Jean-François Stévenin

Jean-François Stévenin

Рождение : 1944-04-23, Lons-le-Saunier, Jura, France

Смерть : 2021-07-27


Jean-François Stévenin (23 April 1944 – 27 July 2021) was a French actor and filmmaker. He has appeared in 150 films and television shows since 1968. He starred in the film Cold Moon, which was entered into the 1991 Cannes Film Festival. Source: Article "Jean-François Stévenin" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Jean-François Stévenin


La part du lion
The Line
Margaret, 35, has a history of violent behaviour which has cost her a romantic relationship. She has moved back in with her mother Christina, a fragile, immature 55-year-old woman who blames Margaret, her firstborn, for ruining her dreams of a career as a concert pianist. In a state of unbridled fury during an argument, Margaret hits Christina. The law steps in, further complicating family dynamics. As she awaits trial, Margaret is forbidden from coming into contact with her mother or within 100 metres of their home. This only intensifies her desire to be closer to her family. Every day, Margaret appears at this 100-metre threshold to see her 12-year-old sister Marion and give her music lessons.
По данным полиции
Père de Drago et Joël
Однажды утром измученный работой полицейский, которого все в участке называют Пинг-Понгом, сжигает свое полицейское удостоверение в туалете и исчезает, никому ничего не сказав. Коллеги ищут его целые сутки, встречают и теряют его в Тулузе и в пригородах. Но с каждым часом судьба подбирается всё ближе. Что ждёт Пинг-Понга и его коллег в конце этого сумбурного дня?
Adieu Paris
An old Parisian bistro with eternal charm. Eight gentlemen at the table, eight great figures. They were the “kings of Paris”… National treasures, masterpieces in peril. A well-honed ritual ... A sense of humor and self-deprecation intact. Tenderness and cruelty. Eight old friends who hate and love each other. And suddenly an intruder ...
Стейк от кутюр
Jacques Fleury
Чарли — редактор модного журнала, она красива и успешна. В наследство ей достается семейный бизнес — мясная лавка в Париже. Девушка, привыкшая к модным показам и фотосессиям, не знает, что с ней делать и мечтает от нее поскорее избавиться. Пока не знакомится с Марсиалем — красавцем-мясником, работавшим у ее отца. Могут ли полные противоположности влюбиться?
Утраченные иллюзии
Красивый и талантливый, но абсолютно нищий поэт Люсьен Шардон пытается прославиться и разбогатеть в Париже. Во французской столице он переживает взлёты и падения, а цепь его деяний вводит в чудовищные долги его друга и зятя Давида Сешара. Люсьен подходит к черте отчаяния, в последний момент понимая, что он натворил.
Between Us
Elodie and Laetitia live in close love and dream of having a child. As Elodie discovers that she cannot get pregnant because of a health problem and encounters financial troubles, they decide to take a roommate.
M'abandonne pas
Jean-François Stévenin - Simple Messieurs
Silent Streams
Women and men are lost in their thoughts at random hours of the day and streets of the city. From this sudden intimacy, the murmurs of their little inner voice let us hear the anxieties of love.
I’m So Far
Sometimes, things that seem simple… just aren't. The trials of a senior with limited mobility trying to leave his home with the help of some friends.
In Safe Hands
Alice's father
Théo is given up for adoption by his biological mother on the very day he is born. After this anonymous birth, the mother has two months to change her mind… Or not. The child welfare services and adoption service spring into action… The former have to take care of the baby and support it during this limbo-like time, this period of uncertainty, while the latter must find a woman to become his adoptive mother. She is called Alice, and she has spent the last ten years fighting to have a child.
Va, Toto!
Vicent (voice)
An elderly woman discovers an adolescent wild boar on her doorstep and decides to adopt the beast as her last -- and most beloved -- child.
Inspecteur Chevrier
An aging gangster (Jean-Pierre Mocky) escapes from prison and is taken in by a very beautiful blonde who asks him to kill her uncle (Richard Bohringer) because he guards her money but prevents her from using it. She asks the gangster to kill him and that way she won't turn the gangster in - she knows he's escaped. The gangster prepares to kill the uncle, except that he realizes he's a very good guy. He becomes friends with the uncle. He won't kill him and will simulate the murder.
The Young One
Captain Paillet
Zico has a thirst for elsewhere. He embarks on a cargo shop in Le Havre. Soon, tensions with the rest of the crew and repeated damages undermine his dreams of adventures.
The Mysteries of Paris: Jacques Rivette's Out 1 Revisited
In June 2015, forty-five years after OUT 1 was made, the filmmakers went to Paris to interview cast and crew members and to revisit some of the film’s most significant locations. THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS features new contributions from actors Bulle Ogier, Michael Lonsdale and Hermine Karagheuz, cinematographer Pierre-William Glenn, assistant director Jean-François Stévenin and producer Stéphane Tchal Gadjieff, but also rare archival interviews with actors Jacques Doniol-Valcroze and Michel Delahaye and, most prominently, illuminating statements by director Jacques Rivette himself from two different archival interviews.
Truffaut / Godard, scénario d'une rupture
An inquiry into two of the most influencial French filmakers friendship and feud.
Seances, co-created with the National Film Board of Canada, presents a wholly new way of experiencing film narrative. By dynamically generating a series of film sequences in unique configurations, potentially hundreds of thousands of new stories are conjured by code. Each will exist only in the moment—no pausing, scrubbing, or sharing—offering the audience one chance to see the generated film. This project, co-created by the ever imaginative Guy Maddin, is a visual discourse on the impact of loss within film. All the sequences pay homage to lost silent films from the early day of cinema. Seances is nostalgic but it is also frequently hilarious. Part of the joy and sadness of Seances is that many possible narratives are created but they can be only viewed once before they disappear forever.
Mirage d'amour avec fanfare
1925, In a mining town in the middle of nowhere in Chile. The daughter of an anarchist hairdresser falls deeply in love with a trumpeter. They will have to fight dictatorship in order to save their love.
Запретная комната
The Doctor
Таинственный дровосек появляется на борту подводной лодки, которая несколько месяцев находится под водой в ловушке из-за нестабильного груза. Это событие заставляет команду обреченного судна встретиться с своими самыми потаенными страхами.
Mad Love
Le curé de Mantaille
1959. Guilty of a double-murder, a man is beheaded. At the bottom of the basket that just welcomed it, the head of the dead man tells his story: everything was going so well! Admired priest, great lover - his earthly paradise seemed to have no end. Inspired by a scandal surrounding the Priest of Uruffe in the 1950s.
The First Summer
Two sisters meet up late one summer to clear out the house of their deceased grandparents.
François Truffaut l'insoumis
This portrait of the world-famous French director based on his personal correspondance reveals the little known insurgent side of his personnality. Featuring interviews with close collaborators, friends and family, this definitive documentary tells his intimate story, from the streets of Paris to the filmmaking accolades and high profile marriages at the height of his career.
Ceux qui dansent sur la tête
Dance drama playing on a dairy farm, starring two 19-year-old friends Syl and Frenzy who live for breakdancing. The friendship comes under pressure during a dance audition in Paris, where one clearly is superior to the other. A unique film with the passion for dance as a binder for an unusual friendship and countryside as surprisingly natural playing field. Set up by choreographer Mourad Merzouki, the founder of a hip-hop circus school, director of a dance academy and widely loved ambassador for the French streetdance.
Последний бриллиант
Бывший заключенный, втирается в доверие к дочери покойного эксперта-ювелира с целью выкрасть «Флорентийца», один из крупнейших в мире бриллиантов. Добившись своего и заменив драгоценность фальшивкой, мошенник передает бриллиант подельникам, которые тотчас же пытаются его убить. Потеряв в одночасье бриллиант и друзей-предателей, герой пытается удержать самое дорогое, что осталось в его жизни — полюбившую его девушку.
Incident Urbain
Two enigmatic figures with code names, Costello and the Colonel, bound seemingly by some mysterious revolutionary past, engage in an intense conversation concerning the architecture surrounding them, with possible catastrophic consequences.
Le Renard jaune
Inspecteur Giraud
Charles Senac, author of a single novel but crowned by the Prix Goncourt, is hated by the regulars of the bar-restaurant "Le Renard jaune" who regularly insult him. One morning he is found dead in his home. For inspector Giraud, it is clear that the culprit is among the customers of "Le Renard jaune".
Лучшие дни впереди
Кто сказал, что уход на пенсию — это начало конца, а не новое начало? Каролина делает совсем не то, чего от неё ждут: заводит любовника, получает новые впечатления, нарушает установленные правила и, в конечном счёте, вновь становится хозяйкой своей жизни и переживает вторую молодость.
True Friends
Vincent Brassac
The bonds of a 30-year friendship are tested when Walter's 20-year-old daughter, Clemence, falls in love with his friend Paul.
Little Lion
French agent
A Senegalese teenager is recruited to pursue his dream of playing professional soccer in Europe.
История любви
Le psychanalyste
У преуспевающего банкира, кажется, есть всё, чего можно только пожелать, но не хватает острых ощущений. Со своей молодой, но замужней любовницей, он погружается в мир садомазохистских удовольствий. Сдуру пообещал ей миллион. Конечно, никаких денег давать ей он не собирался и, поверившая ему дурочка жестоко отомстила…
Об улитках и людях
1992 год. Государственный автомобильный завод в небольшом румынском городке обанкротился и через неделю будет приватизирован. Покупатели — французские бизнесмены, планируют переоборудовать его в фабрику по производству улиточных консервов. Будущие владельцы собираются уволить рабочих и избавиться от имущества завода. В ответ лидер местного профсоюза убеждает рабочих продать свою сперму, чтобы на вырученные деньги выкупить родное предприятие.
Tata Bakhta
The chef
Подросток Симон живет со своей сестрой-алкоголичкой неподалеку от шикарного швейцарского горнолыжного курорта. Поскольку сестра нигде не работает, Симон занимается тем, что ворует у богачей снаряжение и потом продает по дешевке неподалеку от дома.
Balthazar Paredes
В 9.07 вечера по Гринвичу в проливе Ла-Манш супертанкер "Великолепный", перевозящий 400'000 тонн нефти налетел на риф. Удар был настолько силен, что пробил корпус. Корабль был обречен и затонул, а разлив нефти привел к тяжелым экологическим последствиям. В Брюсселе Эмма Кальон, молодой эколог, участвует в работе комиссии, специально созданной Европарламентом для расследования этого инцидента. Вскоре она обнаруживает, что партия нефти была незаконно куплена международной корпорацией и в этом деле замешан ее отец, который неожиданно для себя узнает, что следующий проект корпорации - это сброс ядерных отходов в море...
Позвольте моим людям идти
Рубен — еврей, гомосексуал, наполовину финн, наполовину француз, почтальон, нерадивый сын, хамоватый брат, никчёмный любовник, сомнительный убийца и вор поневоле. Но сам Рубен не может разобраться, кто он таков. В поворотный момент своей жизни, когда перед ним маячит Красное море, Рубен пытается определить, чему стоит следовать: судьбе своего народа или велению своей души.
Greg Leduc
После серии совершенных опасной бандой дерзких ограблений командование дает полный карт-бланш полицейскому комиссару Кларе Дамико. Ее единственной зацепкой оказывается отбывающий двенадцатилетний срок в тюрьме Мануэль Макаров. В обмен на сотрудничество она обещает ему свободу, но тот, не желая предавать своих, отвечает отказом. Под давлением начальства комиссару остается только принудить его хитростью и силой. Оказавшись на свободе, тому не остается другого выбора кроме как внедриться в банду.
The First Man
Based on a novel that Albert Camus was working on when he died, we follow Jacques Comery as he travels back to Algeria in 1957, a place full of childhood memories. The country is split between those wanting to remain a part of France, and those demanding independence. Reminiscences of his mother, his stern grandmother and a young Arab boy come flooding back.
Itinéraire bis
35-year-old Jean still lives with his mother in a small village in Corsica and works as a cook in the family's restaurant. His future, to his great despair, is all mapped out: he'll take over the restaurant. But one day Nora, a young and forceful woman, is thrown into the sea from a racing yacht. She washes up on the beach at Jean's feet - adventure has at last knocked at his door.
Дикое желание
Янн и Роза молодая семейная пара, которые вместе уже несколько лет и очень хотят заиметь ребенка. Проходит время, но ничего не происходит. Они продемонстрировали свое богатое воображение и перепробовали практически все. Опять же безуспешно. Но если они так сильно хотят добиться своего, ведь должен быть какой-то выход?
The Silence of Joan
In 1430, Joan of Arc, the prisoner of a powerful lord of the north of France is sold to the English. As a captive awaiting her death, she is approached by different men for whom she is believed to be the embodiment of the infinite.
Несколько счастливцев
le père de Rachel
Что такое взрослая любовь? Две пары встречаются и влюбляются, теряют друг друга, а затем сходятся вновь…
Чистый лист
Жермен — человек большой, но недалекий. В один прекрасный день, в парке, он знакомится с милой старушкой по имени Маргерита. Эрудированная и начитанная, она становится его другом, заставляя Жермена по-другому взглянуть на свою жизнь и окружающий его мир.
Paris, April 1994. Young freelance journalist Antoine Rives is making a report on Westerners who have been repatriated from Rwanda, fleeing the massacres. He meets Clément, a student of Hutu origin whose Tutsi fiancée Alice hasn’t been able to leave Rwanda. Antoine convinces Clément to go back with him to look for Alice, and to let him film the journey. Their pact soon becomes untenable as they find themselves thrown into chaos. This is a journey through horror during which a young man’s First World illusions are stripped away as he wakes up to human tragedy.
Предел контроля
Чужак в чужом краю, он живет вне закона и никому не доверяет. Его единственная цель — выполнение миссии, окончательный смысл которой остается туманным. Его путь по Испании напоминает сон, хотя пролегает по конкретному маршруту. Во время путешествия ему предстоит пересечь незнакомую страну и погрузиться вглубь собственного сознания.
Like a Star Shining in the Night
Anne's father
A young couple finds out what love truly means when one of them has a brush with death. When Anne and Marc met, it was love at first sight, and the longer they were together, the more they realized they never wanted to be apart. But not long after they married, Marc's doctor discoveres some unexpected symptoms...
Мир к нам
le commissaire
Отец Ноэ — жутко засекреченный агент. Никому не доверять, ни на кого не полагаться, всегда быть настороже — так построена его жизнь, и сына он натаскивает в том же ключе. Глядя на маленького Ноэ, никому и в голову не придет, что он способен голыми руками расправиться с кучей отморозков. Но что делать, когда агент оказывается под угрозой раскрытия?..
Captain Ahab
Le père d'Achab
When Ahab's mother dies in childbirth, the infant's gruff father places his son in the care of his pious aunt. It is Rose who sparks the imagination of the young boy by teaching him to read the Bible, though when Ahab is reclaimed by his father a decade later the growing boy strives to become a hunter like his old man. Later, after Ahab warms to his father's lover Louise, the old man dies and the boy is sent back to his God-fearing aunt. Rejecting Rose and her abusive husband Henry's unforginv brand of discipline and infuriated that his aunt confiscated the locket given to him by Louise, young Ahab boldly stages his own kidnapping as an ingenious escape plan.
The unexpected meeting of a father and a son in the working world.
L'Affaire Ben Barka
le commissaire divisionnaire Bouvier
Dirty Money: Undercover
A Swiss policeman infiltrates an international money laundering ring. Based on a true story.
Собачья ночь
Станция Санта-Мария, ночь. Оссорио, сорокалетний мужчина, прибывает с толпой беженцев и побежденных солдат. Он возвращается в город, в котором, как он знал, была женщина, которую он любил. Но все изменилось. Армия жестоко терроризирует город... Этой ночью каждый пытается спасти свою шкуру. Напрасно.
Комната смерти
Двое безработных программистов, в безлюдном месте по дороге домой, случайно сбивают мужчину. При нем они находят кейс с двумя миллионами евро. Они прячут тело и решают забрать деньги себе, не подозревая о том, что мужчина — отец похищенной девочки, а деньги — выкуп за нее. Не получив денег, маньяк убивает жертву, одев ее как популярную когда-то во Франции куклу. Расследование поручают Люси Аннабель — молодой женщине, вернувшейся в полицию после рождения близнецов. Расследование только начинается, как маньяк похищает еще одну девочку…
Le deal
Victor Anselme
The Path
Two young Nicaraguan children, Saslaya and her mute brother Dario, must travel to Costa Rica to find their long-lost mother.
Il a suffi que maman s'en aille...
A coupe get a divorce; the father gets to keep the youngest daughter.
A Summer Day
The sudden death of a teenager during a soccer match puts a small community completely off-balance.
Коварный лис
Неаполь, пятнадцатый век. Богатый торговец Вольпоне шутки ради притворяется смертельно больным. Тот, кто сумеет лучше всего поухаживать за "умирающим", получит право унаследовать его имущество. Вокруг постели мнимого больного собираются будущие "наследники": нотариус Граппионе, торговец сукном Бертуччо, ростовщик Секо. Каждый из них старается перещеголять всех остальных в льстивости и угодливости. Каждый претендент на "наследство" пытается провести соперников за нос, не подозревая, что за нос водят его самого.
Strong Shoulders
A young woman obsessively trains to be a track-and-field star.
Не так серьезно
Макс, Чарли и Лео удивлены и растеряны: их отчим Пабло просит выполнить странную предсмертную просьбу. Сбежав 50 лет назад в Бельгию от ужасов гражданской войны в Испании, Пабло больше не возвращался на свою родину, но теперь он хочет, чтобы его приемные сыновья срочно отправились туда и любыми средствами выкрали знаменитую статую Багряной Девы. Трое предприимчивых и совсем непохожих друг на друга парней считают эту просьбу глупым капризом, но всё же отправляются в путь, не подозревая, что поиски ценной реликвии станут для них незабываемым приключением, которое навсегда изменит их жизнь.
Братство волка 2: Возвращение оборотня
Jean Chastel
В 1776 году во Франции появилась жуткая легенда о жеводанском звере, от лап которого погибло свыше ста человек. Люди утверждали, что это существо было похоже на огромного волка, с вытянутой мордой и огромными ножеподобными зубами. Чтобы успокоить свой народ и остановить ужасного монстра, король Луи XV собрал отряд лучших солдат и охотников. Они организовали облаву на волков, в ходе которой было уничтожено свыше тысячи животных. Среди них оказалась одна самая крупная особь, которая отдалённо смогла подойди под описания из легенды. После этого, зверя официально признали погибшим, и эта история постепенно начала забываться. Однако, год спустя, в жеводанских лесах вновь начали происходить мистические убийства...
Man in the car
After reading a postcard that her mother let go in the wind, a woman learns that she has a twin.
Человек с поезда
Суровый незнакомец сходит с поезда в провинциальном французском городке и останавливается на квартире у отставного учителя словесности. Милан /Холлидей/ - молчаливый грабитель. Маскьё /Рошфор/, напротив, замечает о себе: "Разговор - это мой конёк, я могу поддерживать его до скончания веков". Абсолютно непохожие, они всегда мечтали об одном: прожить не свою, а чужую жизнь. Они проведут вместе три дня, чтобы хотя бы попытаться влезть в шкуру друг друга. А затем...
An old man in dressing gown and slippers is abandoned by his family on an area of highway while on vacation. He later finds himself in a hospital where a nurse, Gégène, calls him Mischka.
An old man in dressing gown and slippers is abandoned by his family on an area of highway while on vacation. He later finds himself in a hospital where a nurse, Gégène, calls him Mischka.
An old man in dressing gown and slippers is abandoned by his family on an area of highway while on vacation. He later finds himself in a hospital where a nurse, Gégène, calls him Mischka.
All About Love
Maria is a bright and attractive but not especially responsible young woman who is used to having things go her way in life. Out of school and with no clear career path, Maria ends up taking a job putting together cushions for chairs. But after a single day on the job she quits, claiming the work hurts her hands and she'd rather start her own restaurant. As Maria plots her next move, she impulsively swipes a piece of lingerie from a store, then tries to lie her way out of the situation when she's caught. But Maria finds that words can't get her out of this bind, and soon she's in jail and dealing with much deeper trouble than she ever imagined possible.
Братство волка
Франция, вторая половина XVIII века. В местечке под названием Жевадан появляется страшное существо, прозванное жителями Зверем, оно безжалостно убивает женщин и детей. Зверь кажется неуловимым, уходя от многочисленных облав, его не берут пули, он исчезает так же внезапно как появляется, и только немногие выжившие способны описать его внешность.Сам король Людовик XV решает разобраться в происходящем и поручает расследовать жестокие убийства учёному Грегору де Фронсаку.
Entre l'arbre et l'écorce
A young Parisian in quarrel with his father goes to join his uncle who runs a sawmill in the provinces.
Total Western
After a drug deal gone wrong, Bédé goes into hiding in the countryside at a reformative school for criminal youth. His location is found out, and he and the pupils have to protect themselves with whatever means they have.
Love Me
Laetita Masson directs this hallucinatory dream-like work about dancing on the beach, Elvis impersonators, and sailors longing to live and work in Taipei. Sandrine Kiberlain, Johnny Hallyday, and Julian Sands are just a few of the many cast members.
Genet à Chatila
Narrator (voice)
A documentary about the French writer Jean Genet and his relations with the Palestinian revolution. One day after the September 1982 massacre at the refugee camp of Shatila in Beirut, Genet visits the camp. Suffering from throat cancer and having written nothing in years, Genet begins to write on the threshold of his death about this disturbing new experience. It leads to his last book, entitled “Un captif amoureux” in which Genet reflects on the Palestinian revolution, its defeat, and the loss of one’s homeland. In this film a young French woman of Algerian origin who is reading the book returns to the landscapes of the Palestinian resistance and the refugee camps full of exiles, in search of Genet.
Fait d'hiver
Commandant Ducroix
This is a psychological drama about Louis Riquier (Charles Berling), a veteran of the Algerian war and a divorced father whose wife (Beatrice Palme) has custody of their children and who barricades himself with the kids in his country house. The police and the press surround the house, but he does not want to surrender. Instead, he gets more and more violent. Manipulated by their father, the kids go along with the scenario, taking it as a game. The film has as background the turbulence of 1968, with all its left-wing political implications. As in the director's previous film (Vieux fusil (The Old Gun), the gun also has multiple purposes here. Literally speaking, it is the instrument of crime; metaphorically, it is the force that would liberate the poor victim from his tragic fate. But the hero is just too violent and emotionally disturbed to evoke one's pity.
For Sale
Pierre Lindien
A Private detective is hired to trace a woman who ran away and disappeared on her wedding day. The movie follows him and recounts the story of her life through her eyes and the eyes of those interviewed by the detective.
White Lies
Believing she comes from a wealthy family, thugs kidnap a young woman hired as an au pair in Paris.
Шестнадцать лет жизни потратил шевалье Лагардер, чтобы отомстить за смерть своего друга герцога Неверского. Шестнадцать лет, чтобы подобраться к убийце, ставшему финансовым королем Парижа, на чьей руке он своей острой шпагой начертал вечное клеймо позора. Шестнадцать лет, чтобы добиться торжества справедливости, сохранить честь и найти любовь. История отчаянного дуэлянта и пылкого любовника, которую донесла до нас людская молва и придворные сплетни.
Les parents modèles
The divorce of a couple seen through the terribly lucid eyes of their two young children.
Les aveux de l'innocent
Inspector Reigent
Serge Perrin is 23 and unusually happy at the prospect of spending the rest of his life in jail for a series of crimes he did not commit. This black French comedy attempts to explain via flashback the twisted reasons why an innocent youth would so cavalierly throw away his freedom.
Les Bidochon
Robert Bidochon
Raymond and Robert Bidochon lead a dismal life in a suburban HLM. The change, so hoped for by Raymonde, could come from a reality show, Grand Bonheur, in which they participate.
Stephanie is a hostile and mute newcomer in a home for troubled minors. She disorients the staff. Louise, a young educator, is determined and determined to overcome the aggressiveness of the girls, who give her a hard time. She gets caught up in the game and oversteps her role, triggering the teenager to act out in unexpected ways.
Les frères Gravet
Pierre Gravet
Gravet brothers meet in Beaune during their mother's funeral.
The World of Jacques Demy
Agnès Varda's documentary portrait of her late husband, Jacques Demy. A companion piece to her Jacquot de Nantes.
Black for Remembrance
commissaire Vasseur
This French thriller begins with a flashback to a small village dance where a six-year-old girl is kidnapped and killed. Seventeen years later the murder remains unsolved. The girl's parents Caroline and Chris have gone on with separate lives Caroline remarried and had another daughter while Chris became an alcoholic. The two are thrown back together when each begin receiving strange messages that imply their daughter has returned from the dead for vengeance. They contact a police detective (the lover of Caroline's best friend) who finds the case intriguing and decides to reopen it. Unfortunately, as soon as he begins questioning the old suspects, people begin to die.
Jean-Louis is an naive, amiable orphan who spent his life with his elderly and very strict grandfather. Jean-Louis was a 25-year old virgin when a free-spirited young Parisian woman was temporarily stranded in his village after a bus broke down. She left him a changed man, and she also left a match book from a fast food restaurant called Fast Burger. Soon after his grandfather passes away, the innocent rube Jean-Louis hops on his bike and embarks upon a quest to Paris to find this enigmatic woman. But he is not prepared for the size of Paris, and instead ends up working at a Fast Burger outlet himself. Jean-Louis is a simple soul and freely expresses himself without guile. For some reason this endears him to the staff and management; soon he has been promoted into the upper echelons of the company. One day he meets a rather ditzy Metro security guard, Henriette, who is also at sea in the big city. The kindred spirits click and a sweet romance ensues.
The Patriots
Remy Prieur
Ariel, a young French Jew, decides to leave his family to go to Israel and secretly become an agent of Mossad, the Israeli secret service. After years of training, his first mission is in Paris to steal secrets from Remy Prieur, a French atomic scientist.
L'amour est un jeu d'enfant
Chief Editor
Benjamin lives with his widowed father, a designer and a bohemian artist. Olivia, his best friend, lives with his divorced mother, a lawyer who lives only for his work. Children decide to organize a meeting between the two parents, but unfortunately, neither seems interested in the other. Still, the two friends did not give up and seek new ways for the emergence of love between their parents.
This "heist" film tells the story of a robbery in a stadium during the Le Mans 24 hour motorcycle race. Throughout the film are constant references to other movies in the genre. A policeman investigating the robbery is surprised to discover that the heist bears striking resemblance to the robbery depicted in Stanley Kubrick's 1956 film, The Killing. The robbery itself was perpetrated by Bernard, an ex-racer who dedicates the theft to a dead peer. He enlists the help of Thierry and several others to steal 6 million francs from the gate. He and his gang then hideout in the stadium until the race is over. Things are working against Bernard though. Two martial-arts experts try to cut in on the action. A gang member's girlfriend squeals to the cops, and an Arab assistant is killed.
À cause d'elle
Jacques Hervy
Shy working class 15 year-old Antoine, bored with life and school, breaks a leg and has young higher class Olivia help him with his studies. As he silently falls in love with her, he also falls in love with books and his will to become a writer.
De force avec d'autres
Actor and singer on the decline, Sergio, alcoholic, goes adrift. His son, Simon, undertakes to make a film with and on him, to try to bring him back to life, "by force with others"
The Big Pardon 2
Eric Lemondier
The mobster Raymond Bettoun gets out of prison and joins his son Maurice in Miami, a drug trafficker who is about to launch a huge operation. But he falls into a trap and a war begins in which Raymond will fight a last battle to try to save his son and what remains of his family.
Olivier, Olivier
l'inspecteur Druot
Olivier, the nine-year-old son of Elisabeth and Serge, a country veterinarian, vanishes one afternoon on the way to his grandmother's house. The emotional aftermath of his disappearance sends his father packing and nearly destroys his mother.
La Gamine
A teen girl is wrongfully suspected for a crime. A former cop helps her to proof her innocence. There's only one problem : her behavior brings the two of them more than once in trouble.
Poulets à l'amende
Arnaud Gensac, unlucky inspector, loses his police card, which falls into the hands of a graphic designer who witnesses the murder of a kingpin. And serious trouble begins for Arnaud.
Sushi Sushi
Richard Souriceau
Maurice Hartmann, a Parisian academic, annoys his young mistress with his cynical and disillusioned words and the void of his existence. The proposal of one of his students upsets his life: the young Kiyoshi offers him to taste his assortment of sushi and sashimi. In front of the delighted face of his teacher, Kiyoshi proposes to him to set up a small business of takeaway sushi for busy Parisians. Enthusiastic, Maurice struggles to find funding, and the "Sushi Express" gets off to a great start. But, after a good start, the small business stagnates ...
Cold Moon
Simon and Dede are best friends: two aimless drunks who spend their days getting sloshed and any other available time getting laid. Simon is living on unemployment benefits in a trailer parked near his sister's apartment. Dede works at a fish-packing plant on the night shift. Neither man is sensitive, young, or good looking. However, their sang-froid (literally, "cold blood," referring to a quality of imperturbability) stands them in good stead as they go about their seedy lives, picking up one woman and having sex with her on the beach, or when Simon calmly has sex with a prostitute in front of the woman's brother. In the past, a bizarre necrophiliac situation led to Simon experiencing his only sense of what it might be to truly love someone.
Mona and I
The father
Mona is the girlfriend of Pierre, who is a member of a rather pathetic rock band in France. Their hero is the singer "Johnny Valentine " who, seeing that Mona is being neglected, decides to make her his own.
Jacques Rivette, the Watchman
Self - Actor
This film of interviews with the film director Jacques Rivette was produced in collaboration with Serge Daney, film critic from “Cahiers du cinéma”, then of “Liberation”. In the course of their conversations, the two speakers discuss Rivette’s career, his relationships with the other film makers of the new wave, his use of “mise en scene” and his working with actors.
Thick Skinned
Two brothers set fire to a barn while drunk, inadvertently causing the death of a sleeping wanderer. One of them takes all the blame for the incident and spends ten years in prison.
Французская революция
Постановка истории Французской революции. Первая серия «Годы света» охватывает события 1789-1792 годов (когда король Людовик XVI находился на престоле). Вторая серия «Годы ужаса» завершается событиями 1794 года. В ней отображены перепетии истории, связанные со смертью на гильотине Людовика XVI, Марии-Антуанетты, Дантона и других революционеров.
La soule
In the debacle of the battle of Vitoria in Spain in 1813, Pierre Cursey was robbed of the horses of his unit by a fugitive. He is taken prisoner and sent to a floating pontoon. He managed to survive but vowed to find the traitor who had put him through hell. He finds him two years later in a village in the Dordogne. Francois Lemercier is the town's shoemaker and above all the captain and hero of the local soule team, a ball game that dates back to the Middle Ages. Cursey will discover in Lemercier a man of chivalrous honor.
The Husbands, the Wives, the Lovers
In the summer holidays, a group of women stay behind in Paris whilst their husbands and children take a vacation on the sunny Island of Ré. The women – wives, frustrated spinsters and adolescents – profit from their new-found freedom to sort out their love lives and the men indulge their earthy passions with no less enthusiasm. Only the children seems capable of rising above this infantile summer madness...
36 Fillette
Le père
Lili, a pouty and voluptuous 14-year-old, is caravan camping with her family in Biarritz. She's self-aware and holds her own in a café conversation with a concert pianist she meets, but she has a wild streak and she's testing her powers over men, finding that she doesn't always control her moods or actions, and she's impatient with being a virgin. She sets off with her brother to a disco, latching onto an aging playboy who is himself hot and cold to her. She is ambivalent about losing her virginity that night, willing the next, and determined by the third.
Как хороши эти белые
Караван грузовиков, которые везут в африканское поселение несколько тонн провизии («гуманитарную помощь»), то и дело останавливается. Странных белых встречает то жадность, то непонимание. Они же путешествуют, не зная, к чему всё это приведёт…
Lune froide
A César award winning short drama based around Charles Bukowski's two novels "Copulating Mermaid of Venice" and "Trouble with the Battery"
Vent de panique
Scrap dealer
Roland and Martine, once child stars in a TV series, have sunk into a life of crime. Answering an ad from Isabelle, a young girl seeking work with children, they abduct her with the intention of selling her into prostitution. At the last moment, having become fond of her, they relent and set out to take her home. She rebels, insisting that she enjoys their exciting life of stolen cars, stolen cheques, hotels and restaurants left without paying the bill, and the threesome become a formidable team. Then Isabelle's mood changes again and she disappears with a hitch-hiker. Worried over her future, Roland and Martine trace her to the town where she is about to get married and abduct her, this time from the church steps. Roaring off in a stolen ambulance, the three are happily on the run again.
Sale destin
Djebel Zanera
Francois Marboni is a butcher who is being blackmailed for having an affair with the prostitute Rachel in this black comedy. He decides to hire a hit man when the blackmailer demands that he start cutting his profit margin to the bone. Francois soon becomes a target of the hitman he hired.
La rebelión de los colgados
Don Severo
The drama of the Indians of tropical Mexico in the early twentieth century. The Rebellion of the Hanged is the intense story of the rise of the oppressed pawns and their struggle to achieve freedom and independence.
Double Gentlemen
In a routine look at what it means to finally leave adolescence behind — even in one’s mature years — this series of mood swings and sequences focuses on two grown men. Francois (Jean Francois Stevenin, the director) and Leo (Yves Alonso) are old friends, and at one point they decide to go out and search for one of their childhood buddies, the brunt of several of their practical jokes. In true form, the men opt for playing yet another practical joke on their friend, but their plans backfire when his wife Helene (Carole Bouquet) comes into the picture instead. Her presence forces them to reconsider their shenanigans in a new light.
Double Gentlemen
In a routine look at what it means to finally leave adolescence behind — even in one’s mature years — this series of mood swings and sequences focuses on two grown men. Francois (Jean Francois Stevenin, the director) and Leo (Yves Alonso) are old friends, and at one point they decide to go out and search for one of their childhood buddies, the brunt of several of their practical jokes. In true form, the men opt for playing yet another practical joke on their friend, but their plans backfire when his wife Helene (Carole Bouquet) comes into the picture instead. Her presence forces them to reconsider their shenanigans in a new light.
Double Gentlemen
In a routine look at what it means to finally leave adolescence behind — even in one’s mature years — this series of mood swings and sequences focuses on two grown men. Francois (Jean Francois Stevenin, the director) and Leo (Yves Alonso) are old friends, and at one point they decide to go out and search for one of their childhood buddies, the brunt of several of their practical jokes. In true form, the men opt for playing yet another practical joke on their friend, but their plans backfire when his wife Helene (Carole Bouquet) comes into the picture instead. Her presence forces them to reconsider their shenanigans in a new light.
Double Gentlemen
In a routine look at what it means to finally leave adolescence behind — even in one’s mature years — this series of mood swings and sequences focuses on two grown men. Francois (Jean Francois Stevenin, the director) and Leo (Yves Alonso) are old friends, and at one point they decide to go out and search for one of their childhood buddies, the brunt of several of their practical jokes. In true form, the men opt for playing yet another practical joke on their friend, but their plans backfire when his wife Helene (Carole Bouquet) comes into the picture instead. Her presence forces them to reconsider their shenanigans in a new light.
I Hate Actors
Chester Devlin
A Hollywood studio is producing another spectacular when the top billed male stars suddenly show up as corpses, killed before the critics could ever put pen to paper. Under suspicion is a talent agent. Is he guilty or not? These macabre events have everyone off their feed, from the producers down to the lowest gofer.
Вечернее платье
l'homme du couple au lit
Малоимущие супруги Моника и Антуан сидели в кафе и громко выясняли отношения. В семейные разборки встрял Боб,
Nerva's Aide
John the Baptist, the prophet of Israel, is imprisoned by Herod, governor of Judea for protesting Herod's marriage to his brother's wife. Jealousies rage and Herod's step-daughter and niece Salome seduces Herod by means of a torrid dance to give her the head of the prophet - but then tries to save the life of the man she has thus condemned. Updated to a WWII setting
Treasure Island
Israel Hands
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
Слово полицейского
Sylvain Dubor
У полицейского Даниэля Пратта погибла жена, но преступление осталось нераскрытым. Он уходит из полиции, отправляется в Африку, надеясь залечить душевные раны. Однако покой ему только снится. Его дочь, связавшаяся с преступниками, погибает во время первого же дела, на которое её взяли. Полиция не очень торопится найти убийц, поэтому отец сам берется за дело...
Le futur père
A César award winning short film about a young actress who has to disguise her pregnancy bump in order to keep working.
Наша история
Роберт Авранш, разрывается между любовью к выпивке и женщине, с которой познакомился в поезде. Режиссёр затрагивает свою излюбленную тему — сексуальная неудовлетворенность женщины, а некоторые сцены кажутся заимствованными из его же предыдущих фильмов...
Flight to Berlin
A woman is being taken from her German hotel to be interrogated by police agents.
A Room in Town
Set against the backdrop of an increasingly violent strike, a worker falls in love with the middle-class daughter of his landlady.
Le machino
Польский режиссер снимает для французского телевидения. Он вылез за рамки бюджета и потерял вдохновение. Выйти из состояния застоя ему помогают две женщины — Ханна, хозяйка гостиницы, где остановилась съемочная группа, и уборщица Изабель, недавно уволенная с работы мужем Ханны.
Северный мост
Две женщины, Мари и Батист, кружат странными траекториями в Париже, попадают в странные ситуации, живут внутри какой-то тревожной атмосферы – вязкой, холодной, параноидальной.
1982. A shop worker saves money all year for a holiday in France, using a magazine as guide to the mode of dress and manners of behaviour she thinks expected of a wealthy woman.
The decorator
Элизабет отправляет билет на самолет своей сестре Лео и американскому другу Бену и договаривается о встрече с ними обоими в Руасси. Но когда они прибывают, Бен и Лео, до этого не знавшие друг друга, не находят Элизабет. Они недоумевают, почему она попросила их приехать, и вскоре понимают, что она ищет своего отца...
Во время Второй мировой войны бывший футболист собирает команду в лагере для военнопленных, чтобы дать отпор немецкой команде.
This drama about a barmaid caught up in events beyond her control is the first film directed by Juliet Berto, and was also based on her own concept for the story. The barmaid, played by Berto, has been trying to take care of Bobby, a teenage drug pusher who is in over his head. Before she can put him back on track and get him out of the drug underworld, the young man is killed while being chased by a narcotics agent. Depressed by his death but not derailed, she finds herself trying to help out a gay user who depended on Bobby for his supply of drugs. She decides to procure some drugs for the desperate addict, and is trapped in the bathroom of a bar - with the drugs - when narcotics agents burst upon the scene. Her boyfriend rushes to help her but is killed by an agent who shoots first and thinks later. The barmaid does not face a very optimistic future as the narc arrests her - but releases a parish minister who had been helping her find a source for the drugs.
The Boy Soldier
Sergent Billotet
In the 1930s a young fellow, Simon Chalumet, is sent to a military school by his overbearing father, an ex-soldier who has little sympathy for his son's more gentle temperament, or for his interest in films.
Marc runs a psychotherapy course at a large country house belonging to his wife Colette. His clients are depressed and his job is to cure them of their neuroses.
Псы войны
Деловые круги Запада заинтересованы в том, чтобы свергнуть диктаторский режим в небольшой африканской стране. Осуществить переворот предложено командиру группы наемников Полу Шеннону. За определенную сумму командир соглашается выполнить операцию и приступает к ее подготовке. Дворец диктатора взят приступом за одну ночь. Контракт выполнен. За исключением одного пункта…
Two Lions in the Sun
Paul and Rene, two men in their forties weary with life. One a widower, the other is divorced and pays alimony to his ex-wife. They live together, go on vacations together. This last vacation has been a washout and so is their return.
See Here My Love
l’inspecteur Mercier
Young aristocrat Arnaud de Maule hires female private detective Claude Alphand to investigate a strange cult, the Church of the Final Revival, that tried to recruit his girlfriend Chloé, who then disappeared, and it now stalks him.
The Police War
Fush and Ballestrat are the heads of each department of the French police. Both have the task of combating serious crime and cleaning up the underworld.
Von A.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Mais où et donc Ornicar
They are in their thirties. They have now children, an appartment, a work, cars... and still have loves, dreams and passions. They will meet each other, leave each other, under the eye of their kids.
Mountain Pass
Serge (Stevenin) is a dweller in the French provinces who happens upon Georges (Jacques Villeret), a Parisian motorist in distress. Serge arranges for the car to be taken to a nearby garage. Georges' friends, who were with him in the car, have continued their journeys. Because of that, Serge takes Georges under his wings while he waits for his car to be repaired, and they tour the countryside and party with the local revelers. Nothing much is said between them, but it is clear that they have become friends
Mountain Pass
Serge (Stevenin) is a dweller in the French provinces who happens upon Georges (Jacques Villeret), a Parisian motorist in distress. Serge arranges for the car to be taken to a nearby garage. Georges' friends, who were with him in the car, have continued their journeys. Because of that, Serge takes Georges under his wings while he waits for his car to be repaired, and they tour the countryside and party with the local revelers. Nothing much is said between them, but it is clear that they have become friends
Mountain Pass
Serge (Stevenin) is a dweller in the French provinces who happens upon Georges (Jacques Villeret), a Parisian motorist in distress. Serge arranges for the car to be taken to a nearby garage. Georges' friends, who were with him in the car, have continued their journeys. Because of that, Serge takes Georges under his wings while he waits for his car to be repaired, and they tour the countryside and party with the local revelers. Nothing much is said between them, but it is clear that they have become friends
Like a Turtle on Its Back
Unable to put a single word on paper, a youngish man with one novel to his credit finds that his life is crumbling to ruins around him because of his severe case of writer's block. He tries every remedy known to man and makes up a few new ones in this comedy. All his efforts are futile: he loses his girlfriend and his apartment and has a succession of misadventures until finally, homeless and hospitalized, he rediscovers his inspiration.
le jeune homme brun
Романтический триллер о молодой женщине Лор, которая влюбляется в убийцу своего прежнего возлюбленного Самсона, постепенно вытесняемого из ее памяти нынешним любовником. В своей третьей ленте Тешине поражает триумфом стиля, барочностью и одновременно экспрессионизмом и импрессионизмом кинописьма, рисуя причудливую, странную, призрачную, почти ирреальную атмосферу голландского города-порта. Преимущественно ночные или предрассветные виды улиц, залитых неоном реклам, сизый, фиолетовый туман, пронизывающий все вокруг, как бы проникающий и внутрь героев, которые испытывают неясное томление и тревогу.
Карманные деньги
Jean-François Richet, l'instituteur
Это лёгкий и лиричный фильм, рассказывающий о жизни и проблемах подростков из маленького французского городка: первая любовь в темном зале кинотеатра, маленькие кражи в магазине, забавные истории в отношениях с родителями...
Assistant Director
Квартирный вор Оливье знакомится с профессиональной садо-мазо госпожой Арианой, ради денег обслуживающей богатых клиентов с мазохистскими наклонностями. Оливье влюбляется в Ариану и хочет изменить ее жизнь.
Zig Zig
Assistant Director
Two women work as entertainers and prostitutes to raise enough money for their dream home.
Американская ночь
Эта картина о том, как снимают фильм. Конфликты на съемочной площадке, неудачи с актерами и прочие студийные перипетии улаживает, утрясает и исправляет Владыка творческого процесса — Режиссер.
Out 1
While two theater groups rehearse plays by Aeschylus, two solitary individuals wander the Parisian streets hustling the populace for cash.
Семейный очаг
Second Assistant Director
Продолжение во многом автобиографичной истории подростка Антуана Дуанеля. Он тяготится своим положением в школе и в семье, стремится вырваться из тусклой и унылой повседневной жизни. Повзрослев, Дуанель влюбляется и женится на Кристин, становится отцом ребенка, затем экспериментирует с адюльтером, заведя мало интересную любовную интрижку с Киоко.
Дикий ребенок
"Эта история подлинная, она начинается во Франции, в лесу, летним днем 1798 года" - так начинается рассказ о найденном в лесу ребенке, росшем, как Маугли, лет до 12. Трюффо сам снялся в роли ученого, взявшегося за воспитание мальчика, и выбрал самые простые средства для подачи самой простой истины, о которой мы не задумываемся: только в живущем среди людей человеке появляются слезы и смех, чувства обиды и привязанности, несправедливости и добра.