Michael Feifer

Michael Feifer

Рождение : 1968-09-11, Brooklyn, New York, USA


Michael Feifer


A Nanny's Revenge
Executive Producer
When a loving couple with two children welcome a seemingly sweet and capable nanny into their home, little do they know that her presence will unravel a chilling tale of hidden agendas and sinister secrets, plunging them into a terrifying journey.
A Nanny's Revenge
When a loving couple with two children welcome a seemingly sweet and capable nanny into their home, little do they know that her presence will unravel a chilling tale of hidden agendas and sinister secrets, plunging them into a terrifying journey.
A Nanny's Revenge
When a loving couple with two children welcome a seemingly sweet and capable nanny into their home, little do they know that her presence will unravel a chilling tale of hidden agendas and sinister secrets, plunging them into a terrifying journey.
Here Kills the Bride
It follows Carlos's sister as she finds out that he is getting married in a week to Grace, a girl he just met in a strip club. His sister investigates and gets pulled into a whirlwind of events, putting her own life at risk.
Here Kills the Bride
It follows Carlos's sister as she finds out that he is getting married in a week to Grace, a girl he just met in a strip club. His sister investigates and gets pulled into a whirlwind of events, putting her own life at risk.
Вендетта. Банды Атланты
Line Producer
Бывший морпех Уильям Дункан теряет дочь — девушка стала случайной жертвой разборок уличных банд. Полиция бездействует. Отец берет правосудие в свои руки и расправляется с виновным. Убитый оказывается сыном крупного мафиози, и Дункан попадает в эпицентр войны бандитских группировок.
Psycho Sweet 16
When a high school junior is forced to transfer to a new school after her mom is admitted to rehab, she quickly rubs the reigning mean girl the wrong way. The teen’s aunt and uncle offer to throw a sweet sixteen party to help her adjust, but the jealous queen bee will stop at nothing to destroy her plans, including murder. The teen’s mom must redeem herself and help save the party, but more importantly her relationship with her daughter.
Psycho Sweet 16
When a high school junior is forced to transfer to a new school after her mom is admitted to rehab, she quickly rubs the reigning mean girl the wrong way. The teen’s aunt and uncle offer to throw a sweet sixteen party to help her adjust, but the jealous queen bee will stop at nothing to destroy her plans, including murder. The teen’s mom must redeem herself and help save the party, but more importantly her relationship with her daughter.
Отчаянные всадники
Красный Канзас спасает юного Билли от перестрелки в карточной игре. Мальчик просит Реда помочь защитить его семью от преступника Торна, который только что похитил мать Билли, Кэрол. Когда Ред и Билли отправляются спасать Кэрол, они натыкаются на красивую, крепкую как гвоздь Лесли, которой удалось сбежать от людей Торна. Трое бегут наперегонки, чтобы остановить свадьбу Торна с Кэрол с оружием наперевес - но хочет ли она, чтобы ее спасли?
Отчаянные всадники
Красный Канзас спасает юного Билли от перестрелки в карточной игре. Мальчик просит Реда помочь защитить его семью от преступника Торна, который только что похитил мать Билли, Кэрол. Когда Ред и Билли отправляются спасать Кэрол, они натыкаются на красивую, крепкую как гвоздь Лесли, которой удалось сбежать от людей Торна. Трое бегут наперегонки, чтобы остановить свадьбу Торна с Кэрол с оружием наперевес - но хочет ли она, чтобы ее спасли?
Отчаянные всадники
Красный Канзас спасает юного Билли от перестрелки в карточной игре. Мальчик просит Реда помочь защитить его семью от преступника Торна, который только что похитил мать Билли, Кэрол. Когда Ред и Билли отправляются спасать Кэрол, они натыкаются на красивую, крепкую как гвоздь Лесли, которой удалось сбежать от людей Торна. Трое бегут наперегонки, чтобы остановить свадьбу Торна с Кэрол с оружием наперевес - но хочет ли она, чтобы ее спасли?
Последний выстрел
Когда Джоселин узнает, что ее новоиспеченный муж убил ее отца, она сбегает с ранчо. По пути девушка встречает бандита Билли Тайсона, который соглашается помочь ей скрыться от супруга.
Последний выстрел
Когда Джоселин узнает, что ее новоиспеченный муж убил ее отца, она сбегает с ранчо. По пути девушка встречает бандита Билли Тайсона, который соглашается помочь ей скрыться от супруга.
Последний выстрел
Когда Джоселин узнает, что ее новоиспеченный муж убил ее отца, она сбегает с ранчо. По пути девушка встречает бандита Билли Тайсона, который соглашается помочь ей скрыться от супруга.
Поймать пулю
Когда маршал США Бритт Макмастерс возвращается домой после длительной миссии, то там он находит только тяжело раненного отца, а его сын похищен бандитами. Взяв помощники своих верных друзей, Бритт по горячим следам отправляется в погоню...
Поймать пулю
Когда маршал США Бритт Макмастерс возвращается домой после длительной миссии, то там он находит только тяжело раненного отца, а его сын похищен бандитами. Взяв помощники своих верных друзей, Бритт по горячим следам отправляется в погоню...
Поймать пулю
Когда маршал США Бритт Макмастерс возвращается домой после длительной миссии, то там он находит только тяжело раненного отца, а его сын похищен бандитами. Взяв помощники своих верных друзей, Бритт по горячим следам отправляется в погоню...
Saving My Daughter
Fifteen years ago, Joanna Kennedy’s life was turned upside down when her three-year-old daughter, Chloe, went missing for six months before being returned. Joanna finds herself searching again for answers and determined to find out if her daughter left of her own volition or has she been kidnapped yet again, and if so, is it at the hands of the woman who abducted her all those years before or someone else…and why?
Saving My Daughter
Fifteen years ago, Joanna Kennedy’s life was turned upside down when her three-year-old daughter, Chloe, went missing for six months before being returned. Joanna finds herself searching again for answers and determined to find out if her daughter left of her own volition or has she been kidnapped yet again, and if so, is it at the hands of the woman who abducted her all those years before or someone else…and why?
Месть солдата
Преследуемый ужасами военных лет, Фрэнк Коннор проводит всё своё время за двумя занятиями: пьет виски и ловит беглецов. Однажды у порога его дома оказывается два ребенка, которые отчаянно просят отыскать их пропавшую мать. Фрэнку предстоит лицом к лицу столкнуться со своим прошлым и разобраться с печально известным преступником майором Бриггсом, с которым у него давние счеты.
Месть солдата
Преследуемый ужасами военных лет, Фрэнк Коннор проводит всё своё время за двумя занятиями: пьет виски и ловит беглецов. Однажды у порога его дома оказывается два ребенка, которые отчаянно просят отыскать их пропавшую мать. Фрэнку предстоит лицом к лицу столкнуться со своим прошлым и разобраться с печально известным преступником майором Бриггсом, с которым у него давние счеты.
Месть солдата
Преследуемый ужасами военных лет, Фрэнк Коннор проводит всё своё время за двумя занятиями: пьет виски и ловит беглецов. Однажды у порога его дома оказывается два ребенка, которые отчаянно просят отыскать их пропавшую мать. Фрэнку предстоит лицом к лицу столкнуться со своим прошлым и разобраться с печально известным преступником майором Бриггсом, с которым у него давние счеты.
Secrets in the Water
Inspired by a true story. When Mia’s body washes ashore, her mother, Laura, enlists the help of Mia’s best friend, Bailey, to figure out who killed her daughter. Together, they narrow down the suspects to a secret boyfriend and a classmate Mia rejected. As they further investigate, they find Mia’s secret boyfriend dead along with a note confessing to Mia’s murder. But when the police call Laura with new evidence, the real killer may be closer than she thinks.
Secrets in the Water
Inspired by a true story. When Mia’s body washes ashore, her mother, Laura, enlists the help of Mia’s best friend, Bailey, to figure out who killed her daughter. Together, they narrow down the suspects to a secret boyfriend and a classmate Mia rejected. As they further investigate, they find Mia’s secret boyfriend dead along with a note confessing to Mia’s murder. But when the police call Laura with new evidence, the real killer may be closer than she thinks.
My Daughter's Psycho Friend
A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
My Daughter's Psycho Friend
A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
My Daughter's Psycho Friend
A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
My Daughter's Psycho Friend
A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
Sinister Stalker
An ER doctor named Karen is attacked on her way home at night and is helped by a stranger named Daniel. He gets injured during the attack and Karen takes him home to help care for his injuries. As time passes, Karen realizes that Daniel isn't a humble hero that saved her, but a man that isn't stable. He also seems to have a "sinister connection" to her past.
Sinister Stalker
An ER doctor named Karen is attacked on her way home at night and is helped by a stranger named Daniel. He gets injured during the attack and Karen takes him home to help care for his injuries. As time passes, Karen realizes that Daniel isn't a humble hero that saved her, but a man that isn't stable. He also seems to have a "sinister connection" to her past.
12 щенков Рождества
Расставшись с неверным женихом, Эрин начинает жизнь с нуля в новом городе. И как только она решила, что её жизнь начала налаживаться, её самодовольный новый босс даёт ей задание найти хозяев 12 щенкам, оставленных после фотосессии, и сделать это надо непременно до Рождества. Постепенно девушка привязывается к новому боссу и решает помочь ему спасти компанию, стоящую на грани банкротства.
12 щенков Рождества
Расставшись с неверным женихом, Эрин начинает жизнь с нуля в новом городе. И как только она решила, что её жизнь начала налаживаться, её самодовольный новый босс даёт ей задание найти хозяев 12 щенкам, оставленных после фотосессии, и сделать это надо непременно до Рождества. Постепенно девушка привязывается к новому боссу и решает помочь ему спасти компанию, стоящую на грани банкротства.
12 щенков Рождества
Расставшись с неверным женихом, Эрин начинает жизнь с нуля в новом городе. И как только она решила, что её жизнь начала налаживаться, её самодовольный новый босс даёт ей задание найти хозяев 12 щенкам, оставленных после фотосессии, и сделать это надо непременно до Рождества. Постепенно девушка привязывается к новому боссу и решает помочь ему спасти компанию, стоящую на грани банкротства.
Deviant Love
In a tailspin after her marriage collapses, Jamie falls for a helpful gentleman whose interest in her welfare hides sinister motives.
Deviant Love
In a tailspin after her marriage collapses, Jamie falls for a helpful gentleman whose interest in her welfare hides sinister motives.
Anniversary Nightmare
Liz and Andrew are on their anniversary trip in Hawaii when Liz wakes up to discover her husband missing and evidence of an invasion all around her. But with no witnesses, she's immediately labeled the prime suspect. Without any help from the system that failed her, Liz must solve the crime herself with the possibility that her husband may still be alive.
Anniversary Nightmare
Liz and Andrew are on their anniversary trip in Hawaii when Liz wakes up to discover her husband missing and evidence of an invasion all around her. But with no witnesses, she's immediately labeled the prime suspect. Without any help from the system that failed her, Liz must solve the crime herself with the possibility that her husband may still be alive.
Anniversary Nightmare
Liz and Andrew are on their anniversary trip in Hawaii when Liz wakes up to discover her husband missing and evidence of an invasion all around her. But with no witnesses, she's immediately labeled the prime suspect. Without any help from the system that failed her, Liz must solve the crime herself with the possibility that her husband may still be alive.
Munchausen By Internet
A private nurse hired to care for a sick boy sets her sights on becoming his mother instead.
Munchausen By Internet
A private nurse hired to care for a sick boy sets her sights on becoming his mother instead.
My Stepfather's Secret
Bailey Kershaw returns home for the summer from college to discover that her mother has a new boyfriend, Hugo, who she plans to immediately marry. Bailey is unsettled by Hugo and how quickly he has invaded her family home and her mother's life.
My Stepfather's Secret
Bailey Kershaw returns home for the summer from college to discover that her mother has a new boyfriend, Hugo, who she plans to immediately marry. Bailey is unsettled by Hugo and how quickly he has invaded her family home and her mother's life.
Who's Stalking Me?
Following a near-death experience when an attacker breaks into her home, Amanda can't shake the feeling that she's still in harm's way. In comes the handsome and stern Detective James Dawson to save the day and keep an especially close eye on Amanda. Taken by his generosity and commitment, Amanda begins to feel safer--unaware that she's letting the real threat get closer than ever.
Who's Stalking Me?
Following a near-death experience when an attacker breaks into her home, Amanda can't shake the feeling that she's still in harm's way. In comes the handsome and stern Detective James Dawson to save the day and keep an especially close eye on Amanda. Taken by his generosity and commitment, Amanda begins to feel safer--unaware that she's letting the real threat get closer than ever.
Who's Stalking Me?
Following a near-death experience when an attacker breaks into her home, Amanda can't shake the feeling that she's still in harm's way. In comes the handsome and stern Detective James Dawson to save the day and keep an especially close eye on Amanda. Taken by his generosity and commitment, Amanda begins to feel safer--unaware that she's letting the real threat get closer than ever.
Cradles for Cash
When Kelly's newborn baby is stolen from the hospital where she works, she teams up with Gloria, also a victim of baby abduction, to get her child back from a black market adoption ring.
Cradles for Cash
When Kelly's newborn baby is stolen from the hospital where she works, she teams up with Gloria, also a victim of baby abduction, to get her child back from a black market adoption ring.
Saving My Baby
After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Saving My Baby
After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Saving My Baby
After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Saving My Baby
After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Dangerous Matrimony
A newly married couple's vacation retreat is suddenly derailed when the husband, ultra successful business tycoon David Dolan, is suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom. It's up to David's trusty assistant Portia to negotiate the terms and figure out who is behind the abduction.
Dangerous Matrimony
A newly married couple's vacation retreat is suddenly derailed when the husband, ultra successful business tycoon David Dolan, is suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom. It's up to David's trusty assistant Portia to negotiate the terms and figure out who is behind the abduction.
Dangerous Matrimony
A newly married couple's vacation retreat is suddenly derailed when the husband, ultra successful business tycoon David Dolan, is suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom. It's up to David's trusty assistant Portia to negotiate the terms and figure out who is behind the abduction.
Dangerous Matrimony
A newly married couple's vacation retreat is suddenly derailed when the husband, ultra successful business tycoon David Dolan, is suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom. It's up to David's trusty assistant Portia to negotiate the terms and figure out who is behind the abduction.
A Stolen Life
Under the guise as a math tutor, Tamara finds a way to reconnect with her abducted daughter but her father will do anything, even kill, to keep the truth hidden.
A Stolen Life
Under the guise as a math tutor, Tamara finds a way to reconnect with her abducted daughter but her father will do anything, even kill, to keep the truth hidden.
A Stolen Life
Under the guise as a math tutor, Tamara finds a way to reconnect with her abducted daughter but her father will do anything, even kill, to keep the truth hidden.
The Work Wife
After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.
The Work Wife
After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.
The Work Wife
After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.
Party Mom
When a “party mom” allows things to go too far with her daughter’s house party, murder and mayhem are the deadly consequences.
Party Mom
When a “party mom” allows things to go too far with her daughter’s house party, murder and mayhem are the deadly consequences.
Party Mom
When a “party mom” allows things to go too far with her daughter’s house party, murder and mayhem are the deadly consequences.
The Bachelor Next Door
A newly engaged couple becomes intrigued by the young stranger who moves in next door. He's handsome, friendly and very helpful, but he's no stranger.
The Bachelor Next Door
A newly engaged couple becomes intrigued by the young stranger who moves in next door. He's handsome, friendly and very helpful, but he's no stranger.
The Bachelor Next Door
A newly engaged couple becomes intrigued by the young stranger who moves in next door. He's handsome, friendly and very helpful, but he's no stranger.
Born and Missing
A week after she gives birth, Ashley dies in a car crash and her newborn goes missing. Her husband Brian fears that there is something more devious behind the accident.
Born and Missing
A week after she gives birth, Ashley dies in a car crash and her newborn goes missing. Her husband Brian fears that there is something more devious behind the accident.
A Woman Deceived
It’s been one year since Elizabeth’s husband, Bill, died in a tragic horseback riding accident and she is starting to move on. When she runs into Travis Brown, the cowboy she met the same weekend Bill died, the two immediately hit it off. Travis is just what Elizabeth needed to come into her life and they soon get married. When new evidence surfaces implying that Bill’s death wasn’t an accident, Elizabeth must find a way to protect herself and her son from the man she married.
A Woman Deceived
It’s been one year since Elizabeth’s husband, Bill, died in a tragic horseback riding accident and she is starting to move on. When she runs into Travis Brown, the cowboy she met the same weekend Bill died, the two immediately hit it off. Travis is just what Elizabeth needed to come into her life and they soon get married. When new evidence surfaces implying that Bill’s death wasn’t an accident, Elizabeth must find a way to protect herself and her son from the man she married.
A Woman Deceived
It’s been one year since Elizabeth’s husband, Bill, died in a tragic horseback riding accident and she is starting to move on. When she runs into Travis Brown, the cowboy she met the same weekend Bill died, the two immediately hit it off. Travis is just what Elizabeth needed to come into her life and they soon get married. When new evidence surfaces implying that Bill’s death wasn’t an accident, Elizabeth must find a way to protect herself and her son from the man she married.
Cradle Swapping
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
Cradle Swapping
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
Cradle Swapping
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
Cradle Swapping
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
Inspired to Kill
After losing the hero worship of her excitement in a repulsive catastrophe, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board as soon as Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful girl who loves to beverage wine and flirt when younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy do something student, who nimbly takes to Kara even though his meek birds prevents him from making a involve. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an conventional crime novelist and Kara is hastily taken gone his mild confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has persecuted Kara ends happening paying the ultimate price and she begins to admiration what she in dream of fact knows just roughly Paul. Kara enlists Jasons encourage to locate out the precise--but soon the two take taking place a haunting conclusion.
Inspired to Kill
After losing the hero worship of her excitement in a repulsive catastrophe, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board as soon as Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful girl who loves to beverage wine and flirt when younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy do something student, who nimbly takes to Kara even though his meek birds prevents him from making a involve. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an conventional crime novelist and Kara is hastily taken gone his mild confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has persecuted Kara ends happening paying the ultimate price and she begins to admiration what she in dream of fact knows just roughly Paul. Kara enlists Jasons encourage to locate out the precise--but soon the two take taking place a haunting conclusion.
Inspired to Kill
After losing the hero worship of her excitement in a repulsive catastrophe, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board as soon as Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful girl who loves to beverage wine and flirt when younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy do something student, who nimbly takes to Kara even though his meek birds prevents him from making a involve. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an conventional crime novelist and Kara is hastily taken gone his mild confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has persecuted Kara ends happening paying the ultimate price and she begins to admiration what she in dream of fact knows just roughly Paul. Kara enlists Jasons encourage to locate out the precise--but soon the two take taking place a haunting conclusion.
Christmas with the Andersons
Post Production Supervisor
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
Christmas with the Andersons
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
Christmas with the Andersons
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
Christmas with the Andersons
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
The Last Appeal
Convicted of first-degree murder, Titus Freeman enters Death Row determined to overturn his sentence but is forced to confront a haunting truth that he cannot escape.
Remote Paradise
A female business woman gets in over her head after inheriting some money and encountering a dangerous bad boy in Hawaii.
Remote Paradise
A female business woman gets in over her head after inheriting some money and encountering a dangerous bad boy in Hawaii.
Remote Paradise
A female business woman gets in over her head after inheriting some money and encountering a dangerous bad boy in Hawaii.
A Killer Walks Amongst Us
Haunted by the ghosts of the past, an ex FBI agent helps the police on a case of a murdered teenager to track the murderer.
Merry Kissmas
Unwinding her relationship from a controlling choreographer, Kayla happens to take an elevator ride with lonesome caterer “Dustin”. The lift stalls, and spontaneously, magical kisses follow. Soon the choreographer makes nice, and Dustin retreats. Kayla becomes confused as to which man to love.
Merry Kissmas
Unwinding her relationship from a controlling choreographer, Kayla happens to take an elevator ride with lonesome caterer “Dustin”. The lift stalls, and spontaneously, magical kisses follow. Soon the choreographer makes nice, and Dustin retreats. Kayla becomes confused as to which man to love.
A Mother Betrayed
Newlywed Monica is committed to a mental hospital for hallucinations, but soon finds out that her husband has a devious plan to steal her life, including her daughter.
A Mother Betrayed
Newlywed Monica is committed to a mental hospital for hallucinations, but soon finds out that her husband has a devious plan to steal her life, including her daughter.
A Mother Betrayed
Newlywed Monica is committed to a mental hospital for hallucinations, but soon finds out that her husband has a devious plan to steal her life, including her daughter.
16 And Missing
A 16 year old girl goes missing after an online relationship with an older man.
16 And Missing
A 16 year old girl goes missing after an online relationship with an older man.
16 And Missing
A 16 year old girl goes missing after an online relationship with an older man.
Тайна его семьи
Сара живет идеальной жизнью вместе с мужем Джейсоном и сыном Брэндоном до тех пор, пока… Джейсон просто не исчезает! Поиски мужа превращаются в недели агонии для Сары и ее сына Брэндона. Что еще хуже, сын Сары страдает от редкого генетического заболевания и только ДНК Джейсона может спасти его. Когда Сара, наконец, находит Джейсона, он хочет удостовериться в том, что Сара не разрушит его тайную жизнь и его опасное прошлое.
Тайна его семьи
Сара живет идеальной жизнью вместе с мужем Джейсоном и сыном Брэндоном до тех пор, пока… Джейсон просто не исчезает! Поиски мужа превращаются в недели агонии для Сары и ее сына Брэндона. Что еще хуже, сын Сары страдает от редкого генетического заболевания и только ДНК Джейсона может спасти его. Когда Сара, наконец, находит Джейсона, он хочет удостовериться в том, что Сара не разрушит его тайную жизнь и его опасное прошлое.
Тайна его семьи
Сара живет идеальной жизнью вместе с мужем Джейсоном и сыном Брэндоном до тех пор, пока… Джейсон просто не исчезает! Поиски мужа превращаются в недели агонии для Сары и ее сына Брэндона. Что еще хуже, сын Сары страдает от редкого генетического заболевания и только ДНК Джейсона может спасти его. Когда Сара, наконец, находит Джейсона, он хочет удостовериться в том, что Сара не разрушит его тайную жизнь и его опасное прошлое.
Deadly Daycare
Rachel decides to take her three year old daughter to daycare. As the days pass, the woman feels that the teacher turns too with her daughter, reaching an almost obsessive relationship.
Deadly Daycare
Rachel decides to take her three year old daughter to daycare. As the days pass, the woman feels that the teacher turns too with her daughter, reaching an almost obsessive relationship.
Deadly Daycare
Rachel decides to take her three year old daughter to daycare. As the days pass, the woman feels that the teacher turns too with her daughter, reaching an almost obsessive relationship.
Taken Away
A corrupt politician covers up his daughter Vicky's pregnancy by forcing her to give the baby up for adoption. The newborn is adopted by a loving couple unable to have children, but a year later Vicky, now in college, realizes she was forced into signing the papers and really wants her daughter back. After sneaking into the adoption agency to find out who the adoptive parents are, she takes them to court to fight for custody.
Taken Away
A corrupt politician covers up his daughter Vicky's pregnancy by forcing her to give the baby up for adoption. The newborn is adopted by a loving couple unable to have children, but a year later Vicky, now in college, realizes she was forced into signing the papers and really wants her daughter back. After sneaking into the adoption agency to find out who the adoptive parents are, she takes them to court to fight for custody.
Lucky Dog
Travis is a divorced architect and devoted father of two who has a hard time handling his unruly dog, Lucky, especially when he goes on dates, which Lucky has a habit of sabotaging. Travis starts falling for a fellow architect, Amber, whose dog Cassie provides a convenient love interest for Lucky. Through Travis and Amber have a mutual attraction, they find themselves at odds when their architectural firm is hired by the wealthy Preston Spencer to design a destination retreat on Catalina Island, and Spencer wants all the architects to compete for the design he'll choose. Unfortunately for Travis, the bigger problem is that Spencer has set his sights on Amber and she seems to be falling for him in return ...
Lucky Dog
Travis is a divorced architect and devoted father of two who has a hard time handling his unruly dog, Lucky, especially when he goes on dates, which Lucky has a habit of sabotaging. Travis starts falling for a fellow architect, Amber, whose dog Cassie provides a convenient love interest for Lucky. Through Travis and Amber have a mutual attraction, they find themselves at odds when their architectural firm is hired by the wealthy Preston Spencer to design a destination retreat on Catalina Island, and Spencer wants all the architects to compete for the design he'll choose. Unfortunately for Travis, the bigger problem is that Spencer has set his sights on Amber and she seems to be falling for him in return ...
Lucky Dog
Travis is a divorced architect and devoted father of two who has a hard time handling his unruly dog, Lucky, especially when he goes on dates, which Lucky has a habit of sabotaging. Travis starts falling for a fellow architect, Amber, whose dog Cassie provides a convenient love interest for Lucky. Through Travis and Amber have a mutual attraction, they find themselves at odds when their architectural firm is hired by the wealthy Preston Spencer to design a destination retreat on Catalina Island, and Spencer wants all the architects to compete for the design he'll choose. Unfortunately for Travis, the bigger problem is that Spencer has set his sights on Amber and she seems to be falling for him in return ...
Deadly Revenge
Charming LA architect Harrison, also a great cook and lover, gets engaged to Cate, a San Francisco landscape architect he meets while collaborating on a major project, after they get locked in by a malfunctioning elevator. She moves to LA for him and volunteers, while he's on mission in Tokyo, to mind his widowed mother Evelyn, still a major force in his life. However Cate gets paranoid when feeling weak and hearing rumors that his former girlfriend disappeared mysteriously years earlier, even cancels the engagement. Then the truth gets out, clearing Harrison and uncovering a lurking danger.
Deadly Revenge
Charming LA architect Harrison, also a great cook and lover, gets engaged to Cate, a San Francisco landscape architect he meets while collaborating on a major project, after they get locked in by a malfunctioning elevator. She moves to LA for him and volunteers, while he's on mission in Tokyo, to mind his widowed mother Evelyn, still a major force in his life. However Cate gets paranoid when feeling weak and hearing rumors that his former girlfriend disappeared mysteriously years earlier, even cancels the engagement. Then the truth gets out, clearing Harrison and uncovering a lurking danger.
A Star for Christmas
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?
A Star for Christmas
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?
A Star for Christmas
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?
Line Producer
Библейская история Саломеи, девушки, которая согласилась исполнить «танец семи покрывал» в обмен на голову Иоанна Крестителя на серебряном блюде.
The Nightmare Nanny
Stay-home mom Annie is reluctant to return to work, until she finds Amber, the perfect nanny for her 3-year-old daughter Jenny. But as Annie's young daughter grows closer and closer to Amber, Annie begins to feel like she's being pushed out of her own life. When Jenny suddenly vanishes one day,Annie's search for her missing daughter leads her to the terrifying truth about the dark past of the woman she trusted with her child.
A Golden Christmas 3
Heather is a charming free spirit whose self-absorbed fiancé Roger never seems to hear a word that comes out of her mouth. Bobby is a naval officer who comes home from serving overseas, looking to start a new chapter in his life. Both Heather and Bobby long to meet someone who makes them feel like they are at home in this world, but they are starting to doubt that person exists. Thanks to two Golden Retrievers, Bobby's spirited eleven-year-old niece Myra, and a fun-filled theatre production of 'A Christmas Carol,' these two unlucky and unlikely people end up falling in love at Christmas. But can they overcome the issues of their past and present in order to build a future together?
A Golden Christmas 3
Heather is a charming free spirit whose self-absorbed fiancé Roger never seems to hear a word that comes out of her mouth. Bobby is a naval officer who comes home from serving overseas, looking to start a new chapter in his life. Both Heather and Bobby long to meet someone who makes them feel like they are at home in this world, but they are starting to doubt that person exists. Thanks to two Golden Retrievers, Bobby's spirited eleven-year-old niece Myra, and a fun-filled theatre production of 'A Christmas Carol,' these two unlucky and unlikely people end up falling in love at Christmas. But can they overcome the issues of their past and present in order to build a future together?
The Dog Who Saved the Holidays
It's a sun-soaked holiday season for the Bannister family as they travel to Southern California to stay with Aunt Barbara, who surprises them with a new puppy named Eve. Everyone is smitten with Eve -- except for the Bannister's dog, Zeus, who sees what a mischievous animal she is when no one else is around. After deciding to run away, Zeus sees Ted and Stewey, two thrifty thieves, trying to break into the family home while the Bannisters are at church. It's up to Zeus and his newest sister Eve to join together to save the holidays for their family!
The Dog Who Saved the Holidays
It's a sun-soaked holiday season for the Bannister family as they travel to Southern California to stay with Aunt Barbara, who surprises them with a new puppy named Eve. Everyone is smitten with Eve -- except for the Bannister's dog, Zeus, who sees what a mischievous animal she is when no one else is around. After deciding to run away, Zeus sees Ted and Stewey, two thrifty thieves, trying to break into the family home while the Bannisters are at church. It's up to Zeus and his newest sister Eve to join together to save the holidays for their family!
Karen is shopping at a convenience store during which a robbery occurs. Her niece is kidnapped and left seriously injured in hospital. When one of the perpetrators is released, Karen decides to go on a murderous trail of revenge.
Karen is shopping at a convenience store during which a robbery occurs. Her niece is kidnapped and left seriously injured in hospital. When one of the perpetrators is released, Karen decides to go on a murderous trail of revenge.
Kristen and her son Oliver have just moved into a gorgeous new neighborhood. Recently divorced, Kristen is anxious to help Oliver adjust to the new life and environment. They meet Justin, a handsome and intriguing ex-soccer star who wows Kristen with his good looks and fun-loving spirit. Despite warnings from her ex-husband Jason, she hires Justin as a caretaker for Oliver and offers to let him live in her guest house. But Kristen is being stalked by someone who knows she is new to the neighborhood. Strange and dangerous things begin happening and no one can be trusted. Did Kristen make a big mistake letting Justin into their lives? As an intricate web of lies and deceit unfolds, it's up to Kristen to protect herself and her family (mylifetime.com).
Kristen and her son Oliver have just moved into a gorgeous new neighborhood. Recently divorced, Kristen is anxious to help Oliver adjust to the new life and environment. They meet Justin, a handsome and intriguing ex-soccer star who wows Kristen with his good looks and fun-loving spirit. Despite warnings from her ex-husband Jason, she hires Justin as a caretaker for Oliver and offers to let him live in her guest house. But Kristen is being stalked by someone who knows she is new to the neighborhood. Strange and dangerous things begin happening and no one can be trusted. Did Kristen make a big mistake letting Justin into their lives? As an intricate web of lies and deceit unfolds, it's up to Kristen to protect herself and her family (mylifetime.com).
Soda Springs
The story of a man's struggle to claim his future by confronting his past. The road is not an easy one as old demons resurface to threaten everything Eden has fought to overcome.
Soda Springs
The story of a man's struggle to claim his future by confronting his past. The road is not an easy one as old demons resurface to threaten everything Eden has fought to overcome.
Soda Springs
The story of a man's struggle to claim his future by confronting his past. The road is not an easy one as old demons resurface to threaten everything Eden has fought to overcome.
Stolen Child
Amanda and Jason are happy marriage now, after years of frustration have finally managed to take a beautiful girl from a country in Eastern Europe through an international adoption agency. But when the doctor will perform a DNA test to small, finds that there have been irregularities in the adoption process.
Возмездие Эрпа
Экшен — вестерн, основанный на реальной истории легенды Дикого Запада — стража порядка Уайетта Эрпа, который сталкивается с трагической гибелью своей возлюбленной Доры и решает за нее отомстить. Вместе со своими верными друзьями — прославленными Бэтом Мастерсоном, Чарли Бассеттом, Биллом Тилгменом и Доком Холлидеем — Эрп пускается в погоню за безжалостными братьями Кенеди, чинящими ради забавы расправу над невинными людьми на своем пути от Додж — Сити к Мексике. Находясь под протекцией влиятельного отца, кровожадные братья не сомневаются, что останутся безнаказанными, однако они недооценивают своего врага и его жажду мести.
Возмездие Эрпа
Экшен — вестерн, основанный на реальной истории легенды Дикого Запада — стража порядка Уайетта Эрпа, который сталкивается с трагической гибелью своей возлюбленной Доры и решает за нее отомстить. Вместе со своими верными друзьями — прославленными Бэтом Мастерсоном, Чарли Бассеттом, Биллом Тилгменом и Доком Холлидеем — Эрп пускается в погоню за безжалостными братьями Кенеди, чинящими ради забавы расправу над невинными людьми на своем пути от Додж — Сити к Мексике. Находясь под протекцией влиятельного отца, кровожадные братья не сомневаются, что останутся безнаказанными, однако они недооценивают своего врага и его жажду мести.
Журналист Эрик только что расстался с подругой, но чувствует себя весьма неплохо. У него есть его старый и верный друг — пес Гейб, а босс Эрика, миссис Эндрюс собирается отправить его в Лондон, чтобы он возглавил новый открывающийся офис. Но Гейб, неожиданно, становится препятствием для поездки. Длительный карантин в компании пит-буллей и мастиффов совсем не привлекает его и он начинает действовать, как Купидон, чтобы привлечь внимание Эрика к их соседке Саре. Эрик, тем временем, занимаясь поисками таинственного писателя P. Л. Даттона, начинает подозревать, что Сара и есть тот самый писатель…
Журналист Эрик только что расстался с подругой, но чувствует себя весьма неплохо. У него есть его старый и верный друг — пес Гейб, а босс Эрика, миссис Эндрюс собирается отправить его в Лондон, чтобы он возглавил новый открывающийся офис. Но Гейб, неожиданно, становится препятствием для поездки. Длительный карантин в компании пит-буллей и мастиффов совсем не привлекает его и он начинает действовать, как Купидон, чтобы привлечь внимание Эрика к их соседке Саре. Эрик, тем временем, занимаясь поисками таинственного писателя P. Л. Даттона, начинает подозревать, что Сара и есть тот самый писатель…
Журналист Эрик только что расстался с подругой, но чувствует себя весьма неплохо. У него есть его старый и верный друг — пес Гейб, а босс Эрика, миссис Эндрюс собирается отправить его в Лондон, чтобы он возглавил новый открывающийся офис. Но Гейб, неожиданно, становится препятствием для поездки. Длительный карантин в компании пит-буллей и мастиффов совсем не привлекает его и он начинает действовать, как Купидон, чтобы привлечь внимание Эрика к их соседке Саре. Эрик, тем временем, занимаясь поисками таинственного писателя P. Л. Даттона, начинает подозревать, что Сара и есть тот самый писатель…
Журналист Эрик только что расстался с подругой, но чувствует себя весьма неплохо. У него есть его старый и верный друг — пес Гейб, а босс Эрика, миссис Эндрюс собирается отправить его в Лондон, чтобы он возглавил новый открывающийся офис. Но Гейб, неожиданно, становится препятствием для поездки. Длительный карантин в компании пит-буллей и мастиффов совсем не привлекает его и он начинает действовать, как Купидон, чтобы привлечь внимание Эрика к их соседке Саре. Эрик, тем временем, занимаясь поисками таинственного писателя P. Л. Даттона, начинает подозревать, что Сара и есть тот самый писатель…
My Dog's Christmas Miracle
University professor Madeline Walters isn’t doing too well in the dating game. Good men are hard to find, so she’s happy spending time with her Maltese puppy Cinnamon, and her precocious teenage daughter Chloe.
My Dog's Christmas Miracle
University professor Madeline Walters isn’t doing too well in the dating game. Good men are hard to find, so she’s happy spending time with her Maltese puppy Cinnamon, and her precocious teenage daughter Chloe.
My Dog's Christmas Miracle
University professor Madeline Walters isn’t doing too well in the dating game. Good men are hard to find, so she’s happy spending time with her Maltese puppy Cinnamon, and her precocious teenage daughter Chloe.
A Christmas Wedding Tail
It's love at first sight when Rusty the Labrador and Cheri the Poodle meet one day while jogging in the park. Even better- their owners fall in love too! But love is more complicated for the people, Susan and Jake, who marry and attempt to join together their large family of five children. With kids fighting and a household in complete chaos, it's up to the dogs to keep the family together.
A Christmas Wedding Tail
It's love at first sight when Rusty the Labrador and Cheri the Poodle meet one day while jogging in the park. Even better- their owners fall in love too! But love is more complicated for the people, Susan and Jake, who marry and attempt to join together their large family of five children. With kids fighting and a household in complete chaos, it's up to the dogs to keep the family together.
Идеальный студент
Когда на территории кампуса была зверски убита девушка, все подозрения пали на Джордан. Николь - профессор криминалист, понимает что полиция идет по ложному следу, пытаясь взвалить всю вину на невиновного. Она начинает собственное расследование чтобы доказать невиновность Джордан. Но не всё так просто, как кажется на первый взгляд...
Идеальный студент
Когда на территории кампуса была зверски убита девушка, все подозрения пали на Джордан. Николь - профессор криминалист, понимает что полиция идет по ложному следу, пытаясь взвалить всю вину на невиновного. Она начинает собственное расследование чтобы доказать невиновность Джордан. Но не всё так просто, как кажется на первый взгляд...
Your Love Never Fails
Your Love Never Fails is the story of Laura (Elisa Donovan), a working mother who just wants to spend more time with her daughter Kelsey, 9. Unfortunately, her demanding boss Paul (Fred Willard) has other ideas. When Kelsey’s father, Dylan (Brad Rowe) files for joint custody, Laura is forced to take Kelsey to Texas, where she confronts the lifestyle, church and father (Tom Skerritt) that she left behind. With the help of the local church Pastor, Frank (John Schneider), Laura and Dylan will find their way back to the commitment they made to each other and to Kelsey.
Your Love Never Fails
Your Love Never Fails is the story of Laura (Elisa Donovan), a working mother who just wants to spend more time with her daughter Kelsey, 9. Unfortunately, her demanding boss Paul (Fred Willard) has other ideas. When Kelsey’s father, Dylan (Brad Rowe) files for joint custody, Laura is forced to take Kelsey to Texas, where she confronts the lifestyle, church and father (Tom Skerritt) that she left behind. With the help of the local church Pastor, Frank (John Schneider), Laura and Dylan will find their way back to the commitment they made to each other and to Kelsey.
Your Love Never Fails
Your Love Never Fails is the story of Laura (Elisa Donovan), a working mother who just wants to spend more time with her daughter Kelsey, 9. Unfortunately, her demanding boss Paul (Fred Willard) has other ideas. When Kelsey’s father, Dylan (Brad Rowe) files for joint custody, Laura is forced to take Kelsey to Texas, where she confronts the lifestyle, church and father (Tom Skerritt) that she left behind. With the help of the local church Pastor, Frank (John Schneider), Laura and Dylan will find their way back to the commitment they made to each other and to Kelsey.
Сын утра
Line Producer
У молодого парня Филиппа Каца, в церкви пошла кровавая слеза и репортеры сразу растрезвонили о приходе нового мессии. Он мгновенно становится самым известным человеком на планете и встает перед выбором, как использовать свою вновь обретенную знаменитость, на благо человечества или на себя любимого!
Собака, cпасшая Пасху
На носу Пасха, и любимый всеми пес возвращается! Семейство Баннистеров отправляется в круиз, а Зевс остается в собачьих яслях. Все идет по плану, пока конкуренты яслей не нанимают троих жуликов, чтобы разрушить молодой и быстро растущий бизнес. Зевс заведет новых друзей и новых врагов, и сделает все, чтобы спасти ясли и Пасху!
Собака, cпасшая Пасху
На носу Пасха, и любимый всеми пес возвращается! Семейство Баннистеров отправляется в круиз, а Зевс остается в собачьих яслях. Все идет по плану, пока конкуренты яслей не нанимают троих жуликов, чтобы разрушить молодой и быстро растущий бизнес. Зевс заведет новых друзей и новых врагов, и сделает все, чтобы спасти ясли и Пасху!
Нянька на Рождество
Перед самыми праздниками молодая руководительница рекламного отдела теряет свою перспективную работу, однако, не растерявшись, быстро находит новую у босса конкурирующей фирмы в качестве няньки. Вскоре ей предстоит ответить себе на самый важный вопрос — кто же она на самом деле, т. к. дети и романтические отношения уравновешивают ее тягу к карьеризму.
Нянька на Рождество
Перед самыми праздниками молодая руководительница рекламного отдела теряет свою перспективную работу, однако, не растерявшись, быстро находит новую у босса конкурирующей фирмы в качестве няньки. Вскоре ей предстоит ответить себе на самый важный вопрос — кто же она на самом деле, т. к. дети и романтические отношения уравновешивают ее тягу к карьеризму.
Молодая девушка Мэри встречает Кевина, с которым надеется построить серьезные отношения. Внезапное исчезновение молодого человека из больницы заставляет Мэри заняться его поисками. Но как только она подбирается к истине, все вокруг начинают уверять Мэри, что происходящее — лишь плод ее фантазий и больного воображения…
Молодая девушка Мэри встречает Кевина, с которым надеется построить серьезные отношения. Внезапное исчезновение молодого человека из больницы заставляет Мэри заняться его поисками. Но как только она подбирается к истине, все вокруг начинают уверять Мэри, что происходящее — лишь плод ее фантазий и больного воображения…
Когда странного вида фанатка присоединяется к скандально известной группе «Темные Рыцари», череда загадочных убийств омрачает их турне по случаю возвращения на сцену.
Собака, спасшая Рождество
В семье Баннистер пополнение - Зевс, желтый лабрадор, в котором семья нуждается меньше, чем в надежной сторожевой собаке. Однако, когда двое грабителей задались целью проникнуть в дом Баннистеров, пока они были в отъезде на Рождество, Зевс получает шанс стать героем.
Собака, спасшая Рождество
В семье Баннистер пополнение - Зевс, желтый лабрадор, в котором семья нуждается меньше, чем в надежной сторожевой собаке. Однако, когда двое грабителей задались целью проникнуть в дом Баннистеров, пока они были в отъезде на Рождество, Зевс получает шанс стать героем.
Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas
The true story of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.
Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas
The true story of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.
Адское наследие
История жизни Тэда Банди, человека образованного и обаятельного, но оказавшегося самым страшным маньяком-некрофилом и серийным убийцей в истории США. Его преступления были настолько ужасны, а количество жертв столь велико, что Теодор Банди стал настоящей легендой Америки.
Адское наследие
История жизни Тэда Банди, человека образованного и обаятельного, но оказавшегося самым страшным маньяком-некрофилом и серийным убийцей в истории США. Его преступления были настолько ужасны, а количество жертв столь велико, что Теодор Банди стал настоящей легендой Америки.
Адское наследие
История жизни Тэда Банди, человека образованного и обаятельного, но оказавшегося самым страшным маньяком-некрофилом и серийным убийцей в истории США. Его преступления были настолько ужасны, а количество жертв столь велико, что Теодор Банди стал настоящей легендой Америки.
A Christmas Proposal
Two lawyers dueling over a proposal to turn a quaint mountain town into a ski resort discover they are former childhood sweethearts. Lisa is fighting to protect the hamlet, big city attorney Rick represents the developer who wants to plow it under. But when a car accident forces Rick to stick around, the small town, and his former beloved, begin to work their magic on him.
A Christmas Proposal
Two lawyers dueling over a proposal to turn a quaint mountain town into a ski resort discover they are former childhood sweethearts. Lisa is fighting to protect the hamlet, big city attorney Rick represents the developer who wants to plow it under. But when a car accident forces Rick to stick around, the small town, and his former beloved, begin to work their magic on him.
Dracula's Guest
Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the Admiral Murray, to take a one year probation from their relationship in order to determine whether their love is true. Meanwhile, the Count Dracula is in London searching for a new home and coincidentally, or not, comes across young Elizabeth at the train station after she's run away from home and her father's overbearing ways. Dracula, though, proceeds to kidnap her and take Elizabeth to his castle where he waits for her father's arrival to settle an ancient dispute. Meanwhile, Bram' friend Malcolm sets out to inform Bram of Elizabeth' kidnapping but he soon falls to Dracula's evil ways. And, upon finding his best friend dead Bram sets out across Europe to rescue his true love.
Dracula's Guest
Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the Admiral Murray, to take a one year probation from their relationship in order to determine whether their love is true. Meanwhile, the Count Dracula is in London searching for a new home and coincidentally, or not, comes across young Elizabeth at the train station after she's run away from home and her father's overbearing ways. Dracula, though, proceeds to kidnap her and take Elizabeth to his castle where he waits for her father's arrival to settle an ancient dispute. Meanwhile, Bram' friend Malcolm sets out to inform Bram of Elizabeth' kidnapping but he soon falls to Dracula's evil ways. And, upon finding his best friend dead Bram sets out across Europe to rescue his true love.
Dracula's Guest
Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the Admiral Murray, to take a one year probation from their relationship in order to determine whether their love is true. Meanwhile, the Count Dracula is in London searching for a new home and coincidentally, or not, comes across young Elizabeth at the train station after she's run away from home and her father's overbearing ways. Dracula, though, proceeds to kidnap her and take Elizabeth to his castle where he waits for her father's arrival to settle an ancient dispute. Meanwhile, Bram' friend Malcolm sets out to inform Bram of Elizabeth' kidnapping but he soon falls to Dracula's evil ways. And, upon finding his best friend dead Bram sets out across Europe to rescue his true love.
Бостонский душитель
Альберт Де Сальво — мелкий жулик и сексуальный маньяк, становится подозреваемым по делу о душителе, наводившем страх на Бостон в начале шестидесятых. Попав под влияние своего сокамерника-манипулятора Фрэнка, явно знающего немало про убийства, он решает обрести известность и нажиться на награде, обещанной за голову преступника.Заручившись поддержкой продажного прокурора Стюарта Уитмора, эта парочка намерена довести до конца свой дерзкий план. В этом им не помешает даже честный детектив, пытающийся докопаться до правды. В конце концов, завеса тайны, окружавшая убийства в течение 40 лет окажется приподнятой…
Бостонский душитель
Альберт Де Сальво — мелкий жулик и сексуальный маньяк, становится подозреваемым по делу о душителе, наводившем страх на Бостон в начале шестидесятых. Попав под влияние своего сокамерника-манипулятора Фрэнка, явно знающего немало про убийства, он решает обрести известность и нажиться на награде, обещанной за голову преступника.Заручившись поддержкой продажного прокурора Стюарта Уитмора, эта парочка намерена довести до конца свой дерзкий план. В этом им не помешает даже честный детектив, пытающийся докопаться до правды. В конце концов, завеса тайны, окружавшая убийства в течение 40 лет окажется приподнятой…
Бостонский душитель
Альберт Де Сальво — мелкий жулик и сексуальный маньяк, становится подозреваемым по делу о душителе, наводившем страх на Бостон в начале шестидесятых. Попав под влияние своего сокамерника-манипулятора Фрэнка, явно знающего немало про убийства, он решает обрести известность и нажиться на награде, обещанной за голову преступника.Заручившись поддержкой продажного прокурора Стюарта Уитмора, эта парочка намерена довести до конца свой дерзкий план. В этом им не помешает даже честный детектив, пытающийся докопаться до правды. В конце концов, завеса тайны, окружавшая убийства в течение 40 лет окажется приподнятой…
Денис Рэйдер, хороший семьянин, офицер охраны порядка и известный человек, ведет вторую жизнь жестокого убийцы, оставаясь недосягаемым для полиции в течение 30 лет...
Денис Рэйдер, хороший семьянин, офицер охраны порядка и известный человек, ведет вторую жизнь жестокого убийцы, оставаясь недосягаемым для полиции в течение 30 лет...
Денис Рэйдер, хороший семьянин, офицер охраны порядка и известный человек, ведет вторую жизнь жестокого убийцы, оставаясь недосягаемым для полиции в течение 30 лет...
Dear Me
A witty young woman, Samantha Billows, is diagnosed with a bizarre social anxiety disorder. No therapist seems to help her move beyond her plant maintenance job. But then a miracle happens, she discovers the extraordinarily addictive power of blogging! By typing away hours of anxiety, she begins to gain control of her life and her brilliance breaks through. Her newfound courage helps her obtain the job of her dreams as a Junior Copywriter on a temporary basis. Just when life couldn't get better, she falls hard for a client, French VP of PR, Desmond. Although opposites, the two become closer as strange secrets seem to spill from Desmond's lips. As Samantha keeps blogging, her career and love life blossom; until her blog is discovered by an evil co-worker. Unbeknown to her, the blog becomes an underground smash hit with her entire office! Will she be able to stop her blog before her newfound love finds out? Or will it destroy her and everyone around her...
Drive Thru
Line Producer
A high-school student must save townspeople from a murderous clown who works at a fast-food place.
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck
A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck
A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck
A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
Эд Гейн: Мясник из Плэйнфилда
С виду Эд Гин кажется вполне заурядным фермером. Соседи считают его добродушным и застенчивым человеком. Но на самом деле у Эда очень специфические интересы…
Эд Гейн: Мясник из Плэйнфилда
С виду Эд Гин кажется вполне заурядным фермером. Соседи считают его добродушным и застенчивым человеком. Но на самом деле у Эда очень специфические интересы…
Эд Гейн: Мясник из Плэйнфилда
С виду Эд Гин кажется вполне заурядным фермером. Соседи считают его добродушным и застенчивым человеком. Но на самом деле у Эда очень специфические интересы…
Grim Reaper
The stripper Rachel is hit by a cab but survives in the emergency room of a hospital. However, she sees Death chasing her, but she does not succeed in convincing the nurses. She is drugged and wakes up in St. Joseph, a mental hospital administrated by Dr. Brown. She finds five other inmates that had a near death experience and also claim that Death is coming for them.
Grim Reaper
The stripper Rachel is hit by a cab but survives in the emergency room of a hospital. However, she sees Death chasing her, but she does not succeed in convincing the nurses. She is drugged and wakes up in St. Joseph, a mental hospital administrated by Dr. Brown. She finds five other inmates that had a near death experience and also claim that Death is coming for them.
A Dead Calling
A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?
A Dead Calling
A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?
A Dead Calling
A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?
The Butcher
A tragic car accident in the middle of nowhere finds six stranded college students fighting for their lives after making a horrifying discovery in a remote farmhouse in director Edward Gorsuch's rural frightener. With no place to run and no police station for miles, these doomed students are about to discover that down home hospitality is the last thing on the minds of the murderous family who stalks them through the woods.
The Graveyard
Six friends go to the Placid Pines Cemetery to play hide and seek in the tombs. When a "harmless" prank ends in the accidental death of one of the group, the prankster goes to prison. Five years later the friends meet up in the cemetery again to resolve the issues of that fatal night. When members of the group start getting murdered one at a time, they realize that this time it's no prank.
The Graveyard
Six friends go to the Placid Pines Cemetery to play hide and seek in the tombs. When a "harmless" prank ends in the accidental death of one of the group, the prankster goes to prison. Five years later the friends meet up in the cemetery again to resolve the issues of that fatal night. When members of the group start getting murdered one at a time, they realize that this time it's no prank.
Двойная игра
Line Producer
Представьте, что вам довелось встретить трех красоток, с которыми у вас есть шанс провести приятно время… Как вы поступите? Сможете ли вы отказаться от соблазна и быть стойким?
Lethal Eviction
A first time landlord purchases a run-down, rent-controlled apartment building in hopes of making a solid investment. Everything seems to be going smoothly until, one by one, the tenants begin to meet strange, untimely gruesome deaths.
Lethal Eviction
A first time landlord purchases a run-down, rent-controlled apartment building in hopes of making a solid investment. Everything seems to be going smoothly until, one by one, the tenants begin to meet strange, untimely gruesome deaths.
Bound by Lies
Still Photographer
When Detecive Max Garrett is assigned to protect the sultry photographer Laura Cross from a ruthless killer, he has no idea what he's in for. The more involved Garrett gets in the case, the more attracted he is to Cross, but as they get closer, so does the killer.
Bound by Lies
Line Producer
When Detecive Max Garrett is assigned to protect the sultry photographer Laura Cross from a ruthless killer, he has no idea what he's in for. The more involved Garrett gets in the case, the more attracted he is to Cross, but as they get closer, so does the killer.
First Assistant Director
Во время боевой операции в Турции лучший снайпер спецназа Чарли Сноу ликвидирует опасную террористическую группу, но ее главарь Йевон чудом остается в живых, и клянётся отомстить наглому американцу. Проникнув в Америку, бандит похищает жену Чарли, чтобы начать с ним смертельную игру. Теперь Сноу должен исполнять все требования Йевона, который постоянно следит за ним в перекрестье прицела, готовый в любой момент выстрелить на поражение. Чарли принимает вызов злодея. Кто победит в отчаянном поединке двух хладнокровных профессионалов?
Line Producer
Во время боевой операции в Турции лучший снайпер спецназа Чарли Сноу ликвидирует опасную террористическую группу, но ее главарь Йевон чудом остается в живых, и клянётся отомстить наглому американцу. Проникнув в Америку, бандит похищает жену Чарли, чтобы начать с ним смертельную игру. Теперь Сноу должен исполнять все требования Йевона, который постоянно следит за ним в перекрестье прицела, готовый в любой момент выстрелить на поражение. Чарли принимает вызов злодея. Кто победит в отчаянном поединке двух хладнокровных профессионалов?
Secret Pleasures
An attractive woman detective, expert in cases of conjugal infidelity is hired by a mysterious millionaire, unaware that she will get involved in a feverish love triangle to gather all the evidence she needs to finish the case.
The Bike Squad
A bunch of kids on bikes try to save a pooch from some nasty dog snatchers.
Choosing Matthias
After losing their young son, a young couple struggle to keep their lives and relationships intact. Their lives soon change when they met Matthias, a young boy who had lost his family.
Sensual Friends
Three couples gather with a recently divorced friend at a private house for a reunion.
The Seductress
Alexis Baxter marries and murders wealthy men in order to assume their fortune.
Любовь вне закона
Когда молодого супруга Джеффа Даймонда неожиданно и бесповоротно уволили с работы, все мечты его жены Сьюзан о благосостоянии обратились в пепел. Но предприимчивая Сьюзан нашла выход из положения, позволив своей лучшей обеспеченной подруге Кэти ангажировать своего мужа в качестве эскорта на вечеринку, за символический тариф — 100 долларов в час. Но Кэти оказалась способной на большее — за секс с Джеффом она готова предложить 500 долларов… и, как выясняется, не только она — спрос на услуги Джеффа весьма велик, и этот семейный бизнес приносит неплохой доход!
Forbidden Sins
Shannon Tweed stars as the divorced defense attorney who gets caught in a passionate love affair with an accused murderer.
One Small Hero
Joey Cooper is a small boy who wants more than anything to be a member of the "Wilderness Club." But he has failed over and over again to pass the test and was not allowed to join. But when Joey gets home after his latest failure, he finds his mother has bought him all new camping equipment for his trip. Joey can't bring himself to tell her he didn't make the club so he takes the gear and leaves for the trip anyway, hiding on the bus. When a couple of kidnappers grab the kids, Joey is still in hiding and it's left for Joey to save them all.
Dead by Dawn
Manipulation and seduction lead to blackmail, deception, and before long, a brutal murder.
Witchcraft IX: Bitter Flesh
Will Spanner, parted from his body, finds a hooker who can hear him; meanwhile Detectives Lutz and Garner investigate a string of murders seemingly tied to ancient Egypt.
Witchcraft 8: Salem's Ghost
A young happy couple move into a “dream home” only to find it is a gateway for occult powers.
Bikini House Calls
There's a party on campus and all the medical students are there. A Sexy Bikini (House Call) party. Relationship drama, a sexy competition, a Dean out to kill the party and a lot of playing...Doctor.
Witchcraft VII: Judgement Hour
Will Spanner is at it again battling sex starved beautiful demon vampires in the seventh installment of this series. Will enlists the help of cops Lutz and Garner to bring down the evil vampire Martin and his beautiful erotic demonic slaves
Witchcraft 666: The Devil's Mistress
A serial killer targets young women wearing gold crosses; Detectives Lutz and Garner enlist Will Spanner to help with the occult angles of the case.
Bikini Med School
Medical school is tough work--except when the students throw a party! Join these wild and crazy med students as they work in a little extracurricular activity. Of course, what's a check-up without a complete physical?
Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil
An evil warlock takes over a rock club. He uses beautiful, large-breasted and frequently nude women to try to collect enough souls so that he may be able to bring Satan to Earth.