Michael Feifer

Michael Feifer

출생 : 1968-09-11, Brooklyn, New York, USA

프로필 사진

Michael Feifer

참여 작품

A Nanny's Revenge
Executive Producer
When a loving couple with two children welcome a seemingly sweet and capable nanny into their home, little do they know that her presence will unravel a chilling tale of hidden agendas and sinister secrets, plunging them into a terrifying journey.
A Nanny's Revenge
When a loving couple with two children welcome a seemingly sweet and capable nanny into their home, little do they know that her presence will unravel a chilling tale of hidden agendas and sinister secrets, plunging them into a terrifying journey.
A Nanny's Revenge
When a loving couple with two children welcome a seemingly sweet and capable nanny into their home, little do they know that her presence will unravel a chilling tale of hidden agendas and sinister secrets, plunging them into a terrifying journey.
Here Kills the Bride
It follows Carlos's sister as she finds out that he is getting married in a week to Grace, a girl he just met in a strip club. His sister investigates and gets pulled into a whirlwind of events, putting her own life at risk.
Here Kills the Bride
It follows Carlos's sister as she finds out that he is getting married in a week to Grace, a girl he just met in a strip club. His sister investigates and gets pulled into a whirlwind of events, putting her own life at risk.
벤데타: 복수의 시간
Line Producer
딸과 함께 평온한 일상을 보내고 있던 '윌리엄 던컨'. 그러나 의문의 범죄 집단에 의해 딸이 잔혹하게 살해되는 사건이 발생하고, 그녀를 죽인 범인 '대니'는 가벼운 형만을 선고받는다. 결국 자신의 손으로 직접 딸의 복수를 결심한 '던컨'은 '대니'를 살해하지만, 이는 그가 속한 범죄 집단과의 전면전을 알리는 계기가 되어 끝도 없는 전쟁의 서막이 열리는데...
Psycho Sweet 16
When a high school junior is forced to transfer to a new school after her mom is admitted to rehab, she quickly rubs the reigning mean girl the wrong way. The teen’s aunt and uncle offer to throw a sweet sixteen party to help her adjust, but the jealous queen bee will stop at nothing to destroy her plans, including murder. The teen’s mom must redeem herself and help save the party, but more importantly her relationship with her daughter.
Psycho Sweet 16
When a high school junior is forced to transfer to a new school after her mom is admitted to rehab, she quickly rubs the reigning mean girl the wrong way. The teen’s aunt and uncle offer to throw a sweet sixteen party to help her adjust, but the jealous queen bee will stop at nothing to destroy her plans, including murder. The teen’s mom must redeem herself and help save the party, but more importantly her relationship with her daughter.
데스프릿 라이더즈
전설적인 총잡이 캔자스 레드는 17살 소년 빌리를 포위하고 총을 쏘는 벤 일행을 쓰러뜨린다. 총상을 입은 캔자스는 치과 의사 틸먼에게 수술을 받고 정신을 잃는다. 그 후, 빌리는 깨어난 캔자스에게 무법자 손 라슨이 노리는 엄마 캐럴의 보호를 부탁한다. 한편 캐논 시티 교도소를 탈옥한 무자비한 범죄자 손은 빌리의 아빠 샘을 죽이고 캐럴과 그녀의 친구 레슬리, 메리앤을 납치해간다. 그날 밤, 레슬리는 몹쓸 짓을 하려는 손의 부하 태치를 피해 달아난다. 피니건으로부터 캐럴 납치 소식을 들은 캔자스와 빌리는 손 일당을 추격한다. 추격 도중 캔자스는 눈 덮인 숲 속에서 추위에 떨고 있는 레슬리를 구한다. 그리고 손 일당에게 죽임을 당한 톰의 어린 자녀 매버리와 버디를 발견한다. 피니건이 매버리와 버디를 지키기 위해 남고, 캔자스, 레슬리, 빌리는 손이 향하는 범죄자의 은신처 무법지대 챈스로 향하는데...
데스프릿 라이더즈
전설적인 총잡이 캔자스 레드는 17살 소년 빌리를 포위하고 총을 쏘는 벤 일행을 쓰러뜨린다. 총상을 입은 캔자스는 치과 의사 틸먼에게 수술을 받고 정신을 잃는다. 그 후, 빌리는 깨어난 캔자스에게 무법자 손 라슨이 노리는 엄마 캐럴의 보호를 부탁한다. 한편 캐논 시티 교도소를 탈옥한 무자비한 범죄자 손은 빌리의 아빠 샘을 죽이고 캐럴과 그녀의 친구 레슬리, 메리앤을 납치해간다. 그날 밤, 레슬리는 몹쓸 짓을 하려는 손의 부하 태치를 피해 달아난다. 피니건으로부터 캐럴 납치 소식을 들은 캔자스와 빌리는 손 일당을 추격한다. 추격 도중 캔자스는 눈 덮인 숲 속에서 추위에 떨고 있는 레슬리를 구한다. 그리고 손 일당에게 죽임을 당한 톰의 어린 자녀 매버리와 버디를 발견한다. 피니건이 매버리와 버디를 지키기 위해 남고, 캔자스, 레슬리, 빌리는 손이 향하는 범죄자의 은신처 무법지대 챈스로 향하는데...
데스프릿 라이더즈
전설적인 총잡이 캔자스 레드는 17살 소년 빌리를 포위하고 총을 쏘는 벤 일행을 쓰러뜨린다. 총상을 입은 캔자스는 치과 의사 틸먼에게 수술을 받고 정신을 잃는다. 그 후, 빌리는 깨어난 캔자스에게 무법자 손 라슨이 노리는 엄마 캐럴의 보호를 부탁한다. 한편 캐논 시티 교도소를 탈옥한 무자비한 범죄자 손은 빌리의 아빠 샘을 죽이고 캐럴과 그녀의 친구 레슬리, 메리앤을 납치해간다. 그날 밤, 레슬리는 몹쓸 짓을 하려는 손의 부하 태치를 피해 달아난다. 피니건으로부터 캐럴 납치 소식을 들은 캔자스와 빌리는 손 일당을 추격한다. 추격 도중 캔자스는 눈 덮인 숲 속에서 추위에 떨고 있는 레슬리를 구한다. 그리고 손 일당에게 죽임을 당한 톰의 어린 자녀 매버리와 버디를 발견한다. 피니건이 매버리와 버디를 지키기 위해 남고, 캔자스, 레슬리, 빌리는 손이 향하는 범죄자의 은신처 무법지대 챈스로 향하는데...
라스트 슛 아웃
서부의 용기있는 총잡이 빌리 타이슨은 우연히 신부의 아버지를 죽이고 강제로 결혼하려는 시드 가족 일당으로 부터 신부를 구한다. 그리고 복수심에 불타는 시드 가족 일당의 격력한 분노에 직면하지만 이들을 물리치고 신부를 구한다는 내용을 다룬 서부물
라스트 슛 아웃
서부의 용기있는 총잡이 빌리 타이슨은 우연히 신부의 아버지를 죽이고 강제로 결혼하려는 시드 가족 일당으로 부터 신부를 구한다. 그리고 복수심에 불타는 시드 가족 일당의 격력한 분노에 직면하지만 이들을 물리치고 신부를 구한다는 내용을 다룬 서부물
라스트 슛 아웃
서부의 용기있는 총잡이 빌리 타이슨은 우연히 신부의 아버지를 죽이고 강제로 결혼하려는 시드 가족 일당으로 부터 신부를 구한다. 그리고 복수심에 불타는 시드 가족 일당의 격력한 분노에 직면하지만 이들을 물리치고 신부를 구한다는 내용을 다룬 서부물
총알을 잡아라
무뢰한 제드 일당이 맥마스터 보안관의 집을 습격하고, 그의 아들을 납치한다. 이에 분노한 맥마스터가 이들의 일당을 쫓아 추적하고, 홀로 이들을 물리치고 아들을 구한다는 내용의 서부물
총알을 잡아라
무뢰한 제드 일당이 맥마스터 보안관의 집을 습격하고, 그의 아들을 납치한다. 이에 분노한 맥마스터가 이들의 일당을 쫓아 추적하고, 홀로 이들을 물리치고 아들을 구한다는 내용의 서부물
총알을 잡아라
무뢰한 제드 일당이 맥마스터 보안관의 집을 습격하고, 그의 아들을 납치한다. 이에 분노한 맥마스터가 이들의 일당을 쫓아 추적하고, 홀로 이들을 물리치고 아들을 구한다는 내용의 서부물
Saving My Daughter
Fifteen years ago, Joanna Kennedy’s life was turned upside down when her three-year-old daughter, Chloe, went missing for six months before being returned. Joanna finds herself searching again for answers and determined to find out if her daughter left of her own volition or has she been kidnapped yet again, and if so, is it at the hands of the woman who abducted her all those years before or someone else…and why?
Saving My Daughter
Fifteen years ago, Joanna Kennedy’s life was turned upside down when her three-year-old daughter, Chloe, went missing for six months before being returned. Joanna finds herself searching again for answers and determined to find out if her daughter left of her own volition or has she been kidnapped yet again, and if so, is it at the hands of the woman who abducted her all those years before or someone else…and why?
솔져스 리벤지
미국 남북전쟁 당시에 군인으로 참전한 프랭크 코너는 피비린내 나는 전쟁의 트라우마 때문에 정상적인 생활을 영위하지 못하고 암살자로서 살아간다. 밤마다 악몽에 시달리는 프랭크에게 어느 날, 어린 남매 둘이 찾아와 실종된 엄마를 찾아 달라고 애원한다. 실종된 아이들의 엄마는 하필이면 프랭크의 전처 헤더이다. 한편, 프랭크의 전우이자 정부를 대신해 무기를 판매하는 브릭스는 법을 어기고 정부 자산을 멕시코인과 미국 원주민들에게 판매하다 꼬리를 잡히고, 생사 기로에 선다. 프랭크의 전처 헤더와 결혼한 브릭스는 아이들을 학대하고, 아내 헤더를 인질로 삼아 자신을 추적하는 프랭크에게 총구를 겨누는데……
솔져스 리벤지
미국 남북전쟁 당시에 군인으로 참전한 프랭크 코너는 피비린내 나는 전쟁의 트라우마 때문에 정상적인 생활을 영위하지 못하고 암살자로서 살아간다. 밤마다 악몽에 시달리는 프랭크에게 어느 날, 어린 남매 둘이 찾아와 실종된 엄마를 찾아 달라고 애원한다. 실종된 아이들의 엄마는 하필이면 프랭크의 전처 헤더이다. 한편, 프랭크의 전우이자 정부를 대신해 무기를 판매하는 브릭스는 법을 어기고 정부 자산을 멕시코인과 미국 원주민들에게 판매하다 꼬리를 잡히고, 생사 기로에 선다. 프랭크의 전처 헤더와 결혼한 브릭스는 아이들을 학대하고, 아내 헤더를 인질로 삼아 자신을 추적하는 프랭크에게 총구를 겨누는데……
솔져스 리벤지
미국 남북전쟁 당시에 군인으로 참전한 프랭크 코너는 피비린내 나는 전쟁의 트라우마 때문에 정상적인 생활을 영위하지 못하고 암살자로서 살아간다. 밤마다 악몽에 시달리는 프랭크에게 어느 날, 어린 남매 둘이 찾아와 실종된 엄마를 찾아 달라고 애원한다. 실종된 아이들의 엄마는 하필이면 프랭크의 전처 헤더이다. 한편, 프랭크의 전우이자 정부를 대신해 무기를 판매하는 브릭스는 법을 어기고 정부 자산을 멕시코인과 미국 원주민들에게 판매하다 꼬리를 잡히고, 생사 기로에 선다. 프랭크의 전처 헤더와 결혼한 브릭스는 아이들을 학대하고, 아내 헤더를 인질로 삼아 자신을 추적하는 프랭크에게 총구를 겨누는데……
Secrets in the Water
Inspired by a true story. When Mia’s body washes ashore, her mother, Laura, enlists the help of Mia’s best friend, Bailey, to figure out who killed her daughter. Together, they narrow down the suspects to a secret boyfriend and a classmate Mia rejected. As they further investigate, they find Mia’s secret boyfriend dead along with a note confessing to Mia’s murder. But when the police call Laura with new evidence, the real killer may be closer than she thinks.
Secrets in the Water
Inspired by a true story. When Mia’s body washes ashore, her mother, Laura, enlists the help of Mia’s best friend, Bailey, to figure out who killed her daughter. Together, they narrow down the suspects to a secret boyfriend and a classmate Mia rejected. As they further investigate, they find Mia’s secret boyfriend dead along with a note confessing to Mia’s murder. But when the police call Laura with new evidence, the real killer may be closer than she thinks.
My Daughter's Psycho Friend
A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
My Daughter's Psycho Friend
A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
My Daughter's Psycho Friend
A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
My Daughter's Psycho Friend
A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
Sinister Stalker
An ER doctor named Karen is attacked on her way home at night and is helped by a stranger named Daniel. He gets injured during the attack and Karen takes him home to help care for his injuries. As time passes, Karen realizes that Daniel isn't a humble hero that saved her, but a man that isn't stable. He also seems to have a "sinister connection" to her past.
Sinister Stalker
An ER doctor named Karen is attacked on her way home at night and is helped by a stranger named Daniel. He gets injured during the attack and Karen takes him home to help care for his injuries. As time passes, Karen realizes that Daniel isn't a humble hero that saved her, but a man that isn't stable. He also seems to have a "sinister connection" to her past.
12 Pups of Christmas
Recently single and starting a new job in a different city, Erin, a canine therapist, is getting a fresh start. But just when she thought her new life would be the reset she needed, her self-centered boss, Martin, tasks Erin with finding homes for 12 puppies who were left behind after a photo shoot for his struggling GPS locator company - and all before Christmas. As they work together, Erin realizes Martin may not be so bad after all, and her take-charge attitude not only helps Martin save his company, but also reveals a calmer, better self that opens them both up to the idea of love.
12 Pups of Christmas
Recently single and starting a new job in a different city, Erin, a canine therapist, is getting a fresh start. But just when she thought her new life would be the reset she needed, her self-centered boss, Martin, tasks Erin with finding homes for 12 puppies who were left behind after a photo shoot for his struggling GPS locator company - and all before Christmas. As they work together, Erin realizes Martin may not be so bad after all, and her take-charge attitude not only helps Martin save his company, but also reveals a calmer, better self that opens them both up to the idea of love.
12 Pups of Christmas
Recently single and starting a new job in a different city, Erin, a canine therapist, is getting a fresh start. But just when she thought her new life would be the reset she needed, her self-centered boss, Martin, tasks Erin with finding homes for 12 puppies who were left behind after a photo shoot for his struggling GPS locator company - and all before Christmas. As they work together, Erin realizes Martin may not be so bad after all, and her take-charge attitude not only helps Martin save his company, but also reveals a calmer, better self that opens them both up to the idea of love.
Deviant Love
In a tailspin after her marriage collapses, Jamie falls for a helpful gentleman whose interest in her welfare hides sinister motives.
Deviant Love
In a tailspin after her marriage collapses, Jamie falls for a helpful gentleman whose interest in her welfare hides sinister motives.
Anniversary Nightmare
Liz and Andrew are on their anniversary trip in Hawaii when Liz wakes up to discover her husband missing and evidence of an invasion all around her. But with no witnesses, she's immediately labeled the prime suspect. Without any help from the system that failed her, Liz must solve the crime herself with the possibility that her husband may still be alive.
Anniversary Nightmare
Liz and Andrew are on their anniversary trip in Hawaii when Liz wakes up to discover her husband missing and evidence of an invasion all around her. But with no witnesses, she's immediately labeled the prime suspect. Without any help from the system that failed her, Liz must solve the crime herself with the possibility that her husband may still be alive.
Anniversary Nightmare
Liz and Andrew are on their anniversary trip in Hawaii when Liz wakes up to discover her husband missing and evidence of an invasion all around her. But with no witnesses, she's immediately labeled the prime suspect. Without any help from the system that failed her, Liz must solve the crime herself with the possibility that her husband may still be alive.
Munchausen By Internet
A private nurse hired to care for a sick boy sets her sights on becoming his mother instead.
Munchausen By Internet
A private nurse hired to care for a sick boy sets her sights on becoming his mother instead.
My Stepfather's Secret
Bailey Kershaw returns home for the summer from college to discover that her mother has a new boyfriend, Hugo, who she plans to immediately marry. Bailey is unsettled by Hugo and how quickly he has invaded her family home and her mother's life.
My Stepfather's Secret
Bailey Kershaw returns home for the summer from college to discover that her mother has a new boyfriend, Hugo, who she plans to immediately marry. Bailey is unsettled by Hugo and how quickly he has invaded her family home and her mother's life.
Who's Stalking Me?
Following a near-death experience when an attacker breaks into her home, Amanda can't shake the feeling that she's still in harm's way. In comes the handsome and stern Detective James Dawson to save the day and keep an especially close eye on Amanda. Taken by his generosity and commitment, Amanda begins to feel safer--unaware that she's letting the real threat get closer than ever.
Who's Stalking Me?
Following a near-death experience when an attacker breaks into her home, Amanda can't shake the feeling that she's still in harm's way. In comes the handsome and stern Detective James Dawson to save the day and keep an especially close eye on Amanda. Taken by his generosity and commitment, Amanda begins to feel safer--unaware that she's letting the real threat get closer than ever.
Who's Stalking Me?
Following a near-death experience when an attacker breaks into her home, Amanda can't shake the feeling that she's still in harm's way. In comes the handsome and stern Detective James Dawson to save the day and keep an especially close eye on Amanda. Taken by his generosity and commitment, Amanda begins to feel safer--unaware that she's letting the real threat get closer than ever.
Cradles for Cash
When Kelly's newborn baby is stolen from the hospital where she works, she teams up with Gloria, also a victim of baby abduction, to get her child back from a black market adoption ring.
Cradles for Cash
When Kelly's newborn baby is stolen from the hospital where she works, she teams up with Gloria, also a victim of baby abduction, to get her child back from a black market adoption ring.
Saving My Baby
After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Saving My Baby
After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Saving My Baby
After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Saving My Baby
After she's run off the road, an expectant mother barely survives a harrowing crash. When she awakens days later, she discovers that her baby has been taken.
Dangerous Matrimony
A newly married couple's vacation retreat is suddenly derailed when the husband, ultra successful business tycoon David Dolan, is suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom. It's up to David's trusty assistant Portia to negotiate the terms and figure out who is behind the abduction.
Dangerous Matrimony
A newly married couple's vacation retreat is suddenly derailed when the husband, ultra successful business tycoon David Dolan, is suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom. It's up to David's trusty assistant Portia to negotiate the terms and figure out who is behind the abduction.
Dangerous Matrimony
A newly married couple's vacation retreat is suddenly derailed when the husband, ultra successful business tycoon David Dolan, is suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom. It's up to David's trusty assistant Portia to negotiate the terms and figure out who is behind the abduction.
Dangerous Matrimony
A newly married couple's vacation retreat is suddenly derailed when the husband, ultra successful business tycoon David Dolan, is suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom. It's up to David's trusty assistant Portia to negotiate the terms and figure out who is behind the abduction.
A Stolen Life
Under the guise as a math tutor, Tamara finds a way to reconnect with her abducted daughter but her father will do anything, even kill, to keep the truth hidden.
A Stolen Life
Under the guise as a math tutor, Tamara finds a way to reconnect with her abducted daughter but her father will do anything, even kill, to keep the truth hidden.
A Stolen Life
Under the guise as a math tutor, Tamara finds a way to reconnect with her abducted daughter but her father will do anything, even kill, to keep the truth hidden.
The Work Wife
After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.
The Work Wife
After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.
The Work Wife
After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.
Party Mom
When a “party mom” allows things to go too far with her daughter’s house party, murder and mayhem are the deadly consequences.
Party Mom
When a “party mom” allows things to go too far with her daughter’s house party, murder and mayhem are the deadly consequences.
Party Mom
When a “party mom” allows things to go too far with her daughter’s house party, murder and mayhem are the deadly consequences.
The Bachelor Next Door
A newly engaged couple becomes intrigued by the young stranger who moves in next door. He's handsome, friendly and very helpful, but he's no stranger.
The Bachelor Next Door
A newly engaged couple becomes intrigued by the young stranger who moves in next door. He's handsome, friendly and very helpful, but he's no stranger.
The Bachelor Next Door
A newly engaged couple becomes intrigued by the young stranger who moves in next door. He's handsome, friendly and very helpful, but he's no stranger.
Born and Missing
A week after she gives birth, Ashley dies in a car crash and her newborn goes missing. Her husband Brian fears that there is something more devious behind the accident.
Born and Missing
A week after she gives birth, Ashley dies in a car crash and her newborn goes missing. Her husband Brian fears that there is something more devious behind the accident.
A Woman Deceived
It’s been one year since Elizabeth’s husband, Bill, died in a tragic horseback riding accident and she is starting to move on. When she runs into Travis Brown, the cowboy she met the same weekend Bill died, the two immediately hit it off. Travis is just what Elizabeth needed to come into her life and they soon get married. When new evidence surfaces implying that Bill’s death wasn’t an accident, Elizabeth must find a way to protect herself and her son from the man she married.
A Woman Deceived
It’s been one year since Elizabeth’s husband, Bill, died in a tragic horseback riding accident and she is starting to move on. When she runs into Travis Brown, the cowboy she met the same weekend Bill died, the two immediately hit it off. Travis is just what Elizabeth needed to come into her life and they soon get married. When new evidence surfaces implying that Bill’s death wasn’t an accident, Elizabeth must find a way to protect herself and her son from the man she married.
A Woman Deceived
It’s been one year since Elizabeth’s husband, Bill, died in a tragic horseback riding accident and she is starting to move on. When she runs into Travis Brown, the cowboy she met the same weekend Bill died, the two immediately hit it off. Travis is just what Elizabeth needed to come into her life and they soon get married. When new evidence surfaces implying that Bill’s death wasn’t an accident, Elizabeth must find a way to protect herself and her son from the man she married.
Cradle Swapping
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
Cradle Swapping
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
Cradle Swapping
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
Cradle Swapping
A young couple copes with the mysterious illness of their new baby only later to discover the baby they brought home from the hospital isn't theirs. So who has their baby?
Inspired to Kill
After losing the hero worship of her excitement in a repulsive catastrophe, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board as soon as Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful girl who loves to beverage wine and flirt when younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy do something student, who nimbly takes to Kara even though his meek birds prevents him from making a involve. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an conventional crime novelist and Kara is hastily taken gone his mild confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has persecuted Kara ends happening paying the ultimate price and she begins to admiration what she in dream of fact knows just roughly Paul. Kara enlists Jasons encourage to locate out the precise--but soon the two take taking place a haunting conclusion.
Inspired to Kill
After losing the hero worship of her excitement in a repulsive catastrophe, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board as soon as Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful girl who loves to beverage wine and flirt when younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy do something student, who nimbly takes to Kara even though his meek birds prevents him from making a involve. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an conventional crime novelist and Kara is hastily taken gone his mild confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has persecuted Kara ends happening paying the ultimate price and she begins to admiration what she in dream of fact knows just roughly Paul. Kara enlists Jasons encourage to locate out the precise--but soon the two take taking place a haunting conclusion.
Inspired to Kill
After losing the hero worship of her excitement in a repulsive catastrophe, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board as soon as Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful girl who loves to beverage wine and flirt when younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy do something student, who nimbly takes to Kara even though his meek birds prevents him from making a involve. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an conventional crime novelist and Kara is hastily taken gone his mild confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has persecuted Kara ends happening paying the ultimate price and she begins to admiration what she in dream of fact knows just roughly Paul. Kara enlists Jasons encourage to locate out the precise--but soon the two take taking place a haunting conclusion.
Christmas with the Andersons
Post Production Supervisor
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
Christmas with the Andersons
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
Christmas with the Andersons
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
Christmas with the Andersons
Drowning in tinsel and lights every Christmas, Michael and Caroline Anderson throw the year’s biggest party at their house. But this year, with Michael jobless and Caroline’s store struggling, that tradition may end. The Andersons decide to host a very different kind of party and, in the process, rediscover what’s most important about the holiday.
The Last Appeal
Convicted of first-degree murder, Titus Freeman enters Death Row determined to overturn his sentence but is forced to confront a haunting truth that he cannot escape.
Remote Paradise
A female business woman gets in over her head after inheriting some money and encountering a dangerous bad boy in Hawaii.
Remote Paradise
A female business woman gets in over her head after inheriting some money and encountering a dangerous bad boy in Hawaii.
Remote Paradise
A female business woman gets in over her head after inheriting some money and encountering a dangerous bad boy in Hawaii.
A Killer Walks Amongst Us
Haunted by the ghosts of the past, an ex FBI agent helps the police on a case of a murdered teenager to track the murderer.
메리 키스마스
이미 약혼한 상태의 여주인공이 낯선 사람과의 만남을 통해 진정한 사랑을 의미를 깨닫는 이야기
메리 키스마스
이미 약혼한 상태의 여주인공이 낯선 사람과의 만남을 통해 진정한 사랑을 의미를 깨닫는 이야기
A Mother Betrayed
Newlywed Monica is committed to a mental hospital for hallucinations, but soon finds out that her husband has a devious plan to steal her life, including her daughter.
A Mother Betrayed
Newlywed Monica is committed to a mental hospital for hallucinations, but soon finds out that her husband has a devious plan to steal her life, including her daughter.
A Mother Betrayed
Newlywed Monica is committed to a mental hospital for hallucinations, but soon finds out that her husband has a devious plan to steal her life, including her daughter.
16 And Missing
A 16 year old girl goes missing after an online relationship with an older man.
16 And Missing
A 16 year old girl goes missing after an online relationship with an older man.
16 And Missing
A 16 year old girl goes missing after an online relationship with an older man.
His Secret Family
Sarah was living the perfect life with her husband, Jason and their son Brandon until… Jason simply disappears! Days of searching turn into weeks of agony for Sarah and her son Brandon. To make matters worse, Sarah’s son suffers from a rare genetic disease and only Jason’s DNA can save him. When Sarah finally tracks down Jason, he sets out to make sure Sarah doesn't ruin his secret life and expose his dangerous past.
His Secret Family
Sarah was living the perfect life with her husband, Jason and their son Brandon until… Jason simply disappears! Days of searching turn into weeks of agony for Sarah and her son Brandon. To make matters worse, Sarah’s son suffers from a rare genetic disease and only Jason’s DNA can save him. When Sarah finally tracks down Jason, he sets out to make sure Sarah doesn't ruin his secret life and expose his dangerous past.
His Secret Family
Sarah was living the perfect life with her husband, Jason and their son Brandon until… Jason simply disappears! Days of searching turn into weeks of agony for Sarah and her son Brandon. To make matters worse, Sarah’s son suffers from a rare genetic disease and only Jason’s DNA can save him. When Sarah finally tracks down Jason, he sets out to make sure Sarah doesn't ruin his secret life and expose his dangerous past.
Deadly Daycare
Rachel decides to take her three year old daughter to daycare. As the days pass, the woman feels that the teacher turns too with her daughter, reaching an almost obsessive relationship.
Deadly Daycare
Rachel decides to take her three year old daughter to daycare. As the days pass, the woman feels that the teacher turns too with her daughter, reaching an almost obsessive relationship.
Deadly Daycare
Rachel decides to take her three year old daughter to daycare. As the days pass, the woman feels that the teacher turns too with her daughter, reaching an almost obsessive relationship.
Taken Away
A corrupt politician covers up his daughter Vicky's pregnancy by forcing her to give the baby up for adoption. The newborn is adopted by a loving couple unable to have children, but a year later Vicky, now in college, realizes she was forced into signing the papers and really wants her daughter back. After sneaking into the adoption agency to find out who the adoptive parents are, she takes them to court to fight for custody.
Taken Away
A corrupt politician covers up his daughter Vicky's pregnancy by forcing her to give the baby up for adoption. The newborn is adopted by a loving couple unable to have children, but a year later Vicky, now in college, realizes she was forced into signing the papers and really wants her daughter back. After sneaking into the adoption agency to find out who the adoptive parents are, she takes them to court to fight for custody.
Lucky Dog
Travis is a divorced architect and devoted father of two who has a hard time handling his unruly dog, Lucky, especially when he goes on dates, which Lucky has a habit of sabotaging. Travis starts falling for a fellow architect, Amber, whose dog Cassie provides a convenient love interest for Lucky. Through Travis and Amber have a mutual attraction, they find themselves at odds when their architectural firm is hired by the wealthy Preston Spencer to design a destination retreat on Catalina Island, and Spencer wants all the architects to compete for the design he'll choose. Unfortunately for Travis, the bigger problem is that Spencer has set his sights on Amber and she seems to be falling for him in return ...
Lucky Dog
Travis is a divorced architect and devoted father of two who has a hard time handling his unruly dog, Lucky, especially when he goes on dates, which Lucky has a habit of sabotaging. Travis starts falling for a fellow architect, Amber, whose dog Cassie provides a convenient love interest for Lucky. Through Travis and Amber have a mutual attraction, they find themselves at odds when their architectural firm is hired by the wealthy Preston Spencer to design a destination retreat on Catalina Island, and Spencer wants all the architects to compete for the design he'll choose. Unfortunately for Travis, the bigger problem is that Spencer has set his sights on Amber and she seems to be falling for him in return ...
Lucky Dog
Travis is a divorced architect and devoted father of two who has a hard time handling his unruly dog, Lucky, especially when he goes on dates, which Lucky has a habit of sabotaging. Travis starts falling for a fellow architect, Amber, whose dog Cassie provides a convenient love interest for Lucky. Through Travis and Amber have a mutual attraction, they find themselves at odds when their architectural firm is hired by the wealthy Preston Spencer to design a destination retreat on Catalina Island, and Spencer wants all the architects to compete for the design he'll choose. Unfortunately for Travis, the bigger problem is that Spencer has set his sights on Amber and she seems to be falling for him in return ...
Deadly Revenge
Charming LA architect Harrison, also a great cook and lover, gets engaged to Cate, a San Francisco landscape architect he meets while collaborating on a major project, after they get locked in by a malfunctioning elevator. She moves to LA for him and volunteers, while he's on mission in Tokyo, to mind his widowed mother Evelyn, still a major force in his life. However Cate gets paranoid when feeling weak and hearing rumors that his former girlfriend disappeared mysteriously years earlier, even cancels the engagement. Then the truth gets out, clearing Harrison and uncovering a lurking danger.
Deadly Revenge
Charming LA architect Harrison, also a great cook and lover, gets engaged to Cate, a San Francisco landscape architect he meets while collaborating on a major project, after they get locked in by a malfunctioning elevator. She moves to LA for him and volunteers, while he's on mission in Tokyo, to mind his widowed mother Evelyn, still a major force in his life. However Cate gets paranoid when feeling weak and hearing rumors that his former girlfriend disappeared mysteriously years earlier, even cancels the engagement. Then the truth gets out, clearing Harrison and uncovering a lurking danger.
A Star for Christmas
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?
A Star for Christmas
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?
A Star for Christmas
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?
Line Producer
One of Al Pacino's directory experiments, the stage elements of the film were filmed over 5 days in 2011. Initially part of the documentary "Wilde Salomé", the two pieces make up a thrilling tribute and rumination on Wilde's original stage play.
The Nightmare Nanny
Stay-home mom Annie is reluctant to return to work, until she finds Amber, the perfect nanny for her 3-year-old daughter Jenny. But as Annie's young daughter grows closer and closer to Amber, Annie begins to feel like she's being pushed out of her own life. When Jenny suddenly vanishes one day,Annie's search for her missing daughter leads her to the terrifying truth about the dark past of the woman she trusted with her child.
A Golden Christmas 3
Heather is a charming free spirit whose self-absorbed fiancé Roger never seems to hear a word that comes out of her mouth. Bobby is a naval officer who comes home from serving overseas, looking to start a new chapter in his life. Both Heather and Bobby long to meet someone who makes them feel like they are at home in this world, but they are starting to doubt that person exists. Thanks to two Golden Retrievers, Bobby's spirited eleven-year-old niece Myra, and a fun-filled theatre production of 'A Christmas Carol,' these two unlucky and unlikely people end up falling in love at Christmas. But can they overcome the issues of their past and present in order to build a future together?
A Golden Christmas 3
Heather is a charming free spirit whose self-absorbed fiancé Roger never seems to hear a word that comes out of her mouth. Bobby is a naval officer who comes home from serving overseas, looking to start a new chapter in his life. Both Heather and Bobby long to meet someone who makes them feel like they are at home in this world, but they are starting to doubt that person exists. Thanks to two Golden Retrievers, Bobby's spirited eleven-year-old niece Myra, and a fun-filled theatre production of 'A Christmas Carol,' these two unlucky and unlikely people end up falling in love at Christmas. But can they overcome the issues of their past and present in order to build a future together?
The Dog Who Saved the Holidays
It's a sun-soaked holiday season for the Bannister family as they travel to Southern California to stay with Aunt Barbara, who surprises them with a new puppy named Eve. Everyone is smitten with Eve -- except for the Bannister's dog, Zeus, who sees what a mischievous animal she is when no one else is around. After deciding to run away, Zeus sees Ted and Stewey, two thrifty thieves, trying to break into the family home while the Bannisters are at church. It's up to Zeus and his newest sister Eve to join together to save the holidays for their family!
The Dog Who Saved the Holidays
It's a sun-soaked holiday season for the Bannister family as they travel to Southern California to stay with Aunt Barbara, who surprises them with a new puppy named Eve. Everyone is smitten with Eve -- except for the Bannister's dog, Zeus, who sees what a mischievous animal she is when no one else is around. After deciding to run away, Zeus sees Ted and Stewey, two thrifty thieves, trying to break into the family home while the Bannisters are at church. It's up to Zeus and his newest sister Eve to join together to save the holidays for their family!
Karen is shopping at a convenience store during which a robbery occurs. Her niece is kidnapped and left seriously injured in hospital. When one of the perpetrators is released, Karen decides to go on a murderous trail of revenge.
Karen is shopping at a convenience store during which a robbery occurs. Her niece is kidnapped and left seriously injured in hospital. When one of the perpetrators is released, Karen decides to go on a murderous trail of revenge.
Kristen and her son Oliver have just moved into a gorgeous new neighborhood. Recently divorced, Kristen is anxious to help Oliver adjust to the new life and environment. They meet Justin, a handsome and intriguing ex-soccer star who wows Kristen with his good looks and fun-loving spirit. Despite warnings from her ex-husband Jason, she hires Justin as a caretaker for Oliver and offers to let him live in her guest house. But Kristen is being stalked by someone who knows she is new to the neighborhood. Strange and dangerous things begin happening and no one can be trusted. Did Kristen make a big mistake letting Justin into their lives? As an intricate web of lies and deceit unfolds, it's up to Kristen to protect herself and her family (mylifetime.com).
Kristen and her son Oliver have just moved into a gorgeous new neighborhood. Recently divorced, Kristen is anxious to help Oliver adjust to the new life and environment. They meet Justin, a handsome and intriguing ex-soccer star who wows Kristen with his good looks and fun-loving spirit. Despite warnings from her ex-husband Jason, she hires Justin as a caretaker for Oliver and offers to let him live in her guest house. But Kristen is being stalked by someone who knows she is new to the neighborhood. Strange and dangerous things begin happening and no one can be trusted. Did Kristen make a big mistake letting Justin into their lives? As an intricate web of lies and deceit unfolds, it's up to Kristen to protect herself and her family (mylifetime.com).
Soda Springs
The story of a man's struggle to claim his future by confronting his past. The road is not an easy one as old demons resurface to threaten everything Eden has fought to overcome.
Soda Springs
The story of a man's struggle to claim his future by confronting his past. The road is not an easy one as old demons resurface to threaten everything Eden has fought to overcome.
Soda Springs
The story of a man's struggle to claim his future by confronting his past. The road is not an easy one as old demons resurface to threaten everything Eden has fought to overcome.
Stolen Child
Amanda and Jason are happy marriage now, after years of frustration have finally managed to take a beautiful girl from a country in Eastern Europe through an international adoption agency. But when the doctor will perform a DNA test to small, finds that there have been irregularities in the adoption process.
와이어트 어프 리벤지
전설은 그에게서 시작된다! 1907년 샌프란시스코의 페어몬트 호텔. 한 기자가 전설적인 보안관 와이어트 어프를 찾아오고, 인터뷰와 함께 그의 회상이 시작된다. 1878년 오클라호마 다지 시. 무법의 시대와 함께 어둠의 시대가 왔고 그 중심에 다지 시가 있었다. 악명 높은 스파이크 케네디와 샘 케네디 형제는 마음대로 살인을 저지르고, 법 집행자인 보안관이나 판사들마저 그들 손에 죽어나갔다. 원한을 품은 켈리 시장을 죽이려던 케네디 형제는 시장의 집에 총을 난사하지만, 켈리 시장이 임시로 집을 빌려 준 여가수 도라가 대신 죽음을 맞이한다. 와이어트 어프는 이 일을 계기로 힘없는 사람들을 도우며 살기로 결심한다. 분노한 와이어트 어프는 추격을 반대하는 판사에게 보안관 뺏지를 돌려주고 본격적으로 스파이크와 샘을 추격하기 시작한다. 그리고 동료인 찰스 바셋과 배트 매스터슨, 빌 틸먼이 그와 함께 하는데….
와이어트 어프 리벤지
전설은 그에게서 시작된다! 1907년 샌프란시스코의 페어몬트 호텔. 한 기자가 전설적인 보안관 와이어트 어프를 찾아오고, 인터뷰와 함께 그의 회상이 시작된다. 1878년 오클라호마 다지 시. 무법의 시대와 함께 어둠의 시대가 왔고 그 중심에 다지 시가 있었다. 악명 높은 스파이크 케네디와 샘 케네디 형제는 마음대로 살인을 저지르고, 법 집행자인 보안관이나 판사들마저 그들 손에 죽어나갔다. 원한을 품은 켈리 시장을 죽이려던 케네디 형제는 시장의 집에 총을 난사하지만, 켈리 시장이 임시로 집을 빌려 준 여가수 도라가 대신 죽음을 맞이한다. 와이어트 어프는 이 일을 계기로 힘없는 사람들을 도우며 살기로 결심한다. 분노한 와이어트 어프는 추격을 반대하는 판사에게 보안관 뺏지를 돌려주고 본격적으로 스파이크와 샘을 추격하기 시작한다. 그리고 동료인 찰스 바셋과 배트 매스터슨, 빌 틸먼이 그와 함께 하는데….
Gabe the Cupid Dog
When Eric and Marsha break off their long-term relationship, journalist Eric is able to weather it pretty well. He still has his long time canine companion Gabe, and his boss, Ms Andrews, wants to send him to London to open an office. But first Ms Andrews says Eric must find out the true identity of the best-selling author R L Dutton. A bigger obstacle for Eric's trip, however, comes from his dog. Gabe does not want to face six months in quarantine with big pit bulls and mastiffs waiting for an OK to the UK. Getting ideas from a pretty TV host, Gabe acts as Cupid Dog, doing his best to bring Eric and their neighbor Sara together. Gabe's plan works, only to go up in smoke when Eric realizes Sara is the mysterious author. Now Sara thinks Eric was just using her for a story before leaving for London. Gabe the Cupid Dog must go to new lengths to get Sara and Eric to tie the "leash."
Gabe the Cupid Dog
When Eric and Marsha break off their long-term relationship, journalist Eric is able to weather it pretty well. He still has his long time canine companion Gabe, and his boss, Ms Andrews, wants to send him to London to open an office. But first Ms Andrews says Eric must find out the true identity of the best-selling author R L Dutton. A bigger obstacle for Eric's trip, however, comes from his dog. Gabe does not want to face six months in quarantine with big pit bulls and mastiffs waiting for an OK to the UK. Getting ideas from a pretty TV host, Gabe acts as Cupid Dog, doing his best to bring Eric and their neighbor Sara together. Gabe's plan works, only to go up in smoke when Eric realizes Sara is the mysterious author. Now Sara thinks Eric was just using her for a story before leaving for London. Gabe the Cupid Dog must go to new lengths to get Sara and Eric to tie the "leash."
Gabe the Cupid Dog
When Eric and Marsha break off their long-term relationship, journalist Eric is able to weather it pretty well. He still has his long time canine companion Gabe, and his boss, Ms Andrews, wants to send him to London to open an office. But first Ms Andrews says Eric must find out the true identity of the best-selling author R L Dutton. A bigger obstacle for Eric's trip, however, comes from his dog. Gabe does not want to face six months in quarantine with big pit bulls and mastiffs waiting for an OK to the UK. Getting ideas from a pretty TV host, Gabe acts as Cupid Dog, doing his best to bring Eric and their neighbor Sara together. Gabe's plan works, only to go up in smoke when Eric realizes Sara is the mysterious author. Now Sara thinks Eric was just using her for a story before leaving for London. Gabe the Cupid Dog must go to new lengths to get Sara and Eric to tie the "leash."
Gabe the Cupid Dog
When Eric and Marsha break off their long-term relationship, journalist Eric is able to weather it pretty well. He still has his long time canine companion Gabe, and his boss, Ms Andrews, wants to send him to London to open an office. But first Ms Andrews says Eric must find out the true identity of the best-selling author R L Dutton. A bigger obstacle for Eric's trip, however, comes from his dog. Gabe does not want to face six months in quarantine with big pit bulls and mastiffs waiting for an OK to the UK. Getting ideas from a pretty TV host, Gabe acts as Cupid Dog, doing his best to bring Eric and their neighbor Sara together. Gabe's plan works, only to go up in smoke when Eric realizes Sara is the mysterious author. Now Sara thinks Eric was just using her for a story before leaving for London. Gabe the Cupid Dog must go to new lengths to get Sara and Eric to tie the "leash."
My Dog's Christmas Miracle
University professor Madeline Walters isn’t doing too well in the dating game. Good men are hard to find, so she’s happy spending time with her Maltese puppy Cinnamon, and her precocious teenage daughter Chloe.
My Dog's Christmas Miracle
University professor Madeline Walters isn’t doing too well in the dating game. Good men are hard to find, so she’s happy spending time with her Maltese puppy Cinnamon, and her precocious teenage daughter Chloe.
My Dog's Christmas Miracle
University professor Madeline Walters isn’t doing too well in the dating game. Good men are hard to find, so she’s happy spending time with her Maltese puppy Cinnamon, and her precocious teenage daughter Chloe.
A Christmas Wedding Tail
It's love at first sight when Rusty the Labrador and Cheri the Poodle meet one day while jogging in the park. Even better- their owners fall in love too! But love is more complicated for the people, Susan and Jake, who marry and attempt to join together their large family of five children. With kids fighting and a household in complete chaos, it's up to the dogs to keep the family together.
A Christmas Wedding Tail
It's love at first sight when Rusty the Labrador and Cheri the Poodle meet one day while jogging in the park. Even better- their owners fall in love too! But love is more complicated for the people, Susan and Jake, who marry and attempt to join together their large family of five children. With kids fighting and a household in complete chaos, it's up to the dogs to keep the family together.
더 퍼펙트 스튜던트
A criminology professor becomes a target herself when she tries to establish the innocence of her star student in a murder.
더 퍼펙트 스튜던트
A criminology professor becomes a target herself when she tries to establish the innocence of her star student in a murder.
Your Love Never Fails
Your Love Never Fails is the story of Laura (Elisa Donovan), a working mother who just wants to spend more time with her daughter Kelsey, 9. Unfortunately, her demanding boss Paul (Fred Willard) has other ideas. When Kelsey’s father, Dylan (Brad Rowe) files for joint custody, Laura is forced to take Kelsey to Texas, where she confronts the lifestyle, church and father (Tom Skerritt) that she left behind. With the help of the local church Pastor, Frank (John Schneider), Laura and Dylan will find their way back to the commitment they made to each other and to Kelsey.
Your Love Never Fails
Your Love Never Fails is the story of Laura (Elisa Donovan), a working mother who just wants to spend more time with her daughter Kelsey, 9. Unfortunately, her demanding boss Paul (Fred Willard) has other ideas. When Kelsey’s father, Dylan (Brad Rowe) files for joint custody, Laura is forced to take Kelsey to Texas, where she confronts the lifestyle, church and father (Tom Skerritt) that she left behind. With the help of the local church Pastor, Frank (John Schneider), Laura and Dylan will find their way back to the commitment they made to each other and to Kelsey.
Your Love Never Fails
Your Love Never Fails is the story of Laura (Elisa Donovan), a working mother who just wants to spend more time with her daughter Kelsey, 9. Unfortunately, her demanding boss Paul (Fred Willard) has other ideas. When Kelsey’s father, Dylan (Brad Rowe) files for joint custody, Laura is forced to take Kelsey to Texas, where she confronts the lifestyle, church and father (Tom Skerritt) that she left behind. With the help of the local church Pastor, Frank (John Schneider), Laura and Dylan will find their way back to the commitment they made to each other and to Kelsey.
선 오브 모닝
Line Producer
A young copywriter becomes the most famous man on the planet, overnight, when he is mistaken as the next messiah.
더 독 후 세이브드 크리스마스 베케이션
The Bannister family including former K-9 police hero Zeus (voiced by Mario López) is back, and this time they're spending their holidays at a beautiful Rocky Mountain resort. But toss in an unexpected visit from cocky Uncle Randy (Casper Van Dien of 'Watch Over Me' and 'The Curse of King Tut's Tomb') and his foxy poodle Bella (voiced by Paris Hilton) and a familiar pair of bumbling jewel thieves (led by Dean Cain of 'Lois & Clark: The New Adventure of Superman' and 'The Dog Who Saved Christmas') and this holiday may be headed downhill fast! Can Zeus solve the crime, save Bella and hit the slopes, all in time for Christmas Day? Gary Valentine ('King of Queens') and Elisa Donovan ('Sabrina the Teenage Witch' and 'Clueless') co-star in the all-new four-legged family adventure!
더 독 후 세이브드 크리스마스 베케이션
The Bannister family including former K-9 police hero Zeus (voiced by Mario López) is back, and this time they're spending their holidays at a beautiful Rocky Mountain resort. But toss in an unexpected visit from cocky Uncle Randy (Casper Van Dien of 'Watch Over Me' and 'The Curse of King Tut's Tomb') and his foxy poodle Bella (voiced by Paris Hilton) and a familiar pair of bumbling jewel thieves (led by Dean Cain of 'Lois & Clark: The New Adventure of Superman' and 'The Dog Who Saved Christmas') and this holiday may be headed downhill fast! Can Zeus solve the crime, save Bella and hit the slopes, all in time for Christmas Day? Gary Valentine ('King of Queens') and Elisa Donovan ('Sabrina the Teenage Witch' and 'Clueless') co-star in the all-new four-legged family adventure!
A Nanny for Christmas
Ally (Emmanuelle Vaugier) is a smart young career woman who needs a new job. Samantha (Cynthia Gibb) is a busy Beverly Hills advertising executive/mom whose too-well-mannered kids need some fun in their lives. And Danny Donner (Dean Cain) is the tough-guy owner of a chocolate company who wants a major ad campaign immediately. Could it all somehow lead to the Christmas that changes everyone's lives forever? Richard Ruccolo, Sierra McCormick, Jared Gilmore and Sarah Thompson co-star in this surprising comedy about little white lies, big holiday wishes, and a woman who may just find love in the most unexpected places by becoming A NANNY FOR CHRISTMAS.
A Nanny for Christmas
Ally (Emmanuelle Vaugier) is a smart young career woman who needs a new job. Samantha (Cynthia Gibb) is a busy Beverly Hills advertising executive/mom whose too-well-mannered kids need some fun in their lives. And Danny Donner (Dean Cain) is the tough-guy owner of a chocolate company who wants a major ad campaign immediately. Could it all somehow lead to the Christmas that changes everyone's lives forever? Richard Ruccolo, Sierra McCormick, Jared Gilmore and Sarah Thompson co-star in this surprising comedy about little white lies, big holiday wishes, and a woman who may just find love in the most unexpected places by becoming A NANNY FOR CHRISTMAS.
애인의 다리 수술 때문에 병원을 방문한 주인공 (브리트니 머피). 수술이 끝날 시간이 되어도 애인은 나타나지 않고 의사나 간호사에게서 연락이 오지 않는다. 병원 사람들은 기록상 그런 환자는 없다고 하고 주인공을 미친 사람으로 취급하는데...
애인의 다리 수술 때문에 병원을 방문한 주인공 (브리트니 머피). 수술이 끝날 시간이 되어도 애인은 나타나지 않고 의사나 간호사에게서 연락이 오지 않는다. 병원 사람들은 기록상 그런 환자는 없다고 하고 주인공을 미친 사람으로 취급하는데...
그루피: 사생팬
인기 록 밴드 ‘다크 나이츠’의 공연 도중, 화재 사고로 인해 한 십대 소년이 관객들에게 밟혀 사망한다. 1년 후, 다크 나이츠는 재기를 꿈꾸며 컴백 투어를 시작하는데, 의문의 여성 라일리가 밴드의 보컬 트래비스 앞에 나타난다. 트래비스는 라일리의 묘한 매력에 끌리게 되고, 라일리는 다른 사생팬들과 함께 밴드의 투어 버스에 올라타 투어에 동행한다. 하지만, 라일리가 나타난 이후로 자꾸만 이상한 사고가 발생하게 되는데…!
더 독 후 세이브드 크리스마스
Zeus, a Labrador Retriever and a former police dog (voiced by Mario López), has lost his bark after his barking ended up blowing off a five-year investigation and his partner can't shoot straight again and ends up at the pound. He is adopted by a father (played by Gary Valentine) as both an early Christmas present and as a good guard dog for the house, but the mom (played by Elisa Donovan) is hesitant.
더 독 후 세이브드 크리스마스
Zeus, a Labrador Retriever and a former police dog (voiced by Mario López), has lost his bark after his barking ended up blowing off a five-year investigation and his partner can't shoot straight again and ends up at the pound. He is adopted by a father (played by Gary Valentine) as both an early Christmas present and as a good guard dog for the house, but the mom (played by Elisa Donovan) is hesitant.
Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas
The true story of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.
Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas
The true story of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.
Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
Bundy, starring Corin Nemec in the title role and co-starring Kane Hodder, details the dark psyche and previously unexplored motivations of the man who became known as one of the most notorious serial killers to leave behind a legacy of evil.
Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
Bundy, starring Corin Nemec in the title role and co-starring Kane Hodder, details the dark psyche and previously unexplored motivations of the man who became known as one of the most notorious serial killers to leave behind a legacy of evil.
Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
Bundy, starring Corin Nemec in the title role and co-starring Kane Hodder, details the dark psyche and previously unexplored motivations of the man who became known as one of the most notorious serial killers to leave behind a legacy of evil.
A Christmas Proposal
Two lawyers dueling over a proposal to turn a quaint mountain town into a ski resort discover they are former childhood sweethearts. Lisa is fighting to protect the hamlet, big city attorney Rick represents the developer who wants to plow it under. But when a car accident forces Rick to stick around, the small town, and his former beloved, begin to work their magic on him.
A Christmas Proposal
Two lawyers dueling over a proposal to turn a quaint mountain town into a ski resort discover they are former childhood sweethearts. Lisa is fighting to protect the hamlet, big city attorney Rick represents the developer who wants to plow it under. But when a car accident forces Rick to stick around, the small town, and his former beloved, begin to work their magic on him.
Dracula's Guest
Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the Admiral Murray, to take a one year probation from their relationship in order to determine whether their love is true. Meanwhile, the Count Dracula is in London searching for a new home and coincidentally, or not, comes across young Elizabeth at the train station after she's run away from home and her father's overbearing ways. Dracula, though, proceeds to kidnap her and take Elizabeth to his castle where he waits for her father's arrival to settle an ancient dispute. Meanwhile, Bram' friend Malcolm sets out to inform Bram of Elizabeth' kidnapping but he soon falls to Dracula's evil ways. And, upon finding his best friend dead Bram sets out across Europe to rescue his true love.
Dracula's Guest
Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the Admiral Murray, to take a one year probation from their relationship in order to determine whether their love is true. Meanwhile, the Count Dracula is in London searching for a new home and coincidentally, or not, comes across young Elizabeth at the train station after she's run away from home and her father's overbearing ways. Dracula, though, proceeds to kidnap her and take Elizabeth to his castle where he waits for her father's arrival to settle an ancient dispute. Meanwhile, Bram' friend Malcolm sets out to inform Bram of Elizabeth' kidnapping but he soon falls to Dracula's evil ways. And, upon finding his best friend dead Bram sets out across Europe to rescue his true love.
Dracula's Guest
Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the Admiral Murray, to take a one year probation from their relationship in order to determine whether their love is true. Meanwhile, the Count Dracula is in London searching for a new home and coincidentally, or not, comes across young Elizabeth at the train station after she's run away from home and her father's overbearing ways. Dracula, though, proceeds to kidnap her and take Elizabeth to his castle where he waits for her father's arrival to settle an ancient dispute. Meanwhile, Bram' friend Malcolm sets out to inform Bram of Elizabeth' kidnapping but he soon falls to Dracula's evil ways. And, upon finding his best friend dead Bram sets out across Europe to rescue his true love.
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story is an intense true-crime thriller about Albert De Salvo, a wise cracking, small time criminal with an unrelenting sex drive, who ultimately falsely confesses to being the strangler that wreaked havoc in Boston during the early sixties. Guided by his manipulative cell mate, who knows more about the murders than he reveals, they devise a plan to gain all of the notoriety from the killings and the money from the reward. Meanwhile, Detective John Marsden, searches out the truth certain that they were not committed by one man. Fighting the bureaucracy of the day, Marsden lets his emotions get the best of him as he follows the trail of the murders.
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story is an intense true-crime thriller about Albert De Salvo, a wise cracking, small time criminal with an unrelenting sex drive, who ultimately falsely confesses to being the strangler that wreaked havoc in Boston during the early sixties. Guided by his manipulative cell mate, who knows more about the murders than he reveals, they devise a plan to gain all of the notoriety from the killings and the money from the reward. Meanwhile, Detective John Marsden, searches out the truth certain that they were not committed by one man. Fighting the bureaucracy of the day, Marsden lets his emotions get the best of him as he follows the trail of the murders.
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story is an intense true-crime thriller about Albert De Salvo, a wise cracking, small time criminal with an unrelenting sex drive, who ultimately falsely confesses to being the strangler that wreaked havoc in Boston during the early sixties. Guided by his manipulative cell mate, who knows more about the murders than he reveals, they devise a plan to gain all of the notoriety from the killings and the money from the reward. Meanwhile, Detective John Marsden, searches out the truth certain that they were not committed by one man. Fighting the bureaucracy of the day, Marsden lets his emotions get the best of him as he follows the trail of the murders.
A story based on real-life serial killer Dennis L. Rader, who systematically tortured and killed his victims for over two decades and evaded the police for over 30 years, all while leading a seemingly normal life as a husband, father, security officer and church president.
A story based on real-life serial killer Dennis L. Rader, who systematically tortured and killed his victims for over two decades and evaded the police for over 30 years, all while leading a seemingly normal life as a husband, father, security officer and church president.
A story based on real-life serial killer Dennis L. Rader, who systematically tortured and killed his victims for over two decades and evaded the police for over 30 years, all while leading a seemingly normal life as a husband, father, security officer and church president.
Dear Me
A witty young woman, Samantha Billows, is diagnosed with a bizarre social anxiety disorder. No therapist seems to help her move beyond her plant maintenance job. But then a miracle happens, she discovers the extraordinarily addictive power of blogging! By typing away hours of anxiety, she begins to gain control of her life and her brilliance breaks through. Her newfound courage helps her obtain the job of her dreams as a Junior Copywriter on a temporary basis. Just when life couldn't get better, she falls hard for a client, French VP of PR, Desmond. Although opposites, the two become closer as strange secrets seem to spill from Desmond's lips. As Samantha keeps blogging, her career and love life blossom; until her blog is discovered by an evil co-worker. Unbeknown to her, the blog becomes an underground smash hit with her entire office! Will she be able to stop her blog before her newfound love finds out? Or will it destroy her and everyone around her...
드라이브 쓰루
Line Producer
어느 날, 패스트푸드점 ‘헬라버거’에 차를 몰고 온 4명의 불량 학생들이 인터콤 시스템에서 나오는 욕에 분을 참지 못하고 상대방을 찾으러 들어갔다가 ‘헬라버거’의 마스코트인 광대 ‘호니’ 에게 처참하게 살해 당하는 일이 발생한다. 한편, 그들과 같은 학교에 다니는 여학생 맥켄지는 남자친구 피셔를 포함한 친구들을 불러 파티를 하게 된다. 친구들과 파티를 하던 도중 그녀는 이상한 번호를 받게 되고 그 날 그녀의 친구들 역시 광대 호니에게 끔찍한 살해를 당하게 된다. 그 다음날 맥켄지는 이 번호가 죽은 학생들이 타고 있던 차라는 것을 알게 되고, 이후 자신을 둘러싼 친구들이 하나 둘 계속해서 영문 모를 살인의 희생양이 되어감과 동시에 그녀는 그에 대한 단서를 하나 둘 받게 된다. 그녀는 과연 살아남을 수 있을까?
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck
A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck
A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck
A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield
Inspired by the true story of one of the most gruesome killers in American history. Now, years after inspiring "Psycho's" Norman Bates, "The Silence Of The Lambs'" Buffalo Bill and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's" Leatherface, the story of real life serial killer Ed Gein is told once again. Nicknamed "The Butcher Of Plainfield," Gein was responsible for a rash of gory murders that sent shock waves through his rural Wisconsin town, and across America, in the late 1950's. Prepare to enter the evil mind and twisted world of "The Butcher Of Plainfield."
Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield
Inspired by the true story of one of the most gruesome killers in American history. Now, years after inspiring "Psycho's" Norman Bates, "The Silence Of The Lambs'" Buffalo Bill and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's" Leatherface, the story of real life serial killer Ed Gein is told once again. Nicknamed "The Butcher Of Plainfield," Gein was responsible for a rash of gory murders that sent shock waves through his rural Wisconsin town, and across America, in the late 1950's. Prepare to enter the evil mind and twisted world of "The Butcher Of Plainfield."
Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield
Inspired by the true story of one of the most gruesome killers in American history. Now, years after inspiring "Psycho's" Norman Bates, "The Silence Of The Lambs'" Buffalo Bill and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's" Leatherface, the story of real life serial killer Ed Gein is told once again. Nicknamed "The Butcher Of Plainfield," Gein was responsible for a rash of gory murders that sent shock waves through his rural Wisconsin town, and across America, in the late 1950's. Prepare to enter the evil mind and twisted world of "The Butcher Of Plainfield."
스트리퍼로 일하고 있는 레이첼은 일을 마치고 퇴근하던 중에 교통사고를 당하게 되고 병원에 입원하게 되지만 신기한 환영을 보고 난 후 정신병원에 수감된다. 레이첼은 의사과정을 거치고 있는 애인인 리암에게 전화해 자신이 이상한 곳에 갇혀 있다고 연락하고 쭉 그 상태로 지낸다. 리암은 교수님께 연락해 레이첼이 갇혀있는 곳이 학대혐의로 문을 닫은 정신병원이라는 사실을 알게 되고 그곳으로 향한다. 한편 레이첼과 동료 환자들이 그곳에 있는 동안 이상한 환영이 하나 둘 동료들을 죽이기 시작하고 환영을 피해 도망치던 중 병원의사인 브라운이 죽기직전 자신이 사는 대신 사신이 회수하지 못한 영혼들을 수습하는 계약을 해서 사신이 이곳 사람들의 영혼을 회수한다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
스트리퍼로 일하고 있는 레이첼은 일을 마치고 퇴근하던 중에 교통사고를 당하게 되고 병원에 입원하게 되지만 신기한 환영을 보고 난 후 정신병원에 수감된다. 레이첼은 의사과정을 거치고 있는 애인인 리암에게 전화해 자신이 이상한 곳에 갇혀 있다고 연락하고 쭉 그 상태로 지낸다. 리암은 교수님께 연락해 레이첼이 갇혀있는 곳이 학대혐의로 문을 닫은 정신병원이라는 사실을 알게 되고 그곳으로 향한다. 한편 레이첼과 동료 환자들이 그곳에 있는 동안 이상한 환영이 하나 둘 동료들을 죽이기 시작하고 환영을 피해 도망치던 중 병원의사인 브라운이 죽기직전 자신이 사는 대신 사신이 회수하지 못한 영혼들을 수습하는 계약을 해서 사신이 이곳 사람들의 영혼을 회수한다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
A Dead Calling
A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?
A Dead Calling
A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?
A Dead Calling
A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?
고속도로에서 사고를 당한 여섯명의 대학생이 고립된 농가에 도움을 요청하러 들어서며 시작되는 슬래셔 무비
친구 잭, 앨리, 사라, 찰리, 미셸과 에릭 숨바꼭질을 하기 위해 올림픽 파인스 묘지로 이동한다. 한편 그들의 친구 바비는 에릭과 함께 장난을 치려고 가면 살인범처럼 분장한다. 그러나 무서워 탈출하려던 에릭은 날카로운 바에 찔려 죽어버린다. 바비가 사고에 대해 혼자 책임을 지고 감옥에서 5년을 보낸다. 가석방 심리에서 미셸의 증언으로 집행 유예를 얻는다. 친구들이 사고가 난 묘지 근처에 캠프를 치고 재결합과 얽힌 문제의 해결을 의논하려 하는데, 미셸은 바비와 함께 그곳으로 차를 몬다. 모두 그들을 환영하고 어울린다. 그러던 중 잭의 여자 친구 베로니카와 사라의 전 여자 친구 조이가 신비한 가면 살인범에 의해 살해된다. 그들이 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알게 됐을 때 함정에 빠진 것을 깨닫는데...
친구 잭, 앨리, 사라, 찰리, 미셸과 에릭 숨바꼭질을 하기 위해 올림픽 파인스 묘지로 이동한다. 한편 그들의 친구 바비는 에릭과 함께 장난을 치려고 가면 살인범처럼 분장한다. 그러나 무서워 탈출하려던 에릭은 날카로운 바에 찔려 죽어버린다. 바비가 사고에 대해 혼자 책임을 지고 감옥에서 5년을 보낸다. 가석방 심리에서 미셸의 증언으로 집행 유예를 얻는다. 친구들이 사고가 난 묘지 근처에 캠프를 치고 재결합과 얽힌 문제의 해결을 의논하려 하는데, 미셸은 바비와 함께 그곳으로 차를 몬다. 모두 그들을 환영하고 어울린다. 그러던 중 잭의 여자 친구 베로니카와 사라의 전 여자 친구 조이가 신비한 가면 살인범에 의해 살해된다. 그들이 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알게 됐을 때 함정에 빠진 것을 깨닫는데...
Getting Played
Line Producer
Three beautiful women (Electra, Dash, and Fox) who have had their share of men trouble enter into a game of fun in which they choose a random guy and film each other seducing him so as to use the footage later to humiliate him. But problems arise when the random man is in on the joke.
Lethal Eviction
A first time landlord purchases a run-down, rent-controlled apartment building in hopes of making a solid investment. Everything seems to be going smoothly until, one by one, the tenants begin to meet strange, untimely gruesome deaths.
Lethal Eviction
A first time landlord purchases a run-down, rent-controlled apartment building in hopes of making a solid investment. Everything seems to be going smoothly until, one by one, the tenants begin to meet strange, untimely gruesome deaths.
Bound by Lies
Still Photographer
When Detecive Max Garrett is assigned to protect the sultry photographer Laura Cross from a ruthless killer, he has no idea what he's in for. The more involved Garrett gets in the case, the more attracted he is to Cross, but as they get closer, so does the killer.
Bound by Lies
Line Producer
When Detecive Max Garrett is assigned to protect the sultry photographer Laura Cross from a ruthless killer, he has no idea what he's in for. The more involved Garrett gets in the case, the more attracted he is to Cross, but as they get closer, so does the killer.
First Assistant Director
U.S. Army sniper Charlie Snow finds himself at the other end of the crosshairs when the brother of an Eastern European arms dealer whom he killed decides to take vengeance on Charlie and his family in L.A.
Line Producer
U.S. Army sniper Charlie Snow finds himself at the other end of the crosshairs when the brother of an Eastern European arms dealer whom he killed decides to take vengeance on Charlie and his family in L.A.
Secret Pleasures
An attractive woman detective, expert in cases of conjugal infidelity is hired by a mysterious millionaire, unaware that she will get involved in a feverish love triangle to gather all the evidence she needs to finish the case.
The Bike Squad
A bunch of kids on bikes try to save a pooch from some nasty dog snatchers.
Choosing Matthias
After losing their young son, a young couple struggle to keep their lives and relationships intact. Their lives soon change when they met Matthias, a young boy who had lost his family.
Sensual Friends
Three couples gather with a recently divorced friend at a private house for a reunion.
The Seductress
Alexis Baxter marries and murders wealthy men in order to assume their fortune.
Illicit Lovers
When Jeff Diamond is unexpectedly laid off from his job, his wife Susan accepts an offer by her best friend Kathy to pay Jeff as an escort to a party. Kathy enjoyed Jeff so much she requests him again at a higher rate which includes sex. After being unsuccessful in locating a new job, Susan decides to continue booking escort appointments to make up the lost income.
육체의 거래
Forbidden Sins는 로버트 안젤로가 감독 한 에로틱 스릴러 영화입니다. 2000 년 4 월 18 일에 출시 된이 영화에는 Shannon Tweed와 Amy Lindsay가 출연합니다.
One Small Hero
Joey Cooper is a small boy who wants more than anything to be a member of the "Wilderness Club." But he has failed over and over again to pass the test and was not allowed to join. But when Joey gets home after his latest failure, he finds his mother has bought him all new camping equipment for his trip. Joey can't bring himself to tell her he didn't make the club so he takes the gear and leaves for the trip anyway, hiding on the bus. When a couple of kidnappers grab the kids, Joey is still in hiding and it's left for Joey to save them all.
Dead by Dawn
Manipulation and seduction lead to blackmail, deception, and before long, a brutal murder.
Witchcraft IX: Bitter Flesh
Will Spanner, parted from his body, finds a hooker who can hear him; meanwhile Detectives Lutz and Garner investigate a string of murders seemingly tied to ancient Egypt.
Witchcraft 8: Salem's Ghost
A young happy couple move into a “dream home” only to find it is a gateway for occult powers.
Bikini House Calls
There's a party on campus and all the medical students are there. A Sexy Bikini (House Call) party. Relationship drama, a sexy competition, a Dean out to kill the party and a lot of playing...Doctor.
Witchcraft VII: Judgement Hour
Will Spanner is at it again battling sex starved beautiful demon vampires in the seventh installment of this series. Will enlists the help of cops Lutz and Garner to bring down the evil vampire Martin and his beautiful erotic demonic slaves
Witchcraft 666: The Devil's Mistress
A serial killer targets young women wearing gold crosses; Detectives Lutz and Garner enlist Will Spanner to help with the occult angles of the case.
Bikini Med School
Medical school is tough work--except when the students throw a party! Join these wild and crazy med students as they work in a little extracurricular activity. Of course, what's a check-up without a complete physical?
Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil
An evil warlock takes over a rock club. He uses beautiful, large-breasted and frequently nude women to try to collect enough souls so that he may be able to bring Satan to Earth.