Evaristo Signorini


Ringo and His Golden Pistol
A Mexican bandit teams up with a band of renegade Native Americans to avenge his older brothers when they are killed by a prankster, gold-obsessed bounty hunter.
The Horrible Dr. Hichcock
Inspector Scott
The year is 1885, and necrophiliac Dr. Hitchcock likes to drug his wife for sexual funeral games. One day he accidentally administers an overdose and kills her. Several years later he remarries, with the intention of using the blood of his new bride to bring his first wife's rotting corpse back to life.
The Italians They Are Crazy
In a German prison camp, some Italian prisoners bet with the commander that they will be able to build a church in two hours.
Wanda the Sinner
Production Manager
Wrongly accused of his wife's death, a marine officer is forced to resign and sees his life fall apart.
La maschera di Cesare Borgia
Король забавляется
Основанный на пьесе Виктора Гюго и озвученный музыкой из более поздней оперы Джузеппе Верди, фильм рассказывает о горбатом клоуне, чья прекрасная дочь влюбляется в распутного короля.
Darling of the Gods
Filipo Cardagno
Also known as Darling of the Gods, this was Emil Jannings' second talkie appearance. Jannings stars as famed operatic singer Albert Winkelmann, who is greeted with cheers, applause and romantic propositions whenever he performs in his native Vienna. But when he embarks on a tour of South America, tragedy strikes. The sweltering climate causes Winkelmann to lose his voice on stage, a disaster met with hoots and cat-calls. Dispirited he returns to Europe, where he soon learns that no one is aware of what happened in South America. Intending to retire so as not to be exposed to further humiliation, Winkelmann is goaded back on stage -- where, miraculously, his gorgeous voice returns.