Óscar San Juan


Letters from Alou
Señor pulsera
A group of Africans clandestinely reaches the coast of southern Spain. Among them is Alou, a 28 years old Senegalese. As all his belongings are stolen while in Almsería, he has no choice but to engage in street vending. His only pleasure are the letters he writes to his family to tell the vicissitudes of his Spanish adventure.
The Tunnel
Gaucho (uncredited)
A painter becomes obsessed and begins an affair with a mysterious woman who was touched deeply by one of his works.
Matar al Nani
The story of El Nani, a juvenile delinquent from the years of the Transition, whose disappearance in a police station after an interrogation has not yet been clarified, putting the accent on the denunciation of police brutality and speculating on the outcome of the story. A story that mixes political denunciation and social chronicle of an era.
Луте: Он передвигается или взрывается
Conductor de autobús
Основанный на воспоминаниях Элеутерио Санчеса "Луте", молодого осужденного убийцы, ставшего легендарным в Испании благодаря побегу из тюрьмы в 1960-х годах.
4,000 tons of oil have been stolen from a Galician deposit. The alleged thieves are defended by the lawyer Ramos, but the witnesses die and suspicions point to Franco's brother.
Trip to Bangkok, Coffin included
The colonel Daniel Blimp, of the secret British service, travels to Bangkok to investigate the murder of the Brittish Ambassador happened during a holiday in his residence. Blimp receives the help of Keats, agent of the secret service. Both men discover that the man who shot against the Ambassador is blind, and it takes the black skin as a result of a strange phenomenon of mutation.
Ministro de la Guerra
Satanic Nazis gather to perform ancient rites for evil Egyptian gods in hopes of bringing one back from the dead. Actually, the revivified body belongs to a slain Nazi. Unfortunately, the soul is that of the vengeful diety. Terror ensues.
The Angry Cid
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
National III
In order to solve economic problems, "Leguineche" family decide to move to France with their limited belongings.
Фильм о жизни людей в Мадриде 1942 года, сразу же после окончания гражданской войны в Испании. Главная тема фильма — контраст между поэтами, живущими почти в нищете под гнетом режима Франко, и победителями войны, зарождающимся классом людей, делающих деньги на нелегальном бизнесе.
Festival en Benidorm