student(s) whom the woman had taught and other persons related to the deceased, he sees an unexpected connection with another case...
Тетрадь смерти 3 - Л Изменить мир
После окончания расследования по делу Киры L сталкивается с еще одним серьезным случаем. В мире снова появляется человек, который обладает страшным оружием. На этот раз L должен обходиться без своего верного помощника Ватари и у него остается всего 23 дня, чтобы раскрыть это дело.
Adrift in Tokyo
A thug offers to pay a law student's gambling debt if the student will accompany him on a trip across Tokyo.
A detective investigates a series of murders. A possible serial killer might be on a rampage, since they all are in the same vicinity and by the same method, but as the evidence points toward the detective as the prime suspect, a ghost in red follows him, and he begins to question his identity. His realization of what seems to have really happened results in something much more sinister and larger in scope, and it leaves his psyche scarred.
Catch a Wave
Three high school students decide to challenge the legendary surf at Shonan Beach.
A Japanese actress begins having strange visions and experiences after landing a role in a horror film about a real-life murder spree that took place over forty years ago.
Журналист Масафуми Кобаяси делает передачи о всяких паранормальных явлениях. Во время съёмок одной из передач, казалось бы не связанные между собой события начинают складываться в странный и зловещий узор…
Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers
Suzume Katagura, a bored housewife, spends her days doing chores and taking care of her husband's pet turtle. One day, she sees a wanted ad for spies. Hoping for some excitement in her life, she decides to give them a call.
Проклятие 2
Проклятье, рожденное разъяренным разумом умирающего человека, не может сгинуть бесследно. Образ невинно загубленной души вновь и вновь является каждому, кто пытается постичь тайны ее страшной судьбы, замораживая кровь в жилах несчастных, ледяным ужасом неизбежного. Спустя некоторое время после необъяснимых событий в проклятом доме, где разыгравшаяся много лет назад кровавая драма, положила начало цепи страшных смертей и таинственных исчезновений, очаровательная Кийоко, японская «королева ужасов», одержима идеей снять в этом зловещем месте фильм-расследование. Она уверена, что создает сенсацию, и даже жуткие и необъяснимые события, преследующие Кийоко с начала съемок, не в силах изменить ее роковых намерений, ставших смертным приговором для кинозвезды и всех, кто ее окружает…
Много лет назад в этом доме произошла трагедия: мужчина убил свою жену, а судьба их шестилетнего сына Тошио осталась неизвестна, мальчик исчез. Умирая, несчастная женщина прокляла убийцу и место, где она встретила смерть. Теперь яростный призрак несет смерть всем, кто осмелился приблизиться к его владениям и смерть семейства, обитающего теперь в этом доме, была лишь звеном в цепи кровавых убийств и таинственных исчезновений…
Тёмные воды
Ёсими и ее пятилетняя дочь Икуко живут в мрачном многоквартирном доме. Их преследуют как наваждение темная вода, капающая с потолка и сочащаяся из стен, и маленькая красная сумка, принадлежавшая девочке, которая пропала при загадочных обстоятельствах два года назад…
Asabuki Riyako, Female Lawyer: The Young Eyewitness
Attorney Asabuki Riyako goes to wine store in Ginza and meets a friend from college, Matsuura Ayano. Matsuura is the CEO of a wine company. The next morning, Asabuki learns from the news that Matsuura's father has died in one of the rooms at the inn.
Detective Riko
The film centers on Riko Murakami, a tough-as-nails detective who is also the single mother of a young boy. At work, she has hit a wall investigating a grisly murder in a hotel room. In her private life, she sweats her son's impeding "park debut" -- when she introduces her son and herself to the young mothers of her neighborhood. Most give her strange almost hostile looks except Sachiko (Keiko Unno), who says her kid is in the hospital. While her son gambles about the playground, Riko and Sachiko exchange child-rearing war stories and soon become friends. Then she learns that the prime suspect of her case is none other than Sachiko's husband. Moreover, she learns that Sachiko's son was in fact the center of a kidnapping case several years ago and the child has been long thought of as dead. Her husband and the detective in charge of child's case both have their own secrets, and soon Riko finds herself and her son threatened.
Молодая женщина-репортер расследует загадочное суеверие о смертоносной видеокассете. В доме того, кто посмотрит ее, сначала раздается странный звонок по телефону, еще чуть позже его находят мертвым.После того, как, видимо, такой же смертью умирает ее племянница, репортерша решает взяться за расследование и сама смотрит злополучную кассету. Чуть позже в ее квартире раздается звонок…
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 5
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 5 I feel the joy today too ...! Director: Toshiyuki Mizutani / Starring: Tomoko Mayumi Women who aching in loneliness. Kind heart ?! Molesters. Chapter 5 of the excitement that smells in the fascinating lewdness of the commuter train !! The 5th installment of the "Ass Stroke" series !! Tomoko Mayumi, who was the heroine, and Hitomi Shiraishi, who was Miki Ito, became the prey of the molesters one after another. Kawasaki, Gum Otoko, Sakuradamon, and other familiar members perform a series of divine fingering techniques, and the swaying interior of the car still smells today. And I joined a new group, commonly known as: camera-induced, laughing and crying of "Junjou / Metamorphosis Paper Single" and applauding involuntarily to the erotic love romance. A sensual work that emotionally depicts a sad and strange touch between lonely women and kind-hearted molesters in a corner of a big city.
Another XX: Red Murderer
Jokyoshi Nikki 2 Abakareta Sei
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 4
This is a criminal act. But somehow tears don't stop !! Chapter 4 Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──. Chikan [Molester]? A man who plays pranks on a woman. ?? Stupid (Kojien) Crowded trains are paradise with ass strokes! Even today, the fingers of the "stupid" crawl around the crotch of the beautiful woman. Fascinated by the leader Kawasaki and the chewing gum man, Chicago, an American, volunteered to become a disciple. Furthermore, even the detective Sakurada Gate joined the group, and the Japan-US exchange of unrelenting acts began. The fourth in the series, which welcomed a unique actress Hitomi Shimizu as a heroine, jumps up the index at once by stroking her ass. Molester friends gathered because of the love of a chewing gum man. While tears and laughter are mixed, Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──.
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 3
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 3 Continue ... I want it. The art teacher's finger is a magical ubi! Elevator girl, days of lust for school girls to seek "indecent" ?! Kyoko, an elevator girl who was surprised when she was molested on a commuter train. The molester man who is crazy about Kyoko's ass is Ishikawa, a high school art teacher. By touching Kyoko, Ishikawa, who leads a mediocre life, begins to regain his forgotten passion for sculpture. On the other hand, Kyoko forgives her body to Yano, an old man who wants to return Yori, but she finds herself that she can only feel it with Ishikawa's hands like playing with clay. Meanwhile, Ishikawa asks Kyoko to become a model for her sculpture, as if inspired by her student Kayo, who favors her and continues her provocation. Kyoko heads to the art room at midnight, Kayo chasing after her, while being puzzled by that pleasure ... The third must-see in the "Ass Stroke" series!
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 2
The familiar Chikan group members who bite into the buttocks of women in the crowd of crowded trains and are absorbed in lewd acts without discipline today. Leader Kawasaki and Gum man, and a manga artist I. For some reason, I took on the role of a bodyguard to protect Kawasaki's daughter from molesting, but what was the father of the molesting young man who was also a molester !? The ties between the parents of the molester are intertwined, and the two are exactly Romeo and Juliet. From an idol to an actress ── Misa Aika fascinates her with her body-hugging performance against Kazuya Takahashi and Yoshiyuki Ohmori. The director is Tadafumi Tomioka, who received high praise for his sensual visual beauty and detailed production in his younger brother's work. A masterpiece that goes beyond the common sense of molester movies! The second installment of the popular metamorphosis pure love movie "Ass Stroke" series, which was praised by the media and film critics!
Zëiram 2
Intergalactic bounty hunters Iria and Bob return to track down an ancient mystical relic. When a second Zeiram unit shows up and goes berserk, it takes all of Iria's resources to survive a deadly game of cat-and-mouse with the fearsome space creature.