Brent Palmer


Schuks Tshabalala's Survival Guide to South Africa
Leon Schuster or “Schuks Tshabalala” and Shorty (Alfred Ntombela) intend to produce a movie as a visual guide and aid for foreigners coming to SA for the World Cup. Schuks Tshabalala is a teacher and tour guide to a mixed bag of tourists who are taking his survival guide to SA very seriously. Shorty, as usual, is his best friend, assistant and conscience. The students include ”Heinz” from Germany, “Yoti” from Greece, “Jean-Pierre” from France, “Koert” from The Netherlands, “Rajin” from India, “Maggie” from Ireland and “Xing Xang” from China, among others. They are genuinely eager to learn about SA, so Schuks and Shorty are only too happy to oblige. What follows is a series of hysterical demonstrations of life in SA as they attempt to answer all the questions posed by potential visitors.
Helicopter Reporter
Колоссальное наводнение в Англии, Темза вышла из берегов, жизнь миллионов лондонцев находится в опасности. У морского инженера Роба, его бывшей жены и отца есть всего несколько часов, чтобы спасти город от разрушения.
Credit Natal Honcho
Когда ты наемник, всегда случаются мелкие неприятности, но на этот раз опасность угрожает самым близким людям солдата удачи Джона Сигера. Чтобы спасти семью, он с группой хорошо вооруженных солдат должен провернуть тайную операцию по спасению из тюрьмы сына могущественного мафиози. Но Джон обнаруживает, что его подставили, наступило время расплаты…
Glen Rand
Nat drives on the interstate with his two young daughters in the back seats, when a car drives by and an unknown guy shoots one of his daughters dead for no reason. Nat's life is shattered. He becomes obsessed with finding the killers, assaults two men, kills one, goes to jail, is left by his wife, grows old estranged from his other daughter. We see the action first through Nat's eyes, then via Brautigan, the cop in charge of the investigation, and finally from the perspective of the remaining daughter Margo. The deconstructed narrative echoes the chaos within Nat and emphasizes the fact that the characters are out of tune with one another, which is the meaning of the original title.
Picture Perfect Heist
Three hopeless hoodlums arrive at a gallery to steal a valuable painting.
Picture Perfect Heist
Three hopeless hoodlums arrive at a gallery to steal a valuable painting.