Miles Dougal

Рождение : 1966-12-06, USA


Like a Dirty French Novel
A campy pulp-noir following two estranged twin brothers, a cosplaying femme fatale, and a sexually-charged phone caller linked to a mischievous set of pookas.
I'll Be Around
Against the backdrop of an alt-rock music festival, dozens of struggling thirty-somethings deal with a wide variety of social and philosophical issues in their respective lives.
Частный сыщик Абель Уокер вместе со своим оператором Джимом ищут пропавшую женщину. По мере того, как они разгадывают тайну ее исчезновения, они попадают в жестокую игру...
Bad Apples
It’s Halloween night, and two “bad apples” decide to play some wicked tricks on the one house in a suburban cul-de-sac that is not celebrating Halloween. They terrorize a young couple in their home and these tricks become increasingly more sinister as the night progresses, finally ending in a Halloween the entire neighborhood will never forget.
Habeas Corpus: The Making of 'Psycho Cop Returns'
Retrospective documentary on the making of the low-budget horror slasher film Psycho Cop Returns (1993).
Giuseppe Makes a Movie
While the rest of America slept, DIY filmmaker/musician Giuseppe Andrews has made over 30 experimental features. Set in some demented alternate universe (i.e. Ventura, California), they are populated by real-life alcoholics and drug addicts, trash-talking senior citizens and trailer park residents dressed in cow outfits and costume-shop wigs. Director Adam Rifkin creates a wildly surreal, outrageously funny and strangely touching portrait of a truly Outsider Artist inhabiting a world few of us even know exists.
Treasure Chest of Horrors 2
Roy the Nanny Guru (segment "Baby Cakes")
Mona Screamalot, along with her crazy family, prepares you for six short horror films from deep within her trashy treasure chest. This anthology features party killers, giant killer babies, an angry murderous child, a bacterial infection like no other, a murderous cross dresser,a killer in the woods, and Satan. Oh yeah, don't forget the buckets of blood.
Hobo / Floyd
Чиллерама — это фильм о золотой эре ужасов прошлого столетия и пародирует фильмы, выпущенные в течение 40 лет, взяв от каждого самое дурное и идиотское.
2001 маньяк 2
Jerry Schmit
В поисках новых жертв жители Плезант Вэлли во главе с мэром Бакменом отправляются на север. Покинув родную Джорджию, кровожадные призраки-конфедераты разбивают лагерь в полях Айовы, куда случайно заезжает команда заблудившихся телевизионщиков. Пожелав заснять для своего телешоу эксцентричных деревенщин, гости подписывают себе смертный приговор.
The country is at war over a natural resource. The strange cosmic force known as "Schoof" is slowly making the human race insane. The news has ceased to make sense. "Schoof" has affected each member of Tracy's family, leaving her unaffected. That's what she thinks as a scientist, a test subject and a group choral will be the galaxy's only hope.
The country is at war over a natural resource. The strange cosmic force known as "Schoof" is slowly making the human race insane. The news has ceased to make sense. "Schoof" has affected each member of Tracy's family, leaving her unaffected. That's what she thinks as a scientist, a test subject and a group choral will be the galaxy's only hope.
It's All Not So Tragic
For film historian Greg Connor, things haven’t been going well. He’s had mental problems ever since the day he ruined his chance at being a DVD commentator. During the featurette for a favorite noir classic, he committed an unspeakable, unnatural act. Now his shrink is suggesting he take a small vacation to get away from it all. Running out of gas, Connor comes across a fallen crossing guard, a psychotic with a pick axe, a young lady named Distosia, who is studying to be part of a cult, one of his favorite soap stars, and a young man he once photographed in the nude. All of this leads to a kind of psychotic breakdown where Connor’s sexual dysfunction manifests itself in more and more bizarre ways. Eventually, there’s nothing left to do but dance and sing. Besides, life’s not too bad when you think about it.
Garbanzo Gas
When a lucky cow wins an all expense paid weekend at a local hotel, it can’t believe its good fortune. It gets to relax, unwind, and avoid a trip to the slaughterhouse - at least for a few days. Of course, it couldn’t imagine the menagerie of madmen it would run into. Down the hall is a pair of drug addled dimwits who are desperate for something to eat. The cow becomes their main focus. Meanwhile, two different spree killers are wrecking havoc. One murders at the command of some erroneous bath linen. The other listens to a voice inside his shoe, the instructions resulting in even more dead bodies. All the while, our contented animal tries to accommodate everyone’s needs, which typically revolve around a room service meal of meat and potatoes.
Golden Embers
When we first meet the characters from Golden Embers, they are people in transition. One is a bride to be, hoping her ex-addict brother can stay sober long enough to walk her down the aisle. The sibling is a sexually obsessed dope fiend, desperate for any kind of psychosexual release - and lots of wacky white powder. Locked up in a hotel room, freebasing his sordid memories and many erotic needs, he slowly comes unglued. Soon, we are witnessing rampant mood swings, murderous hallucinations, and the world's most misguided nuptials, complete with dancing.
Holiday Weekend
The narrative driving Holiday Weekend is centered on people and how they relate to each other. A young couple quibbles over an impulsive decision to steal a coffee machine, while the victimized pair sans Sanka plays an unusual game of affection and abuse. A young man with werewolf-ism moves in with a fledgling songwriter, while elsewhere, an injured individual with Tourettes seeks council from a high priced lawyer. All the while, some elderly homosexual lovers reunite, dancing to celebrate the rekindling of their long dormant love. Giving us his spin on spirituality and the afterlife, Holiday Weekend is like several small sketches that add up to one incredible portrait.
Period Piece
From Critically-Acclaimed Underground Filmmaker Giuseppe Andrews (Trailer Town, Touch Me in the Morning) comes Period Piece, his most ambitious film experiment yet! Featuring talking tater tots, fornicating teddy bears, a smoking dead pig and the most disturbing visage of God ever put on screen, Period Piece threads together multiple plotlines following a unique assortment of tragicomic characters living along the Ventura Highway. There’s the retired police officer (Walt Dongo), broken and homeless after the untimely death of his son during a birthday camping trip. The elderly homebound father (Tyree), hopelessly doomed to pantomime the sexual conquests of his glory days with an imaginary prostitute named Serenity. The French Midget writing his epic screenplay about a half-man/half-stuffed animal chauffeur. This truly independent masterpiece takes Andrews one-of-a-kind aesthetic to a new level of surreal hilarity, creating a portrait of love and death you’ll never forget.
“After a fall at a local bar, an elderly alcoholic asks his adult grandsons for one last favor. Seems several years ago he took five hookers to a remote hotel suite known as the Pony Room and spent the entire evening satisfying their every need. Now, nearing death and continuously soused to the gills, he wants Ed and Burt to take him back there for a weekend of reminiscing. The road trip will be difficult, especially with Grandpa’s lack of control (bowel or otherwise), but what waits there is even more disconcerting – a cursed can of chicken noodle soup.” (review excerpt by Bill Gibron)
“After a fall at a local bar, an elderly alcoholic asks his adult grandsons for one last favor. Seems several years ago he took five hookers to a remote hotel suite known as the Pony Room and spent the entire evening satisfying their every need. Now, nearing death and continuously soused to the gills, he wants Ed and Burt to take him back there for a weekend of reminiscing. The road trip will be difficult, especially with Grandpa’s lack of control (bowel or otherwise), but what waits there is even more disconcerting – a cursed can of chicken noodle soup.” (review excerpt by Bill Gibron)
Air Conditioning
Latuga is a desperate woman living a desperate life. Divorced from fancy suit store owner Classe, she is forced to live in a small studio apartment and care for the couple’s ex-heroin addict son Puzo. The boy, obsessed with a toy barbeque pit, is always on the verge of some horrific act.
5th Wheel
On his 62nd birthday, confirmed lazybones Herbopolus grabs his nest egg and buys himself a new trailer, a fine 5th Wheel. Now all he has to do is sit back and wait for the Social Security checks to start rolling in. In the meantime, his insane brother Bananas Foster escapes from the Catalina Mental Institution and, looking for a place to hole up, gets Herbopolus to let him stay in his swanky new digs. So does their dad, a sex change octogenarian who's lesbian lover has kicked him out of the house. When the government fails to come through, they resort to collecting and recycling aluminum cans to make ends meet.
Plop - named after the sound he made upon his birth - is a notorious infant caregiver wanted by the police. Apparently, unwitting parents (including a particularly proud gay couple) have hired the semi-retarded redneck nanny under the pretense that he takes good care of his toddler charges. Instead, Plop beats and humiliates the children, taking out his own sad mental issues out on them. Thanks to an ex-girlfriend. However, the cops are hot on his trail. It won’t be long before the long arm of the law, or a mangled baby with a can of soup, ends Plop’s cruel crime spree once and for all.
Plop - named after the sound he made upon his birth - is a notorious infant caregiver wanted by the police. Apparently, unwitting parents (including a particularly proud gay couple) have hired the semi-retarded redneck nanny under the pretense that he takes good care of his toddler charges. Instead, Plop beats and humiliates the children, taking out his own sad mental issues out on them. Thanks to an ex-girlfriend. However, the cops are hot on his trail. It won’t be long before the long arm of the law, or a mangled baby with a can of soup, ends Plop’s cruel crime spree once and for all.
Ночь в Золотом Орле
Desk Clerk
Томми выходит из тюрьмы после семи лет заключения. У дверей тюрьмы его встречает старый друг Мик, решивший вернуть приятеля к честной жизни. В течение двух лет Мик копил деньги и теперь предлагает Томми вместе уехать в Лас-Вегас, найти работу и честно зарабатывать себе на жизнь. Не сказать, чтобы Томми в восторге от идей друга, но возвращаться в тюрьму (а именно к этому все придет, если вести прежний образ жизни) ему тоже не хочется. Он соглашается. Но прежде чем сесть в автобус, идущий в Лас-Вегас, и окончательно распрощаться с прошлым, друзьям предстоит провести всего лишь одну ночь в затрапезной гостинице с громким названием «Золотой Орел», пристанище проституток и неудачников…
Детройт – город рока
Для Хоука, Лекса, Трипа и Джема только одна вещь была круче травки — это группа Kiss! И вот их кумиры приезжают в город Детройт, расположенный совсем близко. Тогда школьники решают украсть машину у родителей и отправиться на концерт…
Liam Segal
Джек Хэммонд скрывается от полиции и угоняет автомобиль. Но у магазина, куда он заехал за сигаретами, он попадается на глаза патрульным. Джек берет очаровательную заложницу Натали и ее красном БМВ устремляется к границе с Мексикой. Разумеется Натали оказывается дочерью мультимиллионера Далтона Фосса. За беглецами гонится полиция штата, радио и телевидение. В пути происходит невероятное количество смешных происшествий. А Джек с Натали по ходу погони успевают подружиться и полюбить друг друга.
Psycho Cop Returns
Brian / Spongehead
A group of office workers decide to have a party in the office building. Among other things, they want to have some drugs there. Their conversation on the subject is overheard by Joe Vickers, which is rather unfortunate for them, since Joe Vickers is a policeman. Even more unfortunate is the fact that Vickers is also an undead psychotic satanist, and instead of arresting them, he will make sure that nobody leaves the party alive...
Bikini Squad
Creepy Flasher
A woman director is hired to finish the season of "Bikini Squad", a popular TV series about California beach lifeguards. A more than obvious lack of talent and basic intelligence among the crew make her contemplate leaving the set.