Toma Cuzin

Toma Cuzin

Рождение : 1977-06-01,


Toma Cuzin was born on June 1, 1977 in Pestisani, Romania. He is an actor, known for Silent River (2011), The Treasure (2015) and Aferim! (2015).


Toma Cuzin


Sibiu, December 1989. In the chaos and panic generated by the protests of the crowd against the authorities, a unit of the militia becomes the target of a violent assault that escalates into a bloody confrontation between soldiers, militiamen, security agents, and civilians. Trying to escape the siege, Captain Viorel of the militia is captured and accused of being a terrorist.
A meticulous ambulance driver working in poverty-stricken Bucharest, who takes part in an armed robbery together with three men he barely knows. As the robbery ends in disaster, Bogdan starts a thorough, almost compulsive investigation to dig up the true identities of his accomplices, but the more he discovers, the deeper he sinks into a spiral of fear and paranoia.
Night Patrol
Women and men in the middle of the night, without their own clothes, without personal papers and money, without their car keys and mobile phones. In a deserted city the only solution would be, regardless of how far home is, to walk alone all the way there.
Троица — Мария, Дан и Ильинка — принимает участие в ежегодной гуманитарной миссии. В компании единомышленников они бороздят просторы провинциальной Румынии и развозят в ее отдаленные и бедные районы продовольствие и небольшие новогодние подарки. Недалеко от трансильванской деревни Интрегальде они подбирают невменяемого старика — тот просит подвезти его до местной лесопилки и даже показывает короткую дорогу, которой, конечно, нет в навигаторе. Она окажется непроходимой для модного внедорожника, а старик испарится, как и благородные побуждения героев, которым теперь предстоит провести ночь в глуши.
Stefan Deleanu
Фильм "Лестница" повествует о духовном пути Андрея, чувствительного молодого человека с проблемами в общении, который в поисках истинного счастья становится актёром. После падения коммунистического режима он, ослеплённый иллюзией свободы и демократии, сталкивается с чередой жестоких событий, оставивших глубокий след в современной истории Румынии. Андрей исполняет роль Алёши в театральной адаптации 'Братьев Карамазовых' и постепенно всё больше сближается с персонажем, открывая для себя путь к пониманию богословия.
The Cardinal
In the fifties, the leaders of the Greek-Catholic church are arrested and sent to the Sighet prison.The soviet regime has banned any church except the orthodox. Tortured and dehumanized, the only choices are conversion or death. The bishop Iuliu Hossu stands up in front of the torturers and through courage and stature becomes an inspiration for the other priests.
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time
A sequel to Moromeții (1987), the tale follows the life of the Moromete family after WWII, with Romania being overpowered by Communism.
Yet to Rule
A surrealist drama about a 40-year-old criminal court judge with a dying father, an unhappy marriage and petty cases to solve - shown as struggle between ANDI, the animal within, and K, his rational side.
В добром здравии
Юрист собирает информацию о последнем дне жизни своего отца — судьи, загадочные обстоятельства смерти которого вызывают у окружающих подозрения насчет его молодой вдовы.
Действие происходит в Бухаресте. Кости, молодой и счастливый отец семейства, любит по вечерам читать своему шестилетнему сыну приключения Робин Гуда. Однажды сосед по секрету рассказывает ему, что в саду его бабушки и дедушки зарыт клад. И если Кости согласится взять напрокат металлоискатель и пойти с ним на поиски сокровища, то сосед поделится с ним найденным. На место недоверию и сомнениям приходит азарт, и Кости в итоге соглашается несмотря на всевозможные препятствия…
Bucharest Non-Stop
"Bucharest Non-Stop" is a feature film that tells the story of a neighborhood of Bucharest. More specifically, the film is a night of non-stop life of a store located in a neighborhood blocks. Four drive four different stories linked by a key figure, Achim, known as "the boy from non-stop", played by George Ifrim. The film wants to convey the story of ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
Dispozitiv 0068
Two of the employees of the Security Service ring the bell of an apartment and ask for permission to fix a supervision post during a Summit. Neluta, the woman who opened the door agreed them to fix the device and barged in the house with a completely equipped Sniper. The Sniper in charge with the mission in this area meets the owner of the apartment, an Old palsied Lady who firmly asks: "Shoot me".
To Paris with the Identity Card
Drăgan Niță is a humble French teacher from Romania that has always dreamt of visiting Paris one day. To make his dream come true, he saves 1 lei every day.
Carfin Pandolean
Валахия, начало 19-го века. Румынские князи медленно движутся по пути модернизации, но реальность порой отсылает их к стародавним временам и особенностям старинного менталитета.
Three days 'till Christmas
Historical Docudrama, which describes accurately - based on evidence, documents, reconstructions and archive footage - the last days of life spouses Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. Main performers, Victoria Cocias (Elena Ceausescu) and Constantin Cojocaru (Nicolae Ceausescu).
Об улитках и людях
1992 год. Государственный автомобильный завод в небольшом румынском городке обанкротился и через неделю будет приватизирован. Покупатели — французские бизнесмены, планируют переоборудовать его в фабрику по производству улиточных консервов. Будущие владельцы собираются уволить рабочих и избавиться от имущества завода. В ответ лидер местного профсоюза убеждает рабочих продать свою сперму, чтобы на вырученные деньги выкупить родное предприятие.
bad boy
Подарки Штефана к 18-летию включают в себя: урок вождения, бутылку водки и открытую дискуссию о женщинах, но неожиданный сюрприз оборачивается годовщиной.
Подарки Штефана к 18-летию включают в себя: урок вождения, бутылку водки и открытую дискуссию о женщинах, но неожиданный сюрприз оборачивается годовщиной.
Государственный цирк на грани банкротства. Чтобы выйти из положения, директор решает продать единственного «заслуженного» медведя. Но труппа против такого шага, и тогда директор крадет животное: на медведя есть «покупатель» — немецкий охотник.
Silent River
Romania, 1986: Gregor and Vali want to get away. Both need each other, yet there is mutual distrust. One night Gregor finds his doubts confirmed. In the end only hope is left.
Floating Things
While working in Europe, Avram comes to realize that Italians are paying good money for trained dogs that can protect them from the waves of immigrants. That's Avram's big-time idea: he returns to Romania to start breeding watch dogs which he can later export to Italy. As it happens, he settles next to a camp of immigrants recently sent back from Rome. Thus, the Italian tension is willy-nilly reenacted on the banks of the Danube. Avram's life gets complicated. He starts having an affair with his own daughter in law, lands in conflict with his ex-immigrant neighbors and his life is literally under threat. The film ends with an unpredictable situation.
Crossing Dates
Gardian 1
3 separate stories take place over two days. The characters' paths intersect, and they affect each-other unintentionally.
The Foreign Legion
Policeman 1
For many years, three Romanian village boys, Stelica, Aurel and Mitu, have remained the closest of friends. In their youths, they planned to pursue careers as shepherds, but in time their individual paths diverged - leading Mitu into the military, Stelica into the local police force and Aurel into the employ of Maricel, a wealthy resident of the community. The men's worlds change forever when a newcomer arrives in the hamlet - a young woman named Lilica, accompanied by Maricel. She's toting two trucks full of Dutch chickens with her, which inadvertently spreads the bird flu to much of the local populace. The boys, however, soon realize how they can ingeniously turn this potential crisis into a solid profit-making venture for themselves.
An angel hooked on me
Ana is a pianist and a composer. She is young, has an enviable social position, various musical projects and a great deal of drive. She lives in a big house, decorated in black and white, in a minimalist style, in a residential area. An unknown admirer is sending her, from afar, paradoxical signs of love. These are ironical messages, unexpected presents, clever manipulations, that all have one thing in common: the colour blue and a moralizing nuance. His seduction ritual is more like a show of his power, but also of his intelligence: it suffices that Ana makes a wish and, in a short while, she gets "it".
Tertium Non Datur
In the Ukrainian steppe, toward the end of World War II, the German and Romanian troops are retreating in the face of the unstoppable Red Army. A Romanian military unit has set up its headquarters in a deserted school. A visit of high-ranking Wehrmacht officers is suddenly announced. Hope is awakened: will they receive new orders? But disappointment comes quickly.
Two reasonably young girls want to leave their home town and go to work abroad. However, their dreams are quickly shattered by the cold truth of reality and they find out that every dream must have its cost.