Han Jin-hee

Han Jin-hee

Рождение : 1949-03-14, Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea


Han Jin-hee


Моя маленькая невеста
Sang-Min's father
Дедушка Боюн с юношеских лет был другом деда Санг-Мина. В своё время, перед тем как отправиться на войну два друга решили, что когда их дети вырастут, то они их обязательно поженят. Однако судьба распорядилась так, что у обоих друзей родились только мальчики и поэтому исполнение старого обещания перешло на следующее поколение, которое об этом даже и не подозревало…
Дрянная девчонка
The Girl's Father
Кён-у - добрый, простодушный, немного рассеянный парень. Она - исчадие ада. Она заставляет его ходить на высоких каблуках, драться с ней на деревянных мечах и читать кровожадные сценарии, написанные ею в свободное время. Упаси боже случайного прохожего разбрасывать мусор в её присутствии, месть будет ужасна! Её любимая фраза: «Хочешь умереть?!». Но всё это лишь маска, скрывающая трагедию. Только любящее сердце способно обнаружить за камуфляжем чудовища в юбке ранимую и трогательную душу.
You, My Ecstatic Hell
Frozen Sea
Yu-ri, grown up in a happy family, falls in love with a man for the first time. While she hesitates, her sister dates him. She survives though broken-hearted and gets married with a public prosecutor only to end up in a divorce. She gets a second chance with her first love Jung Nam-ha...
Warm It Was That Winter
With the outbreak of the Korean War, Su-ji and Oh-mok lose their parents. Along with their brother Su-cheol, they go live with their mother's parents. As they go to take refuge, Su-ji loses Oh-mok by accident. Time passes and with her older brother Su-cheol's success, Su-ji enters the high society. But due to the guilt of losing her younger sister Oh-mok, she does a lot of charity work constantly looking for Oh-mok. When Su-ji finally finds Oh-mok in an orphanage, she turns coldly away from Oh-mok for not having any evidence to prove that she is her sister. Oh-mok marries Il-hwan whom she has met at the orphanage and they live a hard life. Finally, Su-ji is convinced that Oh-mok is her sister but after living through such hardship, Oh-mok breathes her last.
Oh My Love Part II
Yeong-ju, now an unwed mother working in a hospital, contracts TB. Her young child, now in the custody of her ex-lover, runs away from home and tries to find the remote island where his mother is living to be at her bedside.
Oh My Love
Young-ju's wedding is cancelled when it is revealed that her mother was a prostitute for American soldiers. Young-ju, pregnant by her fiance, gives birth to a child, but her ex demands that she give up custody to him as she has no future.
A Rose with Thorns
College girl Jang-mi, has trouble coping after her break up with with Kyu-sik. She suffers from the relationship with her emotionally distant father and falls for a mid-aged man she encounters on a train. This she abandons because he's married, and wanders aimlessly into being a prostitute. Kyu-sik's harsh judgment when he finds out, leads to her overdose on sleeping pills. This results in her stay in a mental hospital where she may fall in love again. But can her dreams of married bliss happen, considering her past?
The Trappings of Youth
An Old Man's Death
An elderly man's son, dissatisfied at living with his father's senility, forces his wife to abandon his father in the park. Another couple take pity on him and invite him to their home, but when they realize how much care he requires, they return him to the park.
The March of Fools Part 2
Byung-tae joins the army after being dumped by Young-ja. With two months until discharge, Young-ja comes to visit him. She sends him a letter saying she'll never forget him and that she was marrying Ju-hyuk, a doctor.
Miss O's Apartment
Mi-yeong informs her boyfriend that she is becoming a prostitute to help her poverty striken family. Although she tries not to, she ends up falling in love with wealthy Dae-seon and moves into an apartment that he supplies. She is satisfied with this arrangement until she learns that Dae-seon's wife is her classmate.