A genius forensic scientist pushes around one of her students while investigating a case.
Пожилая женщина Кунико живёт с внучкой Нагисой в доме, где вместе со своим покойным мужем когда-то растила детей. Утром, на сорок девятый день кончины мужа, внезапно умирает золотая рыбка. Похоронив её под кустом камелии, Кунико проводит день в размышлениях о прошлом, предаваясь воспоминаниям, разбираясь с бытовыми мелочами. Финансовые затраты на содержание дома и сада становятся для неё непомерными и логичным решением стала бы продажа фамильного гнезда…
Miyuki's Doctor
A terminally ill girl, who dreams of going to Finland to see the northern lights, falls in love
Kisuke Urahara
Старшеклассник Итиго Куросаки с детства был способен видеть призраков. Однажды, встряв в схватку со странным призрачным монстром, Итиго погибает, но оказывается возвращен к жизни ангелом смерти по имени Рукия. Из-за нелепой случайности Рукия лишается всех своих сил, которые попадают к Итиго. Отныне Итиго — новый синигами и борец со злыми духами, а Рукия — простая смертная девушка, которая вынуждена стать наставником для молодого охламона.
Shuntaro Hasegawa
On July 27th, university student Aoi Hinata has an accident. When she wakes up, Aoi Hinata finds herself in a classroom from one week before the accident.
Yosuke Takakura
Masayoshi is a young announcer who has worked at a broadcasting station for 3 years. He is the secondary presenter for a morning information program, but he always makes mistakes. Masayoshi also has a crush on co-worker Yuko, whom he has known since he was a child, but he can't seem to get any closer to her. Masayoshi then puts on a pair of glasses that he finds at work. He realizes the glasses gives him superhuman powers. Masayoshi decides to become a righteous hero.
Mitsu Tamura (Kyoka Suzuki) is the mother of 7 sons. Her sons are sent to the battlefield and 6 of her sons die on the battlefield. To mend her broken heart, she talks to 7 paulownia trees which she planted whenever one of her sons left for the battlefield.
Kiira seems like an ordinary young girl, who likes to talk with her friends and to dress up. Her ultimate goal is to become the world's best baker, but what differentiates her from others is that she is a vampire. She has never told anyone her secret, including her childhood friend Tetsu, whom she played with everyday and liked as a child. After her parents died when Kiira was only 12-years-old, she had to go live with her relatives and lost contact with Tetsu. Now, 8 years later, Tetsu appears at the bakery where Kiira is working part-time. Kiira is ecstatic to see her first love again. Soon, they are dating and Kiira dreams of having a family with Tetsu. Kiira also becomes filled with worries because she is vampire.
Masafumi Umezawa
Daily, Rika Umezawa battles a nagging sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. She works a tiring job, comes home to an unappreciative husband and has little opportunity to enjoy life. But things change when office gossip about affairs and embezzlement inspire Rika to do the unthinkable. Soon, Rika finds herself filling the void with a university student named Kota and the millions entrusted to her by clients. Is her newfound lifestyle the key to happiness? And if so, how long can it last?
Suzuki's Son-in-Law
За несколько дней до выставки РобоЭкспо сотрудники небольшой компании, выпускающей бытовую электронику, случайно сломали экспериментальную модель человекоподобного робота, над которой работали последнее время. Понимая, что дело пахнет керосином, и их могут уволить, они решают всех обмануть, одев человека в оболочку робота. Найденный ими актер своими действиями притягивает внимание СМИ, так робот становится очень популярным.
Raito Mizorogi
Transfer student Biito “Beat” Mizorogi, talented in fashion design, bring classmates together to stage a fashion show for the school's annual festival.
Goro Kiyokawa
Doctor Rie (Miho Kanno) is know as the Joan of Ark of Obstetrics & Gynecology. She works in a challenging environment with clinics shutting down due to lack of doctors and the system itself breaking down. Dr. Rie then helps an infertile woman conceive with a surrogate mother which is prohibited in Japan...
Arata Sendo
In Liar game: Final Stage, Players are encouraged to trust each other to win the tournament. However, a mysterious player named X is secretly plotting to sabotage everyone of their chances to win the LGT.
Takumi Fujita
After the death of this mother, Masao Oneta (Teppei Koike) decides to leave the comfort of his room after years of self isolation and get a job. He lands a position at a small IT firm but doesn't yet realise this company is one of many 'black companies', known for overworking their employees.
Молодая девушка-менеджер крупного звукозаписывающего лейбла дорабатывает свой последний день в отделе по поиску талантов. Всякое случалось за время ее работы, но уже все позади. Через пару часов - вечеринка по случаю ухода, а дома ждет любимый мальчик в стиле "кавай" да еще и с гитарой. И, казалось, бы ничто уже не может изменить ее планы, если бы не последнее задание - найти для компании молодую и драйвовую панк-группу. Девушка находит в Интернете видеоролик комманды "Парни с Латунными кастетами" и ее начальник предлагает продлить с ней контракт, если та сумеет "доставить" группу в агентство. Канна отправляется за музыкантами, но оказывается, что группа давно распалась, видео, попавшее в сеть - запись с последнего концерта 25-летней давности, а сами музыканты уже не те, кем были раньше. Беда в том, что агентство уже во всю продает билеты на выступления группы! Честь компании превыше всего, а значит нужно сделать невозможное и… вновь собрать группу спустя четверть века!
Kazuhiro Suzuki
Действие фильма разворачивается в аэропорту и на борту самолета. Каждый рейс обслуживает множество профессионалов — пилотов, стюардов и стюардесс, наземных команд, механиков, диспетчеров, контролеров… Их главная задача — обеспечить безопасность полета. Обычный рабочий день, обычный рейс — самолет взлетает по расписанию и направляется в Гонолулу. Для Кадзухиро, помощника командира корабля, этот полет — последний экзамен на пути к должности командира корабля, а для стюардессы Эцуко — первый международный рейс. Однако по техническим причинам самолету приходится вернуться обратно в Японию… Режиссер Синобу Ягути, прославившийся в Японии фильмами о юношеской команде синхронного плаванья («Water boys») и о школьницах, организовавших джаз-банд («Swing girls»), с присущим ему юмором рассказывает о тех сторонах авиации, о которых обычный пассажир даже не подозревает.
The Chief Justice
Kanao, a courtroom portrait artist, observes crimes, scandals and the decline of Japanese values without passing judgement. As he and his wife endure the tragedy of their first child’s death, hope slowly unfolds and their love story flickers to life once again.
Ryuichi Motonaga
A blind woman acquires a guide dog, and faces prejudice in 1980s Japan.
The sudden death of a journalist stirs up young editor Noriko's curiosity. While investigating the case, Noriko uncovers the dark secrets hidden behind the journalist's death and its relationship to a popular female novelist.
Adapted from the popular manga of the same name, director Masahiro Takada's coming of age drama follows five Hama Art College students as they prepare to venture out into the real world on a great voyage of self-discovery.
Shinnosuke and Misawa are joint managers of a Bonsai shop. Suddenly Shinnosuke's childhood friend Haruko turns up. She has split up with her boyfriend and finds herself out on the streets. Shinnosuke starts to like her and really wants to cheer her up, but he can't manage to express his real feelings or stop picking up other women. Misawa is dumbfounded by Shinnosuke's behavior but also has complex feelings of love for his friend.
Kazuo Ômori
A free-spirited psychiatrist exudes a magnetic attraction for patients with out-of-the-ordinary neuroses and odd conditions brought about by stress.
Ikuo Namekawa
Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.
When her husband is hospitalized with tuberculosis, Chika has a series of three relationships: with a teacher in her hometown, with a student in Tokyo, and with an aging gangster.
Takarada, a member of a group of swindlers which has reunited to pull off a big caper involving down comforters, shoddy encyclopedias, and a panda suit. However, the actual scam they’re about to run takes a back seat to the trust issues between the group.
Live-action adaptation of a madcap manga about art, opposites, love and a whole lot of cosplay.
Akira Hayamada
A story about a hitman named Hayamada who carries a distinctive red gun. As the film progresses we discover the reason for his work, and how he came to be alone. His aim right now is to reach a desitination, but he’s late.
Takayuki (Takao Osawa) is an elementary school teacher in Tokyo. He is seized with Behçet's syndrome, and will gradually lose his sight. He resigns from his job and leaves his girlfriend, Yoko (Yuriko Ishida) to return to his hometown, Nagasaki, where his mother lives. Takayuki spends his days strolling around Nagasaki, to imprint familiar scenes on his memory. Yoko visits him and insists on staying. Takayuki has major concerns for her future, and his own life. He drives her away, for her own good. After days of affliction, the two reunite. The story leads to an emotive conclusion, the end of his spiritual journey.
Бывший полицейский детектив Соитиро признается в убийстве своей жены. Он сообщает, что он совершил убийство по ее же просьбе – жена после смерти их сына от лейкемии заболела болезнью Альцгеймера и не хотела больше жить. На допросе Соитиро наотрез отказывается отвечать только на один вопрос: что он делал два дня после убийства, пока не сдался полиции. Судебный вердикт по делу отставного детектива будет вынесен лишь после того, как станет известна правда об этих двух днях.
Heigo Saigusa
Дворняжка Куро прожила в школе более 10 лет. Это тихое и понятливое существо стало свидетелем побед и трагедий её учеников Рёскэ Кимура, Юкико Игараси, Кэндзи Морисьта. Повзрослевшие выпускники чувствуют ответственность за жизнь своего маленького друга.
LIFE IS JOURNEY is an anthology of four stories about people who live in solitude, but who yearn for togetherness. Each day brings chance meetings and reluctant partings, joy and pain. The first vignette, "Life", portrays half of a woman's life in one-scene, one-cut, nine-minute sequence. "N" is a comical take on a man abandoned by his lover. "Ya" explores the bond of female friendship as one woman consoles a brokenhearted girlfriend. In "Nowhere", a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time.
LIFE IS JOURNEY is an anthology of four stories about people who live in solitude, but who yearn for togetherness. Each day brings chance meetings and reluctant partings, joy and pain. The first vignette, "Life", portrays half of a woman's life in one-scene, one-cut, nine-minute sequence. "N" is a comical take on a man abandoned by his lover. "Ya" explores the bond of female friendship as one woman consoles a brokenhearted girlfriend. In "Nowhere", a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time.
LIFE IS JOURNEY is an anthology of four stories about people who live in solitude, but who yearn for togetherness. Each day brings chance meetings and reluctant partings, joy and pain. The first vignette, "Life", portrays half of a woman's life in one-scene, one-cut, nine-minute sequence. "N" is a comical take on a man abandoned by his lover. "Ya" explores the bond of female friendship as one woman consoles a brokenhearted girlfriend. In "Nowhere", a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time.
LIFE IS JOURNEY is an anthology of four stories about people who live in solitude, but who yearn for togetherness. Each day brings chance meetings and reluctant partings, joy and pain. The first vignette, "Life", portrays half of a woman's life in one-scene, one-cut, nine-minute sequence. "N" is a comical take on a man abandoned by his lover. "Ya" explores the bond of female friendship as one woman consoles a brokenhearted girlfriend. In "Nowhere", a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time.
Katsuhiro Kurita
Naoya and Katsuhiro are boyfriends, new in their relationship. Things are uneven at first—Naoya is open and free while Katsuhiro is cautious and closeted—but nothing compares to the chaos that arrives when Asako, a troubled woman with a history of psychiatric problems, abortions, and casual sex, asks Katsuhiro to conceive a child with her.
13-year-old Sachiko is about to encounter the most difficult moments in her young life. Her father abandons her and her mother attempts to commit suicide by slashing her wrist. Her teacher, whom she relies on heavily, leaves for northern Japan to take another job. Other students start to gossip about Sachiko and her former teacher. Sachiko then drops out of school and attempts to find herself.
Hiroshi Tôyama
Фильм предлагает предысторию роковых событий «Звонка» — рассказ о юной девушке Садако, которая обнаруживает в себе загадочные и устрашающие способности. Может быть, призрак внутри экрана — не исчадие Зла, а жертва людской ненависти.
Kenji Shindô
Ambitious yakuza Kenji befriends harmonica-playing bartender Chuji, who moonlights as a part-time drug-dealer for the opposing gang. Their friendship is threatened by Kenji's plans for advancement, as well as by his bodyguards growing jealousy of Chuji.
Japanese film directed by Hiromasa Taguchi.
История молодой девушки, отправившейся учиться в Токио. Она не привыкла к жизни в большом городе. Она общается с ребятами из университета, покупает новый велосипед, и восхищается запахом цветущей вишни. Юзуки знакомится со своей соседкой и вскоре они становятся подругами. Она застенчива на занятиях, она смущается, когда преподаватель спрашивает, почему она выбрала именно этот университет. Девушка вступает в клуб ужения на муху. И, наконец, ей нравится длинноволосый молодой человек, работающий в местном книжном магазине.
Slice of life drama about a couple and their young disabled daughter.
Two female lovers meet in a college class. After graduation, they run a temp company which is the front for a detective agency dealing in blackmail information.
An entertainment drama depicting the conflict of yakuza, centering on the female torso and her sister's feud.
Three brothers, their father missing and tensions boiling, gather at their rural summer house; soon enough, they're unexpectedly joined by a female cousin.