Li-Kong Hsu


Joyful Reunion
Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China, the present day. Master chef Tang Shizhe (Kenneth Tsang) tells his two daughters, the careerist Wa'er (Huo Siyan) and teenage Xiaolan (Jiang Mengjie), that he has decided to sell his upscale vegetarian restaurant, the centre of his life for 30 years.
Great Wall, My Love
Chun, 28, Taiwanese, goes on a conflict-packed search journey with her Chinese guide, Ming, to find her father's long-lost first love, XiuQian, in China. Chun's father had promised XiuQian 60 years ago that he'd definitely come back to marry her. But not until recently, Taiwan and China were hostile to each other, he was never able to fulfill his promise. Chun and Ming grew up on two sides of the Taiwan Strait and were brought up with different values. They don't hesitate to cut each other down to size. Their turbulent romance unfolds in tears, laughter and a clash of values. The love story of two generations, across the Taiwan Strait, told with touching drama and biting comedy, is a poignant and entertaining road movie.
Fall... in Love
Several residents of a Taipei apartment complex try to sort out their tangled romances in this Taiwanese drama helmed by Ming-Tai Wang. Hair stylist Angel can't get her aloof beau, Alan, to commit to their relationship -- a problem that escalates when Alan's first love moves in next door. Meanwhile, he's also having a fling with a middle-aged Mafia mistress who lives in the building.
Comes the Black Dog
Compulsive gambler Jih (Tai-bao) tries to bamboozle dim-bulb gang boss Black Dog (Chen-Nan Tsai) in this satirical action-comedy that pokes fun at Taiwanese culture. To fend off Black Dog's attempt to collect a gaming debt, Jih says he can't repay the money because he needs it for the funeral of his father (Bin-hui Lee) -- who once saved the mafioso's life. Trouble is, Jih's father is alive, and Black Dog plans to attend the memorial service.
Human Comedy
The film has four main-storylines. A shoe store girl who likes Tony Leung, a couple who is suffering from cockroaches and is looking for a new apartment, a salesperson who is worried about his ex-wife, and a young actor from a small theater group who is afraid of being seen naked by his mother.
Fleeing by Night
Set in China in the 1930s, the film is about the unsettling relationship between three characters. Ing'er, the daughter of a theatre-owner, welcomes the return of Shao-dung, her fiancee and a fine cellist from America. Shao-dung soon finds himself captivated by the opera "Fleeing By Night" and its celebrated actor, Lin Chung, whose voice seems to articulate something within himself. While Shao-dung attempts to blend eastern and western music, Ing'er becomes torn between her affection for both men, and an awareness of the growing intimacy between them. - Written by Strand Releasing
Fleeing by Night
Set in China in the 1930s, the film is about the unsettling relationship between three characters. Ing'er, the daughter of a theatre-owner, welcomes the return of Shao-dung, her fiancee and a fine cellist from America. Shao-dung soon finds himself captivated by the opera "Fleeing By Night" and its celebrated actor, Lin Chung, whose voice seems to articulate something within himself. While Shao-dung attempts to blend eastern and western music, Ing'er becomes torn between her affection for both men, and an awareness of the growing intimacy between them. - Written by Strand Releasing
Крадущийся тигр, затаившийся дракон
Легендарный мастер боевых искусств Ли Мубай отправляется на поиски магического меча зеленой стали, похищенного тайными злоумышленниками. Впереди его ждет зловещая фигура давнего противника, наемного убийцы, который после долгого отсутствия снова вернулся на тропу войны…
Love Go Go
Infused with a few moments of pathos, this off-beat comedy centers on a trio of Taiwanese outcasts who go looking for love.
Murmur of Youth
A rather dejected Mei-li Chen lives with her extended family in the suburbs. She drops out of college when the boy she has a crush on finds a girlfriend. Mei-li eventually ends up selling tickets in a movie theatre. A great camaraderie then builds up between the two cashiers in the small ticket booth.
Молодой юноша живет со своими родителями, но в семье полный беспорядок: отец частенько посещает гей-сауны, а у матери роман с порнодилером. У мальчика появляются симптомы неизвестной болезни, от которой родители не могут найти лечения.
Sweet Degeneration
With a singular voice that distinguishes him from his New Taiwan Cinema contemporaries, Lin Cheng-sheng adds to his brief, but already remarkable, filmography with Sweet Degeneration, his third film in two years. As with A Drifting Life and Murmur of Youth, Lin’s new film delicately unfolds, gradually building to a climax of stunning emotional reverberations. Drawn from a particularly painful episode in the director’s past, Sweet Degeneration delves into the uneasy bonds a brother and sister have with each other and the people around them.
Red Persimmon
In 1949, the Communists take over mainland. The refugees and the military arrive in the Keelung Harbor in Taiwan. While the father holds secret meetings with other generals in attempt to recover the lost land, the kids still play games with their grandma who still enjoys the harmony and peace in hardship. Gradually, it seems that there was no hope to fight back the fatherland. The general turned father has to run a small business to support the family. He encounters a series of struggles. And finally his kids grow up.
Lonely Hearts Club
A group of aimless Taipei residents deal with their personal problems in this Taiwanese drama that does feature brief flashes of black humor. Much of the story centers upon lonely Mrs. Chen who has trouble coping with her philandering husband, and nearly senile mother-in-law. Her daughter frequently sulks and has a desperate crush on one of her teachers. Mrs. Chen's only friend is her co-worker Liu, who has fallen for a new office boy, Chou. Mrs. Chen also finds him attractive. Unfortunately for either woman, Chou is gay and plagued with problems of his own.
The Peony Pavilion
A high school student and a pop singer meld reality with fiction as they both fantasize themselves as characters in a Ming dynasty tale of seduction - "The Peony Pavilion."
Siao Yu
Siao Yu needs a Green Card. Mario Moretti needs his debts paid. Getting married could solve their problems, or multiply them.
Да здравствует любовь
Молодая женщина Мэй, агент по недвижимости, использует пустующие шикарные апартаменты в новом небоскребе для любовных свиданий. Однажды она теряет ключ, который находит юноша Сяокан. Узнав, что это ключи от огромной пустой квартиры, он решает тайно в ней поселиться. Другие ключи от этой квартиры крадет у Мэй ее случайный любовник Ажун, который также решает тайно использовать квартиру в своих целях. Обнаружив друг друга, Сяокан и Ажун вынуждены договориться о том, как вдвоем использовать квартиру и как скрываться от Мэй.
Ешь, пей, мужчина, женщина
В крупном тайваньском городе живут три сестры. Одна работает учительницей, другая — стюардессой, а третья трудиться в забегаловке «Макдональдс». Отец девушек — вдовец Чу — работает поваром дорогого ресторана, но у него с дочерьми сильно разнится отношение к приему пищи. Для Чу, представителя старого поколения, это целый ритуал, близкий к искусству и священнодействию. А девушки-сестры так заняты, что предпочитают питаться фастфудом — закусил и побежал дальше. Отношение к еде определяет взгляды на мужчин, семью, детей и жизнь в целом. «Ешь, пей, мужчина, женщина» — номинант на премию «Оскар», «Золотой глобус» и награду Британской академии.
Green Green Leaves of Home
Свадебный банкет
Associate Producer
Китаец-эмигрант Вай уже пять лет живет в Америке со своим бойфрендом Саймоном. Но Вай боится признаться родителям, что он гомосексуал, а они постоянно присылают ему анкеты брачных агентств. И вот Вай находит выход из сложившейся ситуации - он решает оформить фиктивный брак с Вей-Вей, которую собираются депортировать из США. Но всё выходит из-под контроля, когда на свадьбу приезжают родители жениха.
Бунтари неонового бога
Юный Сяо-кан, конфликтуя с отцом, бросает школу и отправляется в медитативное путешествие по лабиринту улиц сверкающего огнями Тайбэя, следуя по пятам за начинающим преступником Ах-Цзе и его другом Ах-Пингом, движимый смесью страха, восхищения и зависти.
Pushing Hands
Executive Producer
Mr. Chu is an elderly widower who teaches tai chi chuan in Beijing. He moves to America to live with his son's family, but finds the cultural adjustment difficult. Since his daughter-in-law is a white woman who does not speak Chinese, Mr. Chu's son, Alex, must mediate.